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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2001438 No.2001438 [Reply] [Original]

Do most of you guys use photoshop and corel and other softwares ? How do the open source one's compare ? like mypaint ,krita ,gimp,etc, to photoshop and corel,etc. Do you get the same results ?

>> No.2001439

is like 90% photoshop (pirate, of course). painter must be like 4th behind illuststudio and sai, or something like that.

>> No.2001471 [DELETED] 

its mostly the artist not the tool, that said depending on which program you use will determine the ease of the workflow.

everything you mentioned is good and a good artist with decent familiarity with the program will be on par with any other artist of similar skill using a different program

>> No.2001473
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i installed CSP and it gives me this message
anyone has idea if that thing is crucial, the program working fine from what i tried so far

>> No.2001484

Manga Studio 5 is somewhere in the top 5. It's a great program if your computer sometimes lags with photoshop, or if you want to focus on making comics.

>> No.2001501

surely it is


>> No.2004825

I use photoshop. I have Manga Studio as well, but the learning curve is too steep to enjoy learning. I'm happy with PS and still have a lot to learn with it so I stick with it.

>> No.2004827


>> No.2004857

Tv-paint + lazy nezeumi

>> No.2004895

does it really matter what software one uses? i just use photoshop but have used sai, mangalabo, and corel. they all seemed quite similar up until you deal with filters which isn't really my preference.

>> No.2004911 [DELETED] 
File: 669 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any animators in or know about Toon Boom?

Just getting started with Toon Boom Harmony, and could only find a crack of v10, but there seems to be an issue with exporting - when I click the button in the picture nothing happens.

Any suggestions or link to torrent/dl for working version or for V11 would be loved.

>> No.2005176

Mostly SAI and a bit of PS.

>> No.2005266


>> No.2005270

>use gimp once
>get cancer
>have to hook up perma iv to photshoop
not even once

>> No.2005287

Photoshop on PC and Procreate on iPad.

>> No.2005412

I started using SAI recently because I couldn't make Photoshop brushes work smoothly.

>> No.2005414

photoshop, flash and toonboom mostly

>> No.2005709

Photoshop for me. I used corel for a few weeks and liked it but it was being buggy with randomly rotating the canvas. It was driving me insane so I went back to PS

>> No.2005737

Primarily Manga Studio 5/Clip Studio Paint and Illustrator. I rarely use Photoshop anymore.
That being said, I do more graphic design work and comic/illustration type stuff rather than digital concept painting shit that most people here drool over.

>> No.2005742

I like SAI. I use it for 90% of my stuff then I finish up the details in photoshop.

>> No.2005747

Anyone who complains about GIMP has no idea how to use a computer or do basic documentation lookups

You had to do the exact same thing for Photoshop but you just conveniently don't remember when you did so because you think that using paid software branded as a professional tool will make you immediately improve.

Gimp is fine.

>> No.2006003

>Buy Manga Studio 5 on sale
>love it
>computer dies
>"Well I can just install it on this new one"
>didn't save the license key


That shit's great. Would recommend to anyone, it's lighter weight than PS and is a good middle ground between it and SAI.

>> No.2006278

>software that can't run if you have hp's drivers installed

>> No.2006289


You've never had this issue and you've probably just read it somewhere

If you find the bug report, I might actually think you aren't a drooling retard.

>> No.2006984

>What kind of software do most of /ic/ use?

>> No.2006985

>Not ripping your hard disk out of your old computer.

Though I did have a laptop with two RAID 0 drives, I still have them somewhere while I harbor the delusion that I'll recover the data off of them someday.

>> No.2008285

Feels good not being poor.

>freetards actually believe this

>> No.2008287
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>paying full price for photoshop

>> No.2008289

gimp user here

I fail to see a single good reason why gimp is bad. The one anon who said it was shit simply claimed a bug report he couldn't even prove.

I use gimp professionally and I say that it's strictly better than Photoshop in every way. Scriptfu alone makes it superior

>> No.2008661

Gimp sucks balls. It was made by committee and that shows at every level of the UX. And the documentation is written retarded like. Never expect a cluster of geeks to understand an art.

Adobe Photoshop has a lot of crap surrounding its core editing abilities. Which is the only good part about the software. This core was developed with professionals testing the software. Old school photographers from such organizations like Professional Photographers of America, National Geographic, the American Society of Cinematographers, etc. These people were the ones that helped make photoshop fit standards so it could be considered an industry standard.

Gimp had some guy who moonlights as a photograper start a chat with a bunch other software junkies to talk about how they should try better to make gimp more Photoshop like.

