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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 359 KB, 2455x1170, 1430741448087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2075420 No.2075420 [Reply] [Original]

This is official concept art for the movie jurassic world, somebody got paid for this.

>> No.2075422

looks neat

>> No.2075423

>implying it's bad

it's CONCEPT art,the main focus is the idea and not the execution

>> No.2075426

a movie with photobashed trees and 2d persons? sounds like a shitty idea.

>> No.2075433

Are you retarded or just fucking with us on purpose?

>> No.2075434

But still even by those standards its laughably awful, i have never seen a concept design for a big project this bad (the one for chappy was also not great).
Drawing is still a very important factor when it comes to concept design, if you cant convey the idea its worthless. This is a good exaple, because the idea is lost on me because the over all badness is distracting.

>> No.2075435

idea = execution

>> No.2075437

>the idea is lost on me
Not the people that matter

>> No.2075446

anyone got a source on OP's image?

>> No.2075447
File: 419 KB, 2331x1066, Ext-Blackwoods-crypt-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The standard is actually quite low

>> No.2075448

Still better than anyone /ic/.

>> No.2075449


The last sentence in the 'News' section where it says 'Treetop Gazers'

>> No.2075450

No it's not.
I agree that the skill level of /ic/ is lower than the standards the board tries to hold everyone to but the op image is high school level and a lot of people who have posted on her could have executed the idea with a far superior quality.

>> No.2075455


>> No.2075459


Where's the idea payoff in this, though? It doesn't have one that I can see. The walkways aren't really designed at all; they're blobby and indistinct, so it's not showing off the architecture. The people and the dinosaurs look unappealing, the composition is straight-on and boring, the jungle is just photos and texture brushes amateurishly applied and doesn't give any sense of primeval mystery or anything like that. Nothing about this image either A: is inspirational as a showcase for the design team or B: adequately describes a relevant asset to be created, which are the two purposes of concept art.

You can't defend this by calling it a CONCEPT in all caps. It's shitty in every respect. I'm skeptical that it's actually official art for Jurassic Park, because there's no reason that a movie with a multi-million dollar budget wouldn't hire the top concept art talent in the industry.

>> No.2075460
File: 196 KB, 1400x627, jaime-black-zero-interior-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The standard is all over the place, but generally, movies tend to hire really shitty concept artists compared to the ones who work in animation or video games. Obviously there are exceptions like pic related.

Haha, no. I very rarely see images posted on /ic/ that are THAT terrible, unless it's a thread mocking terrible Deviantartists. I feel bad for you though if you seriously are that horrible at art.

>> No.2075462

Shit mang, it's that easy?

>> No.2075463

Post your work.

>> No.2075464

read >>2075449
Its official

>> No.2075465
File: 54 KB, 475x356, 1420867261079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh screw it, I don't care if it's real or not.
It's not art for artists it's art for suites who look at budgets and stocks all day.

"They are getting a guided tour in the treetops and the tall dinosaurs are up there and they are taking photos and feeding them, that seems enjoyable"

>> No.2075466

What i wonder is how much time did the artist had.
Maybe if they gave him 10 min to do a concept, this was the best he could do

>> No.2075468

How much is the pay for that?

>> No.2075469


>> No.2075470


>> No.2075474
File: 73 KB, 640x640, 1425317428987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2075475

I think this is what you are all forgetting
Isnt it common for concept artists to have crazy deadlines?

>> No.2075476

Don't they usually use photobashers for that type of work though? To give those people an idea how it would look like in a movie?

>> No.2075479

You are assuming that artists all paint like brain damaged 6 year olds when they don't have much time. Why would the sketch of a good artist look structurally this bad?

>> No.2075481

The idea is to give the suits and animators and impression of what the final product should feel like.
That's literally all concept art is used for.

>> No.2075483

So whats the artist name?

>> No.2075485

Look at the humans and see how fundamentally flawdd they are.
I get the concept and thats the important thing but I would never hire this artist pr recommend him

>> No.2075486

The director's daughter

>> No.2075487
File: 98 KB, 1457x670, 44bac39c61d7c6a24d23a845a161493c_org.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and that image completely fails at that. If the final product felt like that image, it would be an immense commercial flop.

