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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2076414 No.2076414 [Reply] [Original]

How do you currently support yourself financially ?

>> No.2076416

Part time job + Freelance
Being able to drawing during meal breaks helps a lot.

>> No.2076418


>> No.2076420

shitty job at wendys

hard to find a balance between work/art/wanting to kill self. I'm not good enough to live off comissions, but work takes up a large portion of my free time, energy and will to live. I hate myself when i get home and Im to fucking tired to draw or do anything. I dont have the ability to be a NEET so I have to go back to that hellhole every day and for the one or two days I get free i have to entertain my gf or someone else wants my time

I'd kill to be a teen again. those fuckers worry about nothing. I could get so much done

>> No.2076421

My boyfriend pays for everything and I just do 100% of the housework and errands to try make up for it. I do some commissions from time to time but not often as I'm still trying to focus on getting gud.

>> No.2076422


fuck both of you I wish I were you

>> No.2076423

my daddy and my mommy :3

>> No.2076424

why the fuck arn't you drawing then faggot

the only way to feel happier is to progress. but your on this board. get the fuck off and study

>> No.2076427


I don't. Racking up debt like crazy and will probably just kill myself within the next 6-9 months.

>> No.2076429

Hand-jobs and Portuguese Breakfasts

>> No.2076435

don't do it anon :(

>> No.2076436

no buddy, think of your art gains. you've gotten so much better. don't throw it away, the world is waiting to see your masterpeice

>> No.2076440

>support yourself financially
Got me a big boy non art related software job, it pays the bills, but I had to sell my soul.

>> No.2076441

Had to return to male stripping again

>> No.2076442

because today was a shitty day. remember that balancing work/art/depression?

I hope to god that none of you ever yell at a fucking employee when your food is wrong. We don't hate you, its a fucking mistake and it's 1000 times more difficult o be both fast and accurate then you fuckers expect. you complain and it doesn't matter whose fault it is the manager yells at all of use.

vent over. just don't be cancer anons. take it back and ask politely or just fucking fix it yourself

>> No.2076445

if my order gets messed up I usually don't complain or even take it back if they are busy, unless it's something I cannot eat or absolutely hate. Sorry that you have to deal with shitty people, anon :(

>> No.2076447


It's irrelevant if I do. My consciousness just swaps over to a parallel universe in which I miraculously survive, while on another universe I die. We are all immortal in principle. But I believe the universe in which I make it and become a succesful artist is far far away from my current branch of parallel universes.


I'm still kinda shitty

>> No.2076448
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you sound like you guy need hugs. keep at it. you will run into a break, an opportunity and then when you get it you gotta take it and fly with it.

there's things in this world worth hanging on to. you'll both find them

>> No.2076450

Well it's irrelevant whether we all live or die. But I don't know about that parallel universe stuff.

>> No.2076452

ummm my boyfriend mostly, i go to school for art and he does the work stuff and makes all the money xD
i wish he made more money though, i need more art supplies and he doesn't make enough to give me money for stuff all the time
i tell him in the end i'll probably be making more money than him and i'll support both of us and he should try to get a higher paying job but he doesn't seem to care

>> No.2076455

If you believe in multiple universes, you know as well as anyone that there is a universe where you get out of a plateu, git gud and live happily. there's also a universe where you hang yourself after reading this. both universes are as valid and both have a possibility of happening. isn't that enough to hold on too?

Thank you, you are the type of person I like to make food for. Some bitch didnt get ketchup on her chicken burger and went fucking nuclear.And not just that but the managers shit on the workers after. Since its just the human centipede

>> No.2076457


Well anon... over the years you do develop a certain sensitivity for wether things tend to work out for you or not. Like I said this is not the universe in which I make it. I once thought it was, but it's definitely not.

>> No.2076459

i earned so much with studio freelance work the past months trhat i don't need to work for over a year.

>> No.2076460

"If someone is nice to you but rude to the waiter, they are not a nice person."

>> No.2076465

You never know man, you just need that one day that changes the rest of your life, and when you find that health wealth and happiness, you'll think about the thoughts you're having now were so silly,but they are necessary thoughts.

Have any artwork to post?

>> No.2076466

The exact same here.
I bring in some cash through etsy, but I still want to bring in some dough another day.

>> No.2076467


Nah don't worry so much. I'm being melodramatic. But thanks for the kind preocupation. I just dumped all freelancing before applying for welfare and found myself with 2-3 months of zero bills covered. Which sucks hard but I would never kill myself over it.

>> No.2076476

You are a bitch
Go get a fucking jobs.
Even a part time one. And paint in your spare time,
If you are talented you don't need 100% of the time and if you aren't talented why are you bothering?

He owes you nothing.

>> No.2076478


thanks mom

>> No.2076481

i'm going to school full time, no time for job~

>> No.2076482

I support myself with a shitty service station job, I really do wish I had worked harder on my art while growing up as I'll probably hit 40 before making it.

>responding to bait

>> No.2076485

Full time souless office job.

>> No.2076488

Just curious, does anybody here on /ic/ make more than 200k? 100k? I wonder what the cut off is (in USD)

>> No.2076489

>i'm going to school full time, no time for job~

This is bullshit. Going to school full time is no excuse for not having a job unless you're a bitch made faggot who doesn't know how to manage their fucking time.

>> No.2076493

The government. They think i have autism, and major depression so i get free money. xD.

>> No.2076498

Yup, full time school is only 12 hours what are you doing with the other 156 hours of the week bitch.

Draw/practice for 40 hours you still have 101 hours what's up.

>> No.2076499


>> No.2076501

Im in my 3rd year of electrical engineering, it's fucking hard balancing getting good grades, social life and finding time to draw, let alone getting a job.

>> No.2076502

you are stupid

>> No.2076509

Simple but well payed storage job, to bad I spend most of my spare time drawing instead of actualy Studying or practise, don't have the willpower for the boring stuff.

>> No.2076516


Really? Have you ever traveled 20 hours in a week to go to school and had over 30 hours of assignments

>> No.2076517

Personal trainer. Kind of sucks because by the time I get home I'm too mentally drained to ever draw. Pays really well though, and taught me a lot about marketing myself and my own business. Hoping to get a portfolio together soon and just support myself through art. The dream.

>> No.2076607


Depends on what full time is to someone, if you go to a school that gives a degree it may be around 12 hours but if you go to something like a trade school it can be different.
I go to school full time but for me that's a 40 hr week plus 7hrs for transportation and 6 hrs minimum for homework. I could get a job as well but right now I'm lucky enough to live at home so why bother with something that will fuck with school?

>> No.2076641


>> No.2076643

Like U-Haul?

>> No.2076647
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Whats an entry level job at a hospital or hotel?