Gimp sucks because it is has 3 design flaws:

1. It tries too hard to be like Photoshop, and without understanding what Photoshop was trying to do originally.

2. It is made with a programmer's mindset and a programmer's interpretation of a professional photographers mindset.

3. It is developed towards output and NOT process. It's coded to achieve an effect.

Free as in freedom and retarded as in designed by committee

>> No.2008663

>this fag

>> No.2008693

I use SAI for illustrations and TVPaint for animating

>> No.2008733

Photoshop CC

$10 a month. There's literally no excuse not to buy this - the best version of Photoshop - unless you're a manchild who can't spare $10/month on your illustration career.

>> No.2008734

Haha those manchilds, huh ;)

>> No.2008745

I use photoshop for now. I wanted to switch to krita because I'm hype about a freeware painting program but it freezes for a while when I switch from eraser tool to brush tool. And I do that a lot.

>> No.2008753

>$10 a month
>There's literally no excuse not to buy this
Except that requires an annual commitment. Without the annual commitment it's 30$. And if you miss a payment the software is locked and you have to pay the remaining year to unlock it. Oh, and canceling is a bitch. You have 30 days or you're locked in for good. Essentially CC is another contract in the form of a bill you can't escape, like your cable, mobile, and internet.

> the best version of Photoshop
Photoshop stopped being innovative since CS4, since then any new technology was come from Adobe acquiring other software companies. Every year with photoshop the top feature has been "enhanced performance" The basic features that artist use in photoshop can be found widespread in other programs. The only thing that really sets photoshop apart is its editing capabilities. But that is really only a matter of workflow for most competent artists.

Adobe originally put out CC to protect their infrastructure, but after a while it looks like it's here to protect it's monopoly. The software bloats with each new version and nothing of real accomplishment or improvement can be said about it. It's like the prize fighter who wins the belt. He loses that vigor he had before. The routine winning with extraordinary athleticism and showmanship is replaced by an overly cautious fighter who runs the clock to get a collected TKO from bias judges. That's photoshop today, a tired old program that has stopped listening to what artist need and want. All it does now is use the term "industry standard" as a defense (in an unregulated market, mind you.)

Now come at me photshitters

>> No.2008762

i'd love to try corel painter, particle burshes look fun as fuck, but the demo doesn't even start so i just kicked that shit off my harddrive instantly

i've read that there is some kind of problem with netframework or something but i really can't be assed to work around that shit

>> No.2008773

>can't afford $10 per month

It must suck being you.

>> No.2009701

Open source has potential. Unfortunately it is rarely met. And the rarest of the rare is meeting the expectations of artists. There are 3 big problems has to why open source sucks for artist based in tradition:

1. It's really made for other geeks, and not so much artists. Development is spurred by like-minded individuals, 99.9% of whom are computer science people well before they are art people.

2. Unreliable. Let's face the truth. Most of the programs supposedly geared towards artists are cluster fucks of R&D, innovations, and documentation.

3. Windows support is abysmal. Most young artists don't even know what a distro is, let alone can afford an OSX machine loaded with top of the line wacom gear. Instead they have a budget machine with a budget tablet using the one OS the open source community avoids like a leper-- Windows.

If this was about in other kind of programs, I would be completely wrong. Open source has made big contributions in things like 3d, video editing, raster and vector editing, and graphics compression. But when it comes to painting and drawing on the computer, open source is a fucking failure.

>> No.2009784


>> No.2009828

except that everybody on /ic/ is a beginner who still is far to getting an income from ps.
also, multiply the relative cost 10 times for people in the third world, you self-indulgent bubbled rich kid
>open source community avoids (...) Windows

>> No.2010203

You need this shit http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=44928 to manage to run the 2015 version, also just pirate it.

>> No.2010224

Strangely enough, I lag with MS and not PS. Maybe it's cause I opened the figure drawing pose tool thingy.

>> No.2010225

>paying $10/month
>$240/two years
>$480/four years
>$960/eight years

Must be hard being a sucker.

>> No.2010536
File: 470 KB, 1920x1062, Screenshot - 03092015 - 01:33:06 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But when it comes to painting and drawing on the computer, open source is a fucking failure.

Actually, it's not that bad.

>Windows support is abysmal

Yeah, that's true, sadly. For example, there wasn't stable Windows build for MyPaint 1.1 for an year or more. But hey, now there is! (at least I think so, I don't use Windows a lot)

>> No.2010546

Krita is shit. Why? Besides having ugly icons, poor feedback in the ui, and is developed by annoying fucking eurotrash, it's buggy as fuck on windows and has an asinine workflow. It's basically Photoshop for furries.

