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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2058792 No.2058792 [Reply] [Original]

Alright nig, I work in a small retail store for 11 hours a day; on many days I've got tons of time on my hands to draw, which is fucking tits (figuratively speaking), however if I keep sitting on my ass this long I will probably learn the true meaning of tits as my chest and stomach expand out to levels as of yet unknown to my otherwise trim and toned frame.

In lieu of a gym, I need to work out (at work), but I need some productive art stuff to watch and hear while I do. Something I can watch and take in while my hands are busy doing something other than slapping my wiener around or drawing.

I think this would be good for y'all niggas 2, so shit dawg, post in this ITT thread any good art lectures, demos or tutorials you're aware of that are...

...At least 20 minutes long...

...and let's get shredded, son, and make our brains all wrinkly and shit while we do.

>> No.2058846

You lazy bitch, i literally just finished 60 push-ups and 5 minutes of meditation. just get down and do it, you pain averse pussy

>> No.2058896

Here is a good idea: do not eat as much, eat healthier, and do daily stretches.

>> No.2058897
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I want my time spent working out to be as valuable as possible, rather than simply being a lunk there's no reason one shouldn't have a good playlist of art shit going if that's something else you're trying to focus on. It's either that or listening to choice selections from the Shadow of the Colossus sound track and/or Rocky movies as usual.


>> No.2058919

I do not eat much at all-in fact I am probably undernourished. I usually eat one big meal a day from the restaurant across the hall (usually a large order of roast beef or chicken, about as healthy as can be-though the chicken is fried) and little to nothing else throughout the day. I just need to move my shit and drink less soda, and I would like to avoid using what little time I don't spend at my silly job doing it.

Feel it.


>> No.2058923

Ride your bike anon, that is the true path to liberation.

It lets you commute, explore and get in shape.

>> No.2058946


its literally the easiest way to lose some bodyfat %. just do it for fun as you go around your shitty neighborhood, if you get tired fast than that just means you need to run more

>> No.2060496
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Even though Feng is a complete asshole, some of his videos are actually knowledgeable.

Not sure if it's what you want, but he's got an aaight voice for just listening to in the background.

Either that or subscribe to New Masters Academy and listen to Steve Huston or Glen Vilppu. Srsly tho.

>> No.2060512
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>usually eat one big meal a day
Your metabolism wont increase if you keep doing this bullshit

>> No.2060514

I usually swim the fat away OP.
Its like running, but for your entire body

>> No.2060534

Just watch stuff like this on repeat until it sinks in


>> No.2061662

what resources do you have? a computer, or an mp3 player, or a phone?

there are some art podcasts over here

>one big meal a day
what the fuck. are you a python?

>> No.2062544

Met museum youtube channel has some pretty good lecture. They are proper art history lectures, however, and I don't know how receptive you are to those so I can't really recommend which ones you'd like. If I'd recommend some...
The Genius of Mantegna
The Handwriting of Artists and the Dating of Their Drawings: The Case of Parmigianino
Sunday at the Met: Medieval Treasures from Hildesheim

Plenty of other museums also post lectures performed for their exhibitions

There's also a 13-part series by Kenneth Clark on Civliization

Yale has a lot of lectures up on their youtube channel. They have one on the topic of history painting.

Tom Keatings

In Our Times Radio BBC 4 has some very interesting discussions on historical figures and ideas.

If you tell me your interests I might have something that are more in tune with what you want to learn.

>> No.2064625

If you want advice here. Get good enough to work freelance and live at home. Buy weights and a bike. Pick up a sport you can play an hour a day.

It's that easy.

>> No.2064633

>its literally the easiest way to lose some bodyfat %
No, benching, deadlifting, squatting and other compound exercises are provided you're lifting an adequate enough weight. There's a reason people who lift need to eat 4000+ kcal a day on a bulk.

You don't lose as much fat as you think doing cardio. But it is good for your heart.

