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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 135 KB, 800x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2028027 No.2028027 [Reply] [Original]

What does /ic/ think of visaga? 16 year old artist.

Pic related, their art.

>> No.2028042

>Is 16, she already draws naked girls, they grow up so fast
Jokes aside I love her coloring and she's better than 90% of /ic/. At her age she could be professional in a few years if she keeps her studies up.

>> No.2028043

I really like the coloring, but am I crazy or is the foreshortening on her legs really weird? Especially the one on the left. The rest of the anatomy is pretty solid except for that one area.

>> No.2028325

Could be foretelling rather than foreshortening.
This "pretty girl is a monster" style of picture traditionally evokes uncanny valley to give the eerie feeling rather than just being a waifu, and disproportionate hands/legs/neck is the usual suspect.

Then again she's 16, maybe she hasn't had enough practice in perspective yet.

>> No.2028536

>she hasn't had enough practice in perspective yet.
She has no Loomis, no loomis at all, ain't ganna make it.
That's one polished symbol drawing and it probably is too late for her to start again.

Oh maybe she will develop HeR OwN StYlE like all the cool girls do instead of learning to draw.

>> No.2028932

She already made it.
Unlike you with all your Loomis.

For fuck's sake /ic/ you're so full of shit, all this girl needs to do to to make pro level artwork is actually use reference. Meanwhile you all got buttdevastatedly deffensive at the sakimi study thread despite claiming, falsely, that her shit is easy to do and replicate.

You're not gonna make it because you don't wanna make it, and you just come here to pretend you're still trying to make it.

>> No.2028964

I don't wanna be offensive or jealous but her work in your post is really not good for every way. Actually if i were lack of fundamentals like this, i would go back to very basic stuff. render, anatomy etc. and it's not even looks good in average. How this kind of artist can be succesful? It's about being girl and promotion?

>> No.2028965

Pretty sure it's the age in context, idiot.

>> No.2028967

I want to learn how to draw not use reference out the ass.

>> No.2028968
File: 144 KB, 1024x750, first_kiss_by_visaga-d8bg1sx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2028964 is here
i just check her recent stuff and theyy all look good. Maybe OP's image is old or mariginal one. It looks like she's doing good for his age and better than 95% of /ic/

>> No.2028970

So she paints over her own face reference. I'm impressed.

>> No.2028972
File: 2.76 MB, 3244x2271, me_by_visaga-d8i82gb[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, it's time to kill myself.

>> No.2028983
File: 155 KB, 1200x900, rubbing_elbows_with_the_greats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do any of you guys remember the six year old "mini monet" watercolor prodigy?


How about the AMAZING 8 year old religious painter Akiane?

Zoe Yin anyone?

This happens almost every other year like clockwork.

The problem is their "god given talent" stops being a novelty when they reach early adulthood.


I want you to take a look at pic related.

would you honestly be impressed if this artwork was done by a 20 year old?

that's exactly the problem.

"Mini Monet"
"Zoe Yin"


Their age catches up with their skill level and no one gives a shit in 2-3 years.

So don't give up on art because some girl on deviantart can paint over photos with texture brushes.

I'll post the exact same response next year when you find another pubescent teen on Deviantart that stands out purely for the amount of years they've spent on earth.

If you're truly jealous of the embodiment of the "young savant" gimmick your soul is weak.

>> No.2028990

Shaking your hand, Mr. Anon.

>> No.2028994
File: 49 KB, 800x495, 1411786529198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and shit alone.

>> No.2028996

this little kiddy is gonna kick the shit out of /ic/ after 2 years.


>> No.2028998

Those are the most obvious photo paintovers I've ever seen. If you seriously can't see that, you really shoul give up on art.

>> No.2028999

>Asian, probably Chinese/Chinese ancestry
Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.2029000

I do remember Akiane.

>> No.2029004
File: 1.84 MB, 986x1379, growth_by_miles_johnston-d5vaf3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you insulting the Chinese as hacks who paint over photos? That's the Polish, not the Chinese.

Do you think in 2 years she'll be half as good as a 17 year old Miles Johnston, a plain, white CIS male of European ancestry?

