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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 237 KB, 500x370, spongebob-elite-daily-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2054862 No.2054862 [Reply] [Original]

List some of your Drawing Struggles Guys,
Dose not have to be Directly to art
Just A Strug' of art

>Currently drawing something in class
>Fucboi #1 Looks over
>"Oh wow, Did you draw that?"
>Did I?

>> No.2054869


so i was sitting in art class, and drawing when this COMPLETE PLEBIAN WHITE MALE asshole asks me if i drew the picture in front of me. WHAT A FUCKING RETARD, i cant figure out why he hasnt killed himself. I thought he was just trying to be friendly by making smalltalk about our shared interest, when i realized the OPRESSIVE FUCKBOI was EYE RAPING MY DRAWING. What a stupid cunt that faggot was, good thing i had my mace so he couldnt lay his WHITE MALE hands on me. I JUST WANT TO DRAW IM NOT HERE TO HOOK UP IF YOU SEE ME DRAWING DONT TALK TO ME PLEASE BECAUSE YOURE A LOSER VIRGIN. God i just need to get home, eat some activated almonds, take my Rosewater-Soy Milk bath and open up a couple of good memes. Maybe reddit will have some quality material today, or maybe ill go make fun of young "artists" on deviant art. Why do they even try? God being an artist is hell.


>> No.2054871


I have an extremely easy time producing work from imagination without any reference, and bringing it up to 60-70%.

But the remaining 30-40% it would take to bring that piece to a real level of finish takes me a ridiculous amount of work, time and brain calories.

Wat do?

>> No.2054872
File: 1.46 MB, 1920x998, BEST PEPE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this one, Some anime Lover. Neckbeard, Fedora ect. #346543, Draws that God damn "hair over one Eye female with Pointy chin Head" with colored pencils and has the AUDACITY to criticize MY ARTWORK with "i don't like the form" or "i don't like that Style"
These people need to be Crucified

>> No.2054880

you gave me a couple of good keks. thanks anon

>> No.2055048

>Be in free period
>Girl walks up to me and interrupts my creative process
>"I like your drawing"
>It's just a shitty sketch
>She sits next to me
>God damn it
>"You must be really talented! I wish I could draw like that"
>Mentally roll eyes
>"Do you think you could teach me to draw?"
>She wants free lessons
>Make up some bullshit about how I'm not qualified since I'm still learning myself
>"Oh, okay"
>She stays seated next to me
>Try to ignore her and continue drawing
>She's still there, practically watching over my shoulder
>Can't draw in peace, so I get up and leave

Why do some people think it's okay to interrupt us when we're working?

>> No.2055052

So much I'm bad at -> too much to study -> study one thing, regress at another -> never improve

Eternal standstill, why?

>> No.2055096

>All day long at work want to draw
>Go home
>Want nothing but sleep

>> No.2055107

It's the equivalent of
>"Hey, did you get a haircut?"
>No, I got cancer

It's just a way of striking up a conversation, you fucking dumbass

>> No.2055111

Wasn't she just after your D?



Solved no charge.

>> No.2055341

Put in a ridiculous amount of work, time and brain calories.

>> No.2055345


brilliant. thanks!

>> No.2055348

I'm at that same point. I'm pretty sure I just need to do more studies and focus on rendering things quickly, building visual library, and all that shit.

I haven't been doing studies nearly as much as I should have.

>> No.2055350

Are you me?

>> No.2055360

Was she qt though? I'm guessing no.

>> No.2055361

Op you sound like a dumb tumblr douche

>> No.2055366

if i wasnt making slow improvement i would just stop amd kill myself but thankfully im at least going forward for now

but muh art struggle is
>making thumbnails for a finished piece
>have brilliant idea in my head i can see it so crystal clear
>find out i dont have the knowledge on how to execute it properly
>it looks like dookie poo
>when that awesome idea strikes and i start thinking about how to construct specific parts like the body
>fumble and go into retard mode
>as i struggle with that area i slowly forget what the overall glamour of the piece was supposed to be

this shits tough son

>> No.2055368

>At school, history class
>Draw a shitty Kazuya Mishima head on the desk.
>Same class the very next week, drawing's still here.
>"Wow, this is very well done, so amazing :O!" wrote next to it.

And also fuck people writing with smileys IRL xDDDDDD.

