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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 271 KB, 502x556, 9ebc81110a71cc82bc4f3cb77e26d427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2005461 No.2005461 [Reply] [Original]

Aside from peach, why are all of the redesigns just "Cover her tits/ass make her boobs smaller"?

>> No.2005478

Fuck off retard

>> No.2005479

Because it's not ok for women to be proud of their bodies. Unless they are fat.

>> No.2005502

>what do women want in their women characters
Why is this suddenly allowed? Why do SJW's assert control over the artist and restrict their creative freedom?

>> No.2005504

i wouldnt say thats a fantastic redesign. in fact i'd say that an awful redesign. it showcases an obvious lack of knowledge of the source material and frankly comes off as lazy.

is there no way to make her appear strong and empowered that doesnt resort to making her hold an irrelevant missile launcher?

>> No.2005506

Why does she have to be strong and empowered when her character is literally an archetypal naive princess? Which fucking nobleman trained his beautiful daughter to fire weaponry and talk shit? It's quite laughable, really.

>> No.2005507

because they're not artists, so they have no respect for art. its all about their political agendas for them.

in this case, its also because its a clickbait article so they dont really care about the message they send out.

>> No.2005510

because westerners

>> No.2005511

If they wanted to showcase her "saving" herself or something, they could've at least done it in a less hamfisted way - like maybe having her clothing have the "fire flower" effect and she could be holding a fireball.

Or they could've just been original and not shit all over the intellectual property of nintendo - but thats too much to ask, right?

I cant stand fanart if you couldnt notice.

>> No.2005516

Do you want your artwork to be critiqued?

>> No.2005520

Does that even qualify as fanart? They clearly aren't fans of the original design. The redesign is just a mouthpiece for their political agenda, the character and the source material is completely irrelevant to them.

>> No.2005524

Cool, what sort of art do you like? I've been having a hard time getting interested in stuff. Maybe you could recommend.

>> No.2005539
File: 25 KB, 500x500, 1392065144682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2005547
File: 27 KB, 333x395, 1377819028046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


modern feminism is increasingly about fat women attacking healthy women and normal ideals of beauty.

that's why feminists are so keen to have healthy women cover themselves, yet simultaneously so eager to bare their own corpulent bodies.

not a surprising development, really. it was basically inevitable once more than 60% of the female population was overweight.

>> No.2005552
File: 219 KB, 460x1024, TRIGGERED4LIFE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

art dedication

>> No.2005557
File: 2.59 MB, 640x360, 1424369051182.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh triggers.

>> No.2005569
File: 2.42 MB, 1470x1736, Francisco_de_Goya,_Saturno_devorando_a_su_hijo_(1819-1823)_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Near the end of his life, he became reclusive and produced frightening and obscure paintings of insanity, madness, and fantasy, while the style of the Black Paintings prefigures the expressionist movement."

>> No.2005572

not him, but Dave Rapoza, Sargent, Mullins are the obvious ones

>> No.2005578
File: 80 KB, 1151x720, intro-04-helga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were some good redesigns in there.

Scarlet Witch and Storm were pretty good, Betty Boop turned out nice too as a modern reimaging. Most of the Marvel comic ones, come to think of it, were good (except Gamora, which looks goofy as fuck and no more "practical" than the original).

But man, the bad ones really are bad. Chun Li... really? The Samus one was dubious, I'll concede the point on the heels but that's really about it... the whole point of the Zero Suit is it's what she wears under her armor, so it's kind of like complaining that underwear is too revealing. Dizzy from GG was like "lol wat?", I mean fucking hell all of the costumes in Guilty Gear are kinda retarded (Zato looks like a bondage freak for fucks sake).

The Seven of Nine one kinda bugged me too, obviously it's sexualized but who the fuck doesn't have skin tight spandex on Star Trek? Guess they should've found an actor with a smaller rack?

Could've been a good post, and her responses to comments are pretty decent and reasonable, but half of the images smack of half-baked politicizing. Oh no, you can see curves? Better put more clothing between her tits and those prying male eyes! Overall it felt like she just cherry-picked some images to make a round-about point regarding men and/or the oppression of women.

How about we investigate why there aren't more characters like Helga Von Bulow from Return to Castle Wolfenstein? I think she's frickin' awesome, but I guess she doesn't look as good striking a sexy pose with a rocket launcher to please these so-called "feminists".

Sorry for the rant, this is something I'd have as a proper comment on the article or maybe even save for writing an article on my own... except that'd be public suicide and I'm not retarded.

>> No.2005596

Without having looked at all the images, my guess is that it's just a general reactionary tendency. Honestly games have more fanservicey/sexy/male appealing female characters than other types, so of course when people try to redesign them they'll go for something different from what's most common i.e. more clothing coverage, bodies that aren't porn star style etc....

It's just how people usually react to a trend, regardless of whatever political agendas you're ascribing to them

>> No.2005630

what a dumb picture, the main difference between them is the intended reaction

>> No.2005639

needs to be more fat

>> No.2005669

I like that they had the fucking audacity to shrink a real woman's breasts with the seven of nine redesign. (By the way hers are natural.)

>> No.2005707



>> No.2005710
File: 58 KB, 500x249, 1397890313833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like that they had the fucking audacity to shrink a real woman's breasts with the seven of nine redesign. (By the way hers are natural.)

that's pretty funny. they're not even really pretending to care about 'objectification' or 'stare rape' or 'the male gaze' anymore. Now it's just "this woman is prettier than me and I don't like it. Stop being so pretty."

At least the SJWs are getting more honest.

>> No.2005714

I don't know what's more annoying: legit idiotic feminists on Tumblr or the idiots on 4chan who always whine and cry that they are, legitimately, losing something when some people do fanart of some character.

>> No.2005717


Can't we just go with "they're both fucking annoying" and be done with it? I mean they're basically the same fucking thing if you think about it.

The real crazies in the SJW crowd are eerily similar to neo-nazis and stormfronters. Let that sink into your mind.

>> No.2005755
File: 223 KB, 1500x874, ChunLiRedesign-IoleMarieRabor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is artgerm so based

>> No.2005760

yeah chun-li is already pretty tastefully dressed. she HAS to have thighs as wide as the height of her body. makes her believable when she's kicking the shit out of people.

>> No.2005802


the universal whinge of the special snowflakes who are really just looking for an excuse to feel superior to everyone

>> No.2005809

The only thing the original Chun-Li is missing are shin guards and she may be wearing those under her boots.
She's one of the best designed characters from the 90's.

>> No.2005815

where did they dig up half of these "female science fiction artists" anyway. Most of them are really bland, or just straight up bad.

Then again, dowdy bland girls drawing dowdy bland characters ain't so far fetched.

>> No.2005835

This is the reason why you design stuff with context in mind, not political ideals.

>> No.2005845

sad thing is they undermine the whole cause they are supposedly fighting for
there are actual women who need this movement, subject to domestic violence, systematic rape, fucked social status depending on the country, religious mumbo jumbo etc...but it's all symbolic for these fucking pieces of shit
draw boobs smaller! dont say some profession+man, be proud to be unhealthy..
the cause has to be treated not the symptoms, these trivial stuff will naturally follow if society respects women
not while these fucks keep watch though

>> No.2005846 [DELETED] 

fuck you op, if you want to talk about something link it, ya cunt:


>> No.2005885

>This is the reason why you design stuff with context in mind
>Many of these designs would not work well in the given context

>> No.2005887

>"Cover her tits/ass make her boobs smaller"?
Obviously because most women don't want to see their own sex oversexualized like most men don't either. This isn't just limited to the retarded SJW mentality.