>> No.2029015

Nobody is insulting the chinks, moreover they are so disciplined and thorough they have reputation of machine men. If anything they are respected for trying hard and having strong technique.

Unlike women
>hi guise
>check out my own style, its has faces from cubism and bodies from surrealism
>I'm a grill btw

>> No.2029022

I know that. I'm pointing out that this guy is trying to imply this girl is really good because she's Chinese, when in reality, she is painting over photos, which is something the Chinese aren't known for at all.

>> No.2029036

She's good for her age, but as others have pointed out, that doesn't mean a whole lot. Tons of people get praised in their teens then never progress to anything special. It's just how it works. Hell, when I was 17 I was being told I could be the next big thing and I had so much potential blah blah blah and now I'm nothing special at 21. If you ever were around on CA and stuff back in the day you will know how many teens were doing great things for their age, and then how almost every single one fell off the map.

Her stuff looks alright, but it's clear she struggles without reference. That first image is a clusterfuck of anatomy and perspective.

Anyways, show me her stuff in 5 or 10 years and we'll see then where she is. Hopefully she will be doing great things, but who knows.

>> No.2029040

After bioengineering actually good artists, the Chinese government is now producing photobashers to gain complete control over the illustration market. She's probably just the prototype, soon we'll be flooded by them. We'll never make it.

>> No.2029050
File: 366 KB, 661x918, self_portrait_day_2014_by_miles_johnston-d854l1o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no reason not to envy.

>> No.2029100


>> No.2029103
File: 105 KB, 672x920, stretchyweirdzombie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't understand why so many people seem to be so impressed by artists in their teenage years who are "good for their age" when there are so many artists in their early 20s who are good, period. Not for their age, but compared to even seasoned professionals. Like, look at the stuff a young Whit Brachna or Jaime Jones were doing. Or to a lesser extent guys like Janaschi, Miles, Rapoza, Algenpfleger etc. Some of them didn't even draw when they were 15 and improved more in like 2 years than those "child prodigies" have in their entire life.

That shit is impressive to me. When you are a young artist and you are competitively good compared to even the best in the industry. Not when you are good only when compared to shit tier hobbyists who don't even care about drawing, like most 15 year old kids.

>> No.2029108

While I agree with you, the type of person you are looking for is exceedingly rare. How many Jaime's, Whit's, DanielC's and Jana's are there? The number of people who are good pros in their early 20's is very low. The number rises a lot when you count people under 30, but to reach that level around 21/22/23 is really incredible and out of the norm.

>> No.2029113

But you have to git gud by 25 or you won't make it.

>> No.2029114

Take solace in the fact that he can't make a single interesting image, he can do nice studies but everything he makes is so boring.

>> No.2029116

Tell that to Min Yum

>> No.2029118
File: 678 KB, 768x1102, pets_by_miles_johnston-d5bfuqi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know that you've made it when the only thing jelly faggots on /ic/ can criticize is that your art is "boring".

>> No.2029256

Not that guy but for the most part his work IS boring. I get the feeling that he is not pushing himself out of his comfort zone anymore and it shows

>> No.2029260

Whether or not something is boring is entirely subjective. Rest assured that there are millions of people on this world who would find what you consider to be your most interesting work boring as shit.

>> No.2029262

Yeah, I feel the same. I predicted that it would be a mistake for him to go to Atelier Stockholm, and so far that seems to be the case. Here's a guy who's main fault was getting caught up in rendering before fixing bigger issues in his work, and then he goes to a school that trains you to render even more. So yeah, he now can render shit out nicely, but he doesn't know how to craft a good image.

>> No.2029263

>mfw i am 21
>mfw i think i can do something like that pic
I think im gonna do it

>> No.2029265

>but he doesn't know how to craft a good image.

Neither do you though. So at least he can render and draw very well which allows him to work professionally.

>> No.2029268

That pic is just a weird doodle Whit did, though it is still pretty nice. I can guarantee you can't get close to his paintings.

Besides, my skill level or anyone else's is pretty irrelevant to what he can or can't do.

>> No.2029276

>I can guarantee you can't get close to his paintings.
Too late buddy. You cant stop me

>> No.2029277
File: 1.37 MB, 1186x840, forest_wizzerds_by_miles_johnston-d7ecgp5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Besides, my skill level or anyone else's is pretty irrelevant to what he can or can't do.

