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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 293 KB, 743x564, leveldown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2006526 No.2006526 [Reply] [Original]

your thoughts?

>> No.2006531

Read the shit you're posting.

The right one is the photo of a figure based on the left painting.

>> No.2006551

Where does it say that? I find it hard to believe someone could match a painting so closely with a photo.

>> No.2006553

did he paint this before 2010??? you fucking idiot. NO. this statue was made almost 6 years ago. this painting is fairly recent. dumbass.

>> No.2006557

he's wrong. the statue's almost 6 years old.

>> No.2006576


Level DOWN

>> No.2006776

much bashing?

>> No.2006787

More drama? Fuck yes.

>> No.2006789


these two polskis are such jokes i swear.

>> No.2006825

they really are. it's amazing how all these noobs think they're so amazing.

>> No.2006842

it was a german!!

>> No.2006932

Nice meme OP :^)

>> No.2007036

I thought all the level up photobashing faggots were polish?

>> No.2007040

nah ones german, its polak bashing in these threads, a tad bit undeserved LOL

>> No.2007580

Thank you kind Sir.

>> No.2007935

Who made this "painting" and for what purpose? Without context I'm not sure what to think of this.

>> No.2007952


I just want to know who stole from whom. Because if Darek stole a pic of a figurine/model/statuething and copy pasted it into his 'painting' i swear i'll go berserk on that guys ass.

>> No.2007957

Well he stole from the figure, obviously. You can't duplicate the forms and lighting this accurately in a figurine. And as some anon stated, the figurine seems to be older than the painting.

>> No.2008041

Yes, Derek used this picture on the right, a figurine, and photobashed it on to his "painting" and is more than likely selling prints as well.

>> No.2008393


>> No.2008397


it's so disgusting. makes me hate the entire goddamn fucking 'industry' and all of the scum faggots like shaddy who advocate this unethical garbage. also the fact that wojtek and darek get away with this shit is just another reminder that the average pleb is a fucking nospine moronic sheeple that eats shit out of the perceived-populars asshole, and thanks them for the opportunity.

what a fucking gigantic joke. i wish i was youtube famous. i would make an episode titled 'how to 'paint' like darek and wojtek' and make everyone realize what stupid bullshit their work is.

>> No.2008400
File: 572 KB, 1202x814, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


herpderp check out my latest painting guise. only took me 10 minutes. it has a lot of color dodge and contrast guys, i know everybody loves that shit. oh and faux brushwork ontop of a photo of a figurine i found on google images. yeeeah guise seriously guise this is concept art guise. this is totally legit everyone does it guise. shaddy says so.

can i have ubisoft job now plz??

>> No.2008411

We should have a Theft General here on /ic/.

>> No.2008417

Wojtek is such a joke. He gets thousands of worshippers over his most popular pictures, and he never gives credit to the reference.

This one, plus the one with the girl in the sweet ass designed costume, he took full credit.

>> No.2008426


calls himself an artist lol. just lol. i'm fucking done with this bullshit. i don't even log on facebook anymore because seeing all the garbagepissfartshit on my newsfeed just makes me want to throw up. legit rookie artists must be SO confused and lead astray by the shit they see on facebook. they don't have a chance to become legitimately good, unless they discover some of the more nieche communities that advocate real learning... like /ic/ (sort of).

>> No.2008434

> they don't have a chance to become legitimately good, unless they discover some of the more nieche communities that advocate real learning... like /ic/ (sort of).

Nigger please. As much as I hate the photobashing faces of the level up group, they do have a lot of real artist guests on their youtube channel.

Mike Azevedo, Jama, Dave Rapoza, Alex Negrea, JPark, Karla Ortiz, Nick Gindraux, James Paick, just to name a few. Those guys are infinitely better than anyone on /ic/ and every rookie who follows level up probably watches these videos and sees real fundamentals at work. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if some day soon they'll even get someone like Marko Djurdjevic, Jaime Jones or even Craig Mullins on their show..

>inb4 "hurr those all suck, I only like watercolor dog portraits"

>> No.2008440


yes, the guests are very legit. i wasn't talking about those though. i was talking about rookie artists who start out thinking that photobashing and all of that bullshit is the way to go.

