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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 250 KB, 556x1023, 055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2044325 No.2044325 [Reply] [Original]

Gestures drawings are essential in any artist's repertoire. They teach an artist to see as an artist would and to infuse life, an essence, into their drawings.

Take pictures of your gestures and post'em here!

Share tips and help others, or just post gestures you love.

Here are some things to note:

Professor Lieu at RISD answers a question about of gesture drawing

Artist Ellen Soderquist explains the 4 types of gestures

Chris Warner, Associate Professor at Otis College demonstrate gesture drawing

>> No.2044337 [DELETED] 


>> No.2044345 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 576x768, Eleanor-Rahim-Emma-gesture-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artist James McElhinney at the Students Art League of New York gives a brief summation of his thoughts on gesture drawing.


>> No.2044351 [DELETED] 

what the fuck

>> No.2044356 [DELETED] 

you don't breakdance when you do a gesture? you gotta loosen up anon.

>> No.2044357 [DELETED] 

Are these videos for real?

>> No.2044361 [DELETED] 

The pic was taken at a "Artist Workout" hosted at the Art Students League of New York. This was a gesture drawing session. Students would draw rapidly on the large paper while the model would move through out. It's an extremely interactive approach to gesture drawing.

I can keep posting interesting stuff about gesture drawing if anons would be willing to fill this thread with their *real* gesture drawings


>> No.2044362 [DELETED] 


none of those students learned anything from that except how to get a sore neck and not to work on the same page as another person drawing. lessons best learned in a class environment i suppose.

if he really wanted to test people's memory and ability to draw from imagination he should have them look once, turn around, and draw the entire thing from memory for 20 minutes.

real grade A retardedness

>> No.2044364 [DELETED] 

>real gesture drawings

There you go again. You're the same guy. Now if the janitor would delete this thread and delete his posts from my thread, thank you.

>> No.2044369

Caricaturist and Illustrator Alphonso Dunn explains his 7 L's of gesture Drawing


I guess the jani don't like my sharing?

>> No.2044373 [DELETED] 
File: 202 KB, 1048x1552, missed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw shucks! Some really good resources were deleted. Oh, well.

>> No.2044374 [DELETED] 

Incoming 300 posts arguing about what is and isn't gesture drawing and mockery of what brave few share.

>> No.2044376 [DELETED] 


So you're from warosu? That explains your extreme trolling skills.

>> No.2044377 [DELETED] 

That also explains why you called the janitor 'jani'. That's a /jp/ term if I ever seen one there.

Way to ruin the real thread.

>> No.2044379 [DELETED] 


You know what I'm talking about. Warosu howl lmaooo and all that retarded shit you guys do everyday 24/7.

>> No.2044381 [DELETED] 

That is an archive website, like archive for plebs only Warosu archives /ic/

>> No.2044382

Post gesture drawings or get out.

>> No.2044382,1 [INTERNAL] 

fuck you and fuck the op

>> No.2044390
File: 173 KB, 736x1190, bc2288e7e041243c01ca69f74579dee3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr. Manny talks about the benefits of gesture drawing


Pic is one of Degas's gesture drawings. Notice how loose and lively the lines are in capturing the young dancer

>> No.2044392 [DELETED] 


I think we can all youtube search "gesture drawing" and it will show the exact same videos in sequential order, mr. troll.

>> No.2044394

Sycra talks about gesture drawing in this go-to guide:


>> No.2044396

Where is yours?

>> No.2044397

Proko's method of gesture drawing


>> No.2044401 [DELETED] 

Gesture drawing as a tool- one minute


>> No.2044402



>> No.2044403
File: 58 KB, 338x450, tanzende_figur_hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artist James McElhinney at the Students Art League of New York gives a brief summation of his thoughts on gesture drawing.


The pic is of Rodins gestural drawings, crayon and watercolor I believe. Note the flow of energy of each medium and how they interact to make the gesture. Neither defines well as separately as they do together. That's a master gesture drawing!

>> No.2044405

Spencer shows his sketchbook full of lively gesture drawings in this interview video:

>> No.2044407

Joeyblondlewolf talks about how to get good gesture drawing in your manga


>> No.2044409

KerrieJ has some great getures in her sketchbook video--steal her secrets!


>> No.2044411

Another great sketchbook video you'll definitely find useful


>> No.2044417
File: 129 KB, 1196x777, rodin vs Buscema.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rodin was master at gesture drawing. Even Big John Buscema knew it, inspiring him to draw a splash illustration in How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way. The drawing is for Chapt. 6 "The Name of the Game is- Action!" Clearly Buscema had an exceptional inspiration!

(Rodin's Left; Buscema's Right)

>> No.2044420


This is so inspiring and helpful information there is just no way this is listed in the sticky I wouldn't have known it if it wasn't for your post!

>> No.2044425

Master draftsman and instructor Glenn Vilppu talks about the importance of gesture:


>> No.2044433
File: 86 KB, 1350x651, 2006_sketches_of_frank_gehry_0141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even architects use gesture drawing!