>> No.2075488

Yet narnia wasnt hahaha

>> No.2075494

Yes, i've seen seen 30 second sketches that are better than that. Its the fact thats it is so far off that amazes me. You would think an artist hired for this job could do better even if the human figures or the bridge are not the focus.

>> No.2075496

Visuals and art direction aren't the only thing that decides whether or not a movie will be successful, but it is an important factor. Lucky for Jurassic World, that laughably bad artist isn't the only one who worked on the movie.

>> No.2075497

>It's not art for artists it's art for suites who look at budgets and stocks all day.

Yeah, but that literally doesn't matter. There are so many really good artists out there who'd jump at the chance to work on Jurassic Park, and this piece is soooo fucking bad, that you just can't call it anything but a gigantic failure of the art director.

Even a businessman with no sense of art would find this shitty compared to a sketch by practically anyone you can find on the front page of Artstation right now. He wouldn't be able to articulate that the composition is boring and there's no sense of lighting and all the crap that we can point to, but the entire 500-year-old science of picture making that's been developed since the Renaissance is designed specifically to impress non-artists, and this shitty picture lacks all of it.

It's a bad piece. I don't know why you hipsters feel like you have to defend it. It's just crap, plain and simple.

>> No.2075503

so....it should "feel" like shit?

>> No.2075504

Better than anything you could probably do.

>> No.2075509

Oh god no I'm not defending it, it's a disaster. The Art director meeds to fire this guy and them get fired himself.
Just pointing out the fact that it's real and discussing the intention of the concept rather than focusing on the execution that is clearly so poor that it needs no mentioning.

>> No.2075511

Really? That is better than anything you can do? Maybe it's time for you to just give up on art.

>> No.2075522

No, you.

>> No.2075527

That's the dumbest thing i've ever heard. Thats like saying that you cant judge a movie, a book or a song without 'doing it better'. Not OP btw.

>> No.2075530

I think you read my sentence wrong, anon.
I was talking about OP.

>> No.2075532 [DELETED] 

Well, you've never seen my art, so all you can do is project your own lack of skill here. Maybe you should stop posting on /ic/ and go look for an easier hobby because clearly, you are never going to make it if that shit tier image is better than anything you can do.

>> No.2075533


>> No.2075544

Thinking this is bad, odds are there is atleast 20 of these images, and the art director chose the best to represent a scene. Concept art like is normally done 30mins to an hour and the concept push is much larger than this one image.

>> No.2075552
File: 35 KB, 363x410, Bane-Mask-Dark-Knight-Rises-Concept-Artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've never seen concepts for Nolan's Batman movies?

>> No.2075556
File: 266 KB, 1000x1529, sp_1359_grey_black_yellow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why people keep making excuses about the time. Do you believe all artists paint like little children unless they have at least 10+ hours to work on something?

This seems like such an odd idea especially nowadays where speed paintings have become so popular. Just look at the facebook spitpaint group and what many professional artists can do in 30 minutes or less.

>> No.2075558
File: 418 KB, 1600x1143, Mollo-sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Star Wars concepts.
John Mollo

>> No.2075559

Is that done by an actual artist or by maybe the director trying to sketch out the idea by himself?

>> No.2075561

retards who only see "promotional" conceptart dont know or dont realize that a lot of real conceptart looks like the shit op posted

>> No.2075562

its super common for directors to hire their close friends or family to work alongside them
they might be shit but at least theyll understand each other better
dont be jelly holy shit
if you think youre better than them, make some friends with big people and show you worth

>> No.2075563

these are actually quite charming

>> No.2075565

Looks about right, thats the start of a push man. Concept art rough bitter rough ideations, silhouettes, silhouette push, line ideations, line push, final lines and sil, color ideation, color pass, render ideas, final push ideation (do it all over ), render pass, 3D render pass, final render ideation (if this gets knocked back from upstairs start over) Final render pass, beauty render for audience. Thats concept art. Constantly being told no until someone likes it.

