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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 339 KB, 502x455, Screen Shot 2015-04-10 at 03.53.39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2048999 No.2048999 [Reply] [Original]


God damn who else has watched/listened to this? Watts is the realest nigga breathing.

>> No.2049009

Thanks for the link anon. I'll give it a listen

>> No.2049024

He did a few programs at Comic-Con years ago. I went to a couple of them. I also got my portfolio reviewed by him. Nice guy.

>> No.2050210


Jeff is a true nigga, no bullshit, this is not an easy career path in anyway.

>> No.2050241

Sick video and sick, SICK trips

Thanks op.

>> No.2050247

I love how he weeds out the bull shit colleges like Art Center. Jeff is a pretty cool guy.

>> No.2050249

This guy is a real nigga.

>> No.2050272

I ain't never seen a nigga realer than this nigga

However I do have to wonder about the value of an online atelier vs. just doing it yourself or finding a local atelier.

>> No.2050297


I like this guy and pretty much everything he says is correct, but I find the concept of "You have to know how to practice and how much to practice and what to practice and how to allocate your time to practicing".

It seems so contrived. :\ I don't know anyone who has really put themselves through the ringer like that. (I'm in concept art) It's like... I dunno, most of my friends and my skill comes from organic interest. We spend all of our time and all of our lives living and breathing and thinking about art, and would be doing that even if it wasn't a career path.

"Sit down and draw the same eye 20 times" would have been fucking excruciating for me, and put me off of art. It seems really torturous to me to force it like that, but what do I know? It might push an already talented person to become great when they otherwise wouldn't have pushed themselves?

I just feel like the ease of self-tutelage and raw talent go hand and hand.

Also I disagree completely that art doesn't require intelligence. The best artists got that way from thinking critically on their own.

>> No.2050298

Then you'll never TRULY make it.

>> No.2050301
File: 75 KB, 344x305, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2050306

>Also I disagree completely that art doesn't require intelligence.

Internet fan-artists are living proof that this is true. How the hell can you "disagree" with a fact? Name an internet fan-artist with a legit good head on their shoulders. You're hard pressed finding them.

>> No.2050312


Okay, true, maybe? I meant actually skilled artists who are at the highest tier of skill. You really think you can become an exceptional master of the craft without being intelligent?

>> No.2050314

its hour long ad for his atelier, take it as that. Hes trying to sell his product, I am not saying everything he said is not true, but if he had to be honest he would made quite a different speech.

>> No.2050317


yeah. I guess I could never bring myself to smudge the truth like that for the benefit of my business and the detriment of others' well-beings. I am a terrible salesperson.

>> No.2050319

>its hour long ad for his atelier, take it as that.

That much is obvious. But it doesn't invalidate anything he says in the video, which is why, despite it being an ad, it's still on point.

>> No.2050320
File: 47 KB, 542x347, 5502850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his voice and when he started taking about his childhood and other "new-on-Ciis" really put me off didnt watch more than 2-4 minutes, my instincts told me theres something off with the guy, then an anon posts that its and advert and he bashes other schools, probably says things like practice practice practise.....

>> No.2050321
File: 2.18 MB, 1634x2076, der-wanderer-ueber-dem-nebelmeer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're proof that it's possible to make a living by drawing sexy girls, but that's not what this is about. Art is a mirror of our humanity, sakimis drawings are beauty masturbation.

>> No.2050325

>something off with the guy

If by off you mean someone a good speaker with good business sense, yeah. It's an ad with useful advice regardless if you're interested in the "product" or not.

>bashes other schools
>implying the education system isn't fucked to high hell while benefiting some subjects more than others in overall methods of teaching.

>> No.2050329

>sakimi drawings
If her faces didn't look mangled and deformed, maybe. I still see that Ahri in my nightmares from time to time.

>> No.2050332

>They're proof that it's possible to make a living by drawing sexy girls

Yeah, and you don't have to be smart to do this. Which is why internet fan-artists only make money off fans while never getting contracted to do official works for the companies that own the IPs they are piggy backing off of. Sakimi-chan is literally poor man's Artgerm, who found a way to make money off a cesspool of morons who spend too much time on the internet.