Pic is of Frank Gehry's gestural sketch for the Guggenheim Museum in Spain. Notice how it expresses a flow across the scene. Gesture play vital role in planning things out. They help get an idea of the big picture before the details are needed.

>> No.2044435


That's great now post your gestures please people are more than capable of using google.

>> No.2044437

>vilppu drawing on the computer

Holy crap tablet>paper.

>> No.2044442

Wasn't aware there was a Gesture general.

I make this post in the beginner's thread, but perhaps I may get a better answer here (haven't got an answer on the beginner thread yet).

How useful is Vilppu's Manual if you have all of his videos?

Is it best to read the book and watch the video? Or does the book become pointless with the videos?

>> No.2044444
File: 110 KB, 436x328, Thumbnails copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brian Curtis Associate Professor at the University of Miami and author of Drawing from Observation argues that gesture drawing is a discipline of perception:

"ANALYTICAL GESTURE. An important tool for highlighting our awareness of our perceptions and at the same time developing a control over transferring those perceptions to a two dimensional surface is analytical gesture."

Pic is of students work capturing the gesture of a still life,

>> No.2044463
File: 34 KB, 1366x686, Gesture practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi i drew this, and i have no idea if this counts as gesture so if someone can tell me that'll be great

>> No.2044466

Somethings in this life you're just going to have figure out on your own. You could be a book learner or video learner. Who knows?

>> No.2044477
File: 112 KB, 1288x900, dufflebag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try and make those things look curious, interacting with each other or exaggerate folds to show a twist or turn or something that helps show action.

Gesture on the left is from imagination.

>> No.2044479
File: 24 KB, 666x360, eGphemkyMTI=_o_stifler-gentleman-and-scholar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2044485
File: 1.01 MB, 1536x2048, 2015-03-31 16.06.57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2044493
File: 790 KB, 2000x2000, morestudys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2044499
File: 1.09 MB, 2000x2000, studysfigure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2044500
File: 2.55 MB, 5000x5000, studyss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i gesture correct yet?

>> No.2044561


Up, down, turn around
Please don't let my drawings hit the ground
Tonight I think I'll draw alone
Do some gesture drawings on paper when I go home

Newsprint Order "Tempatation"

>> No.2044565


These aren't even gestures you mongoloid.

>> No.2044567

That Chris Warner vid was awesome. Thanks!

>> No.2044568
File: 429 KB, 1280x883, gestures_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send help. I want them to have the energy and movement so badly, am i focusing too much on the contour?

>> No.2044571

as to why i posted, and as to why i asked if im doing it right yet.

>> No.2044574

Steve Houston's lectures of 2000; 11 hours of how to gesture/draw/paint. For free, you fucks.


>> No.2044577
File: 191 KB, 1308x1778, IMAG0040_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And some of my gestures to contribute

>> No.2044578
File: 255 KB, 1410x1816, IMAG0042_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2044640

Nice m8, I like the second set

>> No.2044648

You're focusing too much on construction.

>> No.2044698

No he isn't his drawings are purely contour

Don't give people advice if you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.2044707
File: 260 KB, 857x1000, gestures6.4#2 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2044720

> buliding shapes that form solid masses
> perspective lines on the heads
>"purely contour"

lol fucking idiot, maybe it's you that should keep your mouth shut. :^)

>> No.2044725 [DELETED] 


Try drawing on a tablet sometime you'll thank me later.

>> No.2044726 [DELETED] 

These are nice and done on a tablet. Keep up the good work.

>> No.2044733 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 765x765, 97d58775e82394e59712ef7a90f052fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly you're wasting your time doing it that way you aren't building up that neurological pattern in your brain. I like the samurai though because he is one nice big blocky shape that is pleasing. Anyone can copy the ref quickly in 2 minutes with enough practice but not everyone can capture the action.

Pretty garbage tbh.
The worst gesture in the thread goes to miku and then >>2044577
All wrong do it over again. Remember you are trying to build up each step. Each step builds upon the next. Go to the tablet and draw with one big blocky brush.
It's bad, draw through the form and try again. Make sure one side is equal to the other. Scott robertson is a good book to look into the see-through perspective form drawing.

>> No.2044736 [DELETED] 

Actually my apologies miku is 2nd worst and 2044577 is worst because miku attempted to see the flow.

>> No.2044784

this. 'focus less on construction' is valid advice for the 'gestures' in question.

>> No.2044875

Gesture are the easiest thing to do. It takes a long time master, but it's easy to understand. All you're doing is exploring how everything get connected by a flow. You're barely think, just feeling things.

What the fuck is so difficult to understand about that?

>> No.2044878
File: 995 KB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2044882

It's something psychological you have to give a sense of the figure's pelvis pushing out and tilting or the ribcage coming out it's the abstract part that is difficult.