>> No.2055374

The process of teaching somebody else can actually be really good to solidify information in your own brain. You could've been nicer and at least given her some quick general pointers.

>> No.2055380

This is like my entire life. I definitely do learn things when I try and fail to execute my own ideas, but for now I've just gotten really frustrated with my current skill level and started doing mostly studies. Obviously its a little more of an efficient way to learn, but I really have to want to do studies or else I find them incredibly boring.

>> No.2055383

I feel like I improved and had tons of small jumps in knowledge about form and construction but for the past 4 months I feel like it all disappeared....

>> No.2055423

there was a properly dressed qt girl, neat hair and all that tried to chat me up while i was drawing at the museum. she was asking me questions that aren't the usual dumb ones and laughed at my answers however serious i was, but i just cold shouldered her until she left. it's not even just qt girls; i tend to neglect relationships with people to work on my art alone instead.

she had a nice butt, too.

>> No.2055429

Mark making can be challenging. Feels like my hand fights me sometimes when putting down strokes. I tried taking up some of Peter Hahn's practices in dynamic sketching to get a little more dexterous, but I find that I have a hard time getting into a proper groove of breathing and going over a line.
Still try to power on through it, but it's annoying.

>> No.2055437
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I can only draw from imagination; looking at reference bores me. The only way I can draw from reference is if I look at it then draw later without it, or force myself to study it.
I also can't really think about what I'm doing while I'm drawing; things just tend to flow out.
How do I think while drawing, and how do I use reference without killing myself?

>> No.2055440


It's called the 80/20 rule. The first 80% of the work takes 20% of the time, and that last 20% of polishing takes 80% of the time.

No way around it. It is our cross to bear as artists.

>> No.2055444

you using photo refs or real life? I can understand being bored by copying a photo but working from life should feel much different.

are you able to draw from reference well? do you dislike it because you find it boring or because you find it difficult? keep in mind you can work from reference AND imagination, be liberal with how you use your references, you don't have to copy them like a machine.

>> No.2055447


#artstrugs lol

>> No.2055453

>how do I use reference without killing myself?
I find that doing more practical or situational studies helps me with that.
Whenever you're struggling with something you're drawing, or if you just think you could be doing something better, get a reference of whatever aspect you're struggling with and apply it, or even do a study of it to understand better before applying it.

>> No.2055456

Your a dick

>> No.2055466

no, yore a dick.

>> No.2055471

No he's not

>> No.2055476

>Activated almonds
I forgot about this gem.

>> No.2055481

My lack of confidence and self esteem. My constant need to compare myself to others. My self hatred. Those are my struggles.

>> No.2055498

Damn, Anon, you need a Hug

>> No.2055500

She was trying to make conversation you autist.
You could have befriended her and then dicked her

>> No.2055502

Dear anon:
I am 100% sure there is someone out there that likes you and I am 100% sure there is someone who likes your art. Draw something that makes you happy, like a cat or a panda. Please do not be sad.

>> No.2055506
File: 87 KB, 500x620, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel your pain brother.
We are going to get through this

>> No.2055507

Dear other anon:
I hope you are not that sad, either. Please draw that cute cat. You will feel very happy. There are people in the world that would/do appreciate your drawings and there are people that like you, too

>> No.2055508

Ever since my car accident 2 weeks ago, I cant remember anything I grinded on.
Its fustrating having to crash corse this all over again

>> No.2055509

Are you hurt?!?!?

>> No.2055511

He's dead.

>> No.2055519

I only suffered a concussion. Its not the first time I got one of those. Playing football in highschool, you'd get hundreds.

This time its different though. My truck was hurt beyond repair. Thats the sad part

>> No.2055523

:C sad

>> No.2055524

>Girl is friendly to you
>Wants to conversate
Kill yourself.

>> No.2055526

>wants to conversate
what are you doing

>> No.2055528


>> No.2055529

Why are clothes so hard to draw? I mean seriously, now I get why in the eden garden people was naked: its because they didn't knew Satan yet
when the first guy tried to draw someone for the first time in history, Satan popped up and told him "yo dude drawing all those limbs and shit correctly is gonna be a mess, Iàm sure that if there was a piece of cloth on them it would be baby tier shit!" and the guy said "shit nigga dats the sickest cheat since fire! bring it on!"
and so every artist in history was fucked.