>> No.2050334

Sakimi is smarter than /ic/.

>> No.2050336
File: 586 KB, 695x900, 4df939781b9bebebe6dd9ac427627946-d8p7zel[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeff Watts and his students have no style. All their art look same.
And don't forget that Watts Atelier created that faggot Proko.

I'd rather watch Sakimichan's toturials than studying with Jeff Watts.

>> No.2050338



>> No.2050346

I get that this is bait.. but did Proko really study from Watts atelier?

>> No.2050347


>> No.2050360

Not only that but he was also a teacher at Watts. But to be honest, he's a more than competent artist when it comes to figure drawing from observation, which is what he taught at Watts and teaches on youtube. The reason why so many faggots on /ic/ seem to hate him is because the natural progress for a noob artist is to hate your first teachers to show how much you have improved, even if you haven't improved at all.

>> No.2050362

I just noticed how fucked up the phone is.

>> No.2050366


/ic/'s hate for Proko never made any sense to me. What he talks about in his youtube videos is the important first step that internet/weeb artists don't want to hear I guess. Drawing from observation and reference. Too many faggots want to jump straight to drawing from imagination and "muh style" instead of learning the fundamentals and grinding them out via numerous observation and studies to gain that solid foundation of understanding how and why things work. They want to git gud fast and quick. They don't want to put in the actual work because it takes a long ass time. Which is why so many of them end up being one trick ponies and resort to lewd in the end and never really get anywhere outside of making money off stupid/horny people on the internet.

>> No.2050382

I think people hate proko because he's just a poor mans loomis/vilppu/bridgman/etc and people feel like it's a waste of time and money studying him when you could just study material from the original sources.

>> No.2050384

Speaking from my immature experience, I disliked him because he didn't have any proper paintings. It was like I was being drawn by some retard who doesn't even do art.

I'd listen to Matt Kohr from ctrl paint more because his finished products looked more like my goal.

There was a digital painting proko did on his youtube of a reindeer and it solidified my notion that this guy has no business teaching me.

>> No.2050394
File: 235 KB, 900x675, choppinglessons[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't have any proper paintings
What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.2050396

Of course I've changed my mind since, but that was exactly my view of him then.

>> No.2050398

ITT: people who'll never make it

>> No.2050402

I like proko, its not important that he isnt as great as the great masters because thats a title that comes with years and years of teaching and you can see he is still fairly young/not that old. Just watch his videos nigga and take what works for you.

>> No.2050419


But you aren't studying Proko. He is literally just the messenger and a means to get you started. You're studying life and the fundamentals of that bind it together. The only time you really study an actual artist him/herself is when you get into stylization stage, if you even choose to go that route.

>> No.2050420

Nigger I'm not listening to over an hour of sales pitch.
1. Take some meds for that ADHD
2. Work hard
3. Achieve God status

>> No.2050433

It's just a podcast. Let it play while you're drawing or some shit, it's not going to kill you to hear him talk about the steps you will take as an artist.

Also, that injun painting beside him is making my dick hard, niggah really knows his shit.

>> No.2050435

Good artists aren't automatically good teachers. Bridgman for example is completely worthless for beginner artists because although he was an excellent draughtsman, his construction drawings can only be properly translated and understood by someone who already is an experienced artist and has a decent understanding of anatomy.

Loomis was taught by Bridgman, condensed his knowledge about anatomical construction and then decided to make books aimed at beginner artists. Proko might be a poor man's version of those artists, but a noob like you can actually learn far more from him than from any of those artists when he's first starting out, because Proko condenses their knowledge into easy to understood ~10 minute videos.

Once you have understood the basics, you can always look at better artists for a more in-depth understanding of these subjects. But here's where all the hate comes from: People like you almost feel insulted that Proko can teach them a lot that they don't fully understand yet, because he is so beginner-friendly. You don't want to admit that you ARE still able to learn from him because that would make you a beginner yourself. Hence you delude yourself into thinking only the best of the best could possibly teach you something and you trash every teacher whose teachings are aimed at someone of your skill level.

>> No.2050475

>Also I disagree completely that art doesn't require intelligence.
He didn't say art doesn't require intelligence. He actually specifically said that art does require intelligence, just not quite as much raw intelligence as a math or science oriented field.