That said, a lot of the redesigns do kind of defeat the purpose of the typical superhero costume. Most of these redesigns (particularly the ones with the dresses) look more of a fantasy thing than capeshit.

>> No.2005956
File: 189 KB, 463x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave chun chun alone

>> No.2005958


>credits the shit tier redesign
>doesnt credit artgerm

top femshepkek

>> No.2005961
File: 55 KB, 140x140, 20c7b7243b7343978133c2a099a96e4c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2005979

redesign is way better than artgerm. we dont need to see those thighs thats objectifying women.

>> No.2005980

Samus wouldn't be able to wear the varia suit with so much useless shit on top of the redesigned zero suit.
Bazookas are shit in the mushroom kingdom, you can fucking kick bullets off the air.
Chun Li lost her height, muscle mass and mobility.
Hyperborian laws of physics dictates less armor=deadlier combatant, that Sonja is dead on arrival.

>> No.2005981

Men don't care about other men being gorgeous because we're not weak ass drama queens that lose all value as soon as a prettier man, real or fictional. enters the room.

>> No.2005985

You kidding me. Men hardly ever complain and bitch about over sexualized men.

>> No.2005986

Holy fuck the majority of these are awful. Like the only good one is Betty Boop.

>> No.2005995
File: 214 KB, 640x853, mevius-final-fantasy-2014-12-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly you're not familiar with how much male bitching the new FF dude got.

>> No.2005997

What I gathered from these drawings is that women really hate the female body.

>> No.2005998 [DELETED] 
File: 137 KB, 760x1051, all superhereos from now on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes we do. i will now flood the thread with sexy men and you'll pretend you don't find it revolting. enjoy.

>> No.2005999 [DELETED] 
File: 218 KB, 1024x768, Orlando-Bloom-orlando-bloom-7263399-1024-768[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2006000

Dude looks like a giant faggot.

>> No.2006001 [DELETED] 
File: 197 KB, 600x800, sexy_muscle_man_armpit_pinup_art___omega_nerd_by_eddiechin-d4sroxt[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2006005

>I will now flood the thread


>> No.2006006 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 500x332, Loop-News-entertainment-Dicaprio-3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2006007
File: 125 KB, 600x960, 1372910660509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those aren't over sexualized though.

Also don't forget about all the male insecurity with fucking Free!.

>> No.2006008

Maybe because he looks like a Legend of the Cryptids reject?

>> No.2006009

Beefcake thread is always welcome faggot.

>> No.2006010 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 382x500, sexy-guy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2006011 [DELETED] 
File: 321 KB, 350x350, Hey-There-Sexy-Guy[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2006012 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 211x320, 20130504-140814[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently arms over head is the cocked hip of male sexiness

>> No.2006013


Thanks for the references, lol

>> No.2006014 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 367x540, 10237993[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2006015

ok now im getting hard.

>> No.2006016

Higher res please.

>> No.2006017

Armpits are sexy.

>> No.2006018

Nah, a lot have said it made them "uncomfortable". Even JJBA does that to some people.

Also welcome to Final Fantasy: Majority of them look like fucking Legend of the Cryptids rejects.

>> No.2006019 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 625x938, enhanced-buzz-9224-1398310573-14[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good i'm not attracted to men, so i don't know if these are the right kind of thing really.

>> No.2006020 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 299x500, 1234357271778_f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2006022

Not my husbando Balthier.
But they really need to go a new direction with their art they peaked during the GBA-PS2 era and have gone to shit since then.

>> No.2006024 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 774x1032, robin_sexy_by_depraved4yaoi2-d5uk4sk[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2006025

Nice choice.

FF has a lot more and even bigger issues than current art direction, sadly.

>> No.2006026

why do models always have tiny dicks? i feel like they should start getting pornstars to do pics like this, no girl in the right mind wants a babydick

>> No.2006028 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 650x922, Aquaman_by_madartist00[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you type '[character name] sexy' into google it's always just women dressed up as male characters lol, except for aquaman

>> No.2006030
File: 62 KB, 683x681, shitlord man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2006031

Hypermasculinity also harms the self-esteem of male boys, what's your point?

>> No.2006032 [DELETED] 
File: 154 KB, 800x1000, sexy_superman_by_steven_h_garcia-d5b0ddi[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even superman is like 70% sexy women

the sexy female jokers have been the best so far.

>> No.2006033
File: 65 KB, 574x441, lun-chi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2006034

Lol i legit see nothing wrong with these pictures. I dont find them attractive. So what do i do?

I just dont fucking look. Like what most men do. Not complain and bitch about it.

>> No.2006035

No it fucking doesn't, lol.

>> No.2006036 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 768x1024, Male-Stripper-Sexecute-768x1024[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2006037 [DELETED] 
File: 1.34 MB, 3025x3800, bigstock-sexy-provocative-fashion-portr-43129360[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2006038 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 333x500, wet2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2006039 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 473x639, large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2006040

Do you really think you're making anyone on an art board (where many of us have seen and carefully analyzed and recorded dozens if not hundreds of naked dudes from all angles and lighting conditions) uncomfortable?

You liberal social justice retards are so hilariously delusional.

>> No.2006041 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 400x600, -HEXIN-Sexy-Lingerie-2013-Free-Shipping-Wholesale-Wet-Look-Sexy-Man-Underwear-Leather-Lingerie-LB1247[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol ab window

>> No.2006042


There's also a shit load of articles on masculinity and self-esteem, but those don't seem to be free. Also steroids (for non-athletic purposes) and extreme risk taking such as extreme sports is an obvious thing.

>> No.2006043

what i dont understand is that why is the ideal male always so feminen? youd think an ideal man would be a bit manlier, manlier jaw line, bigger hands, big neck and shoulders, huge tool, etc. I dont understand societys standards

>> No.2006044 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 634x401, article-1349042-0CD97836000005DC-170_634x401[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoever it was was right about the small dicks, so weird, anyway here's a woman!

>> No.2006045

That only applies to teenagers (which I wouldn't be surprised if you were) or East Asian cultures such as Japan and South Korea where cultural views on masculinity are different.

>> No.2006046

Would be nice if he actually had anything to show.

>> No.2006047 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 600x880, most_beautiful_men_10[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think it's that youth thing, i think it goes both ways. girls like boyish men, men like girlish women

>> No.2006049
File: 39 KB, 460x493, şişman-olup-kendisini-güzel-sanan-kız_668031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2006050

The biggest insecurity cause for men is height, and that's impossible to change.

So we just give up on that aspect of our lives and work on wealth, reliability, intelligence and socializing or we don't reproduce. At least failed manlets keep their shit in /fit/ and /pol/ instead of pestering the media to make Superman 5'10 so they can relate.

>> No.2006051 [DELETED] 
File: 173 KB, 800x800, T1DnTRXnlkXXbYDw_X_115339[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2006052 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 750x1125, Urban-Beauty-counters-authentic-urban-Tiptop-218-141-men-and-women-couple-underwear[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2006053 [DELETED] 
File: 167 KB, 800x800, T1jtKkXoVHXXaN51rX_114714[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2006054


And this isn't /r9k/. You're on the wrong board, buddy.

