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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 427 KB, 800x800, beg8486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2071029 No.2071029 [Reply] [Original]

(im sorry i didnt have the time to make fresh OPs pic today ;_;)

As usual:
>Because we should not have to make new threads or post in draw threads with our fundamental exercises. Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up.

(dont forget to resize+jpg before posting 4mb pngs)

OLD THREAD: >>2067117

>> No.2071047

Dose anyone have Resources on how to Draw/Paint Chitin? (Insect Exoskeleton for the .02% who don't know)
Anything will help

>> No.2071242
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>> No.2071265

the lines are terrible!

>> No.2071282
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2 mins

>> No.2071285

I drew it with my finger on a touch screen laptop, just downloaded it yesterday
Actually drew them on afterwards

>> No.2071286

it being Art Rage 4

>> No.2071289

Try 30 seconds. Find imaginary lines that link different features.

>> No.2071297

>Try 30 seconds.
I did, felt much too short

>> No.2071303

bad excuse. Try making the lines with a single stroke with your finger.

>> No.2071309

It isn't, really. Keep trying. You can abstract the head to 3 lines easily.

>> No.2071316

I read it all the time but why do people say you need to draw a single line? I'd rather throw down a bunch of shity lines and find the one i want, then clean it up than stick with my first shitty line i dont want. Why do i need to minimize my lines? what does it achieve?

>> No.2071320
File: 28 KB, 97x206, shittylines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because one thight line looks better then 10 scratchy lines. Just look at your image.

>> No.2071323

It achieves confidence. Confidence translates into better art.
How many artists have you seen chicken scratching? Good artists, that is. Hm?

>> No.2071326

because a line is an expression basically, like if you're a stage actor, it doesn't do to mumble the lines to yourself while you're practicing and expect to deliver them with a sonorous emotive force when it comes to the actual performance.

or you can think of it as practicing music on a badly tuned instrument.

but probably people do nitpick line quality a bit too much here, mainly because it's an easy fault to see i guess.

wanting to draw the line over again in a sketch is no big d especially. but try to restate the whole line instead of breaking it down in to sections.

>> No.2071335

I'm not him

I get having a clean line for finished pieces. If I am going to clean up a drawing I would obviously have clean lines. But for my sketches and shit, why do I need single lines?

>> No.2071341

Have you ever seen sketches done by great artists? There's no chicken scratching. Or clean up, for that matter.
They know what they want to draw and they can accurately do so in two to three lines. This takes significantly less time than chicken scratching for an afternoon and then cleaning up for a night.
They also have a greater mastery of their tool.

Do whatever you want, though. We're just offering advice.

>> No.2071346

So there isnt a practical reason for it.

>> No.2071355

>a practical reason for it
different anon here, you can draw 10-20x faster with more line confidence (especially because you don't have to redraw it later). Which means you can create way more content in less time. Which means you can get more mileage in. Which means you should improve faster.

Drawing in pen reduced my chicken scratch, and was probably the best advice I ever got from /ic/.

How you draw is up to you, sometimes you have to be in the right mental state to assimilate the advice /ic/ gives you so today might not be your day to start working on line confidence - I won't judge you :)

>> No.2071359

show me master

>> No.2071378

The reason you should drop chickem scratching is that the constant slight jerking of the fingers and wrists over a year will give you carpal tunnel.

It also does nothing to improve your line work and muscle memory.

>> No.2071381

>usually paint 1-2 hours a day
>get super inspired and decide to sit down and paint for another 2-3 hours
>photoshit goes fucking spurglord for my first time ever and takes a half min to register ANY ACTION, even brush strokes


>> No.2071383

too much in memory? try starting it over

>> No.2071386


nope, keep doing what you're doing buddy, sounds like you're going to be juuuust fine.

>> No.2071391

I saw some guy doing this training where he drew a line several times over
How much should I do a day, Mine arent straight

>> No.2071398
File: 115 KB, 576x1024, 1c06a2c8-f46a-4e0f-a5e8-422b874888d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a drawing I did in class, I've been doodling for years since I get so bored during classes but I've never done anything to improve myself although I love art, where do I go from here? What are my weakest points, my strong points? Some people have told me I have talent and that I draw well but I think it's just the usual encouragement bullshit. Thank you.

>> No.2071400

Dynamic Sketching with Peter Han.
Very good series.

>> No.2071406

Read the sticky nigga.

>> No.2071407

Would this work for Tablets?

>> No.2071418

Do it on paper.

>> No.2071423

someone is triggered

>> No.2071436
File: 177 KB, 753x681, Shapes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some shapes I guess

>> No.2071454

I don't think that's enough effort to be useful
you're not focusing on any aspect, be it shape, shading, or even lines

>> No.2071457

How should I apply this practice?
Try to put it on a 3d Plane?

>> No.2071464
File: 46 KB, 1024x576, primitives___shading_assignment_by_eliterocketbear-d6uxvh7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that would be good, yes
just simply have straight constant lines would be better than this
even in this picture for example, it's a basic kind of exercise but he's including shadows, bounce light and at least aiming at correct shapes
if you're not trying to get something right you're not gonna learn

>> No.2071467


Sometimes, when people are so resistant to good advice it's best to just tell them what they want to hear.

>> No.2071474

Except you didnt say what I wanted to hear. >>2071355 did. I wanted a practical reason and what it would actually accomplish, not "do it because i said so"

>> No.2071477
File: 63 KB, 800x1200, 992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why can't I grasp perspective?

>> No.2071478
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Hows this?

>> No.2071480

stop trollin nigga

>> No.2071481

But... Im not...
What looks wrong here?
I tried getting the sides of the cube to get smaller as it went further from the viewer
I even tried to get the ball the cast a shadow onto the cube for extra credit

>> No.2071485

make them look like these

>> No.2071491
File: 139 KB, 541x605, Ball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.2071500
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And the cube

>> No.2071563
File: 28 KB, 408x543, New Canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im on my third drawing now so i thought id post my beginning. any criticism is welcome.. im just starting to learn.

im gonna do more basic practice like gesture and flow with stick figures, im rushing too fast trying to draw full characters.

>> No.2071564
File: 39 KB, 571x545, trying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and something i was doing right now.. i enter drawings going for style but always end up pushing into more realistic and it never works because i dont have the fundamentals.

i just want to draw quick images for fun :(

>> No.2071567

You have literally no idea what perspective is. Go read a book.

>> No.2071569

if you want to draw quick images for fun, maybe you should study gestures a lot more

>> No.2071580

ok ill fill a page and post after

>> No.2071581

Is the Red drawing a proper Gesture?

>> No.2071585

No, a gesture should be very dynamic
just check out one of the many videos available on youtube

>> No.2071593

nah i drew it to check my proportions, i wasnt really focusing on gesture, just getting similar lengths (i failed)

>> No.2071606
File: 186 KB, 1257x636, 04_07_07___Gesture_Drawing_by_gem2niki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this? Just a basic drawing

>> No.2071626


>> No.2071629
File: 210 KB, 1200x579, shit5436547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyday is suffering

>> No.2071630
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wanted to see if im missing the point before i continue

>> No.2071631

you are

>> No.2071632

stick to quick lines?