>> No.2050492

Yeah, I definitely got the sales pitch vibe after a while too, but there was a lot of good information in the video. Plus, his school is dirt cheap. Like, community college cheap. So its not like he's trying to scam anyone or anything.

>> No.2050502

>dat gut
my dick.

>> No.2050503

Does anybody have that link to the last guy to animate under walt disney?
Someone asked the guy how Walt Disney was in person and he said
>Walt? He's a piece of shit

>> No.2050511

Art Babbitt?
I don't know if he said that but he did punch Walt once.

>> No.2050517

Think he's talking about Walter Peregoy. He calls everyone an asshole, though.

>> No.2050519

holy shit

>> No.2050532
File: 139 KB, 625x700, whut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godamn. I don't care how good he is at anything, these paintings are gross.
Pic related she isn't even touching/interacting with the floor and her shoulder is fucking weird.

Small brushes and muddy colours.

>> No.2050548
File: 1.21 MB, 1277x1920, jwatts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure you can find a weak piece or two in the bunch, on the whole he's got a lot of skill though. I still dislike his work, it's safe and boring and I expect to see it in some "southwestern art" mag in a books-a-million. his brushstroke looks expressionist at first glance, but it doesn't have the immediacy and looseness of expressionism, so instead it feels "artsy" and a little contrived.

I really dig this portrait he made though, reminds me of my grandfather.

>> No.2050581


le charismatic man

>> No.2050583

you fucks would bash even sargent if he were alive today

>> No.2050586

/ic/ has a massive hard-on for Sargent, lurk moar. also,
>comparing Jeffrey Watts to Sargent

>> No.2050587

I've seen someone bashing him here not long ago.

>> No.2050592

i bet there's no grace either

>> No.2050596


It's mostly true though. Sargent is the Urban Outfitters of classical art as in he's the safe-rebellious option. He isn't famous on the scale of Da Vinci, Rembrandt, etc, but he strictly classical on a place with a very strong anti-postmodern presence. If Sargent gets a sudden burst of popularity you'll start seeing /ic/ shitting all over his work.

He's popular enough that liking his stuff is enough fit into the clique while at the same time not too popular that it starts getting into "pleb" territory.

>> No.2050603


I bet they all have a funny face.

>> No.2050628

IIT: more /ic/ fuck bois who talk more than they draw.

>> No.2050631

Good art is simply hella work. You can be a daft retard without a clue and just work and something will eventually happen.

Gotta level up dat work. Nothing else to it.

>> No.2050635

Also, wow I didn't know so many painters wanted to be Richard Schmid--never knew about this guy and his "atelier".

>> No.2050636

thanks James Peanut Butter

>> No.2050639


That Mr. James Peanut Butter to you, casual

>> No.2050644

That's completely false.

Just 'doing' won't work, all the deviantart kiddies are a prime example.
It's generally agreed that next to working hard you also need to work smart.
Be critical, analytical and make that brain work.

>> No.2050647

I never said a hard worker isn't or can't be critical, bro :)

It's your job as a human to adapt and learn. You can only do this by doing the damn thing.

>> No.2050654


A true hard worker IS critical and analytical. A true hard worker makes a point to use their brain as much as possible. If you aren't doing that, you aren't a really a hard worker. You're just killing time or going through the motions to get paid.

>> No.2050655

classical art refers to the work of ancient greece and rome. postmodernism didn't even exist when sargent was working, so I also doubt he's anti-postmodern.

>> No.2050658


I'm not saying Sargent is anti-postmodern, but /ic/ is largely anti-postmodern and artists Sargent are the antithesis of postmodern.

>> No.2050662


I know lots of "true hard workers" that are pretty soft-headed and uncritical (lol).

My point is that, in art--painting, you have some concepts you learn and employ. Talent only goes so far until it runs out of gas and effort is required to continue the journey.

Most artists put a lot of effort and creativity in excuses not to get better instead of their work though.

>> No.2050698


>> No.2050718

>Vilppu Top Feel

>> No.2050823

>postmodernism didn't even exist when sargent was working, so I also doubt he's anti-postmodern.