>lifeguard for half a decade

>> No.2076663

selling drugs

>> No.2076664

>12 hours a week
american education.jpg

>> No.2076669

My mommy and I already make money with art.

>> No.2076685


Show us your work if you're not a troll.

>> No.2076697
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>tfw I had to sell marijuana in college so I can buy a bamboo small.

fuck I wish I saved up for the intuos med instead but third world prices are fucking ridiculous and being a pusher isnt worth it at all.

>> No.2076698

Art educator/director of the art program at a local museum. I honestly have no clue how I got the job considering 1) I'm way young and 2) my art is shit, but hey, a job's a job.

>> No.2076707

>be me
>work full time for shitty pay
>go to music festival with friends for a week
>spend most of my paycheck on marijuana
>sell it on the festival on the last 2 days (for double the profit - people are starved on the last 2 days on festivals)
>got tablet next + all the money i spent on the stuff back

I am not feeling guily, not one bit

>> No.2076713

I work 40 hours a week.

>> No.2076729

Why should you? You provided a valuable service to souls in need

>> No.2076732

Goverment funds & empty bottle hunting

>> No.2076733

In between commercial commissions, I stay afloat thanks to monthly royalties from PoD sites like Society6, Redbubble, etc.

>> No.2076737

Out of curiosity, what do you pull in monthly approximately? And from how many prints?

>> No.2076740

I work part-time at two jobs but started selling my anime DVD collection for extra money. I'll probably use this towards a couple local art classes because I need to force myself into drawing again.

>> No.2076741

All those PoD sites combined, I manage to pull in around $500-$600 / month. My cost of living is pretty low right now, so that pays the rent and most bills. Took a good while to get to that point though.

>> No.2076789

I'm working part time but it isn't enough money and I'm still too demotivated half the time to work. I thought working would help me focus more since when I was neet I spent some days in bed. Clearly I'm just lazy and I'll never make it.
Next year I'll be working part time and studying a generic academic course, so there will be less progress.

Hook, line and sinker.

>> No.2076791

yeah it should be 15 hours since that'll add up to 120 credit hours when you graduate

>> No.2076803

Anyone else here too autistic to get a real job thus turn to art to get by?

>> No.2076809

Commissions, but not making enough at it. I actually charge a lot but fuck the US economy, seriously. I'm also working on a game I plan on putting up for crowdfunding. Looking into redbubble shit too.

I guess this struggle is a good thing. It really forces you to draw more and hustle like nothing else.

>> No.2076815

imhf most jobs are meant for autists unless you're in research and development or creative fields

>> No.2076822

Bump because I'm curious, I feel like there's gotta be someone on /ic/ that's a millionaire doing art just for the glory

>> No.2076823

That makes no sense unless by "autistic" you mean "socially inept beta", in which case it's stupid.

>> No.2076832

I hope to one day supplement my minimum wage job with ogre rape porn commissions.

>> No.2076861

This, except reverse the genders.

>> No.2076868

I work part-time at a gas station in a tiny village in Europe, most of the time it's during the night.

There's nothing to do most of the time, so I can draw in my sketchbook all the time.

Feels good

>> No.2076878


>> No.2076879

Stop right there cis scum! Gender is a social construct!

>> No.2076894

>cis scum
I always think of orgo when people talk about cis and trans http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cis–trans_isomerism

>> No.2076898

Yeah, that's where they got it from.

>> No.2076910

You sound like my girlfriend... except instead of doing art she does phonesex.

I sometimes think she doesn't appreciate just how much opportunity her lifestyle holds. I want to be a neet so badly, seriously fuck working full-time.

>> No.2076972

Well I don't say it to him often enough I guess but I definitely appreciate the privileged position I'm in. I'm hoping that one day I can get gud enough so that I can properly payback all the wonderful things he has done for me.

I hope your gf really does appreciate you, because she should.

>> No.2077013

>be a teacher
>assign report to students
>barely listen to half-ass reports throughout the semester
>practice lineart during student report
>practice shading during student exam

Pay is good compared to the amount of work I actually have to do in class.

>> No.2077049

>work at a bakery and start making sweet ass donuts and cakes at 4:30am
>get home at 12pm, draw until 10pm
>getting surgery soon and I wont be working because I wont be able to walk for 3 months for recovery
>starting summer classes in July
>trying my damn best to improve at art and animation in the mean time

Hold my hand anon and throw me to the moon, I'll make it.

>> No.2077083

Stop being a teacher.

>> No.2077108

>Lost my job awhile ago
>My savings are running out as fast as my ex wife
>Not good enough to get an art job
>Why won't anybody hire me to work retail?
I don't wanna go crying to the government but the way things are going it's either that or the streets

>> No.2077109

Bah, they're all like that.

>> No.2077143

Humanity will never learn

>> No.2077160

>Why won't anybody hire me to work retail?
they usually hire anyone, unless you're looking for fulltime. wtf man?

>> No.2077177

Don't have U-haul in germany but yeah, that kind of stuff, mostly driving forklifts

>> No.2077202

Maybe they're in the UK or europoor? They don't hire anyone right now.
If they are in the UK they need to get over themselves and get on the dole fast, spending your savings is pointless.

>> No.2077206

working non art related job and dreaming on

>> No.2077223

do you have a college degree? i couldn't get a retail or starbucks job because of that.

>> No.2077240

I currently live with my mother last ex-husband after both her and my biological father kicked me out. before I used to steal shit from cars and apartments and worked togheter with a drug dealer friend. I don't know how to do nothing outside drawing and I can't find a normal job because I spent all my twenties between shit like that, beer and joints

>> No.2077242

To be fair Americans really don't value education as much as they should.

>> No.2077249

>Go to an Art Institute
>Get in huge debt, have to leave
>Go back thinking with my parents help thinking I can at least finish, get a job in the industry, etc.
>Turns out they didn't pay anything, get another 14k in debt
>Give up after making a fool of myself and be severely depressed working two demeaning part-time jobs to pay off the loans while living with my parents.

I should probably tell them at some point I just kinda want to give up on life in general. Sometimes I draw or play video games, but I have no motivation to without a drink.
I really want to die sometimes.

>> No.2077254

Guys, you're all talking about Credit Hours which are actually different from Clock Hours. A full time student may be taking "12 hours / semester" but that is not equivalent at all to how many hours they spend in class or doing homework.

>> No.2077257

>Art Institute
Holy shit dude. Did you not have anyone to consult about that before you went there? Those are shit schools for actually learning and getting jobs, it's more for rich kids that want to fuck around and get a degree.

I am so sorry to hear about that, man. That sucks.

>> No.2077261

Yeah, long story short I learned too late.
Not gonna lie I fucked around a lot too, had my fun.
Can't say it was worth the debt or these "jobs", I seriously can't remember the last time I smiled.

