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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2066029 No.2066029 [Reply] [Original]

Last post did Okay, i think i'll boot up another one
>List your Drawing Struggles
>Dose not matter how Absurd or Little it is
>Help Each other If you Understand their Pain

>Drawing in study hall
>Badass Knight
>Looks awesome
>Gets some attention
>One Neckbeard walks up
>Fedora, Tight T-Shirt.. Ect.
>Anon can You draw me a Anime Waifu
>I dont Draw anime
>Pleas anon?
>No thanks

>> No.2066030

Why the fuck won't you faggots post your work these green text threads are fine and all but fuck man post your goddamn work this shit isn't your personal blog or chatroom.

>> No.2066033

>That internal struggle of what I want to draw vs what i need to draw to get better at what I want to draw
>Studying hard on something I thought I needed to learn only to learn about 3 other things I need to learn before that
>Studying for so long that you wonder if you're ever going to be able to draw from imagination

>> No.2066036
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>> No.2066038
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>Studying hard on something I thought I needed to learn only to learn about 3 other things I need to learn before that
Story of my life.

>> No.2066039

Yea, you're really born with the talent. Anyone who says otherwise will only be mediocre at best.

>> No.2066052

are YOU talented?

>> No.2066088

>been focusing on mostly environment-oriented stuff for the past few years
>dont want to get stuck in the trap where environments are the only thing i do
>dont know how i should divide up my time

D-do I just switch every month? or every week?

>> No.2066426

i do it everyday, anatomy/characters on one day and environments/perspective on the next i mean

>> No.2066472

Couldn't you draw things in your environments?

>> No.2068043

>being beginner
>compare self others
>draw a lot of studies
>"anon you should finish something you're pretty good"
>too scared
>self loathing makes me unbearable
>artists I liked now hate me
>waste time on finishing things
>compare myself to others
this hurts

>> No.2068116
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>no one inboxes me about how much cum they spilled to my porn
>just a few likes

>> No.2068127
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>compare myself to others
i cant agree more, its really hard not to do that

>> No.2068162

>need to buy drawing supplies
>all take a month to ship to me

>> No.2068165

>tfw justifying not drawing because you don't have a lamp to draw in bed with

>> No.2068239

>alright, time to get some practice at art
>fuck, I suck
>gotta cut that mindset out, keep plowing forward
>26 is awfully late to just be getting started
>shut up
>I mean did any artists you like to look at get started at 26?
>shut up
>this practice is unfun
>I don't feel anything when I draw
>I'm not having fun doing this
>Why do I want to do this
>Do I want to do this, or do I just want to be good at something
>The greats probably didn't have fun every single time they picked up the pencil/brush/whatever, they just put in the man hours
>But they had to have felt good some of the time, or else why else would they have kept going on?
>So why am I drawing?
>To find something that makes me happy?
>But nothing MAKES you happy, happiness comes from within
>So I can do anything I want to, right?
>So why am I drawing?

>> No.2068264
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What to do with the background?

>> No.2068276

I see him pacing around his Alchemy lab for ideas, If its in your skill level, that is what i would recommend

>> No.2068277

waaah im an artist my life is so hard #ARTSTRUGS O.O (>'o'>) xDDDDD

these faggoty threads werent around before this board went to shit 2 months ago

>> No.2068282
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>> No.2068283

they were always here faggot

>> No.2068294

Sounds good, I will try that out and see how it fits.

>> No.2068510

Drawing similar eyes and getting them placed correctly relatively to eachother. One eye is always wider than the other and once i get them to similar lengths ive made one fatter than the other. Then trying to do a 3/4 view im awful at placing the closer eye.

I'd upload something but I just moved and dont have my scanner up.

>> No.2068517

no they werent you stupid shits

>> No.2068587
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>> No.2068589

>draw on tablet
>draw on traditional
>dont notice till im finished

>> No.2068596

>draw on traditional
>Go for ctrl+z on the pencil

>> No.2068602

Holy shit I would do that all the time.


>> No.2068605

Once you finish a peice that you're proud of you'll get hooked on that small high and strive to reach for that high more and more

>> No.2068613
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>> No.2068643

>friend wants to go to art school to become a concept artist but doesn't have the drive to git gud
>can't relate to him because ive always been good for my age so ive never had to deal with feeling behind the curve
>want to see him go to school with me but at this rate he probably wont make it

>> No.2068651

>You've always been a really good artist for your age
>You're starting to get older and your abilities are no longer special relative to your age.

>> No.2068657
File: 46 KB, 500x519, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help him

>> No.2068664

it's literally impossible to motivate people unless money is involved.

>> No.2068668

>File: image.jpg (46 KB, 500x519)
i try, but honestly he's pretty much sticky tier. so whenever i tell him to focus on fundamentals he just kinda agrees but at the same time is too lazy to actually commit to improving and just ends up doing the same thing over and over. and also i never really learned in the same way that most people do since I had so much time to just kinda figure it out on my own so i don't always have the best advice.

>> No.2068687

offer him sex.

>> No.2068703
File: 104 KB, 892x488, 1427001107490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never be offered to get groped in exchange for drawing a good set of hands

>> No.2068725

Anon this may be incredibly vain but if Im feeling ina bit of rut what i do is draw something Im good at it in a sketch book for a few pages. Then when im around my friends, il just find a good opportunity to casually pull it out and then start sketching. People around you may take notice, and if your friends are like most plebians, will praise you for the lamest shit. Praise and encouragement from others helps. Beyond that just keep at it

>> No.2068745
File: 1.52 MB, 1065x902, 348348786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw your the only one in your friend group who can draw
>tfw they Kneel to the sight of your drawings

>> No.2068839
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>tfw inbox has people calling me senpai and shit

>> No.2068844
File: 11 KB, 270x187, 1429404710446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do anything fun like reading a book or playing a game
>feel guilty because I'm not studying

>> No.2068848

You're gaining inspiration and future reference brah

At least, that's what I tell myself...

>> No.2068850

My main problem is I always chicken out of finishing things.
This is happening to me right now. Fuck, man.

>> No.2068854

Throw vidya away

>> No.2068857

>spend 10 minutes of a timed figure drawing knifing your pencil just right, breaks immediately.
>get inspired around 11pm, stay up half the night working on it, think it's the best piece you've done, wake up in the morning to chicken scratch hell.
>having your pencil roll under your desk, into oblivion,
>dried out kneaded erasers.
>Having your pen dry out halfway through an inking, and the new pen is a darker shade then the work already done.
>charcoal smudges
>having to buy a new charcoal set for one white charcoal pencil in desperation
>never having the "good" sketchbook when someone wants to see your work
>forgetting about the paint brush you left in water last night
>breaking a calligraphy nib
>unbalanced/lazy eyes.
>trying so hard not to use the graph method on a photograph.
>erasers that smudge instead of erase
>erasing so much the paper starts to wear
>chalk pastels

>> No.2068867
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>> No.2068868


Life is short though, you should unwind and have fun every once and awhile.

>> No.2068873

If you're trying to be a concept artist like everyone else on /ic/, then just remember aspects from the games and books, build a visual library.

>> No.2068893
File: 46 KB, 500x375, post-34727-1331364019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>erasers that smudge instead of erase
Why aren't you using this?

>> No.2068895

My everlasting struggle
>Physical health vs. All the studying I could be doing right now
>Ends up surfing the web the whole time

>> No.2068903

because if you read the post, those dry out

>> No.2068911

Are you keeping them warm?

Usually when i take a few seconds break from a drawing, i knead the eraser until it's warmed and clean. You're not supposed to use it when it's cold.

