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File: 71 KB, 895x895, 10547632_808688482515888_9116724757016144582_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2040272 No.2040272 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else feels like painting is easier than drawing?

There's tons of videos and books explaining how to paint, but not so many about drawing or inking, and I mean drawing like pic related, not classical drawing.

Any youtube channel I should check out? I always get frustrated when I draw, I can't do symbol drawing properly yet.

>> No.2040289


>> No.2040295

People tend to be more comfortable with one or the other. I can't paint for shit.

>> No.2040298


Ya, painting is hard as fuck. I always think in terms of the control of pens, or pencils, or brush nibs. Paintbrushes, blocking in shapes of paint, and physically blending colors is all uncomfortable as fuck for me.

>> No.2040386

drawing is a lot easier for me than painting

>> No.2040388

>People tend to be more comfortable with one or the other
This. It comes down to how you think and what you practice more. I paint a ton and think with large value masses, so drawing can be a struggle. Others draw all day and never paint, then struggle to fill in their lines with value and get confused.

>> No.2040389

>I can't do symbol drawing properly yet.

don't do that

>> No.2040396
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One way of drawing that's been of monumental help to me is contour drawing. It teaches you to critically observe your subject. Feels very clumsy at first, but once you get used to it, it completely changes how you approach drawing. I don't know where you can find resources, but just try googling "slow contour drawing," "contour life drawing," etc

One exercise that I've really enjoyed is sort of POV drawings. I usually start with my hand and the sketchbook and go from there. Just draw your desk or lap or whatever's in front of you. Pic related one of mine. Ryan Ottley is the master of pov sketches. He has a few on his tumblr blog

>> No.2040397
File: 2.11 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_5049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better example

>> No.2040540

>tfw reaching for charcoal instead of a pencil
>all dat value

>> No.2040543

Fuck yeah. Great way to kill time when you're waiting around too. How many times do you have your gear and 10 minutes to kill?

>> No.2040546

Drawing is easier for me because it is what I've always been doing, now that I am getting good at painting, I see no difference, both are just showing form, since I want to be a digital artist, the only "drawing" I do is showing myself stuff on the scenery or the character's anatomy, then I paint over everything.

>> No.2040659

I usually have my 5.5x8 sketchbook and a micron in my backpack

>> No.2040704

I feel like drawing is a lot easier, for me at least. It sounds kind of dumb but I just kind of "sculpt" when I draw. It's much easier for me to create volumes and mass when drawing than it is for me when painting.

>> No.2040746
File: 306 KB, 1032x1175, frazetta_04_a_godsofmars_thegreatapes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I much more prefer pen and ink to painting. Can't paint for shit. But I always get inspired when I see frazetta's works. His pen and ink is perfect, and always gets me.

Best thing to do is look at the techniques used with pen and ink. It's cleaner and easier to notice than with painting. Find the technique and then just practice it until you get it. Maybe to a study or two of a picture. Then once you think you have it try using that technique to draw your own unique picture. It doesn't have to be good it just needs to use the technique. Then move onto a new technique. Just keep doing this until you can mix and match and are comfortable with that.

>> No.2040750

These aren't BAD per-say. They remind me of an indie album cover. But you need to do a lot more on perspective. I'm sure you already know this though. Drawing how you see not just what you see. Best recommendation I can give would be the book: Perspective for comic book artists by David Chelsea. It reads like a comic book so it's an easy read and perfect for learning perspective. Helped me out immensely.

>> No.2040802
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yeah, these are really fun to do, although personally I feel like they kinda detract from understanding of form and all that, so I think it's good to balance them out.

>> No.2040898

How do they detract from that? It's life drawing, after all

>> No.2040903

idk, i guess detract wasn't the right word. It's just that after doing that for a long time exclusively I noticed my figures didn't convey the form so well since I was thinking so much in terms of contour and shape instead of gesture and form.

>> No.2040904

>I'm sure you already know this though.

Yeah, I was just giving an example of an exercise from my sketchbook. Not exactly a showcase of my skills.

>> No.2041072
File: 303 KB, 750x1000, tumblr_nb0qts66qw1ts3qppo10_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have seen so many beautifully painted pieces ruined by lackluster drawing and weak anatomy. (Pic related)

The artist of this image spent years studying, but now it seems that they do more painting studies rather than actual drawing studies. Maybe they feel that are in a good place drawing wise, but I feel the exact opposite.

In order not to get yourself stuck in the trap that most pro artists get into it's best to keep studying and drawing from life. It takes years to get good. There's no shortcut.

>> No.2041253

>These edges
How can he do that? He trace than feel it? or Lasso? Wtf

>> No.2041297

Either lassos and masks, or hard opaque brushes to define the silhouette then masks.

>> No.2041307
File: 322 KB, 1907x1555, 10467074_10154785960630284_310579502257048172_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pretty much.

Here's a step by step from Jana, it's basically what algen/oxan/marko/a lot of people you've probably heard of or seen do.

>> No.2041316

Do you know any video because I really don't get it.. hard opaque brush or lasso seems very messy to me..

>> No.2041328

what resolution do you work in? that might be the cause

>> No.2041360

Actually the opposite is happening here. Algen always starts with a very tight linedrawing. He lost the drawing during the painting process. Plus as he mentioned himself, he was trying to stylize the anatomy in these images. This has nothing to do with a lack of drawing skills, it's what happens when an artist who has only studied realism for several years tries to stylize for the first time.

>> No.2041362

>that feel when comfy with both

>> No.2041368
File: 10 KB, 168x300, $(KGrHqYOKpEE6(HD9vvOBOq,79BOkw~~60_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

painting is about style, emotion, ideas, if you want realism become a photographer

Drawing, everything can be broken down into simpler shapes , like how in all those how to draw books the head is an oval egg shape.

>> No.2041370
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>if you want realism become a photographer
You should tell matte painters that, or basically any artist who has to paint things that does not exist.

>> No.2041371

I pretend I'm better at drawing than painting, but I'm not.

And it makes me really angry.

>> No.2041374

Addendum: Because I'm not good at either.

>> No.2041404

then git gud

>> No.2041736

This would be a more convincing argument if his studies didn't look infinitely better than his stuff from imagination. You are just being an apologist at this point.

>> No.2041846

That's what I figured. the second one seemed better than the first, so I figured it was already something you had been thinking about.