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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2024235 No.2024235 [Reply] [Original]

So, /ic/, how's Art School going? Are you popular for being the greatest artist there yet?

>> No.2024242
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Ugh, why is everyone such a snob at school?

This one student said
>"I don't think it's such a great painting cause like... it looks like it has an outline."
She's made it very clear several times that she has a disdain for anything that even resembles an outline.

>> No.2024281

Does she not know that certain backlighting causes outlines, even in real life? Or does she just parrot whatever she reads on the internet?

>> No.2024282

>be in yuropoor country
>assign to an media art college
>they sey theyre the best in country
>art professors preach picasso and some weird avant garde shit.
>only 3 myself included in my class draw nobody else.
>others went to art schools before
> I went to those workshop schools before i realized art was my passion, and started learning to draw one year before enrolling into college
>mfw i was slighty better than others in 1st year
>second year right now, and i improved soo much, even tho we dont draw in classes ever.
>i spend most of my spare time practicing,
>everybody else doing vidya or movies
>tfw im still shit and miles from hiring level
>why do they do not realize nobody is going to hire them with no skills

its like being the smartest in the special olympics

>> No.2024343

>everybody else doing vidya or movies
I cannot comprehend why someone would pay for schooling and yet waste it away playing videogames

>> No.2024364

It doesn't matter how well and skilled one can be, the girls will always fall for the loud douchebags with shitty drawing skills. It's getting old already, I should have spend my youth picking up girls instead of drawing. Stupid art career.

>> No.2024405

Not that anon.
>Yuropoor - prolly middle or east EU (like me)
People don't pay for education here, unless you overextend your studying period (which is fucking likely, given that most unis here have ridiculously high standards - over fucking nothing).

>> No.2025260
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If I had known how pretentious and harsh art school is, I wouldn't have gone.

I feel like I just don't fit in here, and even though I've drawn all my life my grades are utter shit bc I suck at paper sculpture and printmaking.

Apparently in 3rd and 4th year we get to do what we want, but I still have to pass 2nd in order to get there. And that's looking grim.

Also Illustrators don't get life drawing in our weekly schedule (even TEXTILES gets it normally), which sucks bc it's my favourite. We have to go in our free time, and on our one day off the incredibly nice teacher isn't there.

Also, anyone else notice that most art teachers are incredibly serious and insensitive?

>> No.2025271

It's pretty sweet. The drive is a bit of a pain for just the one class (that's what I get for being poor at registration), but it's always a nice, jovial atmosphere over there.
The term's almost over, though ;_;

>> No.2025298
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>in fine art school, first semester.
>recently surpassed the most skilled student in class in academic drawing and painting, but theres much better people in higher classes.
>Practice more than my classmates, who have drawn for years, Ive drawn close to 2 years now.
>recently have become the best in class in academic drawing and painting
>They dont have access to the same knowledge or resources I do, they also dont search for knowledge. They dont have the same passion or drive.
>Their interests are completely different from mine, thus I feel like an outcast sometimes, still we get along and some more socializable people have small talk with me.
>I find all of them boring, my attempts to socialize dont have a payoff, the info or the story I get is too boring to constitute for the time spent on it.
>End up drawing in breaktimes while others chat
>Draw in lectures

Atleast theres some interesting people on the higher classes, but I havent met a single person who sketches all the time like I do. Would be good to have a real life sketchbuddy.

>> No.2025310

Jeezus you're an asshole.
People will always remember the humble guy who can draw well. Not the pretentious snob who can draw better than anyone else but never talks.

No one likes that one guy who can draw amazingly but never talks and isolates themselves.
Learn to be a part of the community.

>> No.2025327

You get the wrong idea based on the limited info I gave you and you imagination filling in the caps.

Im not an asshole, I just cant relate to others. As I said I get along with my class, I help them and give advice if they ask me. Im polite and generally try to motivate them, when they feel frustrated. When I see something I like or an interesting part I compliment the person who did it.

>> No.2025339

>most art teachers are incredibly serious and insensitive


>> No.2025345

thank god though. better than having the tumblrina "no way to draw wrong" teacher

>> No.2025356

Well, there's an obvious right and wrong way to approach anatomy when you're first learning it.

I'm talking about when I have anxiety and other shit, and I ask the teachers after Winter break what they'd like to see me make more of ... they just say it's not good enough, and stop being scared. No actual specifics, ever.

>> No.2025362
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>tfw theres no Terence Fletcher art teacher version to kick your ass so you never stop drawing.

>> No.2025366

>>They dont have access to the same knowledge or resources I do
why not share, mr. art god?

stop comparing yourself with others. especially in that passive aggressively smug way. nobody outside of art school gives a shit.

>> No.2025398

I did once, not only was the language barrier a difficulty, but also there was no drive in the person to study the toturials aside from school. One time even the teacher showed the class some anatomy books. Which, when I skimmed through looked really promising, I havent seen anyone practising from any of the books, infact no one had even rented them from the library. Id reckon its because they have different values in life.

Yeah I compare myself to others, it helps me get motivated when they are better than me, however if they are not, and I get compliments my drive goes down a bit.
I never show it off though, I would probably come off as incredibly smug, if I did. Also our teachers compare us to eachother all the time. In one case the teacher pointed to my work and said "do it more like this, dont just copy what you see". Perhaps my supposed passive aggressively smug way comes from this.

>> No.2025401
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I'm in my last semester and my illustration class that's been together for the past 3 years. Were working on our capstone and never see each other anymore and just work. Its kind of bitter sweet. I can't wait to get on with my life and have time to work on what I want and git crazy gud, but ima miss my comrades. ..the feels.

>> No.2025405

What is this from?

>> No.2025407

Cant you just organize meetups where you sketch stuff an talk after school, nowadays its so easy because of facebook.
Or are you planning to move away?

>> No.2025408


>> No.2025414

If you're painting realistically, things don't have outlines. Use value, color, saturation, etc to create a barrier between objects. Doing stylized illustration is another thing though.

>> No.2025419

I'm too poor to even go to art school.

>> No.2025427

I had those quiet a lot. They dole out free As and don't ever criticize. :( I wish I could have had the Gordon Ramsey of drawing teach me instead of those guys

>> No.2025450

I wish I could have. I went to some art classes, but nothing serious. No one else really took art seriously.

I want to paint compositions like Poussin (for example), and there doesn't seem to be an art school designed for that. I know a lot of ateliers today claim to paint like old masters, but I'm really not seeing it.

>> No.2025496

I also wish I had this and still want some kind of boot camp art training.

>> No.2025509

First year at an art school, came in as a soph. It's alright.

I'm not the best but I definitely feel like I'm ahead of the curve at least. Classes are decent but some of my teachers have such a bad fucking hugbox mentality, students turn in some terrible shit and not a word is said.

>> No.2025622

i took an intro to drawing class once and the instructor had a boner for negative space, everything we did focused on negative space. even when we had a model in the class we'd get 30 seconds to scribble down a gesture then outline negative spaces.

>> No.2025643
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>I have never used glass as my subject
That painting isn't mine obviously, but she thought she was standing on some artistic knowledge high ground because she doesn't like outlines.

>> No.2025644

I go to an art school that is extremely competitive and demanding. I can't really complain I feel like my education is worthwhile, there's plenty of liberal arts here so I'm not languishing intellectually. I go into my major next year and I'm very excited about that.

The conversations we have are pretty good, I really do love my peers, even if I generally spend my time on the weekends working. The professors demand your blood though and earlier this semester I pulled an all-nighter about once a week. The worst part about it is the price: I'll have to go into some kind of large company in order to pay this back.

>> No.2025656
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>Art school
But why? Unless you're able to go for free then I just don't understand the reasoning, especially in times as economically uncertain as these. Even STEM graduates are having trouble.

The way I see it, one of the only options that isn't financial suicide through a mountain of student loan debts is trying to carve out some tiny little freelance niche on the internet and just trying to scrape by. At least you won't be drowning in debt.

>> No.2025660

>Not the pretentious snob who can draw better than anyone else but never talks.
How can you be pretentious if you never talk? The only impression I would get from a person who never talks is just autism.