>> No.2055541


>think drawing all day while at work
>"...yeah, and organize my reference library and work on some freeform sketches with legs and practice on feet today..."
>get home
>assaulted by buddies on Steam and on skype

I'm so weak willed when it comes to my friends. Some days I wish I didn't have any.

>> No.2055545

turn off skype you dumb nigger. these aren't people beating down your actual door, you choose to turn on or turn off distractions on the computer.

>> No.2055546

That's why I got rid of all of mine except for my husband. Or at least I say I purposely did it...

>> No.2055548

Concentration is hard as fuck.

Any tips? I want to start meditating.

>> No.2055553

tip: start meditating. takes 10 minutes a day.

>> No.2055554


>having a S/O

I guess that's why I pander so much to my friends...

>> No.2055559

Isometric tunes

>> No.2055561


>> No.2055565

I've been with him since I was 13 and I slowly started to realize that the people I was friends with were not good people. I know it's common for kids in highschool to smoke weed and to drink, and I did before I met him, but hardly at all. I just slowly stopped being friends with those people and haven't made an effort to be friends with others. I am studying college online and also work in an area where I might have one person talk to me once a week, like "where is the bathroom," so I don't really even have acquaintances. I'm okay with that, though. Even if I said I wasn't originally. Being married is awesome.

>> No.2055569

start a blog

>> No.2055571

This is me when a female talks to me on the train, it's funny.

but I don't sit somewhere else because I don't care what other people think.

Also you could've got a bj

>> No.2055572
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>> No.2055578

Color kills me and I lost the little rendering skills I had...

I can't wait for my next break through because I am majorly sucking at everything.

>> No.2055590


>> No.2055602



nigga you autistic as fuck. don't put me in the same group with you.

>> No.2055606
File: 69 KB, 400x400, 1428681839600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did you faggots seriously miss the first part? She clearly said she was in her period and was free bleeding while drawing then this cunt comes along and sits next to her.

>> No.2055607

A free period is a time period that a student is not enrolled in a class. During the free period, students are literally free and could do whatever they want that complies to the campus rules and the law.

>> No.2055734

I thought this thread would be about actual struggles, not autists freaking out over people taking an interest in what they do.

>> No.2055740

I felt the same when i posted it

>> No.2055773


>> No.2055809

You must be new here.

>> No.2055811

>girl tries to compliment you on your work
>you go full sperg
Dont lump any of us in with you faggot

>> No.2055820

Wow that sucks. The football part I mean. That shit catches up with you hard later in life and you're going to end up a drooling retard who will, needless to say, never make it.

>> No.2055863

He was smart in not letting that succubus take advantage of him she saw something she can exploit and he didn't let her.

>> No.2055869

Wow don't be such a fucking ashole
What's wrong with you?
That's how people give compliments.
No ones going to care if you're good at drawing if you're still a shitty person. Work on your humility.

>> No.2055874
File: 44 KB, 635x457, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know it's common for kids in highschool to smoke weed and to drink

If your parents are cocksucking crackheads, yea.

>> No.2055878
File: 131 KB, 550x473, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already feel it in my joints and im loosing memory every day

>> No.2055879
File: 67 KB, 587x502, Post1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2055881

Well at my school it was. Almost every kid did. That town was and is known for pot though. Reallybadly....

>> No.2055894

I haven't genuinely found drawing fun since 2010. With each passing year the more pressure I put on myself and the more my expectations rise. I still enjoy artistic" creation" greatly but now its just 100% mental wank. I lie in bed at night or daydream while driving about artistic compositions I will create and how the lighting will work, etc etc... and as soon as its time to actually draw I realize Ive already had my fun and there's no enjoyment to be had in wasting hours only to reduce my lovely, living, breathing mental concept into a shitty drawing on a peice of paper, that reflects nothing but my own life failure. The path of least resistance. Its ends here my friends, my own mental matrix.

>> No.2055899


>> No.2055916
File: 31 KB, 462x254, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel the exact same way.
Except I dont make money from mine. I never finish, its a metaphore for my entire dilema

>> No.2055920

Is there something that makes you happy?

>> No.2055927

Not too much. I suffered a depressive stage in high school and have sort of had it lingering inside me ever since. Also persistent general anxiety. When I was a kid I drew voraciously, then it petered out as I took art classes. For a period of time I got into anime and got a second motivational burst for a year or 2- art was still fun to me as it was still a pastime, something I did while procrastinating on my homework at 3 AM. Of course my drawings sucked, and of course they are on dA but thats entirely besides the point.