>> No.2008445

It's both sad and infuriating to see how hacks like that get so much love and attention. And bitching about it only brings them more love and attention.

>> No.2008502

here's the thing ic, this shit does get around. these photo bashers want to keep all their bullshit under wraps but trust me, they get butt hurt when people post and share things that make fun of photo bashing. most recently, there's been a few posts on fagbook that were circulating that got a lot of these well known and aspiring photo bashers feel like the total hacks that they are. the more we call them out on their shit, the more insecure they'll feel. sure, they'll keep bashing shit but i guarantee, they'll feel ashamed. we need to keep that going. if any of you faggots know what's good for art, we need to keep bashing on the photo bashing.

>> No.2008506


link me to those posts. i want to enjoy them.

>> No.2008507

we should make a photobahing meme thread.

>> No.2008558
File: 83 KB, 960x640, 11058413_10105829153032470_8315928556812084867_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i originally saw this on a fagbook post. this douchebag's ripping off other artists as well.

>> No.2008564
File: 301 KB, 1196x720, 1425618989289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way this Image is setup Is so fucking confusing... Are you Chinese? Do You read up to down?

No? Why do you expect me to?

This actually reminds me of something I saw earlier.. So generic.. but yea obviously copied.

>> No.2008602

Had to Google what photobashing was. Never heard of it before this thread. Apparently there are a lot of people out there who don't even hide the fact they use this technique and are proud that they are good at it. The digital painting community on Reddit doesn't even allow it.

>> No.2008611

>The way this Image is setup Is so fucking confusing... Are you Chinese? Do You read up to down?

What the hell are you babbling on about? Such a shitty painting and that's the main critique you come up with?

>> No.2008614

You sound like a total douchebag.

>> No.2008618
File: 297 KB, 960x640, humansreadlefttoright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you faggot, if you wanna get a message across maybe you shouldn't be such a fucking piece of shit.

Humans Read Left To Fucking Right.
It's easier to understand reading things left to right.

I wasn't critiqueing the painting, just saying it was generic as fuck.


>> No.2008629

I can't watch their show because they can't afford mic.

>> No.2008631

Professional quality Iphone recording.

>> No.2008636

Yeah, plus potato quality, 5fps googlestream garbage.

>> No.2008637

I thought you were talking about the painting you posted, not the one posted above yours. As if you were saying the composition reads up to down instead of whatever else you thought would be appropriate. That's why you use quotes when you reply to someone.

>> No.2008649

I reread the post it makes no sense without the quoted message.. I don't know why I neglected to put that in there..

>> No.2008655
File: 138 KB, 763x463, Screen Shot 2015-03-08 at 1.21.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fucking stupid.


Who came up with this dumb bullshit technique? When did standards in concept art drop so low?

>> No.2008672

Maciej Kuciara was the one to basically really popularize photobashing. Previously people had used photos but in a less intrusive way (such as Mullins) or did things that were a mixture of painting and photos (Aaron Beck) but now it has shifted to just using photos. Not sure if Kuciara came up with it, but he was the first one to noticeably push it to its extreme and show lots of videos with his process and suggest other people use it. It then caught on since it can make someone who can't paint at all look mediocre instead of complete shit.

>> No.2008683


maciej sucks too as an artist. his only good work is his 3d work, and he has been hacking since back in sijun days. dig up his old 'paintings' and you'll notice just how eerily similar they looked back then to the shit wojtek and darek try to pass as painting now.

>> No.2008689
File: 222 KB, 1600x963, A_Hostile_Takeover_by_Cryptcrawler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the problem isn't it?

If you don't photobash and can actually render and paint to photorealistic detail your work gets called PHOTOBASH LOL NO SKILL WORK.

If you're just starting out and all the cunts around you are photobashing and creating decent work, what do you feel > No need to paint, lets just all be photobash faggots.

Pic Related; no photobashing involved.

>> No.2008696

Concept art was never an intelligent art form. It can barely be considered an art, and is more of a craft really. The craft is geared towards the quickest communication possible for a certain effect. Who cares how you do it, so long as it works, so long as it gets the point across effectively.

