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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 8 KB, 249x202, sadfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2018736 No.2018736 [Reply] [Original]

Outside of the internet how many of you guys actually have art friends that you hang out with and draw with? I feel as I get older, art has became very lonely for me. I used to being able to go to museums, and sketching all the time with friends, but now everyone is so busy that it's hard to make plans. Don't get me wrong I dont need people to push me to draw, it's just sometimes it's nice to have someone to talk and drawing with.

>tldr I'm an artist and I have no friends

>> No.2018737

I only have one friend. He draws and is way better than me.

>> No.2018744


no friends at all reporting in. it's cool though. i am mentally fit to be a hermit.

>> No.2018746

Well do you talk to people every day? It's okay if you're not close to these people. I'm sure you have some friends, even if it is family.

>> No.2018749

are you me'?
but yea no one except for my gf

>> No.2018750


yeah i do have some friends. my sister lives nearby, is a total sweetheart and i see her for breakfast every saturday. everyone else lives miles and miles away, but we have our yearly get togethers. i think you have to be a bit of loner to do art. it certainly feels that way to me.

>> No.2018751

But..they said "just get a hobby and friends will follow" :(

>> No.2018753

Nope, no drawing buddies here.

And I'm fine with that, prefer to be alone when I draw or paint anyhow.

It's a bit of the hermit deal as anon mentioned (>>2018744), and also a bit that by the end of the day it's nice to go to my garage-cave and have some silence.

>> No.2018756

I am the one with one friend. I used to have lots, but almost allof them made really bad life choices, so I did not want to talk to them. I occasionally talk to my friend's friends. I'm his only close friend, though. None of my family likes me except my brother and my dad. My dad is always pretending not to like me because my mom hates me, and my brother is getting older and more distant. I like having only one friend. It is nice. He is my husband.
I feel like all of the robots from /r9k/ are moving to other boards due to the recent flood of normies and women at that board.

>> No.2018757

I have no art friend outside of the internet... and no art friends on the internet
I have a few people I talk to in real life and even though I can't compare art or discuss current favourites, I'm ok with bumbling along in life

I'm happy with being on my own most of the time

Maybe I won't be happy in the future but I'm OK now so I'll tackle that issue if and when I face it

>> No.2018761


how do you get a gf

getting a gf inherently requires having friends, grills usually seek males with friends to determine the males social standing, no friend = 0 social standing,

so your gf must be special needs or fat

>> No.2018775
File: 67 KB, 496x511, That+feel_c68fe9_4147976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had art friends, but they became successful and no longer have time to talk to a pleb like me. I had (have?) this one friend who I used to talk to everyday, we were best buds at Uni, doing all our assignments together, now we haven't spoken in a year because he's a big shot working in a respected studio.

I'm not that offended, because he's probably made a circle of friends 'in-the-know', I hope to become successful and get in that circle one day too. But it hurts, you know. I try not to think about it.

>> No.2018776

>tfw no art friends
>tfw writefag friends

I just wish I could pull off a collaborative work.

>> No.2018777

I'm in an art course at my college and I have yet to find anyone who draws in it


>> No.2018781


how old are you? hope things get better for you, honestly. they most certainly will assuming you are not mid twenties yet.

>> No.2018782

long story short, internet
i would say she is in the lower end of chubby but i dont like dem skinny bitches
i am fat though

>> No.2018795

I'm pretty young and very happy with how things are. The only thing that could make me even happier is to have a child one day. When I'm ready.
I just think everyone thinks you need lots of friends and talent and things to be happy. I am no good at drawing at all, but I have so much fun doing it. I am always happy.

>> No.2018798

>Tfw skinny bitch due to genetics

>> No.2018801
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Is anyone living in New York? I don't mind having a meet up or something.
>Don't be a weirdo

>> No.2018807

aww its okay you just keep drawing/eating all day no exercises.
you will make it in no time :3

>> No.2018812

>tfw skinny girls are superior to chubby ones

>> No.2018813

.. :3

>> No.2018816

to each its own
i just dont like spooky skeletons

>> No.2018817

i hope you enjoy being raped and stabbed

>> No.2018822

If I was any skinnier, I'd be gross. I'm on the lowest end of average for my height i think

>> No.2018836

I dont want to fuck Lucina for the rest of the year

>> No.2018841
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>> No.2018844
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>> No.2018847

so when do we meet anastasia?

