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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 755 KB, 300x333, peacock forward walk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2077337 No.2077337 [Reply] [Original]

Didn't see any threads concerning 2-d animation, does anyone else see themselves looking into it? I've heard good/bad things about using flash but I can't even afford flash to test it out for myself.

>> No.2077340
File: 147 KB, 2000x1000, 2145134541364361361436136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying for flash

>> No.2077344

Adobe programs are not worth their price, especially Flash now that the Newgrounds fad is dead. Look up Toonboom and TvPaint, they're what's in now.

>> No.2077352

It's $20 per month. How fucking broke are you?

>> No.2077353

Or $30 flat if you want to cancel after one month.

>> No.2077356

It could be 1$ and it still wouldn't be worth it. Flash sucks. How fucking slow are you at comprehending that?

>> No.2077358

I never said it was good you fucking dolt. I said OP is broke as fuck that he can't drop $30.

>> No.2077362

You mean their current program harmony or the old version of Toonboom?

>> No.2077366

So you think it's a wise investment to fork out money for a shit tier quality product. On a monthly basis. Because it's Adobe.

And I'm the "dolt" here?

>> No.2077368

Either should fine, I haven't used Harmony, but I don't see why you wouldn't just go with the newer version. From the little bit I just looked up, people seem to like it.

>> No.2077370

Didn't say that, no.

>> No.2077372
File: 30 KB, 760x960, 1782 - cloud comic computing jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I bought (yes, I spent money after having pirated the previous versions for like a decade) CS5 a while ago and I will never upgrade to Creative Cloud at this rate. That's $360 dollars a year I don't feel like spending. I would whole-heartedly consider it if they ever improve the hand drawn animation workflow but I've literally been waiting for them to do that since fucking CS1. The brush is still shit and will always be shit. All I want for them is to improve on that and steal some features from Toon Boom and they'll have my attention. Until that happens they can shove it.

>> No.2077374
File: 449 KB, 500x496, Red_Dragon_Flying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You two realize you're arguing about nothing. Post animation if you want the thread bumped so badly.

>> No.2077375

so if you're not suggesting the poorfag to scrounge up money for the shit, then what are you suggesting?

>> No.2077383
File: 883 KB, 1177x577, Yellow_Dragon_Flying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the other one. I have no idea where these are from.

>> No.2077386


>not posting his own animations

>> No.2077821

I would suggest Blender (it's 3d but can work fine for 2d) but it could have a big learning curve.

>> No.2077869
File: 80 KB, 380x600, testi2-fixd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this by hand and just used photoshop to put it together. Is this considered 2D?

>> No.2077872

My end goal is to get good at 2d animation, but I havent started yet, I'm still trying to get good at drawing first...

>> No.2077875

Yes of course anything that's drawn is 2d, whether its drawn digitally or hand drawn, and really nice job

>> No.2077889

>caring this much about programs
>faggots dont realize that it is more important to hone your skills in animating then choosing some software title.

>> No.2077926


>> No.2077928


See the main issue with that is discussion on 4chan comes from contentious shit there isn't anything controversial with talking about animating, but there's a lot of debate and shit flinging to be had with talking about programs.

Basically niggas gonna nig and you're in the wrong part of Internet town if you want anything else.

>> No.2077952

You're a fool if you don't care about the program. Flash has an abysmal brush and Adobe should be fucking ashamed of themselves for allowing it to be this bad for this long. Listen to what this guy says (and subscribe to his channel he's good shit)


>> No.2077956

Can Toonboom and TVPaint do interactive animations? Because I'm interested in that.

>> No.2077957

I don't think they can, that's the tragedy in all this. Flash has bar none the best interactivity of the bunch and the worst drawing tools. In this video ( >>2077952 ) Bilbo Baiggins says he would have been done "at least 20 minutes ago" at the 34:40~ if he were using paper (or a program with a competent brush I imagine as well). Flash straight up sucks balls when it comes to animating like this and it really steams me up because I love its interface and interactivity and I won't be able to afford another program for some time.

>> No.2077959
File: 70 KB, 725x474, villppu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, after he says that he would have been done "20 minutes ago" his video goes on for another 20 minutes with him working non-stop.

>the program doesn't matter brah just feel the frames dawg

>> No.2078211

>need a good program in order to even hone said skills

>> No.2078257

Buy a fucking flipbook for christ's sake. Buy a stack of tracing paper, and get to it. Any paper. All you need to learn the fundamentals are a pencil, and a bunch of paper. Having too many tools will hurt you, if anything.

>> No.2078261

Why waste a flipbook you can only use once when you can just download Easytoon?

>> No.2078266

Nothing wrong with using software. I'm just saying that the software isn't important when you're starting out. You can end up getting bogged down with too many tools, and clunky interfaces. When starting out simplicity is key. But if there is software out there that works, go for it.

>> No.2078283
File: 284 KB, 1300x954, laughing-girls-1791357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using anything other than the pencil tool in flash.

>> No.2078699 [DELETED] 

Did an animation test for WayForward but didn't get the job so may as well post it here

>> No.2078704
File: 81 KB, 960x540, Shantae bellydance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did an animation test for WayForward but didn't get the job so may as well post it here

>> No.2078708

Enjoy your no line weight fgt

Nigga you need like 30 more frames up in that bitch son goddamn son gnomesaiyan fam?

>> No.2078711

Did you seriously expect a job with professional animators with that

>> No.2078712

man even if it were just keys you're missing a lot of things, no sense of timing, everything is moving at the same exact pace. Keep trying. Animation takes time my friend, don't just rush through it.

>> No.2078715
File: 2.94 MB, 1280x720, 1396800895343.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2078718

They liked my other stuff so kinda!!
I don't think EVERYthing is moving at the same pace, but I'm certainly not happy with the arms. I had a small window of time so

>> No.2078719

Other stuff?

Post that shit

>> No.2078720

Woah, where is this from?

>> No.2078721

garden of words

>> No.2078723
File: 56 KB, 480x270, Stubs walk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reluctant to post anything from my reel but here's this.
Garden of Words

>> No.2078726

I used Flash for a bit but then I started to use Photoshop for my animations. I feel like there is more freedom with what you can do.