Photobashing wasn't invented, it emerged from the nature of the business. What makes that difficult to see are the 'professionals' who talk up the craft as if were an art. It's not.

>> No.2008699

lol it's fun to shit on Maciej sure, but his old stuff really isn't bad. It's not Jaime level, but it's still some decent work, it's definitely pro level. He always had a very good sense of colour and mood and he painted some very interesting concepts. Sure his figures were often wonky or shit, but his landscapes often were quite nice.

>> No.2008706

Art directors and producers are the ones who are pushing for more and more of this sort of shit..

Just look at Shaddy Saffadi, legit doing talks about concept art being dead.

Concept art directors are no long interested in creating art, and in the end they're the ones who are going to lose out, because not everyone is a corporate shill like Marciaj.

Talent is going to move out of the industry, it's just going to attract worse and worse artists/painters until there's going to be much clearer divides between illustration/concept design as it stands now.. or as it was about 10 years ago.

>> No.2008721

That looks like it has a lot of photo textures, they're just well used.

>> No.2008722

Rigney uses photos in his new work simply due to time constraints, but that pic was all hand painted. He did it as a demo, so the entire process is recorded and you can watch it and see that he only uses some texture brushes and the smudge tool, and then he put in I think over 100 hours total and did lots of zooming and repainting. The video is condensed into 4 hours iirc.

>> No.2008736


>> No.2008741
File: 1.23 MB, 859x941, tumblr_nf1xjtWGcb1tkfi2qo3_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck off with this bullshit doomsday talk already. Concept art is an enormous industry. Photobashing is used in visual development of movies and sometimes video games, almost exclusively for mood pieces or to "sell" an idea.

It is a tiny, TINY fraction of work that is done under the umbrella of concept art. the vast majority, about 95% is drawing and designing things that can't be done efficiently by a photobasher. Character design, set design, prop design, industrial design, architecture etc. For every project, there are thousands of drawings made of absolutely everything. Not photobashes, DRAWINGS.

>> No.2008763


Can we get a link to that progress vid if you know of it offhand?

>> No.2008769

Not sure where it is now, but you used to be able to buy it from the Massive Black store. There was drama with the payment to the artists who produced the MB tutorial videos though, and Rigney was like shorthanded 20k or so and then they took the videos down for a while. Maybe you can find it again, or I suppose it is probably around for free through less legal channels. The video was produced by Massive Black and called A Hostile Takeover by Brad Rigney. Also the video is like...pretty boring to watch. He basically sits at 300% zoom so the whole screen is pixelated then he used the smudge tool to paint and the dodge tool to add light and it takes him forever and a half. And even if he spends 10 hours on one part if he doesn't like it he just repaints it again from scratch.

>> No.2008772

that is a very shitty piece

>> No.2008774

It's so shitty because you couldn't even do a percent of that? Your jelly is showing.

>> No.2008777

Bait :/

I don't think you can buy it anymore, you can see a preview on youtube... but otherwise .. maybe Composition General Pencils..

>> No.2008788


i don't like it either, but i realize that that's largely a difference in taste. the skillfullness and love for detail ontop of the strong fundamentals can absolutely not be denied anon.

>> No.2009058

Ugh. I'm so fucking tired of these fucking photobashing cunts.

>> No.2009093


Amen. I remember when people would tell me 'Haha! Don't worry that shit won't fly out there in the real world, where the phony pretenders are very quickly left in the dust by the hard working genuine people!'

Yeah right. Turns out the real world of the digital art industry is just as much of a fucking superficial shallow shithole as any high school classroom. Self aggrandizing douchebags who master deception and charismatically appeal to the masses of retarded-sheeple go places. The shy, hard worker gets an elbow to the face and a 'You are just jealous!' from said sheeple.

>> No.2009120

>throwing shy in with proper work ethic
No, autist, confidence is a must in any walk of life. Those two are far from related.

>> No.2009171

Who they fuck do I follow to see all this art drama?

>> No.2009216

u wot.
I thought that place was a circlejerk hugbox when it came to the western digital art community

>> No.2009221
File: 311 KB, 1688x960, 10848792_10152672294967322_2753904911765978990_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmm there were a few threads making fun of them but nothing serious...