>> No.2077307

I feel bad for bitching about a pickle in my Popeye's chicken po'boy. I also feel bad for eating the free one they gave me. Sorry, anon :(((

>> No.2077310

I'm a host at a steakhouse + I pick up commissions for shitty fanart when I can

>> No.2077320

did you get a degree at least? have you tried for internships?

>> No.2077324

dude ;_;

>> No.2077397

I don't because I lost my job

but I'm starting to build a client relationship with a contact of a high school friend, I hope it goes places.

>> No.2077402

it's kind of unrelated to this thread, but you reminded me of when I was working at a mcdonald's, so here's a little story:

>Working late, nobody, not even the homeless regulars in the restaurant
>this guy comes in, built like a legitimate wrestler, has a pissy attitude (REALLY fucking childish, has this bastard been in prison?)
>I take his order, no problem
>he comes back, furious
>he asked for no pickles on both sandwiches, I put it on the order though
>says he doesn't want it, so I talk to the guy on the grill about making new ones 'no pickles, los dos sin pepinos'
>come on man, I know you understand me in both languages, I said it the first time
>but no, the undertaker doesn't want the entire order
>this fucking guy is almost threatening physical violence over four fucking pickles that any reasonable adult would have just removed from their items on their own
>give him refund, he stomps off

what the fuck is up with late night customers?

>> No.2077409
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If I dont get a decent minimum wage job in the next two weeks
im just going to abandon my life current life and get in my fucking car and drive across the fucking country

hopefully ill learn how to unfuck myself in this journey of self discovery

>> No.2077411

and that will last how long until you run out of gas money?

>> No.2077413

I know these feels so much. Just gotta try draw whenever we can man, to keep our souls from completely dying. Also save up everything to eventually have a couple months of just art.

>> No.2077489

Dude, with your experience and some college under your belt, you can easily get into pool management. Not the most lavish job from what I understand, but reliable when the pool's indoors.
I will come over to your workplace before the surgery and buy your donuts, good sir!

>> No.2077498

you worked at mcdonalds lol

>> No.2077503
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>>Go to an Art Institute
>>Get in huge debt, have to leave
>>Go back thinking with my parents help thinking I can at least finish, get a job in the industry, etc.
>Turns out they didn't pay anything, get another 20k in debt
>Move in with parents and continue school of continuing studies
>aquire gf
>get back on track

>> No.2077511

Work part time 3 days a week and try to study during the rest,

>> No.2077517
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I'm thinking of driving for Uber. Right now I work in a small used video game store. It's been ideal for a long time because the little work and no supervision meant it was mostly browsing the internet and drawing, but now the store is starting to become like "mallrats" and I'm getting more and more Jays and Silent Bobs that want to come in and hang out with me all fuggin' day. Why can't these assholes leave me alone...and why can't I be the kind of person that makes them want to leave me alone? I just want to draw in peace and help any sincere customers as best I can for fug's sake.


>> No.2077536

every-fucking other place here wants to see 'experience', including the other mcdonalds I tried. Got a different job, they kicked me out after the first week for being five minutes late for three days even though I was adjusting from working late shifts. The last day I was late, there were a few red ights that were typically green around the time I made that route.

I fucking hate where I live

>> No.2077545

I have a part-time job at a fabric store but practically my entire paycheck goes to paying my 30k art school debt. Luckily I have a very understanding husband and we've agreed that once my debt is paid I won't have to work anymore.

My job tried to talk me into being the assistant manager and it would've helped pay down my debt faster, but I'd rather work less hours for longer so that I can spend this time studying at least.

>> No.2077562
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im going to be graduating soon and I want to prevent a fate such as this
I have no plans currently in life and I am no where near being able to make any money off my art

is there anything I can do?

>> No.2077565

In-n-out sucks ass.

>> No.2077579

at least you gota gf

>> No.2077600

Hey anon, do you have any advice on marketing yourself?

>> No.2077602

Show your work

>> No.2077606
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How do you recommend getting skills then? Teaching yourself? Exactly what should one teach him/herself to get a decent amount off art?

I'm sure these are questions others want to know. If we all come together and come up a list of books and programs that we could acquire and not have to handle the harsh debt of art school.

>> No.2077617

sticky, that's literally what it's for.
Do not waste money on art school, they don't teach shit anyway. Also tons of books and classes can be found online for much cheaper.

>> No.2077623

Work a shitty part time job, it pays for classes at the atelier, my food, my supplies, my transportation and my rent.

I'm making the best of this job, because although I do really miss being unemployed and being able to just paint and play video games all day, as soon as I'm unemployed I'm really gonna miss money.

>> No.2077638

if your not good enough to make money on your own art, then you need to either mooch off of your parents or get into some sort of art class as soon as possible. The moment you have responsibilities surrounding money life goes into the shitter

>> No.2077640

yea, I guess I really should be counting my blessings instead. without her I would have had a bullet in my brain months ago

>> No.2077642

Get a TEFL (teaching english as a foreign language) qualifications, easiest shit in the world to get.
You can apply to an alright job in china/japan/korea or vietnam or thailand if you aren't such a weeb and make a middle class wage from day one. You even apply over skype and loads of companies will pay four your flight over and accommodation.

Most ESL teachers only teach about 20-25 hours a week anyway, so plenty of time to paint and shit.

>> No.2077715

>How do you recommend getting skills then? Teaching yourself?

I don't think he's saying that _all_ art schools are terrible, just the Art Institutes. They really do have a reputation for being a tremendous ripoff. If you Google them, you can read all sorts of horror stories from former students.

>> No.2079252

How much time do you have daily to work on art after errands?

BF offered this to me but im too used to make my own money and I dont want him to "own" me

>> No.2079278

Driving a tuk tuk and doing guided visits for tourists. Nope I don't live somewhere in Asia.

The plus side is that I get a shit-ton of down time while waiting for customers and that allows me to paint like crazy and do comissions on the go. Plus being outside most of the time gives me the chance to do plein air. Only down side is that I'm working on a surface pro and the battery life is like 4 hours, not enough :(

I used to work in a fucking call center, decent pay but it was the most soulless and stressful thing I've ever did, and I was in the army for quite a while.

>> No.2079292

honestly I can average about 4 hours a day but if I didn't spend so much time browing 4chan and chatting with friends on facebook I'd have maybe 6 or 7 hours.

And as far as my situation goes, he doesn't "own" me as much as he doesn't expect anything of me except to be a person who does what they can. He never complains if I'm lazy or if I forget to do the dishes one day or anything. And he would eat whatever I make for him and doesn't care if it's complicated or easy. The only thing he asks is that I don't overspend when I go out =p

>> No.2079388

Part time job, next to two days of art school every week. The part time job kills the mood, the flow and the rhythm really hard. There is literally no excuse to not work fulltime on art if you're a NEET. With fulltime I mean 8 good focused hours a day at the very least.