>> No.2078759

Diane Kruger effect bro. Your shit doesn't even have good motion. If so I'd excuse the shit drawings.

>> No.2078764

>Diane Kruger

>> No.2079028

What about toonboom animate? Trying to figure out whether i should go with harmony or just the flat price animate costs but cant decide which is better.

>> No.2079041

This is 2D combined with 3D combined with 4D

>> No.2079508

What I meant with things moving at the same pace is that nothing holds, everything is in constant motion, you need to give the viewer a reason to look at every part individually. As I look at it more and try to break it down I see some sears on the breast that aren't necessary, the back of the ponytail moves, yet not her actual head. Mostly all shapes, I see no volumes, which is what you need for a complex motion like bellydancing. Also don't focus on accessories, they just distract you, I think for the job if you wanted to get in you should've shown a stronger grasp of actual animation and volumes instead of focusing on the details, I think they distracted you too much. Keep things simple and clear and concise. Detail comes much later in the process, get those forms and volumes

This piece is stronger, but same issue, the volume on the arms is lost, good attempt at the head, but work to push those ears more.

>> No.2079593

all my animations


>> No.2079659

you download it.

>> No.2079667

not bad, good style but man practise those fundamentals.

>> No.2079679

The animation in the game is rather flat; I actually used 3D space more than they do. Not to sound like I'm just dismissing you, because it's totally possible I still failed to get their style down.


>> No.2079847

I'm still mad that they thought the vocals were a good idea

>> No.2080932



>> No.2080964

>line weight
yeah, that's way more important, then your fucked up anatomy, perspective and lack of imagination

>> No.2080990
File: 901 KB, 500x433, disney robin hood.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if only 4chan had an /ani/mation board :3

>> No.2080997

It would be dead and empty.
Closest things are this and /co/

>> No.2081004
File: 1.27 MB, 640x480, a30eeb43f62075a2ae323fe9f02d157e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What software are you supposed to use to "half animate" ? I mean, mostly using one drawing, and deforming it (while using layers) to make it move instead of redrawing each frame (or at least, redraw much less of them).

>> No.2081006

After effects

>> No.2081007

You should check out Rondo Duo
I don't remember where it was, but there was some kind of thing where the creator said something about how he did the animation.
Maybe you can find it

>> No.2081011

Does it combine well with Photoshop to begin with ? I'm a regular user of it, already got AE some times ago, but when I tried I just didn't know where to begin, I have little to no experience making in animations too.

>Rondo Duo

Oh, yeah, the futa game with the neat as fuck animations ? There is something like a translated interview of the artist explaining how he did it ? Seems surprising.
(on the side note, was searching for it and couldn't find the name anymore, thanks)

>> No.2081029

I think you can use Esoteric Spine for that.

>> No.2081033


Oh, never heard about it before, looks pretty good. Is there anyone here that has already used it ?

>> No.2081061


>> No.2081099

>tfw you just want to work on serious animation with more mature themes
>tfw serious animation is dead in America

>> No.2081114

>tfw when you want to work on animation
>tfw animation is non existant in your country, or the neighbouring countries

>> No.2081137
File: 89 KB, 256x192, XD982C_0E6BB8B55CA1C_002.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a shitty cigarette on a nintendo ds.
am I professional yet

>> No.2081363

Ive always wanted to hand draw frames for my own game. I dont know which program to use for it though, as the only program I ever used for drawing is Paint Tool Sai and every other "animation" software either feels weird to draw in or has weird brushes.

>> No.2081370

But 4chan already has incredibly niche boards like papercraft & oragami. Another one wouldn't hurt.

>> No.2081373

when it flicks up there should be some particles that are thrown up with it, they all fall directly downwards which looks weird and wrong.

>> No.2081601
File: 279 KB, 1675x942, pants.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2081636
File: 39 KB, 550x400, walk cycle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't been animating or using flash at all in years and just decided to start again the other night. Did this in roughly 30-40 minutes I think?

Any help is appreciated

>> No.2081642

D-don't say things like that

I have been dreaming about this since 2007

>> No.2081699

Haha, really nice. The left leg kind of phases through his shorts though.

>> No.2081706 [DELETED] 
File: 172 KB, 300x100, le 8chan slash loomis gaston chest face.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love if animation took over my board (pic related) as that's the subject I'm personally most interested in. I think this gentleman ( >>2080997 ) probably has it right though. Artists are spread too thin as it is, I don't think animation necessarily needs an entire board to itself.

Yeah, animation is a very niche subject and /ic/ already is a very slow board in comparison to the rest of the site (only 2 million posts in 10 years).

You may have a point.

When I was doing animation for an indie video game project that fell through (don't they all?) I used photoshop. It wasn't bad, actually. I have no idea what happened to my files though and I'm actually kind of broken up about it, they were kind of shitty, but whatever. HOLY BALLSI think I still have them in mega somewhere I think I'll dig 'em up.

>> No.2081714
File: 172 KB, 300x100, le 8chan slash loomis gaston chest face.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love if animation took over my board (pic related) as that's the subject I'm personally most interested in. I think this gentleman ( >>2080997 ) probably has it right for the most part though. Artists are spread too thin on the internet as it is, I don't think animation necessarily needs an entire board to itself, but I would love it if it did.

You may have a point. While /po/ is very slow it still has its dedicated core users and really that's all a board needs to justify its existence.

When I was doing animation for an indie video game project that fell through (don't they all?) I used photoshop. It was pretty bad but it worked. The drawing tools are phenomenal of course but the timeline interaction sucked butt (granted, I probably wasn't doing it right, I admit) I have no idea what happened to my files though and I'm actually kind of broken up about it; they were shitty, but whatever, they was mine, nigguh.

>> No.2081730
File: 71 KB, 1032x800, snorlax gyarados clefable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2081738
File: 68 KB, 420x305, talk shit get hit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2081714 here,

Hey I found a couple. I nearly forgot about my mega account.

>> No.2081749
File: 175 KB, 750x600, flexing-robote.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What little I have is really raw.