These days I surf the web and half-assedly try to paint my cars. Play games and watch TV shows. But mostly I work full-time on my Designated Career Path. Sometimes I feel like my life as a free person is over, but thats simply ridiculous, as the problem is pretty much entirely psychological. I just cant even pick up a pencil anymore.

>> No.2055943

Wow you must have had no friends in high school

>> No.2055945

I feel guilty if I play video games or do anything fun instead of drawing.

>> No.2055947


>> No.2055959

holy shit, that is backwards for me.
100% of the work takes 100% of the time and the polishing doesn't happen because my work doesn't even look 10% finished even after i spent over an hour on it.

i just, i really hate where i am. i feel like i've learned nothing and am learning nothing concrete. is trying to teach yourself with books and videos the worst way to do this? i mean, i feel like i'm understanding things, but not able to do them. like i can't keep my level of drawing and shit up. i'd post stuff, but it'd be useless because i'd get the atypical "practice more, LOOMIS, etc etc"

i mean, HOW do you even practice?

>> No.2055970

First, understand form. We tell you to read loomis because he explains this very well. Learn that what you're drawing is actually 3D. You're looking for planes that move closer and further away from the eye, not flat shapes that define the contour. Draw ellipses, or squishy balls until you understand they're spheres in space. Then you just start studying anatomy or w/e you like.

>> No.2055971
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What is wrong with you people

>> No.2055973
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, yukodepressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fucking shit. Around the web I see all these great artists and can't help but compare my garbage to their work.

I've come a long way, but real life still intends on cockblocking me and impeding my progress. All I want to do is draw.

So yeah, same as what lots of you struggle with.

>> No.2055980
File: 1.62 MB, 319x241, 1424892068053.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Abloo bloo bloo

Get over it, there will always be someone better than you, stop bitching and moaning about this simple fact of life.

>> No.2055982

same with me, i can't help but compare and i know people tell me not to, but guess fucking what?
i want to be like them, i like their art and in some cases they watch me on some art sites. i feel pressured to put out the best work i can and I know I can't or shouldn't bother to try drawing for myself again until i get better.

>> No.2055988

i understand 3D shit and that things have volume and space and shit, but i guess im having proportion issues and judging the space in something like a torso or a head. i draw it in 3D completely and then i just lose it, i have no idea what i'm doing after that and im grasping at straws as to what "looks" right.

>> No.2055995

>make a tumblr
>make some shitty half-ass comic
>1 week later
>100 notes
>feel shitty but don't want to look like a pussy by deleting it
what do

>> No.2056013

What is shitty about 100 notes? Doesn't that mean 100 people like it?

>> No.2056014

idk, people i guess don't like it when other people like something they didn't try 100% on.

>> No.2056024

I'm not frustrated that there are people better than me, I'm frustrated that I'm shit. Regardless, I will keep working hard to catch up.

>> No.2056025

Right now I am in this purpetual fugue state, where I don't know left from right nor up from down. Procrastination has made it to the point to where I don't draw much anymore and I don't really know why.

Though, I have a pretty good idea of what it is. Lately I've been kind of disillusioned to art as a career, with the industry being what it is. Fine art is one big laundering scheme, digital art means becoming an expendable cog with little creative initiative.

There are the good jobs, but they are few and far between for anyone who is still climbing the ladder.

My family has always had particularly high expectations of me, as I have many artists in my family and from the day I started they have always been saying "Oh, he'll be an art genius when he grows up!". They've seen little of my art and they put on their fake smiles and pat me on the back, but if they only knew a single fucking thing about art they would see that I am fucking garbage. Maybe they do.

Everytime I try to make something it's like there is a wall preventing me from making any progress. I want to have courage, I want to be strong, but the walls keep coming. Most would say "BREAK THEM DOWN MAN!" but I don't feel like this is a learning issue so much as it is an emotional and spiritual one.

I like art, but I want it to be my thing. It used to be an outlet for me when I was younger, but now it has become the source of constant anxiety and stress. I want to feel again, I want to feel good about learning about it but I just feel dead inside. I want to make art for me and I think that's the path that I'm going to take.

>> No.2056030

i'm you, i just want to do it as a hobby and draw tits and animu all day. that shouldn't be too hard, all i gotta do is learn EVERYTHING about art, aka the basics and then i'm good.