>> No.2079399

>the battery life is like 4 hours
AVTN8 user here, turn off wifi, it'll run the whole day. Wireless is battery death.

>> No.2079425

So I'm a NEET.
I've been freeloading at a relative's house for over a year now. I do work around the house (serious work like deep cleaning, repainting, fixing broken shit, on top of ez stuff like dishes and vacuuming) and I look for work every day, but the unemployment rate is high and I haven't had any luck getting a job.

I've never had a girlfriend or even so much as a best friend. There are some cool people that I talk to on the internet, but its always jokes with them and there's never any real talk.

I'm pretty shit at art, but I only just started. I'm thinking that if I devote all the time I spend playing video games and laughing at stupid images everyday (literally like half the day) to art instead, I can maybe get somewhere in a few years.

Until then, I'm still going to look for work and still continue to help around the house, but I feel like it's only a matter of time until they stop putting up with me and I become homeless.

Does anyone have any life advice?
Do you think my gameplan is a decent one?

>> No.2079430

noice, I think im going to accept his offer, I dont mind cleaning the house, also I love cooking and make him happy in any way I can, what could go wrong

>> No.2079436

He's talking about going to school for a real STEM degree.

>> No.2079464

Your plan is decent enough if you really sit down and do the shit. You will progress slow as fuck even if you devote all your time into this skill, so don't give up just because of a bad day because there will be lots of them. With not giving up I mean don't give up a day just because you feel like shit, keep at it and force the day, you're only as good as your absolute worst.

Learn to meditate, it will be your refocus skill and keep you from getting burned out. Sadly the most important things can't be shared trough advice, I can only recommend to not give up a day, no matter what. Put in the hours and you will gain the experience to gain you in everything you need trough this journey. Good advice, good teachers, well processed information, all those things will make you better faster but keep in mind that no one is perfect and that you will fail no matter what and that in the end only patience, discipline and hard work will get you out of this state. Sometimes you will feel good because you see that you made progress, don't get swayed by emotions, look at what's really there on your paper/screen.

Put in the hours. Never allow empty space. Focus. Focus. Focus. Never give up. Be creative in your learning process. Think regularly of new strategies to improve. Analyze your past steps every once in a while. Meditate to keep emotions at bay.

Be precise, slow and detailed. Speed comes with experience. You will learn relatively extremely fast if you keep in mind to learn right.

>> No.2079466

roid rage

>> No.2079780

You can, I fucked up hard and spent my 5 NEET years partying and playing league of legends.
Nothing sucks more than looking back and not regretting anything but knowing you could have achieved so much with that time.

>> No.2079786

>5 NEET years partying and playing league of legends

lol what???? jesus man.

>> No.2079901

Parents, but im just 18 so i think its normal

>> No.2079903

I spent 4 years neeting and playing league of legend, AND I never partied or went out in general.

>> No.2079910

I'm an artist at a small game company
Itz cool, but I mostly get to do graphic designer work.

The payment is low. Just enough to scratch by. When taxes, insurace, rent, public transport ticket and my monthly payback for student loans are paid, I end up having 350 Euros a moth to buy food, clothes and have some sort of social life.
Being an adult sucks ass

Also, my advice, if you're young and thinking about studying: Don't. Never ever go to University. Nobody, in the Games industry or ANY creative branche cares about your degree. All they want to see is if you're skilled or not. Don't fuck yourself over with loans. I'll be paying myself to death for the next six years. Don't make the same mistake.
Read loomis, practice, work on your portfolio. All the unis teach you you can teach yourself in half the time and without the dept.

>> No.2080355

>Does anyone have any life advice?

I have many but I think the best one is to think what you want in life, than use the law of attraction. I am a big beliver of that law and it had worked for me many times

>> No.2080387

What is your opinion on studying at the Munich Art Academy? Studying here is free...

>> No.2080395

I do commissions , sell prints at my moms store and travel to cons to sell. I try and sell t shirts online but it gets slow. Been wanting to do a patreon but I dont think im good enough yet.

>> No.2080427

Commissions and 2 years ago before I finished high school(uk) I got paid a lot to paint images on majority of the school walls. still got a lot of the money left over

>> No.2080433
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I live with my grandmother in a house she's fully paid for, I don't know how houses work but I'm hoping that I will be able to continue to live in it for free (aside from bills) even after she dies.
I have no worthwhile college education and am in no debt.
I'm hoping to get a minimum wage job some day and assume that without paying for debt or mortgage or rent I should be able to survive
But I don't know if I'll be able to get a job, it's a small town and loads of people are unemployed
I don't have a very good education so there's no way I can get any good job
I don't know how the housing laws go so I don't know if I can stay in the house
My art's not good enough to sell but working on that seems to be a better option than trying to get back into the stem degree journey and gamble getting a job to pay all the debt
There are loads of local galleries selling paintings from local artists so maybe some day I can get good enough to sell paintings to them and live with that, that would be nice.

How fucked am I?

>> No.2080437

Tech support for a video game company.

Used to do furry commissions but after 3 or them I decided to stop.

>> No.2080445

Pretty good considering you're a fucking NEET. Better do these 12 hour days. I was over one year a fucking NEET and I wish I had used that time. Just fucked around and never considered to get pro in the near future. Now I have a part time job and school on my back.

>> No.2080451

Im 25 and work full-time as an underling in a large architecture firm that pumps out apartments. 21 bucks an hour. But honestly I dont know what Im doing with my life and feel like it's all slowly circling the drain. No motivation to get licensed or do much more than collect a check. Maybe Im do something actually creative someday... but with each passing year the more I realize Im just a lazy passive dreamer.

>> No.2080457


>> No.2080465

To be fair , living in a country like UK ( I am a dirty eastern european immigrant ) that is currently studying here , I find it relatively easy to have a part time job , pay for my rent and study . Working 15 hours a week , getting 6.5 per hour = 97.5 . Which is enough to pay for everything and survive with crappy food .

>> No.2080584

Full-time job, I want to commit sudoku every morning I have to wake up for work but can't because I still need get good first.

>> No.2080592

No degree, I briefly interned with an indie game group. Felt inadequate but learned a bit about Unity, eventually gave it up so I'd have time to work the second job. Kinda just drifting between saving money and using whatever little free time I have to learn Maya/Zbrush, haven't touche either since I installed them...

AI credits don't transfer anywhere, but I did consider a couple of painting/photography classes at the community college here.

No time to though because of my "jobs".

>> No.2080593

>have a full time job
>NEETs write that they're too tired to draw

>> No.2080619



>> No.2080841

Gallery VP and Art Instructor.

>> No.2080842

The problem with being a NEET, is that everything becomes a chore. Furthermore, people who are NEETs, became NEETs for a reason.