>> No.2075566


>speedpaint became so popular
>implying "speedpainting" is anything but painting normally and leaving shit at unrefined level/hiding stuff

You do know there is a difference between spending 30 mins painting simple whatever you feel like and having 2 hours to come up with a concept based on a brief you got, right?

Why do I bother replying to either obvious bait or a person who never ever worked as a concept artist.

>> No.2075567

Can we have a shit-tier professional concept art thread? I wanna see more like OP

>> No.2075572

Are you retarded? Obviously coming up with a cool concept based on a brief takes time, but then executing that concept in a decent manner doesn't take any more time than executing it in a completely terrible manner. It's just a lack of skill.

>Why do I bother replying to either obvious bait or a person who never ever worked as a concept artist.

As if you will ever work as a concept artist. You are just talking out of your ass you unskilled little shit.

>> No.2075576

>As if you will ever work as a concept artist.

I DO work as a concept artist bro. Stuff you see in OP is actually REALLY refined compared to what you will deal with on daily basis if you ever make it. What you will have to learn is making iterations and iterations of iterations, and do it quickly, and noone gives a shit how it looks when its preproduction as long as it decently presents an idea. Refinement to show it to the pleb comes way later.

>> No.2075578

>You do know there is a difference between spending 30 mins painting simple whatever you feel like and having 2 hours to come up with a concept based on a brief you got, right?

The point is that you are arguing that an arrtist will paint like a shit tier grade schooler because he has limited time. That is simply not true and a completely idiotic assumption. An artist who has the fundamentals down won't take any more time to quickly sketch, say a human figure. He won't become completely pants on head retarded while under a time limit and start drawing like a little child. He will quickly block in a figure, mostly disregard anatomy and make probably plenty of proportional errors, but it will never look like the OP pic.

>> No.2075579

I'm not talking about refinement you fucking fool.

>noone gives a shit how it looks when its preproduction as long as it decently presents an idea

First of all, the image in question DOESN'T decently present an idea. Secondly photobashers are in high demand for movies because they want preproduction work to have a certain realistic look to sell their idea.

Just stop talking and leave, I'm not even asking you to post your work because we both know you are a delusional, lying little shit who will never make it.

>> No.2075587
File: 245 KB, 841x900, bulldog_by_fightpunch-d65u5r6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a difference between portfolio work and client work.
There is a difference between illustration and concept art. There is a diference between a design sketch and a piece of art.
There's knowing the right people and being good at what you do. Both get you gigs.

>> No.2075624

The problem with amateurs like you is that you probably have watched dozens of youtube speed-whatever and started thinking thats how the job actually looks like, and you also have no idea how long a refined piece actually takes because you have done few or zero of them yourself.

The stuff you see as "concept art" thats released to public via artbooks etc. is the PROMOTIONAL material thats polished. The ACTUAL concept art used during the production is very rarely released to the pleb, and thats why you are so surprised when you see it, like the pic in OP.

Oh, and also

>The point is that you are arguing that an arrtist will paint like a shit tier grade schooler because he has limited time

When working as a concept artist you probably wont be actually painting anything for days or weeks, or maybe at all. You guys here have a very skewed perception of how this job looks like, seems that you think a guy sits in front of his cintiq with a blank canvas and starts drawing something, then painting and then it gets approved. Thats not the case. What you actually will be doing is spending hours and hours hoarding ref photos, discussing with people, doing some super rough drawings or basic color comp, and then bashing the ref to create a sketch piece. You arent going to be painting anything from scratch at all most likely, unless you are working on some cartoony stuff.

>> No.2075631

but it's not a movie, a book or a song it's a fucking concept art not something that will be hanged on a wall.

It's a quick and small visual reference for the people who will think and do the actual work
who cares if the persons look terrible and the general attention to details is low?
the level of autism is strong

>> No.2075912


>> No.2075979
File: 147 KB, 184x407, shoveitupurass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ur just jelly

>> No.2075988

you are jelly breh
people who cant even draw stickfigures got paid 6 figures as storyboard artists just because they know some big people
deal with it

>> No.2076057

>seems that you think a guy sits in front of his cintiq with a blank canvas and starts drawing something, then painting and then it gets approved. Thats not the case.

but anon, I've worked as a concept artist for 3 years, and this actually is what I do every day.

