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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 125 KB, 706x1080, 1428268025114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2044977 No.2044977 [Reply] [Original]

So comic artist Frank Cho is getting A TON of negative backlash today for drawing a parody cover of the now infamous Spider-Woman variant cover drawn by Milos Manara.

What the fuck happened? Remember when art was art and people didn't always get offended?

>> No.2044980

Lol thats exactly the point. Now everyone knows cho chan.

>> No.2044984
File: 20 KB, 310x355, 1413335794322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is always right.

>> No.2044999

what ton of negative backlash? You being sensationalist again, op?

>> No.2045000


We've already been over the fact that Spider-Man himself has already been in similar poses on covers. Why are people complaining again? My only complaint is that she doesn't have the mask and hood on. Would have made the image hotter.

>> No.2045006

>hire an erotica artist to illustrate your cover
You guys seriously think this shit just accidentally happens every couple of months?

>> No.2045013

ugh I dont think neck can bend this way

>> No.2045015

Way better than the Manara version.

>> No.2045019
File: 53 KB, 243x500, neck-eyes_to_the_sky[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, the Spidey's usually depicted as very flexible and anatomically unusual, I could see it happening.

>> No.2045021

You can't let casuals into ANYTHING, or they'll ruin it.

>> No.2045022
File: 8 KB, 750x500, 1425966913838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not just for you anon, with flexibility things change. Not league of legends change they do that more more interesting dynamic gestures

>> No.2045024

But they didn't pull it. They released the cover and it's now selling for $100 among collectors.

DC were bitches and pulled the Joker variant for Batgirl #41 tho. The fucking pussies.

>> No.2045028

He was supposed to illustrate 2 more covers, one of which was for the female Thor. They pulled those.

>> No.2045053

That sounds like political face-saving. If Manara was appointed another cover, that cover would have been already drawn by the time the Spider-Woman controversy happened.
The editorial industry works way in advance.

>> No.2045054

>Not league of legends change they do that more more interesting dynamic gestures


>> No.2045060

My whole point is that this is just marketing. They know tumblr will do their job for them.

>> No.2045079

On one hand, this is good PR.
On the issue with the negative backlash, it's fucking bullshit. We can only blame Marvel for opening their doors to shite writers for this and the political clima.

>> No.2045102

Americans sow that shit, now they're going to reap it.

>> No.2045158

ANYTHING is better than that cover. His colors and bad and the face on her was horrifying.
It's okay when males do it but females can't or they are sexualized.
It's sad, 5 years ago Marvel and DC never gave a care but the last year or two they've been bending to the will of sites like Twitter, Tumblr etc. The Spider-Woman comic I can see how maybe some idiots would be offeneded but the Joker one was perfected fine. It's the fucking Joker being his crazy self and not to mention him and Barbara have a history from Killing Joke.

>> No.2045318
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>> No.2045326

if a Japanese person did this, no one would care

>> No.2045327

internet backlash isn't real backlash, it's just the internet

>> No.2045524

I'm confused. Why is this a big deal?

>> No.2045596
File: 99 KB, 500x689, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should

>And before anyone tries to tell you that “it’s just a joke,” it would be helpful to remember that jokes can cause real hurt and real harm to marginalized communities, and that is absolutely something worth critiquing.

>this Spider-Gwen cover is tasteless, and reductive to the plight of the many women who still struggle to feel accepted in comics. And that’s pretty uncool.


>> No.2045599

It isn't.

>> No.2045602 [DELETED] 

This fucking article is horrid.

>> No.2045609

A sketch Cho made himself for himself, again, not Marvel, is inappropriate for the audience? I'm blown away by this article.

>> No.2045613

Not really agreeing with the extreme reaction but this was dumb of Cho either way. Its humping a bad PR situation, and you're basically taunting a growing part of the comics fanbase. Lack of judgement there.

In either case, manbabies go here:

>> No.2045623

I wonder how things will be in like 10 years, because right now almost everything is considered offensive to someone.

>> No.2045629

> just because you can doesnt mean you should
except yes you can any yes you should. Art is the very definition of freedom of expression you whiny fucking bitch. Not every woman in media is meant to represent ALL WOMEN EVER OMG.
calm yo tits

>> No.2045630

>marginalized communities

women are marginalized now?

>> No.2045643

I don't see what the problem is, what am I missing?

>> No.2045649

>marginalized community

Give me a fucking break. This shit needs to stop. When was the last time someone got lynched for being a chick? When was the last time that shit was socially acceptable? These bitches are full of it.

>> No.2045658
File: 39 KB, 660x440, image02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it aint exactly like the drawing but...

>> No.2045673

The butthurt in this thread is palpable, nothing funnier than a bunch of manchildren angry that someone is criticizing their degeneracy.

>Remember when art was art and people didn't always get offended?
No I fucking don't, maybe you should open a history book you uncultured swine.

Ever heard of femicide? Please quit trying to be an edgelord.

>> No.2045675



>> No.2045677


why is it that every feminist ubiquitously resorts to using words like manchildren, virgin, small-penis, et cetera, whenever someone disagrees with them?

literally the only people who have a problem with sexy depictions of women in comics or whatever are fat chicks who feel insecure about their blubber. bet I'm responding to one right now.

>> No.2045678

Butthurt? we're not the ones whining about a drawing here

>> No.2045680

>the butthurt in this thread

The only ones butthurt are the people offended by drawings of attractive women. Show me a study that correlates the depiction of sexy women in comics and vidya, and other media with the increase in rape and violence against women in western countries. Don't worry, I'll wait.

>> No.2045681

No, there are plenty of feminists and other women who share this sentiment who are under 35, normal weight and heterosexual (although this shouldn't be relevant but whatevs)

>> No.2045682

>reductive to the plight of the many women who still struggle to feel accepted in comics.

so wait, women can't feel accepted in comics if comics have drawings of shapely women in tight costumes?

hey, morons. you're never going to feel accepted in a fandom if you can't join it without insisting that it change to suit you. just because you'd look like shit in a skin tight costume doesn't mean comics can't have them anymore.

>> No.2045683

That's just some fucking drawing, why can't you worry about something more relevant?

Imagine if everyone was doing the same thing? Nothing could ever be done.

>> No.2045685

>Nothing could ever be done.

Feminists don't want anything worth a damn done. They are content complaining about the most non-issue, meaningless shit because they have too much time on their hands.

>> No.2045686
File: 27 KB, 333x395, 1377819028046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normal weight

Yeah, I know what that's code for. Lol.

But tell me: aside from their own body image insecurity, what precisely is the objection that feminists have to drawings of sexy women?

Don't say rape culture, because you're not going to fool anyone here.

>> No.2045687
File: 25 KB, 500x500, 1392065144682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.2045696

It's degrading and pornographic, you might as well ask hurr why are people opposed to overt racism in media, can you show any study that says making nigger jokes on TV leads to actual lynchings hurp durp so what's the problem what about muh free speech

>> No.2045699

Only in countries where there are bigger fights to be fought than fucking COMIC BOOK COVERS.

>> No.2045701

It may be degrading for you, but unlike racism, men got a physiological need for sex, they would never stop sexualizing women either way.

>> No.2045702

>men got a physiological need for sex
1. lol
2. looking at a comic book cover is not sex
3. sex existed before comic book covers
This is just pathetic

>> No.2045707

Is sexualizing women inherently bad?

>> No.2045709

Can't you understand men like to see butts and tits?

You don't need to be a marketing genius to understand that this cover would appeal to men.

>> No.2045711

Before that you have to answer what IS bad?

Let me give you a hint. It's subjective.

