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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 143 KB, 894x894, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2027356 No.2027356[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can I learn to draw and color this good?

>> No.2027359

Learn to draw Ears faggot stop hiding them behind hair.

>> No.2027366

Assuming u aint trolling:

1. Put the time in
2. Look at refs
3. Practice
4. Look at refs
5. Practice
6. Look at refs
7. Practice

>> No.2027368

Watch sakimichan's tutorial.

>> No.2027369

It's obviously Kr0n.

>> No.2027372

This. I never painted before but I 100% LEGIT DOWNLOADED her torrent I mean tutorial on portrait painting and dude. I've never in depth painted digitally before and I could feel myself get better. I'm not trying to shill but damn dude. There's a reason she makes $500,000 per year.

>> No.2027375

People like Doxy are better than her.

>> No.2027379

That's her hair in the movie you fucking babbling idiot.

>> No.2027382

I blink and suddenly the hot topic shifted from saki to doxy. I know who they are but why are they abuzz?

>> No.2027390

You wouldn't know where to place the ears that's why you hide shit also the clavicle is not a fucking square and the deltoid is a rounded form learn some anatomy cunt.

>> No.2027400

Also clearly neither OP or that guy you quoted fucking made this you jealous bitch.

>> No.2027427

love me some doxy *slurp*

>> No.2027501

kr0n is definitely into lolis, ain't he?

I like his good taste :3

>> No.2027506

>lolis good taste

I've suddenly lost all respect for you, kill yourself.

>> No.2027529
File: 14 KB, 319x321, colored-anatomy-neck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clavicle is not a fucking square and the deltoid is a rounded form
>being this dumb

literally go fuck your own face.

>> No.2027531

But it's not.

>> No.2027544

Are you retarded, autistic or both?

>> No.2027576

is there a torrent? where can i get it, can't find it.

>> No.2027612

Doxy please leave

>> No.2027638

There isn't but you can pay sakimichan or patreon to get access to her future tutorial.

>> No.2027640

well first you be a soulless internet dead-end. then you spend all your time catering to other cul-de-sacs like you. then you think it's good because it was tailored for you.

and bingo bango bongo, you're this "good"

>> No.2027815

use a limited palette (reds and yellows).
be extremely subtle with values.

In women and kids the clavicle is more pronounced near the neck.

>> No.2027910

Bear in mind, this is just a stylized reference drawing of a still from the movie, "The Professional" starring Jean Reno, and that right there is little Natalie Portman.

>> No.2027911

but I suppose at least one of you knew that already. It just sounded like some of you were convinced this was some original masterwork.

>> No.2027912

How come there is a traditional feel to it? Is it just grain?

>> No.2027938

>Chromatic aberration eyecancer

Yes, you can.

>> No.2027972

Where would one perhaps find this torrent?

>> No.2027973

>men and women look the same

>> No.2027975

bitch that bone aint curved

>> No.2028077

Chromatic Aberration adds a noise-like effect.
That's why people abuse it.

>> No.2028222

search sakimichan on kickass. its called portraits 101 or something

>> No.2028235
File: 2.53 MB, 524x276, 1426553629956.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how can i learn to draw and color this good
>on a computer

>> No.2028336

Stylization is a skill on it's own, copying reality will not make it automatic.
I see reference whores have as much trouble drawing from imagination and stylizing figures as animufags have trying to draw realism.

>> No.2028373

>I've suddenly lost all respect for you

>> No.2028391

Thank you very much, brother.

>> No.2028402


this guy is my guy

>> No.2028410

>men and women look the same

The bone structure of the clavicle does look pretty much the same in men and women. There can be a slight difference from individual to individual, but that has nothing to do with the gender.

Why is it so hard for faggots like you to just admit you were wrong and you were talking out of your ass? You are posting as anon, you don't have any reputation to lose by admitting you were wrong. But no, instead you keep arguing and digging a deeper and deeper whole just because you tried to act as if you knew shit about anatomy, which you clearly don't.

>> No.2028493

Yeah this guy's right. The bones don't change at all. If anything the only really significant distance is overall thickness of the muscles and form and that men usually have much more pronounced traps.

But that's it.

>> No.2028770
File: 32 KB, 500x248, 114c15815f1f4d1de7a652df99e9cf31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a picture from the Internet. Copy parts of it. Warp some parts of it. Paint over it with a limited palette based on the dropper tool.


>> No.2028771

tanks anon, you make it sound so easy! i bet you're a master at it.

>> No.2028789

This is the reason why we're going to have a kron study thread next.

>> No.2028810

no he isn't. they change quite a bit. men have more mass on their shoulders, wider shoulders, and a more robust thorax, and just more musculature in the region in general. as the clavicle is there just to support the mass in motion it changes a lot depending on what it needs to be able to do structurally. and so the length and the angle of attachment etc. change quite a bit between men and women.

i might be wrong, but i'm pretty sure the scapula and the clavicle taken together constitute one of the best ways to estimate the sex of a skellington.