It is relevant in that you seem to be too much of a noob to judge what is or isn't interesting about his art. What is interesting to a pleb like you? The subject matter. That is all you see and can judge because of your lack of skill.

You couldn't reckognize a good, interesting composition and value statement or interesting use of edges and colors if it hit you over the head with a crowbar. Is the subject matter something you like then it's cool and interesting, is it something you don't like, then it's bland and boring. That is why your obvious lack of skill is relevant in this discussion.

>> No.2029279

No one is trying to stop you, mate. We all enjoy a good laugh whenever some deluded faggot posts his art thinking it's the greatest shit ever.

>> No.2029281

Mmmm aw yea yea give me more fuel nigga :3

>> No.2029287

For fucks sake /ic/. Visaga isn't 'talented' or famous for being a girl, she's been studying for several years already and found art forums (and loomis) at a young age while you guys were picking your ass. She probably draws more hours a day than the majority of people here.

literally this thread is full of jealous faggots who do nothing but shit post while kids like her are practicing and getting good.

Her art and anatomy/perspective aren't perfect but considering her age and rate of improvement she could easily be god tier given a few more years of hard study and work.

what the fuck have you guys been doing?
stop bitching and get back to drawing.

>> No.2029296

Lol, just because I don't find his work interesting and you do doesn't mean I'm a noob. I'm tempted to post my art but I feel that's the lazy way of handling this since it wouldn't teach you the value of logic in an argument.

Anyways, the pic you posted I think has pretty boring composition and values to be honest. It's basically one flat value with some white glowy stuff, and the arrangements of shapes is not terrible interesting. I mean I guess it's justa sketch so can be excused to a degree, but even his finished work is not terribly interesting to me. I feel he over saturates his images and often shoehorns in a ton of extra hues for no reason which muddy up his pieces. His composition is passable but there is nothing noteworthy about it. His use of cartoony little creatures is kind of gimmicky and pointless, and doesn't fit in well with the rest of his painting style I find. I also find he relies of abstract forms and stuff to fill space and try to add interest with meaningless details when he knows no other way. He's a good oil painter, and can paint a good portrait, but his skills as an illustrator/imagemaker still are undeveloped. That's not to say he's a bad artist, but it's just a reasonable look at where his strengths and weaknesses are. I don't judge him that harshly largely because he is young and still developing and seems to have a good work ethic and attitude. But I don't think he is doing anything terribly interesting at the moment.

>> No.2029299

I agree entirely that it is subjective but I guess what I'm really trying to get at is that I think he is capable of so much more, but perhaps that is, again, entirely subjective.

Don't get me wrong I like the guy.

>> No.2029323
File: 475 KB, 750x1000, fackinaround_by_miles_johnston-d7a99tj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are very clearly a noob and the reason you won't post your art isn't because " that's the lazy way of handling this since it wouldn't teach you the value of logic in an argument." Because you aren't using any logic in the first place. You just say "nay, I disagree" to everything I brought up without even understanding the fucking words you are using.

Interest in art can be created through a variety of ways. Miles is pretty damn good at creating interest through values, lighting and colors. You and I both know if you were to post your art you'd prove exactly my point. That you know absolute shit about art.

>> No.2029330

> It's basically one flat value with some white glowy stuff

One flat value? Are you fucking blind?

>> No.2029340
File: 289 KB, 515x604, Druid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I never said I was better than him. I just don't find his work interesting. I don't see why you keep assuming I'm a noob who doesn't know the meaning of words. You say I just disagree with everything you say, when I flat out listed a variety of reasons on why I feel his work is lacking. And anyone with half a brain can see he is in his comfort zone.

Attached pic is a quick doodle from last night before I fell asleep since you seem so interested in my stuff. It's obviously not a finished piece and is rough around the edges, but it's something recent that I pooped out without ref so you can't say "hurdur you just copied ref, let's see what images you can make!".

>> No.2029361

Not the same anon but nice colors, and the composition is good as well.

>> No.2029365

How the fuck can you possibly think this piece of shit is more interesting than the stuff Miles does?