>> No.2006055 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 451x551, 274766057_681[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2006056

Women like rugged (strong) men while ovulating and feminine (reliable) men the rest of the time.

>> No.2006057 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 600x365, Batman-and-Catwoman-batman-7454606-600-365[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2006058

Why do you insist on being an aesthetics-hating faggot?
Post beef or get back to tumblr.

>> No.2006060

>not manlet
Anon... I'm sorry.

>> No.2006061 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 600x792, beckham_Intimately2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these celebrities i feel like ive seen them before

>> No.2006063 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 464x700, 322a78df51969db67de003387081e06d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2006064

Protip: that study isn't fully confirmed/concrete, nor is it that extreme.

>> No.2006065 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 736x552, 469df19a2a88ad51e2f57cde4370236d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool forearms eh?

>> No.2006066
File: 62 KB, 331x402, butthurt-faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all that shit

Oh, but I thought masculine male characters were supposed to be a "power fantasy". Now men are being oppressed by them too? Give me a fucking break.

>> No.2006067

anyone wanna see my dick for ref

>> No.2006068
File: 46 KB, 636x572, Samus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one with Samus upset me.

It's like they weren't happy enough that the lead turned out to be a girl. Everyone though the pilot was a man.

I thought she was in a skin tight suit for a reason. I've never played the games but isn't Samus's "suit" the Metroid robot thing?

>> No.2006069

How is providing citations "butthurt"? I was just proving that it's, in fact, true.

Quit with the strawmans, it makes you look irrational (as if ignoring advice wasn't already enough.)

>> No.2006070
File: 67 KB, 636x616, Emmafrost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all of them are bad though. I like Frost's costume more and personally think the redesign is more attractive. Then again, I like legs.

>> No.2006071


How the fuck did I type that.
Yeah, it's pretty dumb. I can understand people complaining about the retarded Other M design with those high heels however (and the other bullshit that terrible game had.)

>> No.2006072
File: 66 KB, 636x516, Morrigan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked this one as well save for the face. I like two out of all the redesigns. The rest are terrible.

>> No.2006081

>I've never played the games but isn't Samus's "suit" the Metroid robot thing?
Yup. The blue suit in the pic on the left was introduced later on as what she wears underneath the armor suit. Earlier games had her in a a leotard or generic two piece athletic wear. Her armor is form-fitting, which makes the redesign's interpretation of her under-suit retarded.

>> No.2006083 [DELETED] 

looks awesome though, like flight suits real astronauts wear.

>> No.2006086

Emma's whole shit is upsetting daddy figures and being abrassive.
It's also the only two good artists.

>> No.2006087
File: 498 KB, 1500x1246, BettyBoopRedesign-ChristinaHess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it looks like a nifty utility suit... but I dunno why Samus would wear that unless she moonlights as a mechanic.

That's the issue with most of these redesigns (the ones that aren't just... bad), they are thoughtless regarding the setting or context and are really hamfisted in that way.

Betty Boop was solid though, a good example of updating the IP to current trends while sticking to the essence of the character.

>> No.2006089
File: 29 KB, 419x313, HelenKane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked how they kept to Helen Kane's appearance in the redesign.

The only reason I didn't mention it is because Betty Boop is only 16. That is an adult working women.

>> No.2006093

Was betty boop a SJW? Because that's what her redesign looks like.

>> No.2006096

It does look cool and the drawing is well done, but it doesn't match the source material. Her armor is futuristic and designed by an advanced alien race. Current depictions in game have the suit materialize around her instead of something she climbs into. This artist's redesign would have to accompany a redesigned armor suit as well, but at that point it's getting too close to something designed by modern humans, instead of a super advanced alien race in a future setting.

>> No.2006097
File: 44 KB, 240x252, Bothbetty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks to me like a redrawing of Betty Boop as an adult, featured to the right. In this version, she is a housewife.

Maybe it is saying as an adult she is a sassy, working women.

The old design pictured however is 16 year old Betty. She was originally a 16 year old virgin yet flirtatious flapper.

>> No.2006104

Looks like sexy bartender to me.
Then again I may have access to better pubs than you.

>> No.2006108
File: 34 KB, 860x509, prevalence-obesity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>straw man

Fair enough, I'm not the one that begun spamming nearly naked men and physically healthy couples under the presumption it would somehow "trigger" a bunch of budding fine artists though, lol

>I was just proving that it's, in fact, true.

You linked to one study that discredits itself before it even gets started...

>Several limitations and recommendations based on the present study should be noted. Because of this study’s correlational nature, results obtained cannot assess causation.

...one survey about "insecurities" as if everyone doesn't have those no matter what, and two unsourced opinion pieces. Your "citations" are worthless.

People will always have insecurities no matter what, fear and jealousy are part of being human; however today things have certainly been exacerbated by the fact that over half the population of the developed world is disgustingly fat. If you really wanted to make us uncomfortable earlier you would have spammed pictures of the modern mass man and woman whose hedonism has shaped their bodies into an unrecognizable blob headed for an early grave. Of course people are having body image issues when they can't even pick themselves off the ground or waddle 30 feet without going into cardiac arrest or blowing their fucking knees out.

>> No.2006147

Wow most of these are terrible. Also, why is it that they make the chest smaller and cover up their boobs but show more thigh? Is that more acceptable to them?

Also jeesh. I'm embarrassed to be a female artist. We really are terrible looking at this group. So few have good technical skills. Except for my hero Janaschi. I strive to be way more like her with my skill level and design. :T

>> No.2006151

What makes her design good though?

>> No.2006156

Her design is well thought out, everything about it speaks to who she is and how she fights while fitting into Street Fighter's particular aesthetic.

Pretty much all of the old Street Fighter designs are top-tier, the elements are very streamlined (express culture caricature and fighting style) and nothing feels particularly arbitrary.

>> No.2006266

I'm an Asian and I find that shit on the right offensive.

>> No.2006276
File: 7 KB, 384x224, fullsizeistruesize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unique silhouette, stance and movements. Great use of shapes. Unique color scheme and a fitting theme that ties together everything. And she looks great in movement.


All characters in street fighter 2 is designed with the thought of the players being able to keep track of whats happening and going on. And also to make it even more impressive you have to take all the limits the team had to work against when they created Street Fighter 2. Colours was limited to 12-bit and it had a 384x224 resolution.

>> No.2006291

There was a huge shitstorm about Free! when it was announced. There are tons of shows featuring cute girls doing cute things, but when it came for cute boys doing cute things then all hell broke loose.

It leads me to believe that men are more threatened by effeminate men than oversexualized men. It seems that, to them, oversexualized men are like half naked men with exuberant masculinity. Now, if you make them effeminate...then I feel that you are threatening something there when that shouldn't be the case at all.

I feel that it might be lingering case of Victorian age Europe homophobia that's still lingering in our culture.

>> No.2006302

it's not exactly like that.
Men aren't threatened by over-muscular men because they are unrealistic. Not that they don't exist, but they are so few that they aren't a realist threat. Plus their physique don't appeal to everyone.
(just like women aren't really threatened by actual top-models)

But free!-like body is a much more realistic goal for someone that decides to fix his diet and do some sport. Which is why it's a threat: you COULD look like that but you don't.

>> No.2006314


The reason why many male anime fans hated Free had nothing whatsoever to do with feeling threatened but because it was gay as fuck. They didn't like the entire concept of the show, not the fact that the characters have athletic bodies.

