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2009140 No.2009140 [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you tried this? I just realized that there is a strip club just a couple miles from my house. What kind of etiquette is expected as far as payment goes? I don't want to wear out my welcome by being a cheap ass but I don't want to make it rain too hard by any stretch of the imagination, either.

I imagine you'd have to be fairly experienced to do this given how much the girls move around but you could probably capture some pretty good gestures in this way at the very least and some of the girls might be more cooperative if it's a slow night on a weekday and you're not being a tightass.

I expect doing this would cost substantially less than hiring a model or attending a life drawing session. My goal is animation so I'm less concerned with capturing every minute detail anyway. I want action, weight, and character above all else.

>> No.2009147

Just go to a life drawing class, you thirsty cunt. Or just draw people walking/playing if you want fast action.

It's hard to draw something that constantly moves in shitty lighting, not to mention that it probably costs just as much, if not more for a proper life drawing session. You'll also look like a fucking autist for doing this at a strip bar.

>> No.2009151

>not to mention that it probably costs just as much
I'm wrong.

It costs a lot more. I live in Canada and I can get about a 2.5 hour session for a measly 10 dollars without a membership.

>> No.2009152
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>I expect doing this would cost substantially less than hiring a model or attending a life drawing session

Well I was fucking dead wrong on that one, I should open my eyes before I open my figurative mouth. Life drawing sessions aren't very expensive at all, actually. Still I think capturing the actions of indecent young girls would be a lot more fun and relevant to my chosen path, however I believe I'll personally need to study anatomy from books harder so I can complete a gesture at a glance before I do something like this.

I am curious if anyone here's tried it, though.

>> No.2009153

>Strippers as life models

This is genius and I would of tried this it if weren't for my irrational fear of Women.

>> No.2009156

It's a retarded idea and you're just as dumb as OP.

>> No.2009167
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>You'll also look like a fucking autist for doing this at a strip bar.

I'm not worried about what a bunch of strippers or drunken losers think of me (I am a sperg anyway so I might as well act like one instead of pretending otherwise). That said, I'm wondering if it'd be too distracting overall both with the dregs of society's general bawdiness and the coarse lighting.

Well it's not as genius as I thought. I was under the mistaken impression that life drawing sessions were very expensive when really they're like 8-15 dollars for several hours (and maybe several models) when I'd expected to pay as much as that for each girl that came out on stage. Granted the models in a life drawing session would be much more varied and less active-but I'm not interested in observational drawing so much as imaginative so girls with similar proportions moving around being my only models isn't really a downside for me.

>> No.2009172 [DELETED] 

would be a good idea if not for the terrible lighting. Make sure if you ask them if they'd mind first too, some might take offence to it.

i think you'll go once and realize how shit the lighting is and decide its not worth it.

give it a shot if you want.

>> No.2009173
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Just because another Woman may sell her body to an aspiring Artist and you can't doesn't mean you should lash out at others for thinking about paying a professional to pose sexy for them.

>> No.2009178

you want someone who can stay fucking motionless for 10 or 20 minutes at a stretch, a dimly-lit strip club full of dancers is the opposite of what you want for figure drawing, and you could probably get a model for cheaper, typically life drawing classes split the bill between the group. sometimes you can find them free at a college.

>> No.2009181
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I was at a strip club just last night (friend's 30th birthday party) and the lighting was actually pretty good on the stage. At least that's what I thought at the time. Strong directional lighting from overhead. I was pretty drunk though.

>> No.2009184

what are you fucking stupid?

>> No.2009232
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>you want someone who can stay fucking motionless for 10 or 20 minutes at a stretch

I'm not interested in intense observational drawing in this sense though at the moment as I said in the op. I'm thinking more along the lines of gesture. Basically I imagine what I'd do hypothetically is jot down action lines and placement for extreme poses over a couple seconds of motion and then complete the resulting gestures from memory after the fact. Of course what will actually happen is I'll draw what looks like a few balloons at the ends of strings and then forget what I was doing to begin with due to the roaring crowd of degenerates and the tits in my face and ultimately get forcibly removed from the premises by security.