>> No.2071635

Practice perspective views with the 'bean like' shape of the torso on its own first. then try and attach limbs to it.

>> No.2071636

looks enjoyable to me. how long have you been practicing? this looks more like what i should be doing.

>> No.2071637

you have really good rhythm on some of these. keep going

>> No.2071639

Try from reference first before you make stuff up

>> No.2071640

Think more 3d

>> No.2071641

Should i do Keys to drawing with Loomis at the same time? or should i finish one by one?

>> No.2071646
File: 717 KB, 1600x1832, girly_tips_by_robaato-d4ri4x5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive only heard that once before and i have a thing showing it if it helps

>> No.2071654
File: 36 KB, 1000x600, tankfsadnkl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even tell if this looks ok or like complete shit. How do i make it more interesting while keeping it low profile? Should i push the highlights more?
Also don't worry i have not jet finished the treads.

>> No.2071655

I can't correct, but that perspective doesn't seem right

>> No.2071815
File: 1.27 MB, 2560x1920, 20150430_223121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello. I'm pretty nervous to post anything since I never draw anything because most of my time is spent on something that happens on /diy/. But I'm also interested to learn to draw and here´s what I'm capable of.

>> No.2071846

add a strong light source, fix the perspective on the front plate of the tank, and the side plate, theyre making the tank look super flat

>> No.2071899

It looks extremely flat. The field of view is way too narrow and the values are hard to make out.

>> No.2071903
File: 59 KB, 663x817, 993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok then, I have a sketch that looks decent for my standards. Should I start drawing or should I sketch the background first? Or should I draw the background in a separate, unrelated layer and then merge the layers together at the end?

>> No.2071904
File: 1.52 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20150501_002820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Complete newfag here. I want to get a good grip of anatomy and proportion. I have a somewhat basic understanding of what figure and gesture drawing is. Do I just practice those for now or should I try and go read a book on anatomy or something like that?

>> No.2071917
File: 1.03 MB, 3053x2119, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying friends

>> No.2071930

you should probably go to to /gd/

>> No.2071994
File: 79 KB, 1044x1328, 99d2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took it a step further.
dunno if I should ink + color or paint this one.
sorry if I post WIPs but I'd rather know the major flaws in the drawing/sketching phase

>> No.2072000

Needs more vilppu (Gestures) And the face needs some loomis.

>> No.2072009
File: 13 KB, 384x543, 2015-04-30 23.52.15-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any critique on the facial anatomy? Trying to practice linework from imagination.

>> No.2072021

I need to practice everything. I cheat and don't draw full bodies. I also have awful anatomy.

>> No.2072082

Not that anon, but what would you suggest for a book on perspective?

>> No.2072101
File: 1.67 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20150501_042921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I accidentally my own nightmare fuel.

>> No.2072102

Start off with "Perspective Made Easy" by Ernest Norling.

>> No.2072104

The only way to get better at it is to do the things you are bad at. Start with gestures (30 seconds) and draw stick figures if you have to but focus on proportion and getting the entire figure (head to hands and feet) and the placement of the limbs. After you can do that, move on to 1 minute and keep the same process. Placement of the limbs. You have a little more time so start blocking in the space the body takes up. Move on to 2 minutes, keep up the same process. 5 minutes, 10 minutes, same process. When you've blocked the body in and have more time then go for large chunks of shadows, and things like the placement of eyes/nose/mouth.

As for anatomy the only way around it is to study it. I know that in the book thread there are a few very good anatomy books that explain things in terms of form and function. Anatomy books for sculptors and sometimes ones made for artists are great, try not to delve into medical stuff though as it has a different purpose.

Good luck.

>> No.2072113

Do both. For longer poses you also need to work on your technique with your pencil and going from large shapes/forms to smaller ones.

>> No.2072114 [DELETED] 
File: 313 KB, 1796x1512, 99d2f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't know what to do with her left hand. tomorrow I have a warhammer game vs a friend of mine, I use Skaven. So, a rat.
Yeah, back to Vilppu for me. Skipped all the gesture drawing part since it was frustrating, couldn't get the dynamism I needed.
Thanks for the feedback

>> No.2072139
File: 131 KB, 1796x1512, 99d2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't know what to do with her left hand. tomorrow I have a warhammer game vs a friend of mine, I use Skaven. So, a rat.
Yeah, back to Vilppu for me. Skipped all the gesture drawing part since it was frustrating, couldn't get the dynamism I needed.
Thanks for the feedback

>> No.2072164

Never skip when studying books. Good luck on your studies.

>> No.2072165
File: 2.23 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0128[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am doing it right or wrong? If I am doing it wrong help me fix my mistakes please!

>> No.2072168

What are you trying to do? What was the point of the study (proportion, balance, general gestures, active/inactive areas, etc) and how much time did you have for those?

>> No.2072172

I am studying Hampton. The drawing on the right is my gesture study and the on the left is my T study (the meat that gets pinched) These are my drawings after 5 hours of study.

>> No.2072173

Sometimes it feels like I'm getting contradictory advice. For example "symbol drawing" is something I need to avoid, and I get that. But construction (as in Fun With A Pencil) seems to be glorified symbol drawing. In fact, I can't imagine drawing from imagination at all without symbol drawing. I find drawing from imagination impossible though. I guess I'll just keep drawing anyway.

>> No.2072174

Keep working at it. I personally love Mattesi's book Force for gestures. Helped a lot on finding certain rhythms. But gestures are crucial, not even just for figure drawing. They teach (when timed especially) efficiency of detail, which is something that tends to separate beginner from skilled draftsman. It's also a speed-boosted version of practicing your ability to assess a form for things like balance, rhythm, contours and angles, observation, and a dozen other things. You can never do too many gesture drawings.

>> No.2072175

Symbol drawing is basically not drawing what you see. You're thinking "I know this shit" and putting down something that isn't necessarily there.

Construction actually is only part of the solution, and while it is, in a way, similar - it's actually just a base to work off of, if that makes sense. Something made entirely off of construction could be considered symbol drawing but it's totally fine to use as a starting point, which is it's intended purpose.

Drawing from imagination is, again, a different issue. If you'd like I can find some things that explain how to do studies that will build up your visual library and draw from imagination but I'm going to warn you it's hard work and it requires a lot of switching between studies and imagination. It is worth it though.

>keep drawing anyway
That's a good thing to do but maybe not for those reasons, haha.

>> No.2072179

>Construction actually is only part of the solution, and while it is, in a way, similar - it's actually just a base to work off of, if that makes sense.
It does, thanks, and
>If you'd like I can find some things that explain how to do studies that will build up your visual library and draw from imagination but I'm going to warn you it's hard work and it requires a lot of switching between studies and imagination.
I appreciate it but it'd probably be lost on me completely. I just need to do basic things more right now.