>> No.2045714

Let me put this another way, is it bad to sexualize people, even though we are very sexual beings?

>> No.2045715

Capitalism is evil, this isn't news though

>> No.2045718

>Captialism is evil

Not inherently. Capitalism is evil when people aren't legitimately interested in actual fair competition but would rather sabotage/poison the competition. Keeping the bottom at the bottom while making sure the top remain on top.

>> No.2045725

Capitalism as an idea doesn't work for all cases, and it is evil in the hands of individuals, because individuals value self over everyone. But this thread is saying capitalism is evil because it uses advertising, which is bumfuck retarded.

>> No.2045730

>It's degrading and pornographic

What tripe. Is it degrading and pornographic when Robert Pattinson shows his abs in a Twilight movie? Is it degrading and pornographic when women's romance novels have covers depicting bare-chested studs?

Why do you think you get to control what sorts of depictions of women men are allowed to see? Why do you think you get to control artists?

The truth is that this whole issue is about insecurity. ~60% of American women are overweight or obese, and they don't like getting reminded that men's idea of an ideal women doesn't look like them.

>you might as well ask hurr why are people opposed to overt racism in media, can you show any study that says making nigger jokes on TV leads to actual lynchings hurp durp

Hahaha. So a picture of a woman in tight clothing is tantamount to making nigger jokes on television? What a brave crusader for civil rights you must think yourself.

Jesus, the hypocrisy and delusion of you retards is off the hook.

>> No.2045735

The semiotics of male and female bodies are completely different because men and women aren't actually the same. Men are women are actually different groups in society. Quit making these dumbass comparisons and expecting that men and women are arbitrarily interchangeable and anything that applies to one must also apply to the other. Why would that be the case? Should it also apply to tigers, rainbows and apples?
>Why do you think you get to control artists?
Please stop being this fucking pathetic, it's actually laughable that retards keep bringing this up whenever they get criticized. MUH FREE SPEECH NOBODY CAN CRITICIZE ANYBODY, be more defensive please
>Hahaha. So a picture of a woman in tight clothing is tantamount to making nigger jokes on television?
Analogies aren't your strongest point, are they? You can neither use them appropriately, not understand them. It's pretty sad actually.

>> No.2045736

The question should be whether sexualization serves the story that is being told. I'm not a feminist, but commercial writing annoys the living hell out of me, because it isn't concerned with creating good stories, but appealing to demographics. I think that when people go out of their way to sexualize innocent characters in innocent stories because 'sex sells' something is wrong.

>> No.2045741

>didn't address a single point made in the post
>nothing but deflections

This is why you're a joke. You literally don't know how to debate or make a point. Go back to school, please.

>> No.2045743

>the irony

>> No.2045746

Is it degrading for an artist to have their work compared with someonewho is better that they are? I understand why women don't like being reminded that they can't compete eith the ideal female, but that's really just an issue of their own vanity.

>> No.2045749

Sorry about thst, typing on a phone is hard.

>> No.2045750

So the ideal female is a highly sexualized one?

>> No.2045753

>highly sexualized

The ideal female form is one that looks like it's in shape and healthy. Fictional women are merely stylized representations of that form and figure. And as an anon mentioned, most 60% of American women don't have that form because they are overweight, thus they hate the figure represented in fictional women because they don't have that figure nor do they have the drive to achieve it even though all that's needed half the time is a decent diet and cardio. In other words, they are lazy as fuck and refuse to eat healthy. But that applies to most Americans in general.

>> No.2045758


>Quit making these dumbass comparisons and expecting that men and women are arbitrarily interchangeable and anything that applies to one must also apply to the other. Why would that be the case? Should it also apply to tigers, rainbows and apples?

Talk about being bad at analogies. That is the most nonsensical justification for your hypocritical demands for special treatment of women that I've ever heard. It's ok for women to leer at men, but not vice versa because men and women's positions in society are as different as tigers and apples? Fucking yikes.


It's really creepy how common this disdain for free speech is among you social justice commissars. All I said was that artists should be allowed to draw women of any shape and state of dress that they like, and suddenly you're raving about how pathetic free speech is. Again, yikes.

You're a nut. I'm glad people like you are mostly confined to the more laughable corners of the Internet.

Sorry, but weirdos have been trying to control artists for a looong time, and your generation of fat, pink-haired dykes isn't gonna be the first to succeed.

>> No.2045761
File: 41 KB, 448x529, Michelangelos_David1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not what I meant. We are talking about aesthetics here. The most perfect aesthetics are the most appealing ones. The head and hands in pic related are ridiculously oversized. You think Michelangelo made them like that by mistake? Because he didn't know any better? No. He never aimed for realism, but for idealization. a healthy person should not feel like they have to measure up to the ideal of the perfect body, but a lot of morbidly obese ones feel bad about themselves when looking at it, because it makes them realize how far they have strayed from the ideal, and that they don't actually like the way they are. It forces them to be honest with themselves, which is not something they want.

>> No.2045768

I don't think people usualy have problem with the shape/fitness of the women, but the exaggeration that is done in a sexual way, within a story that is not erotic.

>> No.2045773

I'm also the guy who posted >>2045736

Like I said, it's annoying and does a disservice to the stories that are being told, but it's got nothing to do with soggy knees. It's just good old capitalist logic. As long as people buy what they want, and people want sexually exaggerated women in their entertainment, that's what's going to be made, whether it makes sense from a storytelling perspective or not.

>> No.2045774

First World Problems
nothing new

>> No.2045775

>most 60% of American women don't have that form because they are overweight, thus they hate the figure represented in fictional women because they don't have that figure
You know not even actual athletic women, barring exceptions, can achieve that form of perfection, right? There's a good reason why celebrities and models are constantly photoshopped.

I have no issues with whatever but that reason is dumb.

>> No.2045782

>You know not even actual athletic women, barring exceptions, can achieve that form of perfection, right?

Are you inept or did you not read the word "stylized" in my original statement. They are fictional women. No shit they aren't going to represent reality 1 for 1.

>> No.2045783
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I don't really understand this argument. do you know that everything considered "ideal" is unconsciously sexuality based ? everything is sex related, wether you like it or not. that's the reason why there isn't fatass girls on fashion magazines or stuff like that. actually, let's not even talk about "ideal". A woman in good shape is just a normal fucking woman. overweight is not a standard.

it's too bad sexuality which is the basis of life is regarded as such a taboo in a society, it only leads to more shady prostitution and social disparity than anything else when it really shouldn't. it's childish even.

now, if you think a back shot of a "spider" girl is sexual, then in what fucking position would you draw her in to show she's actually one ? that she's as flexible as a spider and still looking good ? it's already a good effort to not show her crotch, which would be considered even more sexual.

cho understands this, he knew he could ride this hate wave from some really concerned crazy women without actually doing anything wrong. and he does. good on him.

ITT: fatass/privilaged women

>> No.2045789

Female superheroes in comics have way more realistic and achievable bodies than male superheroes in comics. Just saying.

>> No.2045790

>What the fuck happened? Remember when art was art and people didn't always get offended?


People have literally always been offended by art and paintings. For hundreds of years.
It's nothing new.

>> No.2045795
File: 991 KB, 500x281, tumblr_m8blh4gkoq1rybc8yo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this proves you don't have a clue about what you're talking about. mildly athletic women are the closest at looking like that. actually, most do fucking look like that. why do you think there's so much body shots in women athletics ?

a woman shouldn't feel degraded when looked at and praised about her body, she should feel proud about it. it's too bad the only woman with that attitude are athletes or work with brazzers. and of course, they'll end up being called whores by women who can't even reach their assholes. the only thing that makes it shameful is today's society. it's nothing else.