>> No.2029371

That image proves you are in fact a noob, if you posted this in the beginner thread, it wouldn't be out of place at all. Learn to draw, stop wanking around with ugly texture brushes. Your work is muddy and dirty as fuck. Also learn to tell a story with your drawings. This image has nothing to say other than "hurr I'm a wizard in front of a tree, look at my dumb posture"

The value statement is terrible as well, it's flat as fuck and you seem to have no idea how to use lighting and texture to create focal points and areas of rest. Everything is the same weak value range and has the same dirty texture.

>> No.2029372


Dude, the first line of my post I say that I don't think I am better than him, and I never posted that image as a way of saying anything along those lines. But again, my level is kind of irrelevant here. I simply don't find Miles' work interesting.

>> No.2029378

Just out of curiousity, can you name what exactly you think is more interesting in that doodle of yours compared to Miles' drawings and paintings posted ITT? Yes, you didn't say you are better than him, but regardless of your lack of technical skill, what do you think makes your work more interesting than his?

>> No.2029380
File: 618 KB, 900x1022, cavalryWIP2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I've been focusing on incorporating more texture into my work in the early stages. It can be covered up later. Also been playing with restricting value ranges and flattening areas.

As to the story, yeah it's pretty weak, it's just a dude in front of a tree beckoning the viewer forward. But every other pic in this thread is also just a person doing nothing on a backdrop.

Oh, and the last time I posted in the beginner thread I got yelled at for posting in the wrong thread :P

Anyhoo, we are getting off topic, which is why I didn't want to post my art initially. I knew it would turn into a personal attack on me when the reality of it is that I never said I was better and you never addressed any of my arguments other than calling me a noob, which holds no real relevance to the conversation at hand.

>> No.2029384

He never said his own work was more interesting. You don't have to have a good singing voice to say you don't like listening to certain singers. What's with this defensive, elitist crap? Saying a famous artist isn't quality and saying you don't like their work are two different things.


>> No.2029386

Well, why isn't his own work more interesting? Clearly if you know why Miles' work is so boring, why do you make even more boring work yourself?

>> No.2029389
File: 517 KB, 1418x644, MammothHuntColourComp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just find his work is repetitive and the risks he take are not terribly interesting. I feel like I'm being goaded into shit talking him--I don't think he is bad, I just don't find his work interesting. Like I wouldn't stop and analyze his images to learn things. The people in this thread say his use of composition and colour are interesting, but his colours are candied saturated things which I don't much care for. Part of it is personal taste I suppose. It's like Mike Azevedo, people applaud his use of colour when I find it garish and formulaic. As for composition, honestly someone like Pyle or Dunn or Mullins or Jaime or Wyeth would be better to look at. They EXCEL at composition, whereas most people just are okay at it.

Here's another speedpaint with a bit more story to it. Composition still needs a bit of work, like I kind of hate the repetitiveness of some of the shapes of the nearderthals but again, that can be resolved.

>> No.2029391

Miles please

>> No.2029396


Interest in art is created not only through superficial subject matter, but also through the composition, lighting, the value statement, colors, the drawing, edges etc. Miles completely shits all over this guy in every single one of those aspects.
I don't give a fuck if he doesn't like Miles' art, franky I don't like it that much either purely as far as personal taste goes, but to say his work isn't interesting, writing a laughable critique as to why it isn't interesting and then post something like >>2029340 and >>2029380 is absolutely ridiculous.

>> No.2029399


the dunning kruger is strong in this one.

>> No.2029400

Right, except that's not how it works. It's kind of like hte whole Sakimi-shitfests that happen here. Everyone hates her art it seems but people can't paint better than her.

You're allowed to have taste and disagree with the choices that someone better than you is making. Is Thomas Kinkade suddenly a master just because you can't do better than him? No, his stuff is still kitschy and formulaic. You don't need to be Sargent to see or say that.

>> No.2029405

I find your work way more boring than his to be honest. Yours looks exactly like what every single one of the thousands of uninspired, wannabe Mullins and Jaime clones do. Run of the mill concept art dreck except you don't even have the technical skill to make it look nice. Miles at least has his own artistic voice and knows how to express it.