>> No.2068917

>1 hour
>2 hours
>4 hours
>8 hours
>16 hours
>no longer is there time for sleep
>24 hours

never enough
it's never enough. :Y

Also: aren't these art "struggs"? :YYYYYYYYYYYYYY

>> No.2068921

I live in a desert, warm isn't the problem, it's the ~3% humidity

>> No.2069808
File: 66 KB, 463x537, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have online artbro
>both decent friends
>have few irl friends because I'm too scared to talk to others
>artbro gets suddenly popular
>accidentally make him mad
>make situation worse because of my insecurity
>refuses to talk to me
>don't talk to him for two and a half weeks
>still ignores me
>tfw I'm so pathetic I get emotional over losing some stranger on tumblr
>tfw I get depressed because I feel like I will never be as good as or as popular as him

>> No.2069822
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"Comparison is the thief of joy" - Franklin roosevelt

>> No.2069826
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>tfw it's a habit I can't break

>> No.2069828
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>everyone says my drawings are great

>at the meanwhile they dont even put up a fight compared to shit on /ic/

Hate when this happens, is it ok if i draw in a cartoonish/animish style?

>> No.2069834

>is it ok if i draw in a cartoonish/animish style?

as long as you post in the alternative art thread.

btw, there aren't anymore great posters here so this is pretty much a prime time to git gud and git praised.

>> No.2069846
File: 1.23 MB, 2446x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah ive been trying to draw in like other styles.

>> No.2069854


oh, i guess i see what you mean now. just keep working and you'll get there. seems like you're still symbol drawing, i'd prioritize trying to understand form over all else.

>> No.2069865

> focusing so much on drawing faces accurately without needing references that it's becoming the only thing I can do. Can hardly do anything except observational work

I think I have a jist on how to break it, but muhcomfortzone.jpeg

anyone else experience same? I'm attending college for art, and previously it's helped a ton (fiercely competitive and having students in my classes who were better than me was a great motivator)

But now I'm at the point where I can draw better than my teachers.. let alone my classmates (good chance I'm one of the best in the entire school). Not saying I'm good, but I'm at a super abstract hand holding fine art program.. Everyone just sucks up to me cause I'm the only one who can draw a person that looks like a person lmao

I know the Internet is a great motivator for this, but I've slumped out and lost a ton of passion since I don't know anyone in person who's around or above my level.

Again I'm not good, but neither is anyone I know..

>> No.2069869

lmao get over yourself. i know a thousand people like you, and i know without a doubt when i ask "please post your work" you will not, and at every turn you will hesitate and make excuses.

>> No.2069877 [DELETED] 

see >>2069832

I repeatedly said I don't think I'm good at all. I was mostly criticizing the fact that everyone at my university is even worse and it's difficult to keep momentum in that spot.

>> No.2069883

lel where the fuck do you go?

>> No.2069888

see >>2069832
I repeatedly said I don't think I'm good at all. I was mostly criticizing the fact that it seems everyone at my university is even worse and it's difficult to keep momentum in that spot.

I'm slumping out due to depression and have been having a ton of trouble finding enjoyment just studying alone in my room/attempting creative work. Like please don't confuse my post with narcissism, its simply stating a fact. Previuosly I just suckled up to my instructors, as I felt they had a ton to teach me, but all the ones at my university (full scholarship, can't really swap) seem to just be 2deep4u abstract artists who scoff at the idea of depicting something realistically.

Imagine you were enrolled in a 9th grade drawing course and everyone around you is fucking finger painting or drawing pot leafs..

>> No.2069890

i have a hard time with copying things exactly like they look. i can kind of get close enough. but it's never spot on.

>> No.2069894

Portland State University.. Tuition is free for me and real art schools aren't really an option for me currently.

Most of the instructors at this school stayed in school til their MFA, and show their work in the local portland galleries, while picking up part time work teaching at the university.

It's this weird fucking bubble where most/all the work here seems to be incredibly abstract.

I'm guessing maybe all of the more commercially focused local artists are teaching at PNCA? http://pnca.edu/

I honestly don't have a clue but this school is making me worse I swear

>> No.2069896

oh, a family friend went there and she's an illustrator. if you're passing your classes pretty easily, why don't you just use the time to get good? i get that its hard, but i mean all that free time is something you should appreciate.

>> No.2069899
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>starting to get out of beginner level into intermediate
>pressure is steadily increasing to do better each time so i can git gud and actually make money
>addiction runs in family
>find myself craving a drink every now and then just to mellow out and take off the stress
>slowly becoming /ic/-tan

>> No.2069904

Oh I mean there still busy work that I'm attempting to turn into useful stuff for me (projects have been relatively open ended, so I'm trying to use that to my advantage).

I think the issues for me I guess is more depression? I've been dealing with random mental health shit for a while now and I think I just might be on a hard downswing. I think I'm outside of my house around 30 hours a week. As much of it is spent in my sketchbook as I can (either drawing people on public transit, sketching students in class etc, or just doodles), but I notice when I get home I just lay around and mope until the next day..

As I mentioned before, usually my peers would help keep me on an upswing, as I was able to set very tangible goals and work alongside people who's work I was envious of.

>> No.2069905

Your work isn't garbage, but I'm really scared to see what others' at that school looks like if you're better than instructors, lol. Jesus christ.

>> No.2069917

That's what makes me comparing myself worse. I know this yet I keep doing it. In the end I turn out really depressed.

>> No.2069928

I've only worked under four so far. Three instructors seem to be 100% abstract artists. Two of which I've never actually seen draw. I've seen their previously displayed gallery work through google. The third was another instructor who admitted they couldn't give me advice on a drawing I was working on because they think I have a better idea of the human figure than they do. All three have very aesthetically pleasing work, and they're good at what they do, except their realm of expertise is so far from being useful in the world of commercial art that there is very little useful information to take away from my encounters with them.

The fourth instructor is a "video artist" as in, from my understanding, he gets stoned and messes around in premiere pro, and then installs the videos into a gallery. (He's teaching a required pre-req , can't avoid this one) Admittedly, more power too him for making money off that sort of thing, but again he doesn't even do drawing/painting, so another dead end there.

After writing this up I think I'm actually going to look into scholarships/funding at a nearby commercial art school... Just can't see the path I'm taking ending in any way other than me ending up being an unsuccessful artist turned teacher

>> No.2069932
File: 3.33 MB, 1752x5426, art school.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am truly sorry for your lots

>> No.2071054

>Want to draw porn
>parents won't let me

>> No.2074278
File: 38 KB, 770x361, Emperor-Palpatine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to draw porn
>parents and gf are totally cool with it and support me

>> No.2075938
File: 28 KB, 212x232, 1349030721872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing piece
>"Welp, time to do the lineart."
>"Fuck it."
>post it as a colored sketch

>> No.2075941
File: 2.59 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me, I want to paint this

>> No.2075950

>Plan to draw all day, wake up like 11 AM
>Get a few ideas for today's studies worked out
>A few things come up, I need to catch up on other stuff
>Draw a tiny bit, take a break by playing a game
>Suddenly it's 9PM and I haven't drawn shit
>Time literally disappears and it's now 1 AM and I'm finally in the mood to sketch
>Finish at 2 AM, having done one sketch and hate myself. Set alarm for 11 to force myself to draw tomorrow

>> No.2075991
File: 93 KB, 1600x1200, meg_griffin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything I draw is average. I'm severely lacking in style and whenever I try to do something stylized I just feel like I'm imitating or faking. I can't do interesting color for shit. My work never has that fully polished, clean look that pro work has. I just feel like my stuff is never going to be interesting and eye catching and I don't really know how to change that, and it just sucks.

>> No.2076000

>tfw reluctant to study because afraid of effort yielding little to no progress after years like a lot of people in the "progress" thread

fuck how do i stop being such a baby

>> No.2076049
File: 21 KB, 346x331, 1430587252804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>student in class beside me sees me fooling around with a pen and doodling knights and stuff
>he is struggling with anatomy in his drawing and begins cursing under his breath

not sure how to feel about that

>> No.2076074

You probably need to study up more on things like anatomy and then start playing with it more as you get familiar. As for a polished and clean look, you're going to want to do some studies where you shoot for making a nice finished drawing with some good amount of detail. For interesting/eyecatching, try reading lots of books and reading up on how to compose an image in a nice way. Study film stills or storyboards.