>> No.2025674
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, tf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw be your own Terence Fletcher

>> No.2025687

>Art school

Internet is a thing, guys.

The renaissance is over

>> No.2025701

What's with /ic/'s obsession over having hardass teachers? Like I've had awesome teachers that I've learned a lot from and they didn't need to break someone's kneecaps every time they fucked up.

>> No.2025717

Drinking beer is doesn't help me for homework

>> No.2025773


How do you get an art related job then? Just be good and develop a portfolio?


> STEM graduates are having trouble
A CS major is pretty much a guaranteed decent paying job. Don't know about the rest.

>> No.2025778

It goes with thier sexual masochism disorder. They get turned on when belittled in public.

>> No.2025788


If you have determination and something resembling a backbone, you will learn much more from a teacher that will gladly point out every little mistake than from a handholding, good-for-you-you-tried-your-hardest, "teaches-the-class-like-it's-a-non-major-class", nice teacher.

I want to know what I did wrong. I want to know why I fucked up. I want the Gordon Ramsay treatment. That way I can improve. That way, when I do achieve the fevered dream of some small compliment by the teacher, the clouds will part, I'll shed a single tear and I will KNOW that I've advanced significantly as both an artist and a person.

>> No.2025793

>tfw I cant yell loud enough

>> No.2025841

>Going to art school.
>Being actively surrounded by aspiring and future failures, bourgeois snowflakes, hipsters.

Just take a life drawing class, or study at atelier, most of the people there are old and relaxed, honest critique if you ask for it and cheaper for more bang.

Get a job, don't ever loan or put yourself in debt for art, it doesn't make you more passionate than everyone else, it makes you retarded considering there are many avenues you can take better than art school.

>> No.2025868

What's with all of the fatties that sign up for modeling? I'm tired of drawing morbidly obese women.

>> No.2025889

An atelier or life drawing class only develops you as far foundation classes at a good art school. A real art school should quickly teach you how to draw and paint in 2-3 terms and then focus you on developing a professional aesthetic that will actually get you hired and making money. There should be a heavy focus on obtaining and maintaining employment. My school (art center) is often criticized for being too commercial, but their concern is making us leave as professionals that will work. Not having us leave as grocery baggers with a useless degree.

The degree is the last reason for art school. It's about peers driving you, professional mentors, building connections, access to resources and a foot in the door of the real world.

Sorry, weekend painters don't compare to full time art students that never sleep because they're always producing.

>> No.2025893

That's still not an outline, that's shadow.

>> No.2025895

Art as a career is 80% cock sucking/social networking and maybe 20% art. Doesn't seem worth it for the relatively shit pay to kill one of my only interests.

>> No.2025900

everything is that, but more like 95% cock sucking.

>> No.2025904

Anything related to art is more so than most other careers though. Politician is about the only thing that is more degrading and soul-sucking as far as the required amounts of of cock sucking and schmoozing with human scum and narcissists. It's one of the most social career options out there and it requires you to become deeply embedded into communities that are filled to the brim with some of the most insufferable people in society.

>> No.2025917

>yfw there are anons who died without ever being praised for their art

>> No.2025936
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>> No.2025945

ha, that's a good one.

>> No.2025949

this isn't exactly true, but it's true of the pretentious people. who are also the people who get nothing out of art school because they're too busy sneering to do any work.

you can also tell who they are from their art. it doesn't fit the brief and it's always self conscious and licky.

everytime the teacher talks to them he says "loosen up," or "explorer the medium" or something like that, and because they never do that's as far as they go. they're so up their own asses that they fail step one over and over again while some dimwit who obeys commands like a dog will surpass them in a few weeks.

>> No.2025950

tfw friend I used to discuss art and draw with went to art school and now hangs out with hipsters

>> No.2025954

why wouldn't you. hipsters are hip. who are you supposed to hang out with instead, the only other people at art school are smelly fat anime monsters.

>> No.2026092

>A real art school should quickly teach...

You're completely right

>The degree is the last reason for art school. It's about peers driving you, professional mentors, building connections, access to resources and a foot in the door of the real world.

Its more about building connections, and the foot in the door the other stuff doesn't usually happen.

>Sorry, weekend painters don't compare to full time art students that never sleep because they're always producing.

Its not just all Sunday painters, there's usually an equal number of established already working professionals, dedicated full time atelier students and part time atelier students going that extra mile, the ones who really don't sleep, the ones who finish class at SVA and are all like "I haven't had enough dick drawing today."

>> No.2026096

Does anyone have that feel that they go to a shit tier school for illustration and because you're way ahead of everyone in current skill level you're not growing as fast as you could with having a friendly rival around?

>> No.2026099

>Just be good and develop a portfolio?

Obviously. Do you seriously think that an art degree matters?

>> No.2026110

Not really. It's more like "I thought this was illustration, why are the teachers treating it like 'VISUAL COMMUNICATION' in the BROADEST sense"

>mfw coursemates whinge about finally getting life drawing because they "don't like drawing people"
>mfw we finally get a comic project - an autobiographical one at that - and these pretentious kids start whining about hating comics even though it's just sequential art

>> No.2026115
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yes, me, people don't take art too seriously here.. also

>Be 21
>All my friends go out on weekends and have fun drinking and smoking weed
>A few months ago I realized I didn't have fun doing that so I don't go out anymore, I just draw
>Wonder if I'm missing the best years of my life getting good
>Worry that I'll end up with no friends and life will be boring as fuck in the future

>> No.2026119

nah, if they were really your friends they'd stick by you when it matters. if they go away, good riddance. You shouldn't completely cut all ties though in your hermit-art phase.

>> No.2026122

Naw man, you know the saying "do what makes you happy"

I used to feel pressured to go out late and drink (not even a night owl), and the moment I was finally free of that pushy flatmate, I realised I could do what I wanted.

Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely an extrovert. I love people and learning about others. But I'm not fond of the HUGE focus on nightlife and getting drunk. I'd much rather have a sleepover than go clubbing.

Tl;dr: You're not the only one. Find the people who feel similarly and arrange little hangouts at your place or theirs at the weekends. That way you get to practice and have a social life.

>> No.2026129


Art isn't some serious life-or-death shit. 10% of art is learning the fundamentals and 90% of art is drawing more. You don't need some old british guy yelling insults about the size of your dick whenever your composition could be better.

>> No.2026132

>A real art school should quickly teach you how to draw and paint in 2-3 terms and then focus you on developing a professional aesthetic that will actually get you hired and making money.

You mean another become another cog in the entertainment machine? In a world where you can seriously make more bank with personal projects?

ayy lmao.

>> No.2026137


>In a world where you can seriously make more bank with personal projects?



>> No.2026159

Dem fighting words

>> No.2026160

Sakimation bias

>> No.2026162

not really. look at noah bradley

>> No.2026164

>Being a conservative at an art school
Leper Simulator 2015

>> No.2026174
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>> No.2026192

Please Google confirmation bias. Also Noah is a shit example.

>> No.2026199

Art school is pretty rad these last few years.
>full scholarship including housing plus some extra for living expenses
>living in Manhattan for free
>student ID gets me into almost every art museum free
>getting to know and getting advice from a lot of professionals I respect in my field
>my teachers are professional and good draftsmen and painters
>all the shitty students that dgaf have mostly dropped out by now

Gotta say /ic/, I can't complain.

>> No.2026206


>> No.2026241

Douchebags get girls because they're not huge pussies and actually have enough confidence to get girls. Don't blame it on "m'ladies only like bad guise".

>> No.2026263

Am grill art student w/ bf (he's not an art student) and this is bullshit. Douchebags attract douchebags. Anyone attracted to a douchebag and then goes out with them then isn't the perfect ethereal being you thought they were. Because we're all fucked up one way or another, some are just better at showing it than others.

The sooner you stop this "me vs. them" mentality the sooner you'll stop being so miserable.

I know this sounds like an advertisement but seriously. Douchebag or not, nobody likes a bitter defeatist.

>> No.2026274

I can't speak with snobs

>> No.2026309


>bad shit happens to girl

>bad shit happens to a guy
>lol man up quit being a bitch

>> No.2026314

You're implying that there are no schools that do that. My school does. Other great private art schools do as well.