>> No.2072183

Then hop to it and make sure you post it, bro.

>> No.2072186

That's not symbol drawing.

>> No.2072187

Then explain.

>> No.2072188

Hey guys I still need help

>> No.2072190

The guy who answered you pretty much asked the only thing we can. What were you trying to get better at, exactly? That's kind of the point of studies. Try drawing on your own and seeing how much of that stuck, and look at what didn't work. Just copying a picture is wasting time.

It's important to have a specific goal for a study, and it barely matters what that is. Need more control over your values? Find a way to study that, take notes during, and then at the end recreate it and see if you really got the idea.

The brain also needs time to process, so some days you just won't get it and then it'll "click" the next morning.

>> No.2072191

It's a stereotypical drawing of something. And construction drawing, using simple forms etc, is essential symbol drawing. Pretty much every method favored on /ic/ is in some way symbol drawing.

>> No.2072192

But I didn't copy it. I am trying to do gestures imagination.Also Thanks for the advice.

>> No.2072193

Apologies, worded it poorly. Didn't mean to imply that you were just copying there.

>> No.2072198

>It's a stereotypical drawing of something
What do you mean by "stereotypical" here?

>> No.2072214

so what is drawing with the right side of the brain about? anyone here had any great improvements? i'm on the "draw your own hand without instructions" part.

i hope this isn't some hippie crap about learning how to draw facebook tier photorealistic pictures

>> No.2072216

It's not. Unfortunately though about a quarter of the way through she starts telling you to hit different stores and make lots of tools that you ultimately don't need. It's at that point where people move on to other books.

>> No.2072221

It's a generalization that is oversimplified and exaggerated.

>> No.2072223

I know what the word means, I was just asking for you (or them) to contextualize it. "It's a oversimplified generalized drawing of something" doesn't make much sense.

>> No.2072226

Do you not understand what a gross generalization is?

>> No.2072228

How does life drawing improve overall skills the most instead of photos and such? Drawing an apple or something from life somehow improves everything else I do.

>> No.2072229

So you're saying that symbol drawing is when people generalize drawing? How does that make any sense?

>> No.2072230


>> No.2072234

It's easier to find the shapes to draw in a picture because your subject is completely fixed in perspective and truly two dimensional. Finding the shapes in real life is harder because you're more prone to seeing the objects "in 3d", and it becomes harder to find the shapes to draw. The difficulty that you face replicating the shapes two dimensionally creates a connection between three dimensional objects and the abstract shapes they create. Understanding that connection is crucial to virtually all drawing, regardless of style.

There's probably more to it, but that's just what I've discovered for myself so far. Sorry if I explained this weirdly, it's hard for me to explain.

>> No.2072238

Comics are symbol drawing
Animation is symbol drawing
Concept art is symbol drawing
Illustration art is symbol drawing
Drawing from imagination is symbol drawing.

When you simplify and exaggerate something to express it's most basic essence, its general idea, you are symbol drawing.

>> No.2072239

>How does life drawing improve overall skills the most instead of photos and such?

Jesus fuck dude give it a rest. From the sketchbook thread to the draw thread, and now onto the beginner thread with this same stuff.

>> No.2072240

I haven't posted in awhile, don't know who you're talking about.

>> No.2072242
File: 866 KB, 1569x1988, epicrapbattle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this will give a decent explanation as to the difference between them? If not, well I gave it a shot.

Symbol drawing is when you just recognize what a shape has looked like in the past and you throw it in there, despite it not actually being what's depicted. That's why Betty has the "upside-down man" exercise, you don't get the chance to put your own memorized symbols in there. It's the kind of thing you see in anime and people who just emulate it. The same shapes, the same eyes, every time.

Construction however, relies on building up through the rules that you know, then later adding on the variations. So in this picture, you start with the ball and use the proportions that you know are 100% going to be correct. Then you start finding your way around, as if your eyes were closed and you're looking through your house for landmarks.
>Okay I'm in the bathroom, kitchen is a few feet that way
>Okay here's the eyebrow, there's the chin. The bottom of the nose is directly between the two. These line up with the ear.
You set up the "scaffolding", then go to town since it's actually going to be accurate to what you're seeing. You made sure of that. It's also tremendously important to be able to think in 3D terms, because that's what drawing is - the illusion of 3D onto a 2D surface.

>> No.2072245

Thanks, your explanation was really clear. The step from construction to finished drawing was probably what I didn't get.

I definitely don't know how to do construction though. Some books I've read talk about how you shouldn't learn how to draw anything in particular, but equip yourselves with the tools to draw anything. So I guess that means being able to draw constructions for any objects that are in front of you? That seems hard, especially for landscapes (I can't imagine what a construction for a tree or bush would look like), but I guess it makes sense. I think Keys To Drawing goes over drawing basic shapes (cube, cone, cylinder, sphere) as an outline for the objects you're going to draw IRL.

>> No.2072250
File: 147 KB, 500x750, 1380834419284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And those books are right. The idea is you take a hundred different methods, techniques and tools and learn how to use them all to solve problems. That way, if something fails to help, you have something else you learned that comes in handy. That's mostly what drawing comes down to, solving problems again and again until it's just second nature to you.

So for example, if I couldn't figure out where the nose was in the picture I posted, I could cut a straight line on my reference (red line) from the nose straight across and find what it hits.

Or if I can't quite replicate the curve of his eyelid, I can draw some straight lines across on my reference (blue lines), and then recreate them on my..."stage"(?). I know those lines will be accurate because I've made a point this far in the study to keep everything as certain as possible.

Try this, if the link doesn't work just google the name. It's free and a billion sites host it. It covers this kind of thing, different methods to get around problems.

>> No.2072259

Oh god I should have resized that, sorry guys.

>> No.2072263

Shape based drawing and construction drawing are still symbol drawing. Shape is used to generalize in one and simple forms to generalize in the other. And no considering perspective doesn't make it any less of symbol drawing. You'll just be generalizing about perspective.

>> No.2072272

Wrote this comment in another thread and thought I'd link it here.

pls hlp

>> No.2072295

Just like how arguing the minutiae of the semantics involved is not in any way less than shitposting and makes you a troll.

Go away now.

>> No.2072303

You'd think that kind of thing stays out of the beginner threads. Thank you.

>> No.2072304

Try reading Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain or Keys to Drawing. Also try picking up some new materials. The sticky says that it's okay to use cheap pencils but experimenting is worthwhile.

>> No.2072312

Often times the reason one struggles to no avail is because of a misunderstanding of a very basic concept.

>> No.2072313

ayyy dumb question:
is it bad to use a graphics tablet as a mousepad? Are the teflon feet gonna fuck up the surface at all?

>> No.2072316

It doesn't, the guys an idiot.

It's a book for beginners, it teaches basic techniques and how to use materials. It will also help with basic workflow concepts. The "science" part gave me the shits so I switched to keys to drawing.

>> No.2072321

Edwards defines it in the glossary of the 1st edition of her book as, "stereotypical" I know more about this stuff then you could possibly imagine.