>> No.2064648

not the anon you respond to

yes, while it's true those consume that much they can't be done by your everyday starter in fit, and it's not recommended since they don't know what they are doing and might fuck up their body

>> No.2064650

OP here, recently I've been watching a lot of Arshad Mirza Baig's animation tutorials which usually last a good 20 to 45 minutes. He's kind of an oddball (Middle-eastern descended brit with a permanent rape-face) He isn't the greatest straight up painter in the world (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5x4AcbEKxRs lel) but seems very knowledgeable about hand drawn animation and watching it in real-time is not only cathartic but gives the viewer a realistic impression of the actual effort and time needed to create a decent result.

If you're interested at all in frame-by-frame animation definitely consider subscribing to this nigga's channel


I'm using a microsoft surface pro 2 or some shit with the retarded "RT" sub-OS (sure wish I would have known what those two little letters meant before I bought the thing). Beautiful screen but pretty slow.

I appreciate it but I'm more interested in building my practical foundation and less in the esoteric stuff. I think lengthy but poignant muscle and bone anatomy videos I can watch several times in a row to internalize them in my memory would be useful for example.

I'm actually experienced enough with working out and dieting, I just need some stuff to watch and to actually do it. I've really let myself go, man.

>> No.2064656

That is a lunkhead myth. You can get ripped with very light weights as long as you push yourself to failure. Eugen Sandow one of the most aesthetic strongmen of all time is quoted as saying that he primarily made use of 5lb dumbbells in his training. I recommend anyone that's interested in getting in shape but spent much of their life barely moving to put his words to the test.

>> No.2064699

Everyone has to start somewhere though. I'm not saying he has to go full out /fit/, he just has to stop being a dyel bitch. If op can't learn to push his limits physically, how can he learn to push his limits art wise? There's a certain attitude everyone who makes it has.

>> No.2064717

Sad but true. Nothing pisses me off more than people that blame everything on circumstance. There are people with less that have always achieved more. OP and people like him think they want something, but are willing to pile on excuse after excuse on why they're not working their ass off.

OP, answer me this. You say you have time to draw as well, but do you actually do it? or do you spend all of that time jerking off like a fucking degenerate? All it takes is 30-60 minutes a day of "TONS OF TIME" to get some exercise.

>> No.2064852

You could check out anatomy dissection videos then.

>> No.2064853

Ew nigga hell naw

>> No.2064888

>OP, answer me this. You say you have time to draw as well, but do you actually do it? or do you spend all of that time jerking off like a fucking degenerate? All it takes is 30-60 minutes a day of "TONS OF TIME" to get some exercise.

I do. Some days are more productive than others depending on how many customers I get and what kind of customers (I have "regulars" that are usually pretty annoying and needy and then there's just typical people that come in and out), I usually have a paper stack of hands and gestures that's a centimeter or more high by the time my "weekend" rolls around. I honestly don't think I have as much time as I implied I do though. I really have to spend a lot of time bullshitting with what customers do come in.

Part of me thinks I'd be better off with a typical 9-5 to be perfectly candid. As it stands I work about 10 and a half hours a day so I can be interrupted at any time during the day.

I definitely have enough time to exercise though and I have been since starting this thread.

>> No.2065020

I was hoping there'd be something like proko's videos on bony landmarks but for musculature, however what ones I've found are either too short or way too long (talking about things on the cellular level) for my (our)purposes, fug.

>> No.2065186

>Buy a cheap tablet
>Make a dropbox account
>Torrent all dem art videos and books you need
>Put all the files in your dropbox account, log in on the tablet
>Enjoy reading with it wherever you go
I use this thing on the treadmill to watch tutorials, particularly gumroad ones because they tend to hover around 30 minutes or so.

>> No.2065216

That's a good idea nigguh

>> No.2065261


>Forewarning to anyone who tries that, or with a book, you really can't go very fast or run or you risk shaking the tablet off the treadmill. I'm usually on EC so I can't go over 2.5-3mph anyway.
The above doesn't matter to 99% of people but if anyone tried it I don't want them to get hurt