>> No.2009227


>> No.2009255

ah, this is the one. it definitely stirred shit up. there were a lot of asses hurt after this one. i saw a few photo bashing hacks posting horrible painted shit saying "so people can see i can paint" although we can clearly see they can't. fucking hacks.

>> No.2009256
File: 131 KB, 960x957, 11001842_896254057106251_9141632130002098008_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was a good one too.

>> No.2009264 [DELETED] 

it's collage though isn't it. digital collage. it already had a name, i don't know why they pretend it's painting, i don't know why people call it photo bashing (is it solely a derogatory term?).

collage is a valid form of art. it's always been particularly useful in ideation. this new digital version of it lets them create a more harmonious image with much less work than would be required doing it traditionally. so more power too them, as long as they own it.

>> No.2009268

shut up bitch. more power to them. for what? being lazy and not learning the right way? get the fuck out of here. photo collage is what i did in the fucking 3rd grade. these stupid counts are making money and tainting the idea of art and divine creation. a fucking photo collage. it's hack shit. photo bashing. get it right.

>> No.2009273 [DELETED] 

i painted in the third grade, are all paintings worthless now?

>> No.2009275

this is basically spitting on anyone who's took the time to learn anatomy at different angles, learned values and perspective the right way. not to mention, most importantly, how to render. photo bashing cheats all the true artists out of a job. this is why we hate this shit. to achieve the photorealism these people achieve with pictures takes years and years to accomplish. and they do it in minutes. but take away a computer and google. SEE WHERE THEY STAND.

>> No.2009280

so did i you idiot. stop being a fucking moron. i guarantee you're a photo bashing faggot.

>> No.2009296

how does it feel to need pictures in order to draw? bet it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside doesn't it? acting like you don't know what photo bashing is. stfu. fucking HACK.

>> No.2009325 [DELETED] 

i think your argument is pretty spurious.
correct me if i'm wrong, but don't they use these collages as part of a production pipeline? i think a "whatever gets the job done" mentality is the correct one there.

i think you guys are just pissed because you want to invest time into something you think is quickly becoming a dead end. i don't agree, i think whatever the medium the better artist will always do the best work. basically i think you're a bunch of buttman babies.

>> No.2009361

Whatever makes you feel better man. Tell you what. Pull out a nice clean, white piece of paper. Get a pencil and put it in your hands. Now draw.... You may look at Leonardo Da Vinci's work while you cry and realize you ain't worth a god damn. Take that to the bank.

>> No.2009364


>> No.2009398
File: 19 KB, 493x335, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


screencapped for future use

>> No.2009404
File: 1.92 MB, 499x281, tumblr_nidbvaPF8c1qduclao1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just real as fuck, and so delicious.

>> No.2009407

so dumb it hurts. why are young people always crusading for the most corny, banal stuff?: purity, chastity, honor, your country, your race, your religion.

/ic/ must be the most retarded board on 4chan and the whole history of humanity.

>> No.2009410

There is no right way when it comes to learning art. There are only means to an end. And presuming that every learning artist has to go through the same exact curriculum deprecates the value of art for everyone.

>> No.2009439

not our fault that you suck and have to rely on photos.

>> No.2009454

Yeah, learning art. Not learning to paste photos.

>> No.2009521

Why are you still here then?

You do us and yourself no favours by posting here.

>> No.2009537

lol 2/10

>> No.2009541

I love how you guys are here losing time and meanwhile i am earning mobñney with prints without doing anything :^)

>> No.2009544


we know how to paint you fucking faggot :^)

>(i know you are not darek tho. i'm sure personally the dude is a great guy, but the artist in me hates his guts)

>> No.2009545
File: 1.41 MB, 1500x1000, 1405458606069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know, if you wanted to prove a point, why not make a photobash, just once, that actually looks good and show everyone how easy it is? These collages might seem really clever to you, but truth be told, I have never seen a professional industry standard photobash that looks even remotely as bad as those.

Pic related is a photobash. Yours is an unemployed wannabe artist's attempt at being funny.