Hey I even found the music I made too. I really wish I could learn music and music software on top of drawing. Maybe that's what I'll focus on if I ever getted gud.


Sorry it's so repetitive, I really didn't know what the fug I was doing, same with the animation when you get right down to it.

>> No.2081788
File: 73 KB, 477x397, throw that right hook out there nigga.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides better drawing as all my stuff could use, this "punch" could have used significantly more "anticipation", of which it really doesn't have any to speak of. One of the guys thought it looked like he was just punching to his left side and he was absolutely right. That's why criticism is important, an action needs to read well for more people than just the person drawing it.

For example, if the character were to "pull" that same fist he'll go on to punch with backwards for a second or two, telegraphing the punch, the intent would be far more apparent and the effect, hopefully achieved.

>> No.2081970
File: 72 KB, 300x100, 1413756683756.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh u

>> No.2082010 [DELETED] 

This is just about

>> No.2082053

Thanks for showing me that place. I'm moving there permanently. Goodbye /ic/!

>> No.2082055

hi anon, welcome back!

>> No.2082182

Even in Japan it's pretty rare to have mature stuff, compared to manga that is. Fuck this shit, animation need more recognition, such a waste.

>> No.2082258

It's just so weird that directors like Satoshi Kon are so rare. Kon worked on animation, not only because he liked comics and cartoons, but also because he realized that it is the most fitting platform for him. He knew what kind of stories would work in animation. Which is why his films are so fucking good. Most of his films could easily be live action, but they work the best with animation.

Animation is such an undervalued platform it's saddening.

>> No.2082273

dudebra tv paint, toonboom, plastic animation paper, theres more I just dont remember the names at the moment. legit studio quality products

>> No.2082644
File: 66 KB, 480x480, fall.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2082668

I love it

>> No.2082899
File: 683 KB, 450x300, Eh_Eh_Eh_Eh..._SpongeBob.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this in Flash, it has worked relatively well for me, I've only had memory problems with it, the part with the animated grass plane gave me troubles, I'm thinking that's because it's all vector based? :/ I really don't know if I should stick with Flash though, I'd really appreciate feedback. :S

>> No.2083035

I love it, don't have any crit sorry. Flash's drawing tools are awful, how did you manage to get nice smooth lines like that? Also how did you go about adding shadows? Basically what's your work flow?

>> No.2083041

Flash is shit and is killing 2D animation.


>> No.2083057 [DELETED] 
File: 422 KB, 1024x576, rqsix51t0k052cghlvpcjynhpzd9zhyhe30lfjqbyumusc4nextiqvm4c6cf-n0puootenfwiqgmq2l0do0ijzrm7l8qaigdbgzitsdfhdpcflhaixv2ghj075x1akvpo1qiggo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not flash but how people use it that's the problem. The flat tweened stuff is incredibly ugly but flash some people like Shingo Yamashita use it for frame by frame animation

>> No.2083066
File: 56 KB, 335x454, penichu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2083070
File: 57 KB, 421x295, cake-col.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2083072
File: 87 KB, 585x494, hohoho.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2083076


>> No.2083124
File: 54 KB, 420x236, birdie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still used plenty in the industry and independent practitioners. As long as you know how to use it well it can produce some great work.

It can't really kill 2D animation if its getting so many people to start practising it. Hopefully they'll move onto better programs but even if they don't as long as they're learning and creating then 2D can't be killed.

>> No.2083174

I lover my line smoothness to 0, select the smallest brush and do it with a mouse, the shadows are just colored segments, once i have the outline done i just separate the place where the shadow should be with a darker colour and use the bucket tool to fill it =)

>> No.2083198


>> No.2083423
File: 483 KB, 256x192, 0A2C4C_0E69F0DEC8E52_001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what im working on right now

>> No.2083426


>> No.2083727

This is really nice. But I prefer much more japanese animations (good) to good Disney's. It's weird because I find this one really neat on paper. But maybe it's the coloring, inking in Western animation that I can't like as much.

What do you think of colors in animations? I've been interested in japanese animations/animators/sakuga and all but nobody ever talk about the colorists, it must take a hell of time and a lot of talent to do good colors too.

>> No.2083740

Lol, a few days ago I was searching for animation communities since I got interested in trying it then I found Newgrounds (yeah I knew by name but never were interested in shitty flash animations) and in the few "Most popular" pages you were the best one. Unfortunately I tried flash and can't get nice lines so I'll try something else.

There's also this SaltyIceCream guy who uses Flash to do short but nice hentai animations (also his economic model is interesting, he gets 500$ per 2~ seconds animations if I'm right, on Patreon, I should copy him if I find some artistic domain where I'm good at (and porn is successful as usual, good thing to remember when you don't want to be a porn actor but still use people's libido to grab money)).

And I guess many others. I can't imagine how Yuasa's team must have had pain doing Ping Pong with Flash tools.

>> No.2083776
File: 75 KB, 525x340, monster walk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's something i did recently

these are nice

>> No.2083920

Well, I lower my pointer speed and take it slowly, that might work? :/
Also, if you wanna do porn, HentaiFoundry might be a good place to post your stuff. =)

>> No.2083926

Try using some squash and stretch on the form, maybe a little bounce-back

>> No.2083947
File: 250 KB, 540x382, tumblr_inline_nnqhlc5zcx1shuhuc_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a bunch of Disney TVPaint files


I found it here:


>> No.2083990

Japanese and "western" animation are just two completely different schools of animation. Both are good, but I personally don't like western animation as much as Japanese, because the western style of character animation is so exaggerated. Don't get me wrong, Disney fucking perfected character animation, the large variety of expressions and shit that they can convey is far above of what most Japanese animators can do, but when it comes to acting, the characters moving around and expressing themselves, most of the time it looks unnatural. It's like I am watching actors act out on a stage play where they have to do these large movements and constantly swing their arms around to convey what they're feeling. Japanese character animation is subtler and in that regard more immersive (for me).
(also I like that in Japan the animators own style often is allowed to show in the finished animation)

>> No.2083997

this animation is crap.

>> No.2084011
File: 561 KB, 675x480, TABB+4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks these were nice. It's kinda insane how much work is sometimes left for the assistants.

