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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 183 KB, 1862x922, 648913786360193617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2065206 No.2065206 [Reply] [Original]


Bumping this link from a thread about 5 or 6 months ago. I hope someone will find these books useful.

If the OP from the original thread is still here, if you have Scott Robertson's How to Render book or The Art of Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag by Paul Davies, please post them; I need them really bad. Also, I have several books if you're interested in updating your mega folder.

>> No.2065213

My nigga
I remember this guy.
If you need a book really bad, it's okay to buy it. I bought some of the books I really liked because I wanted to support them.
Anyways, I know of quite a few sites with downloads to books and programs. Should I link them, or maybe link a pastebin with many of them?

>> No.2065220

I would definitely buy them, if only I didn't have student loan on my back, and forced to survive with only 150 dollars every month. Anyway, please share them here for the benefit of everyone.

>> No.2065263

Maybe ask for Christmas from family and friends. Even if you do download it.

>> No.2065294

Well, perhaps; I've looked everywhere and I can't find it, so I kind of given up in hopes of someone posting it. Anyway, thanks for the great link

>> No.2065310

You're welcome, I will look for it as well.

>> No.2065346

Looking for Pose File 7 Light and Shadow.

>> No.2066069

what would you say is the type of thing that you get best in a book and less good on the internet?

>> No.2066170

god bless you man

>> No.2066189

Are you asking what is worse about getting things on the internet instead of the actual thing?

I'll look for it

>> No.2066195

i men, what is a specific subject that books are better than the internet at giving you

>> No.2066197

I think its this

>> No.2066198

Books just give the information to you in a different way and help walk you through it. It really depends on where you go and look. I always put these .pdfs on my kindle fire and phone. It is nice. If you haven't tried going through a drawing book, try it. It is fun in my opinion.

>> No.2066200

That's the one linked in the op, isnt it? lol

>> No.2066397

Does anyone have a MGS artbook? other than the one in the mega file

>> No.2066475

Where can I download Kim Jing Gi's sketchbooks? I found an old archived thread that had uploads of them but it was only bits and pieces from his sketchbooks.

Anyone Here got them?

>> No.2068938


>> No.2068956


>> No.2068965

seems like one is dead.
also forgot this : https://mega.co.nz/#F!iUYkgLTS!5ZWT_8aEWHim8szLd09y2g
a couple videos that are not in the first Mega link

>> No.2068978
File: 517 KB, 1000x1322, Blessed Loomis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God Bless OP

>> No.2069227

>I'll look for it
Bless you.

>> No.2069268
File: 252 KB, 800x1115, 1359962075038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May good fortune smile on you.

>> No.2069472

Amazing. Thank you so much.

>> No.2069934

Anyone got the premium proko videos? The figure drawing one in particular.

>> No.2069969

rutracker dot org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4700484
I believe this is what you're looking for.

>> No.2069974

does anyone want dropbox of Anatomy for Sculptors?

>> No.2070024

Yes, please.

>> No.2070050

Welp. Can't find my way through the Russian.

>> No.2070054


>> No.2070236

Yes please.

>> No.2070269
File: 68 KB, 640x479, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2070631

it's on cgpeers m8; go download it from there

>> No.2070907

Is there still that one tracker that had a bunch of art books and videos? I downloaded something from it like a year ago and I swear it was called persia tracker or something but I could just be totally wrong.

>> No.2070929
File: 196 KB, 808x434, productmain_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought all the sketchbook workshops. I was wondering if anybody wanted the pdfs. If enough people want it ill scan it.

>> No.2070971


>> No.2070979

I remember a site like that, but it got taken down. Not sure if It's the same one or not.

>> No.2070980

I'll take em too

>> No.2071012

please do, I'm sure everyone here wants.

>> No.2071017

Go for it, I'd be interested

>> No.2071022

holy shit thanks anon.

>> No.2071024

is anyone getting errors when trying to download? Is this because a lot of people are trying to download?

>> No.2071034


>highlight all files
Sleep as all the files DL to my drive. I really love Mega. No hassle and everything.