>> No.2009546

>we know how to paint you fucking faggot :^)
post your art fagget ;^)

>> No.2009551
File: 375 KB, 1024x1280, mmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah right, you poor, shy, hard working fellow. The evil photobasher is keeping you down. Ignore the fact that there are hundreds of thousands of successful professional artists who don't use photobashing, but you...no YOU would go places if only photobashing didn't exist!

>> No.2009552

>Pic related is a photobash

no it's not you fucking mong.

>be guiseppe
>guiseppe try to act smart on /ic/
>guiseppe barely know le english
>guiseppe embarass self

>> No.2009555

Yes it is you fucking moron. Mullins himself even admitted to it on facebook. Who the fuck is guiseppe?

>> No.2009556


i'll go places anyway, so i'm not in fear of my future or anything. but it really, really bothers me.

>> No.2009585


stfu guiseppe

>> No.2009588

Why? Why does it bother you that 1% of the industry uses a workflow and technique to save time in a work field you will most likely never work in?

>> No.2009590


because i'm insecure and jealous anon. obviously. not even kidding.

>> No.2009657


I'm not from ic you cunt.

>> No.2009666

He used some parts of a Waugh painting in that, but most of that image is painted, and it's not even the final image (which was an oil painting).

>> No.2009671

Praising Shit work perpetuates more shit work.
That's all this is.

>> No.2009684
File: 564 KB, 1273x717, 1364527923-destiny-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, that's what Photobashing usually is. Most of it is hand painted. They use photos to block in certain key elements quickly to save time, like what Mullins did with the water and then the rest is hand painted. Maybe you guys need to widen your horizon a little bit, if all the examples you know of are by hacks like Wojtek and Darek.

>> No.2009692

Can we plase make this happen?
> unless they discover some of the more nieche communities that advocate real learning... like /ic/
Which is why I love this place so much
Damn, too bad I closed fagbook, too many fags

>> No.2009693

I don't think it is photobashing if you use it to just block things in and then go over it. Well, it's kind of a grey area on definitions, but the way I see it is that it is photobashing if the photos are left relatively untouched in the final image, especially if they are a rather important element and not just some background thing. Like when Maciej does his demos he pastes a ton of photos together and maybe adjusts their hues and values a bit to better integrate them, but other than that he is not doing much to the image (there are maybe about 10 strokes in his paintings, and it's mostly to better blend the photos together). It's very different than using say a photo as a texture base which you then almost completely paint over, or using a photo overlay for a bit of noise. In the Destiny example you posted I would not qualify it as a photobash since that's not how it was made. Yes, there likely are some photo elements (possibly the sky and maybe some of the mechanical detailing on the hangar walls/ceiling) but the vast majority of the image is created through painting.

>> No.2009703


you dumb cuntface ofcourse there's legitimate, skillful and admirable use of photography in digital art. which is NOT photobashing. John J park, to some degree the recent maciej (a lot his old work falls under the garbage-hackery umbrella though), long ouyang just to name a few are all very much legit and awesome. but this work is not what we mean by photobashing. photobashing is a derogatory term (atleast to me it is) used to describe the absolute noskill-garbage made by hacks like wojtek and darek and jonas and klaus witman and god knows how many millions of other noobs.

i knew some idiot would point towards mullins. you don't even know what the fuck you are talking about.

>> No.2009705

Also I guess that I should add that I don't think the use of photos is always bad like some people in this thread, but rather I feel that it is a very limiting skill that often gets ugly results. When the purpose of concept art is design, to me it is silly to use existing designs pasted together. The problems really arise when people rely too much on photos and then when they don't have the perfect photo they become screwed because they can't design themselves or paint at a decent level. I found it very funny when I was reading a tutorial by that Ivan Komenko kid (spelling?) where he got stuck at one point because it took a number of hours of searching before he found a photo for a figure in the painting. Like man, he could just have painted it in that time and had a nicer end result. And what if he couldn't find an image?

And in the case of illustration like the star wars image in the OP, I think that you are sooo limited by what photos are available. What if you want to paint her from a different angle for a different story telling? You can't. A lot of the decisions and artistic choices are removed from you because you are limited by what photos you can find. The lighting, perspective, everything is already decided for you.

Lastly there is always the issue of legality which people never address. It's only a matter of time before one of these dudes passing someone else's photo which they've made slight edits to as their own gets sued hardcore.