Make sure you're good on proportion/value at the very least but knowing about color will help you too (only after value is down though, it is half of color and if you don't get it life will be hell)

I have been there and you should suck it up and go study. Time's a-wastin'. What happens with them is they're mindlessly copying instead of actually doing hours of focused study, so make sure that you're really paying attention. It's tiring but bro it's worth it.


There is a process to drawing things and you need to learn that before you do anything else. Drill it into your brain. General to specific, envelope shape to smaller shapes to smaller yet. Sketch it out, block some things in, and refine before moving on to rendering or details. Make sure you always really look at your subject and if you don't understand something look it up.

>> No.2076115
File: 59 KB, 348x308, halp me pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think about drawing
>think about painting
>rarely actually do it
>tfw trying to push self to do more and struggling
>just want to make stuff at a more even, constant pace because at least that way I'm always making something

Why am I not constantly doing things. Why is it so hard for me to stick my nose to the grindstone. Fuck.

>> No.2076260
File: 19 KB, 280x187, Business-man-sweating-at-desk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to draw anatomy from imagination
>Visualize hard
>Try to FEEL IT a la Vilppu
>Try even harder to visualize
>Focus really hard on visualizing my entire body, every single body part, the weight, the pressure, the effort
>I'm focusing so hard that I feel like fainting
>Start sweating
>My body is shaking
>I'm feeling a bubble of energy popping from my belly
>Feel like my body is a straw and someone is passing a lemon trough it, but it doesn't hurts
>When I come back, I'm on the floor, face covered in saliva, still shaking

The only explanation I could find was that I pushed so hard that I squeezed my PC muscle and got a full body orgasm

>> No.2076263
File: 23 KB, 400x264, laughingseal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol wtf man

>> No.2076540

I have similar problems with eye distortion but for me it's the eye that's farther away from the viewer.
Oh, also gesture, everything's too stiff.

>> No.2076542

you know, focusing hard doesn't mean clenching your asshole like you're trying to halve a log.

>> No.2076790
File: 398 KB, 638x1036, gravewstonepolishedkleinredder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a huge problem coming up with original ideas that are worth painting up. The world really doesnt need anymore knights gazing at a castle on the horizon, bladerunner streets and close ups on zBrush mech heads. I sketch alot but I dont actually render stuff up. Last proper image is 2 weeks old now, pic related.

>> No.2076842
File: 81 KB, 674x960, 1430245373205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>become well known in a niche area
>meet lots of people, everything is fun and good.
>none of them i can really call legit friends because i don't know a damn thing about them
>want to make some friends and motivate each other, even just one person is fine as long as we're real niggas
>everyone i actually respect is too busy to talk to me or i cant keep an interesting conversation with because I'm not funny or interesting
>life is starting to become completely devoid of social interaction
>don't even get me started on how life is beating my face in
>can feel myself becoming extremely jaded and burnt out.

what do?

>> No.2076860

get Jon back on Gamegrumps asshole

>> No.2076880

Paralyzed because I need to learn the basics but want to be drawing all this cool shit in my head.

>> No.2076901

Tell him to do an online atelier, if you're actually good he'll think it's inside pro advice and he'll definitely end up good.

>> No.2076957

So this painting is yours?
It's quite original i guess

>> No.2077017

Thank you very much!
I do feel bad about my low output though.

>> No.2077040

Come on asshole, this is fake. I laughed tho.

>> No.2077045

>be 21
>havent seriously drawn anything since I was 16
>Download ArtRage 4 onto windows tablet the other day
>buy 3 euro shitty stylus
>very buttfrustrating

Ah well, still feel like im learning

>> No.2077047

>it's literally impossible to motivate teenagers unless money is involved.

Fixed that for you.

>> No.2077184
File: 119 KB, 274x352, 1368381899123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>see me draw something
>pencil in hand
>get a closer look
>wow anon was it you that did this ?

well what does it fucking look like ?

>> No.2077359

Maybe you need a pressure sensitive one?
I can't be motivated even by money.

>> No.2077408
File: 39 KB, 224x224, 1368021018886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I speak from personal experience. Constant internal criticism and self-flagellation will result in symptoms not dissimilar to those found in domestic abuse patients.

I became a victim of verbal aggression ALL BY MYSELF WITH NO ONE ELSE INVOLVED! All I had to show for it was a greatly diminished volume of speaking, a desperate fear of eye contact, and a pervasive stutter.

I'm not even cured, I'm shaking a little right now writing this. I'm so stupid, I can't do anything right.

I would cry tears of joy to know the freedom and happiness that those autists have. To live with dignity, I find I wish to die. In dying, I find joy undignified.

What the fuck am I writing, that was terrible. I'm sorry.

>> No.2077438

Pastels kick my ass. I kinda feel like I've disappointed my parents cause those pastels were a Christmas present, and not cheap. But I just can't master the technique.

>> No.2077461

Anon, I'm feeling similar, only not aggressive, but filled with fear. But deep inside I know it is going to be alright one day, so it will for you

>> No.2077810
File: 111 KB, 674x960, 江戸のピープ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The cool old dudes that I do life drawing with are going to die within 20 years

>> No.2077818

>been drawing steady my entire life
>growing up nobody else would really try
>always could see and even feel my improvement over the years
>turn 19, and land on this plateau
>draw almost every day
>do exercises, try art school, get advice from multiple professionals
>still not improving
>turn 23 in July
>still on this plateau
>still can't improve

>> No.2077822

Are you me?

>> No.2077981

what plateau would that be?

>> No.2078106 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 336x523, 1428173488531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a regular in a draw room for many months
>love what people make and try to pick up drawing
>constantly feel uninspired and can't help contribute
>feel as if all eyes are on me when I draw
>get angry and leave in a fit of disappointment to draw alone and do poses or some shit
>cycle repeats
i just wanna draw cool, ok looking stuff
not even perfect 1:1 just good enough to please me and others

>> No.2078139
File: 42 KB, 252x274, wrong number.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw failing every class except art

>> No.2078691

anon, you should try meditation. It greatly helps remove the mental chatter and leaves you feeling peaceful overall

>> No.2078695

tru dat

>> No.2078697
File: 39 KB, 378x414, hjahaaj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking meditation is anything more than a glorified nap.

>> No.2078698

I fucking hate this. I've even been asked "are you _ drawing_ that" I'm like nigga you SEE me moving this pencil around you think this just for show?! Once I was using a light box to ink some rough pencils I'd drawn and a chick asked me if I was drawing or tracing. I said I was going over my drawings to clean them up and she let out a disappointed "oh" and I said I drew what I was going over too but she just gave me a dirty look and walked away. Fucking hell.

>> No.2078701

Oh wow someone made a pasta of this lol

>> No.2078702

You shouldn't focus on the result. Rather, you should focus on the process itself, have fun doing it. It's the experience that counts

>> No.2078706

I can't draw the same face twice.

I've had a panic attack and I haven't eaten all day because I'm just incapable of drawing a character in different positions.

I'm never going to make it. My brain just can't grasp how to do it

>> No.2078717

It's not about what being said, its about the intention. You know in RPG where there is a 'talk' button to talk to NPCs? That is that 'talk' button.

>> No.2078727

Well, how about this: start considering beforehand how you want the face to look. Before you even draw it the first time.

What kind of facial shape? What kind of eyes? What kind of nose? What kind of mouth? What kind of distinctive features?

Rather than draw a face to replicate, make up a template in your mind that all your faces have to conform to. When you draw with intent the first time, you can draw with the same intent the second, third and fourth time.

>> No.2078736

>That is that 'talk' button.
It really is tho, it's such a pre-packaged talking point. "I can't draw a straight line" or "I can't even draw stick figures". Ugh.

>> No.2078739

copy pasta?

>> No.2078742

Funnily enough I have never got that problem, but instead I Ctrl+s all the time, especially if I want to go to the bathroom or something.