>> No.2071065


>> No.2071269

pls scan

>> No.2071271


>> No.2071272

aw yea

>> No.2071287


>> No.2071413


ic I love you

>> No.2071544

all of my yes

>> No.2071586
File: 43 KB, 510x510, 585858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One thousand Blessings be upon you

>> No.2071642
File: 4 KB, 88x88, 1427261028473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure all this praise and adoration to OP for sharing study materials is great and all but out of everyone giving thanks how many of you faggots will actually buckle down and go through the study material and put it to use?

>> No.2071650

I've actually read how to draw book which I got from the link

>> No.2071651

I do, not every book though

>> No.2071652

I started on the how to draw yaoi.

>> No.2071683

Any recommendations for form, layout, color and lighting, and general technique?

>> No.2071690

Keys to drawing or nigga, you need loomis

>> No.2071905

Spoilers don't work here faggot

>> No.2071909

I went thorough 30 something of these until the person who originally uploaded these took down his tumblr. Once I got a link to the mega (before this thread) i did 5 more and I've done 20 or so from >>2065263

>> No.2071924
File: 161 KB, 305x276, Genuflecting3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank GOD, bless OP and every contributor to this thread

good art and skill to all in this thread

>> No.2071928

Holy shit. This is amazing. Thanks a ton.
I'm not great with PDF, but what should these be read with? Is there any program to easily bookmark or save pages from individual PDFs?
Say, if I wanted to save all the pages with poses as images or something. Just full screen and screenshot or what?

>> No.2071936

>I'm not great with PDF, but what should these be read with? Is there any program to easily bookmark or save pages from individual PDFs?
Install and use Adobe Acrobat Reader to read PDFs, since the default one in your computer is a pain in the ass. IIRC, I think they might have some bookmarking option or some shit like that.
>Just full screen and screenshot or what?
Frankly, I think so

capcha: mypen

>> No.2072498

hey man, are you scanning the stuff?

>> No.2072502


I'd kill for How to Render by Robertson. omg pls

>> No.2074206
File: 106 KB, 298x403, 4445432543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2074808


>> No.2074916

But that's the video files, not the book itself....

>> No.2075412


What he/she said

>> No.2075413

>meme generator

>> No.2075442

Does anyone have Classic Human Anatomy by Valerie L. Winslow??

>> No.2075467

Can someone recommend me books/artbooks for master studies?

>> No.2075722

>Implying I give a shit
Well meme'd my friend

>> No.2075852
File: 36 KB, 900x506, hellsing_ultimate_ova3_blu_ray_by_thais_sama-d3eklnr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for books on a Hellsing type art style :)

>> No.2076017

Just study hellsing then... Although with a question like that you probably need to learn your basics.

>> No.2076022

>Huge pure black shadow areas with interesting details in the shadows edge here and there
>More or less done

>> No.2076030

Why? The guy can't draw and tries to cover it up with excessive ink and exaggeration. It's like the guy never matured beyond 14.

>> No.2076202

Look at these tasteless faggots.

>> No.2076204


>> No.2076220
File: 112 KB, 648x486, 20130329174734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any interest in the Solatorobo archives? I only have 1 and 2.

>> No.2076222

I am.

>> No.2076237

Do you realize that some people listen to music with a lot of fuzz and feedback and go "That right there, that's what I like"?

>> No.2076261

yes please

>> No.2076277

Normally I prefer buying books but right now I'm looking for The Artist's Guide to Sketching by James Gurney and Thomas Kinkade but it's been long out of print and I'm not really willing to shell out $200 for an old copy. Does anyone have a PDF of this book? I'm not sure if there even is a copy floating around out there but if there I can't seem to find it. I'd greatly appreciate it if someone who has it would upload it.

>> No.2076287

b-but I didn't even say it was bad...

>> No.2076353

But do they then turn around and try to make music that sounds like that?

I mean, making any art is a step in the right direction, but emulating someone else's heavily stylized work just makes you into a less effective version of that artist

>> No.2076461
File: 38 KB, 260x318, 61iyJsnm2ML._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have some cool artbooks for drawing marvel or dc super heroes?

I have how to draw the marvel way at home, but the designs look kind of outdated.

So I was wondering if there were any modern books i could use.

