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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2055826 No.2055826 [Reply] [Original]

So I know a lot of people on here wanted to become artists because they like videogames, anime or comic books.
But have you had to give up those things in order to study?

I want to be a comic or concept artist but I have a son, am in school, employed part time and have only so little time to study drawing so that leaves virtually nothing for comics and video games.
I'm afraid if I make it people will hate me because I'm a filthy casual.
Have you guys ever had similar experiences??
>tfw all you know is drawing and 4chan

People don't want to talk to me after I tell them the anime I like is SnK and the comics I like are mostly just Batman. Its happened, its awkward.

>> No.2055838

no because im not a casual

>> No.2055839

>I have a son, am in school, employed part time and have only so little time to study drawing

Your life is over. Forget about achieving anything artistic professionally.

>I'm afraid if I make it people will hate me because I'm a filthy casual.

You won't ever come within 10k miles of making it if you are a filthy casual, so no worries, nobody will hate you.

>> No.2055849

too bad I'm already BALLIN AS FUCK

>> No.2055887
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>> No.2055967

I think you can be a casual op, that's not a big deal, but I guess you don't have to be ignorant. If you want to be a comic or concept artist then gain some curiosity, take initiative, and at least learn who's working in the field.

>> No.2055977


You can get better if you set aside at least 3 hours a day to practice, but please understand that with all your baggage it'll take you 10x longer than it would for someone with no responsibilities. So keep your head down, work hard, and don't compare yourself to others. It will only discourage you.

>> No.2055979

It was easy for me to give up reading comic books to study the art because they MOSTLY FUCKING SUCK.

>> No.2056344

You will get a lot further in life if you forgo video games to pursue technical skills.
It will still be many years before you have a chance too make it though but you shouldn't be in any hurry.

>tfw you realize how hard you could have made it if you had spent the 1,337 hours you wasted on league over the last 4 years on drawing

>> No.2056348

>1,337 hours

>> No.2056385

I haven't completely given up anime and vidya, but I definitely had to sacrifice a lot of time for it. I avoid by new games so I don't get addicted. I love vidya even more than making art, so it's just too dangerous.

>> No.2056455

I left my country to attend art school in the states, and I have given up gaming completely, and any other hobby I might have had. There just isn't any time, I spend every waking hour doing schoolwork, commissions or personal work.

>> No.2056478

900 on War thunder, 500 on battlefield and 1500 on other random games. In the last two years. Kill me

>> No.2056503

And to think you could, at the very least, be rolling in patreon money right now.

At least you're not me. I average at around 6 hours of masturbation a day. I literally started recognizing porn stars by their vaginas.

>> No.2056508

Go to a therapist, Jesus Christ.

>> No.2056510

Why? I know what my problem is.

>> No.2056514

Did you stop?

>> No.2056519

I'm depressed. Whenever I play vidya or do something fun I feel guilty.

I don't even plan on being a professional artist. I dunno.

>> No.2056522

What traumatic event in your past led to this, lol?

>> No.2056530

>anime I like is SnK and comis mostly just Batman

Yeah that's pretty damn casual. But it's still better taste than the faggots that harp on actual trash Neptunia or Senran Kagura and pretend it's quality just because they like it.

Videogames, anime, and comic books can be helpful hobbies for art. It's just you have to know how to analyses and pick apart what you're seeing. Basically, they would be a part of your studying. You don't have to give them up completely, but you will have to cut back on playtime massively and replace it with draw time. Also, in your situation, it WILL take longer to get good than it would take someone with more time to spend day to day on studying. Got to manage your time well.

>> No.2056537

No, and a therapist is unlikely to help, unless she gives free blowjobs.

The tragic event of tfwnogf.
Actual sex really frees up my schedule, too bad I don't get any.

>> No.2056549

Just shut up and seek help.

Alternatively, quit being a retard (highly impossible) and just stop looking at pornography.

>> No.2056557

>hurr durr
I mainly fap to literotica. Accept that some people have higher sex drives.

Adult people masturbate, they don't play video games and watch cartoons. And only plebs just rub one out, erotica connoisseurs such as myself savor the experience.

>> No.2056562

That's the right attitude to have.

>tfw smut author

Half way through a novelette and my palms are raw.

>> No.2056566

>erotica connoisseurs
>higher sex drives
porn addicts sure have fancy excuses for being unmotivated wank-fiends.

>> No.2056574

>look ma' I'm projecting!
Do you even know what porn addiction is?

>> No.2056582

Protip: porn addiction is not a thing in medicine, but video game addiction is.

Just sayin'.

>> No.2056604

People also consume alcohol, but that doesn't mean alcoholics don't exist.

It's one thing to have a high sex drive, another to waste six hours jacking off which is an unhealthy amount and a sign of an addiction.

Have fun trying to justify against that, though.