Some people can convey the action easily on canvas while some have to work more than others on trying to experience the model.

>> No.2044900

If you don't think about what you are doing, you will never get good. A gesture is the most important basis of the figure. If you just do things without thinking and analyzing the figure, it's just a pointless scribble.

Identify the problems a figure presents and accurately solve them from the very first line you draw. That is what people like Vilppu mean when they say "feel" the figure. They mean identify the pinch and stretch, the tilt of the shoulders and hips, the volume and perspective of the body, the weightbearing leg etc. Once you have internalized that stuff, you can do "feely" quick 30 second gestures, not before.

>> No.2045184

Gesture can be done blind.
If you over think it you stay a cancerous weeb for life.

>> No.2045330

And if you under-think you end up short of anything worthwhile, like your comment.

>> No.2045334

quite like that one

>> No.2045335

just do it on paper already and quit shitposting

>> No.2045344

>his voice
please don't die based vilppu :'(

>> No.2045349
File: 85 KB, 246x246, 1400476909599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the same thing. My heart broke when I heard how soft and feeble it was. He's about to feel an eternal gesture soon, you know that right?

>> No.2045368

So, learning to draw proper proportions of people will help me figure out proportions for objects around my house?

>> No.2045371

don't mourn for him, he will become one with the feel.

>> No.2045381

I'm going to cry I already know that.

>> No.2045392

Proportions are relative. What do you think?

>> No.2045393

>Don't think. Feel.

>> No.2045404

You forgot the paper

>> No.2045754

Hurr- durr I can shitpost but you can't

If you can associate body sizes to everyday objects, which is why I'd advocate the cranial unit of measure for my figures. The cranium is close enough to 6 inchesn(half-foot) to make it a handy use of measure for US people.

>> No.2045803

Well, that particular video is almost two years old. His voice is much stronger in his newer videos.

>> No.2046061

What does thinking about your lines have to do with being a weeb you moron? You realize that the only reason you follow Nikolaides approach of scribble gestures is because they are easy and present zero challenge, right? You are afraid of failure, but because everything looks like shit and is just a midless scribble, no one can tell you that you failed.

Learn from actual artists like Vilppu, Hampton, Huston, Watts etc. Speed comes from accuracy. You can't have a good gesture without analyzing the figure first. Also, take your own advice, use some paper and post your gestures. You seem to be the only one ITT who doesn't draw at all.

>> No.2046062

meant for >>2045184

>> No.2046515 [DELETED] 

You don't even use paper. WTF do you know about gesture drawing?

>> No.2046518 [DELETED] 

Why didn't you get banned instead of me? I was actually helpful and you're still just shitting the thread up with your paper meme.

>> No.2046525

You derailed a thread with a personal vendetta.
I gave valuable information and promoted real gesture drawing.
You Troll
Me Gesture

>> No.2046529 [DELETED] 

No you posted the very first search results on youtube just so that your thread didn't get deleted to make it appear to be a helpful thread.

Meanwhile you continue to shitpost "paper" every other post that isn't a youtube link and you still have yet to post any gesture drawings. You also clearly don't know what you're talking about just reading this thread.

>> No.2046533

and btw >>2044411
are all my links so not really bud

>> No.2046535

and this too

>> No.2046698 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 344x500, skbk_feb01_gesture3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only asked to see real gestures. It was you that went all buttblasted and started acting like a weeb. And now you're shitting in this thread over a grudge.

And your links were cliché. We are all familiar with them already. Mine were from credible sources and offered insight most probably never knew about, like the 4 types of gesture. My were even commented as helpful and showing something interesting. Yours endorsed a status quo.

Your behavior is tiresome just post some real gesture and stop trying to make this your personal piss hole.

>> No.2046711

hey my roommate had clara lieu! They had some cool-ass projects

>> No.2046744 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 500x667, 27ddc43fc15f868ad140636faccdf5c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only asked to see real gestures.
What do you mean by 'real' gestures? I get it you refuse anything that is done on the computer. But that is your personal bias and a dumb one. Plus you had the nerve to come into my thread and say the gestures in the OP weren't real gestures and not as beautiful as your OP pic.
>It was you that went all buttblasted and started acting like a weeb.
What is your grudge against weebs? Do you even know what that means?
> And now you're shitting in this thread over a grudge.
I don't have a grudge I'm calling you out on your shit.
>And your links were cliché.
Most of them were on purpose because YOU intentionally posted youtube links of gesture drawing that appears in the 1st results on youtube SEO. So saying "we are all familar with them already" is 2-way retardation if you did the same thing. I'm only returning the favor.
> Mine were from credible sources and offered insight most probably never knew about, like the 4 types of gesture.
again the first results on youtube is...
>My were even commented as helpful and showing something interesting.
Those are my comments sarcastically complementing you.
>Yours endorsed a status quo.
This makes no sense. And you completely ignore vilppu drawing on the computer--I guess that isn't REAL gesture either, huh? But no you're gonna keep being dumb on purpose.
>Your behavior is tiresome just post some real gesture and stop trying to make this your personal piss hole.
That pic you posted still isn't your own gesture drawing (reverse search). Until you join the G+ session I'm not going to post if you won't post either because ultimately I'm dealing with a stupid troll who--

doesn't draw and makes sakimichan threads every single day

>> No.2046759 [DELETED] 

Wow you're are soooooo butthurt!
Do some paper gestures you'll thank me later.