Oh, and I get annoyed when people try to pass off the photos as a painting. It's just misleading and dishonest.

>> No.2009715

I think Wojtek is clean https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQON3pyYfhg

>> No.2009733

It bothers us because we spend countless hours trying to learn our craft. You know when I realized photobashing was a total hack? When I explained to non-artists what photobashing was. This is when I let the photobashers brain wash me and was on their side. Ask around. Ask non-artists and see if they think photobashing is art. You'll feel even more like a hack cause I'm sure you photobash.

>> No.2009736
File: 407 KB, 1595x1000, 1402153949120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't. Maybe in 5 years i'll reconsider respecting him. But for now everything he does is covered by the shadow of this glorious display of artistic integrity. Absolutely disgusting. I'm also genuinely angry at the photographer for not atleast making him a little nervous.

I would have fucking sued his asshole into oblivion

>> No.2009737

I think you're confusing the use of photo textures and photobashing. Moron.

>> No.2009743

Artistic integrity. I like that. Fucking photobashers. It's disgusting, that we even have to have this conversation.

>> No.2009744

I really dont like to defend photobashers but he labeled this as photobash.

>> No.2009747

No I don't, but I think a lot of retards like you and >>2009703 do. Mullins in that example didn't use the photo for textures either.

In your mind, everything that is shit and done by a polish hack = photobashing. Everything that is skillful and not done by a polish hack = no photobash, just use of photographs.

>> No.2009752
File: 736 KB, 1200x1200, Burberry_LondonFestive_final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Mullins did in that painting is even worse and far more morally questionable than what Wojtek and co do. He didn't copy-paste a random stock photo from google image search, he copy-pasted a well known masterpainting. Now I know shitters like you will do everything to defend their heroes, but that's not going to change the facts. Mullins and Jaime are every bit as bit guilty of Photobashing as any of the polish hacks you hate so much. The only difference is that they are better artists so their photobashes will look better.

>> No.2009753


who gives a shit what he labeled it as. if i post shit and label shit, does that make it worthy of praise? he also labeled that AFTER he was busted for being a plagiarist.

oh by the way. notice how strikingly similar the wojtek image looks to the average kron painting? the same feel texture and pseudo-brushwork with some softness here and there... that is the result of overlaying a fuckton of filters ontop of which some bullshit brushwork is applied, then more filters and more bullshit brushwork. do that for 3-4 cycles and nobody will see the usual jpeg photo artifacts. now you are save to post your plagiarized garbage on the internet and collect your likes and shares!

this shit is piss easy and can probably be automated with scribpts, actions and plugins to the point where you can shit out 2-3 'paintings' like this wojtek dogturd per hour. what does that make you?

a fucking dirty plagiarist. oh yeah, and also a top candidate to work at some shitty gamestudio that values output over quality or creativity. or intelligence.

i'll prove to you how easy this shit is if you want me to /ic/.

>> No.2009754


Fuck off wojtek. You think we don't know it's you trying to legitimize your plagiarism??? Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.2009758
File: 1.31 MB, 1790x800, 1314186582027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Calm down kid. I agree with you, Wojtek is a shit tier hack and a thief. All I'm saying is that Mullins is guilty of the same things, he's just a far better artist. You really are fucking pathetic if your hero-worship doesn't allow you to see this.

>> No.2009760

Just look at the image the OP posted. What the FUCK did this guy contribute to that piece besides a shitty background done by dry brushes??? What? That is photobashing at its worse. The other guys you mention, which happen to not be polish, they paint and use photos and incorporate the two in great ways. I respect that a little more than the OP piece of shit hack job image. Take that to the bank as well. Also, stop trying to sell your lazy methods in here. No ones buying. No one is going to ok you because you're a fucking hack that can't draw.

>> No.2009765

You're gonna bruise his ass with all that pounding anon.

>> No.2009776
File: 379 KB, 1500x753, iroquois4_27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you literally retarded or do you just flat out ignore what I'm saying? Once more: I AGREE with you, that these artists are fucking hacks. All I'm saying is you can't just decide what is or isn't photobashing based on what artist you like or dislike. The Mullins and Jaime paintings I posted ARE photobashed by every definition of the word. Those are real photobashes done for concept art and they ARE far superior to the shit in OP. That's my goddamn point you unbeleivable morons. That's why I said you need to broaden your fucking horizon if all you associate with photobashing are these shit tier photo paintovers done by Wojtek and co.