>> No.2072334

not any of the guys that replied to you but it doesn't seem like you do, it sounds like you're just regurgitating whatever you read in the book without understanding it

>> No.2072338

He won't, since it would take a god awful amount of practise to actualy be able to draw heads in such a short time and with minimal amount of lines. Two minutes is already pretty damm fast in my opinion, you could try to add more details in that time or finish up faster over time. Making this huge jump from 2 mins to only 30 secs seems to sxtreme for me

>> No.2072343

It sounds like you don't actually know anything.
I am the anon he replied to. I will, I'm simply swamped with work. And I can't use my tablet, to boot. I have to do it on paper.
Contrarily to what you might think it can be done in 30 seconds. Two minutes is rong time, one minute is ideal. 30 seconds is just to push what one can do.
That said, I didn't tell him to draw heads in 30 seconds, I told him to draw gestures of heads in 30 seconds. There's a difference there. Although I could also demonstrate heads in 30 seconds.

>> No.2072347

I don't see anyone here that know anything about what they're saying. You anons are just throwing sticky books at each other and making up shit as you go.

>> No.2072349

agree, why even giving advice when it's the usual 'needs more loomis' and such.

>> No.2072356

Yeah, why even have a beginner thread at all?

>> No.2072381
File: 162 KB, 720x1072, bbbbbbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is stuff over the last few days, i don't know how to shade :(

does anyone have any good resources for drawing plants or insects?

>> No.2072403

Read the sticky
Apply Loomis to everything

>> No.2072444

Does technique with pencil mean not doing chicken scratches and instead try doing longer lines or is it about something else? Also, thank you.

>> No.2072517

So what should I practice first?
Anatomy, perspective or many Gesture drawings?

>> No.2072527

yes, you need to be more confident in your linework.
a great way to improve it is to draw objects without looking at the paper, it will look shitty the first times as usual but its ok. it improves concentration and hand-eye coordination, and you need both

>> No.2072536

>a great way to improve it is to draw objects without looking at the paper, it will look shitty the first times as usual but its ok.
I will give that a shot, thanks a lot. Though my biggest excuse for chicken scratches is that I have a bit of shaky hands, as in my hands are noticeably shakier than most other peoples, but I will still try the suggested exercises. Again, thanks.

>> No.2072538

Stay away from in-depth anatomy books for now.
Focus on improving line quality, forms and gesture.
You need to work on the general before you work on the detail.
As far as reading goes try loomis books or vilppus drawing manual.
There are also tons of videos out there by vilppu try watching some of those.

>> No.2072628
File: 68 KB, 900x531, Loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit construction is hard. I don't even know if this is worth salvaging.

>> No.2072630

Nope, trash it. Looks like you need perspective. I recommend How to Draw.

>> No.2072633

It's not. You're getting too technical for your own good without truly understanding why; start with very big shapes like a sphere for the cranium and a pyramid for the jaw, instead of the lines for the brow ridge and the temple and everything. Points for challenging yourself, but probably choose a simpler angle for now, too.

>> No.2072636

Alright thanks for the crit. I actually did start with those basic shapes but when it came to the jaw, I found myself relying a lot on the reference after the basic V shape. I guess go back to even more basics.

>> No.2072638

I have both Loomis and Vilppu on my HDD so I'll give those a try and will try to do some general practices for now. Thanks, anon.

>> No.2072639
File: 493 KB, 1337x781, 2d then 3d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What I've found with trying to construct from reference is that the result I get is always incredibly off from what I'm aiming for because I'm neglecting 2d thinking and jumping straight to 3d.

Thats the problem I think you're facing right now, using construction alone wont let you get an accurate study of your photo reference, and you'll feel discouraged as a result. I'm not saying that you should be aiming to just copy the image without paying attention to the construction you're trying to practice, I'm saying you shouldn't neglect measuring it out and establishing relationships between different features of your reference.

Green lines first so you dont want to shoot yourself, red lines second so you can learn something.

>> No.2072645

I found that too. When I draw just using negative space and measuring it's a lot closer than well, what I posted. So basically I should
>place landmarks
>construct basic shapes
>more landmakrs
>start to refine construction

>> No.2072651


Sounds good.

>> No.2072729
File: 675 KB, 1019x500, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a tutorial for figures, faces etc with oil paints?
My set up doesn't allow for thin lines and such, but id still like to practice using my computer.

>> No.2072735

I'm reading Scott Robertson's book on How to Draw, and I'm rather confused here.

From the SP, he has two cone of visions going 90 degrees and 60 degrees.
How did he do that and how do you measure a cone in degrees?

>> No.2072777
File: 19 KB, 362x423, how loomis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rarely draw, never learned construction, no fancy programs, too tired of looking at it to clean it up.

>> No.2072781

Pg 24 and 25 explain this. So turn the page.

>> No.2072833
File: 301 KB, 569x530, ham.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started hampton
around the part where he talks about the torso
am I doin it right

>> No.2072896
File: 25 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on Vandruff's perspective lectures? I'm in love with Marshall and at $1 a vid, I'd be happy to support him for the lectures. I'm about as knowledgeable as any layman out there about perspective (meaning I'm not at all knowledgeable probably) and I'm wondering if this is a good starting point for me.

>> No.2072898

I really don't like him but the perspective stuff was good. It's basically Perspective made Easy in lecture form, plus some extras like the one in the pic which were very nice.

>> No.2072904
File: 17 KB, 413x582, Better.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just starting and trying to get a good style but here is something I drew a day ago

>> No.2072910

>>2072904 Well if you are just starting don't bother with style. Learn the basics and realistic drawing first. Your Paint figure looks absolutely terrible.
>Read the Sticky

>> No.2072955

Legs are way too far apart

>> No.2073004
File: 1.34 MB, 3264x1836, 20150501_163606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to ink this, but I can't shake the feeling that there's something missing in it.

If you have any suggestion as to what I could add to it, please tell me!

>> No.2073016

Is the guy hunting on a pony?

>> No.2073025

he's a big guy

>> No.2073027

For you

>> No.2073031
File: 1.12 MB, 1918x1918, IMG_20150501_004751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just gunna dump some black ink sketches, hope for the best

>> No.2073032
File: 1.57 MB, 1918x1918, IMG_20150428_010836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2073036

Does anyone have the original artwork of OP'
s picture?

>> No.2073046
File: 1.37 MB, 1918x1918, IMG_20150423_012626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2073067
File: 92 KB, 476x248, Construction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make 20 of these and feel somewhat accomplish, and then, after putting the pictures side by side, there are so many obvious mistakes.

I feel like, I got to do a 100 more of these.

>> No.2073079

horse's dick should be longer

>> No.2073081
File: 1.47 MB, 3264x1836, 20150501_175955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I started this shit, already fuck up a little but whatever

>> No.2073084

I think the riders pelvis and legs are a bit too small.

>> No.2073154


>> No.2073169

You are much better at drawing animals than people. So keep it up anon!