>> No.2045796

he made them that way because the statue was originally going to be placed on the roof of the cathedral

>> No.2045807

It has nothing to do with an ideal, you idiot.

The head of the statue would shrink in perspective when looked at from below, so it was made bigger to compensate for that.

Fucking idiot.

>> No.2045812

We don't really know which is the case.
>The proportions of some details are atypical of Michelangelo’s work. The figure has an unusually large head and imposing right hand.These enlargements may be due to the fact that the statue was originally intended to be placed on the cathedral roof line, so important parts of the sculpture had to be necessarily accentuated in order to be visible from below.
>Another interpretation about these larger details lead scholars to think that Michelangelo intentionally over-proportioned the head to underline the concentration and the right hand to symbolize the pondered action.

>> No.2045819

>durr why must the ideal be so sexualized
You're acting like the human body isn't sexy by nature. You can't sexualize the literally only thing people find feel sexual about.

>b-nut tight costumes and sexy poses!
I can't rock spandex like Wolverine or the Flash, either. Deal with it and do squats.

>> No.2045820

Either way it has nothing to do with ideal body aesthetics.

It's actually a trade-off. A composition.

He traded ideal proportions for readability. Be it readability of form or readability of symbol.

>> No.2045823

>He traded ideal proportions for readability
If it was done for perspective, he didn't trade anything, since it would have the ideal proportions to the observer.

>> No.2045824
File: 30 KB, 300x219, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill take the one on the left

>> No.2045826

>a woman shouldn't feel degraded when looked at and praised about her body, she should feel proud about it.

but surely women have the right to be angry when their bodies are "praised" in a degrading manner?

>> No.2045827
File: 103 KB, 454x454, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat gif
Sweet lord almighty

>> No.2045832
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>praised in a degrading manner

>> No.2045833

It's actually a pretty funny idea as far as fanart goes.

> you're basically taunting a growing part of the comics fanbase.

He's taunting people who are professionally outraged on tumblr. None of them give a fuck about comics and even if they did, it's humor, it's satire, it's supposed to offend people for fuck's sake.

>> No.2045837

Sure, the day Spiderman looks at your ass and goes "Woo-hoo! Nice ass, lady!", you have the right to be as outraged as you want. Until then, don't get outraged on behalf of other women, especially not fictional ones.

>> No.2045838
File: 206 KB, 600x706, 474[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh baby, that body is too fine for voting
>gurl, with a booty like that, you shouldn't leave the kitchen
>toots, you're just too sexy for equal job opportunity

>> No.2045841

I want to fuck that cat

>> No.2045844
File: 129 KB, 378x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck says that, black people?
>damn shorty bring that ass over here fo I make them pancakes

>> No.2045846
File: 354 KB, 1452x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fell asleep while fapping yesterday amd now I have this uncontrolable urge to fuck everything.
I feel your girth bro

>> No.2045847

>fat privilege is not being called too hot for basic human rights

>> No.2045850

Um, fucking triggered, shotlord. I is catkin, and I am like sooo offended.

>> No.2045860

the thing is that there is no fucking reason to be angry. the only one that looks dumb in the end would be the person that doesn't know how to praise or talk to a woman.

>> No.2045870
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"The ass was fat"

See its not that hard anon

>> No.2045873

I apologize for you being so offended, however if you would like to make a purchase on this pussy, I can assure you no more mysoggyknees on this project.

Whats that?

You dont by my stuff?
Thats too bad, Im going to continue making what im making because I can and will.

>> No.2046072

I'd like to point out that Cho's own website is called Apes and Babes. Why aren't men or feminists upset that he's joking around and calling men apes?

>> No.2046081
File: 57 KB, 570x336, era of social mafia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to social media era, where everyone try drag anyone they come across to the mud.
Its like wild west but with fedora

>> No.2046169

>Remember when art was art
art has always been art
>and people didn't always get offended?
you're offended right now, you big whiner.

speaking as someone who hated the original cover, i think this one is permissably funny, since it's obviously pointing out how inappropriately cheesecakey the original was. also this female is looking at the audience, she is participating in the joke and seems aware of her physical charms, instead of just being looked at.

>> No.2046222

Marvel and DC sort of dug their own grave by listening to these people and humoring them. You know why journalists stopped picking on Kamiya, Kojima, and Kamitani? Because they either shut them down, or ignore them. When you apologize, or pull your art you are validating them and they want more.

I think we are close to hitting the breaking point though. Tumblr has recently lit up due to SJW's and feminists attacking lewd art of Steven Universe and they are starting to see tha painfully blatant double standards these people have. I think people in general are getting tired of looking out for peoples "feelings".

>> No.2046225

>Remember when art was art and people didn't always get offended?
No. This was never the case.

>> No.2046276

One of the reason why the Japanese guys can just ignore those people is because they have their own core audience in Japan that doesn't care about this shit.

Western developers and artists don't have that luxury. These SJWs can ruin your career

>> No.2046285

I haven't really seen it ruin any developer or artists career unless they let them. I have seen it ruin a few journalists careers who would have been better off starting their own sites. I honestly believe they have about as much power as you give them... I guess there was that one rare case that they got offended by rape jokes on that "molestia" blog, ran crying to hasbro, and hasbro contacted tumblr to shut it down, but really, like Xseed, just shooting them down or ignoring them tends to work.

>> No.2046294

>Western developers and artists don't have that luxury. These SJWs can ruin your career
Examples being?

>> No.2046299


He's told people many times to shut the fuck up and grow up and worry about something more important. He gives zero fucks and no ever rarely talks about Baynetta anymore.

>> No.2046304
File: 55 KB, 600x752, cNoobsw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look what just happened just last week. While it's not ruining the game it's still bending down to SJW pressure. This joke was paid and written for by a backer and the joke had no impact on the story. It was just a tiny text most people found by mistake, it wasn't anyway major yet 1 person found it and everyone flipped shit.


>> No.2046305

He can be a jerk at times(I was blocked for asking his favorite Kamen Rider), but the way he deals with social media drama is dead on.

>> No.2046314

They actually had to check with the backer before removing the joke, again, it's another case of validating them and giving them power. Funny enough, right after they did the social justeec warriors began to pick apart the writing for more offensive content and are now on a crusade against the game having a quest that mentions children getting killed.

>> No.2046326

Exactly. You give them an inch they take a mile.

>> No.2046335

As I said, I think we are getting to the breaking point. I think some big name content creators are starting to notice that supporting this kind of thing only hurts them in the long run.

>> No.2046339

son, i bet you haven't even seen art and history in the same sentence before

>> No.2046417


Don't be surprised, they contradict themselves constantly.

They'll complain about how the patriarchy has enforced unfair beauty ideals, but the moment you claim that they're unattractive they immediately have no issue with adhering to those beauty ideals. This doesn't go for women, but for men in the ideology too.

They'll mention how they're able to criticize problematic content, which is definitely fine, but then they become incredibly angry at anyone who dares disagrees with them. See: >>2045673

I'm a feminist myself, but the crowd behind the ideal isn't perfect. Some use the ideology as a platform to free themselves from criticism and constantly label other folks as: "regressive", [dum males lmaooo xD], or [right wing strawman].


Aside from the cover being posted privately. Even if it's offensive/problematic, there is nothing wrong with it.