>> No.2076462

Pleb. Its a shit book

>> No.2076565

I've searched your book in both public and private trackers, but I still couldn't find it. I've made a request for it in my private tracker just 4u.

>> No.2076601

seconding this actually

>> No.2076636


The book i mentioned owning, or the one I used as a picture?

Anyway, if anyone knows some good artbooks for drawing superhero comics.

Feel free to point me in the direction.

>> No.2077445

Soo...is this happening or...

>> No.2077449

Anon here. I started but the more i did it, the lazier i got. So maybe in a month...or two i'll have 1 scan done.

>> No.2077468
File: 19 KB, 522x315, loveu4ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2077577

OP do you want me to suck your dick?

>> No.2077612

Anyone got cgcookie ps brush pack?

>> No.2077880

come on m8, please scan all of them ;_;

>> No.2077885

If I knew you irl, I would give you some sloppy BJs to work faster.

>> No.2078067

>Implying the thread will survive a month
How many pages are there? If there aren't like 500 pages, you should have been done in like 3 days

>> No.2078081 [DELETED] 

What dont have a life!?

>> No.2078098

aside from the stuff in the VK thread, anyone have any more stuff for drawing couples? or families? or people interacting in general aside from beating the shit out of each other

>> No.2078232
File: 197 KB, 440x361, ico.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the first one, now leave me alone.

>> No.2078301

Thanks my based nigga; can't wait for the others

>> No.2078399

get in line

>> No.2078434
File: 21 KB, 180x120, 1366658133205.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well I appreciate the effort, anon.

>> No.2078757

Thanks anon! Cant wait for the next one.

>> No.2078805


You are a piece of shit

>> No.2078817

This is why you don't do shit for niggas.

>> No.2078864

thanks bruh. even if you don't do any more, I appreciate the effort you did put into helpng random assholes on the internet to get free stuff.

>> No.2078902
File: 81 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nnml7uwNXo1qmo5f2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any brushes for inking in photoshop? I am switching from paintooll sai to ps soo im still learning stuff.

>> No.2079299

any good books on drawing animals?

>> No.2079353

a bunch.

>> No.2079418

Does anyone have a book on westerns (cowboys and indians) or a rar/zip of western source images? kinda like the WW2 one in the sticky.

>> No.2080062

Can someone please upload all this to a torrent? Mega keeps going down and it also fucks up downloads so that I can't run it through the night. After 6 or so dl's it usually jams.

>> No.2080671

you haven't done shit though?

>> No.2080704

Which ones are the best for animé?

>> No.2080814

>Does anyone have some cool artbooks for drawing marvel or dc super heroes?
Comic books

>> No.2081208

how i make a picture by austin briggs?


>> No.2081211
File: 1.62 MB, 875x1038, BxWojnsCYAAzxQg.png large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2081239

Will you post the rest anytime soon?

>> No.2081380

Requesting Bammes' Complete Guide to Life Drawing. It's an English translation of one of his books. The one with 300+ pages, not the super compressed one.

>> No.2081478


Doubling up on the request for this. Shit looks tight.

>> No.2083415

Anyone here has Atmosphere's Sketchbook No. 1 and 3?

>> No.2083429
File: 84 KB, 879x777, Library.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hai guise, mind if I contribute as well? Here's what I gots.... some of which is already uploaded... here :


>> No.2083436

Post what you got m8

>> No.2083437

this book is terrible but i applaud your efforts anon

>> No.2083438

just in time, nigga.
I would upload it, but I have to sleep.
this link has all sketchbooks in it. the download might be incredibly slow tough.

>> No.2083442

Much appreciated, anon!

>> No.2083446

Anybody have a pdf of Harold Speed's oil painting book?

>> No.2084676
File: 7 KB, 300x168, imgres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, this thread is so beautiful. Sorry for shitposting.

>> No.2084864

I know this is Art Book Thread, but you know where I can find Erik Olson perspective videos?

>> No.2084943
File: 24 KB, 356x367, 129265366270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good on ya m8

>> No.2085016

Can some post the photoshop brushes.