>> No.2080844

You must be the new guy

>> No.2080917

>people who are NEETs, became NEETs for a reason.
It's like homeless people. They are homeless for a reason. I always say that if I were homeless, I'd do all these smart things to make money, acquire food, and stay warm, but the fact that I have already made a plan to not be homeless is the ery reason why I'm not homeless.

In my opinion being NEET is a mild form of being homeless.

>> No.2080925

Are you making the point that that guy is an idiot?
Because most of the time it isn't someone own fault they are homeless.

>> No.2080938

I didn't mean to imply that homeless people are dumb, it's more of a self awareness. Some homeless people have medical conditions or mental illnesses that prevent them from assimilating into a healthy lifestyle. It's a certain mentality that perpetuates that standard of living just like most NEETs will stay NEETs, and people who aren't NEET probably couldn't live with themselves being NEET analogous to how I could never allow myself to be homeless.

Also, I probably couldn't stand being NEET because I don't like the feeling of not supporting myself.

>> No.2081888

I have it turned off, only thing running is photoshop and artdock for shortcuts. I do have to turn the brightness all the way up since it's mostly sunny oustide and i can't see shit with a dimmed screen. Can only squeeze about 4 hours still.

>> No.2082143

>for residents

>> No.2082158

Show us your money

>> No.2083348

Have you actually done this anon, or know someone who has? I'm considering a position in China for teaching English with primary school kids, and it sounds great; they pay for flights, accommodation, plus a decent wage, plus they'll get you all the qualifications and visas and such needed.

I'm more interested in what the job specifically involves though. There's a chinese assistant but I don't know if I would have to come up with lessons and stuff or if they'd just go, here read this story to the kids in English.

>> No.2083402

You might want to invest in an anti-glare cover or something, I hear they work wonders.

Try TouchKey, it's great. RadialMenu is another alternative. Not that it'll help with battery, just saying.

>> No.2083879

Can confirm, am NEET, feel close to homeless.

Not supporting myself is a day-to-day strain hanging out in the back of my mind.

>> No.2084191

What's Pod? What are the bigger Pod sites?

>> No.2084195

I find it really odd for /ic/ once say that we shouldnt go to art schools then bash us for not being in art school.
U wut m8?

>> No.2084201

>/ic/ is one person

>> No.2084202

PoD = Print On Demand sites, where you upload designs to be printed on different products.

The big ones are Society6 & Redbubble, but there are many other worthwhile ones to join.

>> No.2084225


You were in the wrong.
After being late once you should have committed to leaving a lot earlier than you did the day before.

It sucks, but where I work it is not uncommon for people to show up 20 or 30 minutes early. It is absolutely essential that you adopt a do or die mentality when it comes to showing up on time. Don't make this same mistake with your next job, or else you'll risk getting fired after being late just ONCE.

>> No.2084231

I'm currently a part-time janitor at a fine establishment. Despite cleaning shit its actually a decent job, but I'm going back to school for something better.

>> No.2084235

I work at a comic shop. And I'm the only one there for 6 hour shifts (save for customers) so I usually sketch during the day at work. I used to do commissions but nobody likes my art enough to hire me these days.

>> No.2084254

definitely try redbubble if you have a decent eye for design. I made a shitty looking design a few years ago and put it on redbubble and it became really popular, I've gotten like a steady 20-50 bucks a month from it including some other stuff I put up there ever since. It's not amazing but it's nice having a bit of extra income

>> No.2084259

Why wouldn't you take the assistant manager job so you can pay off that debt faster if you won't have to work anymore afterwards...? I'm sorry but you have your whole life to study, why not get that financial load off your shoulders as fast as you can. That should honestly be your first priority

>> No.2084267

Too obvious breh

>> No.2084270

I work in sales for a website design corporation.
It makes me good money, allows me to keep my finances in check for buying new art supplies.

and I can draw and listen to music at work because the sales are over the phone, so that helps.

>> No.2084287

Goverment gives me like £13k a year and pays my rent

>> No.2084292

source of the image? Looks really good

>> No.2084298
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>30k to learn "art".
>working part-time cutting fabrics

>> No.2084301


Berserk animu.

>> No.2084314

Where do you live ? Are you fom scandinavia

>> No.2084352

>13000 pounds sterling
>are you from scandinavia

>> No.2084353

>taking bait

>> No.2084365

I work 12 hour night shifts alone as a "security guard" at a 24/7 store for a week and then a week off. It's a chill job that pays well due to the hours and I can draw at work since it's not really that busy after midnight. Wish I had access to a computer or something though so I can use improvement guides/references/digital drawing instead of just drawing from my mind all the time.

>> No.2084368

worked a year doing programming. managed to save up 33k (after taxes) and pay off student loans

>> No.2084380

You can print out some stuff or buy a drawing book.

>> No.2084390
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washing dishes, it's actually pretty chill because i get to eat pretty good food for half off and the hours are decent. still I live at home so the pay probably wouldn't be enough if i was on my own

>> No.2084404

Same. I don't mind it I just wish I made tips.

>> No.2084442

Don't own a printer and I just finished the books I have (more are on order, but takes time where) but thanks for the advice, might invest in a printer and scanner combo soon though so the former advice may come in quite handy.

>> No.2084443

Just received my last paycheck, nothing from now on. Career change.

One year of art school and then a job in the art sector or freelancing.

I'm effing scared, man. I don't wanna end up a poor artsy fartsy faggot.

>> No.2084444

same, but two years and with TF2

now I'm trying to beat the sedentary tendencies out of myself

>> No.2084445

*where I live

>> No.2084447 [DELETED] 

Learn How to Dance with Master Freddy

>> No.2084449
File: 127 KB, 1200x779, 1430005603380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recently got a job paying 10 an hour to work custodial/events on a college campus

still living with parents, wish most of the jobs around weren't "ok now that we're going to hire you, we pay 8.12 an hour lol"

had to go to a fucking temp agency to find someone who would pay a bit more

Do any of you work in graphic design or photography? I've been wondering if working at a print shop is worth anything... Have a bit of skill in both but nothing quite marketable yet.

>> No.2084453 [DELETED] 

yeah, I've learned my lesson. Stupid that five minutes is apparently too much for them, and they didn't even pay very much anyway.


>> No.2084502

same but with various MOBAs
I gave up gaming cold and haven't looked back at that shit

>> No.2084514

im still at uni so government pays for most atm. one year to go and i will be in massive debt with little job prospects but you never know

>> No.2084858

My friend does camming, same basic thing. She spends her time masturbating for strangers and trying on clothes they buy her. She makes ~$50/hour.

The whole thing makes me a little upset, but I guess I could go G4P if it really came down to it.

>> No.2084862

Currently in uni, parents paying for my degenerate lifestyle. No debt and possible lucrative job when I finish, but in a field I'm growing to despise.