>> No.2006322

Do you think there are more good looking (body) males than females in the world?
There have been gay animes forever, but the main characters werent hot as fuck.
bae <3

>> No.2006325

people bashed free before it aired, only on the premise of "anime about a swimming club" and the design.
So except if swimming is gay (and I think it's not), the gayness played a role only later.

>> No.2006338
File: 193 KB, 632x879, basedfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish they could show a nice package in mens character design, I find it hot.

Like pic related, sweet fucking jesus

>> No.2006339

Pretty sure most people could assume that a show about sexy guys in a swimming club would be kinda gay yaoi bait, without having seen it beforehand. So obviously straight anime fans would hate it from the get-go. The different between them and feminists though is that they realize this is not a show made for them and they don't demand the characters to have more "realistic" bodies, as feminists would demand. It is a show made for yaoi legbeards. Straight men wouldn't find Free! any more appealing if it was a bunch of fat guys on the swimming team so the hate has absolutely nothing to do with feeling threatened and insecure.

>> No.2006344

he has really beefy hands too, wow

>> No.2006345

free was a threat...
a threat that KyoAni wasn't going to make their favorite moeblob animes to replace the with fujoshi-bait...
(god I hate moeblobs...)

>> No.2006350

Yes, but that threat had nothing to do with the bodies of the characters, which was the point I was arguing.

>> No.2006351
File: 543 KB, 480x640, fitbae2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find this guy more attractive than
/fit/ is a fuckin dope <3


>> No.2006361

Those tumors on her face look painful.

>> No.2006363

>Men aren't threatened by over-muscular men because they are unrealistic.
>(just like women aren't really threatened by actual top-models)

But female top models have very easily to achieve bodies. They are just skinnyfat. Literally all a woman has to do for a body like that is stop stuffing her face and maybe go for a light jog twice a week.

>> No.2006365

Models also have height, skinnyfat looks different on 6'1" than 5'4".

>> No.2006370
File: 137 KB, 900x452, mlp_gijinka_line_up_by_alekinexelsis-d4jnp9v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2006373

Good thing they drew all those different body types, because that's the sameface over and over, with minimal actual change..

>> No.2006377
File: 161 KB, 1280x457, friendship_is_magic_by_kittehness-d3f6fgv (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2006380

>sad thing is they undermine the whole cause they are supposedly fighting for
>there are actual women who need this movement, subject to domestic violence, systematic rape, fucked social status depending on the country, religious mumbo jumbo etc..

this is the problem of modern feminism, people who can help are from 1st world countries but they are fighting for the wrong thing and giving a movement that we still need in the world a bad name...

not true, as a /fit/izen I can tell you that is not that easy, womens body work in a diferent way, you could loose your whole boobs but still have belly fat, is harder to get muscle and easy to gain fat, it also depends on every persons genetic but its not as easy.

>> No.2006383

Agreed, fugly faces everywhere

>> No.2006388

>not true, as a /fit/izen I can tell you that is not that easy,

Nah, as a /fit/izen myself, I can tell you that you are full of shit. Also, most top models are quite flat chested anyway.

>> No.2006392


Im not full of shit, ive done my diets and training, it havent been the most hardest thing on earth I agree, but its not as easy as >>2006363 said, took me a while to achieve my goal even when I was already skinny fat.

I would tell you to post body but this is /ic/

>> No.2006393

go back to /fit/, you meatheads cant draw worth shit anyway.

>> No.2006397
File: 100 KB, 914x1091, beefrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep thinking that

>> No.2006416

Explain why this thread is permitted but SJW shit and things that hurt /ic/'s feelings is instantly banned?

I'm making a fucking Money Train this week, you dirty bitches.

>> No.2006421


>not attracted to men

what are you a faggot? fuck off

>> No.2006425


so fucking repulsive

>> No.2006428

The difference is that when men and most women see a picture of someone who is attractive and fit, they aspire to be like them, and it motivates them to get off their fat asses, work out, and eat healthily.

Tumblrites have no such motivation. So when they see a picture of an attractive or fit person, they get angry and whine about body acceptance. Fuck that. The default human body is weak. Make yourself into something better.

>> No.2006430
File: 18 KB, 500x256, tumblerite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is all I can think of when I see the fat acceptance movement

>> No.2006454

this week? make the thread now

>> No.2006482
File: 691 KB, 1370x934, 13924121137090987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hypermasculinity also harms the self-esteem of male boys, what's your point?
It does not.
It inspires us. You ignorant fuck.
1) sexualizing women pisses the crap out of them because they want just sit and eat and "beee uurseeelvees(((" without caring about their bodies and such
2) male power fantasy inspires and motivates men
get over it

>> No.2006488
File: 671 KB, 768x963, YvzgKzA (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat acceptance movement
Is the shittiest pieces of crap i have seen in USA society.
Holy fuck every time i enter Tumblr im glad im German.
We are like the better "tolerant" country. because we are toleran to people/genders/sexual preferences AND also not idiotic shitty moronic - kind of tolerant like USA.

>> No.2006489

which is the difference between men and women. men are designed to blast through challenges and conquer shit while women just lay around and look pretty. or if theyre fat then they just lay around and throw fat girl tantrums.

>> No.2006493

Like for example - im actually a fat person. My weight is 98 kilograms. But when i see a super masculine male in action - being opressed/offended is the LAST thing i will feel. What i will feel is being motivated about my deeds and doing something awesome.
in fact...when i feel lazy i watch 80s action movie and my productivity in art grows like hell.

>> No.2006494

>that pubic fat

>> No.2006498

Why don't they start fitness or something if they are so feministic and fempowerful?

Go on blast a challenge or two, if your tits won't grow at least you ass will and fat will go away.

>> No.2006504
File: 364 KB, 540x671, sUdQjum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b...but i just want to eat more...;_;

>> No.2006512
File: 26 KB, 267x350, feminism_202b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny thing I used to think feminism is a good thing.

Go on work, do shit, develop as a repson.
Who wants to feed a being that only sits n the TV, and knows no better shit to do than shopping? Sure a woman like on the pic is a way better than a dumb housewife, she can do not only a sandwich but also A PLENTY.

Instead I discovered that feminism is like "We're women, we're dumb, lazy and fat, stop bugging us about this you privileged man. AND WEDONT WONT TO DO ANY PLENTY"

>> No.2006518
File: 288 KB, 1280x1024, 1416552751637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw being a BodyPositive is looking like a pig that lies on her belly while eating even if it is literally health-destroying pose because you opressing your own stomach while eating and lying on it

>> No.2006522

i was pretty disappointed when i opened up muddy colors and saw that article
thought it was just a blog of art shit for art people

>> No.2006530
File: 398 KB, 1500x1165, ScarletWitchRedsign-BelindaMorris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2006535

fuck muddy colors

>> No.2006539

Still not uncomfortable. It actually made me drop on the floor and do some push ups.

>> No.2006542

It is, this article came out of the fucking blue.

I dunno even.

>> No.2006547
File: 627 KB, 778x1908, Ino-02-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Saw this shit on facebook recently. It's funny because the drawings are horrendous, but sad because people buy this shit.

>> No.2006622

I'm not familiar with mlp, but isn't it set on a fantasy american ranch?

>> No.2006626

they turned her from a kinda hot chick with superpowers to an awkward teenage girl with a shitty fashion sense and superpowers.

>> No.2006647

is this a thread about white guys? cause im seeing a lot of white guys.

