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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 67 KB, 705x960, 10481451_900990626588583_7970660220775744477_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2011921 No.2011921 [Reply] [Original]

Good art thread?

>> No.2011960

>super fucked up anatomy
>boring 1-2-3 value structure
>awkward pose
>lens flare
>guassian blur everywhere
>"good" art

>> No.2011965

Of all the obvious Photoshop tricks people use, I think gaussian blur looks the worst.

There's just something so bad about it - it would look so much better if they just rendered the blurred figures more loosely and with less detail than the focal point.

>> No.2011987

B-b-but muh pseudophotorealism

>> No.2011994

what a heap of trash

>> No.2012008

>boring 1-2-3 value structure

I was about to write how bad that painting is, but holy shit you are a retard. Tons of amazing masterpaintings have a 3 value structure. It's one of the single most commonly used value structures for a reason, you pathetic little hipster fuck.

>> No.2012013

i think the anon is implying that there is bad and good 3 value structure and the op is one of the bad

>> No.2012022

This is what I see
>I'm jealous
> im jealous
>I'm jealous
>I should be painting right now instead of trolling but I completely suck ass and have no motivation to better myself so I'll try to bring everyone else down.

>> No.2012023

Fucking losers.

>> No.2012033
File: 300 KB, 916x486, anatomy_WIP3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my art btw.

>> No.2012035

ayy lmao

>> No.2012036

what's with the ayylien eyes

>> No.2012044

I think the coloring is too soft for a violent image like that, otherwise I like it.

>> No.2012056

I'm not shitting on a 3 value structure because it is one of the strongest structures in existence (Pyle kills with it for example), I'm shitting on the 1-2-3 read...the whole FOREGROUND IS SUPER DARK YO, THEN MIDDLEGROUND I PAINT NORMAL, THEN BG I PAINT SO LIGHT!!!1! CAUSE THAT'S HOW LIGHT WORKS RIGHT GUYZ?! Like it can be an effective setup at times, but mostly it's exaggerated and used formulaically (like it is here). Like the distance from a close skeledude to a far one is maybe 10 feet but there's like a mile of atmosphere there and the toplight on hulkdude is only hitting him that strongly and nothing else. It's so artificial and a very lazy solution to an image.

Nope, just giving my honest opinion of it. Obviously it is better painted than most things on /ic/, but if this is a thread holding up pieces as a high standard then I will call out things I don't think are worthy of it.


>> No.2012058


>> No.2012085

This is really gay.

>> No.2012110

you insecure, gayboy?

>> No.2012479

It looks really uninteresting.
What is it meant to do?
Have a meaning?
Tell a story?
How is is it telling the story?

>> No.2012488


The story/narrative of the illustration looks pretty straightforward to me. I can understand you not thinking it looks interesting, but now you're just asking stupid questions.

>> No.2012497
File: 109 KB, 653x1200, saturn-devouring-one-of-his-children-1823.jpg!HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too simple.
It's not showing any morality or emotional meaning.
As far as I see it's just some orc dude smashing up some skeletons for the sake of it.

>> No.2012509

>It's too simple.

Get out of here with that nonsense. There is nothing wrong with being simple and straight to the fucking point. I see an Orc defending himself from what is clearly an ambush of undead because he's surrounded. That's ALL it needs to be. You wanting it to be more is irrelevant since there is nothing to be confused about with the actual story telling of the piece. Simple and straightforward is not inherently bad.

>> No.2012514
File: 254 KB, 815x647, fireworks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and thats a big guy eating a little guy. you people have no idea what a concept is...

>> No.2012522

Yeah but how does the big guy feel about it? What would his mother say? I want to know these things and theyre not portrayed in the image, that pisses me off and imhfo I think its shitty story telling on the artists part based on fucking principle alone.

>> No.2012532

>I want to know these things and theyre not portrayed in the image

That's too fucking bad. You wanting to know that isn't important.

>> No.2012537

You're never going to make it with that attitude towards your viewers.

>> No.2012541

>big guy

>> No.2012542


>> No.2012587

>You're never going to make it with that attitude towards your viewers.

You're imply most viewers are going to get their autism triggered because they can't figure out the Orc's childhood or date of birth from a single piece of artwork. Rather than bitching about not being able to figure it out, they'd probably simply ask the artist himself via social media or use their own imagination to project what they want onto the piece. Much like one would with the example you posted, which (when taken at face value) looks just as boring. Some would even call it just plain shit.

>> No.2012657

can you post a work you think uses that value structure well? any artists to look at?