>the foot in the door doesn't usually happen
Weird, because I've had many direct meetings with art directors, publishers, big artists, etc. arranged either through the school or they wanted to meet with me because I said I was from Art Center. There's also a bit of an old boys club because so many grads are out there in the world controlling various companies and art output for those companies.

Overall, I think ateliers are great as well as life drawing workshops, but those environments really just improve drawing/painting skills or help you keep up your practice. If you want to be a contemporary illustrator (including conceptual media artist) those places don't teach you how to translate traditional skills into contemporary practices that will actually help you get hired and set you apart (muh style). Yes, go through that rigor and you earn the right to develop your unique approach to art creation. My school is great about pointing out what people do that's personally unique and pushing that as a trait. I'm sure other schools out there offer the sane, I just couldn't tell you about them.

>> No.2026317

I actually wasn't referring to entertainment at all, /ic/ has a one track mind. Things exist outside of concept art. I have zero desire to work in the entertainment industry.

>> No.2026321 [DELETED] 


You're fucking pathetic. Of course women don't like you.

>> No.2026328

Naw m8, I ain't one of those feminists. I'd say this to anyone thinking this way.

>> No.2026526

Art school is pointless if you're not a woman. why would a hipster employer pick a man over someone they can fuck for favors?

>> No.2026529
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Is there a story that you're holding out on us, anon?

>> No.2026542
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That doesn't explain all the artists who are already in stable relationships and don't, anon. Yes, those do exist.

Are you butthurt over getting fired?

>> No.2026555

>those places don't teach you how to translate traditional skills into contemporary practices that will actually help you get hired and set you apart (muh style)

But that's assuming you're taking lessons with no history of drawing whatsoever.

>> No.2026566

My art school sucks and I go there with a grant, but I can't quit because if i do, my parents will kick me out.

>> No.2026609

i am in last year,need to do a conceptual art project for the final term paper, i consider most of my collegueas good guys, there are some pretentious douches of course, but they are most the anime,comic and pseudo "great artists" who cant seem to bother expanding their horizon other than traditional drawning.

>> No.2026627

>tfw early thirties
>tfw never went to any school
>tfw never going to have money and not be neet

>> No.2026637

lol at least get a job, how the fuck do your parents put up with you? mine kicked me out when i was 18.

>> No.2026645

Reminds me of my older sister. She's 25 and still lives at my mum's. We both drew and I always assumed we'd be art school rivals, but then she did nothing after graduating high school when I got into Illustration and moved away.

Pretty sure she'll be like that forever. No job, no friends, only mum.

>> No.2026655

Did they give you some support money, when you moved into a low-end apartment? Or did you have to get a shitty job?

>> No.2026943

Yup. I honestly don't recommend it though if you'll actually have to pay full tuition. A lot of people I know are paying off their loans just fine and working in their chosen fields...there are a great deal though that are doomed to work in art supply stores as angsty unhelpful twats for the rest of their lives.

>> No.2026977
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I want to fug her
I want some smelly NEET pussy
What's her email?

>> No.2027074

Sorry, but she's repulsed by sex or even just romance. Grew up never being able to talk to her about dudes.

Also she doesn't talk to anyone on the internet. At all.

>> No.2027092

Lol thats sad

>> No.2027104

>Also she doesn't talk to anyone on the internet. At all.
I would walk 5000 miles for NEET pussy

>> No.2027126

I'm just saying art schools (good ones) are more career oriented. Smaller more traditional places are generally good at teaching fundamentals. If you want to paint realistically, mix some life like earthy brown skin tones and kick ass at lighting, those are great places to learn and practice that. If you want something that a band's manager will call you up for in order to design their motion work for a music video or if you want the art director from Playboy magazine calling you up, they're not really looking for brown realistic portraits.

>> No.2027143

im starting art school this fall
i would be a lot more enthusiastic if it werent for the debt

>> No.2027156

Still trying to figure out how to get grants/scholarships before signing up

plz advise

>> No.2027170

So graphic design fundamentals?
I acknowledge that art school is great for having constant critique and networking, but if someone has a genuine interest in illustration/design, those things could be learned from books and the countless torrents that are posted on the internet. After the fundamentals, style is something you develop on your own whether by studying other artists, experimenting, or both.

>> No.2027282

You can pick up on certain techniques from looking at books, yes, but it's nowhere near comparable to be subjected to deep critique after deep critique.

Once you get ripped apart in a critique and have your soul crushed, you'll learn a few things you'll never do again. Now repeat, again and again, several times a week for a few years, you're going to benefit far more than staring at books. If you don't know anything about 5 hour critiques where you're just drained at the end, you've never had a good critique and you don't know the benefit of them. Having your peers pile on why you fucked up is horrifying and great at the same time, and it's not "study Loomis" bullshit.

>> No.2027583
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>Transfer to art school after 2 years of community college art classes
>"Hurp derp, none of your art class credits transfered."
>Well shit, at least I have my gen eds
>Get placed with all the freshmen
>90% of them are right out of high school
>Suck it up and try to make friends, some of them show potential
>They all expect to be hot shit with big careers by the time they graduate
>Realize all the people who are better than me are all seniors
>Can't get their feedback, have to settle for the classmates still struggling with basic anatomy
>The only helpful criticism comes from my teachers
>Freshman year is over, real art classes can begin
>The only classmates who showed any potential drop out
>Everyone that's left is half-assing their way through these classes
>Classmates poke fun at me for being a tryhard who spends all of his time at the 24 hour lab
>Literally just in it for the one on ones with the experienced professors at this point

The school is great, but fuck I hate it when there's no one around who's experience is worth working towards. I'm not asking for some competition, but I like it when folks art is better than mine so I know how much harder I've gotta push myself.

>> No.2028249

Hey, nerds. I like hearing about art school because I never got to go. Always felt like I was missing something. In fact, I kinda want to go now in my 30's... Self-taught, personally know several famous peeps, moderately successful in the gallery world. Found out over the years I'm pretty good at teaching, too. Which is primarily why I want to go get degrees. I want to be a prof. Considering I can get grants and shit, how retarded is this? How bizarro would school be for me, other students, and faculty (whom I may have had more commercial success than)?

>> No.2028258

I don't think its be weird at all. Ideally it would even push the younger students to try harder. Professors are also generally relieved when older/established students enroll because it is easier for them to connect to someone their age. Go for it

>> No.2028259

I don't want to study art, but I'm thinking about getting a major in english lit and visiting art classes on the side. Does that seem like a reasonable thing to do?

>> No.2028300

I feel really identified with this, though I'm still a freshman. And apparently according to my professors in my old school I was one of the ones that showed potential (funnily enough all that showed potential at my old school also left except for a guy) and for except one guy, I feel like I'm the onlybl one that really wants to git gud (though the guy makes me look like shit since he has to work to sustain his wife and son on top of being one of the best at class... Maybe I should get back to practice now)

>> No.2028332

Public schools require a masters degree and most private schools are starting to demand that as well as part of keeping their non-profit status - a bunch of legalities and shit they need to make sure they're covering to keep the government off their asses.

However, a good amount of my teachers at Art Center (in illustration) just have their BFA's (most obtained at Art Center). I know SVA also hires staff that only has a BFA as well, as long as they're a large enough name in the industry that it shows they know what they're talking about (see Josh Cochran).

If you feel like you're going to regret not ever attending art school later in life, maybe you should consider going. In your 30's is totally acceptable. You might be confused for a teacher here and there and sometimes get annoyed with the fresh-out-of-high-school kids with their 18 year old problems (I get it, your bf cheated on you and your life is over), but it's still a super valuable experience. Even just sitting in on some solid, tough critiques could be beneficial to you if you want to try teaching later on. Find a teacher that you know does tough critiques and sit in on their class.

>> No.2028696

>but I'm thinking about getting a major in english lit
>Does that seem like a reasonable thing to do?

Do you enjoy debt or something?

>> No.2030550

Do any art schools focus on objective improvement?