>> No.2085150

the usual based private tracker

>> No.2085248

Sandro Cleuzo: My approach to Character Design and Animation

>> No.2085250

Thank you based OP.

>> No.2085277


i'll delete soon

how good is mega? havent used it yet

>> No.2085286

Drawing Men's Hips by ChikaraInu?

This might be a better book for yaoi.

>> No.2085325

not him but many thanks

>> No.2085349


>> No.2085376

Guys I'm looking for

'The art spirit' by Robert Henri

'The practice and science of drawing' by Harold Speed

'On the art of drawing' by Robert Fawcett

anyone got any pdf's ?

>> No.2085420

Downloads till 97% and stops, same problem with my other friend.

>> No.2085423

Use MegaDownloader. Shit will allow for resume and stuff. Also don't download as one big zip.

>> No.2085427

Thank you!

>> No.2085457

Although I don't have the other two, here's two of them


They're epub files, so just google epub reader & you're good

>> No.2085461
File: 8 KB, 225x346, 31LPMbzHPpL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this the other day
I haven't got around to opening it but someone said it was a must read for working freelance and dealing with contracts


>> No.2085462

*other one

>> No.2085486


aw hell yeah. thanks brah.

>> No.2085498

>.< ok, I'll try to register tomorrow

>> No.2085501

the practise and science is easy to find anywhere, its so old it's out of copyright.

thanks friend, i'll check this out

>> No.2085504

It's 58Gb long and has over 100h of lecture, though I'd be concerned with maintaining the ratio if I were you. Also, one of the file of the last lesson is missing, but tbh, it's really not a major problem

>> No.2085510

Ok, thanks anon

>> No.2085526
File: 26 KB, 500x375, loveyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for these man.

>> No.2085609


>> No.2085627

Thanks anon!

>> No.2085948

You can find Speed's book on Guttenberg press. No need to download

>> No.2087790
File: 2.72 MB, 4666x3111, IMG_9465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to love reading about art shit but I kind of hit a wall.

>> No.2087936


artbooks here:

>> No.2087944


I'm one a the fags who responded. I got a little pissed seeing that Kinkade's dead and the book hasn't been in print for over two decades, so I managed to find a copy fairly cheap. Either I or my friend'll be scanning it when it comes in, cause I just checked and it's bullshit people have to fork over 100+ bucks to get a used copy of this.

>> No.2087959

guess they figured the value goes up since the guy passed away

you two are heroes none the less

>> No.2087965

I've never seen such an array of shit taste lmoa

>> No.2087970


If yer takin solicitations:

30,000 Years of Art: The Story of Human Creativity Across Time and Space


The Visual Arts: A History

>> No.2088002

You're too fun.

>> No.2088068

That'd be nice.

>> No.2088109

Kyle T Webster has some good ones (they're tools not brushes so they behave differently but in a good way), you can probably find a download somewhere but I wouldn't know. I got them from a friend.

Basically though try looking for tools instead of brushes

>> No.2088262
File: 1.43 MB, 320x232, 1361757199469.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm the guy that made the request. It is a bit strange that they haven't reprinted it since Kinkade's death, you'd think that'd be easy money seeing as he was well known as the painter of light. I personally don't care much for his stuff as much as Gurney's but the concept of the book sounded cool which is why I wanted to get a copy. Dunno where you scooped up your copy but you're doing God's work for scanning them.

>> No.2088358

Is there any place that has a good collection of magazine scans?

>> No.2089584

you are awesome, thank you

>> No.2092193
File: 169 KB, 368x370, 12d20b4b6abc15b2daaea00e3b80ca47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coming soon

>> No.2092298
File: 973 KB, 312x213, 830967946134.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless your kind heart

Also, mind if you can do the cityscapes one next? Thanks

>> No.2092343
File: 36 KB, 250x232, 87302580342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How to Render
So much this.
>mfw there are probably people in /ic/ or even in this thread who has the book but too lazy to scan the entire book

>> No.2092418
File: 6 KB, 149x180, lifedrawing_genuflect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2092434

Why is it so small?

>> No.2092456
File: 268 KB, 476x462, ya cunts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here ya go.

>> No.2092506

Thanks nigga.