>> No.2012672

I look at guys like Dean Cornwell, Howard Pyle, Harvey Dunn, Craig Mullins, Jaime Jones.

>> No.2012736

All this jealousy disguised in denial

>> No.2012812

You can get shots like this with real lights and using a real camera. Of course it would be all artificial lighting, but the subject in this peice is fantasy anyway which was the point of using lighting in such a way to bring out the center figure.

>> No.2012813

Quit being pretentious

>> No.2012856

At first it looks impressive, but on a second look there are some major problems.

The tattoo is flat and looks like a multiply layer. The shading, while good in some areas, you can tell the artist cut shapes out and started blurring and blending color to make it look like a form is there. It's never good to let the viewer know how an artist did something, that spoils the magic. Techniques should stay hidden.

The anatomy looks good but the structure is flawed. Besides "hidden hands" they don't seem like they meet respectfully where the handle is, not without the handle going straight through the head. Wrong foot on the leg! How the artist miss that I don't know. And the hips are too small, its like there is no crotch, just a stomach on top of legs. And the loincloths drapes flat like. It should just bungle over the lifted leg and come forward.

The perspective on the hammer head is too distorted. Personally I think it should be twisted a little more as if he were going to drive stake in front of him.

This is painting is a good example of what concept art is, it's kitsch. Flashy, lots of ornamentation, style flourishings, and technical showmanship. But not much significance. There is no genuine creative prowess here. And the craftsmanship is superficial. It's uninspiring and doesn't keep you interested for long.

>> No.2012861

I enjoy creative and interesting works too, concept illustration and the like can have flaws and flaws are bad, that 's why I prefer art that is inherently flawless.


>> No.2012862

And thats simply a monster eating a person...???!?!

If youre trying to prove a point at least get a good example.

>> No.2012869

Good artists are okay with managing flaws, cheap artists lie and talk about things like inherent flawlesslness.

>> No.2012871

I was being sarcastic nigga goddamn.

>> No.2012893

The comparison wasn't fair. But something about context should be said here. Goya's Saturn has a rich history and the context is about deep internal haunting conflict. The orc illustration just says, "War Craft 23! Own it today! First 100000 players will get the new orc shipping DLC! War Craft 23! Out now! Buy it!"

>> No.2012910

Protip: not every piece of illustration needs a deep meaning.

Especially when it comes to commercial shit, like OP's example (which is something you'd see for promotional material, etc.)

>> No.2012927

Life-tip: Not everybody is going to flip out like you would for some concept illustration.

Do you know why some anons are sick and tired of kids parading concept illustration around? It's because the parading is mindless fanaticism. That shit get's annoying really quick.

And it wouldn't be so bad if any of you kids actually knew how to present the work in a meaningful way. It doesn't matter if something was done for commercial gain or for personal, what matters is how well you reason the value of a work. NOT ONE CONCEPT FANBOY KNOWS HOW TO DO THAT, NOT ONE!

All fanboys do is post something they liked expecting it to automatically knock someone else over out of sheer awesomeness alone. Only other dumb fanboys fall prey to such a cornball spectacle.

P.S. There is reason I said the comparison was unfair. That doesn't change the fact that the concept illustration here as no value whatsoever.

>> No.2012930

Well said

>> No.2012939

>Not everybody is going to flip out like you would for some concept illustration.
Wow, way to make a personal assumption asshat.

It's fine if you don't care for concept art or whatever, but that doesn't disregard the fact that there is a time and place for it (likewise with ~meaning~ that you love to speak about.) Quit expecting something to do more than what the companies pay the artist to do, or the artist wants to do. It conveys its message fine for its /purpose/.
>what matters is how well you reason the value of a work. NOT ONE CONCEPT FANBOY KNOWS HOW TO DO THAT, NOT ONE!
Not everybody values the same thing as you do, believe it or not. Stop shoving your interests on other people and artists, man. Especially in regards to other artists, they can do whatever with their own art.
>All fanboys do is post something they liked expecting it to automatically knock someone else over out of sheer awesomeness alone.
You're making assumptions there buddy.

The main purpose of concept illustration is to show, you know, a concept. It doesn't need to have a deeper meaning because that's not its purpose--you'd look at other kinds of illustrations for that. It's like complaining about how shallow the romance in action films are. Stop being such a pretentious cunt about how people don't care for the same things you like.

>> No.2012970

>Wow, way to make a personal assumption asshat.
Stop trying to defend it and I won't make assumptions, bitchpants

>Quit expecting something to do more than what the companies pay the artist to do, or the artist wants to do. It conveys its message fine for its /purpose/.
The problem is not the work or its intentions. The problem is you people, concept fanboys, are such piss poor communicators about the work.