>> No.2031224

Just got into RISD. Should I go?I feel scared about money and the difficulty of the program, but I don't want to pass up the opportunity

>> No.2031231

Yes. My 3 former students who went there all said they had excellent experiences, and they all have found art jobs. Push yourself, have fun, and look for scholarships and grants like it's your job.

>> No.2031247

What kind of jobs are out there for 2D digital artists, I am dying to know because I want to know other options :/

>> No.2031491

I live in Germany bruh. Our education system isn't as fucked as yours just yet.

>> No.2032107

What are some good schools for animation? In terms of value to quality, and job prospects?

The ones I know of are:
> Sheridan
> Carnegie Mellon
> Calarts (though I hear it's overrated)
> Gobelins
> Animation Workshop

>> No.2032159

If you're in Cali, California State University Northridge probably gives you the most bang for you buck. Stupidly inexpensive for state residents compared to some private colleges.

>> No.2032170

Illustration for books
Graphic Design
Album posters
Illustrations for Casinos and buisnesses

>> No.2032173

No, thats your job.
They gibe you assinments and the tools to use them, and expect you to do it. If you dont get it, you can ask questions, but no one is gonna hold your hand through school like highschool

>> No.2032176

Channel1 has scholorship things.
Thats for highschool students though

>> No.2032179

>fill out application
>ethical questionare
>cant take it again
>you fail once, you fail for 6months

This is bullshit.
How do you score this shit?

>> No.2032180
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>im starting art school this fall
>i would be a lot more enthusiastic if it werent for the debt
>art school will get me out of debt

Oh no..

>> No.2032183

i did not say that last 1

>> No.2032215
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I don't even know where to begin with my experience, I'm 2 years in and there's 1 more year to go but I don't think I'm gonna make it

>No fundamentals taught, not even acknowledged
>no life drawing
>no still lifes
>the painting unit was all abstract expressionism with lots of acrylic paint. watercolour focused on dripping paint down the page and having it bleed everywhere to make abstract images.
>Oil painting had to be taken out because they couldn't afford the equipment nor the space, same with sculpture
>closest thing to colour theory was "red is an angry colour, green is a healthy colour, etc"
>Tracing and gridding is encouraged
>no mention of copyright and ethics of using others images and ideas, "great artists steal - Picasso"
>teachers haven't heard of any of the books or artists mentioned here and by all the top artists in the industry
>not a single book from the sticky is in the library
>The teachers only care about the qualification and were confused why I asked them for knowledge about improving my technical skills
>The students and the most normie talent normalfags imaginable and don't even draw so I have nobody to talk to
>I'm the autism clown in the class so nobody talks to me
>current unit we're currently doing is the most bullshit task yet and I've decided to not even care about it despite it being worth a quarter of the grade
>last year they said the current year I'm on would have a painting unit, this year they say next year we do life drawing
I've lost faith in them, I don't want to see about what terrible things the life drawing will bring. It'll probably be one unit of about 1 day a week for 4-6weeks with no mention of anatomy or gesture, no charcoal and only ancient whale people that can't sit still
I have to pass with atleast 70% score to get into next year and I'm not sure if it's worth the stress, I could be spending my time drawing and if it weren't for /ic/ I would have been completely lost as an artist

>> No.2032221

are paying for this crap?
drop out or transfer schools.
their wasting your time so why bother?

>> No.2032227

sounds like this art school i did a summer camp at once, i got a full scholarship at least so i didnt lose any money
what school anyways?

>> No.2032243

Rise above the rest and establish yourself as the authority guy. Or just drop out, its not helping you

>> No.2032259

Thankfully not, I joined when I was 18 and you only have to pay if you're 19+. There's some funky thing with their system where as long as you stay in the same area of learning and the same place you don't have to pay unless you leave and then come back. I'm 20 now and next year is free if I pass this year.

Just a standard local college course, I should have mentioned that it's not a fully fledged art school but there's still no reason for art to be taught this way when other courses are treated professionally

I want to show my classmates the importance of the fundamentals and lead them to all the great resources you can find on the internet but they don't listen to me.

I should probably drop out, I'm only there because it's free
I've probably taken in some of the stuff they've said and will have to unlearn it when I realize it. I know to ignore all the tracing and plagiarism advice but there's probably a load of stuff I've missed that I think was good information it's going to hurt me later down the line. That aint worth free education

>> No.2032260

>2nd year Illustrator student
>having my weekly schedule full of live painting and figure drawing
>having a very copetitive study enviorment
>school sends students around europe for events and work experience for free. (just returned from Spain)
>technical skill is highly valued
>everybody who has not failed a course gets monthly scholarship
>School gives free art materials for students.
>teachers often stay after work hours to help students out or give them advice.

Dunno... It sometimes gets pretty tough because we get alot of work from teachers.. Other than that I would say its a Dream school.

>> No.2032263

how come nobody mentions the name of their school????

>> No.2032267

Tartu Art School.

But it is in Estonia(in the middle of nowhere) So unless you are around here you are kind of out of luck.

>> No.2032277


A good art teacher should break you down into little pieces and build you up again.
My Art teacher did this, and I hated him for a good while until I stopped letting my ego getting in the way and realised: "he knows what he's doing, he's much better than me and he's only trying to help"

It really bothered me for a good while because anything I done he seemed to tear apart, even calling my work childish that even a "monkey could do", now after a few months of putting in the work needed he's never stopped praising me, and he's actually a really nice guy who wants to see people put in the effort. If he thinks you don't give a shit he'll call your work out like you don't.

Also, it seems to be quite common that a lot Art teachers aren't happy with the situation they are in, like they feel it's beneath them and that they've failed themselves teaching others to become what they never. I don't really know.

>> No.2032279
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YUP. I Know you dude or at least what do you mean. I was doing the same on my lessons (cooking lessons btw... yeah). Keep it cool and think sometimes who, they think, you really are - usually they dont, but if its a nervous girl obviously interested in whatcha ya doin' then proceed. Yeah I know, classic boring story of the nerd. greets

>> No.2032375

>I find all of them boring, my attempts to socialize dont have a payoff, the info or the story I get is too boring to constitute for the time spent on it.

lmao the classic "nobody stimulates my intellect" excuse

I'm sure you're quite the vibrant and fascinating individual

>> No.2032381

There's still something to be said for community and competitive learning. And reliable constructive crit. Actually, I think they're immensely valuable.

>> No.2032388

Yeah but have you heard what becky said yesterday?

>> No.2032392
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are you from a small town in midwest america?
hipster doesn't mean anything anymore

>> No.2032399

right because occasional gossip makes people soulless automaton retards

>> No.2032422

No, what did she say?

>> No.2032460

She was talking about how art is a real possibility to create something new against the abstract universality that is globalization.

Man, I'm glad i talked to Becky, she sure is smart!

Making snap judgements has sure been detrimental to my social life up until now so im glad I've started focusing on the content of what someone's saying and refined my circle of friends!

Gee, today sure was a nice day.

>> No.2032596

Walk into a grocery store - look at every non photographic image on packaging. Open a magazine, same thing. Go to the front and grab a newspaper, again, everything drawn is money made. That's all work to be had - and that's just the grocery store. You just have to find ways to art directors and buyers. The old school way of sending mailers or winning illustration competitions seems to work still. Get a directory of art directors to obtain contacts/addresses.

>> No.2032617
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>> No.2033596

Pretty much what this guy said. I myself am a business/finance student. I actually have work lined up but it's taken 2 years of intense studying and building connections and networks to attain. I enjoy art, and music and would have loved to be something like an archeologist who painted and played music on the side, but at some point you have to "grow up" per se, and realize that unless you are truly and totally a master at the craft, you should probably be doing something else.

>> No.2033609

yo, hows art center? im thinking about applying, but im concerned about whether its going downhill after the departure of scott robertson. specifically how arre the ED/ID classes and teachers?