>> No.2092783
File: 29 KB, 600x606, 931679634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2092833

Thanks god cheap internet made this crap obsolete.

>want to learn to art
>go into library
>art wankery
>go into book store
>art wankery
>go into art store
>art wankery
>go into art school
>art wankery
>go online
>art wankery

>> No.2093083

im getting a message that seems to want a password

>> No.2093118


Just as an update to all ya'll: book's due to arrive today. Will take pics for proof. Friend forgot about bringing the scanner for our weekly meet-up. Might be able to get it this weekend, but I'll definitely have the book.

Just to curb enthusiasm: I got the book extra cheap in "acceptable" condition, as it was listed as having "heavy underlining" which I figured wouldn't effect reading much. But it'll still be a non-virginal copy of the book. Looks to be spiralbound though, so scanning should (should) be a snap.

>> No.2093129
File: 191 KB, 720x540, 64734737826346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my nigga.
I'm looking forward for it. Take your time scanning so that the scans are in good quality

>> No.2093542
File: 177 KB, 1280x720, Picture 96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Proof of life. Currently talkin' to my buddy to see when I can get my mitts on a scanner.

>> No.2093610

Damn, you must've paid a lot for your copy.

>> No.2093629


you have my Thanks,dear anon.

>> No.2093639


what the hell, thomas kinkade is that incredibly shitty kitsch artist isn't he

>> No.2093644

Why don't you show us your superior art, faggot.

>> No.2093872
File: 8 KB, 248x250, 4983908476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2093880

Figure It Out! Human Proportions" by Christopher Hart, would be nice to have uploaded if anyone could.

>> No.2093886

Does anyone have any recommendations for books where I can see late 1800s American fashion?

Basically just after the Civil War.

>> No.2094461
File: 30 KB, 390x500, aof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit looks tight. It's a bit on the expensive side though.

>> No.2094645

google post-civil war fashionion.

>> No.2095121

Does anyone have any of George Kamitani's artbooks based on the videogames he has made? i.e Odin Sphere, Grim Grimoire, Dragons Crown Muramasa? I love the way he colors and translates fantasy elements visually

>> No.2095125

emuparadise has the odin sphere art books

>> No.2095131

Thanks for the heads up. Damn I wish Kamitani would release more art books. His style is so inspiring.

>> No.2095143

I love you.

>> No.2095148
File: 494 KB, 270x267, 1366045923959.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2095328
File: 9 KB, 300x158, 1421017515074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow... ive been waiting for this since it was just an idea on kickstarter..

very grateful it will help me immensely.

>> No.2095331

Christopher hart a shit
avoid at all costs

>> No.2095340

1. Is Drawing Lessons from the Masters any good in spite of the retarded grandma on the cover? Is she there to keep the casuals out?

2. Is it in the list in the OP?

>> No.2095345

I got

imagine fx- how to draw and paint anatomy 1 & 2. cant see them up

michaael Hampton figure drawing design and invention

sketching + sketching the basics - these are for product designers

>> No.2095483

It actually is. The title and cover repelled me for a while but it actually goes into detail on the practical techniques the old masters applied. I was enthralled.

>> No.2095551

It's not in OP's link, but since I had it, I uploaded it to Mega


>> No.2095983
File: 21 KB, 200x177, thank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2096024
File: 1.11 MB, 4128x2322, cucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nevar forget, still waiting for Germany to deliver

>> No.2096044

I don't have that one but I do have 2 other Gottfried Bammes books, would you like me to upload them?

>> No.2096136

hell yeah
more books = more better :^)

>> No.2096337

scot Robertson's how to draw is already online in pdf.

>> No.2096346

>mfw its been 2 years since it was released

>> No.2097204

Any good video tuts for animals? I've already gone through Vilppu's course and feel like I need to get a bit more instruction.

>> No.2097264

what would you say that the greatest modern (within the last 10 years) books are for perspective, anatomy, color theory, etc?

>> No.2098233

Does anyone know if a pdf of Masaaki Yuasa – Sketchbook For Animation Projects is out there and if so, link?

>> No.2098486
File: 34 KB, 518x288, how to draw scott robertson vol 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did this thing link to?

in the scot Robertson how to draw book.