>> No.2009789

I think we just generally dislike the level up hacks. What dictates if an artist that photobashers is a legitimate artist? Look at his art that doesn't use photos. Take Derek here for example. Have you seen the garbage he makes without photos? It's disgusting. People like brad Rigney are different. The guy can paint and make things look photo realistic without photos. He's a legitimate artist. It's really not rocket science anon.

>> No.2009798

Can you guys post a link to this whole Mullins scandal?

>> No.2009811

>Got job done
>Looks nice
>Didn't violate any laws

Scandal? What scandal?

>> No.2009816

>Face Off
That tv show on Syfy?

>> No.2009822

He used one photo. Bash implies multiple.

>> No.2009907

Ok, I just want to see what this guys are whining about, Mullins is my husbando so pls respect.

>> No.2009951

How did you miss the whole scandal? It even started on /ic/ dude, and was a huge deal all over fb for weeks and then made it into imageinefx and stuff. It was a big deal.

The cliffnotes of the situation though is he updated his website, and one of the images was that one posted in this thread with the boat. It was discovered that large parts of the water was pasted in from a Frederick Waugh painting (in public domain). People flipped out for two reasons--one it was Mullins who did it and not some scrub, and two it was taken from a painting and not from a photo. In the end Mullins got so much shit he left a big post on his fb page, and explained that the image wasn't a final, but rather a digital comp he did in preparation for an oil painting for a job. He claims he was in a dark period of his life then and just wanted to get the job over and done with, and when he updated his site he just put up whole folders of art and didn't even know he was posting that image up, nor did he expect any backlash like that. He actually was kind of apologetic and sided with people hating on him. It sort of blew over with people accepting his explanation or saying that despite this he is still the best digital painter in the world and it was perfectly legal so who cares.

>> No.2009956

>made it into imageinefx and stuff

u srs? i missed that. can you link article???

>> No.2009992


There's a bit of discussion and images in there. There's more threads on the topic that are in the archive somewhere. The whole scandal began on /ic/ when it was here that it was discovered what he did, and some anon here made a gif comparison image that made the rounds everywhere.

>> No.2009993
File: 2.95 MB, 1500x1000, CraigGIF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a breakdown of the Mullins - Waugh thing

>> No.2010117

You need to look at Level Up Episodes as a interview with artists you would like to learn from.
The quality of a episode is directly linked with the abillity of their guest.

The Shaddy Safadi episode was very informative regarding how One Pixel Brush works but pretty much useless for those on /ic/ who still are trying to figure out how to use 2 Point Perspective.
While the James Paick one is a solid introduction to landscape painting.
Use it for company while you practice your fundamentals, Use it for inspiration, Use it for insight. It's better than Sycra and bob slongdong so thats something.

>> No.2010148

link to the scandal? I wanna gossip, cant believe you guys actually do this as a hobby, I thought Kron was the first.

>> No.2010154

U avin a giggle m8?

>> No.2010263

that's the only good thing about these hacks. the interviews they bring. even though i can't understand a damn thing they're saying.

>> No.2010269

this seems like autism...Is this autism?

>> No.2010278

Fuck off photo basher apologist.

>> No.2010285
File: 14 KB, 258x318, B2U8uf5IgAARrEc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>photo basher apologist


>> No.2010585

This is depressing on all sorts of levels.

>> No.2010600

>someone posts undeniable proof that Mullins copy pasted a photo of another artist's painting into his own work
>"huurrrr are you autistic? Is this autism?"

As people have mentioned previously, Mullins has used photobashing for tons of his paintings for a long time. You seem to be the autistic person here, torn between your love for Crab Mullins and your hate for Photobashing. Quite funny actually.

>> No.2010837

>Episode 64
>Karla Ortiz

Man I've stumbled on three different video podcast/hangout with her in it this week and now I think I have an art crush on her

>> No.2010840


she is cute as fuck isn't she. reminds me of my fucked-in-the-head ex girlfriend.