>> No.2033613

>being socially normalized and enjoying things is now autism


>> No.2034650

Art center has been nothing but amazing for me, but I don't know shit about the ED department other than they work hard when I walk by. Also, it's an industrial design program, I think people get in and expect to make a million digital paintings and aren't prepared for their first couple terms where they actually have to get dirty in the machine shops, cutting materials, building physical models/objects/sculptures. You have to bleed before you earn the right to sit in front of a computer making digital paintings. It also looks like a fuck ton of research, which is good. It's a hectic, competitive school, and the rumors are true, you never sleep. If you want a school where everyone doesn't finish the homework and they say, "I left it at home," than it's the wrong school. Art Center teachers will publicly shame you while all your peers pile on.

>> No.2034654

that sounds awesome. i was honestly thinking about switching to RISD or something but it's great to hear that at least the design majors are going strong.

>> No.2034689

I think all the majors are strong, even in illustration there's just as much as good as bad. It's all up to students to push the program for their own benefit and some don't do that for some reason. The resources and teachers are awesome, but if you don't have the drive to kick ass, none of that will save you. Having an amazing program while going home to watch TV, hangout with friends and then bullshit your way through critiques won't make you any better.

I hear the grad ID program is not really good since a certain dept chair left, but I can neither confirm nor deny that. I have no clue.

>> No.2034728

i currently go. I don't know if I could ever tell someone to go into debt, but I love it here.

>> No.2034762

Cool, the whole kinesthetic way of learning these things is very appealing to me, im sure it feeds super well into spacial understanding afterwards, when you have built an object with your hands - the whole translation process from drawing to model. I got accepted to ED, and got a scholarship, im an international student and the brokest motherfucker.. at the moment the easiest thing would be to rob a bank.

>> No.2036337

Awesome! I just got 30k in scholarship and aid so I'm definitely going. See you next year maybe

>> No.2036395

Do you feel in charge?

>> No.2036430
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Does anybody know any good art schools in Sweden?

>> No.2036464

what school are you going to?

>> No.2036467

He was being satrical about it.
Cant you read the tone of text?

>> No.2036472

I go to a state university's art school, and I feel like I'm not learning nearly as much or as quickly as people at a "real" art school. I'm also severely disappointed by my class mates. No one in the foundations level courses seems to really care, and, at the risk of sounding snobby, there is a serious lack of talent here. I am usually one of the best students, but I should be struggling. I'm not very good, but hardly anyone in my drawing I and II classes can draw at what I would consider a college skill level. I know the upper level courses are better, but this is hugely discouraging.

>> No.2036479

What I've heard about SCAD is that the students are miserable to be around, and the teachers can be just as bad or worse, though it's a great school in terms of resources available, teachers with extensive knowledge in their field, connections, etc. I'm considering transferring to SCAD atlanta/maybe doing a grad degree there.

>> No.2036493

atelier stockholm

>> No.2036535

Thanks anon

>> No.2036628

Are there any art schools in the Netherlands worth my time?

>> No.2036643

Heard some good things about Wackers in Amsterdam and the Klassieke academie in Groningen.
There are some Dutch people here that have been to or are going to art schools lurking

>> No.2036734 [DELETED] 
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>Start of the year I enrolled in some classes in graphic design
>Most of the classes are a waste of time but there are some good ones
>First drawing class
>There is this cunt let's call her Specialsnowflake (SS)
>At the introduction SS talks about coming from an artist family
>Talks about learning a dead language
>Talks about drawing in a surreal style (she probably meant abstract) and how she twist the things she draws with her own vision
>Does this in a manner which tells me she wants attention
>The first thing we draw is our key because teacher wants to measure our skill
>There are a few people who is pretty good but mine is naturally the best
>SS draws manages to make the worst key drawing i have seen in my entire life
>She faces how bad she is and never comes back to school

>Second draw class
>3 of us presents our portfolio to the teacher
>Both of them ar pretty good we became friends
>One of them is girl btw
>Finally got my drawfriends and now I can talk all my autistic drawing related stuff to someon in IRL
>Everything goes well I'v even got the feelling that the girl likes me
>Turns out the girl is weeaboo
>DIsgusted face.jpg
>Turns out the boy is a weeaboo too
>More disgusted face.jpg
>Turns out he is a Buddhist
>I don't even+wow just wow.jpg
>Turns out the girl is a furry
>Most fucking shit fucked digusted face ever.jpg
>Kill me pls
>Make fun of her for being a furry
>Latter i managed to #trigger her with some bullshit joke about glorious nippon
>She start ignoring me and the boy too because he is a weeaboo or I don't know
>Basically I lose my company and all the bullshit classes turns into pure boredoom and nonstop drawing
>I didn't even wanted to fuck her I just wanted to have IRL draw friends
-MFW pic related
>at least I'm better at drawing than anybody else

But to answer your question yes I'm popular for it.

>> No.2036740

there is and his name is tom mills

>> No.2036742

do u go to risd

>> No.2036743

yes, it does.

>> No.2036751

you're just an asshole. qt nazi loli, tho.

>> No.2036758 [DELETED] 
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I don't deny that.

>> No.2037163

Is it an international school or is all the teaching in estonian?

>> No.2037249

know that feel
>Go to media art college
>Didn't expect normal people there to begin with
>class almost filled with brony weeabos who talk about vidya the whole time

they make me cringe everyday

>> No.2037252
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>> No.2037299

>Go to art colledge
>expect it to be 90% drawing and painting
>turns out there's lectures, philoshophy, contract study, art history etc.
>30-40% of our schedule is academic drawing and painting.
>also go to optional figure drawing class(only once a week sadly)
I was dissapointed before, however I've noticed the benefits of various lectures and non-practical classes. I can study art whenever I want, but the lectures, i doubt i would have pit in the time on my own accord.
Also I sketch while listening. probably the reason I'm less upset as those who sit idly or take notes.
the school is free aswell.

>> No.2037314

>Go to art school
>9 girls no guys
Didn't go where I hoped.

>> No.2037502 [DELETED] 
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>I don't want to hear more facts about Japan

>> No.2037555

I just got accepted into a great animation program, so I checked out the newly formed and growing Facebook group for the incoming class. I already see lots of anime/Adventure Time/cosplay nerds, but I hope there will be enough cool people to make up for it.

>> No.2037566

I can confirm that. I just graduated from SCAD's Illustration program. One of my teachers thought I was threatening her because for our sketchbook assignment (100 drawings from life) I decided to practice my hands and drew a bunch of hands holding knives, lighters, nerf guns, swords, and various other stuff I own. She went to the student counseling services and I had to appear in front of the dean to talk about it. The whole mess did a 180 though when the dean, an old sequential guy who worked on a bunch of fantasy comics defended me in front of her and the student mental health counselor. I also kind of made her look like a fool by asking her a lot of loaded questions about how one extrapolates a threat from doing the homework. Got off scot-free, minus annoyance. Scad's good for foundation studies but honestly I wish I'd done sequential because it has wayyy more of a focus on fundamentals, which I'm desperately cramming into my head now.

>> No.2037573

>I just got accepted into a great animation program
i hope you're not talking about sheridan

>> No.2037584

Do any of you audit art classes at a college by chance? I was looking to try it out some point but wanted to get some detail as to what I should expect.

>> No.2037623

I do mean Sheridan, don't be an over-cynical downer. It's a pretty good program. Probably the best one in Canada, where I live. I'm not interested in going to Calarts.

>> No.2037627

trust me it's not good. i go there.

don't romanticize or idealize it. take online courses, move to california

>> No.2037629

>move to california
Fuck that. What's so bad about it? I've gotten some perspective into the program and it looks fine. What do you wish you got from it?

>> No.2037637

teachers who care. teachers who are relevant in the industry. teachers who actually teach.

you won't believe me, which is fine. you'll find out for yourself in time.

>> No.2037648

>you won't believe me
I'm not super stubborn. I'm willing to hear negative comments about the program. I just don't see the point of comparing it to Calarts. And so far your criticisms haven't been specific enough. For all I know, you might be one of the students who just has a harder time with the material and it's making you salty. Unless you're willing to offer more details about the shit aspects of the program? Because I'd be curious to read them.

From what I've seen it's a solid program that'll give talented people the tools they need to do well in the industry, and provides a good networking environment.

What year are you in?