>> No.2073227
File: 1.42 MB, 3264x1836, 20150501_205638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

humans are animals too!

I just did some progress.
I'm not sure where I'll go from here.

>> No.2073245
File: 76 KB, 540x960, 11174837_10205678922430231_2346653852127346598_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea if this is the right thread to post this in but whatever, I really want someone's opinions and critiques on my drawings.

I have two : Walter White from season one of Breaking Bad and Steve Carell

Any comments/advice/opinions/critiques would be much appreciated

>> No.2073246
File: 45 KB, 540x960, Steve Carell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's Steve

>> No.2073273

you should give the sticky a try

>> No.2073283

Well where in the fuck else am I supposed to post my drawings?

>> No.2073284

User-created artwork is submitted for critique, and visual art is discussed. Do not claim authorship of works you did not create.
Only constructive criticism will be accepted. Rude or offensive comments will result in a ban.
Requests for free work of any sort are forbidden.
Discussion of drawing tablets belongs in /g/.

Alright, I'm a user and I posted a couple drawings that I made and I want people to critique it. Which rule exactly am I breaking?

>> No.2073286

pretty sure spamming is against global rules shitposter-kun

>> No.2073288

How can one person be so outstandingly retarded?

>> No.2073289
File: 202 KB, 924x398, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2073295

oh shit

welp im retarded, completely missed that
ayy lmao if you can't tell this is my first time on /ic/ ;^)

>> No.2073300

You did not break any rules, I analyzed your work and concluded that you needed to FUCKING READ THE STICKY AND GITGUD FUCKER.

But if you want something more detailed then:
I think you sort of understand your values, even if your drawings don't even look remotely like your references. You should read the sticky and practice a lot. You could eventually become a better artist

>> No.2073304

Huh, thanks man.
also read >>2073295
I realised how fucking stupid i am ;__;

Anyways I know I definitely have a lot of improving to do so I don't plan on stopping here. Next, I wanna try drawing Michael De Santa from GTA V

Also, somebody said to me that these two drawing give off a very "folk"-like vibe to them. I sort of see what they were talking about, do you see it or nah?

>> No.2073311

Oh same anon as >>2073304
I have a question. The drawing of Steve Carell was my second piece and I really tried improving some of the things that I failed on with Walter. Do you find that I improved at all?

>> No.2073323
File: 145 KB, 1198x527, ss+(2015-05-01+at+09.19.18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon.
Answer that for yourself. Did you improve? Don't ask yourself if the second one looks better than the first one, that's not improvement - ask if you can now draw faces better as a result of the second drawing. To me? No, you did not improve. Read the sticky = Needs more Loomis = Learn your fundamentals. The sticky outlines quite clearly what those are, and you are struggling with quite a few of them. Loomis covers facial proportions (Drawing the Head and Hands) and you are expected one way or another how to draw 3d forms. Both pictures, you choose to do neither. These are problems that you would have overcome on your own had you simply drawn more and more, or read the sticky. Remember that people who critique pieces take time and effort into their critiques, when /ic/ has to repeatedly cover the same mistake over and over and over again - the same mistake that the Sticky should solve - you can see why so many anons don't bother. And it's not your fault, everyone does it. You will read the sticky, grab some Loomis and Vilppu and maybe some Hogarth, and there will be more anons out there that post their fundamental-less drawings and receive the same critique: Read the sticky. And to you and those newfag anons out there, please remember that this is a board of people all learning to get better, not masters waiting to waste their time on your insignificant sketch full of errors you can solve on your own. Have a little respect for the other anons.

>> No.2073328

thats not how you lightning bolts

>> No.2073332

Wow, I'm sorry. I don't mean that sarcastically either, I really had no idea. I will improve and I will read the sticky. I just need to devote more time to it is all, and I plan on doing just that. I just started two jobs recently and well, the schedule is kind of fucked right now but once I get settled in and comfy I'll try to put more time into this.

Although, I mean, I guess I wanted to do this more as a hobby. My dream more-so has to do with cartoons and shit but I know that practicing this stuff can also help me with that stuff. Thank you for the honest critique.

>> No.2073334

No problem anon. We all have things that get in the way of drawing, but if you're truly passionate about it you will find time. Just keep drawing and keep learning, you will improve vastly.

>> No.2073357
File: 702 KB, 800x800, assafsafnext(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the concept of light changing colors is so difficult.
blue light? yellow light? white light? jesus christ what the fuck? and a simple hue change can make the entire piece look broken.
I dont even know if this is remotely correct or not. or rather, fitting to this style. or rather, composed well, at least...

and then whats the next step? How would I render all of this? what would I even start with? someone teach me how to paint. I'm already reading boxfulls of color theory...

>> No.2073376
File: 36 KB, 600x337, howdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I'm sorry for the really shit photo and also the fact that it was taken in a shitty lighting and with a phone.. but it's 2am and everyone is asleep and I can't figure for the sake of me: How do you draw limbs or something that is not in the same perspective (as my drawing, for example)?? It's really hard to explain but I put a question mark on the right arm of my drawing to show what I meant. Am I taking things too technical or should I just eye it? I've been doing Loomis like crazy for the past 2 days and can barely sleep because I want to continue to study.

>> No.2073384

Your draftsmanship is shite. I'd suggest you go back to fundamentals for a while before rendering.
That said, I'm really digging the monochromatic look.

>> No.2073391

I don't have one currently as I don't feel my work is up to par, I do have much more I could post if you'd like though, as I am always up for constructive criticism

>> No.2073395

I like this picture.

>> No.2073466
File: 237 KB, 768x540, gestures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2073468
File: 21 KB, 434x305, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

messed up on the leg placement

>> No.2073534
File: 1.11 MB, 2000x2000, froggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been working on this for sometime and i'm having some issues with its hands and background stuff.

>> No.2073546

Sorry. How do I correctly do them though?

>> No.2073594

I just started reading Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, and it's telling me I need a bunch of shit. I'm assuming I don't actually need anything except a pencil and some paper, but I'm curious about the pencil. It says to use a 4B pencil, which I happen to have, but what difference does it make to use that instead of an HB? I'd rather just use HB if it's no big deal, since it's what I've used all my life.

>> No.2073602

If you're a total beginner it really doesn't matter; many professionals still just use like Ticonderoga pencils for sketching.

But for reference http://pencils.com/what-is-a-no-2-pencil/

>> No.2073604
File: 306 KB, 1200x816, 534654436456353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where to find more Vilpplu's videos about gestures? I need some feels

>> No.2073605

You do need that shit it's essential to the books excersises, start with keys to drawing until you've got your shit together.

>> No.2073643
File: 497 KB, 1054x1374, pewp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any glaring mistakes

>> No.2073660

The hand seems kinda fucked. The fingers look stubby and flat and don't really have volume.

>> No.2073674

Various torrent sites, or here: www.vilppustore.com

>> No.2073735

You're better off buying all that stuff, man. The exercises use them extensively.
They're dirt-cheap to boot.