>> No.2006658


>modern twist
>slaps some chucks on her

>> No.2006662
File: 276 KB, 1000x1200, 1356920 - Bee Bee_and_PuppyCat Miscon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg omg i knoe rite.. :\ tose wites always bully :\\
why white... -_-'
>feminists actually think that people from other races can't judge or insult others

>> No.2006669

she shoots menstruation out of her hands now, so progess, so femistist

>> No.2006717
File: 101 KB, 583x916, if_you_say_so.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2006720 [DELETED] 


>> No.2006739

Anyone is free to voice their opinion.
I don't heart sjws but would like more relatable female characters.

>> No.2006741

>assert control over the artist and restrict their creative freedom

Dunno what you're on about, sex appeal and objectification still sell just as well as ever.

Some of the BS is annoying, but let's not pretend they're "asserting control" over much.

>> No.2006753

This is a fair point.
Guess they want everything without doing any actual work.

>> No.2006756
File: 54 KB, 800x508, tiggare_stockholm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Since the Scarlet Witch’s origin story includes growing up in a Romani family I wanted her costume to reconnect with that - but with a modern twist."
Has she ever seen a gypsy? Because I see them all the time. Usually begging in the street surrounded by garbage.

>> No.2006858
File: 1.40 MB, 1807x794, bRKnCDR9ubNJ.840x0.Vdef9Kkm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey at least Blizzard is listening lol

>> No.2006867
File: 33 KB, 346x406, tumblr_ni5mohhw281r2wefoo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bet gamergator cucks are shitting themselves in rage right now

>> No.2006883

Why would they do that?

>> No.2006888
File: 254 KB, 1400x598, c62408be573f6ab56f3309f946568c4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2006901

Wasnt that about someone sleeping with a game reviewer to get a good score on her shitty game?

What does that have to do with it?

>> No.2006909

It means the opponents of gamergate are making a lot of unsubstantiated assumptions and wide generalizations to lump all their different enemies under one convenient label to fit their eternal victim narrative.

Hey speaking of which that broad with the gun actually has a pretty nice and rather thoughtful design, unlike the bland cunt redraws showcased in the article.

>> No.2006911
File: 881 KB, 1248x1080, 1400188330835.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"le wacky colored" hair
>man with tits

So much for diversity

>> No.2006913
File: 368 KB, 1600x1166, cammy_by_toratsuji-d3lg0u9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeahp. All of those redraws have no idea what makes a character design visually exciting. Scarlet Witch had a powerful pose, great rhythms in the muscles of the legs, and a strong composition. The pose of the redesign was so awkward and gumby that tumblrscarlett had no idea what to do with herself.

Someone needs to teach those redesigners about rhythm, composition, shape language and proportion.

>> No.2006914
File: 66 KB, 417x515, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first time seeing her
>think about her forcefully riding my cock and begging for me to cum inside her because she wants to be a mommy deep down

>> No.2006917

I wonder what would happen if she shoved her fist up your ass?

>> No.2006918
File: 6 KB, 80x96, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sniffing the paintes of endless failures in college

Ah yes. I love the smell of money on my dick.
>money isnt everything
Fuck you poorfag

>> No.2006919
File: 24 KB, 265x260, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id cum

>> No.2007038

Holy shit that picture, lol.

>> No.2007046

Aside from the shitty looking hair, it's a pretty cool design. I wouldn't mind playing her out of all the female characters if I actually cared for the game.

>> No.2007076

I'd play that character.

>> No.2007081

I think fems just want to be men.
They hate us 'cause they ain't us.

>> No.2007086

Im fat as fuck and this is beyond stupid.
>diets dont work
>excercise is too hard


>> No.2007088

>I'm fat as fuck

Please learn to love yourself anon, and save yourself from a lifetime of being trapped in your own body.

>> No.2007090
File: 30 KB, 605x146, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skeletal will be free soon.
Thanks fat around my lungs and heart

>> No.2007091

pls anon just get some 5lb dumbells and just start fist pumping from your computer chair. Mr. Skeltal can wait.

>> No.2007095

It's like they don't understand female anatomy.

>That or Pink Hair Tan shirt and the cowgirl are both trannies.

>> No.2007096

Im one upping and swimming 1000 yrds for each day of 5 days a week

>> No.2007099

Its set on a universe different from ours.

>> No.2007101
File: 5 KB, 66x94, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Open thumbnail
>get erection

I fapped 2 times today, theres no way.

>> No.2007106

I was about to say, Berskerk actually got me into the gym again, and guts is about as power fantasy as it gets.

Anything I can read/watch to learn this stuff?

>> No.2007114 [DELETED] 
File: 246 KB, 1000x907, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tengan toppa was the first anime I watched start to finish
>protag taught me to go beyond "no"

Pic is Mortsian Salt.

>> No.2007195

I mean, these aren't that bad honestly. Pinkie pie is shit and I can't tell what race rainbow dash is, but aside from that, they're pretty solid, even with the cultural appropriation shit.

>> No.2007199

Female gaze prefers thighs and legs over boobs. Also nice special snowflaking with that "I'm not like those other girls" jab.

>> No.2007203

>do I fit in with the boys yet?
Have some fucking self respect.

>> No.2007208

Read some Graphic design textbooks, or just search the web specifically for shape language. Andrew Loomis' Creative Illustration touches up on that stuff as well.

>> No.2007214

Cool, thank you.

>> No.2007229

Stop kissing up to boys now while you're still young because you sound fifteen as fuck right now. They don't respect for being a girl and they don't respect you for hating other girls.

>> No.2007232

What the fuck are you talking about, a flacid dick is small.

>> No.2007237

all this thread is nothing but butthurt about certain tumblr tier feminists
what female artists in general have to do with it?

>> No.2007445

So far the only thing I don't like is that she is Russian further driving the TF2 knock-off status home.

>> No.2007447

I just want to add to you that if you are interested in character design in general. First thing you need to do is figure out what medium your character is going to be in.

>> No.2007473

Another interested anon, I was looking for a book on graphic design but was overwhelmed, any recommendation that's up somewhere on pdf?

>> No.2007557

>What the fuck are you talking about, a flacid dick is small.
No clearly all real men are hung like the small pool successful male pornstars that are obviously the average.

The 5" average erect length of a penis is just to make the baby dicks feel better.

>> No.2007563

i have a big dick.

>> No.2007577

Such portrayal of Russian woman actually displeases me.

>> No.2007611

I think it would actually have been a decent design if the hair wasn't slapped on there. Also
>all the tumblrtards already labeling her as a proud dyke

I thought they were against generalizations.

>> No.2007624

Comics, so there isn't a whole lot on that sadly. A lot of books on getting down the style and streamlining your knowledge, but not much on the actual design portion. I kinda just do what I did with my cartoon designs though(if the character is strong and dependable, give him more of a squarish build). I also try to use a bit of asymmetry in the faces and designs, but it can't be as extreme as with cartoons. A lot of comic characters don't do the asymmetrical designs.

>> No.2007625

If she wasn't so proudly dyke I'd like her too.

Just anything that isn't Pink pony's hide on her head and we'd have a female Heavy and it would do qite nice.

>> No.2007642
File: 398 KB, 1600x1066, Big Red Widow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can always do the opposite, and make sexy objectified drawings of feminists.

>> No.2007643

I support this. I support this so hard. Why are we not doing this?

>> No.2007650

Drawing Anita Sark in DOA costumes would probably drive her nuts

>> No.2007656

They already do that with her OC that one developer made. It's pretty funny.