>> No.2037690

i never compared it to cal arts. i guess i'll humour you since you seem to be jumping to wrong conclusions.

the way they teach life drawing is backwards and ineffective. a lot of the teachers just do not teach and you're expected to learn on your own. they don't give you criticism. a lot of them also haven't had much experience in the industry which i feel like is a very valuable quality in a teacher in a field like animation. the work load is also very huge and frankly impractical. you're expected to learn about several parts of the industry as opposed to purely animation, which would be fine if we were given the choice to choose our own courses but instead we have to take like 10 classes every semester until third year. we also have to take electives on top of that which does the students a disservice.

honestly if the teachers were better i'd probably not complain so much.

>> No.2037693


>> No.2037711

I see. The few teachers I've met seem to have pretty extensive industry experience, i.e. 10+ years. Without naming names, which ones don't have a lot of experience? (e.g. the ones in storyboard, or layout, whatever)

I'll be one of the "mature" students no doubt, so I'm coming at this with 4 years of a different undergrad. I'm hoping that'll cover at least one or two of the electives. If not, I think I can handle it, I'm a professional student at this point.

>expected to learn on your own
I think any program, no matter how good, ultimately rewards the people who try to learn on their own.

Do you find no redeeming qualities to the program? Nothing at all you enjoy? I've heard from rather skilled people who seem happy with their experience. You might even know them.

>> No.2037723

>I'll be one of the "mature" students no doubt, so I'm coming at this with 4 years of a different undergrad. I'm hoping that'll cover at least one or two of the electives. If not, I think I can handle it, I'm a professional student at this point.

i think my year had a particularly large amount of people straight from high school but usually the average age is like early 20s don't feel too bad or anything.

character design, storyboarding, layout, and 3d to name a few.

i think there's some good to it for sure but it's overshadowed by the bad. if it was cheaper i'd also probably complain less but i don't like to talk about or think of money.

and yeah you're probably fine you'd just need to take english.

i think the people who are completely happy with it don't have a large enough perspective on things. there's a lot that needs to be changed

>> No.2037738

>i think the people who are completely happy with it don't have a large enough perspective on things
Do you have a large enough perspective on things? I'm not trying to be a pain in the ass, but I had a couple of in-depth conversations about the program with a prof and a few current students. I'm trying to get different sides on this thing.

>> No.2037759


big enough not to romanticize or idealize the program.

>> No.2037784

>Do you have a large enough perspective on things?

What is wrong with you? anon gave you more than enough feedback as to why he's unhappy with the program. He's not saying it's the worst thing in the world he's just saying that there are problems with it. I'm sure a student would know more about a school than someone who hasn't even gone there regardless of the few conversations you've had. Maybe try to be open to the idea that Sheridan isn't as great as you think it is

>> No.2037806

fuck, who asked you? I'm grateful that s/he took the time to answer my questions, but in the end, I got much more thought-out and detailed reviews from people I actually spoke to in person. Nobody really feels like typing out an essay for a stranger on the internet, so I stopped the inquiries.
But anon said that s/he has a bigger perspective on things without proving it (e.g. do they have experience elsewhere? how did they acquire this enlightened perspective?) so I'm taking it with a grain of salt. Still appreciate the responses though.

Besides, nobody in the program has told me it's perfect. I know there are shortcomings. A good program can still have its faults.

Beats Seneca, and I don't want to go to the States. And studying online is not the learning experience I want.

>> No.2037807

it sounds like you're dismissing them even though they're a student. you've had several conversations, which is nice and all but it doesn't beat actually being in the program and experiencing it for yourself.

teachers will lie to get you to attend it's a pretty common practice. besides anon explained sufficiently why they think the program is lacking. what did insight did you gain from your in depth conversations which trump what anon has said exactly? YOU'RE the one who keeps saying that it's a good program without giving specifics

>> No.2037815


>> No.2037860

Not dismissing. The arguments just weren't really convincing to me. Like I said, I spoke to other students in the program and their opinions are just as valid. Yet they differed somewhat from this anon's views. This person basically said that their opinion is better because they have a bigger perspective. Okay... I'll take your word for it?

The criticism of,
>you're expected to learn on your own
is just one that I especially disagree with.
I just think this is a given anywhere. The top percent of any class, anywhere, takes a lot of initiative with their learning. Teachers provide information and guidance but they can't do it all for you. I think it sounds kind of entitled, and I've encountered this attitude plenty of times at U of T.

>> No.2037877

if I were romanticizing, I'd be calling Sheridan "the Harvard of Animation." I just think it's an overall good program. That's reasonable.

>if it was cheaper i'd also probably complain less
Well, post-secondary education is expensive. There's no escaping that, unless you choose to study online. I need the in-person learning environment, alongside peers I can work together with, bounce ideas off, make connections.

Animation programs in the US cost about $40,000 /year.
The $9,000/year at Sheridan makes it seem comparably mild. But again, this applies to all university education now.

>> No.2037918

I'm one of those fags who talk about video games since that's the only thing I can talk about with people there, and I can only talk about Nintendo with that guy and anime with another I don't think their bad people but I kind of rather be doing my work while listening to podcasts, videos, music etc. than talk to those guys

>> No.2041790

Tell me, d/ic/k, in what way are you pretentious / maladjusted? Come on, be honest, you're in art school, everyone there is weird in some way, ill start:
>If i don't draw enough for an entire day i will literally contemplate suicide and get physical spasms randomly
>I can draw for entire days if my schedule allows it
>I feed off of feeling fatigued and tired to do more art
>I like to feel and convey a feeling fear and fright
>I can only be around people if i can draw, otherwise i will feel anxiety in my whole body that i should be practicing
>I really want to dye my hair pink

>> No.2041800

I procrastinate obscenely hard, to the point that I've been on keys to drawing for almost 2 weeks.
It will be at least 2 months before I get into loomis.

>> No.2041857
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I'm a 24 year old college drop out. I just got accepted to a state university and I plan to pursue a 4 year degree in its art program. Am I gonna be an old man in a room of 19 year old tumblr hipsters/weeaboos?

>> No.2041916

I think I'm pretty well-adjusted. Not everyone in art school is pretentious at all! Most of my friends aren't. I went to the main art school in my very large, cosmopolitan city, and the connections I've made have been really chill and down-to-earth. I don't buy this art school stereotype at all.

>> No.2041923

I'm 30 and often not even the oldest student in my classes.

>> No.2042005

I'm studying for an MSc in product design. It's mostly an engineering degree, but the art requirements and expectations are the reason I started to browse /ic/.

Some people in my class are quite amazing designers in my opinion. Of course those come from a design background and struggle in the technical and mathematical subjects instead. So I help them there and as an exchange I may watch over their shoulders and witness how the concepts evolve.

I begin to think that I might have autism or something... as much as I love design (I'd say I have an eye for it) and how fascinating I consider product development from conceptualization to production, I fail to develop my own designs and worse yet: I cannot draw. Not yet, that is. I don't really know how to start. Reading my Loomis, Keys to Drawing and Drawing with the Right Side of the Brain.

Also ordered a book by a certain Scott... forgot the name now. It's more in my art department. We don't usually draw humans.

So I'm "popular" for having organized a study group and showing them the technical stuff, but certainly not for my art- which is probably good, because good artists are snobby, while good engineers are just awkward.

>> No.2043794

I wish I had some artistic career on my city. I blew my chance to study at another city when I was 17 and I haven't advanced at all by myself. Maybe when I get enought money, someday...

>> No.2044040

Nah, I am a dropout turning 24 in a couple of days. I am just now transferring back to a state school to finish the last two years of my undergrad in animation. No regrets, I take my course work seriously and get a lot more out of it. Supplementing it with computer science coursework in the event I am a failure though.

>> No.2044053

I dated someone in my class and learned very quickly why dating someone in your class is an awful idea. :(

>> No.2046200

At least you learned something in art school
*Laughing track plays*

Sad to hear that bro.

>> No.2046208

yeaahh its a VERY bad idea.