>> No.2085125

there are places with printer access also friends with printers.
Those who want to get good will find a way.

>> No.2085406
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that's as much as my dad makes at his non-whore job

>captcha gives me image macros of sushi

>> No.2085411

Like an escort I know that makes around $3000 a week.
Being a girl myself, it sometimes feels silly to even consider a difficult career instead of...

>> No.2085432

>Gdamit why am I not a girl
>Getting paid to have sex
>Instead have to spend money to get sex
>"B-but anon, your client could be an old guy ew!"
>Havent had sex in 2 years, could go for even a granny and enjoy it

>> No.2085437

There's a huge market for male prostitutes. Male gay prostitutes though, might not be your thing.

>> No.2085442

I'm not gay really, but could i learn to like it?

>> No.2085454

Physical sex: you'll ruin your mental health. Camming? No idea, maybe.

>> No.2085482

>my dad makes at his non-whore job
Then he spends it on whores like your mom

>> No.2085554
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>> No.2085996

Doing engineering work to get by but damn do I hate it. Try to practice and git gud with my art whenever I can. My art is probably worse than the average on this board. Hopefully one of these days, I can get some side cash on commission or something.

>> No.2086017

Yeah, I see the things people can do working with mathematics but I don't see myself working with trig all day as an engineer for life. I'd rather spend my life illustrating and maturing my art.

>> No.2086025

>My art is probably worse than the average on this board

if thats true and u have a dayjob you are probably 10 years away from any potentially professional level of art. find a way to invest more time brah. i think anyone can get pretty damn good treating selfteaching as a full time job for 2-3 years.

>> No.2086149

Welfare + Parents.

>> No.2086418

I drive an over sized van around delivering shit.
It's okay.
I got my drivers license payed for and it's not a very labor intensive job, so I've always got energy for activities when I get home.

>> No.2086520
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>Not a great art industry compared to America
>Get a job offer in California
>Have a horrific fear of spiders
>California has tarantulas, wolf spiders and shit

Looks like my art career will go into the shitter since I can't get over my phobia of spiders.

>> No.2089718


Where in Cali anon? I live in SoCal and have never had this problem. I actually considered Australia as an alternative but also did mind their big ass spiders a lot. I don't think you will have bad run ins with tarantulas in SoCal.

>> No.2089777


just give me that job

>> No.2089782

Actually i want to study computer science and still want to draw. Will be hard i guess.

>> No.2089795

wtf ive never seen a spider bigger than my finger, and I live in norcal.

>> No.2089799

I work 12 hours shifts on factory. I work 2 days, 2 nights, then 4 days off. I feel like shit for failing my life and don't even think I'll ever make it, I draw sometimes because it's the closest thing for me not to think that I'm already dead.

>> No.2089801

what industry are you talking about exactly? got a blog? where'd you study if anywhere

>> No.2089807


This shit is why I only worked stock in retail outlets

fucking fold my clothes for a few hours and leave

>> No.2089814
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I work on composite boats

usually up by 6am and out by 3pm, rest of the time I'm free to craft my drawing. I'm looking to transition into industrial design and doing studies until I can get into a decent program.

>> No.2089903
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>not a girlfriend material
>studying art
>still wouldn't try to rely on a significant other with financial
mess because it's not their grave and i would feel like shit.

>> No.2089945

It's called having a job.

>> No.2089985
File: 122 KB, 612x792, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you aren't exactly what a man wants
>implying those other girls are girlfriend material
>implying their significant others aren't either cucks or secretly cheating

>> No.2090016

Social security and my boyfriend. Also my family (im at my parents right now due to recent surgery).

Ss provides enough to pay rent for the apartment i share with my bf. He works maybe part time. Im responsible for the rent and utilities. He pays for the car and his recreational habit.
He supports my artistic habit. Id draw 12 hours daily (spread out throughout the day). Im recovering from surgery so its difficult for me to stay comfortable so im reluctantly taking a break. Im hoping to go back to school soon.

My parents are letting me stay rent free. Free food and utilities. My mom is my home health nurse.
My family loaned me and my bf money over the holidays. Ive paid them back.

The support means a lot but i feel like a burden. Id prefer to work and earn my own income. Im not proud to be on disability but i didnt choose to get sick.

>> No.2090036
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>Not living with your asian mom and dad till get pro enough to move out

>> No.2090038

>be straight male
>tfw I can't live for free off a boyfriend

>> No.2090056


Similar situation, except I'm male.

It's best to keep these sort of things to yourself.

People WILL hate you for the love, and blessings in your life.

That said, you should feel bad. Unless the surgery was in your drawing hand or arm, you should be drawing.

>> No.2090077


if you are a good looking guy and somewhat socially competent the 40+ milf crowd might be a real opportunity. not even kidding.

>> No.2090092

I don't really get this, everyone can manage to do small business with just copying skills, for real, just charge less than better competence, literally

economy knowledge is not behind art mastery, being a master is compatible with being useless, if you dare to study art histroty you can confirm how a lot of masters were fucking losers

adding value to the world isn't just about just gitittin gud

>> No.2090104

Thank you for the advice.
I hope this life is kind to you.

My surgery was on my chest. Im still sore. I lean on pillows with my legs bent so i can prop a sketchbook on my thighs. I still draw, just not as diligent.

>> No.2090107

>senior game artist at quite shitty game studio
Boring but I survive. I put away about $1500 a month and will probably escape to Asia for a year.. again.

>> No.2090114

>Id draw 12 hours daily (spread out throughout the day)
assuming you get 8 hours of sleep, that leaves you with 16 hours awake. if you draw for 12 hours, that leaves you with 4 hours you spend awake and not drawing. you really expect us to believe you do all of your bathing, eating, shitting, etc., and any breaks you take from drawing, in just 4 hours? There's no room to "spread" 12 hours throughout a day, so I'm going to have to go ahead and call bulsshit on that. and besides, 12 hour workdays are just too taxing to upkeep. you might sit around with a pad of paper or a tablet in your lap for 12 hours, but I doubt even that's true.

>> No.2090144

I work full-time at a car auction. I do some freelance graphic design on the side and recently opened an etsy shop in the hopes of selling my paintings (which isn't going so well qq).

>> No.2090147

>senior game artist

Dang you making the big bucks then?

>> No.2090152

sounds like you've got a case of the I'm only attracted to dick bags.

>> No.2090206

I work 40 + a week as a plumber and another 20 as a night shift security guard. which is nice because i can draw and shit at work there.

I practice not as much as i'd like maybe 3-4 hours a day, plus try to have some what of a social life and sleep.

All you fuckers who say you don't have time are full of it, or lazy, or pussies or something. Man up get shit done.

>> No.2090210

i'm this guy,
I also make money on the side selling crafts and such havn't really figured out how to make it a full time gig.