>> No.2007664

Wait, a DoA developer made an Anita Sarkeesian character?

>> No.2007669


At first I was like "yeah sure that'd be friggin cool" but then I realised why... Because it's absolutely disgusting!

Although I'll try and make some with Anita Shekelesian, I've day-dreamed about sticking it in her meaty holes so many times it's disgusting...

>> No.2007674

Why do you think?
It's purely reactionary. There's less creativity and more trying to correct a perceived mistake.
Some of the redesigns, like Storm, Emma, and Betty are pretty decent though. Even if Betty does look like Kristen Schaal for some reason.

>> No.2007676

Sure it might be disgusting, but it would drive them all fucking insane and that's the goal.

>> No.2007678

The design itself isn't bad, but it doesn't make much sense for a suit designed to link to a set of near magic high tech armor, while also allowing for flexible movement.

>> No.2007758
File: 199 KB, 1910x1046, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2007771


>> No.2007897

I would say it's better to build around how the character will look in panels. How can you simulate movement in panels(through cloak, hair, loose cloth, wings or alternative)? Can you break the character down for the environmental shots and can it still stand out?

In my opinion, figuring this out benefits your character way more in the long run that sculpting out a character and calling it done.

>> No.2007907

So basically to focus on this that will sort of accentuate the movements? I guess that's a smart thing I haven't thought of, though really you can do that with multiple characters within the panels. It's actually how they cleverly used the Turtles in the old Marage comics. They would place the four of them like frames in animation within the panel, then sort of spread them out when the action happened so your eyes would rest on the panel and take it in.

Of course, I suppose with fewer characters on panel you would want to add more movement through the clothes and hair as sort of a "follow through" if that's what you're talking about. Still, I guess when it comes to the actual character design it's just a matter of mixing and matching actresses and finding a fashion that works for them... potentially.

>> No.2007959

As much of a bitch as she is, she's really a very beautiful woman.

>> No.2007998

That's the kind of permissive thinking that gave women the gall to start wearing jeans and cutting their hair shorter than ass length, pal.

>> No.2008001

Kinda wish her tits were smaller. Nothing gets me harder than thick, muscular thighs and petite tits

>> No.2008030
File: 118 KB, 500x749, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2008441

I find her hot as fuck

>> No.2008450

>nothing gets me harder than a body which most closely resembles a male's.

Got some news for you dude

>> No.2008476
File: 45 KB, 600x340, 479608018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess i found her prototype.

>> No.2008477
File: 24 KB, 468x273, 696359881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she should have looked like this.

>> No.2008478
File: 14 KB, 360x203, main20164348_90ef5d0d935cb240b8116b7a77775a5e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this.

>> No.2008483
File: 95 KB, 898x476, 2015-03-03-220614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or this

>> No.2008499


What is the reason for those things? Besides what kind of motion is that? It looks like she's dancing with one side and trying to flex with the other.

>> No.2008508

Post some Samantha Wright so i can cum with a bang

>> No.2008509


Little do you know, weakling.

>> No.2008510

Poorly defined cheeks and girly fighting

>> No.2008512
File: 119 KB, 626x721, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someones maaaaaad

>> No.2008514
File: 133 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of Kuriva for some reason

>> No.2008550
File: 219 KB, 800x1000, 1396739243083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because big breasts are clearly the work of the devil.
Thank you, Satan.

>> No.2008781

nah, the group gets a bad rap but the first thing they'll tell you is that they don't mind women in games, mostly just shoehorning and pandering to a (hopefully) short-lived radical movement. still hate em' though.

>> No.2008785

totally agree, most heroes have to show either a lot of skin or wear formfitting clothing to show off their muscle. If their clothing is loose, they have to show that much more skin

>> No.2008792

no please

>> No.2008798

She would fucking love it. Death threats, hate mail, swats, how the hell do you think the media got interested in a pissing contest between feminists and gamers? nobody cares about either until you give them something as serious (I know it was your average twitter harassment BS) as a threat to a "reporters" life, then it's important and everybody takes a side, usually the one that hasn't been labeled by the very groups they are fighting against as an anti-equality hate group.

>> No.2008801

nononononono it wouldn't, this is exactly the problem. It would drive them insane like>>2006488 drives us insane, as in it would add more fuel to their fire and reinforce the belief that they need to change society and the poblems they face are "real". You have to realize that by acting like this towards them you're not just making them more extreme, but giving them a "legitimate" reason to be doing what they are doing, which ultimately doesn't help anybody. It's funny, I'll admit it, but longterm its more trouble than it's worth

>> No.2008803

cool, never even considered that

>> No.2008804

Fair enough, but damn that's funny.

>> No.2008989
File: 117 KB, 921x673, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May you come in peace

>> No.2009223


>> No.2009482

Anita go back to /v/

>> No.2009553


wouldn't muscular women have smaller tits? they have a higher amount of testosterone in their body which causes their tits to shrink. same reason why fat guys have tits: 1) more fat and 2) more estrogen which causes their tits to grow.

>> No.2009563

Only if they use steroids otherwise they lose a bit of their breasts because as we all know breasts are mostly fat

>> No.2009565

Another SS victim

>> No.2009748

holly hell I thought I wasn't into thick girls

>> No.2009755


>> No.2009805

It's not like lifting automatically turns her clit to a dick.

If she's got body fat she'll still have boobies. The reason a lot of athletic/muscular women have small breasts is they also lose fat, not because of too much testosterone.

Incidentally, the reason a lot of fat men have moobs is... well because they're fat and not 'cause of estrogen.

>> No.2009846
File: 80 KB, 598x516, 1411941809175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw female
>mfw draw sexy big breasted/hipped ladies
>naked or in revealing clothing

Just don't care.

>> No.2009953
File: 35 KB, 525x481, 1360601986196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2009975

I thought the issue is that it's a little excessive when it's just every female characters as opposed to taking their character into consideration?

>> No.2009980

There isn't an issue whatsoever, bulldyke's just love to cause controversy surrounding things that make them feel insecure. If they can't play as a black, flat-chested midget in a wheelchair they'll throw a tantrum.

>> No.2010010

>Implying women have character
Lara Croft was one of the very few female characters who had a personality (A posh, semi-sociopathic antique fetishist personality, but a personality at least) and they destroyed it because SJWs are very happy with her being an emotionless goreporn doll so long as her tits are smaller.

>> No.2010013

You don't play many video games, do you?

>> No.2010017

most of the time ( at least in my experience) the female characters with the most revealing clothing and ultra-feminine features are the ones that are most shut off from you romantically. How many scantily clad women in video games has the main character actually ever stood a chance with?

whenever a video game has a woman be a romantic interest they are usually pretty tastefully dressed/ proportioned. If it's someone you will never have sex with in game why not! makem tits with legs.

For god sakes! BAYONETTA!

>> No.2010021

It's only SJWs that have a mission to make women in media as less feminine as possible. Much good porn and erotic stuff is drawn by females. It's not like anyone gives a fuck.

>> No.2010028

Not that Anon, but why are you even bringing romance into this?

>> No.2010037

because if its a character you never have sex with, why not sexualize them? what a woman does or looks like doesn't matter until you have sex with them, then it was exploitative the whole time and turns into fantasy fulfillment shit.

nothing wrong with having teammates that are hyper-sexualized, or women who work on their own who are hyper-sexualized.