13+ fiction isn't obligated to teach you morals, it's intended to present variety of themes (The Stantley Kubrick films, George Orwell novels, etc). Even mandatory school books like "The house of mango street" and "To Kill A Mockingbird had the subject matter of rape covered inside of it. Problematic content in literature doesn't deter teens from reading books, so why should comic book authors play it safe?

>> No.2046426

Remember when /ic/ was about your art, and not comic book covers and web comic drama?

...me either.

>> No.2046427

When you get how big companies operate, you'll realize that this isn't going to change because the problem is corporate identity. If companies just gave honest responses to this kind of bullshit they'd be fine, but since their decision making process is all about creating brands and preventing damage to them, meaning that in tricky situations they give whatever answer they think is going to hurt their image the least, they're succeptible to this kind of social pressure.

>> No.2046444

They were, but we are getting to the point where quite a bit of work and money is being thrown out in the name of social justice, and that, no matter what they do, these people will always demand more work be destroyed. Hell, there are some people actually arguing that they should change Gone Homo because it wasn't progressive enough.

Their image isn't being hurt nearly as much as these people are making out. Hell, journalists have being trying desperately to tarnish Nintendos reputation for years and people still don't give a fuck. Sales are coming back from a lot of the comics and just about all their progressive gimmicks have dropped considerably in terms of sales aside from Ms. Marvel. As I said, I think it's coming to an end. I could be wrong, but the whole "gender" and "sexuality" climate seems to be fading, much like the Christian mom thing before, and the evironmetalist one before it. These people got what they wanted but, much like predicted, still weren't happy and still didn't support the things they said they did and as a result many of the people who did have now stopped. Even that religious freedom bill in Indy is showing them just how little their kicking and screaming online really matters.

Now I just wonder what the next horrible thing will be.

>> No.2046469

>Remember when art was art and people didn't always get offended?
Art has always offended people. There are literal movements that are dedicated to offending people, what the fuck are you going on about? We're all petty bitches who like to get attention.

>> No.2046480
File: 292 KB, 1233x1067, 1428437999872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robbie Rodriguez is the artist who designed Spider-Gwen.

I don't think I've ever seen a more overblown response. I don't see anything wrong with the OP cover which was private and NOT a Marvel cover. Also, he does know people are drawing legit porn of her, right? This upsets him more than the porn, futa, being raped by monsters etc etc.

>> No.2046484


My theory on why there's so much fucking backlash over this shit isn't so much as feminists needing shit to be offended about as much as it is there isn't any good comics targeted at the female audience.

Thanks to all the popular movie franchises, tv series, and cartoons there's more of an interest in comics around the board but DC and Marvel haven't figured out what the new demographics are looking for. So you're getting an underserved audience complaining that they;re underserved but can't quite put their finger on why, and now you have professional complainers go "muh objectification" and the masses go "eh, i guess we can go with that."

>> No.2046501

Oh, that reminds me of Hother "Whoresbane" Umber.

>> No.2046505

How old is this guy? He's acting like a child.

>> No.2046527

Seriously, are people going insane or something? This cover is tame even for fucking 60s pinup standards. Just what on earth is going on?

>> No.2046530

He's saying what the people complaining want to hear, which is how his employer expects him to act. When you work for someone you don't just sell your skill but your persona as well. That's part of the reason why popular artists get better deals: a big part of their value lies in their use as a mouthpiece. That's just capitalism bruh.

>> No.2046532

I'm almost convinced it's all an inside joke, and all these guys are laughing while fueling the internet drama.

>> No.2046537


They're jumping on in hopes that they get some benefit out of being "the better man", whatever the fuck that means.

>> No.2046538

Cho has worked for Marvel for YEARS, Robbie is new.

>> No.2046543

What a goddamn baby. I'd be ecstatic if people were drawing porn of my characters.

>> No.2046547

But if this pose is where Marvel and DC draws the line, then literally 99% of any of their covers and comic book pages featuring a female superhero should be condemned for the same reasons.

I mean, this pose is really fucking tame. If you showed this to an 80 year old catholic nun, a redneck deep-south republican and a stereotypical soccermom, even they wouldn't be offended by it, it's that fucking tame.

>> No.2046548

It's not even porn. It's not even NSFW. That's the crazy thing. It's a satirical sketch that is making fun of the retarded outrage that already happened many months ago over the same pose when Manara originally drew it.

>> No.2046558

The artist reproduced another cover that offended a small vocal minority that has political correctness above freedom of speech and common sense.

>> No.2046569

Maddox covered the whole thing well and why it's ridiculous:

>> No.2046585

>... and people didn't always get offended?


>> No.2046590

>people suddenly care about comics


>> No.2046593

Holy shit, Maddox is still around?

>> No.2046594


Holy shit. That guy's still around!?!?1/1

>> No.2046597

Holy shit; he's still around?????

>> No.2046600

Imagine if these landwhales cared about actual violence and degradation towards women. Honor killings? Sex trafficking? Sharia law? Rape used by militants to keep a population in check in west africa? Whatever but COMIC BOOKS AND VIDEO GAMES?! HASHTAGS! RAPE! RAAAPE!

>> No.2046601


>> No.2046609


i agree with you, but i see a misconception i need to clear up, there's no "specific" or documented sharia law, they're different for every country. the west has the most humanistic version of sharia law, some developing countries enforce an inhumane variant of it

>> No.2046610

>I care about all the woman all over the world but only if they are from my country

>> No.2046632

ITT: not art. not critique

>> No.2046636

What the fuck do you think that is in the OP pic, fagface?

>> No.2046657
File: 235 KB, 1236x949, 1387443515174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Remember when art was art and people didn't always get offended?


This shit is not new. The only difference is that young libtards are the ones bitching these days and not bored out of their asses christian moms.
Also: No one had balls to oppose fundamentalists back then while SJWs are almost universally (and vocally on top of that) hated by all hobbyists who are not an SJWs themselves.

>> No.2046682
File: 830 KB, 1988x3056, 1428458383742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spider-Gwen book is clearly aimed at a teen audience, meant to entice new, younger female readers to Marvel comics. Plus, Gwen herself is a teenager.
>Plus, Gwen herself is a teenager.

She's 21 years old. They are making shit up now or they don't even read the comics.

>> No.2046693

its a joke, parody and comedy asnwers to no one. furthermore it isnt even a for profit work, there's plently of completely serious, completely tasteless spider gwen porn online Im sure.

My politically correct response is marysue can eat a dick.

>> No.2046792


Women like to see butts and tits too.

>> No.2046842 [DELETED] 


>> No.2046904

as an aside, that art looks really terrible

>> No.2046929

That art is drawn by >>2046480

>> No.2046932


Jesus Christ, is that the art by Robbie Rodriguez, who got all butthurt that Frank Cho was drawing suggestive fanart of the spidergirl character?

What an incredibly shit artist.

>> No.2046936
File: 103 KB, 640x640, 10990577_443536509145292_912189729_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is, he can be a damn good artist when he's not stylizing like he does for Spider-Gwen.

>> No.2046938
File: 122 KB, 600x776, Edge_of_Spider-Verse_2_Preview_4-600x776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny, sometimes the comic will look good like this page while a lot of times it look like a mess like >>2046682

It's bizarre and he's all over the place.

>> No.2046958

We need to form a collective/group "artists against political bullshit"

Gamergate did it, the Scifi nerds did it, now its our time.

I say we make comic covers of male superheroes telling female superheroes shit like "you're a girl, your opinion doesn't matter"

>> No.2046970

speaking of the cho, is his book online for download? the drawing beutiful women one.

>> No.2046972
File: 997 KB, 1244x1812, 15_014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we get asanagi to join?