>Not everybody values the same thing as you do, believe it or not.
But if you want someone to appreciate something as you do, best be ready to give reason. Which, again is my point: You people suck at giving good reason why you yourself or anyone else should like it. You don't know how to argue the value you give it.

>You're making assumptions there buddy.
That's what you say.

>The main purpose of concept illustration is to show, you know, a concept.
This isn't about that.

>It doesn't need to have a deeper meaning because that's not its purpose--you'd look at other kinds of illustrations for that.
This isn't about that either.

>Stop being such a pretentious cunt about how people don't care for the same things you like.
No, I'm being a pretentious cunt about people who are really bad at presenting work they like.

>> No.2012983
File: 146 KB, 1050x400, 921043_599125786794765_1574517491_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup byatches

>> No.2012986

>This is painting is a good example of what concept art is
That's an illustration tho.

>> No.2012991

The terms are interchangeable, tho

>> No.2012993



>> No.2012997


>> No.2013000 [DELETED] 

>Stop trying to defend it and I won't make assumptions
Way to prove you're irrational...

And way to miss the point. Why are you expecting more meaning than OP's image (for example) on fucking concept work? It does its job, it conveys its narrative fine. I don't understand how the hell you cannot grasp it like in >>2012497

The fact that you think the narrative is "As far as I see it's just some orc dude smashing up some skeletons for the sake of it." and not 'main character fights desperately, probably one-on-many, with a skeleton group.army' says that you can't grasp the narrative for a damn and really should just be ignored. If you're going to complain about this shit, you should at least be able to grasp basic narrative.

>But if you want someone to appreciate something as you do, best be ready to give reason. Which,...
Good thing not everyone is fucking anal like you are being about it, then. Because the well majority of consumers can easily appreciate it for what it is, even if it doesn't have a ~meaning~.
Concept art is illustration, but not all illustration is concept art like >>2012991 is b8ing.

>> No.2013002

>Stop trying to defend it and I won't make assumptions
Way to prove you're irrational...

And way to miss the point. Why are you expecting more meaning in OP's image (for example) on fucking concept work? It does its job, it conveys its narrative fine. It's simple yes, but again not everything needs to be complex.

I don't understand how the hell you cannot grasp it like in >>2012497. The fact that you think the narrative is "As far as I see it's just some orc dude smashing up some skeletons for the sake of it." and not 'main character (orc) fights desperately, most likely one-on-many, with a skeleton group/army' says that you can't grasp the narrative for a damn and really should just be ignored. If you're going to complain about this shit, you should at least be able to grasp simple narrative.

>But if you want someone to appreciate something as you do, best be ready to give reason. Which,...
Good thing not everyone is fucking anal like you are being about it, then. Because the well majority of consumers can easily appreciate it for what it is, even if it doesn't have a ~meaning~.
Concept art is illustration, but not all illustration is concept art like >>2012991 is b8ing.

>> No.2013005

Are you going to tell me what you're having a hard time understanding, or am I going to have to guess?

Your wall text doesn't seem to grasp the point. You and all the fanboys like you suck at making a point. The writing composition and rhetoric is unconvincing. It's ironic how anal you've gotten.

>> No.2013008

>It's ironic how anal you've gotten.
Less anal than >>2012927. The fact that you started the wall of text, used caps, and being a retard with your strawmans pretty much proves it. :^) (also you're using "ironic" incorrectly.)
>You and all the fanboys like you suck at making a point
Considering I'm not the only Anon pointing this out to you, I think you may need to reconsider your position.

You may also want to learn how to understand illustrations, because you seem to have a problem with that too if you're 2dumb to even understand OP's simple image.

>> No.2013016

No it's ironic alright. Your behavior of accusing another anon's behavior as anal has become anal. The irony is in the bitching you're doing right now.

My wall of text had impact and was better organized. If it didn't have those traits, you wouldn't have reacted so strongly. You've just been bitching.

And your defense of the painting was poor. You were just explaining the work. I didn't hear any evaluated reasoning.

Are you sure I am the one 2dumb here?

>> No.2013023

>Are you sure I am the one 2dumb here?
I don't know man, I'm not the one bitching about the lack of meaning in concept art, and whining how his pretentious ass can't jack off over it because it's 2simple4him even though it completely serves its purpose and everyone else doesn't mind it.

You're the only one crying about the lack of story, even though there's clearly a sufficient story in the image (implying you could even grasp it.)