>> No.2098490

those would play videos

>> No.2098491


Spoiler: 2008 was 7 years ago.
Spoiler: You are old.

>> No.2098492

An app with video demonstrations of things in the book
they're nice but not necessary if you can't get them.

>> No.2098590

oh.. wonder if anybodys uploaded them somewhere.

>> No.2099238

Cool it guys brother anon has got you covered

the password is howtodraw

>inb4 stop spreading this because he'll change the password

>> No.2099310

ah okay that's what I was looking for. I saw the how to render ones and figured there must be a how to draw equivalent. thanks

>> No.2099418
File: 126 KB, 792x642, 6a00e54f0014bd883401156f4716f7gfgfg970c-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some if not most of OP's books are in japanese
wat do? i can shittily translate sites but books? how

>> No.2099733

was there ever a non shit scan of scott robertsons how to draw?

>> No.2099740

Really? please someone post it

>> No.2099749

so based :^)

>> No.2100514
File: 57 KB, 398x409, 49938467588234245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can thank me later

>> No.2100564

Thank you.

>> No.2100581

Would anyone have Imaginative Realism by James Gurney?

>> No.2100654

Anyone tried fixing pencil drawings by cleaning them first in water and then using milk, Gum-water or Isinglass?

>> No.2100737
File: 7 KB, 350x350, krylon-workable-fixative-32470_X[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, the questions thread is over there >>2083781

>> No.2100798

Interest for imaginative realism

>> No.2100823

>thank me later
okay I will

>> No.2101709

Sorry, mixed up threads while replying.

>> No.2102622

Looking for J. Scott Campbell Sketchbooks

>> No.2102976
File: 182 KB, 700x543, Frank-Cho-Progress-Breakdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody have Drawing Beautiful Women: The Frank Cho Method?

>> No.2103114

>Drawing Beautiful Women: The Frank Cho Method
Marry fat white women.

>> No.2103266


>> No.2103404
File: 36 KB, 476x476, mara-frank-cho-s[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite Frank Cho's art style he is a known chubby chaser. Both his wives have been huge fatties. His first wife was quite monsterous, but his second (pictured) is considerably less hideous. He is also known to oogle at fat female fans and boost their egos at cons.
A good example of a guy who could do a hell of a lot better but settles due to his kinks.

>> No.2103407
File: 8 KB, 220x329, Cari-Guthrie-Cho-1492971_220[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His first wife.
So if you want to know the "Drawing Beautiful Women: The Frank Cho Method"
Marry some hog-heifers and knock em up

>> No.2104442
File: 363 KB, 452x710, 1432403177596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have to download them individually

>> No.2104453

>not being discriminate and skipping all the "how to chinese porn" and "photobashing 101" books

>> No.2107922

don't die thread ;-;

>> No.2107949

Anyone have or know of any digital versions of Real Action Pose Collection Vol. 1-4 by U'DEN FLAME WORKS / Graphic-sa

>> No.2108159
File: 520 KB, 1332x1899, 01_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon's Crown just for you anon:

And throwing down these two as well:

FFXIV artbook

Dragon Age: World of Thedas Vol. 1

I don't have much artbooks on my folder but enjoy.

>> No.2108343

Not that guy but thanks for the Dragon's Crown.

>> No.2108364

>Frank Cho
living the dream

>> No.2108441

Damn, just looked up, they look amazing, Would you care to upload the on megaupload and share them? ...pls?

>> No.2108799

thx for DA book

>> No.2108977

>needs flash to download files
This crap is useless. And the changed filenames aren't helping.

>> No.2109214

anyone got a scan of how to render yet? spread the knowledge :3

>> No.2109481

Does anyone have any of the DC comics guides?

>> No.2109559
File: 51 KB, 500x300, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone remember the Russian post with hundred of art books, here is.

The system still thinks its spam for posting it as url.

>> No.2109603

Does anyone have scans of Hiroshi Misawa and Tsubura Kadomaru's book on watercolors?

>> No.2109664

By whom

>> No.2110332

What Michael Hampton books are out there?

I can only find design and invention.

it seems analytical figure drawing is a video course no?