>> No.2018852

A lot of my art friends from college have moved on to other careers. I really miss being part of an art community, there was such a creative energy. Working alone in the studio just isn't the same.

>> No.2018856

None, but I'm mulling about going to the local figure drawing classes, but man, I'm so used to drawing small, most of my life I've been basically drawing thumbnails to "conserve" paper or something.

Also the animes.

>> No.2018872


>> No.2018873

Can I see?

>> No.2018877
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>I'm so used to drawing small, most of my life
>figure classes

Nigga you're going to get discouraged if you go, drawing on index cards

>> No.2018903

I developed that bad habbbit too. Just buy some bigger paper and do a few drawings at home to get more comfortable.

>> No.2018908


>> No.2018911

you can draw small if you want to.

people act like everyone goes around drawing on huge sheets of newsprint but if you actually go to an art museum and look at the drawings, rather than the paintings, most of them are pretty small.

>> No.2018912

I am 27, no friends here, live alone, however I have family I talk to and visit almost daily. I work out, work in retail, and draw several hours everyday. I enjoy being a loner, I think I'm in the perfect position to become good at something, and I chose drawing several years ago, however I spent a lot of time partying with friends, and the past couple years I have strayed away from all of that to take my art more seriously. I am happy, I know everything will work itself out, and I have no problem with motivation and putting in work, so I feel very confident about how my skill will develop throughout the years.

>> No.2018914

See just like I said earlier. Even if you don't have 100000 milllion friends, you can still be very happy and enjoy yourself. Can I see what you like to draw?

>> No.2018915

i have lots of art friends, i don't draw with them very often. what'd be the point? i discuss art and everything else with them with maybe a bit of demonstration in a moleskine but otherwise we do fun stuff. art is work.

>> No.2018927
File: 103 KB, 683x512, 20150316_005325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the best representation of my work but its the most recent thing i did. im actually working a lot from loomis's head and hands book and studying armor so ive just been doing a lot of fundamental stuff for now

>> No.2018932

Wow that's so cool! I hope you reach your goals in art!

>> No.2018936

I don't have any friends. More time for drawing, I g-guess.

>> No.2018939

i am anon. let's be art friends :)

>> No.2018940

What do you like to draw? I wanna see!

>> No.2018943

thanks friend, you can reach your goals if you are obsessed with what you are doing.

>> No.2018949

I am on the right track then! Thank you so much for the words of encouragement :3

>> No.2018960

what is going on
too much kindness on muh isee

>> No.2018965

Shut up

>> No.2018975

I only have like two friends I drink and smoke with. I really don't have anyone to talk to about art.

However, I'm starting to talk to most of my classmates in my life drawing class. Hopefully I can find someone to draw with.

>> No.2018979

...or you meet her at a concert, like I did. Not that anon, though.

>> No.2018983

I met mine through friends of friends and met in real life at our local coffee shop

>> No.2018984

you dont have to have friends, just lead her on to believe that you have friends in the beginning stages of getting to know eachother.

>> No.2018990

That's mean and you will regret it later.

>> No.2019013
File: 16 KB, 633x758, 1416050082084.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you even make art friends? i wish i had made some art friends when i was younger.
nowadays when i meet other artists the relationship is usually defined by wether i'm worse or better than them. i think i'm looking at it too competitively.

how does one get casual art friendships?

>> No.2019016
File: 337 KB, 2048x1361, 10505119_808072902597405_8820147729552948447_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, sure. where in new york do you live?

>> No.2019017

get someone chill and be bros, someone like me.

>> No.2019018

Internet friends I guess

>> No.2019032

get the fuck out, robot. I like this board, don't fuck it up with your no women allowed schtick.

>> No.2019033


>> No.2019036

I am a girl
Girls aren't allowed on r9k i meant

>> No.2019038


>> No.2019045
File: 27 KB, 500x461, 15362464634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Hey baby, when do I get to meet Aysee? You're always talking about him.

>> No.2019049

Oh wait, I didn't read the whole thing. Are you in the other thread about feeling like shit about your art? It's a good thing to have a supportive husband to help you critique your shit. I just wish I had a friend for collab work irl.