>> No.2010042

you've got to remember that in the story most of these game developers are telling, sex never comes into the equation. usually the woman is just in danger and you save her, or shes on her own and saving herself. making them beautiful is just a way to make them more interesting visually while you do all this stuff, or giving you incentive to care about the person you're saving.

especially in games where they don't have a good reason for you to want to save the princess, or a strong character on their own that you want to kick ass with, the easiest way to make you care about a character is to make her beautiful.

it's a story problem, not a design problem.

like i said its the same reason bayonetta has to look like that, its cause theres no amazing backstory. her character IS her sexuality. if she was an unattractive girl it wouldn't make sense design wise for her to be doing half the things she does in game unless you wanted it to be a comedy game ( which im all for)

>> No.2010050

>what a woman does or looks like doesn't matter until you have sex with them,
>what a woman does..doesn't matter until you have sex with them.
That's pretty objectifying m8, nice.

That is also objectively wrong and your logic is stupid. Appearance definitely does matter outside of sexual intercourse, and it's even applicable to real life.

Going by your logic, why make a character sexually titillating if you're never going to have sex with that person? After all, like you've said, what a woman looks like doesn't matter if you're never going to touch dat anyway. Why fuck up with the story telling (which is the biggest issue with hypersexualization most of the time) and isolate people if appearance doesn't mean anything? :^)

Also >>2010042

>> No.2010208

Depends on the body they're going for, normal strongmen are bearmode retaining a healthy amount of fat to make them look chubby. Those who go to shows dehydrate and starve themselves nearly to the point of death so there is little barrier as possible between skin and muscle. This would of course kill the fits, but they just get in the way of pectorals in their view.

>> No.2010218

Bull shit, there's an enormous difference between the men you see in "World's Strongest Man" (who, as well as having fatty tissue also have enormous cores due to their regime) and the ones in "Mr.Olympia" contests. They're both enormously strong in their own right, but they are nowhere near being the same in regime or "off-season" body-types.

>> No.2010252

What? I was pointing out there is a difference.
>Strongmen okay with fat as long as they can haul a fully loaded semi. Tits won't vanish.
>Mr.Olympia any ounce of fat hides muscle definition. Bye-bye boobies.

>> No.2010762

Actually, I kind of like that design because it looks like Rock n Roll Carmen Sandiego.

Or red Cybersix.

But not no I-no.

And that face. Oh man.
Maybe I'm an oppressive patriarch or whatever, but, dat shit Whoopi Goldberg ugly.

>> No.2010764

You men should stop evaluating quality of things and people with how hard your dicks are getting.
She sure looks great but you CIS scum would treat her like shit just because she doesn't meet your inflated standards.

Or someting like this.
Thumblr filth is an aggregationg of fat, insane and socially rejected people that stuck together and go against health, beauty, sanity and everything else that makes them jealous and insecure about themselves.

>> No.2010770


I think I mostly don't like the color balance.
Or I just plain think it looks dumb.

>> No.2010800
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Not him but I would call it ugly since it simply looks repulsive.

I like your one-way thinking tho.

>> No.2010810
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It's 1872 why are males characters still depicted wearing completely impractical armor that serves no purpose other than to show off their bodies?

>> No.2010821

A gladiator actually was something like Boxer-stripper.

>> No.2010823
File: 1.07 MB, 1097x664, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish we could go back to the good old days of radical feminism. Women are dumb as fuck, they start a movement with good ideas and coherent principles, they use violence to achieve their goals, it's the real shit; men respond with the tiniest bit of effort to tame and defuse it, 2 decades later women believe that getting fucked by a thousand dicks a month is empowering, white women don't matter even though they're the majority, dressing like a whore is empowering, that women can have penises and the ones that do should be of greatest concern. LOL it's the biggest joke on the fucking planet, you can't make this stuff up.

>> No.2010826

>white women don't matter even though they're the majority

i'm with you on all points except for that. maybe woc matter more on tumblr, but in the real world nobody gives a fuck about them

>> No.2010861

Almost got me there m8
good b8

>> No.2010878

Worst part this isn't even bait.
Those who draw this and pay for that are serious about that.

>> No.2010894

>I wish we could go back to the good old days of radical feminism.
Why the fuck do you want that?

4/10 for bait, I bit your retarded opinion.

>> No.2010898

>complains about feminists like Femen
>wants radical feminism
>actually has the balls to then say an entire sex is stupid as fuck
kek, talk about irony

>> No.2011194

Well yes, tumblr is basically the worst of humanity trying to normalize their shit so they don't have to put any effort to better themselves.
And before that it was the anorexia/bulimia university.

>> No.2011201

Femen is a media circus, hell many of them are escorts and prostitutes paid to mess with Pitin/The Pope, by a certain blue star people.

>> No.2011223

No, you don't. You think women now a days hate men? The worst thing that has came out of modern day feminism is best described as "boy who cried wolf" habits.

Back in the day, those feminists were actual full-blown man haters. Have you read the books you posted? They HATED men. Not like today, I mean, they hated them...

Blizzard has always done a good job at making their games appealing to women and men. Same with Diablo and Starcraft. They've always done a good job of mixing up the characters. Sara Kerrigan wasn't that attractive and sexualized as a human. World of Warcraft and Skyrim appeal to all crowds as well. With the newer races, they even appeal to children with animal like characters. The Blood Elves too... I don't care what anyone says, they were made for women

My only fear is that the femme fatale will lose its place in gaming and fantasy. I don't want to see that lost. I agree we should push for more diversity but that character archetype is still important.

I mean... pretty women work all the time. Why is it bad?

>> No.2011227

>My only fear is that the femme fatale will lose its place in gaming and fantasy.
God, I hate that archetype only because almost every female villain has to play that retarded shit. It's lazy and unoriginal.

I hope it loses its place.

>> No.2011235

The femme fatale didn't have to be a villain you know. Maybe in Mortal Kombat and James Bond... yes, it is unoriginal.

A femme fatale can be any women. Charlie's Angels were all femme fatales. Laura Croft was a femme fatale. The majority of anime characters, good or bad, can be femme fatales.

I'm not saying it isn't overused in that all female characters almost are sexy, attractive adult females in this day in age. To completely eradicate that will make games just as unrealistic. Attractive people exist in everyday life. They are common.

People push for plain, bigger, or more unconventional characters to set a more realistic standard. To completely eradicate the attractive female would do no favors, they would still need to be present even if not as a lead character... villain or not.

That is why no one rags on the overly muscular attractive man archetype, right? Because plenty of likable male characters exists who are bigger, weird, or downright unattractive or plain... which makes it not so unrealistic.

>> No.2011236

Yes because the "Witch of the Wilds" should not dress that way. She can't go out into public like that.

>knowing your source material though

>> No.2011246

>tumblr is basically the worst of humanity trying to normalize their shit so they don't have to put any effort to better themselves.

dude, you're on 4chan. kettle, meet pot...

>> No.2011247

What? I was speaking aesthetically. I've never played that game either. I just knew Samus wore a high tech suit, that was all.

>> No.2011251

>The femme fatale didn't have to be a villain you know.
Except I never said that. Learn to read.
>That is why no one rags on the overly muscular attractive man archetype, right?
The issue isn't necessarily attractive people, but rather the lack of diversity when it comes to female characters. Not to say that there aren't people who are just jelly over attractive fictional characters in general, but female characters get the short end of the stick majority of the time in both appearance and character.