>> No.2073751

Another anon pointed me in the direction of Dynamic Sketching with Peter Han. Thanks to whoever that was. Normally I'm posting up a storm in these beginner threads with endless rendering studies and figure drawing, but this has stopped due to focusing dedicatedly on my draftsmanship skills with Peter Han's instruction. It's improving my sense/understanding fundamentals a LOT.
This was a PSA for anyone else out there who's finding themselves falling into a 'rendering trap' when they really should be focusing on construction, form, and general drawing skills.

>> No.2073765

>betty edwards pls go and stay go

>> No.2073769

>implying you give money to betty when you buy basic drawing tools
Are you literally brain-dead?

>> No.2073771 [DELETED] 
File: 1.69 MB, 3369x2340, IMG_20150502_142418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2073773
File: 1.69 MB, 3369x2340, IMG_20150502_142418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any comments or critique?

>> No.2073776


Good shit man. I'm of the opinion that too many anons in the beginner threads try jumping straight into figure studies (or jumping into them after copying a few loomis heads from fun with a pencil) and no one here really understands what "fundamentals" actually mean.

Basically the best way to git gud at the fundamentals is learning about geometric shapes, learning how to draw them in 3d from any angle, and use that knowledge to build up to complex shapes, or use basic 3d shapes to practice shit like lighting, color, etc etc.

Here's a good series of exercises that I found helpful:


Start your way up from lesson one.

>> No.2073777

yes. this is a good point. it's also always useful to use different tools when you're learning. which is probably why she recommends them.

>> No.2073778

>Self-Portrait Mirror
>Red Gel
>Small Picture Plane/Viewfinder
>Large Picture Plane/Viewfinder
>Angle finder
>Proportion finder
>basic drawing tools
You need a pencil, an eraser, something to sharp the pencil and paper, anything else for a beginner is snake oil. If you really want you can buy a kneded eraser and some 4b, 6b and 9b pencils but unless you're rendering (you shouldn't be) you won't be using it much.

>> No.2073783

most of those things are pieces of card which i think she gives you instructions on how to turn into viewfinders etc. in the book.

and the red gel is for making what you used to call a "black mirror" right?

which is super super useful. basicly the real world equivalent of "desaturate" in photoshop.

>> No.2073790

>mirror you could have anywhere in the house
>red gel you can get out of your mom's period
>small picture plane you make out of one piece of cardboard
>large picture plane you make out of another piece of cardboard
>"angle finder" which is literally made of cardboard
>proportion finder which is also literally made of cardboard
>snake oil

You're probably shit.

>> No.2073819
File: 164 KB, 353x530, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me with face construction?. I been going via Loomis and Proko but I'm still somewhat need help.

The face looks wrong but I'm not experienced enough to diagnose what the issue is

>> No.2073820

Thanks, that seems like a cool resource.

And I wholeheartedly agree with you. It seems to me that good artists create their complex shapes from simple ones. Even if it appears they're glossing over the construction, the beginner steps of drawing the connecting fundamental forms and using contour to define that form in a 3D space is essential. Being able to understand/see in 3D what you're putting on a 2D medium is a huge part of the road to gettin' gud. It's nice to have a clear directional goal instead of floating around in that rendering trap, wondering why I'm not getting any better at drawing from imagination and not understanding why something looks off / doesn't come out right.

>> No.2073846

>missing the point
Go back and read the whole argument, they are literally saying "BUY THIS STUFF SO YOU CAN GET GOOD".

And it's not even the first time i see this shit happening, people unironically recommending beginners to buy bloatware.

>> No.2073849

>that one retard in all of the beginner threads
Hello, faggot.

>> No.2073861

Is image in a mirror 2D or 3D?

>> No.2073923
File: 181 KB, 575x795, sdfj;lka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed some things
now going to work on the hand

>> No.2073994


>> No.2074091

New beginner thread when?

>> No.2074100

Not yet. This thread has just been slow.

>> No.2074177
File: 86 KB, 1204x1174, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips on how to render?
Used the hard round brush at 50% opacity and pen pressure on

Ignore my shitty cast shadow

>> No.2074181

Value wise, it's not too bad. Your strokes are flat though, meaning they're not wrapping around the ball in a way that most makes sense. This is most apparent in the edges, where your strokes aren't curving enough.

The strokes you use to render something are a powerful way to describe it's form, so use that to your advantage.

Do you know what I'm talking about?

>> No.2074214

head out of proportion from body
unless you wanted it that way

>> No.2074287
File: 141 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

practicing some hands and feet. i just want to know if theres anything majorly wrong with them


>> No.2074288
File: 140 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2074289
File: 152 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2074290
File: 151 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2074303

i meant faces, not feet.

>> No.2074342
File: 160 KB, 1920x1200, legs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd while away the hours contemplating mouths

>> No.2074345

these are pretty great, not in terms of proportion and all this, they're still very beginner but they have a certain feels

>> No.2074367

they are literally feels. i got them from here http://artists.pixelovely.com/practice-tools/face-expression-practice/

im actually a lot better at portraits. my goal was to to a simple portrait quickly, and literally small. is my construction/proportions that bad that bad? also i should mention that the models, as an anon recently put it, needs more loomis themselves

>> No.2074389
File: 71 KB, 800x800, allergic2books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything that isn't to broken in here? I dunno how to hair, was trying to get the body right.

>> No.2074396

position of the features are okay...

have you tried using a mass-based method, like using a big brush?

>> No.2074407
File: 305 KB, 1080x960, treecircles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started drawing a tree in the class I was supposed to be subbing, but then I realized I had no idea how to draw leaves. Decided to draw circles instead.

Later on, tried to study leaves a bit, went about it this way. Any tips, /ic/?

>> No.2074411

mass-based method? I don't think so, I can't get into any of the body constructing techniques or whatever you wana call them, that I see around here. I'm souprised that you couldn't find any fatal mistakes in there since I basicly just started drawing this randomly outa my head. The only things I know about drawing are some youtube vids i watched long ago and some pages of an animal drawing book i've read as a kid.

>> No.2074418

>position of the features are okay
the definition of "the blind leading the blind".

>> No.2074419

i mean just using a big brush really. because in mass drawing (or i guess you could just call it painting) you can move lines back and forth easily and change the shape of things as you go along.

you seemed so nervous about your lines i just though a more forgiving method might let you get on with it.

>> No.2074422

I could list the things you've got wrong all day. Pick up a book.

Lasik surgery is still pretty expensive, I see.

>> No.2074428

use a reference photo at least if youre not going to read

>> No.2074433

Damm, i tought i had it, or atleast didn't drew it THAT wrong. I could try drawing some construct thing first, on the next drawing. I basicly drew the arm first and added the rest afterwards. A redline would also help me to actualy see my mistakes but i guess it would take to long anyway.

>> No.2074441

A redline would mean literally redrawing in your case. I don't think anyone's going to do that for you.
Get a book.

>> No.2074450

I think i'm way to picky when it comes to searching for reference, most times I try I just end up wasteing time that i could have spended drawing without even finding a decent picture. I will try again tonight after work, when the hangover finaly passed. I have so many questions but i can't get it together right now.