>> No.2110447
File: 131 KB, 1280x1024, 1391377896432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow, this is actually a great and clean copy. Thx anon.

>> No.2110448

Yes, go download it.

>> No.2110461

I already have that book, and I don't have a link to the course.

I was asking if there are other books by him?
like specifically on head

>> No.2110529

You can find the torrent if you look. The first course has a week dedicated to the head and the second one has one on features.

I found the courses more useful than the book so I don't know if he wrote anymore.

>> No.2111072

Thank you GOMESH KARNCHANAPAYAP for your copy of Anatomy for Sculptors!

>> No.2111093

Not quite related cos its video.

There was a blog called the structure of man.
it was a course of about 200 videos I think.
now seems to be just called
The Complete Figure Drawing Course HD
link http://www.alienthink.com/myvendor/mdownload/skeleton01.php

is there a torrent of this or just login details or something. its not on cg peers.

anyone else used it? I think it looks really good.

>> No.2111094

oh nvm it is there. had wrong search parameters set

>> No.2111334

It's crap. Just look at the screencaps from the videos--there are tons of problems, including basic things like perspective being wrong. If it looks good to you, you're so beginner you can't even tell. There are better sources.

>> No.2112329

It's not that bad.
The course is long because he repeat things a lot. But he goes slowly, and from the inside out simplified anatomy.

He is not like Hampton or Vilppu, vith construction. I think his method is good to never forget if you do everything with pacience, repeat the exercises, and draw from other views.
Well, if the pesrspective is bad, you can always learn it from another fonts. :D

You can try Hempton if you thing it's shit ;)

Have fun

>> No.2113900

dont know if anyone posted it yet but I found another archive of art books in google drive


>> No.2113901


I watched some of his videos a while ago. They are shit. Don't waste your time.

>> No.2113908

This. Riven Phoenix must have found out about this place and has been shilling his awful tutorials here.

>> No.2114129


>> No.2114137


What was the original thread? That was probably me. I have those two books as well, but I'm not uploading them. Sorry.

>> No.2114533


>> No.2114629

The original thread was with some spanish speaking guy a few months before christmas. He had a tumblr called 011820.tumblr.com (01=A, 02=B etc)

He had something before that too
People were being really really demanding of him to get organized and, like any normal person, decided he wasn't going to tie himself down to a group of people on the internet who were practically begging for books. It was really rediculous and people got mad and him. I felt bad for the guy. He uploaded his mega account and left

>> No.2114635

i bought both those books , its worth it

>> No.2115559

I don't remember that episode, I didn't expect anyone to be that stupid on /ic/ to beg for books you can find anywhere.

Also, people begging for the same 3 books over and over again. There are hundreds of books to read and most of them will answer all the questions, most of them better than whatever the current fad is.

>Actually opening books and checking them yourself
I hope people aren't too retarded for that.

>> No.2115643

can someone please post books on oil painting. There seem to be very few in that mega. Also books on general art history with elements of each movement please.

>> No.2115645

this. OIL PAINTING BOOKS someone?

>> No.2115667
File: 498 KB, 375x212, uMLtcys.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So just wondering, whats the status of this scan so far? any progress?

>> No.2116593

Any of your own work?

>> No.2117717

There are tons in the vk link
Check >>2065263

>> No.2117839

Does anyone have Lovely: Ladies of Animation available?

>> No.2118190

Nope there aren't. Either it is watercolour or some russian thing

>> No.2119301


>> No.2119758

Fuck yeah!!!

>> No.2120259
File: 603 KB, 1000x736, animebooks-com_2271_1315497831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to second this, particularly I've been looking everywhere for vol. 2

I'm so close to buying it but it's a bit expensive for me right now..

>> No.2121267

Hope it's ok to ask. Do these torrents still exist anywhere?


>> No.2121285
File: 19 KB, 225x300, 10174407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh gods yes, I'd really love to see some of those action pose books. They look really interesting!

>> No.2124323

Yo. I got, How to draw by Scott in high quality, Alla Prima, The Artist Complete Guide to Drawing the head and Mastering Drawing The Human Figure from Life, Memory and Imagination.