>> No.2084012

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.2084060

I feel like Disney has too much character animation, like you've said, but then again Japanese have a bit too little of it... To me personally French animation has just the right amount.

>> No.2084082

>digitally or hand drawn
Digital art is done with the feet?

>> No.2084086

Hand drawn as in drawn on a piece of paper irl and then scanned into a computer

>> No.2084090

My only problem with flash is that it doesn't have rotation tool like PS...

>> No.2084091

The word for that is "traditional". Both are drawn by hand.

>> No.2084104

It's funny because Japanese live-action movies are still stuck in kabuki-era overacting, while Western movies moved on a century ago.

doesn't have a what

>> No.2084155

but you can rotate in flash.

>> No.2084261

All that shape change... Keys are your friend!

>> No.2084293

Yeah you can rotate but I mean not like in Photoshop where you just hold R and rotate the entire stage for an easier angle.... I think ToonBoom has it too :/

>> No.2084577

Just recently got into flash. Not really a good artist but this is what my first little animation looked like. I think I'm going to continue using flash to make small animations as I improve as an artist. So far, I would highly suggest you use flash.
>inb4 paying for flash

>> No.2084703

slow this down and add more frames for smoothness

>> No.2084705

these are pretty good, but need a few more in betweens, theyre too fast and abrupt. need to eases in and eases out here and there

>> No.2084708

really good. what program?

>> No.2084714

Yeah so does TVpaint

>> No.2084843

just adobe flash.

>> No.2084940
File: 145 KB, 667x667, attack.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely; thanks for the tips. One of the problems with that project was I was the only artist with 3 programmers so I felt very rushed (I still don't know how much work any of them actually put in themselves but whatever). A bigger problem though was my inexperience. I had just started drawing at that time and it took me ages to not only make a character design but to make it move even in some small way because I was super indecisive about everything.

My inconsistency, artistic and otherwise was probably one of the reasons the project fell through (apart from the fact nobody was getting paid and was thus likely doomed from the start), I simply couldn't draw environments yet (still can't I'm sure) and what little I was capable of was very slow in manifesting itself. I want to say it took me about a week to get a character and a set of simple rough animations done, most of that time was spent ruminating on the character design and making sure everything "looked right enough" and so on.

Anyway, I don't know what's worse. Being a newbie artist or looking a few years back and realizing you haven't improved as much as you'd like.

>> No.2084984

torrent it like a normal person

>> No.2085235

I really like Sylvain Chomet's works (The old woman and the pidgins or something like that is good, my favourite from him). Also René Laloux has an interesting world, but I'm not a fan of his style, even if the "still painting"-like faces in Fantastic Planet were great while being economic I guess. On an other hand I'm not a fan of The king and the mockingbird. What's so great in it? What am I missing?

>> No.2085478

4chan really need an /ani/mation board

>> No.2085484

Can't even reach 150 posts (only 1/4th of them being actual animation, and even a smaller percentage being original animations) in one week, and you want an entire board for it. Brilliant idea.

>> No.2085497

I think he means something like a horrible crossbreed of /a/ and /co/ and /tv/ and even /v/ to some extent. So basically anything animation related.

>> No.2085673

super pro tip from the person who animating robots for games.
1) you HAVE to draw robot parts of a different layers
2) you HAVE to move other parts while the main parts are moving.

Like for example when your robotchu starts shooting - it should lower its body a bit while wheels will stay untouched.

>> No.2085692

>I think he means something like a horrible crossbreed of /a/ and /co/ and /tv/ and even /v/ to some extent. So basically anything animation related.


>> No.2085790
File: 384 KB, 667x667, hit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the advice. I think the wheels were on a different layer actually, but I just wasn't super invested in making the most articulate animation in the world regardless. Every animation I made had to be very economical because I was the only art dude (until towards the very end where they got another of their friends whom was far more experienced than me to help, not that it mattered in the end) and the other guys had pretty high expectations of me, as far as what they wanted the eventual project to end up like anyway.

I only signed on for the work experience which I got a little bit of (I'd never animated before and I thought it would be a good motivator/practice), as the weeks dragged on it would get more and more apparent that it probably wasn't going to happen.

>> No.2085801

Needs more frames to be clear what's going on, or a blur of some sort. As it stands it's very difficult to understand what action is being done. Adding some wind up frames, more slow down frames, or a blur of some sort will help.

>> No.2085857
File: 52 KB, 667x667, idle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right about the slow down frames and blur or smear, it's kind of hard to tell if he's spinning around in circles from taking one in the kisser as intended or he's just shaking his head furiously. Wind up frames wouldn't make much sense in this instance though in my opinion, considering the motion is coming from an implied forceful blow. The transition from an idle state to being spun like a top would be instant. More slow down frames as he returns to his idle position would help give the impression that he was spinning towards stage right after an attack.

>> No.2085872

While I understand the logic behind your feeling that wind up frames wouldn't make sense, you need to keep in mind that the purpose of your animation is to convey a motion and feeling and be easily understood by your audience.

I get that this is a robot and it won't *wind up* as a human does. However, adding such a tiny preliminary motion would still help prime your audience for what comes next as it would lead your character to operate in a fashion that they are intimately familiar with.

Whatever you decide, carry on anon, animation is taxing but rewarding and fun.

>> No.2086183
File: 133 KB, 288x162, finalputon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out my animation. Its a mash up opening. I need comments critiques and all of the above!

>> No.2086185

That was pretty good, man thanks for sharing nig.

>> No.2086224

I don't really like how he throws his pen. Perhaps put more swing or emphasis on his arm movement when throwing his pen, because it looks like the pen flew off by itself. Looks good elsewhere though.

>> No.2086364

I'm surprised you don't have a higher score. Tough crowd, man. I mean, it's not the best thing I'd ever seen but it's competent and panders to pokemane.

>> No.2086402

Was looking up some animation video on youtube, and came across a 2012 continuation of Mysterious Cities of Gold, a cartoon I watched as a kid in the 80s.

It's absolutely fucking atrocious. They've done the whole thing in cel shaded 3d, and it looks extremely low budget. Yet every single comment, including the people who grew up with the original, seem to praise it.