>> No.2056036
File: 1.09 MB, 2560x1536, 20150313_221455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine.

>use to just doodling demons and devils
>pretty okay at basic figure drawing with reference
>cant draw faces for shit
>practice drawing heads/hair/faces at girlfriends place
>"wow anon. You should stop. Those faces are terrible."
>I know. I'm practicing. I know my faces are shit right now.
>"they really are."

Literally no support from her or anyone other than my drawing prof.

Photo is example of shitty face from a shitty drawing i gave up on entirely.

>> No.2056037

not sure how i could help, im in worse shape than you. all ive been told is draw from life, great advice!

>> No.2056046


It's not that much of a problem man, just experiment more. Plan more instead of just letting the pen take control and just seeing where it goes. Pick up a few books, shouldn't be long.

It's after you know all of the basics is when the real struggle starts, and it only gets worse from there.

>> No.2056064

Drawing fur used to, but now its just eh.
Also cumming makes me happy for about 2 seconds, and then I realize that it was me all along, and Ik back to being sad

>> No.2056065
File: 8 KB, 291x87, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helicopter parents nigga.
Oh god.

At least you become a ninja at adulthood

>> No.2056068
File: 112 KB, 1600x832, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half of your learning experiance is testing out stuff

>> No.2056069

Talking on skype with art buddies helped me out of depression and sloth. Maybe you can summon your own

>> No.2056070
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You need to cut out some people in your life. Sweet things happen after you do that

>> No.2056116
File: 133 KB, 300x262, theresnoctrl-z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fan asks you to draw something in their sketchbook.
>haven't drawn on paper in over 8 yrs.

>> No.2056136

I know I have to draw at least 6 or 7 hours a day to git gud, but I have trouble drawing any more than 2 or 3.

>> No.2056139

I imagined learning art would be a much more interesting and fun process, but now that it comes down to it, it's really hard and painful. A lot of frustration and feels like I have no idea what I'm doing.

Sometimes I wish I had a teacher looming over my shoulder telling me what works and what doesn't.

>> No.2056149
File: 28 KB, 245x245, 1422251083756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mentally ill artist who cannot draw for a long amount of time over it being a stationary activity
>needs to keep studying because over not drawing skill has deteriorated

>> No.2056155
File: 44 KB, 570x340, all you had to do was take the damn pictures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't know how to draw
>Need to show creativity and some competence to get on an Art course for Fashion Design & Textiles by September
>Started 8 days ago
>Doing those round face things in Loomis currently
Is there a point in doing this Loomis face thing? When you do figures in fashion they don't even draw faces, hands, or feet 99% of the time.

>> No.2056163

>want to draw good
>don't like to draw
>confused and sad till death

>> No.2056166


5 months to learn how to draw? You're fucked m8. Considering it's for a fashion course my advice to you would be to take some fashion design templates and try to draw your own clothes on top. I'm not saying don't study the fundamentals but think about the best way to allocate your time. Diving head first into Loomis might not be the wisest idea, if you are lucky you'll end up 5 months later with barely passable drawing skills and nothing relevant to show them. Spend like 80% of your time designing shit and maybe 20% on Loomis. I don't want to discourage you but 5 months is a drop in the ocean in terms of artistic development.
Good luck.

>> No.2056190

fuuuuuuuuuuark. I want to fling myself off of a bridge.
Thanks anyway, breh.

>> No.2056194

I'll be 26 in August and really wish I had restarted drawing sooner. I'm also too shy to join a drawfag group. )^:

>> No.2056196

You mean deviant art group or skype group?

>> No.2056204

Either one.

>> No.2056208

Just do it, what's the worst that could happen?

>> No.2056209

Unwanted attention. It's inevitable and annoying. Then I get blamed. No thanks.

>> No.2056212

That's have nothing to do with shyness. At least not in the sense I felt you wrote it.

>> No.2056214

If you say so.

>> No.2056216
File: 130 KB, 1025x534, 04e72713cc75db9f66501667f6bc00f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, this was actually pretty educating

>> No.2056258

Im liking the cute, fat, chibi feet

>> No.2056302
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>> No.2056303
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His designs are cute as fuck.
Cute enough to fuck

>> No.2056606

I'm going through something similar, recently I have been reevaluating my passion for drawing. When I first started the first 2 years where glorious freedom and expression, I was blind and having the best time of my life drawing anything and everything i wanted. Then after the second year I found /ic/. It's been a rough journey since.