>> No.2074455


>> No.2074457
File: 91 KB, 487x393, 20150503_132507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i want to get good at drawing faces from imagination but i'm unsure how to practice, should i draw from reference or imagination? Drawing from imagination seems like the obvious way to go but i already started to develop same face / same angle syndrome. >Pic related

>> No.2074491 [DELETED] 
File: 110 KB, 563x1058, fugly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi everyone. I got myself an intuos drawing tablet. I used to draw a lot when I was a kid and then I quit for several years. It was easy to convince my parents to get me a drawing tablet though, because I drew this really impressive picture of david bowie.

The problem is I am not interested in drawing reference drawing, I want to get into imaginative drawing. It's rather difficult for me to stay motivated, I started using the tablet yesterday and I have basically just been drawing gesture drawings. It's become very tedious and I'm not very good at it.

I had been at it all day, I managed to get one drawing where I finally got down some color. I find that it becomes much easier for me when I can get right to the shading. Doing contour drawings and stuff kind of fucks me up a bit, because I usually feel like I am butchering it that way. I dunno how usual it is for a beginner to jump right into shading and coloring, while they're doing gesture drawings and stuff. I feel like I would be more comfortable that way though.

Also does anyone have any ideas of what would be fun to draw besides people? I feel very bored with just drawing people, I feel like that is 99% of everything I try to draw and I am very sick of it. I feel like there is so much more to drawing than just people. Also I am very terrible at drawing clothes, but I may be better if I was able to skip right to the coloring and shading part.

>> No.2074494
File: 110 KB, 563x1058, fugly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi everyone. I got myself an intuos drawing tablet. I used to draw a lot when I was a kid and then I quit for several years. It was easy to convince my parents to get me a drawing tablet for my birthday though, because I drew a really impressive picture of david bowie (which is not the picture I uploaded, that one I made yestersay).

The problem is I am not interested in drawing reference drawing, I want to get into imaginative drawing. It's rather difficult for me to stay motivated, I started using the tablet yesterday and I have basically just been drawing gesture drawings. It's become very tedious and I'm not very good at it.

I had been at it all day, I managed to get one drawing where I finally got down some color. I find that it becomes much easier for me when I can get right to the shading. Doing contour drawings and stuff kind of fucks me up a bit, because I usually feel like I am butchering it that way. I dunno how usual it is for a beginner to jump right into shading and coloring, while they're doing gesture drawings and stuff. I feel like I would be more comfortable that way though.

Also does anyone have any ideas of what would be fun to draw besides people? I feel very bored with just drawing people, I feel like that is 99% of everything I try to draw and I am very sick of it. I feel like there is so much more to drawing than just people. Also I am very terrible at drawing clothes, but I may be better if I was able to skip right to the coloring and shading part.

>> No.2074508

If you don't want to draw people then draw something else, like robots or cats.
The point of drawing people is so that you can understand how to construct an from memory then stylize it if you so choose.

>> No.2074510
File: 893 KB, 1944x2592, CAM00306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how this look?

>> No.2074519


>> No.2074520

draw dicks

>> No.2074530

On what?

>> No.2074534

I do want to draw people though. My goal is to draw my own style of adorable yaoi. The problem is I can't seem to get a single gesture drawing down, and then to the point where I can start adding clothes and colors. It always comes out deformed and i don't know how to make it look sharp and crisp and vibrantly colorful like I always see people drawing them. I end up using skin tones of my own face, and then end up looking like that crap that I used to draw in that image I uploaded. I think I should start using the colors of other animated drawings... Other than that I will have to come up with something to draw besides human beings. I dunno yet, but it will probably be something disturbing lol

>> No.2074537

can I do vilippu first before going into hampton?

>> No.2074538
File: 1.43 MB, 3264x1836, 20150503_013058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'm done with this

>> No.2074539

drawing dicks sounds like exactly what you're looking for
screw clothing and all that rubbish, just draw dicks everywhere

>> No.2074540

it sounds a little like you're disrespecting me, but okay. I would like to draw clothing, I'm more interested into drawing glorified cuteness than I am drawing something erotic. I want to look at /fa/ for cute designs to draw on the guys, for a feminine fashionable sort of look. I probably won't be drawing many dicks tbh. I just want to get this plane off the ground first.

>> No.2074541

palm is too short

>> No.2074542


>> No.2074545

you want to draw yaoi without dicks?
that doesn't sound very gay at all

>> No.2074548

Yeah, I don't know what else to do

>> No.2074550

On everything. Severe lack of fundamentals, looks like a 13 year old drew all of that. Judging by the anime face in the lower left you probably are about 13-16 years old anyway.

Read the sticky. You need to read either Keys to Drawing or Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. You're probably going to go with Keys to Drawing since the other book requires you buy things (oh no!) but if you want to do this drawing thing properly you should read both AND buy the materials.
See, you lack the most basic of fundamentals. Getting a tablet wasn't a smart move at all, for the moment. I don't want to enumerate everything you did wrong so just read any of those two books. Ignore Loomis for now, you're not ready. And most importantly stop rendering, that's not what you should be focusing on.

Inking it ruined the drawing, honestly. The values are all over the place and it feels barren overall -- look at that blank sky. The space between the two subjects.
From the viewpoint of draftsmanship, the set-up in itself was flawed. The composition is quite frankly awful and I am not getting much from it. The lack of perspective certainly doesn't help: it feels like you've traced two different pictures and tried to make them play nice.
Don't get me started on the lighting. You should have thought that one through more thoroughly.

I do believe you have potential but you're currently focusing on the wrong areas.

>> No.2074552

I guess I just have a loose term of the definition of yaoi. I would rather not get semantical, I feel like I am getting trolled right now but if not.. my goal isn't to draw homo erotic pictures, but rather pictures of maybe two guys making loving gestures, guys in pretty girly clothing. I would like to make something that is a nice and eye catching aesthetic. It seems a little ambitious to me but that's my ultimate goal that I have had in my mind for a while now. If I get to that level then I can probably start exploring more themes from there, such as the disturbing sorts of things I am also interested in drawing.

>> No.2074555

remember this is the beginner thread pls

>> No.2074560
File: 1.61 MB, 2448x3264, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I really want to get into drawing humans. Pic related is the very first time I actually tried to draw at all. I won't be humble -- I think I have a much better start than majority of people, so the question I want to ask is whether I can skip the very basic stuff and jump straight to practice by drawing from photos or reading Loomis' book on drawing humans.

>> No.2074561

Yeah, so? Does that suddenly change "awful" to something else? Are you retarded?

Bad drawings are bad regardless of the thread, fuck off.