>> No.2029416

Fair enough. I still haven't developed much of a style or personal look to my art yet. I agree with that fully.

But again, I don't see what that has to do with my opinions on Miles. He's been painting the same things for years now. And I think I made a valid critique of his work in an earlier post, which no one here has yet made any was of countering other than insulting my art (irrelevant) or calling it laughable (which doesn't refute anything).

>> No.2029420

You need to use references to accomplish that.

>> No.2029421

But again, you don't have a good singing voice to be able to say what singers you think have nice sounding or ugly sounding vocals. And we don't need to actually pick up a camera or write a screenplay or direct a movie before we're allowed to say "Transformers 2 was awful and stupid."

So why bitch so much over this? Art critics aren't artists themselves and neither are most comic industry editors, but they can still put out an opinion.

If you don't give a fuck that he doesn't like it, why are you bitching? You can criticize his criticism all you want, but the artistic skill of the critic is completely irrelevant.

"Fuck this guy cause his criticisms are stupid" is fine. "Fuck this guy because his criticisms are stupid because his art is bad" makes no sense.

>> No.2029423

They're a bit sloppy, but I don't think they're THAT bad. I didn't post any finished work since it's mostly either older or locked under NDA.

>> No.2029463

Still waiting anon

>> No.2029477

Oh, it's another gunnerromantic

>> No.2029485

For what it's worth I have the same sentiments towards Miles's work. His technical skills are great, and he's been far better than me for years now. A lot of his early reputation was largely due to his age, and being good for one's age was never anything to write home about I feel.

That said, he has continued to improve since his name first appeared, and that's great. His rendering and anatomy skills are good, but I too don't find his work to be that interesting. Most feels like a forced significance - draw a figure and some artsy abstract forms with it. To me it feels like his work is trying to be deeper than it is, or to look like it's saying something when it really isn't. A lot of his technical skills may be great, but his art isn't something that I ever return for a second or tenth viewing. There just isn't much to digest, and once you've seen one you've seen them all.

The praise that he gets is warranted, and I can see why other people would like his work, but it isn't my cup of tea.

>> No.2029494
File: 326 KB, 872x945, IMG_20150323_215917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby very first edgy drawing :3
I wonder how much time do they put into those kind of drawings

>> No.2029572

Stop posting in these retarded threads and work on your shit, numbskull. your life doesn't get longer while you shitpost here

>> No.2029595

Clear lack of control. Poor understanding of form, perspective, anatomy, and value. Try spending more than 10 minutes next time you try something.

>> No.2029621

Still better than what you could do.

>> No.2029648

Doesn't make it any less shit, regardless.

>> No.2029691

>illusion of knowledge

>> No.2029708
File: 56 KB, 800x670, eye sea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2029731

>Transformers 2
Some transformers were cool though

>> No.2030304


>> No.2030319

Post your work.

>> No.2030326


Thank you based anon

>> No.2030335

false confidence

>> No.2030342

What would that accomplish? That shitty drawing will still be shit whether or not I can do better.

>> No.2030343

Running Kruger effect. That is what defines the people in ic. Wow. So that's what's wrong with you people.

>> No.2030379


>> No.2030389

Your words cut deep, anon.

>> No.2030391

Yeah, it seems that you can only go so far in art before it's not really amazing.

Once you find what you want to draw like and understand the fundamentals its nothing but minor nit- picking to things the untrained eyes can't see. You'll probably see the progress and other artists but to regular people they'll just think you plateaued.

I say 5 years of serious training and you'll be as good as most professionals out there, even if you just did 4 hours a day.

>> No.2030401

>I say 5 years of serious training and you'll be as good as most professionals out there, even if you just did 4 hours a day.
>even if you just did 4 hours a day
4 hours a day for 5 years is quite a lot of time. In that time you can learn most skills to a working professional level. Not top of your industry, but professional nonetheless. You can learn another language and be completely fluent, you can learn an instrument, you can become a fitness model, you can learn to code etc. That's a lot of time and commitment.