>> No.2090289

Me too, it's pretty good actually.

>> No.2090295

I sell mugs.
Mugs and t-shirts and business cards
I barely get by but it's a lazy ass job with time to git good at drawing and pays the same as 58hr weeks of /gd/ slavery.

>> No.2090302

Full time programmer. Self taught too so I figure if I can teach myself programming I can teach myself to do just about anything I set my mind to (that isn't purely athletic like a sport.)

I might not have the artistic skills to help people out but I've been doing my best to help out people here when there's an attitude issue or when people are having issues self teaching themselves. Of course I've been met with some resistance but this is /ic/, people are going to try to argue you just because.

>> No.2090445

So you make 3d models? or?

>> No.2090458

How come most of you guys aren't working in a creative job for finance? I've heard people barely earning anything but didn't think it was this bad, does the same apply when you work under an industry? I was hoping to work as an assistant animator or something small under a company and work my way up from there.
Looks like there's more depressing shit to this ride than initially thought of...

>> No.2090473


>> No.2090531

its a troll retard holy shit

>> No.2090598

Iktf all too well.

I work at a 24-hour gas station at night, and i always have these regulars who like talking to me "because i listen." They always have the same story: i hate my job and my life sucks; my ex just left me and i don't know what to do; or the worst of them, tell me about YOU!~

I just want to be left alone. I agreed to this shift because i thought i'd be in peace, just doin my studies.

>> No.2090606

My bf supports me. I do the housework and the shopping and he pays the bills. He works most of the day so I have plenty of time to browse 4chan and draw, and even when he gets home he is too tired to bother with me much. He makes quite a bit, so I'm not really worried about finances. He got me a cintiq last Christmas, which is awesome. I want to work in graphic design possibly someday, but I'll probably just do freelance artwork since we don't need the extra income.

>> No.2090608

>tell me about YOU!~
I'm not sure if annons get autistic in purpose just 4chaning

>> No.2090620


Trust that people will feel ill toward you because they perceive you are getting it easy, or worse, easier than them.

Like example, I never knew people WILL hate you for having 2 parents still married to each other, until I started attending art school. Long story, but the hate is real as fuck.

Long as you draw, then you are not wasting time. Seriously, get the most out of this rest while you still can

>> No.2090624

This is ic, people are here to learn the craft, have you seen majority of the works here? Look into raw thread, when you get good enough to work and get by you'll most likely leave ic anyway.

>> No.2090626

>draw thread

>> No.2090713

But anon, i don't want to talk about myself with strangers. It's a little tiring because they think i'm a nice person (see: good listener) and i'm really not. I have to keep putting up this facade for acquaintances i care nothing for.

>> No.2090714
File: 50 KB, 340x340, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these anons who don't have to college and can be NEETs while living with parents
>All these anons who can skip college without disappointing their parents

I wish I could drop out of college, but my parents would be more disappointed in me than the time I told them my major is Art.

>> No.2090722

>people WILL hate you for having 2 parents

Please tell us the story

>> No.2090735

what do you base this on

>> No.2090757

If they are honestly disappointed (not just worried, which might be reasonable) by you doing what you like to do instead of getting a "300k$ starting" major you hate they can go die in a fire. I don't understand how these kind of parents think, wishing that their son threw away half of his life the way they want so that he can get luxury cars or something.
>But they want you to be happy
Not really, they just want to have a trophy kid.
At least my father died before I had to deal with this bullshit that and my mother actually wants me to be happy or starve trying.

>> No.2090766

Sometimes it's just difficult. Whenever i visit them, they always make "jokes" about how I will never have a big house or have any money because of my Art degree. Or how I will need to marry someone good and affluent or I'll never be happy.

I can only imagine how harsh it will be if I tell them I'm thinking of dropping out. I haven't even told them that I've flunked my classes two semesters in a row because I haven't attended. I only have myself to blame for that, I know.

I guess we're just a distant family, and I shouldn't be complaining.

>> No.2090768

Id rather people hate me for being a bitch. but hey its not my problem.
I was trying to be vague but i want to be honest. By my parents i mean my mom and step dad. My step dad has been my father figure most my life. The douche who knocked up my mom is an ass and im better off not knowing him and his family.
And not to be that person, i hate playing the cancer card, but i had cancer. I was diagnosed 2013 and originally my oncologist didnt have much hope for me. She didnt think id make it to 2015, but im still here. And though ive been open about it i just want to live my life like i was never sick.
I dont tell people who look at my sketchbook about it. It makes me uncomfortable because it becomes not about my craft but my 'survivor status'.
I try and think that we all have problems.

Im so sorry to get so far off topic.
I do appreciate the advice.
But im curious about what your experience was with misplaced hate.

>> No.2090778

I work in fast food/cafe part time at a few places. Usually several long shifts, then nothing for a few days. It makes drawing difficult because I'm usually tired after work and haven't advanced very much artwise or made a lot of money since I started working.

>> No.2090779

>i just want to live my life like i was never sick
So, you defeated it?

>> No.2090814

Is it sad that i dont know?

I did chemo, surgery, radiation, more surgery, and currently doing two hormonal therapies.
The tissue sample from the first surgery showed residual disease. The tissue sample from my most recent surgery was normal. But my bloodwork is still fucky so i dont know.

My oncologist told me she dosent use terms like remission or cured, only that its a matter of how long i can go without recurrence.
So i try and conduct myself as if i dont have cancer. I think im okay.

Cant remember the exact quote and im too lazy to google it. But something like "we defeat cancer by the way we live our lives "

>> No.2090870

how much housework you do? is it heavy? what are you going to do if you guys split?

>> No.2090969

Cleaning, cooking, dishes, clothes, etc. It's not really hard work. For instance, single people with jobs do the same stuff while working. I doubt he'd leave me, we have been together for a while now. If something happened though I'd just go live with friends or family until I found another way to support myself. Sometimes I feel bad about not working, but he never says anything to me about it, and I really don't think he minds. We make enough to get by, and I'm not that needy most of the time.

>> No.2091007

How do you get nice things? Like clothes you want or something more banal like cellphone, do you ask him for it?
How about cleaning the toilet? Hahaha sorry anon, im just thinking in doing the same but I have so many doubts

>> No.2091028

Everything I have I either got as presents, had before, or buy it when I shop. He gives me extra money to spend so it's not really a problem. Like I said, I'm not very needy most of the time. Also yes, I clean the bathroom as needed.

>> No.2091075
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>tfw no qt3.14 housewife gf
My life will never be complete

>> No.2091118

>tfw no beta bf
God I wish I was female. I'd already be gud.

>> No.2091126

I know that feel

bonus points for lunatics who go on and on about conspiracies (the traffic cameras are a means to surveillance the population and subjugate us!) or just hating the establishment and complaining all the time, even to other customers.