>> No.2074563

>Getting a tablet wasn't a smart move at all, for the moment.
That's a shame. Maybe I can use it anyways because it saves paper

>> No.2074568

Actually you're the problem this time. >>2074555
is reminding you that "awful" is the standard here. You're not going to see much better than awful in this thread and everyone in this thread understands that, so saying it's awful is pointless. Instead people post in this thread for what I'm about to do

You're drawing what you think anatomy looks like instead of really what's there, aka "symbol drawing." If you're serious about getting better I'd suggest reading How to Draw or working with a Loomis book from the sticky. Practice form and fundamental shapes and learn draftsmanship skills before jumping into drawing figures and trying to understand how to represent anatomy. On the other hand, your linework is really smooth which is rare for a beginner. Better than mine in a lot of ways.

>> No.2074571

To be fair, he did ask "how's this?"
Anon simply replied to him. No need for your "humble" criticism of criticism.

>> No.2074578

By "how's this?" people in threads such as this one mean "what's wrong?". "Awful" is not an answer to the latter ("everything" is not an answer either).

>> No.2074580

Good point. I'm just a big proponent of addressing as well as making general assessment.

And so as to make this post less worthless, I'm just gonna state to any newbie like myself that wants to improve their DRAWING skills -- ie. draftsmanship skills -- I recommend Dynamic Sketching with Peter Han. It is truly fixing all the holes I left wide open fundamentally speaking.

>> No.2074581

Put your name back on, at least. It's too obvious.

That said, it's a perfectly acceptable answer. When there is nothing you can say is good what else are you supposed to do? Write a wall of text underlining every error he has made?
He should have read the sticky in the first place.

>> No.2074583

>read the sticky

Now that's an acceptable answer. And this is pretty much what the trip replied.

And no, me and trip are 2 different persons.

>> No.2074589

Is it really that hard to imagine someone else has a similar view? Especially considering I conceded to a degree the post right above yours. lol
People samefag a lot on this board I'm guessing?

>> No.2074591

So /ic/ has literally nothing to say about my drawing of trees? Nothing to help me progress on this?

>> No.2074594

But it will also impede your progress.

>> No.2074596

well fuck you too

>> No.2074600

You are not a special snowflake kid, there are a lot of people that started at your level or better. What you drew is pretty much as easy as it will get, even shading a cube or a sphere is harder.

>> No.2074610

>I won't be humble
You should be. You don't have a better start at all. You need precisely the most basic stuff: Keys to Drawing.

>> No.2074620

I dig the circle tree except the ground. Your other tree sucks, go find some nice tree or some reference and draw it. You're also trying to render but you seem to not understand very well how light works, so go learn that too.

>> No.2074621
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Ego + Beginner = never gonna get gud. Get off your pedestal and learn the fundamentals instead of complimenting yourself on your ability to put a wonky ass outline of a human being on paper. What you should be doing is studying ONLY that basic stuff you wanted to skip: The fundamental forms. Once you are fimilar the tools of a draftsman (line control, form, construction, perspective), then drawing the human shape is as simple as knowing what one looks like. And the drawing will look 3 dimensional because it's made up of 3d shapes and knowledge. Not a flat wireframe.

>> No.2074622

thank you, I'm the horse fag and yes I traced two pictures and tried to make something decent looking. I was completely oblivious to composition until now. I have looked up a bit on it and I have started to see it. I started a new drawing and I'm also trying a lot harder in not rushing and make a mess with the ink.

It was my first attempt at a serious work. I did as I expected, like shit.

>> No.2074647

Lol at that reflected light

>> No.2074659

Thanks, man. I'll reference some more trees.

>> No.2074661

I'm not the guy who was bragging earlier, but how does one get over being proud of himself without self deprecation? As much as I hate arrogant, condescending people who put others down, I don't want to feel proud of myself in the first place. I often feel very very bad when I was proud of myself for the wrong reasons, it often haunts me and makes me feel like a huge jackass. I just don't know how I can get over it without simply telling myself I suck.

>> No.2074663

Just post here, /ic/ is awesome at reality check.

>> No.2074669
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There's a balance. You should allow yourself to feel proud of the PROGRESS you see you've made, but not proud of YOURSELF in a general sense. One way to curb a growing ego is to watch good artists paint, or study their paintings. One way to get yourself out of a slump is to look at your earlier work and compare it to your new stuff.

>> No.2074680
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I can't believe how much dick I suck with a pencil. It's absolutely terrifying.
On the other hand, breaking my tablet's pen helped me get back to basics: pen and paper.

>> No.2074682
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I'm on week seven of Hampton, and I've really made some progress, but he doesn't really get into details past the torso. Everything after that is little and far apart in terms of usefulness. Not to mention I can't draw the arm without knowing the lower arm muscles as well, which he puts into week eight. So yeah, whatever the fuck.

>> No.2074683
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I guess I'll visit a real anatomy book as soon as I'm done with him. Now that I have a grasp on construction I can make my own muscle abstractions.

>> No.2074692

>on an anonymous board
>in a beginner's thread

What got you triggered so much in my post? Thanks for the answer though -- will go practice basic stuff.

>> No.2074695

Not triggered, just tough love anon. Art is muh passion and I'm a beginner too.

>> No.2074697


>> No.2074714

do both but do it hundreds and thousands of times

>> No.2074734

this loomis book is such a boring piece of fucking crap

>> No.2074739

Yeah and by saying that we know you didn't read the sticky properly, so gtfo.

>> No.2074760

shut the fuck up idiot. you should kill yourself.

>> No.2074764

Got triggered? Go watch sycra tutorials, maybe you can become the new bonesofruin

>> No.2074766
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>> No.2074774

Does anyone knows how to make quick perspective grids with krita? There's a perspective grid tool but it's the shittiest tool ever.
Has this been fixed in the 2.9.2?

>> No.2074785

The fix is not using Krita.
Download Carapace. It's a tool for perspective grids.

>> No.2074799
File: 1.81 MB, 5642x1600, gesture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try to do at least forty 60-second gestures every day and I usually work on paper - this is my first time using a drawing tablet, but I tried to keep my workflow the same - avoid chicken scratching and try to capture the mass and the feel of the pose.
What bothers me is that I don't understand whether I'm doing it right - should I just keep going like that until I get better?
Or am I doing everything wrong and I should change my ways before it's too late?
I'm going through Loomis right now, if that's worth mentioning.

>> No.2074811
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>> No.2074826
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First try at ink and improvized dip pen (basically a nib planted in the wooden tip of a paint brush)
It's so hard to make smooth lines, I feel like a monkey trying to write a letter

>> No.2074866

Before you learn how to draw do you need to practice basic shapes? It takes me 15-20 tries to draw a circle or line the way I want.

>> No.2074883

Practicing shapes IS learning how to draw. Once you gain proficiency with the fundamental 3d forms you'll be able to construct anything out of them, from humans to tanks. Walk before you run.

>> No.2074904

I get the idea I'm spending too much time sketching. fudging with things. just not getting the line out on the first try. At this rate it'll be days before I even think about rendering.

Is this normal?
Best way to progress out of this flavor of shitistry?

>> No.2074905
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forgot pic...

>> No.2074953





>> No.2075036
File: 1.61 MB, 1944x2592, DSC_0833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any advice