>> No.2047360
File: 45 KB, 542x720, gestures 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I good /ic/?

>> No.2047588

No, these are not gesture
No rhythm
No flow

These weren't really felt through. I can tell you were wanting to hurry up and just fill a page.

>> No.2047758

please provide an example of a good gesture or link to one in this thread that is decent
not even mad, jus curious

>> No.2047797

Fuck you. They do look rushed and messy but some of these are decent. Some of the drawings managed to convey tensions and movement in the body.

>> No.2047802
File: 52 KB, 1920x1080, Crixuslaughs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no shitposters grand return.
Gestures are not always finished renders, though a extra push on the next set will help.

>> No.2047807
File: 161 KB, 540x1042, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can tell you were wanting to hurry up and just fill a page

Thats the point you floating faggot

>> No.2047824

In that case you are doing it wrong and it's a waste of time :^)

>> No.2047836

When you draw the ellipses around the gesture, what does the ellipse represent?

>> No.2047838
File: 96 KB, 700x464, ellipses_glass2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's quickly establishing depth

>> No.2047840

No, you fucking moron. It's to suggest the perspective.

>> No.2047842

He should hurry up and fill a page to knock out as much shitty gestures to get to the good ones, you stupid shitposter.

>> No.2047845

>depth and perspective have nothing to do with each other

>> No.2047846


wouldn't that mean the same thing?

>> No.2047847
File: 156 KB, 1024x708, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you okay?

>> No.2047851
File: 36 KB, 343x364, 1427129339265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes /ic/ can be so cute in a stupid way

>> No.2047853
File: 20 KB, 307x702, proko ellipse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you draw the ellipses around the gesture,
Are you refering to cross-contours?

>what does the ellipse represent?
Cross-contours are just the artist feeling out the roundness of something.

Pic related from Proko. Notice the cross-contours at the brow, the chest, hips, and thighs

>> No.2047884


Thanks for the info!

>> No.2050125

Finished watching Vilppu's video on gesture drawing Chapter 1. When I gesture draw with his method, how much time should I take? 2 minutes? 30 seconds? Or should I just not time myself and worry about finding the "flow"?

>> No.2050134

It all depends. Try everything, do a lot of 30 second ones, do a lot of 2 minute ones and do a lot in between. It's whatever you find is more comfortable and lets you internalize how to capture the energy and anticipation of a pose.

>> No.2050143

Alright, will do.

>> No.2050667
File: 78 KB, 2112x2000, Unti765087076tled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all I can draw for the moment, how do I into cross contours?

>> No.2050694
File: 151 KB, 750x885, AN01350415_001_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By doing it on paper first. Your's sucks cox and dix, they has no rhythm and no depth.

Pic is of Ruben's Dancing Peasants. Black chalk on paper. Notice the rhythm of lines and shapes. Those elements are dancing as much as the subjects are. You could say their rhythm makes the subjects appear as if dancing.

>> No.2050701

Anyone other than paperfag got any tips?

>> No.2050798
File: 159 KB, 1250x693, haff5S5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While it's important to get the rhythm. It's also important to show the action concisely.

Reduce the number of lines and see how much of the action you can show. Noodle people don't equate to action.

Here's a Cross Contour image.

>> No.2050856
File: 620 KB, 687x416, hogarth2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the shin has cross-contours and they're vague and sloppy. They don't do much either. Plus the rhythm of the whole figure is skewed by the forced perspective.

Hogarth's anatomy diagrams while not gesture show how cross contours can give a sense of roundness to the subject and when placed well they can add to the rhythm.

>> No.2051273
File: 373 KB, 1400x1050, gestures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too damn tired.

>> No.2051888

These don't look super different from mine but they're so much better. What am I missing...

>> No.2051902

Those don't look any better to me. One or 2 of them look okay and the rest break apart the would be consistent flow.

>> No.2051906

There still much better than mine. I like the top left, bottom left, the one to the right of the one on the ball, and the bowing one.

>> No.2051995

Damn, Steve is one sexy motherfucker, no homo

>> No.2051997

What's flow?

>> No.2051999

another word for rhythm

>> No.2052008

Can you elaborate a bit?

Can you show an example in anon's gestures? They all appear to nice simple lines.

>> No.2052010

*to have

>> No.2052014
File: 500 KB, 1400x1050, 1428818901592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, and I suspect he's just being a bit of an autist, but these are not good. They're segmented, unclear and overall shitty. The rest is mostly okay, though some run in different directions, but are still passable.

