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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2045374 No.2045374 [Reply] [Original]

Any interesting art documentaries about how art evolved or even in-depth back stories of talented artists and how they became?

>> No.2045390

I would but they're about the kind of art 4chan hates.

>> No.2045391 [DELETED] 

>muh internet hate machine!

Just fucking share them goddammit why do you have to complicate this shit so much you stupid cunt?

>> No.2045514

I'd like to know more about these documentaries.
There's so many of them, but only a handful of good ones.

>> No.2045535

I want some too.

>> No.2045546

syd meads' visual futurist
frazettas' painting with fire
giger's H.R. giger revealed
in search of moebius

Turtle Power
Drew: The Man Behind the Poster

Gary Hustwit design trilogy
Style Wars

BBC the power of art
gerhard richter painting
exit through the giftshop

>> No.2046156

Am I the only one who hated exit through the giftshop?
>First half is great.
>[spoiler]Guy breaks his leg. Get's other people to make shitty art, sells them because Banksy recommended him/spoiler]

>> No.2046183

>syd meads' visual futurist

Do you know if this is available online anywhere? I can only find it available for purchase from Syd Mead's site but there's no digital download and I'm in europe.

>> No.2046221


>> No.2046495

i think i got it on amazon a while back.
it's worth hunting down.

You can also find a short film he did on vimeo (2019 a future imagined) and his hypervan tutorial out there. He is such a boss when talking design.

>> No.2046619

yeah i love the gnomon series he did about the hypervan illustration, i rewatched it recently. he's so fucking old school

>> No.2047085


>> No.2047179

This is a great doc by the bbc on prehistoric cave art. It explores the mystery of why and how humans began representing 3-d objects on a 2-d plane.
I'm an art teacher and I started this year by showing it to many of my classes.

>> No.2047200

Where teach??

>> No.2047252

Alastair Sooke has done some really enjoyable documentaries.

Treasures of Ancient Rome
Treasures of Ancient Egypt
The World's Most Expensive Paintings
The World’s Most Expensive Stolen Paintings

>> No.2047455

A small parochial school in Bristol, CT, USA. Grades k-8

>> No.2047544

You're not alone. I can't stand this shitty film

>> No.2047556

Also anything about Warhol is usually great. He was an interesting dude who was constantly pushing boundries/trolling the whole art world. Pretty inscrutible dude, even on film.

>> No.2047770
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go away

>> No.2047887

The way her tail lays over her ass crack is really sexy.
I would recommend The Art and Crimes of David Choe

>> No.2047905

Art and Craft is a pretty good one, if you can swallow the idea of highly accurate forgery as art.

>> No.2048329

Raphael Prince of Painters in two parts
Civilization by Kenneth Clark (not strictly about art, but it's good to see what art says about the culture)
some Andrew Graham Dixons

>> No.2048477

coolio lookin filename ya got there

>> No.2052068

the Hidden Masters of the Middle Ages, the Limbourg Brothers


>> No.2053567

Here's a great documentary about Moebius


>> No.2053772
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This much of a bait.
He knew how to promote himself though.

>> No.2053777

warhol is great.
i remember when i was in my early 20's too and hating warhol was the hip thing to do.
but that fades and respect and apreciation for the man are quick to take its place when one has suficiantly studied all the movements and see where the road was going/is going/has stopped going.

>> No.2053810

It was going to shit. It is going going to shit. It never stopped going to shit.
Just because it makes sense as a step in the history of art it doesn't mean it's "great". World Wars might have been necessary steps in the history of the world. Doesn't mean they are worthy of respect and appreciation.

>> No.2055053


Interesting as fuck

>> No.2055272

>you're just not as mature as me yet, that's why you don't like what I like
do you realize how much of a condescending prick you sound like?

I recall Robert Hughes was critical of Warhol in The Mona Lisa Curse and elsewhere, I guess this elderly art historian is really just a 20-year old hipster at heart. His work may have began with a critical and satirical edge but quickly began blurring the line before becoming the very thing he sought to criticize.

>> No.2055540

that's the point. it's all fake. the french guy is a character they made up.
people still bought all his shit though.
at the end you realize you were fooled all along, and that's what makes the movie so great.

>> No.2055719

Mr. Turner

>> No.2057102

The Michelangelo Code: Secrets of the Sistine Chapel


>> No.2057436



>> No.2059055
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Does anyone know the name of a documentary that is only about Russian art collectors?? I've seen it once I just can't remember the name

The Rules Of Abstraction With Matthew Collings

>> No.2059082

>that fucking video where russian man kissing tiny giraffe
Fuck thanks OP i was searching for this video literally FOR YEARS.
hope rightclick will help

>> No.2060075

just some DirectTV commercial

>> No.2061388


>> No.2061443

These are absolutely essential:

Shock of the New by Robert Hughes

About the transition between 19th century and 20th century, going over the main movements and also touching how technology, architecture, politics and so on changed art through that time. Fundamental to understanding modern art.

Ways of Seeing with John Berger

I think this is perfect as a first call. It's a great introduction on how we see art and how we can talk about art. /ic/ needs to watch this very much.

I was so dissapointed by this. It's very weak, he keeps pushing his mind into it in a very irritating manner. Documentaries took a nose dive in quality, imo.

>> No.2061464

>ways of seeing
i know this is a doc thread but OP, read the book if you really care this program is for couch potatoes.

>> No.2061512

>this program is for couch potatoes
That's why I said it's perfect for /ic/ :^)

>> No.2061521

;_; this should change

>> No.2062400

If you can watch the BC Power of Art series.

>> No.2065246

bls respond

>> No.2065254

F For Fake (1973) directed by Orson Welles
The only Art Documentary you'll ever need to watch.

>> No.2065275


>> No.2065576


>> No.2066613

Ugly beauty

>> No.2067907

Jodorowsky's Dune is a really good one. It's not entirely about "art", it's a bit of everything. Really well made and very inspiring stuff!

>> No.2069195

Watching Shock of the new and loving it, know of any docs that cover from 1980-present?

>> No.2069610
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>> No.2069716

Anyone know that mini series following senior art students from a UK art school? One of them was a klepto that stole a tree from another artists art installation, and posted her correspondence with him as her final piece.

>> No.2069719

Please tell me she failed.

>> No.2069728

I think it was called Goldsmiths: But is it Art?

>> No.2069758
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>"I shoplift things, and I swallow them"
>"and then I shit them out and present them as art objects"

>> No.2069892

Regardless what you think of performance art, Marina Abramović: The Artist Is Present is really great.

>> No.2070072

Michael Palin



He did a prog about Wyeth, if you can find it (BBC copyright not FTW)

>> No.2070074

The BBC show Fake of Fortune is pretty good too


>> No.2070079
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first 10 minutes of it anyway

>> No.2070583


Those John Berger docs are fantastic. Thanks anon

>> No.2072222
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Abstract Artists in Their Own Words


>> No.2074375
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H R Giger Revealed