>> No.2010859

Ha! I don't find her that attractive personally. But you guys will be pleased to know she is very touchy...not in a sexual way, but when you talk to her she will put her hand on your hand or shoulder and stuff. I can just imagine you guys sperging out and trying to hide your boners when meeting her as she caresses your arm.

>> No.2010867


i'd fukken smash her brah. in the butt.

>> No.2010871
File: 48 KB, 197x205, 1421918113965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw she compared my work to howard pyle when I got a crit from her

Nicest lady

>> No.2011189
File: 159 KB, 500x280, asshats.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is a place where the sidewalk stops
>And be a single traveler, long I stood
>Deep into that blackness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing
>Fallen chilled and dead

Original work, do not steal.

>> No.2014010

>using reference is bad

>> No.2014020

>the definition of "reference" has been further broadened to include straight up copying a preexisting image with a specific lighting and pose

>> No.2014163

This isn't even that. It's a photobash. Not even a copy. More like a copy paste. Hack job. By a hack.

>> No.2014201


Man that episode was disappointing as fuck. I'm a huge fan of her work and I was hoping for a demo, like what every other guest artist has done so far. But nope, it was a 2 hour camwhore show with her just acting retarded.

I mean come on, she's the first female artist on their show and for the first time ever all they do is show HER instead of having her paint something? Especially stupid considering she's probably one of the most skilled guests they had so far and they completely wasted it.

>> No.2014204

>implying a lot of old masters didn't do those.

>> No.2014223

>one of the most skilled guests they had so far and they completely wasted it.

that's actually true.

>> No.2014305


Uh, holy shit. I must be a dumbass, because I remember thinking that that pic of the Sith woman was proof that Darek knew how to draw fucking well. "Look at the way he painted the neck and shoulders", I thought to myself. "That's proof that those /ic/ haters are wrong, and he's not just a no-talent photobasher; that's some serious anatomical knowledge on display there."

Damn, don't I feel retarded. And here I thought he was actually pretty talented for being 22 years old or whatever. NOPE.

Never gonna look at those Level Up pollacks the same way again.

>> No.2014310

>I mean come on, she's the first female artist on their show and for the first time ever all

they've had a few female guests befor her.

>> No.2014311


you learn sooner or later that /ic/, collectively, is never wrong. seriously.

>> No.2014313


do more research dumbass. that's a digital mock up to show an AD what the final OIL PAINTING will look like.

>> No.2014314


please redline the section of this that you think is clearly a photo. because you're wrong.

>> No.2014317


I guess I just didn't believe that anyone could have the balls to literally scribble some brush strokes over a photo and then put it in their portfolio and collect asspats and jobs. That is just breathtaking.

It figures, though, when you think about it. Most clients I work with are utterly clueless about art. You could probably make a great career out of stealing photos and selling them to dumb clients. And I guess people do.

>> No.2014318

Showerthought: Photobashing is what most non-artists think all digital art is: the computer does the work for you and you're not a real artist.

>> No.2014323

I hear people online talk about how non-artists always think digital painting is "press a button for art", but in my experience whenever I speak with non-artists and mention I do digital painting they either already know what it is or they have no idea and I explain that I use a tablet to do brushstrokes on my screen and they instantly get it.

>> No.2014326

Perfect. So true.

>> No.2014331


yeah same here. ocassionally i will link them to some youtube video of a skilled digital painter timelapse and they quickly realize this shit is not only hard, but obviously has value (in terms of you can make a living with it if you are good).

>> No.2014336

I once did a demo for some family members. Just a simple still life thing on my laptop. They already had an idea of things before but I guess that showed exactly how hard it is to paint, so they were blown away.

It's good too to let people try the tablet out if you can. Then they can really get a feel for how it works.

>> No.2014337

>top kek at people justifying digital is hurd werkz

>> No.2014345

A lot of people don't photobash though, why do you think we get so pissed when one of these degenerates is exposed?

>> No.2014352

If you believe the technical difficulty or convenience of the medium itself is what makes art hard, then you must be unbelievably shit. You could be CTRL+Z'ing till your hand falls off but you'd never end up with a Ruanjia painting.