>> No.2046973


>> No.2046974

link pls

>> No.2046979


>> No.2047020
File: 32 KB, 582x726, e635h3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to see some people in the comic industry putting their foot down.

>> No.2047024

What the actual fuck. He didn't create Gwen Stacey. She's just another fucking boring alternate version of Spider-Man, of the thousands that have been to now. I mean he didn't even create the alter ego! She's completely recycled!

Steve Ditko must be rolling in his grave (or retirement home, not sure)

>> No.2047043

Ditko is alive but hasn't been seen in years. The man is a recluse.

>> No.2047044

>and you're basically taunting a growing part of the comics fanbase.
Tumblr is a "growing part of the comics fanbase" the same way numetal was "a growing part of the music industry".

It's just faggots bandwaggoning on what's "in" right now, as soon as the justice leage movie is done nerds and their shit will be social suicide and no one will care again.

>> No.2047049

You know how many people on Tumblr honestly buy let alone read comics? Most Tumblr fans either like the movies and pretend to read comics OR they like certain characters by design or a single panel they saw a picture of them in. They will reblog a picture of say Storm and say "She my favorite" but they read jackshit about her.

Also see >>2046682 the people complaining about Cho's cover are calling Gwen a teen when she's at least 21.

>> No.2047052

>Why do women attack people's sexuality when confronted?
Because they value themselves and other in factors of sexual desirability. It's also why they fucking hate sexual and aesthetic release being avaliable to men, it devalues their own sexual desirability.

>INB4 Anon that's bullshit
Show me a woman who's obviously successful in her sexual life who still spouts this sex-negative bullshit as anything but snide remarks to save face when interviewed.

>> No.2047053

I'm still confused as to why he put a horrible woman on the cover. He clearly can draw beautiful ones but he had to go and put a stereotypical 40 something years old American housewife on the cover of that book.

>> No.2047056

Thats the best kind of woman

>> No.2047058

>Please stop being this fucking pathetic
No U!

>> No.2047060

The ideal animal is the one that can produce the greater number of most healthy offspring.
>But muh brains/science/feelings/metaphysicalbullshit
Being beautiful in regards to fertility doesn't negate any sort of academic, artistic or spiritual beauty. The people who think it does aren't "beautiful inside", they're just jealous and bitter of people who most commonly happen to be beautiful inside and out.

>> No.2047063

Where the fuck did this thread detail into this?

>> No.2047064

Stylization is the bread and butter of heroic graphic narrative.
It's not artists' fault that the average woman, if stylized, would look like Baymax.

>> No.2047067

>Its like wild west but with fedora
Nigga in the wild west you behaved yourself unless you liked the flavor of lead.

>> No.2047073

Capital>Image and companies are starting to realize a mid-term overhaul is cheaper than constantly pulling campaigns and products because of soggy knees and hurt feelins.

People are so fucking stupid a type change on your logo resets your public image to the public. Look at Monsanto.

>> No.2047075

Cho is jobbing for Robbie.
Everyone knows Cho could beat his ass and then draw a picture of himself sitting on Robbie's broken body while Spider-Gwen sucks his cock.

>> No.2047103

>my kids
I had something about Ditko and being a cuck, but I lost it.

>> No.2047129
File: 569 KB, 695x900, 882cbbe7c6fc9910f68f871cb52e5ecd-d8mh1fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women like to see butts and tits too.

If only popular female artists who draw sexy women all the time would finally speak up and tell these SJWs to shut the fuck up. The narrative they are trying to push that these evil, misogynist, perverted male artists are trying to make female comic book fans uncomfortable is so fucking ridiculous.

Just look at any random image in Sakimichan's gallery and it's way more sexualized than that cover Manara and Cho did.

>> No.2047131

They would, the difference is that the creator and their studio/publisher wouldn't back down.

>> No.2047134

Womyn can draw other womyn in sexy poses and it's empowering. It's only when a male artist does it that it becomes offensive and bad. If a womyn said that doing sexy poses is ok, then she would be a champion of empowerment and it would only goes to show how open minded womyn are when compared to bigoted and perverted men.
Nothing anyone would say will have any effect on the SJWs, it's a cancer, it can't be stopped until it will hopefully implode, collapse on itself.

>> No.2047135

No body cares about lesbians/bisexuals.

>> No.2047136

Have you ever met a mildly athletic woman?

>> No.2047138

Japanese artists are used to a doujin market where even the most innocent characters, even when they are underaged children, are used in the most depraved and disgusting fetish porn imaginable No japanese artist in their right mind would complain about a SFW fanart of their character in a somewhat sexy, suggestive pose.

>> No.2047139
File: 64 KB, 1024x576, replacement limerick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I hate them backing down, let's not forget that the replacement limerick is now directly making fun of those very SJWs getting offended.

>> No.2047141

SJWs are very cannibalistic. They have no problem turning on other women. I remember Sakimichan once was at the center of a small tumblr shitstorm because of a Korra fanart she did where Korra's skin wasn't dark enough for tumblr.

>> No.2047146

I like Frank Cho and I wouldn't put him up with those fine artist. Not because he's inferior, it's just apples and oranges.

Can we stop deifying artists just because they're on "our side", it's a fucking sketch.

>> No.2047155

>If only popular female artists who draw sexy women all the time would finally speak up and tell these SJWs to shut the fuck up.

Then they simply whine about internalized muhsoggyknees.

>> No.2047157

Please don't cuck Ditko he's had a hard enough life after Stan Lee stole the characters for himself and told everyone he created them.

>> No.2047159

Not dark enough? What kind of fucking problem is this is a world filled with bullshit, murder, rape etc. Not dark enough?

>> No.2047160

Holy shit, you're retarded.

>> No.2047168

I might be mistaken, but I think he was being cheeky.

>> No.2047169
File: 7 KB, 259x194, 252545345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art was art and people didn't always get offended

>> No.2047290

Ditko's the bull, though.

>> No.2047407 [DELETED] 
File: 268 KB, 694x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wow. What a crazy couple of days it has been. My parody cover sketch of Spider-Gwen aping the infamous Manara Spider-Woman pose sent some of the hypersensitive people in a tizzy.

>To be honest, I was amused and surprised by the uproar since it was, in my opinion, over nothing. It’s essentially a small group of angry and humorless people ranting against my DRAWING of a pretty woman. It’s utter nonsense. This world would be a better and a happier place if some people just grow a sense of humor and relax.

>Now, I’m getting bombarded by various bloggers asking for an interview addressing this “scandal”. Instead of me wasting my breath and precious time over this non-issue replying to all the interviewers, I’ve drawn another cover sketch in response which will, hopefully, answer all the questions.

>Enjoy, everyone.

>– –


>> No.2047409
File: 268 KB, 694x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wow. What a crazy couple of days it has been. My parody cover sketch of Spider-Gwen aping the infamous Manara Spider-Woman pose sent some of the hypersensitive people in a tizzy.

>To be honest, I was amused and surprised by the uproar since it was, in my opinion, over nothing. It’s essentially a small group of angry and humorless people ranting against my DRAWING of a pretty woman. It’s utter nonsense. This world would be a better and a happier place if some people just grow a sense of humor and relax.

>Now, I’m getting bombarded by various bloggers asking for an interview addressing this “scandal”. Instead of me wasting my breath and precious time over this non-issue replying to all the interviewers, I’ve drawn another cover sketch in response which will, hopefully, answer all the questions.

>Enjoy, everyone.

>– –


>> No.2047411


>> No.2047412

Hah, this is an amazing response to all the butthurt. I hope this becomes a thing and other artists start drawing random female characters in this pose.