I've always had the mindset that I'll just get better if I just keep drawing, not aware of the damage that that can cause.

The 3rd year was a bunch of up and down moments where i felt unstoppable and could take any challenge, and moments where I actually contemplated suicide. However that year I learned a lot, the fundamentals, skills, the breaking of symbolism, just about everything /ic/ preaches I was caught up on. Now here I am on my 4th year and I don't even enjoy drawing. I've just lost my one hobby that I had, the one thing that I thought drew me apart from the average joe. Last night I sat in my bed for 5 hours just thinking about what went wrong, not a day goes by that I don't think about drawing. What happened? Where did my interest in drawing go? I wanted a hobby with a long journey with no end in sight but I feel like my mental self is just quitting. This shouldn't be happening.

Did it just take me 4 years to realize that I didn't like drawing or something? How do I get interested in drawing again? I think I've lost my understanding for what made this hobby fun.

>> No.2056616

These are garbage. OK, they're alright, but those retard tiny heads.

>> No.2056618


>> No.2056623

lets see those hands

>> No.2056625

fuck off then

>> No.2056674


I don't know man.

Just feels like I don't do it for the love of it, but because I'm expected to do it. I used to love learning about different methods and approaches to creating and improving my craft.

Ha, I remember comparing it to being a wizard, studying all day and night to create new potions and spells... but now it just feels so routine and the fact that I'm not having fun with my work is really obvious.

It's been awhile since I've created anything, but you know... maybe this whole art thing is more of a journey than a destination.

Sometimes you get tired and forget why you keep running, and times like these are important for reminding yourself what you're doing it for.

I think I'll take it at a slow pace for now.

We'll get through this together man. xD

>> No.2056708

Well I want to be the best basketball player in the world but I fucking hate basket ball oh no im so depressed

Do things because you like it.

>> No.2056758

>draw something
>starts looking good since I'm a scrub
>can't bring myself to finish it because I'll likely fuck it up
>afraid I won't get good if I keep drawing

hold me

>> No.2056766


I feel the exact same way, but I'm out of scrubmode for some time now. That feeling never stops anon, start building up that immune system.

>> No.2056932
File: 35 KB, 650x443, 1_1380247292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Group hug guys

>> No.2056952


Even if you become a super famous artist the history books will only print one of your pieces. Maybe two or three if you're Michelangelo or Picasso or something. You basically have free range to fuck up all the other ones any way you want.

>> No.2056977

>draw something
>starts looking good since I'm a scrub
>can't bring myself to finish it because I'll likely fuck it up
>finish it
>go to bed
>wake up with a smile
>look at the piece
>nightmare goggles never came off

>> No.2057323

>Make tumblr
>Post Sketches for a month
>Not a single note
>delete posts one by one
>only then delete account

>> No.2057327

Did you attention whore on 4chan drawthreads?


There's your problem.

The golden rule is usually follow, then get followed

>> No.2057342


When I was playing videogames all day the clan I was in had a forum, where we shared our experiences, wrote guides and generally tried to help eachother to get better at whatever we were playing at the moment. We did this because we were interested in what we were doing and in talking about it, and we did it because we were a community. All artforums I have ever been active on were full of people who only posted in eachothers threads to be noticed. I have no interest in pretending to be interested in people to get them to pretend that they're interested in me, I want a context where people have an honest interest in eachother. Is that really so unreasonable?

>> No.2057343

It's just a way to get yourself your on feet.

More followers = more people notice your shit

Simple as that

>> No.2057365

Man I remember back in the day I would just draw all these dinosaurs, dragons, demons, etc. but now I fell like I can't draw anything stylized without feeling guilty about not studying...

Maybe one day you and I will find a new beginning for this journey :D

>> No.2057841
File: 854 KB, 1936x1936, IMG_20150415_195552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my thumb two days ago, just started to feel not constantly throbbing and i picked at a sketch for a minute. nope.

>> No.2057846
File: 36 KB, 316x263, NOPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get faint and feel sick to my stomach at the sight of blood go away. I'm having a panic attack right now goddammit.

>> No.2057871

Hey, anon, guess what? I'm menstruating RIGHT NOW. :^)

>> No.2057872