> What you actually will be doing is spending hours and hours hoarding ref photos, discussing with people, doing some super rough drawings or basic color comp, and then bashing the ref to create a sketch piece

Maybe that's what you do (if you're even really a pro, which is dubious), but don't imagine that your job is the only way things are done.

>> No.2076058


I know you saw these first in that Mullins lecture, and YOU know that he also said that anyone turning in shit like this today would get fired on the spot.

>> No.2076059
File: 34 KB, 600x602, 11169087_10153275766684919_2059249398_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2076070
File: 125 KB, 1280x1024, 1336613808734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2076309

lol projecting much faggot?
I've got enough money to do what I want, and I sure as hell don't wanna work on a POS movie like JP4
lemme guess, you're the one who drew that abomination, and now you're butthurt because you let spielberg ravage your anus just so he'd give you the job of drawing pink sparkling dinosaurs.

>> No.2076317

its threads like this that further cement the fact that /ic/ is shit

i appreciate you guys for helping me get started. but you're pretty worthless to me, now.

>> No.2076351

everyone post their favorite concept art

traditionalfag here, some of these are cool

>> No.2076896

Jurassic Park came out in 93

>> No.2076912

>it's CONCEPT art,the main focus is the idea and not the execution
god. you are one shitty concept artist. hope you will never get into industry

>> No.2077317

I've felt the exact same way for quite some time.

>> No.2077429

it's for the new movie

>> No.2077457

Jesus, there sure are a lot of pretentious twats in this thread.

>> No.2077462


>> No.2077739

Could I have a link to said lecture, please?

>> No.2077791


>> No.2077796

post your art

>> No.2077860

>mfw a friends turbo nerd father had that shit on his walls and I always thought he was like, really proud of his son or something

>> No.2077937

Its a Gnomon video. Traditional Art Values Applied to Digital Art. You'll find it at the normal download spot (cgp).

>> No.2077943
File: 1.93 MB, 235x240, 1359192007117.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And just before I hit the sack. Thanks bro.

>> No.2078057

2009 Gnomon Masterclass "Traditional Art Values Applied to Digital Art" is what you're looking for, and no, it's not free

>> No.2078101

Concept art. Yup, it got the concept across.

>> No.2078152

thumbnail looked like horse cocks

>> No.2078157
File: 36 KB, 500x363, 1412225019606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2078160

Holy shit the face is photobashed

>> No.2078383

What part/genre of the industry do you work?
How about you?
My guess is that first person works in live action movies or realistic 3d games, and the second works in animation or fantasy genre or 2d games.

>> No.2078643

It goes to show the low intelligence of this board. They don't know that OP's concept is not only acceptable but is very normal in the concept industry. In fact this is one of the better ones.

>> No.2078693


I didn;t know Chris Brown was a Mass Effect

>> No.2078705
File: 122 KB, 333x500, 2036100830_232ffed605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2078714
File: 38 KB, 440x404, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i don't have two elbows

>> No.2078765

No, concept art is the highest form of art because everyone has to be good as jaime mullins jia to enter the industry

>> No.2078774

>It goes to show the low intelligence of this board. They don't know that OP's concept is not only acceptable but is very normal in the concept industry. In fact this is one of the better ones.

lol. your post goes to show the level of 16yo wannabes who post on this board like they know what they're talking about.

>> No.2078775

no it didn't. you just have a sick mind.

>> No.2078799

>be millionaire with fuck you money
>post on /ic/

Seems legit bro.

>> No.2078801

how would that one dino reach the other without destroying that shitty bridge?

and why are they trapped in a forrest full of huge deadly spikes. it looks more like a concept for a mortal kombat stage

>> No.2078811

I just hope the new Jurassic Park isn't another "amusement park gone wrong" shit.