>> No.2078752

Ya'll need sum meditation broheims

>> No.2078754

not gonna force you
I'm just saying it helped other people on their mental chatter

>> No.2079173
File: 35 KB, 292x493, 1428622381526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>understands basic perspective theory
>can't implement anything for shit

>> No.2079195
File: 53 KB, 534x361, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>overhear conversation with a group
>one of them is a girl
>"I can't do this anymore. I keep getting inboxes asking me to show my tits. How can anyone put up with that?"
>another person in that group "why dont you just delete those messages and move on?"
>"Im being bullied, im calling the police"
>I sniker
>they look over
>Im already out the door barley containing my laughter

>> No.2079199
File: 44 KB, 376x449, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They cant come up with a better ice breaker?

>> No.2079205

The most radical dudes are the older ones who already went through life

>> No.2079209
File: 85 KB, 476x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats why you have referances you dolt

>> No.2079213
File: 535 KB, 1280x1409, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One step at a time

>> No.2079479

>I have no motivation to draw anything other than bad fetish porn and could probably qualify for autism/cringe threads with how bad said porn sucks

>> No.2079480


>> No.2079490

Very nice. You got a source on that shit, bruh?

>> No.2079513
File: 21 KB, 250x242, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw turn 23 in july

>> No.2079692

>post traditional drawing
>just a simple study of gold fishes
>upload to tumblr
>1 hour later, what the fuck am I dreaming this can't be real
>all of the sudden it gets allot of notes out of nowhere
>gain allot of followers from that simple drawing when I that amount would take a month or two to reach
>post an art piece I feel is complete, really happy with how it turned out
>goes back to 1 ~ 5 notes, well... at least people are interested still, ouch
>I don't understand tumblr sometimes
>things would probably be much easier if I just made fan art and joined the most popular thing and jumped the bandwagon

>> No.2079757

this entire thread
just, everything is what is wrong with me
everything is the stuggle, i want to get better but I can't seem to. i've been doodling for too many years and anyone who says they like what I drew makes me depressed as fuck. i can't seem to practice at all, like i LITERARY can't practice. something i can't figure out, like drawing something over and over, getting it wrong from the first tiny bit makes me stop and start over, still getting it wrong and repeating the process over and over.

i just wanna draw huge boobs anime ladies dammit.

>> No.2079761

this works...

i'd kill for people to like what I draw, even as a sketch. holy shit man, you don't remember what it was like having art for a long LONG while that looked MAYBE like a sketch and that was your FINISHED FUCKING WORK!?

and then people tell you to clean it up, GUESS WHAT ASSHOLES! THAT IS CLEANED UP!

can't wait, just can't fucking WAIT until i'm good enough to not remember how SHIT i am now.

>> No.2079891

>shoulder bursitis and tendonitis on drawing arm

I got those injuries before learning to draw. Physiotherapist is having me limit drawing time ;_;

>> No.2079959

are you the same fucking guy who keeps using the argument "you're not allowed to give critique unless you show your work first". You have any idea how naive that is? To have to prove that you're better in something before you can have an opinion about it? With this logic none of the movie reviewers have valid opinions because they haven't made any films, so why the fuck should they be allowed to have a say in things right?

>> No.2080025

The only struggles I have are all of the stupid things and people that get in my way of drawing. Like my shitty job and annoying people who bother me to hang out constantly. When I actually get time to draw though it's great.

>> No.2080027

You can have an opinion but people who don't have experience and knowledge shouldn't give advice.

>> No.2080070

Wow, it's like it's bad to discuss art related things in an art related discussion board.

>> No.2080074

Godspeed, nigga. Just remember this little asian guy cheering you on


>> No.2080121

I feel you. Why does my lineart have to be so shitty? The sketch looks ok

>> No.2080123

Digging it. Even if it is photobashed

>> No.2080133
File: 754 KB, 1004x994, scav test 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw want to start a webcomic
>always put it off because unsure about style, story, formatting, execution etc
I wish I could be some of those artists who just post their work without any real thought and planning

>> No.2080155

Oh mighty god, this.
But in my case add the beginner's skill.
>Have an idea
>Want to draw it
>I can't because I don't draw enough
>Give up
>Rinse and repeat

>> No.2080158

People aren't posting their work without any real thought and planning. People put loads of effort into these things, and you need to too.

>> No.2080159
File: 203 KB, 500x499, 1426678028545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be an absolute beginner
>don't know where to start
>lose motivation because I don't know what to study
>start drawing from life to occupy my self so I can figure out what the hell im doing.
>everything I draw looks like the most boorish piece of shit that I've ever seen in my life
It's a cycle that's never ending

>> No.2080164
File: 26 KB, 264x379, 1383019297404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>english is favorite subject
>can't hold a conversation well
>can't create good deep dialogue based on the characters without sounding repetitive
>all because I don't socialize/watch movies to have a hint of inspiration

>> No.2080172

firez reference

>> No.2080174

>2 months ago
I remember threads like these 3 years ago.

>> No.2080179

>get serious about drawing
>make daily schedules and goal trackers
>enthusiastically begin my journey
>job suddenly bumps me up from 20hrs to 40hrs
>old friends and family start coming out of the woodwork to hang out
>go weeks without getting more than a couple hours of drawing in per day
>frustrated and depressed because I can't meet set schedules or goals
>fuck this, give up, nev gun git gud
>suddenly have many long hours of free time
>Draw something
>Shit, I love drawing, I should start studying again.

repeat, ad infinitum

>> No.2080193

keys to drawing
drawing with the right side of the brain

>> No.2080230

>think about signing up for watercolor painting class
>boss accidentally schedules me to work on its first day
>go to art store to buy supplies, register printer eats my $40 paper receipt
>call the art center hosting the class to register, nobody picks up the phone
>look up the artist hosting the class, her art is kind of awkward and her personality seems a bit weird too

Is this a sign that I should just not sign up for this class or what?

>> No.2080264

>be a grill
>everyone assumes everything you create has some relation to being a grill


>> No.2080370


For my thesis in art school, my teacher sat me down and asked me to explain the feminist agenda in my work. I told her there really wasn't one and she told me I better think of one, because if I told that to my panel I wouldn't pass.

>> No.2080371

yea happened to me too

>> No.2080382

Because you're a girl. If you're a girl, you see the world from the perspective of a girl.
In the vast majority of commercial and pop art, you can recognize the gender of the artist, simply by looking at it. The same goes for various "experts" in various fields that have an opinion on something. It's incredibly odd to see how differently men and women interpret data, and the distance seems to increase, the less fact based something is.

Also, stop assuming that the male perspective is somehow the default that belongs to everyone. This is a huge fucking problem with the feminist way of thinking. While you may assume a man isn't judged by his gender, you only assume so because it's considered the default standard.

>> No.2080390

I have this. I call it "magnum opus syndrome." Your epic saga has to be absolutely perfect right on the first page. When it's not good enough yet, you crumple it up and delay the project for another year.

This shit for real? Please be joking/exaggerating.

>> No.2080403

Jesus. Wish I could tell the original poster of this stuff to go read some Marcus Aurelius and develop some grit.

>> No.2080405

I'm not assuming the male Perspective is the default wtf I didn't even say that bro, I'm jus saying when I draw a landscape or some shit it doesn't represent my struggle or experience as a female.

>> No.2080406

did she say she is a femnist? nobody asks guys what their guy perspective is on their fucking art

>> No.2080409

>nobody asks guys what their guy perspective is on their fucking art

That was my point. People just assume that they don't have one, because apparently a male perspective doesn't exist. The male perspective has been hijacked and presented as the default.

>> No.2080413

You're pretty bad at communicating your points and also about to derail the thread. Please don't.

>> No.2080417

Go slap your clit against a wall, chum.

>> No.2080419

what the fuck

>> No.2080420

Isn't that what girls do?
Must still be a guy thing that you haven't culturally appropriated from us, yet.

Now excuse me, as I slap my dick against the wall.