>> No.2030421
File: 187 KB, 752x1041, IMG_20150324_155501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not top of your industry, but professional nonetheless
To add to that, you dont really need to be that good. The bar is way lower than what i thought
Pic related, from a guy working for paizo

>> No.2030428

Hm I wouldn't call that bad. Yeah it's not Marko level, but it's okay for what it is I guess. Also keep in mind Paizo pays pretty shit, like a character like that is around 150$ iirc. So it's not a surprise they are not getting the best of the best.

>> No.2030442
File: 146 KB, 595x833, IMG_20150324_160651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didnt call it bad anon. And i am assuming you meant not marko level as in the rendering right? Because the character is designed by paizo not the artist right?
Also, didnt know how much they pay, thats interesting. How much would be a standard one then? I dont really know another companies.

Oh and do you know how much paizo pays for portraits?. Pic related, another one from him.

>> No.2030444 [DELETED] 

>tfw you turn 17 next month and you're absolute shit

>> No.2030452


A little knowledge is a very dangerous thing.

>> No.2030454

Ah, didn't realize he didn't design that character. Paizo gets a lot of people designing small characters but also gets various artists to render out pre-existing important ones designed by Wayne Reynolds and stuff. Not sure how much they pay for a portrait. Probably around the same, perhaps a bit less. And how much companies pay varies a lot--you get some that pay very little, and some that pay quite a lot. I'm not super sure for character work like that, but I've seen ranges from maybe 100$ to like 500? A full illustration can go up to like 1.5k for a good company (applibot or MtG), but can be super low too--some of the games for Alderac Entertainment Group pay like 150 for a full illustration.

>> No.2030468

thanks for the info m8!
i have been thinking about applying for some of these entry level companies. I would say i am around that level of the pics posted above.
i also remember, i think it was andrew, that said that sometimes they give you a face and tell you to make it look like it.
i mean how hard can it be?

i have checked out the AEG site and man, that artwork, i have seen better stuff posted in the drawthreads

>> No.2030471

lmao at the mullins copycats who can't draw for shit and think their art is good because
>muh low saturation
>muh texture

>> No.2030473

he can actually draw if you know who he is.

>> No.2030476

Lol this is Andrew you are talking to :P

And yeah, I had one company that made me do a bunch of characters, and they would provide references for the type of face, the type of uniform/design and they would say "make him hold a grenade in his hand" etc. like basically a sheet with maybe 5 images that they wanted combined into one. I actually found it quite tiresome because it took out all the creative process and I was a render machine for them. Sure, I had to invent a pose and lighting and figure out a way to paint that exact face from another angle/not copy it, but still. I don't think that level of reference being provided is the norm though. Usually you get more control of things when designing stuff, or some companies will give a style guide showing the shape language and stuff they want you using but the end result is still yours. Then again, you also get things like with Paizo they need their specific characters painted, or MtG has their planeswalkers and stuff. I dunno. I'm not the best person to ask for all this stuff since my experience is fairly limited.

But yeah, if you feel you're ready then send off a portfolio to a ton of companies. A lot of them check their inboxes rarely so it may take a few months sometimes to hear back. Or you may never hear back if you aren't good enough. But it doesn't hurt to send something in every few months, or to send reminder emails after a bit. Actually I just sent a reminder email to sixmorevodka cause I never heard back from them regarding my application. I don't expect to get the position, but it would be nice to get some feedback, and Marko seems cool so might actually do it.

>> No.2030477

i was referring to the loads I've seen on here.
The guy in here i dont know who he is but from what i see hes not that good at drawing >>2029380 >>2029389

>> No.2030479

Those are speedpaints though, so the drawing aspects of them are secondary to the composition and value read and mood.

>> No.2030483

if he is andrew then i know hes good but he should have learned by now to not post wips to prove points lol jk

>> No.2030484

He initially didn't want to if you read through the thread.