>> No.2078820
File: 95 KB, 550x976, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you figured out that art isnt nessisarily about how good you are, its about having connections and marketing yourself higher than you actually are.

>> No.2078863


I hope the new Titanic isn't about boats and shit.

>> No.2078886


>> No.2079254

where would you categorize this image then?

>> No.2079796 [DELETED] 

I didn't say I was a millionaire, fucking retard.

>> No.2079797

I didn't say I was a millionaire, retard.

>> No.2079799

its looks good but severely lacking detail
discuss while you practice your freedom of speech here

the truth is too hardcore for the common man

>> No.2079807

Not that anon, but I wonder who is the richest person on /ic/

>> No.2079808

I heard that Mullins browse here.

>> No.2079885


>> No.2079981

i remember looking round an exhibition of concept art for the 2015 malificent movie, which was displayed alongside concept art for the original 1950s disney sleeping beauty

it was just....embarrasing how much better the 1950s stuff was, especially the evynd earle stuff. not really surprising though, considering how generic fantasy that movie was.

>> No.2080028

Dinos look neat but that everything else tho.

>> No.2080217

wow anon you know so much about what constitutes great concept art. My company's studio could use a fresh kowledgable mind like yours. How about you leave your email and phone number so we can get in touch with you.

>> No.2080240


sorry, I already have a concept art job. So I actually do know a little bit about it. Enough at least to say that this is not a good piece.

What's your job, btw? Professional mooch?

>> No.2080242

This makes me feel a little bit better. I know I'm better than this so I stand a chance at getting a job.

>> No.2080251

Oh wow, my mistake. So what films have you worked on?

Heres the thing anon some guy got paid a lot of money to make that shitty dino piece while youre masturbating to your pretty drawings. Its a customer service business not a make good art business.

>> No.2080263

>Its a customer service business not a make good art business.

But anon, you've never worked in the business, so why are you lecturing everyone as though you were some 20 year veteran?

Does this piece of art inspire you? Does it get you excited for the project? Does it clearly show the director's creative goal so the whole dev team can see what the final product should look like? Could you build assets from it? The answer to all of these is pretty clearly "no", which means it's not a successful piece. There's a reason that the word "artist" features so prominently in the title "concept artist", and why all the best concept artists are extremely competent artists. It's because, while good art isn't the primary goal of successful concept art, it usually is a prerequisite.

I think you're probably >>2075423 and you're butthurt that your loudmouthed pontification early on got shut down so hard. Chill out.

>> No.2080303


these are adorable

>> No.2080323

Like yourself?

>> No.2080949

FZD graduates with a portfolio 10x better than this say they have trouble finding work.
There's a lot of work put into unnecessary details, so time constraint doesn't explain the poor quality.
So I'm going with "made by friend of director" or something. Was there maybe a contest?

The dinos are cute though.

>> No.2080957

at least they have a job and getting paid.

>> No.2080999

op if you can do better go get a job


you can't?

that's what i thought.don't go around hating on other artists to validate your own insecurities

>> No.2081002

why are you talking to yourself?

>> No.2081003

I reckon this person didnt get paid a lot to do that
looks like he got paid to do maybe an hour worth of work

>> No.2081028

I'm not even a concept art guy and I got paid $200 to do a page of ghost concepts for a horror movie which took about an hour.

>> No.2081037

I like the concept, although I find it to be still too dangerous. I find the Jurassic Park or the Jurassic World badly designed in general. It's kinda amazing to see but merely for the dinosaurs and not for the structure and design of the theme park.

>> No.2081038

why are you retarded?

>> No.2081045

It would be useless to spend time thinking of a good design for an amusement park because the whole point is that they eventually break out and cause mayhem.

>> No.2081049

That's why the movies are shit and the new one will also be shit. They have far better technology too in the movies than we have and we wouldn't have any fucking problem to contain mere dinosaurs safely. To do the same fucking plot for the xth time is so retarded. Behing the new Jurassic World is barely any talent. The CG dinosaurs don't look any better than the ones in the old as fuck first film. It's nothing more but a quick cash grab.