>> No.2052108

In Vilppu's manual, it's suggested to draw lines or even jump from one line to another, never connecting.

But why does his work look so busy? Lines every where in the examples.

>> No.2052121

I study with a teacher @ the Art Students League who says the exact opposite of what James McElhiney. In fact, I think I plan of showing them this video when I go back to class.

>> No.2052150

Yeah they are shitty, considering I did them at 3AM with little sleep. I'm just shitty overall but I decided to make the effort anyways. Thanks for the critique though.

>> No.2053167
File: 661 KB, 1600x1200, fuckleggestures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any tips for drawing the gesture of the leg? I try to limit it to one line but it doesn't read, and when trying to show form I feel as though I'm just drawing the contour.

>> No.2053178
File: 27 KB, 499x771, legs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, you have to think about the transfer of force. it's interesting in the leg, especially one taking weight, as it kind of spirals down the leg.

so um here's a shitty ms-paint diagram, the black line is like the primary transfer of force, the red is like the secondary, and the green the tertiary, you can see they kind of wind around and end up delineated the muscles in the leg.

i put a triangle on the kneecap just for a landmark.

and obviously the leg on our left is taking the weight and the other one...isn't.

>> No.2053191

Do those lines coincide with anatomy? I mean, do I have to study the anatomy of the leg to use them effectively?

Jesus, a lot of different paths are involved in gesture drawing. It's so confusing.

>> No.2053205

they do coincide with anatomy more or less, because i was (trying to) map the forces acting in the leg and the muscles do the acting.

you need to know anatomy 'by sight and by feel' eventually, but i don't think it's super important to rush into that, lots of people get carried away naming all the bits and pieces, which again, is useful but if you can say 'those bumps there rotate the forearm' i think it's more important than know that they're called the brachaordadialis or w/e it is.

>> No.2053214

Ah, okay thanks. I noticed that one of the lines looked like the sartorius (or whatever it's called, I've only delved into anatomy in passing), and wondered if it was by coincidence or design. I also noticed that gesture drawing does make more sense when using the anatomy to, well, build the gestural forms, but when you're doing 30 second, 1 minute, 2 minute gestures it all turns into a frenzy. Very hard to control.

Thank you for the help though. Much appreciated.

>> No.2054513 [DELETED] 

your cover has been blown paper faggot

>> No.2054517 [DELETED] 

Good thing I'm the real tabletfag and you're paperfag.

>> No.2054542 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 344x472, tumblr_lxwkmmlVt91r0yamfo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paperfag on damage control now

>> No.2054644

Don't fret, as it can be confusing but just follow the chapters of whatever study you're under going. I felt the same way when I read Vilppu's manual, but towards the end you learn the in-depths of anatomy.

>> No.2055293 [DELETED] 

I found an interesting way to draw the figure quickly. I wouldn't call it 'gesture' but I don't care. Right now I'm testing the technique out and if it works for 500 different poses I'll adopt this way of drawing poses. It's working great so far.

>> No.2055320 [DELETED] 

>expecting anyone to give a shit without you posting the actual method
cool story bro

>> No.2055322 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 800x600, notsharin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2055340 [DELETED] 

cute. you think you found le secret method. in reality you're probably mangling an existing method.

>> No.2055351 [DELETED] 
File: 246 KB, 800x600, youwantmysekritmethodbutuaintgettinit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been experimenting with gesture for 2.5 years now and when I've found THE method I'm telling you I've finally found it.

See you in the light, friend. If you make it here.

>> No.2055354 [DELETED] 


>> No.2055362 [DELETED] 

don't cry

>> No.2055367 [DELETED] 

what's the point of this post? you don't show the result, you don't tell your process.

>> No.2055377 [DELETED] 


No post is a meaningless post!

>> No.2055382 [DELETED] 
File: 167 KB, 305x331, stop feeling that.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it works for 500 poses

Pro tip: Regular gesture works for literally every pose.

>> No.2055404 [DELETED] 


Not really. And I said I didn't call my method 'gesture', if you could read.

>> No.2055422 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 640x424, skinhead vilppu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not really

Yes it does.
Now share your 'one trick that Vilppu and other teachers hate, click now for a free guide', or fuck off.

>> No.2055457 [DELETED] 

No it really doesn't. Maybe if you tried drawing poses that aren't nude fat ladies bathing in lamp light you'd figure it out.

>Now share your 'one trick that Vilppu and other teachers hate, click now for a free guide', or fuck off.
I never said I wasn't going to share nor did I say I was. Some things just need to be kept secret by certain artists, ya know?

>> No.2055461 [DELETED] 

I already know it.

>> No.2055462 [DELETED] 


But you don't know it my way ;-)

>> No.2055465 [DELETED] 

>gesture doesn't work for every pose
it's almost like you don't understand what a gesture drawing even is...