>> No.2030486
File: 216 KB, 880x1245, chief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is Andrew you are talking to
oh snap. but yea rendering can be tiresome for some people, in any case thanks for the info again!
and i wouldnt mind if you tell me other companies to apply for :^)
i mean how does one find them out? do you just happen to play one of their games?
By the way pic related, last thing i have done, who knows maybe i just have a bad case of Dunning kruger haha

And good luck with your application, it would be really cool to have some feedback from Marko

>> No.2030502

At the moment I'm a bit out of the loop cause I burned out and missed some deadlines then had a mental breakdown thingy and so now I'm just like not taking on any work (even turned down a handful of companies approaching me, some of which paid well too). I actually am seeing a therapist weekly which is helping a bit. I also got off fb, I haven't logged on in like a month or two. And maybe I'll have the courage to walk up to Mullins when I see him in a few days :D

Anyways, when I was applying to places what I did was I scoured CGHub (rip) and the forums for various artists that I felt were near my level (either a bit above or a bit below) and I took a look at their sites to see what companies they worked for since a lot of people have a client list or sometimes include a little copyright thing for the company directly on their images. This just gave me a sense of what companies people were doing work for. I also asked around all my friends online who were working professionally. Contacts = SUPER IMPORTANT. While I did get jobs through cold emails, the best jobs I got were through recommendations. I'm not sure how relevant forums are anymore (I feel not so much) but there are still some jobs I think that can be found through them. A lot of forums have a section for artists looking for work and also a section for job postings. Having a presence on artstation or whatever can't hurt either.

>By the way pic related...maybe i just have a bad case of Dunning kruger haha
Man, that term gets thrown around here so much, but most of the time it doesn't apply. I swear people here don't even know what it means. Your painting looks pretty good. I would do a few things though to improve hireability--colour it, focus more on materials since some parts are plasticy, and make sure there are no unfinished areas. Maybe put it on a white background too, or not something quite so dark.

Again, better to ask Olly or someone more experienced than me.

>> No.2030521

>maybe I'll have the courage to walk up to Mullins when I see him in a few days
You have to man, you cant just miss these kind of opportunities. Good luck with that!
>that term gets thrown around here so much
I know haha, it was just sarcasm though
And yea i am gonna start straight with color with next ones, to start building my portfolio and whatnot.
Thanks again for everything man, hopefully things will get better for you!

>> No.2030536

>i see hes not that good at drawing
Post your art, I'm sure that you can't draw either.

>> No.2030539
File: 289 KB, 700x990, SajanWIP5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I don't know if I will have an opportunity to walk up to him after his lecture or not. I feel like he is a bit antisocial so will slink away as soon as it is over.

As for your character stuff, yeah do a few more and get some colour in there. Personally I think starting straight in colour leads to better results than colourizing. For what it's worth, here is a Paizo character I painted a little while back as a way to get work with them. It was recommended I do client specific work like this by a guy I know who works for Paizo, he felt that painting one of their characters shows I can work within their IP. That being said, I never finished it nor sent it in to them haha, but that's another story.

>> No.2030574

>I don't know if I will have an opportunity
you will have to create them haha

but yea for the longest time i have been struggling with colors and always hear that values are more important so its about time i start. so yea time to do some "fanart" haha, yours looks pretty good by the way

>> No.2030581

>for the longest time i have been struggling with colors and always hear that values are more important
Value IS the most important dimension of colour, but that being said you will only get good at painting with colour once you start painting in colour. I also find personally my values are best when I work in colour since I tend to think more of local values and materials and stuff. Anyways, thanks for the kind words, and I wish you the best! Feel free to email me your portfolio when it's ready if you want me to give some feedback (not to say I am necessarily at a level that I should be giving out tons of advice haha).

>> No.2030669

his lips are drawn incorrectly.

>> No.2030687

That's not uncommon when working from a mirror. It's surprisingly easy for your head angle to slowly shift during the portrait and for you to not notice the issue from staring at the piece for so long.

>> No.2030697

>No nothing

Did they mean Know nothing? or just No, nothing. They could've just put beginner or novice instead.

>> No.2033619

I guess I missed the cat fight
that's a cool drawing, and your creativity is going to be a huge asset once you take control over the basics.

>> No.2033642


His lips are actually like that and it's very rude of you to make an issue of it.

>> No.2033646

oh wait, I just read the entire thing.
the subject was his terrifying, lifelike and solid shadowing. in that, you have years before you get anywhere close.
having said that, I really admire your ballsy attitude. keep that shit up.

>> No.2033659

tumblr pls go

trigger warning
fat whiny weak women bitch nigger faggot whore slut