>> No.2011256

I was going to attach an example of this, but I cannot seem to find the image.

Disney's Gargoyles is a good example of the design thing. Tons of diversity within the male Gargoyle characters, but the good amount of female characters have the same body style/silhouette save maybe a 10% difference.

Transformers (the non-movie bullshit) also suffers from the same issue barring some exceptions and male-retooled-to-female characters.

>> No.2011264

"God, I hate that archetype only because almost every female villain has to play that retarded shit. It's lazy and unoriginal."

I'm reading?

>> No.2011268

Yes, and you've misunderstood. That wasn't saying that all femme fatales were villains, but rather most villains are femme fatales.


>> No.2011272

In real life we do not vary by only 10%. That is not diversity. That is no more diversity than every female character having an hourglass body shape.

>> No.2011274

I wasn't saying that was diversity, but rather the opposite. Re-read the statement or learn the context.

>> No.2011275

That seems a bit off though, your thinking.

Isn't almost every good female fighter a femme fatale too? To justify your hatred by saying it just applies to villains seems off.

If you have a problem with the archetype, it is because it is the main archetype used whether good or villainous for a fighting female character.

Good Lord Jesus Christ of Jehovah's Witness... if you want to type with that much frustration. It isn't a competition.

Villains should have nothing to do with this.

>> No.2011279

Ah, I did read that wrong. I also forgot there were a couple female gargoyles.

Isn't that what I said to begin with though?

>> No.2011280

>Isn't almost every good female fighter a femme fatale too? To justify your hatred by saying it just applies to villains seems off.
That is absolutely not the femme fatale archetype, and you clearly don't know what it actually is.
>A femme fatale (/ˌfæm fəˈtɑːl/ or /ˌfɛm fəˈtɑːl/; French: [fam fatal]) is a stock character of a mysterious and seductive woman whose charms ensnare her lovers, often leading them into compromising, dangerous, and deadly situations. She is an archetype of literature and art.

You're making yourself look more stupid by the second. I don't mean this as an insult as crude as it sounds, but you need to educate yourself.

>> No.2011282
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It's all good though. Nitro is already on that shit.

>> No.2011283
File: 382 KB, 600x668, 1402734259137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isn't that what I said to begin with though?
You did, but you're just repeating what I've already said as if I stated the contradictory.

>> No.2011284

You seem to have woke up on the wrong side of bed. If you have to say "you don't mean this as an insult"... then it is an insult. You should know this.

No where does it say that character needs to be villainous. Just mysterious, seductive, and the ability to compromise another character's safety.

>> No.2011288

>If you have to say "you don't mean this as an insult"... then it is an insult.
No, I am pointing out that you are ignorant. Ignorant is not inherently an insult. I said that because you'd probably take that as a personal offence (and I assume you already have.)
>No where does it say that character needs to be villainous
Except I never said that either, I've corrected you here >>2011268.

That, and that isn't what femme fatale is. Go re-read the definition again until you further understand it (to sum it up: it's a female character who uses her sex/sex appeal as a weapon.)

Now, what else are you going to try and argue with? Because all you're proving now is that you're incapable of basic reading comprehension and don't actually know what you're talking about. Feel free to pull another equivalent of 'u mad' though.

>> No.2011290

You've not corrected anything I said.

I just don't understand why you would hate the "femme fatale" archetype based purely on villains.

>> No.2011297

>You've not corrected anything I said.
Still can't read, I see. Do you even know what the femme fatale archetype, now?

I do not like the femme fatale archetype because it is an unoriginal and tiring trope that -mainly- applies to female villains, and many female villains belong to this trope. You could have grasped that the first time if you didn't fail your high school English courses (and yes Anon, that was an insult.)

>> No.2011298

>that -mainly- applies to female villains,
To re-word this for the silly Anon, it is something almost exclusive to female villains. Because writers are often unoriginal cunts when it comes to this archetype in general.

>> No.2011324

I'm tired that women need to be "ass-kicking" and "badass" to be good characters. Why is a character that's sweet and nice a bad thing. Not all characters need to know how to fight to be respected.

Also fuck this shit with giving characters that had big boobs, smaller boobs. Yes we should have more diversity in body type, but there's nothing wrong with big boobs. Women are born with different sizes.

>> No.2011331
File: 150 KB, 1200x867, sm3dwnov25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. We know she can wield a fire flower

>> No.2011338

The lady from Avatar is a femme fatale.

She is an alien yes...

She's a mysterious and seductive female alien who gets the lead character in a really dangerous situation where he almost dies. She wasn't evil. I think of many other good characters that fall in the stereotype.

Plenty of female villains that don't fall under the "femme fatale" stereotype exist. I just think it is a stereotype equally used for either good or bad.

>> No.2011343

And I bet if all the guys were cutesy moe anime girls, they'd be praising it as anime of the year

>> No.2011346

Except I never said all femme fatales were villains, nor are non-villains incapable of fitting the archetype.

Christ you're retarded and can't read.

>> No.2011348

Why do people directly reference video game characters as if they are a model for all men or all women. I think the biggest problem is that people can't force themselves to distinguish fantasy and reality. i.e just because many characters in video games that are women have a certain look or character, does not mean that all women in real life must look like this or that all video game characters must reflect reality. It is fantasy and there is no reason to be upset about it. It seems like people assume that if idealistic images exist that everyone must adhere to them and if you believe that, you are not thinking for yourself. Believe it or not you can't force other people to feel differently just because you feel upset by something.

>> No.2011358

What true feminism comes down to is, who cares if a woman is a virgin or fuck a million men. Who cares if she's fully clothed pr wearing a skimpy outfit. Who cares if she's buff or skinny. It's about doing whatever you want without the judgement. It shouldnt be about being angry at society. It's about telling society that they shouldn't judge or give a fuck what a woman does. She ducked the whole football team? Ok. She decides to be an engineer. Mmkay. She wants to be a housewife, that's fine too.

It should be just "these are things that happen." A woman doesn't have to go topless to prove a point. It should be treated as "ok, she went topless. Mmkay."

>> No.2011366

Homme fatales exist too.

>> No.2011421

>I'm tired that women need to be "ass-kicking" and "badass" to be good characters. Why is a character that's sweet and nice a bad thing. Not all characters need to know how to fight to be respected.

if it's an action game/movie, yes they do. there's nothing more annoying than some pretty bimbo with useless skills who we're supposed be feels sorry for. and when they do appear in games/movies they are little more than window-dressing for commercials. keep those kinds of characters in chick-flicks and romance novels.

>> No.2011424

I'm almost certain you're trolling, but you do understand the societal need for stereotypically accepted behaviours right? There's a long list of reasons why people are criticised for their off-colour actions and it won't be changing for as long as humanity has free-will. The irony of it all is that these same women wanting their own 'freedom' already have it, they're merely attempting to stifle anyone who has objections thereby eradicating other peoples freewill.

>> No.2011426

>there should never be damsels in distress

>> No.2011436

if you enjoy those kinds of things, anon. so be it.
i sure as hell don't. they piss me off enough in real life.

>> No.2011456


>oh yeah well he who smelt it dealt it

>> No.2011468
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>why do redesigns change things

>> No.2011473

this feels very cosmonautish, i'd love to see a clunky powerlifter like varia suit for her to pilot, haha

>> No.2011662

>Why do people directly reference video game characters as if they are a model for all men or all women.
Mental illness.
Alternatively: Arrested development.