>> No.2047415


Ditko might as well be dead with how far Stan Lee buried the knife in his back.

>> No.2047421

Seriously. Lee did the same to Kirby, Kirby and Ditko were the real creative minds and created most of the characters by themselves. Stan knew how to stand out and market himself which is why he's so popular now and most people ask who Ditko is or Kirby.

>> No.2047427

Wow finally someone who knows he's dealing with angry children throwing a tantrum.

>> No.2047446

I think you've pretty much nailed this, at least when it comes to how female teens and twenty-somethings perceive their own self-worth. Once you grow up a little you finally get that it's fantasy, and only non-adults (muh soggy knees and 3DPD types), male or female, believe flesh-and-blood humans do or should hold each other to exaggerated, heavily stylized standards of beauty. And this is coming from an insecure fatty.

>> No.2047509

This isn't even funny even a little. It's rude, disgusting and he's just rattling the cages and asking for trouble. Any respect I may have had for him is gone.

>> No.2047516

This cover art is great. It's both sexy and sarcastic. It knows exactly what it's doing, and the joke's on you if it actually upsets you. It is not meant to be taken seriously. It makes fun of both sexism, and people up in arms about sexism, or any kind of sexuality in art that they disapprove of.

>> No.2047522

The problem is the real nerd girl demo is much smaller than the ammount of people bitching in tumblr and women have this weird shit where they need to act like a monolithic entity for some fuckstupid reason.

Grills already got a nice bunch of comics in Miss Marvel, Batgirl, Gotham Academy, Harley Queen, Spider-Gwen, Jem & the Holograms and a massive ammount of indies.
Hell women are Zenescope's main demo, yes Zenescope, the ones with the b-horror comics and cheesecake covers of fairy tale girls vaguely ressembling Disney properties.

>> No.2047524


Why are you so bitch made? Why are millennials such fucking losers? It's the only reason why this SJW shit is getting so out of hand. Our generation is ass and filled with adults with the minds of children. Grow a backbone and stop getting offended over attractive fictional women look attractive. This "controversy" deserves to be mocked because it is absurd.

>> No.2047532

Both of these are true, SJWs work by silencing dissent. You stop being a human bean if you disagree with them, they disregard all your opinions and rewrite them to fit the blob.

>> No.2047535

He's not saying Cho is as good as Picasso, he's saying if you're gonna ban Cho for drawing mildly sexual pretty women you have to ban most art ever.

>> No.2047539
File: 224 KB, 540x720, tumblr_nm8v83WTjU1rpoqipo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in the day when someone said something stupid about your art being offensive you made an even more offensive one.
I'm glad some artists hold the old traditions dear.

>> No.2047541

Underage b&

>> No.2047560

That's hilarious. Were any jimmies rustled by this version?

>> No.2047617

Models and actresses aren't exactly healthy people.
Go to any casual gym and you'll see plenty of gwens.

>> No.2047642

I know that implying that NONE of women who draw titties and shit are actually enjoying it would be beyond retarded but using a person like Sakimichan as an example seems like strawgrasping to me. Bitch would fill her gallery with logs of shit falling out of animal asses if it would promise to bring her the same money catering to trashy wannabenerds who repost her shit on 9gags and facebooks does.

>> No.2047643

I guarantee you a lot of the shit she actually draws she doesn't even like/care for, just does it to please her consumers.

I agree with you, Sakimi is too much of a sell-out to use as an example for that.

>> No.2047648

With all that in mind, I'll still mention that I would do exact same thing for this amount of money. It still wouldn't turn me into a great example of an artist who draws what he truly enjoys.

>> No.2047650

>projecting this hard
It's not like there was a point where she just switched to what she draws for money, retards. This is what she was doing from the start, and she was showered in cash for it.

>> No.2047662


And I never said she did whatever you're implying, just saying that I'm sure she has sold out a bit and started making fan art of franchises she wouldn't have made otherwise because of her consumer base. And possibly the softcore porn and (male-orientated) fanservice thing like the other Anon has mentioned.

>This is what she was doing from the start
Nope, she actually did original works way back then, posted some fan art, and realized 'hey, I sure get a lot more attention with this than my previous works!'

>> No.2047666

Well, it means that:
1. She has great social skills and/or is great at pushing her work
2. She was smart/lucky enough to find her niche and good enough to secure it

But in the end of the day she IS just drawing generic fanart of pupolar characters for fandoms she obviously does not belong to.

>> No.2047668
File: 51 KB, 431x609, sE53Xng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kirby and Ditko were the real creative minds

>> No.2047672 [DELETED] 


It's a bold response, but it's good since those folks relentlessly bully artists who don't accept their opinion. It's the folks who act like:

>"Guys, I'm not trying to censor artists, I'm trying to make them open-minded about issues. What? You won't agree with me or accept my opinion? You're a regressive [insert right wing strawman]!"

There's nothing wrong with being offended, there's something wrong with attacking the character of an artist because they draw attractive women. Live and let live bruv. People aren't always going to make the content that I like, I don't launch crusades or e-witchhunts because of it.

>> No.2047682


I think Franku expresses it best in response to your grump.

>> No.2047684


It's a bold response, but it's good since those folks relentlessly bully artists who don't accept their opinion. It's the folks who act like:

>"Guys, I'm not trying to censor artists, I'm trying to make them open-minded about issues. What? You won't agree with me or accept my opinion? You're a immature regressive [insert right wing strawman]!"

There's nothing wrong with being offended, there's something wrong with attacking the character of an artist because they draw attractive women. Live and let live. People aren't always going to make the content that I like, I don't launch crusades or e-witchhunts because of it. It's a waste of time for him to write a wall of text for something so simple to interpret. He isn't obligated to write a lengthy well-thought response to poorly-researched articles or a haphazard knee-jerk reaction on twitter.

>> No.2047686


implying you are not a bait, poor him, he's not gonna be able to sleep at night because of you.

he probably gained more respect than he lost with that anyway.

>that joker isn't very good though

>> No.2047778

real talk, david is proportioned weird because he's a boy, most people see the statue as a grown ass imposing man.

>> No.2047888

Do you even know what you're talking about kid?

>> No.2048326

> Not because he's inferior, it's just apples and oranges.

I wasn't even making THAT comparison. It's just people giving him brownie points because he's on their side. It's the same cheesecake he's always done.

>It does kick the shit out of Manara's original though.

>> No.2048823
File: 139 KB, 415x887, 1428622767469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is what Robbi the artist of Spider-Gwen had to say in length.

He comes across as a giant fucking faggot and a whining little child. I hope other artists call him out on this shit.

>> No.2048886

What the fuck is wrong with this guy?

>> No.2048920

I'm sure he knows what talking points he needs to dish out to get the girls/SJW on his side publicising his shit

- girls are oppressed
- feelings matter
- censorship is not censorship when we feel like it
-boys stink
-girls are intellectual

>> No.2048931

he does seem like a bit of a dick but he makes a good point. there are lots of new people reading comics and they're normalfags so the industry should make sure it isn't turning them off by sticking to (what the internet tells me) is a constitutional obligation to sell smut.

>> No.2048956

Okay but again the cover that got him pissed was a PRIVATE cover which the artist just drew for fun. It's not like he sold it for thousands of readers.

Also, there is sex, cleavage, swear words, shirtless men etc etc all over TV and no one bats an eye.

>> No.2048962

His point is shit, he's just embarrassed by his job and believes that grown ups can't deal with boobs.

>> No.2048997

Why did you put environmentalists on that list?