>> No.2028830

what are different anglers of view anon?

your drawing shows the clavicle of the character from above, in OP drawings it's frontal, maybe a little from bellow

see >>2028770

>> No.2028832

It's not that easy, if it was, why aren't we all famous?

If you think I'm wrong, try to copy anime and movie characters and see how popular you can get.

>> No.2028849

>It's not that easy, If you think I'm wrong, try
I think the Sakimistudy thread pretty much proved nobody here's willing to try. A few but not most.

>> No.2028851

not all filmmakers make michael bay films. so we're not famous because of lingering moralfagginess and >muh integrity basically.

and how famous is famous eh? no one out of a small niche knows who these people you worship are.

>> No.2028865

Yeah, I use an old copy of Paintshop Pro, Sqirlzmorph, and ArtRage that came with my Bamboo, all free. The trick is not to go mad with the dropper tool, and limit your palette. Start with a mid-tone and add a couple of lights and darks. It's very easy, but really boring. I prefer oils on canvas.

>> No.2028872
File: 200 KB, 446x437, Animation1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, I don't think he copied from the Internet. He probably copied from a DVD or a webm someone posted. If you look, the copy of the milk carton is slightly off.

>> No.2028882 [DELETED] 

Why would you even bother. The technique is easy is what I'm saying. The difficulty is in having a feel for that particular weeb aesthetic, and that's not a place I won't to go to.

>> No.2028883

Why would you even bother. The technique is easy is what I'm saying. The difficulty is in having a feel for that particular weeb aesthetic, and that's not a place I want to go to.

>> No.2028899

People always think it's easy to do something until they try it. And they like to believe something is invalid if it's easy which is just as short-sighted. If you don't experiment with and expose yourself to different techniques and challenge yourself, you won't be well-rounded enough to invent your own amazing style. But if you think you know exactly what you want your art to look like and who you will and won't learn from on your way there, you can wait until the study thread cycles around to Mullins or somebody. I'm not the one who made that thread, but I think artist study threads should become a regular thing so /ic/ breaks this ridiculous cycle of hating on every successful artist rather than trying to figure out what they're doing and improve upon it.

>> No.2028907

It's easy if you already know how to paint.

>The difficulty is in having a feel for that particular weeb aesthetic, and that's not a place I want to go to.
Oh sure, I almost forgot /ic/ is totally not into weeb shit, porn with similar rendering and photo studies.

>> No.2028914

>/ic/ is totally not into weeb shit, porn with similar rendering and photo studies
Seriously this. Everyone around here is supposedly starving for knowledge but they're the pickiest damn eaters in the world. Before I got a mentor, I used to say the same close-minded nonsense, thinking going outside what I thought I wanted from my art was useless. Once I trusted my mentor and tried looking at things and taking influence from things I never would have considered, I started improving a lot more in a lot of ways. He's amazing but he'd find inspiration even in stuff that's drawn terribly, like Gold Digger. The point wasn't that you had to learn from someone perfect, but if you saw something interesting there or that other people find interesting, if you tried it out you could find your new favorite thing. I've never looked at art the same way since.

>> No.2029148


First you have to learn how to trace and steal all your work.

>> No.2029203

The jealousy is so real.

>> No.2029973

So Kr0n has tutorials or something, right? I'm interested in how he does the painting part, not so much the chromatic aberration part.

>> No.2029985

I watched some of his process videos, he draws the lines and then colorpicks from the original until he has full palete range and it's all refining and rendering after that.

>> No.2029992

He really color-picks? That's disappointing, I liked his coloring but I don't think that'll help me learn to make educated color choices. Maybe the rendering part is useful though?

>> No.2029994

>the copy of the milk carton is slightly off.
Are you shitting me? That's the same picture in both frames of that .gif

>> No.2030017

It's your choice, he probably does it so he can pump out art quickly. The rendering isn't all that special, there are much better artists out there you could learn from.

>> No.2030026
File: 337 KB, 977x1210, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try your best, if it doesn't look as good as you want it to look. Try again.

>> No.2030043
File: 176 KB, 437x246, eatingCereal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2030086

Nice surface blur.
>Implying it isn't surface blur
Nice waste of time then.

>> No.2030089


'surface blur' - I guess is what you'd call it?

>> No.2030103

>The difficulty is in having a feel for that particular weeb aesthetic
ic/ finally got it, but that's actually the hardest part.

Make a technically good illustration isn't as hard as making it enjoyable to this kind of public.

>> No.2030119

lmao that's already too much,
just use a brush like blender and bend everything lightly till its looks like it was all painted.

>> No.2030138

if you would had actually painted anything, it would be obvious that for getting this >>2028872 results is 1000x easier just doing a new drawing while keeping an eye on your reference. tracing, overpainting, warping and even sampling colors would be the most retarded way of getting those kind of results.

>Paintshop Pro, Sqirlzmorph
wut? how old are you? that shit became deprecated like 2 decades ago