>> No.2055469 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 1500x1500, viper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No it really doesn't

Yes it does. If it somehow doesn't to you, than you're simply misunderstanding the concept of gesture.

Youre like one of those kids on /x/ that's all like
>'hey guyz i totally know the secret to life and how to summon vampires and telekineses, but I won't tell you how, lloloplol.'

>> No.2055470 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 168x125, fan2039952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah yeah whatever you say.

>> No.2055472 [DELETED] 

I do. I just did it.

>> No.2055475 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 500x333, uwishuhadmyskillz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it somehow doesn't to you, than you're simply misunderstanding the concept of gesture.

Sure thing paperfag. I've seen your gestures, we all have. I don't need someone below my skill level to tell me I'm misunderstanding it.

I'll say it again for your low IQ to comprehend: I don't label the method gesture. Therefore my method doesn't belong in this subhuman thread.

>> No.2055480 [DELETED] 

since you understand it perfectly well, explain how gesture drawings won't work for every pose. which poses won't work, and why?

>> No.2055484 [DELETED] 



see anything similar (and conflicting) among all of these? Use your head here while I type out a really long post.

>> No.2055492 [DELETED] 

what I notice is that many of those aren't actual gesture drawings, they focus on construction rather than gesture or are full-blown sketches. others are gestures by inexperienced artists, and of that long list only a few posts are examples of decent gestures.

>> No.2055497 [DELETED] 

Correct, the answer is they all suck.

>> No.2055504 [DELETED] 

many of them aren't even actual gestures though, and most of the ones that are gestures were made by inexperienced artists.

so do you have an actual point?

>> No.2055510 [DELETED] 

Hmm I do but now that I think about it that would technically be helping you guys. You know, getting you to >think<, something 80% of /ic/ can't do. So I'll refrain from posting it.

*closes the word file*

>> No.2055512
File: 32 KB, 245x640, gesture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claims to have super secret drawing skillz
>claims gesture drawing doesn't work
>no evidence for either claim
why are you even posting? go learn what a gesture drawing is. It's clear you set out to prove gestures don't always work then realized you were in over your head, so you're backtracking as fast as you can.

I get some comfort from the fact that no one here takes you seriously.

>> No.2055513 [DELETED] 

>implying anyone worthwhile cares about how you draw generic anime grillz

>> No.2055516 [DELETED] 

And I get comfort that I have no obligation to share my super sekrit method.

>It's clear you set out to prove gestures don't always work then realized you were in over your head, so you're backtracking as fast as you can.
nothing you will say will make me spill the beans

>> No.2055518
File: 10 KB, 236x314, gestured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want your "secret skillz". I want you to explain how gesture drawing doesn't work.

Still waiting...

>> No.2055521 [DELETED] 

Oh god, my sides. Could you even be more pretentious? I'm literally staying on the thread to see how much pompous douchebag you could act. Please do us a favor. Kill yourself. Or please go away. we wouldn't want our inferiority to rub on you.

>> No.2055525 [DELETED] 

No, wait. I find this guy's legit autism endearing. What will he say next?

>> No.2055532 [DELETED] 
File: 153 KB, 940x1024, Receta-de-sopa-de-leche-para-niños.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It doesn't work for you and it shows in your drawings, paper boy. Keep drawin' them impractical spaghetti-o's!

>> No.2055536 [DELETED] 


Hey I didn't start it...he is the one choking my neck, desperate to find out my method.

>> No.2055537 [DELETED] 

you've never even seen my drawings, and I haven't seen yours.

so tell me, since you claim to understand gesture drawing so well, in what instances does it not work?

inb4 endless replies skirting the question and insulting the board to avoid admitting you know fuck-all about drawing.

>> No.2055539 [DELETED] 

no one cares about your method, we all know you're delusional. what I want to know is how gesture drawing doesn't work, which you claim.

and I'm still waiting for you to answer that one. instead you just keep spouting the "muh secret method!" red herring.

>> No.2055549 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 285x312, watson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never claimed shit mate. Scroll up...>>2055293
my first post and then your autistic ass posted >>2055382
>regular gesture works for every pose
to which I said
"not really"
"I didn't call my method gesture"

so now that we know it's about
>not every pose
and not
>doesn't work completely
like you're trying to shift the blame on me, I believe 1 method of gesture and only one is impractical. It would be naive to think you can draw any pose of any type with just one method >of gesture drawing<.

But of course you can't think, for all you do is draw nude chicks bathing in lamp light.

Now that we're on the same page...listen closely:

I said my method is NOT gesture.

N-O-T (did you catch that) gesture! I don't give my drawing methods predetermined labels. Does my method work for every pose? Yes. Is it gesture? No. Is it a quick way to get a pose on paper? Yes.

But is it gesture? I don't call it gesture because I can. Do you have any more stupid questions?

>> No.2055551
File: 36 KB, 400x400, 1387588987853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this shit flinging over fucking gesture drawings

It's literally just conveying the action in a short period of time without being too focused on the anatomical details. What is there to debate?