>> No.2019053

Yes I am but he only tells me that I am very good and he just says what he likes about it and says he can't find anything he doesn't like or that stands out as weird. He only pointed something out once. Though, I usually can't find anything major wrong with his stuff either. He's at least twice as good as me
P.s. i hate all of these pepe threads on boards besides /r9k/, but it seems strangely fitting for /ic/

>> No.2019055
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>Let me examine your artistic skill...
>Now your social media presence...
>Are you retarded/autistic?...
>Now, what can I gain from 'befriending' you?

You're all clear, goy. Let's be friends. :)

>> No.2019062
File: 997 KB, 500x281, pokedance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live with my boyfriend and we smooch eachother and draw all day

>> No.2019065

Ugh, I hate that. They think they're insulting you when you just need honest crit. It's like deviantart all over again.

>> No.2019067

Teasing your bf while he's drawing is always the best, especially when he teases you back

>> No.2019069


kek. poverty.

>> No.2019073

>tfw no boyfriend to tease while drawing horsecocks

>> No.2019074

My dad and one of my sisters are both classically-trained visual artists, so I get pretty inspired by them. I didn't opt for the art school path but drawing and illustration has always been a big pastime for me.

I always wanted more (unrelated by blood) artistic friends, but I never managed to find any. Lately though, I've met a couple of art school grads at my workplace, and I love when they share their new work and even their WIP.
And the best part is getting feedback about your own work from people who are talented/experienced enough to give meaningful criticism (most of the time).

Relatedly, one of my FB acquaintances is a drawing beginner but she considers herself to be pretty talented. She posts her shit in an album on FB and routinely gets 50-100 likes for each piece she puts up. All the comments are variations on "omg ur so talented" and I think that's the problem with not having any talented artistic friends - you live in a bubble where you don't get any solid feedback and therefore can't improve.
But she also lacks a lot of self-awareness. Oh well.

>> No.2019075
File: 37 KB, 300x290, 1411705909211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jerkin' his dick while he's drawing on stream
heh heh

>> No.2019079

Yeah, he seems very humble about it, though. I have practically begged him to tell me that something is wrong with it. He has pointed out that I was lazy with things or that I have the capability to put more effort into the coloring or something, but that's it. Don't get me wrong, he's the sweetest ever and makes me extra happy, but I just wish I could look at my art from someone else's eyes.

>> No.2019087

Or when he is skyping with friends (no cam obviously) and making him "dc" from a game.... Heheh I love being a tease it's awesome

>> No.2019094
File: 53 KB, 412x357, 1411706004913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw playing with his dick while he sleeps and doesn't remember the next morning
>tfw he keeps your head still while he cums down your throat
>tfw grabbing his dick and butt in public
>tfw giving him a quick suck while his friends are in the next room

>> No.2019099

Are you me?

>> No.2019100
File: 17 KB, 220x220, 1416973900593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck can't you pornfags ever keep your shit to yourself?

>> No.2019104


>> No.2019105
File: 885 KB, 2048x1536, 1420967510908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2019109

Cool! Wanna go to this?


>> No.2019112

Maybe you're better than you think. If you want, you can post in the other thread or something and I'll give you an unbiased critique.

>> No.2019115

I mean I get that you people are inspired dick connoisseurs, but keep you fantasies in your thread please.
and stop posting hirame every single time.

>> No.2019117

I already know I'm bad compared to everyone here. but thanks anyways. I think he just critiques relative to himself And his own work.

>> No.2019118

Already a head of you.

>> No.2019122

Could make a thread about this in the beginning of April, see if there's enough d/ic/ks in or near the city that want to go and have a little meet up.

>> No.2019157
File: 36 KB, 324x322, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no gf/bf
>tfw parents are too controlling of the other party so I have to continue saving up until I move out

>> No.2019169
File: 1.32 MB, 1280x1920, tumblr_n3eqgxsdOL1r65jczo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like fun! How are we gotta spot each other though?

>> No.2019170

It's okay. You'll be alright!