Everything that requires skill is already at odds with post-mothershits, so chronology ain't a problem. :^)

>> No.2050825

Can't blame him much, though. The dude seriously cares about art education and is trying to make it available to everyone just short of doing it for free.
In his inking video you can feel this huge frustration with art schools and public education regarding the arts, and those trains don't help, either.

>> No.2050839

i enjoyed this 20x more than the craig mullins interview because that interview was just him rambling and it made me fucking lol when craigs name came up and his title was "Master Artist" like jesus christ stop hes super good but jesus

>> No.2052890

>People like you
Reading comprehension? I agree with what you're saying, I was just stating my own observations on why people here dislike him, I'm a hobbyist and watch sycra and sinix too man the last thing I care about is art elitism.

>> No.2053272

What I like to know is why isn't this guy's whole online content plastered around every torrent site. You'd think people would pounce on it like a fat bitch on a cock wrapped in bacon.

>> No.2053299

Maybe because everyone who pays for it respects the man (and that would be helping out competition). It's like how long it took for Scott Robertsons book to get a proper scan...even though his book sucks.

>> No.2053346

What specifically blows about Robertson's book? I've seen a lot of bashing on it lately.

>> No.2053353

>Maybe because everyone who pays for it paid so much they'd feel like utter retards if they gave it away for free


You can bet there are people who enrolled into it that wouldn't recognize respect if it kicked them in the ass.

>> No.2053476


It's a confusing textbook that leaves out important information and focuses mostly on technique and not 'how to draw'. He also can't draw an ellipse.

>> No.2053487

Explain me this anons

>guy runs an atelier
>atelier doesnt have a predefined course lenght, you can be there for 10 years
>they have no reason to teach you how to draw and paint as fast as possible when they instead feed you the knowledge bit by bit and milk you for years and years

>> No.2053644


I mean, art schools do the same thing, except they extort you for the total amount immediately. And this total amount is probably a lot more than you'd spend at an atelier.

>> No.2053687

What's wrong with his ellipses?

>> No.2053691

Way to not even pay attention.

The reason why there isn't a predefined length is because 1. people learn at different speeds, 2. it depends on how much the customer practices outside of the workshop and how hardworking they are in general, 3. not everyone has the same desired standard, 4. it depends on the background of the artist, a shittier/beginner artist will have to spend more time at the workshop than a novice.

>> No.2053693

Forgot to mention: the reason why some people are there for seven, ten, etc years is because they become fucking teachers themselves at the workshop. He mentioned this at least two times.

>> No.2053708

Some guy shared some of the workbook stuff a couple of months ago, I think.

It's not like they withold information from students. People understand and apply concepts at different rates, so the instructors teach people at the rate they gauge them to be at.

>> No.2053738

If an art school has, say, 5 year program that they charge x amounts of money for, and what they say is basically that "if your portfolio is good enough to get into our school, after 5 years we will make you good enough to get an entry level job in x industry" - or something along these lines. If large portion of graduates cant find a job the school loses credibility and reputation since it doesnt deliver whats promised. So its in their best interest to actually make students good artists as fast as possible.

>Way to not even pay attention.

Pay attention to what? The guy doesnt cover this topic at all in his video, this is just something Ive been wondering about.

>> No.2053757
File: 738 KB, 1018x1599, Richard Williams - Animator's Survival Kit p. 32-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Few art schools have any credibility anymore but they STILL pull in thousands of students and leave them in debt to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars. It's disgusting.

>> No.2053763

I-if thats true, then what do people even do at art schools today? Like literally what is it that you do/learn if you dont even draw? It's like going to athlete school while being unable to walk, whats the point? What do you get from it?

>> No.2053775

If Watt's school is so successful, how come it's difficult to distinguish the students work from each other?

Sure, tradition is being passed along. But so what? A lot of places teach the same tradition--and in the same way. What's being added though? How do schools like Watt's add to the tradition? What do they actually give to future generations other than preserving the ways of the old ones? The tradition, as it is now, took centuries to build and right now all that's being done with it is just repeating it back, like a broken record. Nothing added, nothing gained.