>> No.2046233

>popular for being the greatest artist there
I'm ten years older than you, I had probably a much more shittier life than yours and I'm still here, practicing hoping that someday I'll be able to quit being a fucking waiter
but you know, I realized at this point that the day will never come despite the fact I've thrown everything away for fucking art. time, relationships, fucking everything
you think I feel encouraged by reading of another little shit thinking he "made it" and arrogantly pissing his wisdom on everyone? hell no. I hope you get thrown away after one use like a fucking dirty kleenex dude. I hope you'll lose any interest in art out of depression and find some shitty job like I had to do to survive.
have you ever passed a winter wiyhout heating? ever rummaged in the garbage to find good leftovers? I think not. and if yes I don't give a fuck, I wish you all the worse can happen to someone. people that had it hard don't turn back to wave the people left behind, you're a bitch. and probably your art is shit like you are

>> No.2046258

What the actual fuck? Why so mad?

>> No.2046268

it's a stupid post from >>2046145

>> No.2046274
File: 1.97 MB, 360x360, 156781.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good art schools in denmark?

>> No.2046296

There's an animation school somewhere there.

>> No.2046301

>going to a school to be taught by mediocre artists
>forcing yourself to be around liberal "gender fluid" kiddies who mix politics with art

No thanks, but I do want that blind confidence in your work that my friends got from it. Neither knows anything about construction, gesture, perspective... anything, yet after going they both think they are the best think ever, both have their own sites, and both attend cons to sell their shit.

>> No.2046309

Sounds like they went the art degree route instead of going for actual skills. Sucks for your friends, man.

>> No.2046380

I'd kill for that blind confidence though. Hell, I've done numerous commissions and have a pretty decent following but still have issues with confidence and not hating everything I draw.

They think just about everything they finish is a goddamn gift to the world.

>> No.2046453

animation workshop

>> No.2046502

Sheridan is pretty shit now, to be honest

>> No.2046512

For the Sheridan student wondering why people think it's shit:
They ended up having to get rid of a bunch of industry workers and industry-relevant classes in order to fit in with a more proper university guideline.
OCADU has a similar issue ((Holy fuck I don't need this many literature electives to work in Illustration)) but they've kept a lot of professors going under the table that have the industry experience to teach but not necessarily the university credentials to do so.
Pretty much what I'm saying is don't go to a University for any sort of industry art in Ontario.

>> No.2046514

SVA. While the classes are hit-and-miss (probably the case everywhere), there's a crazy amount of successful alumni, like Rebecca Sugar, Bill Plympton, John Dilworth, etc.

>> No.2046584

Are you one of those 'nice guys' I hear so much about?

>> No.2046611

I dropped out of school some years ago, but now I'm in my early 30s contemplating going back. When I left I kinda was going through a really hard time so my grades had really plummeted. I'm not really sure if it's worth going back at this point though.

I was going to head up there Friday to make them tell me how high my chances are, because I don't feel wasting time and money reapplying if it's going to go nowhere. I really can't be bothered.

>> No.2046641

What school?

>> No.2046692


>> No.2046717

yes I do go to RISD. At times it feels like I"m not learning enough but then I look back and I am immensely satisfied with what I've learned overall. People say its not worth it to go to a school like this but I'd say it definitely is.

>> No.2046856

Is it worth the pricetag it has? It's not going to bankrupt be but it's definently still money

>> No.2046893

I think you should go for it, but with a new focused mindset, and knowledge that you'll probably have to make sacrifices. I'm going back to school (art program this time) at the age of 25 and I've moved back in with my dad to avoid being completely flat broke. I can't work during the school year because the course load will be huge, so I'll be working in the summer months, earning just enough to pay for tuition. I've come to accept that I won't have much of a disposable income at the ripe ages of 25-28, but it's a pill I need to swallow if I want to enter my chosen industry and start doing what I love as a career. It'll be a time/money investment into my future. I've already had to wrestle with the sunk cost fallacy and finally decided that I'll be miserable if I stick with the previous field I chose.

>> No.2047249
File: 136 KB, 500x334, 1281468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An art school (The Animation Workshop in Viborg) is offering a summer course in classical drawing, with a focus on capturing the anatomy, form and dynamics of the model, and there will also be non-model drawing, and personal feedback.

it costs $520 for 1 week. It includes a place to sleep and meals.
My economic situation allows me to do this.

Should i go for it? I'm asking here since people here have already tried artistic education.

>> No.2047262

guisy, what art school in jewrope? I have about 10k usd saved for education, but still have one more year (i applied 4-year art focused high school and I'll be on my last year soon)

>> No.2047587 [DELETED] 

Anyone here going for a art degree that ISN'T commercially focused?

I'm currently at my local university as a drawing/painting major (sophomore) and It just feels like a total dookie waste of time. (I'm stuck in a few 100 level classes due to being a transfer student, which could partially explain it.)

The school just feels like a "no wrong answers" "message over execution" sort of thing...

I mean my tuition is fully covered so that's the one big perk, but I think every teacher I've had has been a locally popular abstract painter...

Fucking portland..

>> No.2047590

Anyone here going for a art degree that ISN'T commercially focused?

I'm currently at my local university as a drawing/painting major (sophomore) and It just feels like a total dookie waste of time. (I'm stuck in a few 100 level classes due to being a transfer student, which could partially explain it.) The school just feels like a "no wrong answers" "message over execution" sort of thing. My tuition is fully covered so that's the big reason why I'm staying. I think every teacher I've had has been a locally popular abstract painter.
I'm half thinking about applying to RISD and SVA and hoping for any scholarship stuff, but I don't have a clue what level of work that gets you a good scholarship to those schools

>> No.2047596


>> No.2047606

>Beginning my master's degree in electrical engineering.
>Everyone is nice to each other, we all know we are part of the intellectual elite of humanity.
>Already doing some work for Samsung and the like.
>My future is nothing but bitches and money


Maybe you'll once be paid 1/20th of my salary to do an advertisement about a product I made. :3

>> No.2047608


>> No.2047610

Enjoy your slave life

>> No.2047621
File: 53 KB, 500x375, 1392464747523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be electrical engineer student
>do not like engineering at all but really good grades.
>last semester
>tell your family "i dont wanna be ean engineer"
>what do you want to be anon?
>i wanna go art school
>(a moment of silence)
>say i really love to paint
>ok anon, get your degree and do whatever you want, it's your life.
>be happy that you even cant react this situation properly.
>go an art atelier and study for both engineering and art school(approval) exams
>busy as fuck but kinda happy

That's my story. it's not about getting bitches and money but being happy and doing what really you want.

Sorry for shitty english.

>> No.2047704

>Be me
>Is a prostitute
>Literally paid to have sex

>> No.2047717

>intellectual elite

This is what engineers actually believe.

>> No.2047719

I've done programming and I'd rather starve than make 60k starting.

Fuck that shit, man. I just want to pay my bills, save a bit of money each week, and not want to commit sudoku.

>> No.2047730
File: 234 KB, 448x448, sukdik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy your empty life

your here at /ic. because you long to do what we do, yes you maybe making money but your regretting it already,

i did engineer and i hated it, depressed the living shit out of me,
no i design company logos and do freelance art commissions
couldn't be happier.

>> No.2047744

>tfw Sakimichan will make more than you will ever make doing what she loves.

>> No.2047762

Where do you go to school?

Seriously, there are no women EEs, they are all project managers

Nice m8! Good luck, do you know what you want to be when you graduate?

60k? Must have been a small company. SW really is the place where people go to die

The first year or so at work is pretty hype. Everything after it is just insulting. Today I spent the day trimming the trailing whitespace for a documentation merge. I really hit rock bottom.

It's all expected value. The probability of being the next sakami is incredibly low, but being the next engineer and getting 9-5 pay off is almost impossible to miss. Low risk low reward.

>> No.2047763

I go to MIT but since I felt that they weren't enough I also go to Oxford.

>> No.2047777

Sure, lets get a degree that doesnt help me get income and ill be perfectly fine when my parents die in 15 minutes

>> No.2047780

just two quick questions

are you white?
do you masturbate?