Is it just me, or does this look stiff and soulless?


Here's the original:


To get a proper impression of the animation, I'd suggest watching the second half of the first episode. It's surprisingly decent for an early 80s cartoon where they managed to squeeze out almost 40 episodes in less than a year.

>> No.2086641

Yeah I know. It's hard to just get people to watch it. I have to promote this everywhere I go.

>> No.2086933

I don't know if pixel animations are welcomed here but i have a question.
Do you know any Youtube channel or even Twitch channel who do good looking pixel animations? I almost find no one.
Also should i practice animation by drawing or can i even do it with pixels? I'm doing both but still I'm really unsure.

>> No.2086943

I really that 3d cell shaded look. 2d will always looks better over 3d in that department.

>> No.2086945


>> No.2086950

Get the cheapest book on animation principles you can find and practise with some flour sack exercises to see if you have the patience. Then try a walk cycle. Structure and maintaining consistent volume is really important. Just use paper and flip it. Scan frames in and clean-up in photoshop or wherever to make a gif if you really want. TVPaint is great for hand-drawn digital 2d.

If you do try flash get CS6 for the free trial period, after that's up it.. still works.. shhhhhh

>> No.2087211
File: 132 KB, 1024x765, w673w6g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew all my frames by hand, recently got my hands on Toon Boom, is there any way I can work on them in there?

>> No.2087400


>> No.2087401

Practice with drawings, pixels are just oversimplified versions of a drawing, just get the timing and the pacing right

>> No.2087410

a scanner?

>> No.2087707

Anything on learning on how to do lewd animation?

>> No.2087710

study hentai

>> No.2087721
File: 2.79 MB, 370x246, Transformation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure most of us do it in secret, or will.

>> No.2087823
File: 93 KB, 256x192, 5A2C4C_0E34D69D40E00_001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good observation ty

>> No.2087829

that's why i never use ic at school

>> No.2087830
File: 354 KB, 800x451, v2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to "study" animation like there are study threads?

Do you rotoscope? Did you try? Do you think you can memorize the way something moves like this?

How do you manage to do consistent line art? It seems to a hard part of animation process.

Study porn

>> No.2087886

They're all scanned, but Toon Boom won't open jpegs

>> No.2087892

change filetype then. Or import them as a image sequence in AE and export as a mp4? I'm sure ToonBoom can import mp4?

If not, abandon ToonBoom :)

>> No.2087918

What do you guys think about the program at CGMA? I want to go into 2D animation but I don't have the motivation to draw, or really do anything if I'm being honest. I only get schoolwork done because it's a deadline, so I think this could really help me. Responses only about CGMA please.

>> No.2088798 [DELETED] 

Any thoughts on this before I start fleshing it out?

>> No.2088799 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 600x720, kungfufighting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any thoughts on this before I start fleshing it out?

>> No.2088802
File: 122 KB, 417x500, kungfufighting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any thoughts on this before I start fleshing it out?

>> No.2088807

Don't rotoscope. Go frame by frame through the reference video and find the key poses, then draw those. Rotoscoping will actually make it look wrong.

Impossible to tell with that timing.

>> No.2088808

It's hard to tell at such a low frame rate but they don't have much weight to them. The black guy stays in the air too long and the red guy should have more anticipation and followthrough for such a powerful action.

>> No.2088878 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 600x720, kungfufighting2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sorry I meant in the context of flow. I messed with the timing so you guys could see the frames.
oh and the black guy is moving slower than the red guy (like animu) but it will make more sense with more frames I think.

Thanks for the feedback though. I'll make sure the timeing and weight will be addressed but i want to know if it's flowing right. I changed the action in pic related but it still looks wonky to me.

>> No.2088879
File: 176 KB, 417x500, kungfufighting2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2088802 (You)
Oh sorry I meant in the context of flow. I messed with the timing so you guys could see the frames.
oh and the black guy is moving slower than the red guy (like animu) but it will make more sense with more frames I think.

Thanks for the feedback though. I'll make sure the timeing and weight will be addressed but i want to know if it's flowing right. I changed the action in pic related but it still looks wonky to me.

>> No.2088884

flip note studio?

>> No.2088893
File: 666 KB, 700x315, random89.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick thingie.

>> No.2088911

wow it looks much better imo.

>> No.2088919


>> No.2088944


>> No.2089143
File: 325 KB, 1164x795, face.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting started, I did this little shit to understand how animation works, what do you think guys

>> No.2089586

Too many frames. I'd use 4 individual frames for a blink.

>> No.2089630

I thought it was all about smothness

>> No.2089636

It's all about timing and spacing. I typically draw the eye open, then like 1/3 closed, then closed, then 1/3 closed and open again.

>> No.2089656

that animation.... damn u asians.

>> No.2089792

the brush tool in flash is aweful. Which animation program has the best brush engine?

>> No.2089817

TvPaint. The UI is horrible, but it is the best raster based animation program otherwise. If you still want vector based, Toonboom.

>> No.2089869 [DELETED] 

i found a thread i was wishing to find one day on /ic/
the critique i am looking for is about the motion and the idea itself, like, if the position works for 4 legged creatures, if the background looks too bland even if it you could interpret as focus thing.

studied animator's survival kit.
and tried to feel how the pronstars move when sex.

bronies doesn't seems to understand much about animation itself.
so, i am felling too much on my own without having a proper person to receive critique for.
specially when it goes to pony porn. brony artists that can animate are rare and people that are advanced are the rarest.

this animation was done in adobe flash CS6.
the animation is vector based done with puppets.

>> No.2089878
File: 539 KB, 1006x1108, rar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i found a thread i was wishing to find one day on /ic/
the critique i am looking for is about the motion and the idea itself, like, if the position works for 4 legged creatures, if the background looks too bland even if it you could interpret as focus thing.

studied animator's survival kit.
and tried to feel how the pronstars move when sex.

bronies doesn't seems to understand much about animation itself.
so, i am felling too much on my own without having a proper person to receive critique for.
specially when it goes to pony porn. brony artists that can animate are rare and people that are advanced are the rarest.

this animation was done in adobe flash CS6.
the animation is vector based done with puppets.