>> No.2080426 [DELETED] 


>> No.2080438

She thought she was for real. She even made me submit a statement on the role of feminism in my work before she would sign off on approving my presentation. But then my panel never even fucking asked about feminism.

But my other female friends mentioned they went through the same thing. Their teachers prepared them to answer the question because there's always one period warrior on the panel who won't settle for 'that's not applicable.' And you get marked down harshly if you can't properly answer the panelists' questions.

>> No.2080439

And that shit will keep happening, until women who aren't feminist cunts actually start speaking up against this. Men can't speak up against feminism. You've seen what happens over the past few years when they do.

>> No.2080443

>endlessly focusing on studying to a system for your "imaginative" art.

Maybe you're not as naturally talented, but these schematic learning styles are fucking insane.

>> No.2080447

if you want to learn how to draw something learn THAT and not fuck around with something else before you get to the thing you want to draw.

>> No.2080744

Is this panel thing for real? Do they really judge you for the #underlying #meaning instead of the anatomy form perspective etc these days?

>> No.2080746
File: 68 KB, 667x960, tfw friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-is there a cure for this syndrome, anon?

>> No.2080748

No I mean like artists like Tim Buckley. I'm pretty sure no severe planning on his part was made

>> No.2081335
File: 153 KB, 617x617, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think about
>"I think I'm starting to understand the anatomy of the leg"
>"wait I don't know how to do the lower leg"
>"or how to shade it"
>"or how to shade in general"
>"fuck i can't color"
>continue to get overwhelmed by the increasing number of things I don't know
>worry I'll never learn any of those important things
>worry I'll never be an artist

>> No.2081381

The only thing that ever helps me with that is baby steps. Just try to keep your mind on one problem at a time, even if you have to resort to something weird like narrating what you're currently doing to yourself to stay present. Break down tasks you're gonna do into little ones, even miniscule if you have to; that can help ease the sense of pressure plus give you a sense of accomplishment as you complete each little task. Whatever works.

>> No.2081384

Honestly movie critiques are all appearance and don't matter anyway.

Who the fuck takes a review seriously anyway?

>> No.2081387

Same here. All of my professors want us to have an underlying meaning, an "agenda." If we don't, they tell us to make up a meaning.

I mean, damn. Sometimes i just want to draw what's in my head and make things look pretty/accurate. Apparently those have no merit and we should stick to abstract hippy garbage.

>> No.2081391

I have a really bad problem with my poses.
I try a different pose, but it always goes back to arms down, facing left or something.
I feel that my art isn't quite as exciting to look at in this regard. I've tried the 30 second pose practices before but i found myself getting frustrated when the pose didn't work out the way i wanted.

>> No.2081437

>Love painting irl, with acrylics, oil, pastels
>Love painting digitally
>BUT, dislike drawing, sketching and lineart
>I seem incapable of thinking and making stuff out of "lines", and hence it feels impossible to make anything decent with a pencil
Does this thing Im having / feeling have any name or anything?

>> No.2081452

I think it's different for every school and depends on your major/intent. For my school, everyone got paired with a teacher and over the course of a year they make their work and the teacher reviews every stage to make sure you don't produce any turds, unless it's your intent to produce a turd, in which case they make sure you have enough research and reasoning to justify the turd.

The panel is just a group of professionals there to make sure your mentor didn't misguide you and that you can explain everything you've done to an audience who aren't familiar with your work.

>> No.2081510

try sketching with charcoal?

>> No.2081523

To get through this I made a star chart that has increasing levels of proficiency in different categories (perspective, anatomy, comp, etc). Then I study a lot and if can draw x in y manner, I get a star. If I get bored in one category I move on to categories that have lower proficiency. Just something to try maybe.

>> No.2081548

I put my tablet pen in my ass and it won't come out now. Should I call a doctor or just wait until I poop?

>> No.2081555

leave it there. it'll be your lucky item

>> No.2082597

>forms in perspective
>forms in perspective with good composition
> " plus dynamic movement
> " plus dynamic movement and well lit
> " plus dynamic movement and well lit, now in colour

Baby steps baby steps.

>> No.2082794
File: 54 KB, 600x630, 1430966901499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't help it, the whole thing reads like a car salesman's pitch. I can only dream to hear Steve Ballmer recite it.


In all seriousness though, I hope the original poster is doing well and leaving that wounded state.

>> No.2082835

Nothing will ever be worse than that guy who cut off his own finger though. That shit was nuts.

>> No.2083469

This right here is my struggle.

>> No.2083622

damn, when was that?

>> No.2083684

Man, I wanted to say it hasn't been that long but it's been kind of fading in my memory so maybe it has, like at least a year. In fact I'm not exactly sure whether it was here or on /co/ but there was this anon who had that disorder where his brain wouldn't identify part of his body as actually part of his body and would keep compelling him to get rid of his ring finger and pinky on one hand. We tried telling him to see a doctor but the next time he posted about it I asked him if he'd seen a doctor and he said he'd cut off one of the two fingers and even though he'd had a trip to the hospital he felt better. Apparently it's called Body Integrity Disorder. Shit. Was. Crazy.

>> No.2083699
File: 48 KB, 625x429, 1427489177367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing myself to others

Fuck dude, I'm there with ya.

It's really hard to just look at your own work that you feel somewhat proud of for a minute or so, even an hour, then glancing over at a buddy or somebody on the internet that is roughly your age and seems like he's putting either less effort, making you feel like you shouldn't be wasting time on this shit, or someone working way harder than you and making you feel like you're a lazy shitter.
shit sucks.

>> No.2083711
File: 156 KB, 411x443, Pensative Adachi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's even more annoying since I have Ctrl+z mapped to one of my stylus' buttons.

I swear people would see me just rapidly mashing the side of my pencil or pen and think I'm retarded.

>> No.2083738
File: 6 KB, 250x210, 1427009529720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh boy here we go.

>Student in my class a row in front of me is trying to trace a drawing from a game
>turns around to look at me and asks for my help, since I suppose he considers me decent
>makes me look at his page and asks whats wrong
>look at it
>it's a shitty base with no composition or anatomy, nothing makes sense and it screams figure drawing
>Try to ease into it and give him advice
"I-I mean yeah, it needs some work but you can do it man"
>he punches his desk in anger
"How do you do it anon, you're so fucking good, how, it's not fair"
>Don't know how to respond
"It's all about practice, you gotta learn and stuff, practice every day and shit like that, yeah?"
>he looks at me with an annoyed face
"want me to help you? Maybe criticize your work to point out what you got wrong so you can improve on it?"
>he says why not
>I do the deed
>he asks how he can improve
"again, you gotta study and shit. There's this guy, Andrew Loomis, he has some fantastic books on drawing and stuff, I really suggest you read them."
>he fucking smirks and lets out a giggle
"I'm not going to fucking read BOOKS!"
>he keeps complaining about how he's shit and should just give up
>I walk back to my seat and continue drawing
I swear, if there's anything that pisses me off it's shitters that want to improve without any effort, just want shit handed to them on a silver plate, fuck.

>> No.2083775

strangely, my internet friends have no problem telling me how much theyve masturbated to my works, even the ones that arent porn

>> No.2083865

Report these professors to the dean/principal. Show no mercy.

>> No.2083883


The secret is to tell family and friends to fuck off

>> No.2083944

Not owning a mirror for drawing like a true renaissance artfag

>> No.2083948

>Decides to draw porn
>Lose several hours for jerking off to reference material

>> No.2084007

>tell guy i met at school at the start of this semester that i like doing art but i suck at it
>he asks me if i practice classically
>not sure what he means at first but then I realize that I have been because I wouldn't know where to begin on an alternative

How the fuck else do you develop art skills?

>> No.2084035

>draw landscape
>get message how much of a nut was busted

>> No.2084063
File: 141 KB, 1688x518, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>punches desk
>he fucking smirks and lets out a giggle
>"I'm not going to fucking read BOOKS!"