>> No.2055560
File: 1.89 MB, 310x175, How ic acts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just another day on /ic/

>> No.2055563 [DELETED] 

>your autistic ass posted...
you realize there's more than 2 people on this site right? it's not just me and you here.

so, back on topic, you claimed:
>gesture method doesn't work for every pose

which is what I'm asking you to prove. and I reiterate, I DON'T GIVE A SINGLE FUCK ABOUT YOUR "METHOD." so stop bringing it up.

>Do you have any more stupid questions?

>> No.2055582 [DELETED] 

>which is what I'm asking you to prove. and I reiterate

Do I really need to? Can you not think why I said that? I'm not spoonfeeding you the answers when it's point black in your face.

>> No.2055585 [DELETED] 

more excuses, as expected.

in case you don't even know what gesture drawing is:
>It's literally just conveying the action in a short period of time without being too focused on the anatomical details.

There is no reason this method can't be applied to any pose imaginable. Burden of proof is on you, still waiting for an explanation.

>> No.2055586 [DELETED] 

I'd say the subtler and less dynamic the pose you want, the less useful gesture is.

For example, in animation if you're inbetweening a conversation, there can potentially be 32 ultra subtle transitions in the space of a second, depending on how crazy you wanna get with it... it just turns into a nudging shapes game for a lot of those drawings, and attempting a gesture for each would just cloud the nature of the movement you're trying to convey at that point.

>> No.2055962
File: 538 KB, 2592x3955, gestures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too lazy to scan.

>> No.2055972 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 788x976, lelgesture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2055998 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 901x1025, lelgesture1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2056006 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 879x998, lelgesture2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2056012 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 674x990, lelgesture3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2056019
File: 30 KB, 432x640, life_drawing_baran_mong_dot_com (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2056023
File: 110 KB, 800x520, 101012_31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2056033 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 1127x1449, lelgesture4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2056034 [DELETED] 

really bad. put some thought into your strokes.

>> No.2056041 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 600x978, lelgesture5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2056043 [DELETED] 


>> No.2056055 [DELETED] 
File: 664 KB, 1944x2916, lelgesture6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2056120 [DELETED] 

These gestures threads are fucking awful.

>> No.2056203 [DELETED] 

That's because a troll made this thread and now you see the result. It wouldn't have been this way if the janitor let my thread stay.

>> No.2056268 [DELETED] 


>> No.2056274 [DELETED] 


You gonna show up in hangouts today or what? I'm going to make it right now and I'll be in it all day so you get NO EXCUSES.

>> No.2056290 [DELETED] 

stop babysitting

>> No.2056322

Sweet Jesus

>> No.2056336

gj mod cleaning up that guy's shitty contour drawings

>> No.2056412

I really REALLY think this thread is fucking stupid. Not gesture is stupid, but the fact that people in this thread just don't get it because their IQ is below 120.

>> No.2056414 [DELETED] 

And get off my back, mod. You keep deleting my hangout link post as "off-topic" when--if you used your brain--I'll be drawing gestures in the hangout. So it isn't off topic.

>> No.2056419
File: 93 KB, 879x998, 1429159530908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2056420

It's crap and you miss the point completely.

>> No.2056428

Don't bother posting your other ones, it looks like you literally used the mirror tool to get perfect sides. I must ask, for what purpose?

>> No.2056433
File: 229 KB, 1944x2916, lelgesture7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2056434


It's "my opinions are facts" shitflinging on a topic that's very subjective and requires a "just do what works and makes sense to you" approach.

This is why gesture threads, composition threads, and stylization threads never work on /ic/, there's too much subjectivity

>> No.2056438

Nice mirror faggot

>> No.2056442

When it's time to draw an idea for your client at the coffee shop and you wip out that sketchbook you'll wish you practiced gesture on paper instead of relying on your mirror crutch.

Oh right, you won't make it that far to draw for your client at a coffee shop. Carry on.

>> No.2056517
File: 55 KB, 600x900, lelgesture8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Clients? I draw for myself. Sketchbook? I don't need one. Practice on paper? I do just fine with my wacom, thank you. Mirror crutch? I prefer to see it as a tool. Carry on? I think I will.

Also I don't drink coffee btw

>> No.2056521

Well, good luck you special snowflake, I hope you are getting a STEM diploma then, god knows we got enough homeless in this world :^)

>> No.2056526


Shit man that's not how the muscles of the legs work. The fact that you think that looks good and doing all the work for you is hilarious.

>> No.2056528

ok you're retarded, gl at obtaining any artistic skill whatsoever

I really hope you're just reposting these from deviantart with shitposts attached

>> No.2056531
File: 89 KB, 1080x799, lelgesture9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roger that

>> No.2056533

Now try drawing that monkey head at a different angle that isn't portrait view.