Your mom grasps it pretty well, though. :^)

>> No.2013024

I am OP and came back here to see if anyone posted anything and HOLY SHIT ya'll are a bunch of cynical, jealous faggots. Bye

>> No.2013028

>someone gives their honest opinion
>as a counter argument, pull out the "you're just jealous" card

yeah ok with that logic nobody should be giving critique unless they are more skilled than the painter they're calling out. Fuck i hate /ic/ newfags, fuck off back to newgrounds or wherever the fuck you do your little hugbox sessions.

>> No.2013031

>justifying jelly

top kek.

>> No.2013043

Again, it isn't about if concept art has meaning, it's that your kind can't argue very well for it to be meaningful. You suck at defending it. The problems not the work, it's the anon like you, Pablo.

>> No.2013090

The ork's retarded face just kills it

>> No.2013093


>> No.2013111

>yeah ok with that logic nobody should be giving critique unless they are more skilled than the painter they're calling out

That's exactly how it should be.
How much you know about art reflects in your art and in your art alone.
Not how well you can parrot Loomis and stuff you read on /ic/.

>> No.2013176

>people call a shit painting shit
>y-you're just jealous!
Every time.

>> No.2013182

It's true. This painting good.not the best but good. I definitely don't see this level of Art in your stupid little draw threads, just shit studies. I guarantee you have nothing to show for either and this is years ahead of your level, if you even ever get off your ass, off the internet and actually started putting some hours into art. But you wont. Cause you're just another shitty little troll who hates life for being a lazy failure. Same with all the other shit anons in here. You wanna call this shit? Let's see you do better. Stop fucking complaining and hating shit you can't even fucking equal. Idiots.

>> No.2013186

Why do you think this kind of attitude towards other people is healthy for the drawing community

Guys can we please stop with the tense charged conversations. Its like a lot of you walk around here with a chip on your shoulder or something.

>> No.2013197

It is because the morons in ic have a lot to learn about life. It's very easy to sit behind a fucking keyboard, spewing shit all day while the people they criticize are out there busting their asses to improve. How am I being rude? Did you read the stupid fucking comments in the thread? These people are so out of their minds. Actually, I recently read about it and it's actually a mental condition. I shit you not. I'll find it and link it. It's basically denial and and illusions of self accomplishment. You people need to wake up or you're never gonna get anywhere with that shitty fucking way of living.

>> No.2013198

It is better than what I could do, but it's also really boring to look at.

>> No.2013201

And I would understand if ic was full of kids but I know this place is full of fucking grown adults. Older than me! And you act like a bunch of 12 year old hateful little bitches. It's sad. You people need to realize that you can sit begind your keyboards all fucking day and night but you're still going to be irrelevant. Nobody outside this troll bin gives two shits about your opinions. Not the clients and not the actual artists working in the industry. You are simply wasting your time. Time you could be using to be drawing or painting. But you choose to hate. It's pathetic.

>> No.2013232

You don't need to be a chef to figure out that your steak is raw.

>> No.2013237

It's kinda ironic that you're here spewing the same argument over and over and you tell others to stop spending time here arguing and instead should be focusing on drawing.

Top kek 6/10 made me reply

>> No.2013239

but you need to be one to teach how to cook it.

>> No.2013245

>completely missing my point

>> No.2013251

>and completely missing mine
double heh

>> No.2013272

>hide thread

>> No.2013288

There's a difference, you retarded troll. I rarely roam this place but when I do, I make sure I tell you keyboard warriors just how I feel about you.

>> No.2013311
File: 147 KB, 1500x1500, viper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except this that orc illustration isn't a raw stake.

It's like some retard working at McDonalds telling Gordon Ramsay he's shit.

>le cook allegory

Go fucking kill yourself. That shit is equally retarded as the people who spout it.

>> No.2013318
File: 585 KB, 1139x803, 1395775327777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good art thread
>scroll through thread
>75 replies
>5 images total

God what the fuck, contribute or get back to drawing. arguing on the internet never helped anyone improve as an artist.

>> No.2013319
File: 193 KB, 600x811, 1404848297179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2013320
File: 362 KB, 558x750, 1404847651616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2013322
File: 99 KB, 850x566, 1417949601791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2013330
File: 124 KB, 620x903, goog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was just going to say the same thing.

>> No.2013332

Who dis?

>> No.2013362
File: 155 KB, 1024x597, tayutau_by_ryohei_hase-d3ek8eg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2013373
File: 799 KB, 1000x708, knight_by_akreon-d551r01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was gonna post gooderer art but was too big )^:

>> No.2013387

go back to your foss thread faggot