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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 56 KB, 600x928, 6809713e.ipad-masterpiece.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2013703 No.2013703 [Reply] [Original]


Let's face the real fact, the tools that allow commercial art today are getting each time less dependable of technique and more about creativity and aesthetic notions. This will be good to people that face art as a hobby or a complementary work (like inventors, product-designers, programmers, video-content creators...), and terrible for actual professionals.

>> No.2013704

I didn't ask for this feel

>> No.2013705

The stupid bitch didn't color in the cape under his arm.

>> No.2013708
File: 75 KB, 244x248, fagggytits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2013709

But anon, rotoscoping is 100 years old.

>> No.2013712

lol. looked a lot more revolutionary from the picture. lol when i thought it was as simple as getting the pictures on the screen and transfering the photo to the page ala silly putty

>> No.2013720
File: 965 KB, 1430x813, microsoft_windows_holographic_3d_minecraft-100564050-orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP here, I just don't bother about these things anymore since I don't wanna be a fucked-up professional concept-artist/illustrator.

Why training days and days on something that will be cheap and easy labor in the future? Perspective? Shadow quality? Anatomy? Top kek.

Pic related, even 3D artists will be outdated in the future. Only a tiny minority will actually profit on these fields, and it will be basically because they are already famous, not because they are outstanding on their craft.

>> No.2013728


Yes anon, it is rotoscoping, but there is one detail that you are missing: Now you have easy access to billions and billions of images, photographs or 3d models that you can make on your own. Added to the benefit of drawing on paper, witch is easier than any Tablet can possibly be.

>> No.2013731
File: 350 KB, 770x433, you're fired, enjoy your tumblr fanbase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2013772

THANK GOD now the "put my supplies right next to my artwork so people know I did this traditionally without any cheats" fad will die.

>> No.2013786


im pretty sure people do that to add to the composition of the photo of their actual piece.

Photographers who are also artists understand that sort of thing when taking photos

>> No.2013823
File: 2.81 MB, 220x209, 1421730159807.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man... this sucks.
art is the only thing ill ever be good at

>> No.2013853

Those things have been around for ages in the form of a projector.

>> No.2013860
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2015-01-22-11h28m57s122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op here, being a 2D/3D artist will be no different than being a good remixer.

Personally, I find this very delightful, since you will be free to put your brain to work on different things, like screen writing, programing, design, aesthetics, engineering and so on. Everyone will be modern versions of Leonardo DaVinci.

>> No.2013879

Not a single comment on copyright issue, neither on youtube nor here. I am disappoint.

>> No.2013882

I think that's a given, considering this is aimed at people who cant draw.

>> No.2013886

>Everyone will be modern versions of Leonardo DaVinci

>Can't even get a non-shit gig until 40+ years old
>Best paintings are already falling apart within my lifetime
>Nobody will give a shit about my concepts until hundreds of years later
>And none of my designs will be used then, because they'll already have invented them without me

Sounds great.

>> No.2013895

That'd be good except for one thing--getting something drawn that you cannot find off of Google to trace from. Kek.

Also painting/digital painting is still very much a thing. You also cannot use something you've rotoscoped from for commercial usage because of possible copyright/plagarism issues unless it is of your own image. Basically nothing to really worry about.

>> No.2013914
File: 125 KB, 590x803, ZBC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In about one or three days of preparation you can basically take photos enough to make an entire portfolio.

But in my opinion, the real deal of illustration, concept art and 3d Modeling will be virtual reality.
Just imagine how easy and fast you will be able to model a character in a virtual reality environment.

Pic related, this comic was made using filters and a 3d software (zBrush).

>> No.2013967
File: 10 KB, 300x300, what are you doing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone will be DaVinci


For people worrying about this shit replacing actual hard work, don't fret so damn much. Yes there's photobashers and rendermonkeys out there but it's a different end of the market. You look at the top guys for game concepts and illustration and you have Mullins, JJ, Ruan Jia and so on. All guys who are where they are because they create beautiful shit, and they're not limited by whatever software they have or whatever photos they have to bash with.

As for this shit, they come out with easy-to-draw! stuff for kids all the time, all it does is stunt their artistic growth and give them an easy sense of accomplishment while not actually doing anything. Kind of like photobashing tbh.

So quit your whining and get back to grinding.

>You can't get replaced if you're the best.

>> No.2014030

look up the meaning of rotoscoping? watch the video?
she is basically drawing on tablet but it appears both on tablet and on screen.
you could trace photos on paper all this time using transparent paper. what is different?

>> No.2014040

Your point is? It looks like trash. Sounds like OP is just mad because he can't draw and wants to make himself feel better. Don't worry, there's always McDonalds for you.

>> No.2014048

>yfw she was immediately beaten with a belt in the extended version

Seriously though kids have been doing this shit for years, someone found out how to make money off of a basic arts and crafts exercise.

>> No.2014059

>not being gud with scale and direct reference

You can photobash with scissors and a compass.

>> No.2016832

>literally nothing.jpg

>> No.2016889

>stuff for kids all the time, all it does is stunt their artistic growth and give them an easy sense of accomplishment while not actually doing anything
they're just kids man, it's a toy not unlike a video game console or a table game. Only /ic/ can get mad about something like this

>> No.2016895

Didnt know AJ did a commercial
I thought he was gonna say what dat brush when she show him her drawing

>> No.2016912

The only thing thats changed is the "industry" has been flooded with mediocre to unhireable people with dreams of working on A list projects.

The best people will still get work, always and forever.

You think so little picture, its a fucking joke. VR/AR will take muh jobs away?? No VR/AR will create new jobs. There will be a new lane in entertainment creating VR/AR content. Just like mobile and social games gave jobs to all that B level talent.

The fact that you think a product designer isn't a "professional"? compared to what a concept artist? are you fucking kidding me?

Every piece of tech you posted is a fucking TOY designed by "professionals" to empower plebs like yourself. You're imagining a future where "little big planet" replaces CAD.

>> No.2016932

This actually reminds me of the NeoLucida. I remember the threads about it here when the first batches came out of Kickstarter and still got mine sitting on the shelf.

It's pretty much the same thing, only more convenient since you don't need a hipster iPad, or any electricity at all for that matter. Even includes the photobashing if you point it at a monitor.

But in the end I'm not even using it, since it's pretty much just a fun little gadget.

>> No.2016941

>basically tracing
Yeah, no credibility at all

>> No.2016953
File: 78 KB, 800x504, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this astroturfing

>> No.2017004

Holy shit.

>> No.2017007
File: 11 KB, 339x351, uwot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I actually got chills watching it :)

>> No.2017038

ohmigod ur so talented!!!!1!

>> No.2017047

Wait, are you saying you're worried about tracing? Seriously, /ic/? It's not like tracing hasn't existed before.

>> No.2017050

Agreed, but i actually think this is something that may make kids more interested in art.