At least in researching life drawing for this thread I learned there's an atelier that's not too far away that has decent prices for general classes ($210 for 15 weeks in a variety of subjects)

>> No.2009242 [DELETED] 

i don't know about where you are, but in my fairly small city there are life drawing classes every day of the week, some days have more than one. and the prices range from $8-$15

strip joints normally have a cover charge and/or a drink minimum, which (again here at least) would cost you more than a life drawing session.

might be a fun idea though, and it's certainly always beneficial for one's art to see people moving, and especially dancing. and especially if they're naked, come to think of it.

remember also that if you're "an artist" you can always be drawing in your mind, you don't need the pen and paper to analyse a subject. so it might be beneficial even if they say you can't draw in there.

>> No.2009246

>remember also that if you're "an artist" you can always be drawing in your mind, you don't need the pen and paper to analyse a subject. so it might be beneficial even if they say you can't draw in there.

this is just an excuse to go to a strip club.

>> No.2009251

Yeah, seriously.

Let me guess, is that Anon going to say it's fine to just watch Chinese cartoons instead of drawing because you'll be ~drawing in your mind~?

>> No.2009252

jesus fucking christ.

>> No.2009253 [DELETED] 

well that's definitely what literally everyone you know is going to think, but you know the truth, you're there for the art!

>> No.2009270 [DELETED] 

no..that's a pretty big leap there,


"you can still analyze subjects even if you're not allowed to draw them." (and i think you should be doing that all the time, you can't always draw but you can always see.)


"just watch cartoons"

you see the difference there? though i think you should also try to analyze cartoons if you're watching them anyway.

>> No.2009279

Honestly if you paid her as much as you would for a life drawing class... here a class runs about 60$ if you aren't a student, then she'd likely do it in a booth.

At our strip club it is roughly a dollar a minute at 3$ a song. More then likely, someone has already thought of that.

>> No.2009390
File: 157 KB, 1024x768, alison-brie-0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sixty big ones nigga goddamn! In the course of bullshitting in this thread I learned there's an atelier less than 20 minutes from me that offers life drawing classes; $230 for 15 sessions. There's a "Gestural Figure Study" sessions which are something I'd be more interested in than just flat out life drawing. I'm not sure of the price of that because they don't have those over winter/spring but I doubt it's much more if any.

An atelier is "probably" a better route than a strip club, I can't possibly imagine spending less then $30 a night at one for an obviously less than ideal environment. It was a fun idea though. I guess there's at least one strip club that actually does go out of its way to accommodate artists-too bad it's in London! Maybe something to consider for you Britbongs out there.


>> No.2009420

Get a girlfriend and have her model for you, you sperg.

>> No.2009430
File: 180 KB, 964x643, brazzers_fuhrer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if a girfriend is preferable to strippers and life drawing classes.

You can only have a girlfriend once you've got gud, any time sooner than that and you've consigned yourself to mediocrity and/or financial ruin.

"Oy vey boyim, let's go to that fancy restaurant with the tiny portions!"

"Let's visit some friends out of state!"

"Let's go to the bar!"

"Let's go dancing!"

"It's one of my 30 close friends birthdays and/or anniversaries, we'd better shop around for some presents and hang out with them all day so we can small talk about how nothing's changed with any of us for the past decade"


Are you trying to kill my art gains on purpose nigga?

>> No.2009434

Christ, not even that Anon but you're retarded as fugg nigga.

>> No.2009443
File: 133 KB, 511x511, 1385798856801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-who needs girls!? All that matters in life is gains. Art gains, fitness gains, and I'm doing well on both ends. I look good, my art's getting better...I look good. I feel goo-...I f-feel g-...

I feel...


>> No.2009457

You're the retard here, m8.