>> No.2019177


>> No.2019181

>had to look for folds in his pants to make sure hes wearing them

>> No.2019184
File: 37 KB, 525x481, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks buddy

>> No.2019190
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... fucking cockthirsty whores. I bet you the kind that draws furry porn and this is morally accepted.

>> No.2019249

Anyone near Chicago? I haven't been to the Art Institute in a while. I'll bring my wife so you won't be afraid that I'll rape and murder you,

>> No.2019305
File: 94 KB, 795x599, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am.
What are you gonna do about it

>> No.2019462

You just gotta believe. Your posts are so melancholy. ;_;

>> No.2019472

im sorry :c do not be sad!!

>> No.2019499
File: 75 KB, 1024x730, BqtDM-wIUAAor9H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related bb

>> No.2019520

I have online art friends and irl art friends.. But my irl friends give horrible crits and aint serious about art at all. My online friends are a huge motivation. I also had an art bf irl, but he wasnt serious enough and I couldnt do art bc of him, so I broke up. Got the decision of being forever alone and gittin good, might make me more happy than having someone.
>INB4 wanting to become extremely based and dieying virgin

>> No.2019533

ive been in this exact situation

>> No.2019539


My gf tries to do this shit. Tell her to fuck off. Shit's annoying honestly. When I'm in art mode, I don't give a shit about sex. Gaming? Whatever, I'm DTF. Art? No, fuck off.

On topic, all my art friends from college turned into obnoxious "social justice" morons who do nothing but bitch about non-issues on FB. I hardly ever talk to them. Luckily I don't live in the same area I went to college anymore so I don't have to deal with them in person. None of my offline friends are art people. Mostly just fellow gamers or co-workers.

>> No.2019547


You sound like you've never been in a relationship before in your life. Is he your first or some shit?

>> No.2019581
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I used to have a group of friends that all loved drawing, but then just over a year ago I had to move to a different province and now I don't have any friends at all. I hardly ever even talk to anyone outside of my family.

>tfw doing commissions to save up enough money to move back to be with my friends who've probably moved on from me

>> No.2019584

where do you do your commissions?

>> No.2019585
File: 9 KB, 271x288, 1426568527747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i used to not have anyone to talk to but i started taking classes around my hometown, since i couldn't afford art center (51k+ a year ayy) and it's helped me improve a whole bunch and also feel good about things. its nice knowing people and some of them even work in the industry even though i'll never get there for awhile, lol.

>take class
>talkative people, will be fun, good shit
>people post their work and give introductions
>someone posts sprias's work
>mfw internet hero is in my class

>> No.2019634

I went to an art magnet highschool and continued on to art school after that. It's now two years after graduation, and I'm still close friends with 7 people who went to school with me. None of them draw anymore.

The ones who didn't go to a college pissed away the years neeting and playing video games. The ones who actively wanted to pursue art as a career got their art degrees but haven't even drawn anything since.

I often suggest drawing hangouts to them but everyone avoids the idea of drawing now. What's most depressing is that a lot of them were actually very skilled and could have gotten art jobs if they had tried.

>> No.2019679

I guess we can set up some sort of thing like a blind date. Something identifying but unlikely for a random dude to be carrying/wearing.

>> No.2019745

Maybe the reason you won't get a gf is because you have preconceived notions of what all girls might want.

>> No.2019746

how about wearing a mask?

>> No.2019748


was it actually him or did someone just post his work? i cant tell whats sarcasm on this board anymore.

>> No.2019750

just school chums (i'm art school fag). All we talk about is art. Relationships are only art deep.

Just go to art school... a serious one, not a slacker one. I go to gallery openings all the time with them, travel abroad with them and do art shit there, meet up and drink and draw, etc. Nothing but art - my life. Now back to drawing I go.

>> No.2019751

None, that's why we all have gathered together round the reactor.

Art pros a) don't have the time
art amatuers b) don't have the jobs
.But this can change as a lot uf us hope and put their effort into (me too).

Not too many people are able and willing to spend their time on art as they want a career plus the "safety" it offers to found families and live their lives in what can be called a safe harbour.
Choosing art as an occupation besides your work as an psychologist is like leaving the boat...