>> No.2089906

thx mate. Guess i go with Toonboom.
15 days trial tho

>> No.2089912

toonboom should be better.
adobe flash crashes a lot and feels like its not made for precise animation.

>> No.2089943

The thing is.. I often zoom in and out but the brush scales with the screen which is awful.

>> No.2089966

Is there no way to export gifs in toonboom?

>> No.2089968


>> No.2089970

>bronies doesn't seems to understand much about animation itself.
Since when? Animation and music are their thing.

>> No.2089971

nice meme

>> No.2089978

i am talking about making quality animation tecnically wise, as in, smoothness, motion physics...
their animation in general is not something i would say that has the complexity and quality i try to do with the physics, but they have made a lot though the years, they seem to focus more about the overall idea than the tecnical part, as in how to make things flow smoothly.

>> No.2090014

What meme?

>> No.2090021
File: 613 KB, 500x500, Blockhead.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just did this

>> No.2090022


>> No.2090026

love it. I could see this becoming a game.

>> No.2090027
File: 103 KB, 700x700, 1396637663499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here familiar with easytoon?
Just got around using it, but for some reason my tablet keeps delaying the moment I set my pen on it.

How do I fix this

>> No.2090035
File: 437 KB, 720x405, Sans Titre.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2090037

nips use flash, watch yozakura quartet: hana no uta

>> No.2090042

Very few do. Most do it pen&paper.

>> No.2090044

i think they all use pen&paper then scan it and use whatever software (flash in case of yq and ping pong) but they rarely do it full digital

>> No.2090047
File: 2.02 MB, 450x273, 1386597962319.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next animated arc when.

>> No.2090048

There definitely are young animators that do use flash only, but it's not the standard or anything.

>> No.2090049


>> No.2090134

one thing is animate things and other things is make an animated short right?

what kind of stuff yyou need to achieve in animation/drawing to start with a short?

>> No.2090216
File: 12 KB, 256x192, 2A2C4C_0DD7EE29DE592_001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2091136

What program?

>> No.2091145

Im getting into animation now, but i only have a really loose understanding of key framing and inbetweening, and i always see these animations with lots of writing of circled number next to letters, and it looks like it would be really useful to know how to do that kind of thing and what the a's and b's mean and all that stuff. Where do i/how do i/what do i need to learn that kind of thing?

>> No.2091156

Sounds like a tablet driver issue

>> No.2091330

dope bird brah

>> No.2091331

There's no way that's made in flash!

>> No.2091343

Subscribe to this dude. He takes you through everything from start to finish in real time.



>> No.2091345


the wings are great but holy shit those shoulder muscles change proportions between every frame and it looks terrible

>> No.2091365

guys I getting in to this but I feel bothered by stick figures or very abstrac roug sketches, is recomendable to work with a solid simple character?

>> No.2091377
File: 359 KB, 1000x1096, walk 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any thoughts on this? I'm kinda confused with how the inbetwens must be.

>> No.2091378

>is recomendable to work with a solid simple character?

Yes, I'm not sure why you'd want to do stick figures or abstract rough sketches. A nice compromise would be the "flour sack" if you don't want to commit to drawing a full character but you still want to practice. Bringing life to a simple "flour sack" is a time-honored technique.


>> No.2091383

no you get me wrong, I don't want to do stick figures, I was asking if too much for a beginer to work with a simple but solid model, that is this >>2091377 (but it keep going very fast, even if I set lows FPS)

>> No.2091407

How useful is GIMP with GAP for a total beginner?

>> No.2091408
File: 499 KB, 552x485, milt_kahl_medusa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean by too much? if you have a decent understanding of drawing, no. approach it like you would a study with gestures and form first, then details. use whatever means you normally use for drawing.

here's a rough from Milt Kahl (timing is wrong though). The form, consistency, and motion is what's most important.

>> No.2091411

oh I get you, I'm going to do that in my next exercise, thanks

>> No.2091439

>If you do try flash get CS6 for the free trial period, after that's up it.. still works.. shhhhhh

>> No.2091452
File: 13 KB, 70x110, animation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only animation I've really ever done, and from years ago.

>> No.2091461


You should do more bruh. That eyebulging is really clever and cute.

>> No.2091465


My goal is to actually be an artsy animator one day and make some short adaptations of famous literature (stopped drawing to focus on literature, for a while was learning multiple languages and reading/studying a novel a day)

In the meantime, though, I'm focusing on anatomy etc. so it can eventually carry over towards my animation.


>> No.2091482


> mature themes

What about Ralph Bakshi? Especially "heavy traffic", "fritz the cat", and "coonskin?"

I got into Bakshi when I was 16 and 17 and he convinced me to be an animator. Fucking legend.


>> No.2091514


>> No.2091633

When I talked about Kon, I wasn't really referring to the 'maturity' of his films, but rather how treats animation and directing

>> No.2091665
File: 343 KB, 1000x1096, fixg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a bunch of fixes.

First thing is framerate, try to make it workable, even if this means changing it to 12, 6, or even 3 fps, you need to visualize the final speed of the animation, then slowly add more frames and exposures until it looks decently fluid.

Second if consistency. Her proportions and hair change in the second step, and there was a key pose missing after frame 3.

Next is secondary animation, the things that lag behind, in this case it's her hair, when her head goes up, her hair should be pulled down by the sudden force, then eases in, same when she steps down, her hair should be pulled up a little bit, then bounce/ease into the step.

Another technique to achieve flexibility is breaking of joints, instead of using a smear or motion blur. Make the elbow ahead of her fist for a single frame, like she's double jointed, it's subtle, but it adds a tiny bit of lag which adds to the flexibility of movement.

The next step here is to add one set of inbetweens to smooth out and add ease in/out to her arms, and change it to a 24 fps.

Good luck friend, I like your style which is why I wanna help you out.

>> No.2091773
File: 535 KB, 1000x1096, the walk 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a bunch man. I was trying to fix the some things too although her head kepts getting bigger thing I need to fix soon, I add some more frames, but I guess I'll need a bunch more for getting that 24fps smothness. other think is that I set my program to low fps (3,5 or 6) but it kept going ultra fast when I post

>> No.2091776

Kyra is that you?