>> No.2056612


>> No.2056661

How do you figure out how many hours you've wasted on League? I'm kinda curious, but I don't wanna re-install.

>> No.2056663

>I literally started recognizing porn stars by their vaginas.
Tell us more!

>> No.2056669

Anthony Jones was in the same position, only more casual and smarter. Look at him now. Sure, his art sucks, but his wallet is full. If you have confidence and you know how to market yourself, you'll be fine no matter what. But that's probably not your case, even if you think so. Take a part time job and study art if you really want to make it in the industry (and when i mean study i obviously don't mean in a shitty american art school) in five years or so of 5+ hours a day, no matter how casual you are, you'll be making enough money to live of it. But the fact that you only like casual anime and comics not only says you have shit casual taste, it also says you don't take great interest in it. And that's why I wouldn't bet my money on you.

>> No.2056683

>I have a son
Game over, get a real job.

>> No.2056704

Why is it that everyone who goes into art because they like videogames is all "I don't have as much time to study because I have to keep wasting time on vidya or my contemporaries won't like me! :CC"

How many of those fancy concept artists do you think spend hours a day playing video games?

If you want to impress people: don't play the games. Read up on the basic scenario and gameplay, look at the concept art, know the artists. You're an artist. You don't get paid for being good at games, you get paid for being good at drawing.

>> No.2056721

>not linking your achievements in your portfolio
good luck getting a job

and you know all the decisions are made via in-game chat, right?

>> No.2056755

Video games are for children.

>> No.2056759


Much like American and Japanese cartoons.

>> No.2056760


>> No.2056771

1950s were the greatest, huh

>> No.2056788

Consumerism is sloth

>> No.2056799

>Want to be a professional artist
>In school for something else

Theres your problem, retard. Pick one.

>> No.2056803

He's probably still in high school.

>> No.2056808

Guess what most people in the industry are hardcore turned casuals just kidding, they're the filthiest casuals in the world you have to sort out your priorities like they did. You won't be able to grind a game for 12 hours a days, you won't have time to keep up with new games.

It's actually a good thing though, since you won't have patience to deal with bullshit from retarded games, so you will play things that are worth your time and it will take a long ass time just to complete your average 4 hours campaign single player mode we get from games nowadays. Stay out of mmos, they are cancer and should be treated like someone who's trying to steal your drawing gainz.

Have a tight schedule, it'll be hell on earth, boring but it will leave you with so much free time you won't believe.

>> No.2056823

I stopped playing games once I thought about being on my deathbed. Like, all I did with my fucking life was consume shitty video games?

Noooope. Nope.

>> No.2056851

its OK to play video games, anon

>> No.2056871


Videogames are nothing more than a timesink. They contribute nothing to your life, they just tempt you with an illusion of progress and accomplishment while sucking hours and hours and hours from you. The most junkfood entertainment out there.

>> No.2056960

>Contribute nothing to your life.
>The most junkfood entertainment out there.

How about you quit being an artist and do something useful with your life like becoming an STEM major? Art is the reason these time sinks exist, how about you just get rid of the source?

You're a fucking moron, if it's not OK to play videogames, it not OK to do anything that's a general product of art. Everything is harmful without moderation. Shit ain't that simple, if it was, then it only means you're wasting your time being an artist in general.

>> No.2056964


Lol @ all the people saying "you have a son and like to spend time being a human, give up now". Simply not true, and I know this for a fact because one of my friends in my city made it as a concept artist at a large video game company almost a year ago. He had been working as a waiter all his life before that.

He's probably 28-34? He's got two kids, a beautiful wife since high school, and still finds time to play guitar, watch anime, and play video games. Also since I've known him for the past three years or so, his art has become phenomenal. He will become one of the best artists in the industry one day, I have zero doubt of this.

So yeah, it's possible. I know he has a very loving family/extended family and they all live in a giant house together, so that's probably got a lot to do with it, but it's not impossible.

It also helps that he's a super cool and upbeat dude with a great attitude towards improvement and life in general, which you'd be hard pressed to find on /ic/. ;D

>> No.2056979

Porn addiction is totally a thing in medicine.

There used to be a website that could do it for you with your summoner name, now you'll just have to times the amount of games you've played by 20 minutes.

Don't do it though, it's depressing as hell.

>> No.2056982
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I feel the exact same

>> No.2056986

It would be such a shame if his wife died drowning with blood coming out her head. I'd say around next month.

>> No.2056987
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People on /ic/ are literally morons who don't know anything about how the world and business really works. Companies/contractors only care if you're good and can execute when needed (that part is REALLY fucking important). They don't give a shit about you being in you 30s or 40s. The reason why so many people harp about age on /ic/ is because their work and current skill level is ass. So what do they have left? "At least I'm still young". It's how they live with themselves even though they are shit at the trade they want to be good at.