>> No.2047783
File: 67 KB, 480x410, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intro to programming
>learning php
>lol php is useless in the real world, but tou have to pay for an entire semmester to get fucked in the ass for it

I want to die

>> No.2047787

My dad became an enginer because he stuck a fork in an electric outlet and got fucking shocked and burned his hand a bit. But after that moment, he had an insane amount of curiosity about how eletricity works. So he read and studied all the books he could find about it, and then he went to College and got his degree and his waifu, and paid off all the debt in a few months.
He pulls in minimum of 5k each month.
Ive been comfy ever since.

>> No.2047790

Nice man! I also went to MIT 09. I did MEng in 6-2. Do you know what you are going to do after school?

>> No.2047795

Not him but

3 times a day now

>> No.2047796

what kind of shitty program uses php for introduction to programming lmao. go lern python or java jesus.

>> No.2047798

>they are all project managers
thank god im not in engineering :)

>> No.2047843

Idealy I'd just suck cock all day but I'll probably end up consulting.

>> No.2047895 [DELETED] 

me too, i'm chem eng and I just come here for fun.

I've actually noticed the studying approach I use for engineering has helped me learn to how draw much faster than the normal pleb.

I hope you guys are in art school for the right reasons because I'm sure those of you can draw well could get into a good stem programme

>> No.2047957

I mean, I kinda lied. There are some women in QA... But I put QA below PM

Just some advice, MIT is what you make of it. If you didn't find it challenging enough then you didn't milk it hard enough. If you are doing an MEng, then you should pick a better lab for your thesis. I find it hard to believe that you are copping out with a 6-1 MEng because the MEng is for lazy fucks like me, the 6-1s I knew ended up in academia - but I know research isn't for everyone.

Also, you can take any grad class that you want and you can take any number of grad classes in any of the other majors. You can also do as many UROPs as you want and time share across as many labs as you want. The challenge is up to you, so if you haven't done these things, then you have one more year to do them. If you already did these, then you will be hard pressed to find a job that can match these opportunities.

Sorry for rant - In any case, you should look into launching a HW startup. You may find consulting underwhelming.

>> No.2048083

>tfw never dated anyone
I get along with people just fine but I'm totally lost when it comes to approaching someone romantically.

>> No.2048232

>read erotica before I even knew what fapping was

Reading that shit on a kindle was hype in highschool

>> No.2048310

>HW startup
How to?
Studied a CS+Engineering hybrid, MSc Technical Informatics (basically "Hardware: the degree") and Engineering Design, MSc.

I think I have all the formal education you can get in hardware and yet it looks like an unconquerable field. I'm currently finishing my thesis in Engineering Design and that'll be the end of my studies. Only work then. I don't plan to get employed. Looking more into consulting, but a startup would be quite a project... I just don't consider it very feasible.

>> No.2048366

Yeah, I'd honestly say I'm the greatest, though I'm not very popular because everybody else is jealous. The "criticism" they give is just stupid nitpicks.

>> No.2048640
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>Anon, you're an adult now. You're going to need to study or get a job
Well, I guess it's time to apply to art school so I can take loans and live on my own

>> No.2048673

Or you could work part time 20 hours, saving up and learn at your own pace, and have not get into debt for the privilege of wasting your time in a classroom.

just saiyan

>> No.2048684

Or he could get a marketable degree, make good money and do art on the side. Lots of possibilities at that fork in the road. Getting into debt and doing stupid shit just because your parents say so is silly though.

>> No.2048692

I have no idea what I could work with. I've had a cashier job and a customer service, phone job before and hated them, can't go back to that.

>> No.2048724

>Looking more into consulting, but a startup would be quite a project... I just don't consider it very feasible.
That is kind of the point. SW startups are a dime a dozen. The chances of you making it are the same as the chances of you making it as an artist. HW is an order of magnitude harder than SW.

It seemed like you were looking for the next big challenge so I suggested a HW startup. Check out the MIT 100k competition. Look for HW startup meetups in your area. SF / Bay Area has a lot.

If you aren't into research, but you still like EE and don't want a 9-5 look for a job at a smaller startup or make your own. Any engineer can sell out by working at a big tech company or consulting, but if you want to be an engineer and get paid to do what you love then a startup is the answer.

>> No.2048738

is anyone attempting a design school / college / uni / whatever?

>> No.2048745
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>in college

shes absoulutely correct. Im tired of staring at water and watch people not drown for 8.50 USD with a max of 20hrs per week.

>> No.2048749

Ill just look at tutorials and advertising pins

>> No.2048751
File: 109 KB, 492x600, cryingkorean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>marketable degree

>> No.2048752

idk this whole thread made me reevaluate my plans about going to art and design school next year

>> No.2048766

>get a marketable degree
>do art on the side

I remember 2nd grade reading comprehension too.

>> No.2048770

Trust me, having 20k debt above your head for ONE semmester isnt worth it. I'd reccomend going only if you have the money.

>> No.2048774

>End up drawing in breaktimes while others chat
>Draw in lectures

LMAO there's one guy who does exactly this in my college and guess what; he's literally fucking autistic

>> No.2048777

You should feel glad, your peers are your competition.

>> No.2048779

/rk9/ pls

>> No.2048794
File: 36 KB, 324x322, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew it.
I fucking knew it.
Maybe im just boring, and not autistic

>> No.2048813

If it makes up the majority of how you interact with people, you may fit that bill actually

I'm not that guy though

>> No.2048829

What atelier?

>> No.2048832

would I improve that much faster if I were to take art classes or could I improve just as fast if I were to work my ass off via art books/loomis/etc.?

>> No.2048903

Why would the ones with potential drop out?

>> No.2048907

>90% of them are right out of high school
literally like less than 10% are right out of high school in my college, including me, fuck

>> No.2048918

probs coz they realised the school was shit

>> No.2048932
File: 32 KB, 563x542, 2013-01-03 17.21.51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not very popular because everybody else is jealous

yea....sure bro, sure

>> No.2048954


good actually!

>> No.2048973

>Teacher tells me he hasn't seeing anyone excel this quickly in 8 weeks
>Offers to pay 1/4 of next semester's classes

Looks like I'm doing summer school.

>> No.2048993
File: 666 KB, 1142x1500, Ragnar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mediocre shit like this gets mires from everyone
I didn't think anyone would be impressed with my shit before going into art college

>> No.2049014

ive never known this displeasure, share your story anon

>> No.2049038

so you would suggest RISD? i was thinking of applying after i finish my freshman year garbage at community colleges( because its so expencive)

>> No.2049082
File: 162 KB, 1212x372, science_engineering_liberal_arts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that? I can't hear you over the sound of every piece of machinery you depend on.

>> No.2049084

That's an amazing story, go share it on /sci/. I'm sure they'll kek.

>> No.2049086

Do you really have so low self esteem you need to go onto a board for artists, in a thread about art schools, and then post how your are going to engineering school and how you feel like you are better than everyone?

>> No.2049094
File: 111 KB, 525x299, green man sensually wraps his arms around old person.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, just havin' a giggle. Don't tell me you haven't made a few gaffes for your own amusement.

>> No.2049097

I'm talking about attending a shitty state school for free for a fine art degree

>> No.2049120

there are tons of wannabe artists engineers.

probably 1 out of 5 engineers would rather be a pinup illustrator or something, but will never have the courage to take the risk.

>> No.2049316

You'd be suprised.
Half of the freshmen never picked up a brush or used a tablet before

>> No.2049319

The highschool batch needs to work or something in order to see why you need the degree first instead of being shoehorned by your parents

>> No.2049325
File: 446 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know the market area of pinups.
Who even buys them?
Will they be profitable throughout this upcoming generation?

>> No.2049509
File: 607 KB, 1000x1317, 2014 - Yu han - Inula loved by time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sakimichan and all the Legend of the Cryptids guys seem to be doing well with them

>> No.2049587
File: 37 KB, 500x745, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean stuff like this

>> No.2049617
File: 369 KB, 1024x1432, 2014- trejoeeee - rose regular.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you implying this is anything but a pinup?

>> No.2049929
File: 93 KB, 501x1464, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean the style dude.

>> No.2049931

it's amazing how a painting can be so finely rendered yet ugly as fuck.

>> No.2050017

ugly as sin

>> No.2050034

wow, shocking that rendering isn't the end-all-be-all of art