>> No.2091797

The hands and legs aren't moving fast enough to warrant all that smudging.

>> No.2091819

This is cel shaded 3d shit.

>> No.2091878
File: 37 KB, 928x975, guiño.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZERO experience on animation.
Recomend some tutorials please.

>> No.2091879
File: 123 KB, 550x400, fdf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Basic tutorias please

>> No.2091895


ignore the silly paintings

>> No.2092428

>tfw I've got a 2D animation competition in a week
What's the fastest process to use for frame by frame animation in flash?
I'm always slow with the line art and colouring
which is what I should practice but I never do

>> No.2092439

>in a week

Nigga that's 168 hours right there. With 8 hours of sleep a day, that's still 122 hours. Got a day job? 122 - 40 = STILL A 82 whoppin hours of complete and utter free time

>> No.2092519

It's probably a 24 hour challenge type deal.

>> No.2092534

Animate keys and breakdowns and move on. If you have time for in-betweens, add them. Color on a layer below the lines so you don't have to worry about perfectly clean linework. Now get started.

>> No.2092541

Kinda. When I get there I'll be given a sound bit and I'll have 5.5 hours to animate something on the spot. It's kinda like the 11 second club.
Am I supposed to colour with the brush tool? My biggest problem is that when I do the lines I always leave tiny gaps so I can't bucket fill. I end up wasting a lot of time looking for the gaps.

>> No.2092550

>My biggest problem is that when I do the lines I always leave tiny gaps so I can't bucket fill.
Bucket fill>Gap Size>Close Large Gaps

>> No.2092602

Holy shit dude! I might have a chance now!

>> No.2092612

Remember to report back!

>> No.2092618

Only if I do win.
If I don't, I'll be too ashamed.

>> No.2092624

Do it anyways, faggot.

>> No.2092682


>> No.2092848
File: 80 KB, 400x300, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello anons, this is my new work
just finished it yesterday

I'm trying to create a series of story like Cyanide & Happiness
hope someone will like (or hate) this

my old works if anyone interesting

>> No.2092849

try use Retas Studio?
there's an easy use bezier curve tool in Stylos

>> No.2092850

Oh, btw
There's English subtitle if you use youtube link directly

>> No.2092851

Cool stuff in this thread!

I have animations, in quicktime format... how to post to the forums as a gif or short clip? What's max file size for the board?


>> No.2092852

convert it to WebM?
and I think size limit is 3Mb for webm

>> No.2092871
File: 276 KB, 700x394, random92.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really that well animated, but whatever, had fun while doing it.

>> No.2093041

I... I really like this... but I don't know why
what did you do to me, anon?

>> No.2093815
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x800, cs_bg_champions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do they animate this ?

>> No.2093819

Just after-effects work.

>> No.2093899

3D with 2D effects animation?

>> No.2093914

After effects.
Basically break down the painting into background and layers for the character while in painting production process. Importing PSD into AE and rigging the character layers with different pins and link them to act like bones; use puppet warp with keyframing to create animation. For the head they most likely use Mettle Freeform which can puppetwarp a face and create an illusion of movement.
Then they add particles, various fx, dust from stock video sequences etc etc. Not so complicated if you have some understanding of After effects and how puppet warp character animation works.

>> No.2093930
File: 245 KB, 900x506, style.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have to start cleaning this up at the beginning of next week.
any tips before i do?

>> No.2093952

Scrap it

>> No.2093998

I'd give both my nuts to animate like this right fucking now.

>> No.2094039

Fucking japan. Stop being so good

>> No.2094040
File: 1.70 MB, 210x155, >mfw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill never make it

>> No.2094307


yeah I've also been so interested in this stuff, but I couldn't find any great tutorials or even decent breakdown of the process, it's hard to even know what's happening if you have no experience with Ae.

Would really want to learn doing this kind of stuff, looks fucking fantastic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdXl3QtutQI

>> No.2094326


oh, I'm retarded and thought that was the cinematic trailer

>> No.2094349

instead of wishing for it why dont you actually animate and try to improve. lurking 4chan threads won't get you anywhere

also that animation wasnt very good

>> No.2094355

I kind of have to agree with this anon. The animation in itself isn't "that" good. It's very consisten and all, but it does make me go wow, is how well, all the elements play together. Also, the character design is really cute

>> No.2094365

To understand some basics of how the puppet tool works in After effects, you can check out this video: https://vimeo.com/54578927 its pretty basic but it explains the process of rigging with null objects.
What you are looking for in particular is probably the freeform plugin for AE; it can emulate 3d movement with null objects and more from 2D layers. Basic tut on that here:
Before learning all of this, get introduced to AE by looking at some particle effects tutorial on youtube or so and you'll learn quickly how keyframes and the interface work in AE. Basically if you look for the right tuts you can learn all of this on your own, keep looking for Freeform Pro plugin vids. About particles, effects and stuff like that, i recommend videocopilot tutorials, various plugins and the trapcode particular plugins (must have for vfx).

>> No.2094734

What's the best option for a poorfag?

>> No.2094789

you have my thanks anon. this is very useful, pretty excited about it now.

>> No.2094798

Torrent son. And the wacom bamboos only $99.99 iirc

>> No.2094884

I use curve tool in Stylos in Retas Studio
you only need mouse then you are good to go

you can draw key frame on paper and scan it for Stylos, too
or you can use Flash

>> No.2094961


>> No.2095045
File: 362 KB, 2000x752, the run.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help with this king anons, the falling just fell odd

>> No.2095052

Her momentum is disappearing when she falls as it is. With her running and falling her body should "slide" forward a little over a few frames. Try it out

>> No.2095086 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 2001x645, TheGif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this anon?

>> No.2095092
File: 323 KB, 2001x645, TheGif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this anon?

>> No.2095094

Much better, slide her while she's on the ground a bit too. No need to do any more drawings. Just slide her and ease her into a stop. It'll look great nigga I swear.

>> No.2095097

Not that anon but that's a very nice change. Great job!