>> No.2049007

Exactly. The guy's a delusional fuck, and if anything insulting to women by proposing that they can't handle a sexualized, idealized female form. Not only does it show his puritan views on sexuality, but it also blatantly ignores the sexualized and idealized male and female form that's widespread in practically every form of media out there.

Bunch of hypocritical cunts and spineless white knights getting their panties in a bunch over what wasn't controversial in the first place, and over the parody of said "controversy".

>> No.2049051

Don't you remember when "green products" was the go-to excuse to make product packaging more expensive?

>> No.2049064

I can't believe they're publishing a comic that looks like this, it's like the modern equivalent of shitty nineties art.

>> No.2049130

It's aimed at teens, do you think teens really care at webcomic tier art?

>> No.2049394
File: 21 KB, 372x260, ௵.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When exactly did the people calling themselves liberals and progressive start becoming the most puritan, authoritarian and pro-censorship people there are? It's fucking mind-boggling.

>> No.2049419
File: 302 KB, 499x478, ratqueens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Young adults*

And yes.

I don't think it's that bad. 90's art was certainly worse. If you compare it to something like pic related though, yeah, it looks like garbage.

>> No.2049420

And yet normalfags, both men and women, seemingly love the same sexualized stereotypes when they watch capeshit movies. Or have I missed the official statement where Chris Hemsworth is never to be seen shirtless in Thor / Avengers and Black Widow changed her skin-tight leather outfit for something more "practical" and less form-fitting?

The assumption that only perverted manchildren like sexualized stuff couldn't be further from the truth. The hardcore fans are the ones who care the most about the story and the characters. The fanservice is there for the normalfags. Not the other way around.

>> No.2049423
File: 98 KB, 533x471, 1408887701333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving the finger

>> No.2049427

>I’ve drawn another cover sketch in response

>> No.2049434

>young adult

>> No.2049435

The fucker thinks models and actresses are athletic.

>> No.2049443

i think young adult is like 10 to 12 year olds, maybe up to 14 at a stretch. i don't think 15 year olds are still reading like animorphs and shit like that.

>> No.2049449

the joker sucks

>> No.2049451


young adult is defined as 12-18, google is your friend.

>> No.2049452

well then there are some dumbass 13-18 year olds around i guess.

>> No.2049455

What? Young Adult is a defined demographic and means 15-17 year olds. In japan, it's called seinen and can cover pretty dark and disturbing material. But even in the west, some of the more popular YA literature for example are the Hunger Games books, which aren't aimed at 10-12 year olds whatsoever.

>> No.2049460

>In japan, it's called seinen and can cover pretty dark and disturbing material.
Please stop talking about what you do not know. Seinen is not the Japanese version of "young adult". It was originally conceived as a target demographic spanning males from 20 to 30 year olds, and nowadays has become a broad term defined more by content than target demographic. Its target is certainly not "15-17 year olds".

>> No.2049467

>In Japanese, the word 'seinen' literally means "youth"

Of course seinen manga are also aimed at adults you fucking moron, but the original meaning is something that can be read by young adults and not children.

>> No.2049474
File: 68 KB, 670x503, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About 2013 when people said "its okay to be gay"

>> No.2049475

Otto ghetto couldnt give less of a fuck than Cho. I love em both

>> No.2049484
File: 94 KB, 450x951, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King me

>> No.2049490
File: 80 KB, 652x394, whaafuckingbaby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where are the japanese group forced doujins of spidergwen when you need them

>> No.2049492


>> No.2049499

Muh dick

>> No.2049505

I want to rub my balls on her head.

>> No.2049510

>Of course seinen manga are also aimed at adults
Seinen manga are not "also" aimed at adults, they are aimed at adults.
>But the original meaning is something that can be read by young adults and not children.
That is not the original meaning. Since you know Japanese, you can just read the jp wikipedia article that says exactly what I said in my previous post.
It literally says that originally it was intended for people in their twenties and thirties. The meaning of the word seinen itself can refer to people up to their thirties anyways. In case you don't believe me:
So yeah, your point about young adult = seinen is just wrong, stop spreading misinformation.

>> No.2049513
File: 111 KB, 450x951, red lines mate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pot belly and no muscle definition, she looks like a retired boxer.
Baldness and all.

>> No.2049516

You're confusing japanese manhood with western manhood.
You can also fuck 12 year old girls in some rural parts of japan legally.

>> No.2049519

but would you still fuck it?

>> No.2049522

Show me your 10/10

>> No.2049527
File: 207 KB, 608x900, 1406476518800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any pictures of my 10/10.

Pic related when she's not fat and kendall from casting couch before the horrible boob job score a 9 though.

>> No.2049541
File: 122 KB, 1139x491, 1428536913654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

freedom is problematic you cis scum

>> No.2049546

that word triggers me

>> No.2049549
File: 204 KB, 842x595, 1427552202816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people being triggered by me triggers me more.

so like, fuck you??

>> No.2049552


>> No.2049590
File: 126 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move your king

>> No.2049592
File: 46 KB, 489x700, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sauce is: Amber Rose

>> No.2049619


I was thinking along similar lines, if I see another fucking trigger warning I might have a stroke. Why are we supposed to just suffer in silence? I demand some sort of a trigger warning warning.

>> No.2049623

she got cancer?

>> No.2049645


So tl;dr:

>The industry cannot be taken seriously because people like boobs&guns! and liking boobs is wrong!

>I'm embarrassed to be working in comics because I cannot stand the fact that people like what I don't like! muh tainted medium!

>People who like things that I don't like are fucking up the industry! I can't stand to share the industry with people who draw things I don't approve of! Growing up means you have to draw what I tell you!


>> No.2049712

This isn't really related to the topic, but why do so many western artists draw characters who look like they're very poor actors posing, while the dialogue and interaction between the characters don't really match what the scene is trying to portray?

>> No.2049715

/ic/ should have a thread dedicated to drawing porn of her. At the end, it should all be spammed to his twitter account.

>> No.2049753


>> No.2049757

Western artists rely on too many references and not the gestural interaction between characters. Every pose is static, because it is. you dont see normal people do half the poses that they draw in the books.

>> No.2049758

Big head.

>> No.2049849

>joker's head tilted precisely at camera plane, which happens to be looking down
this might be accurate in some case, but it looks forced as fuck. is this cho guy aleguedly a pro?

>> No.2049871

it was a stylistic choice that is seen in many older western comics

>> No.2049943

He seems like a decent fellow. I would stroke my dick gently across his slanty eyed face.

>> No.2049966

It's definitely supposed to be playful but i can see why some people would be... offended? I'm not but I can see why this would annoy some women, but offend?

>> No.2050003

Try to make sense next time.

>> No.2050846

I'd be down with that.

>> No.2051445

that's not really what a parody is tho, like that new cover is one because it's actually makin fun of somethin, but the original spider gwen cover he did is more or less jus an homage. but then again, what more can you expect from a dude who hopes to expand his audience by pokin ant hills instead of creatin stand out work, stay losin, frank cho

>> No.2051452


the kids got spunk, I like that. Stay salty you jealous bitch.

>> No.2051457

nobody here seems to understand that the spider-gwen team have almost no control over the variant covers at all. mahvel jus hires like however many artists they want an are like "here, draw a spider-gwen cover". robbi obviously has strong feelings about spider-gwen seein as he cocreated her an you kno, like most comic makers, has a vision of what type of story he wants to tell an how it unfolds. it's not that frank cho drew a suggestive spider-gwen, it's that frank cho drew it for an official cover that represents somethin robbi an co was trynna avoid doin with this specific work. it's a shitty situation for the industry to be in but there's generally a gentlemen's agreement between people hired on to do covers not to be a cockbite the way frank cho is.