Thank fuck I don't have to deal with that bitch with the frizzy hair and her college student daughter who would be decent if she learned to shut up and move when I have a line of customers any more.

>> No.2091146
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>implying the government isn't pushing their photobash agenda with all those traffic cameras
You're just another drone.

>> No.2091183
File: 40 KB, 400x295, 1379383419682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not one to deny that there's some fishy shit going on, but traffic cameras? Out of everything there could be a conspiracy over, fucking traffic cameras?

>> No.2091198

I am a caricature artist at a mall that has heavy tourist traffic. It's really chill, I usually get to sit around and draw in my sketchbook most of the day. I make about $500 a week which isn't bad considering the fact that I don't have a college degree.

>> No.2091349


I'm just good enough to command a commission price that keeps me out of fast food jobs.

But holy fuck did I work fast food and hate every second of it. You're absolutely right. Almost no one who comes in or goes by the drive-thru realizes that their cushy, air-conditioned, constant Internet access jobs are several thousands of times easier and more high-paying.

I feel for you buddy; it's the worst and I will forever steal from the government/do illegal shit whenever possible because I can't imagine a bigger failing in the developed world than a government that thinks our finite existence is only worth $7 an hour.

>> No.2091374

Damn anon, how did you get that position?

>> No.2091483 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2091488



>> No.2091499

So thirsty

>> No.2091537

I worked at a theme park for 4 years doing the same thing. Most theme parks hire inexperienced caricaturists, then you can apply to smaller companies that give bigger commission rates.

>> No.2091618

Does not matter, he can always hitch-hike and dumpster dive if worst comes to worst. Don't stop his self discovery with such philistine worries.

Go for it dude!

>> No.2091624

>13d 16h ago
Did he find a job?

>> No.2091650

He was probably so upset about not getting a job that he forgot to respond to /ic/ before packing up. So now he's probably getting ready to leave.

>> No.2091700

I kill things for money.

>> No.2091710

Don't bother. There are literally like two professors who value figurative drawing and painting, Doberauer and Kneffel. And getting in their classes is tough as fuck. The rest is just abstract look-at-me-i'm-an-artist-and-oh-so-edgy bullshit. They even have a bunch of professors teaming up to get rid of any life-drawing sessions because apparently that's soo last century. If you know your anatomy, they tell you you're more of an illustrator, no "real" artist. Fuck those guys.

Just sneak into the life drawing sessions if you want to learn something and ignore the rest of the academy. That's what I do, as a bonus you get to know a lot of cool people who do the same.

>> No.2091732

I got an anti glare cover, tho it needs to be replaced due to the extreme wear and tear of microsoft's shitty plastic stylus. Will invest in a wacom stylus.

Artdock has been working great for me, but might have a go at touchkey

>> No.2091740

Yea right

>> No.2091756

Scholarship money and part-time work.

Art's not my main thing.

>> No.2091863

Can you post some examples of how you draw things other than buildings? Always curious to see how architects draw

>> No.2091871

Teach me your ways, hitman anon

>> No.2091947 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2091951

I'm a waiter and a studio assistant.

Waiting is where the bulk of my financial stability (huehuehue) comes from

>> No.2091987 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2092376

I did learn a thing or two from the Art Institue, despite the shitty reputation the one i went to DID have instructors who cared, sorta. At the end of the day though you could get anything they have to offer you online, through conceptart.org or whatever the forum is now, ctrlpaint, digital tutors, etc. You don't have to put up with hipster assholes, niggers, full of shit instructors, and "general ed" bullshit.

>> No.2092537
File: 39 KB, 259x220, thanksforthemoney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm female too.


>> No.2092598

I'm so grateful for my parents, I'm trying to gain a follow while improving on my skills to "make it" to my goal.
I don't want to let my parents down.

>> No.2092627


show some work nigga.

>> No.2092675
File: 8 KB, 239x217, thanks for the mony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey look, me too!

>> No.2092681

What do you people do?

>> No.2092705
File: 7 KB, 237x217, thanks for the mony 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take screenshots of other people's patreons

>> No.2092733

>I make about $500 a week which isn't bad considering the fact that I don't have a college degree.
>500 a week with no student loans

No see that's actually really good.

>> No.2092792

*12 hours/week per semester ding dong

>> No.2092841

Im an engineer and I have a full time job. I also make custom graffiti trucker caps and denim jackets.
I draw and practice everyday during my coffee and lunch breaks, and at night (which is hard but I never skip), plus as much time as I can during the weekends and days off.

>> No.2092845

>Im an engineer and I have a full time job
How long have you been working? I've been slaving away as a software guy for 5yrs, and it's boring as shit...

>> No.2092855

This is my dream job. Sitting cozy at a desk all night, having free time chilling, being productive at work (no distractions like porn/4chan). I am pretty much a nightowl anyway, do you get paid extra because of the shitty hours? Also how to get this job, experience required or just luck?

>> No.2092861

You are basically putting parents in either "I don't give a fuck what you do as long as you are happy" type of parents who blindly look away from any realistic prospects in today's society, or "get a 300K job or i can't brag about you in our yacht club" asshole types. Real parents come in gradations. If I look at my own parents they are a mixture of both, they want me to be happy in my life (so i am lucky) but i also feel the disappointing stare of both my parents and my mom grasping for things to tell her friends about me when they are bragging to her.

>> No.2092862

Get a laptop and tablet!!!

>> No.2096135


Are there any tablet that doesn't require any sort of connection to lap top or desktop other than for charging purposes? Would like one to draw on the go but lap top gets bulky too.

>> No.2096182

Have you considered a sketchbook?

>> No.2096402


using sketchbook and scratchpad to practice at the moment but I want to try to get into digital at some point.

>> No.2096408

Wacom cintiq companion, surface pro 3, any windows based tablet with pen.
There are also other ones that are android based and whatever but i'd rather not get those.

>> No.2097231

I go to school, so my parents pay for my rent, but I also work for my dad's company editing documents for clients. I guess it is work that needs to be done because nobody there seems to know how to write very well (not that I do, but they make big errors), but I definitely feel like I'm just kind of being handed "something to do".

Other than that I've worked every kind of service and retail job. I used to cycle through jobs every 2-3 months because I could always get a new one as soon as I stopped liking the one I was at. I was just lucky, I guess, because it happened like that from the age of 16 to about 21. Then it stopped, and I just started working for my parents when I had time out of school. Don't know what I'll do when school is over because I'm not networking or interning for office jobs at all. I'm trying to spend all of my time drawing. I don't think I'd mind just being a bartender or something and then working on my drawing. I'm not very "career oriented" in that way because it seems to require more attention than I'm willing to give, but I have art goals.

>> No.2099473

Go get your MS and stop complaining