>> No.2095098

thanks anons I feel motivate with animation.

>> No.2095111
File: 1.97 MB, 1280x720, merch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just animated this using tvpaint. It's been a long while since the last time i animated.
Help me decide which artstyle i should use for a project, i need feedback. The other thread i made didnt help much.

>> No.2095112

I'm glad to hear that because you're doing great, keep it up!

>> No.2095115

Keep going, anon! Even little changes count

>> No.2095122

I love it. If they're the same character pay attention to your volumes though. The one in the middle has a thinner, longer head than the others, the one on the right overall has the smallest head and body overall.

>> No.2095127

Thanks. I was just messing around with her design. Which looks better on her?

>> No.2095134

You have good eyes too, that was very helpful, i never actually noticed that before. Thanks

>> No.2095200

hello anons

just a small question
I have posted some work on other animation thread before, too
and I rarely see people leave comment (not even criticism)

Have I misunderstand something?
or It's just my work looks mediocre so people don't know what to say?

>> No.2095225
File: 23 KB, 52x104, output_HE9qfx.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small running animation for a personal (vidya) project. Advice?

>> No.2095226

Oh jeez, didnt mean to quote here.

>> No.2095241
File: 97 KB, 600x384, 未命名 -1拷貝.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine lol

hmm, the legs looks like suddenly switched place

you need make people see 2 legs switching place clearly
maybe add a frame that 2 legs overlap each other?

>> No.2095836
File: 165 KB, 700x394, random93_01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2095936

i like it very good anon

>> No.2096466
File: 97 KB, 550x400, lightbulb_unscrew.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first animation ever. Though still incomplete, it's supposed to be the unscrewing of a lightbulb. I'm using flash mx 6 and the mouse.

How do I become good like this guy (>>2095092)? Would I need to start using a tablet?

>> No.2096477

Get a tablet if you're going to do digital.

>> No.2096539

They look a lot like 3rd edition dnd dragons from the monster manual.

>> No.2096582

maybe start with bouncing a ball

>> No.2096767
File: 207 KB, 550x400, frg n str.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's something I worked on in flash
there's some parts need to be fixed and a lack of frames but I'll keep that in mind next time.

>> No.2096783
File: 82 KB, 500x500, framesblockanimootedFUCK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does this look?

>> No.2096853


i think the perspective is wrong, but i'm no expert

>> No.2096891
File: 80 KB, 500x500, fourthrevisionCUMONLETSGO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about this?

>> No.2096913
File: 268 KB, 993x580, 9ZUeo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some say twos are better than ones, i don't think so if you plan for ones
>but i tried and shooted my animation planned on ones both on ones and twos
>the result was better on ones

is this guy retarded?

>> No.2096916

it's still bugging me, same problem than before but less visible

but i'm not sure it's from the perspective, maybe there is not enough frames for the transition to be believable

but i still think your perspective is a bit wrong... maybe, let's wait for someone else opinion

>> No.2096917

>than before
as before

>> No.2096922

in fact, now that I watch it in another angle, it seems less weird, I thought that was supposed to be a "floating" cube spinning on itself, but if I see it as a "rolling" cube falling on one of its face each time, the movement is not as strange

>> No.2097184

Krita will save Raster-based animation

TVpaint alright but kinda limited to other things
Adobe Flash is >flash
Everything else is shit

>> No.2097190

is it supposed to be a cube rotating? if so, the top plane is stretching as it rotates.

>> No.2097799

The outer vertex is moving in straight lines when it should move in arcs.

>> No.2097838

Nice timing.
>tfw I just animated a guy wearing a bandana blowing in the wind that turned out cash af yesterday, and I can't post it, because I'm at work...

Btw, anyone else having trouble using harmony essentials 12? TB studio works fine, and I made a thread about it earlier, but replies were lax

>> No.2097856
File: 179 KB, 700x394, random95_02.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2097958

i love it. where'd you get the skills?

>> No.2097988
File: 2.13 MB, 1280x720, practice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another one i did

>> No.2098000

he used the right brush.

>> No.2098001

wow man good job
got any more of your stuff?

>> No.2098011
File: 2.61 MB, 320x240, 46ac1728447d2d2338765bd06003c168.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a website that might of interest to you guys http://sakuga.yshi.org/ especially if you like anime

>> No.2098018

is he raping the reptilian?

>> No.2098070




>> No.2098071

I like it, but the eye looks weird with only the pupil moving, maybe extend it just a wee bit in the direction of the pupil? Eye's arent still

>> No.2098075
File: 225 KB, 550x400, FaceLook.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First try in a long long years, how bad?

>> No.2098093


>> No.2098106

Lots of potential. I like your timing, staging and subjecto matter. Which im sure you utilized on instinct. You need to learn how to draw proper. You have the potential to be a great animater.

>> No.2098124

"The curious case of Benjamin Button's shrinking ever head"

>> No.2098166

yeahyeah, how was the eye-movement?

>> No.2098573
File: 104 KB, 1200x675, Kindersnake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking gifmaker...

>> No.2098863

>dat bandana

The rest is pretty shite, but that bandana is pretty on point, for such a low frame rate animation. It does attach a bit high, and you have some variation, at the base, though

>> No.2098882

Thanks. It's like my 3rd animation, ever, that wasn't a ball or an attempt at a walk cycle. I'm just aiming to make a gif for a friend's stream, with this one, figured it'd be pretty easy. I also plan to change the face up, a bit, but I did this one as quick placeholder, so that I could have a basis to animate the moving areas. Easy peasey to change, since the face is stoic.

>> No.2099540

Oi, the girl on the right has her feet switched. She starts the turn with her right but it switches to the left when it finishes.

>> No.2099601

An animation board is probably never going to happen, but what about an animation general? There's a handful of animation threads in the catalog; I'm pretty sure we could start up a helpful community of both amateur and professional animators.

>> No.2099611

Sounds good to me.

>> No.2099625

usually when one animation thread dies, another one follows up. Not sure if a general is even needed.

>> No.2099774 [DELETED] 
File: 311 KB, 900x506, zzz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2099993

Come pay a visit.