>> No.2056542

Hey this Vilppu guy is really great! Why haven't any of you /ic/ guys ever said anything about him ever in the history of this board?

Seriously mentioning him at least once before now could have cleared up a lot of problems for learners.


>> No.2056545 [DELETED] 

Good to know the only post (my post) is the most useful post in the thread.


>> No.2056548
File: 135 KB, 1399x849, lelgesture10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not how the muscles of the legs work.
Those or pistons you dolt, it's a side view of a spaceship, duh.

>reposting these from deviantart
I don't have a Deviantart. These are all 100% original posts. Try to collect them all.

>> No.2056554
File: 43 KB, 1080x799, lelgesture11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2056561
File: 25 KB, 464x352, 97260bd40c0d735e2fc336c18e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Har har

get good

>> No.2056568
File: 36 KB, 1080x799, lelgesture13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will do, comrade

>> No.2056576
File: 925 KB, 2000x9837, 1min-gestures-in-one-week.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one week of gestures
digital (with tablet) is hard as fuck compared to traditional

>> No.2056614
File: 52 KB, 718x843, lelgesture14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2056970
File: 80 KB, 600x934, lelgesture15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2056990
File: 48 KB, 600x651, lelgesture16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2057130
File: 105 KB, 930x1150, Walking gesture ref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to study walking/running/turning - moving gestures. How do you guys study this? Do you have good resources on moving gestures?

>> No.2057154
File: 81 KB, 1000x868, waterwalkingrefgesture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2060215
File: 875 KB, 599x853, 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting some of my own.

>> No.2060216
File: 720 KB, 668x849, 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2060218
File: 792 KB, 701x838, 03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2060220
File: 819 KB, 684x847, 04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2060221
File: 957 KB, 724x849, 05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2060224
File: 1.10 MB, 1119x663, 06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2060225
File: 807 KB, 626x826, 07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2060226
File: 629 KB, 647x794, 08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2060634


Really like your ink gestures, work on your line quality for the graphite ones though, pretty scratchy and not as appealing

>> No.2060644
File: 3.46 MB, 2432x4320, IMG_20150420_150353380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Some of mine

>> No.2060646
File: 3.34 MB, 2432x4320, IMG_20150420_150418174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2060648
File: 3.23 MB, 2432x4320, IMG_20150420_150216533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2060651
File: 3.10 MB, 2432x4320, IMG_20150420_150317602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2060653
File: 3.68 MB, 2432x4320, IMG_20150420_150325730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2060711 [DELETED] 

Start all over, draw it on paper.

pretty cool

>> No.2060770


These have a light feel to them like the start of a movement.


For the more fixed stances I recommend studying more how the weight pulls on different parts of the body.

Try imagining a line going from the head and down with a weight on the end and you will see how it ends up in different places depending on the stance.

>> No.2064110
File: 1.40 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20150422_233917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time doing gestures. And it shows. Already got some crits but would certainly appreciate more.

>> No.2064112
File: 1.33 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20150422_233946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2064114
File: 1007 KB, 3264x2448, IMG_20150422_233801-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2064117 [DELETED] 

Please stop bumping this thread. Nobody cares.

>> No.2064121

Gestures don't qualify as proper drawings. And I'm not making a fucking dedicated thread for my stupid gestures. Where else am I to post.

>> No.2064194

I also have the desire to know how to do this. However, I think I should refer to the beginning of Figure Drawing for all it's Worth, where Loomis explains how weight is distributed throughout the body depending on the pose. He also shows some pretty inspiring lines of action on mannequins, too. I don't have the book on hand but I was reading it earlier, you may want to check it out anon.

And good gesture, very fluid!

>> No.2064515


you are a fool and you should feel like one

>> No.2064530


hahaha he deleted it

wadda chump

>> No.2064782
File: 238 KB, 1440x900, 1 minute 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are my "gestures" from the beginning of the month. I got refereed to Vilppu, and have been studying his process this month

>> No.2064785
File: 995 KB, 2133x2133, 1 minute 07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And these are my gestures from yesterday morning. I've started getting up at 6:00am every morning to do these, and plan on doing it for as long as possible.

I see improvement from where I started, but I've still got a long way to go. I'm still really hit or miss with my gestures.

>> No.2064793
File: 170 KB, 603x930, 19819_10200352248845130_2590770092321450974_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say work on line quality, draw out where the forms meet, the shoulders/chest area needs some refining in my opininon, the placement of the shoulders in relation to everything else will really influence the building of the pose.

I'm guessing these are large scale? I would work on the line quality of your darkest charcoal or just stay away from the dark value range completely.

Also this is mine

>> No.2064834

Am I not allowed to give my opinion in this thread in fear of hurting others feelings?
How is it that the beginning of the month is better than your yesterdays? You were 'searching' for the pose in the first batch and the 2nd not really.
You avoid hands like no tomorrow and also, in my opinion, these aren't gestures.

>> No.2064863

Can a gesture be more than a minute? I think this was 2