But why should anything be added? Does our generation now have the capability to add anything to it? Does our generation even deserve the opportunity do that? Look around, most of this tradition is wasted on kitsch shit. And the brats that keep coming out of these schools are poor ignorant souls dumber than the last bunch about their own humanity.

What's so real about dumbing down a tradition and passing it along? Seriously, you people would brown-nose that kind of a tragedy?

>> No.2053781


I go to a fairly large state university. Not an art major, but I'm pursuing a minor, which is basically a hand-holding, bullshit, you-tried-your-best-here's-an-A, "like-oh-my-gosh-i-like-your-pretty-colors-here"-sorority-girl-critique work, but I try my best regardless and attempt to absorb as much as I can.

I had the privilege of attending an entry level drawing class meant for art majors. This class was definitely a lot more what I was looking for: we received serious projects that required heavy out-of-class commitment (at least 3-5 hours a day outside of class). I was the type who was paranoid about the way I was learning, so I often asked questions. You don't unlearn bad habits after all. Nearing the end of the semester, I asked my teacher about what classes to take if I wanted to refine my fundamentals, in particular, with regards to fine drawing. As she answered, she also offhandedly mentioned that the board is moving to remove life drawing from the curriculum. I was completely baffled. I thought that preparedness as a drawing major would most certainly require a keen understanding of how to construct form through observation. She didn't seem particularly pleased with it either.

>> No.2053783

Your parents want you to go to school so you go to art school, you finish high school and you dont want to go to work so you go to art school, you dream about being second picasso so you go to art school, you actually want to learn but dont know its shit so you go to art school, etc etc etc

>> No.2053784


Art schools are less about the education and more about the networking.
You really need to put in legwork outside of class. That's how you get ahead. A lot of people fuck around once they dispense of their class obligations, but those people end up working as art teachers or dick blick salesmen.

>> No.2053789
File: 416 KB, 960x720, slade shool degree show 2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw that degree reel on their homepage


>> No.2053795

I see this lobbed at this place a lot:
>All Watts students draw the same
but isn't that the point? The place has a focus on consistency. Each student is taught the same things the same way the main dude learned it and some pretty decent artists have come out as a result. The slogan is even "preserving the tradition of the masters." After getting good it's the student's job to evolve beyond their training and add to the legacy they came from.

Jeez Louise.

>> No.2053796

So what? States schools have always been mutating the art curriculum to meet what ever trend that is happening in the contemporary art world. WHO FUCKING CARES ABOUT THEM? They live in their own little world. They don't define art. They only define a part of it. And the whole world knows that already.

The problem is that nobodies adding anything to things like basic drawing, the fundamentals, etc. It's believed that it's closed book already, that's there's nothing to add to them. It's believed that all that's left to do is to refine things, to polish, to hone.

If you actually believe the tradition is completed and all there's left to do is to practice and git gud, then you're no different than the contemporary art brat from a state school who paints out his nose.

>> No.2053808

>but isn't that the point? The place has a focus on consistency.
Consistency towards what exactly? To frame the entire learning the same way monotonously? Doesn't make for much fertility. Doesn't really grow the field now does it?

>After getting good it's the student's job to evolve beyond their training and add to the legacy they came from.
Name a herald of progress from any of those schools. Give one bastard that has actively challenged any of their traditions. Who can you name right now that has taken what you hold dear about the traditions and put it on it's head? Not one. Do you know why? Because they've been disciplined not to challenged it. They love it too much to seek any progress. They can't evolve it, they don't know how. They were never taught art they were taught to keep specters of art.

>> No.2053815

>Consistency towards what exactly? To frame the entire learning the same way monotonously? Doesn't make for much fertility. Doesn't really grow the field now does it?

How do you want to expand the watts-riley technique if you didn't master the watss-riley technique?

Oh right, with muh style.

>Name a herald of progress from any of those schools.

What schools? This is one and a half generation of atelier tradition. Of course it's going to be run the way the founder, poster boy and owner wants it to run.

>Give one bastard that has actively challenged any of their traditions.

You belong in finger painting classes with the rest of the retards.