>> No.2051460

nah, if i was gonna be jealous of someone, it'd be mike mignola, goddamn gorgeous draftswork, i wish he drew more ;-;

>> No.2051469


I wasn't being srs bruh, Cho's skills aren't the best, but he is standing up for a noble cause and he deserves our support for that. At least, from an outside perspective I can tell he has a sense of humour and doesn't take himself too seriously. Unlike Robbi who just comes across as a whiny tool.

>> No.2051477
File: 41 KB, 720x480, i hate stabler's fuckin eyebrows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what noble cause, pissin off the creative team he was hired to draw a cover for? an you're callin robbi a tool? okay

>> No.2051479


Really? Robbi basically wrote an essay expressing his butt frustration over a fucking comic book cover, yeah he's a tool that takes himself too seriously.

>> No.2051481
File: 57 KB, 403x302, i hate them so much.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

couple hundreds words ain't an essay unless you're still in highschool m8, that's like 10-15 minutes worth a writtin for grownups with fully formed thoughts

>> No.2051485


Alrighty, good luck with your artistic endeavours brother.

>> No.2051488
File: 38 KB, 286x176, you jus wanna like stab his eyebrows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an you yourself

>> No.2051490

No you fucking retard.
Ideal is not sexually defined.
Sexy is defined by ideal because evolution made you want the healthy, trong and ideal sex partner so your children will be better. This is evolution based desire.

Because those apes that weren't picky about how to screw were inferior and degenerated.

Someone weak, ill, ugly, or fat is geneticly inferior and your brain knows that so you fat them repulsive because they are unfit for procreating.

>> No.2051500

by that theory wouldn't someone fat have access to bountiful resources an therefor be desirable because of said resources?

>> No.2051507

Yes, both guys arguing are extremely retarded. Sexiness is obviously based on culture and society, that's why landwhales were considered the best thousands of years ago, chubby-fat was sexy centuries ago and skinny is sexy now. Maybe in the future anorexic will be the new sexy. Or amputees. Or whatever. Culture supersedes even basic instincts. That's why people commit suicide, or illogical (evolution-wise) actions in general.

>> No.2051510
File: 94 KB, 453x747, fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, a couple of hundred years ago maybe.
Even then people were 'chubby' at best, think Rubenesque type of bitches.

This guy was so unfathomably fat to most people more than 100 years ago that he was freakshow material.

Nowadays being overweight is simply a sign of laziness and gluttony.

>> No.2051511

How would a fat caveman get any food? he's supposed to chase his prey down. or to at least clinb a fucking tree for fruits. It's not like they could get rich and buy themselves hamburgers.

Ancient japs were considering fat men to be cool because they had very poor foord resources and your fatness would mean you're VERY rich.

Ancient greeks and romans hated fat more than anything else because they loved sexy and mighty, not weak lazy and ugly.
In Sparta a cook could be exuted for cooking tasty stuff, tasty food was a crime because it leads to the oposite of sexy and powerful.

>> No.2051514
File: 151 KB, 983x1323, frank-cho-liberty-meadows-020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Liberty Meadows is the best comic strip since Calvin & Hobbes and that no one gives a shit about Spider-Gwen.

>> No.2051769

>look like they're very poor actors posing,

Because that's what they're drawing. Western art since the Renaissance has relied a lot on staged posing. Models can't hold off-balance poses, or stay in midair.

They also can't hyper-flex, which the body can sustain for only fractions of a second when in motion. This is why you get a bunch of idiots saying "this pose is impossible!", while people with animation backgrounds go in the opposite direction and "push the gesture."

>> No.2053462
File: 204 KB, 800x1220, 1428912384734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even female comic artists like AWitt are sick of this shit.


>> No.2053471
File: 445 KB, 700x1049, roa_page_9_by_witta-d4je92u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, she draws some cute dudes.

I want to draw like this.

>> No.2053481


Fatness was sexy for that exactly reason a few centuries ago, as was pale skin (as tanned skin was seen as a mark of a laborer). What fat bitches don't understand is it was a phase and the logic has nothing to do with today's society where calory dense food is cheaper and easier to eat than nutritious food.

>> No.2053508

Evolution isn't directional. There are no universally good traits, only traits that are useful in a certain environment.
Whatever genetic ideal you're thinking of, it's mostly a mess of ancient, obsolete mechanisms repurposed to tasks completely unrelated to what they originally developed to do.

The ability to store a shitton of calories as subcutaneous fat used to be useful back when starvation was a real threat to the human race.
Since then, we've invented farming and started living in cities, making it something of a liability.
That doesn't mean that people genetically liable to become fat have better or worse genes. They're just genes optimized towards a different environment.

>> No.2053535
File: 60 KB, 720x744, Ashley-Marie-Witter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And she's a fucking cute as a button in person.

>> No.2053548
File: 42 KB, 640x417, med_1409377643_00025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Even female comic artists like AWitt are sick of this shit.

It's funny: you'd think reading this shit that it's mostly women complaining about sexy drawings, but that doesn't seem to be the case. It seems to be mostly chubby dudes who are doing the complaining.

The outrage over sexy drawings of female characters seems to come primarily from these chubby whiteknights like *nods respectfully* guy (pic related) and, to a lesser extent, fat women who feel insecure about depictions of female beauty that don't look like them.

>> No.2053552

I wish I was just as good and cute of an artist as her.

At least the skill part is possible, I guess.

>> No.2053553


See, of course she isn't insulted by sexy drawings of spiderwomen, because she doesn't feel threatened by them.

Only ugly people get upset about sexy drawings. Ugly women because they feel insecure, and ugly men because they think they can get chicks by towing the feminist party line.

>> No.2053558

>too lazy to finish spelling AND
This is what irks me. The death of an language starts small.

>> No.2053583

Lol you sound fat. Obesity is undesirable. Anyone who is genetically liable to become fat has objectively worse genes than someone who is not. Obesity scores poorly on any rubric you set it to, except for the one or two that you mentioned that have absolutely no use in any civilization for the last few thousand years. It's like saying " oh there's nothin wrong with being a mouth breathing fucking retard, after all it came in handy back in the days where smarter people were burned alive for fear of being witches!"

>> No.2054109

>Lol you sound fat.
I am.
>Obesity is undesirable.
It is.
>objectively worse genes
No, you retard.

There is no such thing as "objectively worse genes". Biological traits are only good or bad in a certain environment. Saying that genetic tendency towards obesity is "bad" because it's useless in an environment where food is abundant is like saying that having white skin is bad because of the thinning of the ozone layer in the last few decades. Yes, it's less useful in an environment with more ultraviolet radiation, but there's nothing objective about that environment.

>> No.2054141

A short hand for 'only useful in certain very specific conditions' is also known as 'bad'.

>> No.2054473

Not him, but fat-to-mustle ratio is tied to testosterone levels, so a man genetically predisposed to higher body fat percentage is an inferior male specimen. Same goes for women. Your actual fat is determined (disregarding activity) by your caloric intake, but a man with higher test will have more of that intake used for building and maintaining muscle, thus being less fat.

There is literally no environment or set of circumstance where low test is anything but bad.

>> No.2055467

That's pseudoscience, even if it wasn't a genetic predisposition towards gaining weight like a slow metabolism actually makes it easier to pack on muscle.
For example, mohamad ali was genetically inclined towards being fat as is his daughter who appreciates it much less.

>> No.2055759

>testosterone determining fat-to-muscle ratio

>durr metabolism
kill yourself and read a book