>> No.2056988
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>> No.2056993
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>taking word of /ic/ as credible
>trusting a tumblr teir bitch over credible sources and emailing pro illustrators or designers

Never take advice from Man Children NEETS with no ambition

>> No.2056995


>> No.2057003

Glad you understand.

>> No.2057004


That's because these tumblr teir bitches and NEETS can't preform. They can't deal with deadlines or remain calm under any kind of pressure, just look at how they handle commissions and their patreons. It's all one huge mess of unprofessional behavior. That's why even if they are decent, they'll never be a credible source for anything regarding business and business sense. If there is one thing art college can be helpful with, it's exposing you to deadlines and forcing you to preform with the time allotted to you and be on time. You just have to already know how to draw before going.

>> No.2057032

>if it's not OK to play videogames, it not OK to do anything that's a general product of art.

What fucked up logic did you use to jump to that retarded conclusion?

Videogames are devoid of any artistic merit, intellectual stimulation or real world application. There is no reason to play them other than to turn your brain off and become a zombie for hours. "Everything is better in moderation"? Videogames are designed to be played for countless hours. The shortest games are several times longer than a movie. The longest games last hundreds and hundreds of hours, hours that are non-productive and IMPOSSIBLE to get back.

Books, movies, TV, these are mediums that can stimulate you, educate you and inspire you. Not fucking videogames.

>> No.2057041

>Being this autistic

Books, movies, TV, all those mediums and full of trash, just like games. The 10% of good material amongst all the commercial trash that pollutes the well does not represent the entirety of those mediums. They all have artistic merits when you know where to look. The only difference is one is active and requires thought for progress while the others are passive. Zombies can't play games because that would actually require them to think to move forward. If anything is for a zombie, it's movies and TV. You're literally just mentally challenged and ass backwards.

>> No.2057137


This is such idiotic drivel that it actually makes my video game guilt shrivel up quite a bit. I'm going to start making time to play again. So thanks for that.

>> No.2057142

>playing videogames past 20
You know that feeling you get when you see middle-aged guys reviewing games or do some nostalgia critic tier crap about videogames?
That's you. That's what normal people see when they look at you.
One step above anime.

>> No.2057147

>implying middle aged people don't play or care about video games

So when are you going to stop being a worthless NEET and actually learn about the fucking market in world around you?

>> No.2057152

I never implied that, I implied it was pathetic.

Yeah okay, buddy.

>> No.2057159

>Yeah ok, buddy

With the stupidity you put on display, you aren't going to convince anyone you have an actual social life.

>> No.2057161

top kek

If only I had friends, I could finally understand the videogame market and realize middleaged men playing videogames is not sad at all... oh, wait, people without an active social life spend their time playing videogames.
Best get back to finding art in league of legends

>> No.2057296
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>You just have to already know how to draw before going
>knew how to draw
>didnt know how to paint
>tfw color foundations
>didnt know how to photoshop/ illustrator
>tfw digital foundations

Fuck that was embarassing

>> No.2057387
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>the people at Achevement Hunter

>> No.2057390
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The previous quote was a shitpost and ment as bait.
Your post sounds hypocritical. Almost like a defense force for your own past

>> No.2058413

Should you really make a martyr out of yourself to be an artist? I imagine a lot of professionals have other hobbies/interests. It's healthy.

>> No.2058418

>giving up vidya to become a vidya concept artist

Lel tier shit, m8s. If you consider that to be a viable option you're just some NEET faggot who does both to burn time instead of being interested in it.

>> No.2058420

While there is some truth in what you're saying, and I won't argue against it, I think many people got into things like art because of video games, some way or another. Maybe they wanted to design characters for video games, maybe they're following a passion of their own that has something to do with video games, etc.

>> No.2058421

So to get to the point, I don't think it's right to say video games can't stimulate you, if things like that happened.

>> No.2058422


Lol, what?

Studies have shown that television is the most passive and mindless form of entertainment.

>> No.2058738

You can still achieve something as a professional artist. It's just that comics and concept artist isn't the only path out there - you might be able to go down that road anyone initially following another artistic path.

It's hard, but you make the time for art if you're really serious. It's understandable if you don't, but you gotta have that fire in you to keep going no matter what.

It's never too late, but it will be if you don't start now.

>> No.2058766


How much of your lives have you wasted...
>Realize I've been asshurt over life and am just projecting on ic

Alright. If you want to into art well install Linux and burn your Xbox. You'll paint from sheer boredom.

>> No.2058766,1 [INTERNAL] 

Yup...you got it ! I have the same issue. You'll get over it and realize there are two types of people. Mass creators, and mass consumers. Work on being the former, not the later.

And for your info: i have went through two major periods of production art wise. When i went to europe, WITHOUT MY XBOX. And now that my PS3's controller broke...and i really need exposure to advance publicly. I am doing great, and have never made more money doing my art.