Anyone want? If yes, let be know a site which allow 200mb+ upload without making an account.

>> No.2124491

Just make an account on Mega; it doesn't cost a fraction of a minute and can store like 50 GB of stuff for free.

>> No.2124494

*to create

>> No.2124569

>bumping a 4 month old thread

i don't understand??

>> No.2124883

alla prima pls

>> No.2124947

It's a book thread
Underneath the Draw generals this is the most useful thread

People are always on the lookout for books

>> No.2124964

i get that, i'm just confused if this is an entirely new thread or if the previous months old replies have been necro'd or something. because i think i've seen those top replies before

>> No.2124987

As I understand it, people are bumping this thread from time to time to keep it from autosaging and being pruned.

It's about to do that anyway (a thread gets autosaged at 300 replies usually) so it will probably get archived soon. So until then, the best way to keep it alive would be to wait until it reaches page 9 or 10 and then update with a bump. And not waste replies, since it's already at 285.

>> No.2124999
File: 72 KB, 631x461, swPtiGc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right ok

anyone in the market for fashion books?

>> No.2125013

Sure, you got some?

>> No.2125028

when the How to rende book gets scanned, I want this thread to be on te frontpage 24/7. wouldn't want to miss the shitstorm.

>> No.2125059

I wold like this as well.

>> No.2125063
File: 78 KB, 346x400, James-Gurney-Color-And-Light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting Color and Light: A Guide for the Realist Painter by James Gurney.

>> No.2125067

Oh, is this what we're doing now? "requesting" books that are easily found just to get to the bump limit faster?

That's petty anon, real petty. Here, let me help.

>> No.2125069


>> No.2125073

Chill out anon, that anon probably doesn't know better.

>> No.2125078

Go away.

>> No.2125406

Most people will leave it to stew in the depths of their HDD.
Some people will actually read them, and those are the people worth helping.

>> No.2125412

If even one person reads some of the shit they download and then uses what they studied to practice and get better, then this thread has been a success.

This shit should be on standard rotation with the study and draw threads.

>> No.2125460 [DELETED] 
File: 369 KB, 904x639, tumblr_n2sb4ig6Rh1qmz1r0o5_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looking for pokemon artbooks with character sheets. Like "Pokemon X and Y World art book"

>> No.2127051
File: 74 KB, 412x351, 537286563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw that's my MEGA account
>tfw random anons are thanked for my hard work

And yes, I have those 2 books, I just have yet to upload them

>> No.2127054

Original uploader here, again. They are in the mega folder. Just look for them, faggot

>> No.2127058

OOP, no need to be a faggot about it, thanks for the books.

>> No.2127065

I don't see why you care. It's not like you wrote any of those books or anything. You are sharing knowledge by sharing these books, so just be happy that people are learning and are thankful for it. Do you need the credit to be happy? Is that the reason you share things, for the praise you will receive?

>> No.2127069
File: 190 KB, 808x434, productmain_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coming soon

>> No.2127250

Alla Fucking Prima.

Spread that shit among the internet and drive the price down so I can give this guy a reasonable price.

>> No.2127251
File: 76 KB, 473x500, 61Ase+uxD2L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got The Encyclopedia of Oil Painting Techniques?

>> No.2127256

OP of this thread here, thanks for this diamond mine; I'll make a new thread including all other book links once it reaches bump limit. Also, if you have the two books, PLEASE upload it on mega; I'll thank you eternally for these stuff.
Nice, keep up god's work; I'm hyped for this.

>> No.2127317


>> No.2127596


Thank you so fucking much dude, fuck. This book is apparently some sort of mystic tome that just gets more expensive the longer it exists.

>> No.2127637

Anyone have Mass Effect art books?

>> No.2127752

This. We don't care, man. You shouldn't as well. Go remove all that shit, see if I care.

>> No.2128420

Does anyone have the Pose File books?

>> No.2130124


>> No.2130240


what time period? i have mostly victorian ones and a few 20th century ones

>> No.2130251

bump till i get back

>> No.2130281

NEW THREAD >>2130280

NEW THREAD >>2130280

NEW THREAD >>2130280