>> No.2081241
File: 67 KB, 1020x572, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It goes to show the low intelligence of this board
This has been verified.

>> No.2081332
File: 45 KB, 720x540, 1429603089762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a shitty art and a shitty concept.
Even a kid would understand that this is dangerous as fuck.
What is one of those dinosaurs would want to walk forward and destroy that shit with people on ot? Or just freak out and smash it with her neck?
What the fuck. Also looks unstable as weaboos mind.

>> No.2081886


This is meant to be 'in-universe' concept art as its taken from the viral website, its not concept art for the actual film.


This is Jurassic Park, a world where people can clone dinosaurs and make a lot of stupid decisions for our real-world entertainment.

People have lost their minds.

>> No.2081889

What site is this?

>> No.2081898

>make some friends with big people and show you worth
that's not really showing your worth, if anything that's showing your vanity

>> No.2085191

retarded, then.

>> No.2085228
File: 176 KB, 1024x460, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are character designs, these are Star Wars concepts by Ralph Mcquarrie

Anyone saying it's ok for concept art to be shitty obviously just isn't the visionary type, no matter how basic a concept, spending 30 mins on one frame is unacceptable, and there are no such things as "suits" who glance at your project and fund it. Usually whole teams work on these things. And a good majority of that time is laying out a nice, dynamic angle/perspective that really directs eye movement, not necessarily the character details

>but the suits don't care
You don't think they went through an intense screening process to find the most able artist?

Do you all have no real experience with production pitches or just trolling, can't tell

>> No.2085230


It really is an awful concept

>> No.2085244

This is truly awful. I don't believe it, I think OP must be trolling us.

>> No.2085254


>implying there aren't different stages of concept art that requires different levels of polish

The image in OP is probably an exploratory thing, where you make several different images in a tight deadline and hand them off to the creative leads (director, set designer, costume designer, CG lead, etc etc), pick apart what they like and don't like. Then they go back to the drawing board when everyone has a tighter grasp of the direction everyone intends so you can produce works with higher level of polish, so you can hand them off to the set guys, costume guys, marketing guys, etc..

>> No.2085255
File: 231 KB, 425x576, Screen Shot 2015-05-13 at 8.36.11 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2085259

you realize that a piece like this main purpose is to bring out discussion points EXACTLY like you just did.

>/ic/ knows jack shit about concept art.

and yes im a concept artist.

>> No.2085267

This isn't accurate at all. You aren't laying shit out for the "suits" a concept art is laying shit out for the thousands of meetings during pre-production and production. All these meetings usually have concept art need to aid the discussion of the meeting at that time. Sometimes the concept artist only has 20 minutes notice before the meeting, sometimes much longer. I have done a lotttt of concepts IC would hissy fit over if they saw how rough and shitty they were.

Concept art can be really beautiful art. Most of the time it's rough and quick to communicate simple ideas to non-visual producers/

>> No.2085436

But the work in question was obviously not something they had 20 minutes to work on, the point is a much more interesting composition could have been made with the level of details they put on it.

If it's supposed to be rough and simple and you have less than an hour to do it you'd come to the meeting with multiple quick ones and decide on the best ones there, not with the first thing that popped into your head that you fleshed out in greater detail.
The first draft is usually never the best

>> No.2085440

So we all agree it's shit, regardless of the fact it's just a concept.

All this animosity for nothing /ic/ troll harder

>> No.2085470
File: 421 KB, 543x338, 45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going to die

>> No.2085473

if this was really professional work, no matter how much time this person had, unless it was like 1 hour, I don't see how any professional would draw humans like that

>> No.2085474

For taking a selfie?

>> No.2085516

if you were taking a selfie with the dino, you'd have your back turned to it so you could get it in the shot. i think the kid is trying to feed it a branch.

>> No.2085544

i guess he refered to the branch as a selfie-stick

>> No.2085631


the main gripe i have with this image is the dino looks intelligent, he is looking with intent and a somewhat benevolent "face", those types were dumb as rocks, a cow like expression wouldve been better.