If you want to do shit differently you can do it yourself. But the sort of entitled, attention whore-minded people like you would rather demand the already existing institution or group to conform to you. you're the sort of cretin who thinks he'll contribute AND be recognized in his mid 20s.

>dey all look da same!

Proko looks nothing like Watts.

>> No.2053816
File: 135 KB, 900x700, fucking lines 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consistency towards proficient representational art. May not grow the field, as you say, but it certainly preps it nicely. Besides it's just one way of learning and training, dude, learning one doesn't mean to shut out all others.
As for progress, I guess Watts himself. He modified and elaborated the system for drawing the figure that was taught to him. I may not be talkin the kind of progress you might be gettin at, though.

>> No.2053821

>If Watt's school is so successful, how come it's difficult to distinguish the students work from each other?

Why does it bother you considering you would give your left nut to be able to draw/paint like that?

>> No.2053824
File: 667 KB, 310x216, 1396552033410.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If Watt's school is so successful, how come every student is good?

>> No.2053828

1. It's not a technique, it's a methodology, you dumb fuck.
2. There are thousands of ateliers in the states alone. They aren't an endangered breed of school, especially now that they can teach online.
3. It's dumb fucks like that should go. Your money would keep the traditions on life support and your art will show us how unimaginatively boring your are as a person. The tradition lives on and we know who to ignore. A win-win for the rest of us.

>> No.2053830

Watt as done nothing other than pass it along. Kudos for him, but that's not the point here.

>> No.2053834


>it's not a technique

it is a technique. Thechnique is a broad word.

> There are thousands of ateliers in the states alone.

irrelevant, just like your previous point.

>Your money

I don't pay for shit, don't even fallow this dude and drawing/painting isn't my primary medium. but nice try

So in the end you managed to address nothing, contribute nothing and proclaim yourself the victor. Piss off.

>> No.2053836

It bothers me because dumb fucks like you ended up doing nothing with it.

Seriously what the fuck would you do if you could suddenly draw or paint like that? Make the monies! What the fuck would you draw or paint? I bet it's the same stupid fucking ideas you have now with your current shit level of skills. Who the fuck would even care about your stupid fucking ideas? And if all you did was for the $ who the fuck would even bother remembering your legacy? You wouldn't have one. You'd be another skilled idiot that nobody really listens to. Nobody would remember your contributions, they would just remember that shit of yours they downloaded off the internet and kept in a fucking folder they barely look at now.

It's not a matter of what you would give. It's a matter of what you would do with it. What the fuck would a stupid shit like you do with it?

>> No.2053838


whoa son you need to calm down. you sound a bit ANGSTY

>> No.2053839 [DELETED] 

You can't even spell the word, what the fuck would you know about it. Go pirate Watts' videos and become that bad ass technician you were meant to be. See if even body cares. See if the world respects any more then it has already.

>> No.2053842

You can't even spell the word right, what the fuck would you know about it. Go pirate Watts' videos and become that bad-ass technician you were meant to be. See if anybody cares. See if the world respects you any more.

>> No.2053843


Coming up with good ideas isn't necessarily an inherit trait either, a strong sense of design and ideas comes with a good visual library and experience over time.

Quit being butthurt that people want to train in the fundamentals in an optimal way. Jeff is a hell of a teacher and a respected artist in his own right.

>> No.2053844

>You can't even spell the word right

Can youy spell anythign in chinese, faggot? this isn't my mother tongue and I'm not inclined to care about the idiotic way you spell.

>Go pirate Watts' videos and become that bad-ass technician you were meant to be

So desperate with the strawman you have to repeat it even after it's been shot down. It really is the only thing you have to say, isn't it? pathetic.

>> No.2053846

>this isn't my mother tongue
I don't give shit if it's your mother's ass. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.2053848


Nice argument. You should frame it and hang it on the wall.

>> No.2053850

don't see you doing any better.

>> No.2053856


You'd like me to repeat myself while you shitpost and throw strawmen around, I know your kind. You have nothing to rebuke my first reply so just piss off.

>> No.2053857

>Coming up with good ideas isn't necessarily an inherit trait either,
But for some reason it's a real challenge for a lot of anons. And I mean 99%

>a strong sense of design and ideas comes with a good visual library
Some fucking library! When have you ever had an interesting idea, not just to yourself but a highly regarded one? Never! Know why? Because you have shit tastes and your experience is dull.

