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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2059518 No.2059518 [Reply] [Original]

I dont know what happened, but /ic/ has transformed from quite an enjoyable place to a complete shithole in a few months. I've been visiting it less and less, and my daily time spent here is going to hit zero soon. Just wanted to share it with you that im really sad about it, i loved lurking here, and it helped me get better, but it's useless nowadays. Anyway, i had a good few years here, gotta move on.

>> No.2059522

fuck you, your kind did this

>> No.2059526

complete misclick lel
wanted to adress this to

>> No.2059532

atleast post art

>> No.2059536

Whats so terrible about todays /ic/? Ive only been here about a month, and have no point of comparison.

>> No.2059538

idk why is it important but here you go
check if you're curious

>> No.2059548

Thanks for making me feel better, you can go away now.

>> No.2059554

Speaking of which, I've been away from /ic/ for a while and now the posts are extremely faster! I mean, there used to be like a single post every hour and now it's one at least in five minutes. What happened?

>> No.2059555

sure thing mate
mind posting yours?

>> No.2059562
File: 187 KB, 812x1358, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have to ask about my work that only means you will come back here eventually. You're not fooling anyone

>> No.2059573
File: 17 KB, 429x381, 1401172147796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That dislocated pelvis

>> No.2059575

I was just curious if you'll ever post it, most people here wouldn't. Yeah im still here in this thread, why does that mean i'll come back any time soon to lurk?
I was just curious if anyone felt this way too.

>> No.2059594

Too much off-topic shit.
too much "Is this good art? :^)"
and lots of shitposting

>> No.2059609

See you tomorrow!

>> No.2059635
File: 44 KB, 446x400, 435443543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and nothing of value was lost

>> No.2059653

/ic/ has always been a bad community filled with delusional beginning illustrators devoid of any real creativity. Too many people are fixated on fantasy art and concept art as being the ultimate and only avenue of illustration.

Trying to contribute to this board has always been an utter waste of time. This is true for any board on 4chan. Posting on any board should be nothing more than dumb entertainment during downtime.

Also - taking career advice from the outstandingly retarded individuals on /ic/ is the dumbest thing you will ever do. Just don't take anything on this board seriously, it's just fine.

>> No.2059674
File: 26 KB, 500x373, 1403787511274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dislocated pelvis
Because you'll be curious enough to come back and like everyone else start shitposting out of spite; you can check out anytime but you may never leave.

>> No.2059677


Shitposting on ic is weird in that I've gotten the best, most insightful posts in response to my trolling than I have by positing my art in the draw threads.

I've learned more from people proving my bullshit responses wrong than from critique. That's pretty interesting considering this is supposed to be about art critique.

>> No.2059680

Just post your fucking art, faggot. You asked for art and got it, now return the effort.

We already know that it's bad, just give us the opportunity to laugh at you.

>> No.2059684

Gonna second this one.

Also, we have these '/ic/ changed bruh' threads every fucking month, nothings changing bro. It's all on your end.

>> No.2059688


So it means I am improving after all!

>> No.2059689

That wasn't me who asked to post work but I felt better after seeing OP's blog and told him to go away to see if he would really go. He won't go anywhere he's just like everyone else on /ic/ and I wouldn't be surprised if you're at his same level.

>> No.2059690

yea but it did, and we have these thread every month but we have 10 shitty bait/retard/pointless thread every day.

>> No.2059706

There is nothing you can do about it. Shitposting will always happen on 4chan.

Why bother trying to 'save' /ic/ anyway? Most of the people on this board are awful people who I don't think deserve to be apart of a good community anyway.

>> No.2059727

>tfw my shitty pepe oc I drew in 10 minutes gets posted

>> No.2059736


Dude, are there any good online communities? There must be something similar to Draw or Die but without all the fucking power rangers emoticons and Emma Watson worship and general hugbox faggotry, I'd choose the awful people of /ic/ any day over that shit.

>> No.2059748

I wish there were a industry gossip general, I only come here for that.

>> No.2059791


>dropping out of /ic/ university
>didn't even complete preparatory course

u fucking wot m8. pathetic. off you go, we lose nothing of value.

>> No.2059796

implying if i dont come here i can't work on improving my skills

>> No.2059797


i want to see you go anywhere without the help, advice and vicious hatred of /ic/. i owe everything to this place.

>> No.2059800

Post your art. I want to see what you owe to /ic/.

>> No.2059807

IC is shit but I still come back from time to time, just like I go back to b but it's shit

I agree OP, fuck this place

>> No.2059814

>Most of the people on this board are awful people who I don't think deserve to be apart of a good community anyway.
I don't think that's true at all. A lot of posters may be a bit harsh, and there are a good amount of shitposters (which you're likely to run into almost anywhere online), but I believe that the vast majority of the people on this board are good inside. Even if they act toxic or shitpost, at the end of the day they're still people who want to learn to make art. They have good hearts, and I believe in them.

>> No.2059815

Maybe its useful for telling you for the first time that you are shit, and pushes you down the hill of studying, and self-criticism, but other than that, its not that great.

>> No.2059818

It doesn't matter what's on the inside if you act like a hemorrhoid on the outside. You judge people by their actions, not their intentions.

Regardless, I disagree. I think a lot of people on this board are just bad people who I would want nothing to do with IRL.

>> No.2059820


Just at look the sticky and you'll see the state of this board. For as much as people push it and praise it all it amounts to is "oh hey you should study shit like Loomis and here are the titles to a bunch of books." Like its better than nothing but it's not that good, and I feel that reflects the people here who actually take this shit kind of seriously and don't just look for new topics to shitpost.

>> No.2059821

its 4chan after all
50% of ic are just basement dwellers

>> No.2059826


Basement dwellers, the autistic, the mentally ill, and bored teenagers/college kids. That's the 4chan audience

>> No.2059827

The more time I spend here, the more I feel that /ic/ is only really good for shitposting. The people here are some of the easiest to troll I've ever seen, and they scare people off from posting their art because anything that isn't perfect in /ic/'s eyes is shat on with the main piece of critique being "muh Loomis". Doing anything but shitposting on this board is futile.

>> No.2059828

normies get out

>> No.2059831

go back to r9k fag

>> No.2059833

I wasn't even trying to get you mad. Man I'm good.

>> No.2059834


You get a bunch of "my opinions are facts" fags and "stop liking what I don't like" fafs so anything with some subjectivity involved turns into a fucking shitfest. That's why you can only get decent anatomy and perspective crits here, they're the most objective and straightforward.

>> No.2060138

that's not the first time I read that in the exact same manner, it's that a or becoming a meme?

>> No.2060155


It is a recognized trend on the internet.

Cunningham's Law: "the best way to get the right answer on the Internet is not to ask a question, it's to post the wrong answer."

>> No.2060168

Yeah so instead of bitching about it do something to change it or silently fuck off - board didn't need another quitter in the first place.

>> No.2060175

It's been copy-pasted a few times now so idk I guess someone's trying to make it one or it's the same dumbass pasting that bit about himself everywhere.

>> No.2060332


He has a really good point though, think about the mindset, it gets tiring seeing anons making the same mistakes to the point where you stop bothering to critique them, not because you don't want to help but because there's just a constant stream of people needing really similar advice. At this point being polite and courteous wont work but provoking someone into a response is more likely to gain traction.

>> No.2060348