>> No.2019752
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>friend is great at drawing
>he's supportive of me trying to learn even though I'm a complete beginner
>he really wants us to draw together sometime
>we make plans to hang out at his house and draw
>get excited, gonna draw with someone who I've looked up to as an artist for years
>arrive at his house and get ready to draw
>he loses interest immediately and we end up watching YouTube videos instead

>> No.2019759

He's probably insecure about his artistic talents and doesn't want to disillusion you.

>> No.2019889

Your relationship seems boring and deviod of youthful pleasure.
Your mate is fucking your best friend right now.
If you dont satisfy their desire, whom will?

>> No.2019891
File: 60 KB, 447x686, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats incredibly sad. Their parents may have told them that art bears no financial fruit, and that they would starve and die drawing in the street.
dream crushers.

>> No.2019893

Who needs to have a family when you can make one?
I hope for AI to be as real as PET's from the Battle Network series.

>> No.2019898
File: 13 KB, 191x248, weed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get into drawing
>friend asks me to draw a video game character
>try to draw it(still a beginner)
>run in anatomy problems, also no coloring skills
>he asks about it
>tell him I tried and will try again when I have better skills
>eventually place it on hold infidently, focusing on practice and research, rather than trying to complete drawings regardless of my crap skill.
This was like 4 years ago. Sorta grew apart from all of my friends, probably due being too focused on my art hobby. Haven't seen my friend in at least 3 years. Right now I've managed to complete the rough sketch of the drawing. Though I'll probably scrap it and make a new one. I've gotten much better, but I still feel like I'm not good enough to make it look the way I want to be.

I have no idea if I'll run into my friends again to even show them my art, but I'm ashamed of not having anything nice and completed to show them, so a part of me is hoping I don't even run into them until I actually have completed material.

>> No.2019904

what a bunch of delusional autistic robots, life isn't fucking school days or whatever shit you weirdos are watching. i bet you go on /r9k/'s bully thread and pretend to be little girls.

>> No.2019906

Lol o god no.
Maybe we can attach a paper or a sticker saying /ic/ on our bags or something.

>> No.2019907

Thank you for reminding me that all the females in that game are over 18.
Now its time to sit back with my cock hard, and draw some 34

>> No.2019909

Male Gay couples have sex like that.

>> No.2019910
File: 478 KB, 499x750, 1425780817251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

study this with your dick

>> No.2019912

I ditch my friends for art, it's a decision not a regret.

>> No.2019913
File: 665 KB, 3840x2160, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer translating the game models

>> No.2019915

I wish I could meet another artist I could relate to. Like someone on the same level as me or better. But alas, hermit life.

>> No.2020035

The collective sympathetic cringe would cripple us all.

Sounds good.

>> No.2020074

>devoid of youthful pleasure

You sound inexperienced as fuck m8, kek. How old are you? 15?

>> No.2020097

I've never had an art friend except my senior year of high school when me and this chick would draw in the art room during lunch and eventually started talking to each other and found out we had the same tastes in anime and even both hung out on /a/.... good times. I miss that.

I hope she's still drawing 'cause she was good. Maybe I'll find her tumblr one day?

>> No.2020098

Meet up thread?

Cali 718 here

>> No.2020101

god this is depressing.

>> No.2020104

this sounds fucking ideal tbh

I'm going back to school in Sept., in an art direction this time, so I'm pumped. The program I'll be doing is well-known for its strong sense of community

>> No.2020120

I'm a professional artist living in Germany, Berlin. I'm completely alone. Despite my efforts I don't have any friends to speak of or anyone I can talk to. I just finished a big gig and I should be happy and proud but I feel nothing because not a single soul gives the slightest shit. /ic/ is the only place, where I can be social.

Honestly, I'm extremely close to offing myself. Being a professional freelance artist is a waking nightmare.

>> No.2020154

This is actually how I met my husband.

I hope you two can meet again and nothing will have changed and you can be draw friends forever.

>> No.2020183

Buy some artificial libido grandpa

>> No.2020185

You werent ment for the /hermit/ life.
Why not teach?

>> No.2020225

That's pretty unique, good for you for finding your human to be with. I hope one day we can meet again too and talk about random shit while drawing like we use too. You never know, right?

>> No.2020244
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Inexperienced as fuck.

>> No.2020273

You wanna play some fighting vidya?

>> No.2020760


What games? What system?