Kill him

>> No.2084065
File: 50 KB, 407x444, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2084480

>have a shit ton of how to draw books
>havent touched any single one of them

>> No.2084537

top kek

>> No.2084571

I think I've heard of that disorder before

fucking weird shit, man

>> No.2084573

Tell him you were born with the talent
He'll believe it

>> No.2084641

>want to draw porn
>can't get out of my comfort zone
>I bring myself down everyday

I wish I could stop being faggot

>> No.2084868

I-I-I'll be your f-f-friend anon

>> No.2084887
File: 387 KB, 1002x1418, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use your horny dick to draw.
If you cant fap to it, who will

>> No.2084888
File: 85 KB, 650x724, 07443.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking rendering class
>teacher is 10/10, great guy
>has his own studio

>want to become his apprentice

How do, /ic/?

>> No.2084909

post sauce pls

>> No.2084910

slap his ass with a cheeto dust covered hand to break the ice and ease into conversation

>> No.2084923
File: 36 KB, 426x341, iQQdx9xiIOlJC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slap his ass

I'm actually pretty attracted to him, not gonna lie.

>> No.2084928

>never finish anything





>> No.2084956
File: 20 KB, 266x304, 1370829009185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you

being technically a neet for my first semester of college really fucked me over in the 'being able to focus on any sort of work' department

>> No.2085033
File: 260 KB, 1920x1200, 1359065452422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Draw 4-6 hours a day
>Shoulders starts hurting

Cry for me, /ic/

>> No.2085037

Stretch regularly and lift some weights.

>> No.2085046

The drawing isn't what's hurting your shoulder, you stupid sick minded weeb

>> No.2085048

>"technically a neet"
>"for first semester of college"

I'm really confused anon..... did you not go to any of your classes your first semeseter? Or do you not know what "neet" means?

>> No.2085050
File: 42 KB, 411x411, 1421315708628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow rude

>> No.2085343

I know what it means - my first semester was all classes that I could basically sleep through or wait until the very last minute to write the paper and still pass. Basically spent all my free time playing games and developed some nasty sedentary tendancies that I'm just now getting out of.

>> No.2085345
File: 3 KB, 125x108, 1428348576019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to pick up traditional after dropping it for a year for digital
>absolute shit
>art school portfolio deadlines only a few months away

>> No.2085355

You can still get something out of a bad teacher. I hated my last two teachers in high school but I still got something out of it (even if it was stolen supplies and a hate of Beegees)

>> No.2085358

This is the -exact- mindset I'm stuck in as well. For the last few months I haven't really been able to pick up the studybooks and draw because of it. What do I do? Do I quit drawing and go back to playing vidya all day? I feel so fucked.

>> No.2085361

Better than those senior anons who show up 2 weeks before portfolios are due. Manage your time and work on it before the deadline consumes you. You've got a full summer to work on shit.

>> No.2085471
File: 109 KB, 264x267, 23482443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> doodling in sketchpad at public place
> random person notices
> uses their smartphone to show me their friends drawings
> gallery is full on magic the gathering level fantasy art
> can't tell if their trying to make me feel self conscious or just be friendly and have nothing else to try and relate to me with
> mfw

>> No.2085706

>stop drawing around 14-16
>self doubt meant I thought I'd be shit forever
>studied sciences instead
>got degree, realised its not what I want
>neet for 2 years
>parents probably tired of my shit
>it clicks, self doubt fading away
>start drawing again, actually feel happy
>still regret the wasted ~8 years I could have used to git gud

I probably wouldn't have listened to advice anyway, angsty self pity shit that I was.too much vidya too.

>> No.2086102

I feel your pain anon, going through something similar.

>> No.2086109
File: 43 KB, 480x480, 5374264__9aaa521195c5b2f30e3164e371128927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> like to draw monsters and other scary things because they are cool and I like them
> everyone that sees my art and isn't an artist tries to assume that whatever I'm drawing is some window into my current mental state
> have to routinely explain that there's nothing wrong with me at the moment and wrestle with the conflicted emotion of feeling appreciative that whoever is concerned for my well being while simultaneously feeling involuntarily insulted that anyone thinks I'm so stunted that I need to indirectly "cry for help" through coded imagery

>> No.2086120

>stop drawing around 14-16
Oh man same here. I've posted this before, but it seems relevant. I have a sister who is 4yrs older than me.
>draw like a fiend from 5-11 yrs old, at the same time sister is coding from 8-15
>be 11, get cocky - tell my sister she will never be able to draw better than me, sis says I'm too n00b to ever be a coder
>sister discovers animu at 15 starts to draw. I discover robotics at 11 start to code
>sister starts getting good in HS, goes to RISD. I got OK at coding went to MIT
>sis and I finish uni. Now she can't code for shit. Now I can't draw for shit.
>I turn 26 - sick of engineering, start to draw again. I draw like an 11yr old.
>mfw sis got 4yrs of hardcore instruction
>mfw I will never draw as good as her
>mfw the last time I was a better artist was when I was 11...

>> No.2086121
File: 6 KB, 167x200, feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i made art
>along comes her
>she makes art
>she is happy
>we talk
>we art
>we kiss
>we art together
>we are happy
>years pass arting together
>she leaves
>not happy
>im alone again
>not happy
>she still arts
>i don't art
>years pass
>not happy
>she looks happy
>she still arting
>still im not
>i begin to art again
>its hollow
>means nothing to me
>she killed art for me
>i still art
>its the last thing that connects me to her
>i don't art for me
>i art for her
>not happy

>> No.2086195

I just woke up but I think I'm just going to crawl back in to bed.

>> No.2086196

>All of a sudden it's like I don't know how to do anything, and everything looks wrong.

I don't understand how all my knowledge can just go out the window and it just feels like I'm in the dark.

>> No.2086200

Your artistic eye has moved beyond your talent
it's a natural consequence of improving, just chug onwards

>> No.2086201

Forget about her Anon. Fuck her. Art is your new fucking girlfriend now, Marry it, take care of it, love it more than any woman. Make art for art not for anyone else. Art will never leave you.

Keep fighting the good fight.

>> No.2086209


Only problem I have is that I look at some of my older recent stuff and that stuff seems alright.

>> No.2086211

Same here. Except I did not even finish my engineering degree. Now I'm 25

>> No.2086212

Look on the bright side, now you're a better coder than your sis.

>> No.2086213

Draw a vagina and maybe you'd get laid.

>> No.2086237

Yeah, I'm hoping I get back into the swing of things before early applications. I'm just a nervous mess, though, really.

Small struggle of today
>trying to find good, free brushes for MS5/CPS
Sucks seeing Ruan Jia and other people's brushes being exclusive to PS

>> No.2086267

Yea or maybe I should draw myself sitting on a big pile of money because that's how it works, isn't it

>> No.2086394
File: 7 KB, 320x199, 9zrr5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's time to draw Anon!
>At my computer
>Programs opened, references ready
>Pen in my hand, here we go!
>My mind enacts Error 404 - Blue Screen of Death
>Next thing I know I'm face first in bed
>Don't draw shit
>Grumble and get up the next day
>Go to my bullshit classes because knowledge is power or whatever
>College is so boring
>Cannot stand the repetitive lessons
>Start doodling
>Find I can actually draw for the duration of the class
>"That looks pretty good anon."
>Produce cool art while dodging out of lectures
>Later go back home
>Art time again
>No concentration left
>Cannot draw for shit
>tfw I realize I'm basically hopeless artwise unless I have a professor spouting off while my mind escapes through doodles

>> No.2086419
File: 8 KB, 208x250, hnng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Art will never leave you.