>Quit being butthurt that people want to train in the fundamentals in an optimal way.
Oh I"m not trying to stop you. I want you to learn the tradition. I just know for a fact you're not going to do much with it. I know you're not going to contribute anything. So I don't need to stop you because nothing would change if I did.

>Jeff is a hell of a teacher and a respected artist in his own right.
So what? So are a lot of other teachers? What makes him so special? Because he's on the internet keepin it real? Because taught Proko-baggins? What the fuck do you know about the man that make him so goddamn important?

>> No.2053859

you two faggots need to stop shitting everywhere, piss off, stop with the biggest dick contest and go fuck each other.

>> No.2053860

Your first reply is that it's broad word.
OOOOOOH! Way to set up the argument. Here's a strawman for you: Go fuck yourself.

>> No.2053861

you're welcome to suck either one off, honey, if you keep replying like that

>> No.2053867

>who the fuck would even bother remembering your legacy? You wouldn't have one.
>Nobody would remember your contributions
I'm sure these problems will vex me to no end once I'm dead.

>> No.2053872

.... is this what they teach at watts atlier? It looks so damn weird.. how does it work? None of his work look anything like this

>> No.2053876

Nah. They would just be that nagging voice in the back of your head every time you got paid:

"What if this dumb fuck finds out I'm a fraud?"
"What if this stupid shit stops being relevant, where would I go?"

>> No.2053880
File: 71 KB, 557x704, faragassohead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once you're able to project these lines in the fourth and fifth dimensions, they will make sense. They have specific classes to open your third eye.

>> No.2053882

>"What if this stupid shit stops being relevant, where would I go?"
To the next stupid shit, obviously. You sound pretty dumb.

>> No.2053888

You can make-up what ever witty retort you want, but it will not change the fact that you won't be able to retire off of whatever "market" you get into. Mainly because you would uninteresting, but that's not the point here.

You sound like another dumb-shit that think she has the whole world figured out, and all before she had her cherry popped. Good luck superstar, I wish you the best.

>> No.2053899

>but it will not change the fact that you won't be able to retire off of whatever "market" you get into.
Why would I? Are you suggesting the current illustration market you apparently despise will disappear overnight?

>> No.2053912

I agree with what you said, but there's lots of people who don't have that organic interest in all things, ESPECIALLY non-concept artists. There's also people with weaker drives, who just tend to shuffle around in life with no true direction. They like art, but can't muster the dedication.

It's not a matter of being disinterested, it's just that their personality/character doesn't support that obsessive pursuit of knowledge, bettering their skill and getting shit done. That's when sticking to a schedule helps a lot.

>> No.2053953

fucking lol

>> No.2053981

>watts talking about how unfocused people should find a new hobby

Not cool bro.

>> No.2054008

Watts sucks!
I'll go back to drawing animu now.

>> No.2054058

If the Watts videos were on torrent sites you'd still have people making threads about "I don't get this...can some 1 exblan?"

Just accept you're too mentally handicapped to learn art and that no matter how much resources there is you'll still never get good.

>> No.2054068

>dat projection

You know, you don't have to be ashamed to ask questions when you don't understand something. That's actually one of the big advantages to studying directly at an atelier, not online courses. Yes, you might be a bit stupid judging by your very frustrated, self-projecting, but don't give up just yet, you too can make it, my slightly less intelligent, depressed little friend.

>> No.2054073

>wanting to ask questions on /ic/ when nobody here can draw

>> No.2054076

Despise? Where did you get that notion? Why so defensive, since apparently you got it all figure out, champ?

>> No.2054078

Go ahead and ask. We'll cringe and let you know just how stupid your questions is and that it doesn't even come close to the point.

/ic/ is the grand hub for people who are incapable of understanding even the most basics of art making. It's and underlying feature across the board. Some do it to troll, but most aren't faking. They just don't have what it takes to comprehend.

>> No.2054314

I don't think he said that. He just said learning to discipline yourself is important

>> No.2054323


The helmet and her head makes no sense too

>> No.2056475