>> No.2009461

pls no bully

>> No.2009486

Any stripper that
a) Is willing to cooperate
b) Isn't hideous
c) Is free enough to cooperate with your aspie ass
will cost you 4 times more for 10 minutes of her time than a life drawing class will for 3 hours and maybe even 3 different models.

>> No.2009491

Yes yes we figured that out like 3 posts in. Anyway I wasn't talking about 1 on 1 time which is obviously retarded expensive but rather sitting near the stage and building gestures from memory while occasionally making it rain out of courtesy.

>> No.2009669

I met this qt redhead model, who was going to medical school and needed extra money for it. She had a rocking body, and my roomate and I had a boner behind the horse the whole fucking time we were sketching her. Goddamn.
My works were shit though. But at least I saw tits and pussy for the first time in my life, altough she was 5 yards away from me.

Life sessions only cost like 25 bucks per week. For each week you go, or 25 per session, which is twice a month.
An escort is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too expensive.

>> No.2009673

>watch porn video
>try to fap
>notice small things like how her hips move and thinking about how Incould illustrate that
>looking for landmarks such has the illac crest, the mons pubis, and the shoulderblades/clacvicels to draw gestures in my mind
>end up pondering about this until the girl or guy moans
>end up a limp dick Larry Laugher


>> No.2009676

Im trying to save money. If I wanted pussy id just get a side-bitch.

A huge cesspool of wasted time not getting good.

>> No.2009677

Pussy isnt the endgame.exe in life man.
Its just something to help you connect more naturally with other people.

>> No.2009762

Rajesh pls go

Stop giving you excuses, if you want to do it just go, expecting a validation? I think the reason you want to go is not drawing related, just do it.

>> No.2009774

the lightening is shit there, and the girls are constantly on the move, too fast to fix a pose for you to draw
if anything, i would sketch the men's faces in there, was in strip club only once, but some had priceless lol factor

>> No.2010151
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>> No.2013412

This is a real bad idea, you'll probably get highly embarrassed and maybe even escorted out. I really wouldn't recommend this OP.

>> No.2013417

>bumping my retarded thread


>> No.2013475

I've actually had a similar thought to this. I live in an area where there's a strip clubs on practically every other block. I always thought it would be a neat experience to try and draw out but lack of cash dictates no

>> No.2013620

> Dita Von Teese
enjoy convince her to pose for you anon, hope you have a lot of money

>> No.2013638

This is a bad idea. at a strip club you'll either have to pay to get in or there's a minimum amount of drinks you have to buy. The latter decreases your ability to draw well. The former makes the point of strip clubs as models obsolete. paying for life drawing is incomparably better. You'll get models that know what they're doing, are well lit, you'd be in a quiet environment in which you could focus and will be around like minded individuals

>> No.2013640

Learn to sage and let the thread die.

>> No.2013651

No, this thread must go in circles a couple more times and stay on the front page for at least a few more days so I can be taught a valuable lesson about thinking before I post

>> No.2013717

I remember Feynman said he went to stripclubs precisely to draw women.

>> No.2013741

You mean a guy who began art when the public Internet didn't really exist at the time?

>> No.2014082

>this thread
>this entire thread

Also why not ask a fucking escort/prostitute to modell for you at that point. It's not like she would rather suck dick then modell naked for maybe an hour.

>> No.2014087
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>it keeps getting bumped

I'm never going to live this down

>> No.2014886

>LOGH of galactic heros

Yes OP

>> No.2014904

>tfw searching for life drawing classes right now

>> No.2017522

Interesting that you should mention strippers as models.

I have been to strip clubs and have drawn strippers in momentary poses, and used them as gesturals. What I have found, is that depending on how not ugly you are/awkward you are (which is always important, unfortunately) This can net you all the attention of the strippers, and at the very least you may get something more out of it, if you were willing to go that route.

Anyway, I drew them, and they adored me. I was the only guy willing to not objectify them and even more so, make what they were doing, art. Hell, most weren't even upset that I didn't toss money at them as they were doing their session. And all it cost me was like 15 bucks at the entrance.

Just saiyan.