>> No.2086439
File: 135 KB, 500x300, 1426118204411.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tablet cable or jack is starting to wonk out
>only had it since February
>the little tablet that could actually can't

>> No.2086450
File: 54 KB, 640x282, 2010-09-22-fortune-cookie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can draw fairly decent work in front of a reference
>Draw things from reference hundreds of times filling countless pages for days on end
>Feel like you've learned something
>Draw later
>Reference isn't in front of you anymore
>Try to draw what you drew so many times earlier
>It's like you've never seen or drew it once in your life
>Have no idea what you're doing
>You're back at point zero
>Blank, gone, nothing
>Pick up sketchbook, back to reference, repeat it all over again
>Several dozen attempts later..
>Still cannot draw it
>You've learned nothing
>Your efforts were for nothing
>Everything you're doing is amounting to basically nothing
>This never changes
>Realize you're retarded, autistic, artistically handicapped or just all 3

>> No.2086479
File: 1.45 MB, 2560x1920, dunfucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Been doodling and drawing for fun in years
> Realize I need to get myself together
> Studies requires eye of detail and art
> Sit around in class
> Fellow students notice my pencil grip as I draw dumb shit on the paper for later
> "God damn, Anon! You're good, but why the grip?"
> Responding back with that I was a lefty who held the pen with the whole hand, but one of my past step fathers taped my right hand with the proper grip.
> Continued by telling few of them later that I got told by the teachers to "hold it right" and added these rubber pieces on the pencils.

Got no problem holding the way I do, but it can strain the muscles and fingers after so-so many hours, but that seems to be the only thing people focus on when I essentially write or draw spite not being the most pro tier shit.

Pic related. Some doodles and stuff.

>> No.2086502

No way anyone called you good.

>> No.2086515

>but that seems to be the only thing people focus on when I essentially write or draw

Because it's fucking retarded, I bet you stick your tongue out too just to complete the look. Holding a pencil correctly is the most basic thing in the world and when an adult struggles to do that of course people are going to pick up on it and judge you for it.

>> No.2086566

And in no way do I consider my crap "good". I hate what I create, cuz it doesn't look the way I want it to be.
And by the tongue you're going on assuming that I draw a shit ton of sexual poses? Nah.
As for holding the pencil right and calling it "the most basic thing, I can get that. Looks idiotic, but I'm not all comfortable writing/drawing with the normal grip.

>> No.2086569

On top of that, I want to practice so I can get good while I can.

>> No.2086587
File: 73 KB, 507x338, 83833357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And by the tongue you're going on assuming that I draw a shit ton of sexual poses? Nah.

You are rather special, I was referring to sticking your tongue out in concentration like a child.

>> No.2086592

My mistake. I read it in a different way, but yeah. I may be that much of an autist.

>> No.2086594


You probably won't see this, but I hope you do, anon.

Go camping as soon as you can. For a few days, a week, whatever. Far away from your current environment and everyone you know. If camping isn't an option, it doesn't matter. Isolation is the key. Isolation and free time and somewhere different.

Bring nothing but essentials, food and art supplies. Bring some reference to do in your tent if it rains.

Spend your day drawing. Don't draw to surpass others. Draw to put what is around you onto paper. If you get sick of drawing, explore your environment and think about things.

This might sound icky to you if that's not your thing, but these kind of experiences can only change someone for the better. It can be a life changing experience if you let it.

tldr go somewhere new and pretty alone and draw and contemplate all day

>> No.2086908

it will never love you, either

>> No.2086912
File: 39 KB, 348x333, 1423969083933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it

My mother thinks that me doing studies of the skeleton is morbid.

Dad (who isn't an artist, but has a drafting sort of way of doodling) remembers when he was in elementary school and his teachers called in his parents to talk because his use of the black crayon over other colors apparently meant he was having some kind of dark mental issues.

>> No.2086915

Same but with cute characters doing cute things.

>> No.2087079
File: 202 KB, 1170x905, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw torso and limbs somewhat decently proportioned
>head is always out of proportion

>> No.2087085

Yeah one of my friends found my nsfw tumblr the other day and he said I have problems. He was joking around, but I think he still wonders about me a little. It sucks because I know if I did actually show people I know they really would think there's something wrong with me, even though I've lived my life completely normal for 28 years.
>cute characters doing cute things
You mean kids, don't you.

>> No.2087960
File: 34 KB, 427x503, 1429043462173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm saved by a new cable. This shitty tablet will keep trucking on.

Too bad it won't fix my fear of actually starting and completing my portfolio so it can be scrutinized by actually skilled people, forever impending my school applications.
>tfw feeling your parents' disappointment at every turn
>that look of shame whenever I have to tell people I'm taking a gap year

>> No.2087976

unless you're really really REALLY a shitter, don't worry about it

just knock that shit out, man

>> No.2088000

relate the head to the limbs broh

>> No.2088018
File: 645 KB, 1024x768, 1429675571778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I know. I'm feeling sort of optimistic that I'll be able to churn out shit that's decent enough to get me in. But sometimes the negative feelings really fuck me up.

>half assed "portfolio" assembled from old works, some from years ago
>get good reviews from the representations at the portfolio review
>RISD rep especially loved my work and went way over the time limit with me
>dad is actually impressed by the work I can do and what people can see in it
>expect my parents to actually start supporting me
>months later
>parents constantly bitch about the hours I spend in front of the computer "doing facebook"
>4 hours of work a day minimum unless my wrist and depression are acting up
>they step on and trash my traditional work
>and talk loud enough on the phone that I can overhear them being "worried" about my future and comparing me to my (admittedly) successful classmates
>never ask or say anything about my works

Now I just think the feedback from the portfolio review was because they felt nice and mistook me for being a lot younger. Thankfully, I'm in high gear right now and finally understanding and applying things

/blog shit

Also actually art related and not just angsting about parents
>watching erik olson's lectures on perspective NMA
>actually understanding perspective now

>> No.2088029

How thick are the limbs are though?

>> No.2088144
File: 77 KB, 500x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to take at requests
>every time I look at my art it's shit
>never take requests because of fear
>fear that my art will be worse than the already very low expectations of requesters

>> No.2088719

that's a drawing, bruh-bruh

>> No.2088728
File: 124 KB, 611x755, 1408971926042.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

set out times of the day to sit down and actually do it then

get a schedule going, you'll instantly feel better

>> No.2088735


know that feel

just block them out to a certain extent, as long as you know you're moving forward with your art/career it eventually won't be an issue

but if you're not actually going anywhere they may not want to foot the bill anymore

>> No.2088783

like to draw porn/not shure how if mommy likes it (feminist)
pretendet doing homework and drew porn
became clairaudient
didn't need to lock room
got quick in drawing and learned interuptus
drew porn jacked off before mom came in
prepared secret folder/drawer
drew porn regularly
learned to hold back
got me a kick...

>> No.2088976
File: 82 KB, 184x184, kello.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck it all to the hell.

I am going to do it. I am going to fucking dump this fucking computer to somewhere.

I sit all day on computer and do fucking nothing.

What would be the best pdf's to print before i dump this piece of procrastination machine into the deep end of the nearest river?

>> No.2088982

i do the same, except for after midnight i turn this shitter off and sit at my drawing desk for 3-4 hours.

speaking of which, it's time.

>> No.2088991

No send it to me I need a computer

>> No.2088993
File: 497 KB, 500x376, tumblr_mtntkaU7pn1rcbrvio1_500 (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2088995

did that in highschool

>tfw you sucked and you still suck but they liked your work and you were proud for nothing

>> No.2089000

>buy tablet
>wtf is this shit I can't draw with this
>abandon tablet after a day

>> No.2089028
File: 26 KB, 324x336, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>join art community
>do what I can to get noticed
>talk to others
>join others in chats
>post art
>still feel ignored and invisible
>feel like an unwelcome outsider
What do I do.

>> No.2089041

Don't try to force yourself or play a role, as it's being said "become a person that people want to be around". Work on your skills, answer sincerely in topics that you're sincerely interested in. Don't try to engage in conversations that you're not interested in, you'll sound bland. Or maybe you're like me, a big fuck up, if so that's unrepairable, sorry.

>> No.2089106
File: 1.71 MB, 500x500, well memed friend.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>draw porn
>don't tell parents I do it
>they still know
>spend weeks trying to figure it out
>finally realize it's because I keep leaving my cock n' tits studies in sketchbooks on the kitchen table.

I only have myself to blame.

>> No.2089118

if you can get trips, you can draw with a tablet

>> No.2089134

> too many commissions
> no time for personal art
> no time for studies
> can't say no, I need money

>> No.2089136

at least you have the courage to put yourself out there

>> No.2089180

will you loose your good boy points?

>> No.2089511

I only turn my computer on to work, which keeps procrastination to a minimum. If I want to fuck around and do nothing then I use my phone, and the limitations of it bring me to do less. Having had to type out this paragraph with my thumb has insured that I will not have the energy to reply to anything on 4chan for another couple of hours and I will now use that time to work. Take it one step at a time, anon.

>> No.2089513

so fucking move out and do it, manlet

>> No.2089515


You need to find a way out. Honestly. When you are doing comissions just to get by, you are basically on stand still. You stagnate.

>> No.2089618
File: 127 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to get a dayjob so I can leave and do art by myself. Being a shelterd and pamperd pussyboy, I stumbled through my first year of college.

Things are starting to make sense. Wheres the money coming from?
They're going to die real soon, I need some money to eject. Fuck a Vacation, i'd probably kill them in the woods and change clothes.

I need to git gud at life. Im only 19, I have time to make it. I just need the outlet, the door. Open it

>> No.2089638

>Much deep, such edge, wow

>> No.2089685
File: 62 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2089747
File: 20 KB, 407x286, Pika-welp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a big one but
>Finish commission
>Do last looks
>Even wait until next day and do another round of last looks
>Everything looks beautiful
>Send to client
>Check out picture one last time, maybe getting ready to share on galleries
>Construction lines still showing through in places
>Shit not filled in or outside the lines
>Trash everywhere
>WTF how did I not see this?!
>Fix all that shit and resend
>Er uh...sent you the wrong file...
Every time, damn it. I'm not sure if this is worse or when I'm sharing to tumblr because the old version is permanent if someone reblogs it.
>tfw see flawed versions of pics still bouncing around

>> No.2089838

That sounds like the right time to raise your prices. Just start with a small increase and see if you still have enough people interested to at least match how much you used to make. If it goes well, you'll either have more free time or more cash, possibly both.

>> No.2089842

Do you try flipping the image before uploading it? Maybe just send it to a friend, I usually notice everything wrong once I do that.

>> No.2089844

Everlasting struggles is trying to draw out of manga/anime art style to anything else more realistic. Same when my drawing is anime like and people never taking me seriously. It's a curse.

>> No.2089850

I flip constantly as I go along, it's not problems with the drawing, just like little left over things that I need to clean up, like maybe there's some dot in the middle of the face that I probably accidentally made while moving my hand somewhere , but I somehow don't see it until it's too late.

>> No.2090043
File: 1010 KB, 500x274, 1421273396994.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been improving a lot
>not great, but I'm on my way
>my drawing that gets the most attention is still horribly shitty anime porn from half a year ago

>> No.2090060
File: 88 KB, 605x605, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>months ago
>be Artbros with this one guy
>thought he was a good artist
>decide to draw him something
>he wants an ass
>draw ass
>friend reblogs it
>last month
>stop being friends
>deletes the reblog of my shitty ass
>that shitty drawing is my most reblogged art piece
>constant reminder of my falling out with said friend and my self loathing

>> No.2090073

This is a good idea. I think I'll start using one of those internet-blocking programs every night or something.

>> No.2090305

>spent about a year trying to teach myself how to draw (no need to say how that ended up)
>tried reading some "how to draw animu" books because I'm weeaboo trash
>only wasted more time making absolutely no progress
>found /ic
>only feel intimidated here due to how shit I am
>can't even get out of symbol drawing
>only able to draw some 2/10 animu bullshit by now
>no idea as to what the fuck I should be doing
>losing motivation and playing shit games instead of practicing because of lack of progress
>considering just giving up and sending this shit to hell

What should I do, anons? Show me the ways of being less of a goddamn faggot

>> No.2090307
File: 487 KB, 1350x566, All Prima - Richard Schmid pg. 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2090314

>All Prima


Anyway. Not only do you'll niggas need Loomis (as do we all) but you need to hear from the realest nigga on earf my boy Jeff Watts


>> No.2090330

I know it's a normal thing to experience but every time I feel myself make a little bit of progress I run straight into a brick wall again. I try something new that seems to work but then I can't do it consistency, as if it's a fluke.
Flipping the art to see the errors is helpful, but I can never get it perfect. Each time I flip it back there's something still/new wrong. Especially when it comes to hair and faces, with eyes being the worst.
I don't know, I feel like I should have made a lot more progress than I actually have. It's like I don't retain most of what I study.
I wish I could have fun drawing again.

>> No.2090334

>design character
>decide it needs to be tweaked
>start thinking about different elements
>make alterations that seem more suitable for the design
>wind up completely destroying all semblance it has to the original idea

>> No.2090336


I started around 15-16 and felt awful at first because it was REALLY bad. After a few months I was really pleased at being able to draw something that people came over to my desk and said WHOA. By the time I was 17 I was drawing portraits of people in my classrooms and everyone would always go googly over them.

That being said, they were complete shit, but that really drove me onwards. Sure, it's a decade before you, but I was drawing stick figures at 15. I had no artistic "talent" (not that I deny that talent doesn't exist, otherwise I would have been hooked on drawing and been drawing masterpieces by my late teens -- but it's irrelevant unless your goal is to be a master by the time you're 20. Just set your goal to be a master by the time you're 40 -- you'll still be a master, so why give up?)

Set goals. "I want to be able to draw humans in three point perspective with close anatomy by the end of the next 12 months." And then set short term goals. "Tomorrow, I am going to not finish drawing until I have improve my facial anatomy."

And in 3-6 months when you start churning out things actually resembling humans and the objects you're copying, you'll start getting a little proud and the next drawings will just draw themselves.

>> No.2090337

I'm like this. The most I ever drew was when some old fuck was in front of me in a school yammering away.
I thought about putting one ted talk or some lectures I found on youtube to trick myself into drawing. Thing is I retain a lot of the shit I was ignoring and the option of turning that shit off is always looming.
That's always the problem with self study you always have the choice to bail without someone looking at you like you're an asshole.

>> No.2090338

Search my name on google images, let's see what happens

>my shitty beginner drawings from 2008, reposted from deviantart on russian image hosting sites populates the search results.
>this is what the world sees
>there is nothing I can do

>> No.2090706
File: 114 KB, 569x802, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having falling out with artbro
>he gets more popular and better at art
>I'm still unpopular and shit at art

>> No.2091101
File: 283 KB, 623x469, 1429773750979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cant paint anything other than studies if there is nothing I like or am interested in anymore
>the few select things that I have left just seem dumb and not like serious enough subjects.

I could just keep on doing stuff that isnt personal but it's so depressing and boring holy shit. My life really seems like a bottomless pit and I dont know what it takes to create something cool. Everything I do is corny. I'll never be able to do a personal painting again

>> No.2091525


This is just my two cents

If you're burnt out, while it helps to take a break and recharge for a bit, try drawing what comes naturally to you and just draw for the sake of personal enjoyment until you gain momentum.

What you don't know you can definitely learn, and the sticky is full of resources. Results may not come immediately but they wont come at all if you don't buckle down and learn.

>> No.2092146
File: 96 KB, 720x667, 1406134689543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, I did this guy's advice >>2089838

I just finished all of my commissioned pieces for last week then raised the price. I only got 2 new clients but they paid 20x the amount of what I earned that week.

Again, thanks anon!

>> No.2092419
File: 465 KB, 500x282, thoughtful-oprah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>irl guy from a year below is pretty much a photocopier
>reference crutch aside, his rendering is amazing
I always feel so damn petty about people who just copy drawings and get all the oohs and aahs. Makes me wish I could do that instead of the shitty construction and other shit I do now.