>> No.2010554

Mypaint is shit too. Why? Because its documentation is written by teenagers, and the brush controls are overly complicated. It makes painter's look simple

>> No.2010559

Don't they email you the license key?

>> No.2010584

Most of the open source program can't deal with mouse mode, which i use.

>> No.2010945

Art Rage and Manga Studio

Art Rage is complete shit for everything that isn't line work.

>> No.2011188

I want Manga Studio 5 but can't find the CD anywhere and since I live in thirdworldistan, if I order it, it'll be stolen at customs.

>> No.2011295


>1. It tries too hard to be like Photoshop

I most certainly does not do this. Yes, an image editor trying to be better than another image editor will likely achieve similar flows and create similar tools, but familiarity is a big deal for people. Besides, this complaint also isn't even founded. Trying to hard to be the best isn't a valid complaint. Different does not always equal good.

>2. It is made with a programmer's mindset and a programmer's interpretation of a professional photographers mindset.

Also unfounded. There's plenty of spill between those two fields especially when it comes to effects. Comparing a people to another people while completely ignoring single aspects of each person is disrespectful and naive.

If this complaint stems from the "UX", then I don't know what to tell you, because while there is plenty of people that will tote objectively good and bad user experiences, at the end of the day, it's completely subjective.

>3. It is developed towards output and NOT process. It's coded to achieve an effect

Half-truth. GIMP's core philosophy is right in its name: image manipulation. Much of its tools are centered around manipulating images, not so much creating them from scratch. However, Photoshop is also like this, so it's not necessarily a valid complaint if your point is that GIMP, and, by inheritance, free software is shit because it focuses too much on output and not on workflow to achieve said output, that you are blind to the same thing occurring in paid software.

>> No.2012949
File: 50 KB, 312x216, tumblr_inline_n1pl4jrxmi1s7vl0j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it retarded to use flash to draw instead of animation?

>> No.2012950


>> No.2012957

>unless you're a manchild who can't spare $10/month

Oh yay, yet another fucking bill... because I don't have enough of those already.

I'd rather save up and buy the program outright.
>Or just pirate the damned thing, since I already have an internet bill

>> No.2012959

>tfw try to use gimp
>literally cannot even
>shit's too different from photoshop
>guides are in no way helpful

Fuck it, photoshops practically free anyway.

>> No.2012965

>GIMP shill detected

>It most certainly does not do this.
Yes it does. GIMP is routinely promoted as a free alternative to photoshop. The communities silence seems to endorse that.They even have a modified version called GIMPshop.

>Also unfounded.
The GIMP development community is made up of volunteers with a strong background in the computer sciences. That's with all open source projects. Thier mode of thinking isn't always in line with artist's. Deal with it.

>Half-truth. GIMP's core philosophy is right in its name: image manipulation.
That's bullshit. GIMP manipulates with a monotonous tit-for-tat strategy. You waste more time clicking steps trying to figure out which steps to do in what order to figure out what exactly you can manipulate just so you know how to manipulate the image in the nearest way to what you originally wanted to. In others words you waste time trying to figure out how GIMP manipulates on it own terms.

At least with Photoshop there is a cohesiveness across the tools. I don't need to understand what exactly each tool does because there is some overlap between what each tool can do and how it operates. It's extremely flexible for a variety of users. I can go into photoshop with very little knowledge about it and think like an artist and not like an "digital image manipulationist".

>> No.2012968

Where the fuck do I get a working cracked photoshop from anyway?
Just got three programs with expired licenses off of ninjas cove.

>> No.2013128


>They even have a modified version called GIMPshop

"GIMPshop" from GIMPshop.com is a 100% UNmodified version of GIMP that is provided by third-party to install bloatware. The original GIMPshop.com was hijacked and used for advertising, and the actual GIMPshop fork has a code base now that is so far behind on the code base and has been discontinued for years.

Anything pushing GIMPshop as a viable fork is insane.

>Their mode of thinking isn't always in line with artist's. Deal with it.

GIMP has countless hours poured into volunteer testing by real artists who report their problems and get them fixed. In fact, this was how a lot of features were implemented (single-window mode was a huge step in the right direction)

Besides, you're naive to think that someone can only be a programmer or an artist, and the they are mutually exclusive.

>That's bullshit...

If you are going to shift the subject from image and photoediting to straight art, fine, but do it cleaner next time.


Not sure what your complaint is here. Are you upset about buttons? GIMPs UI is very similar to Photoshop and to a certain degree has most tools Photoshop has with the exact same name.

>GIMP manipulates on its own terms

Again, don't know what you are complaining about. This is why filter previous were created, anon.

>Photoshop cohesiveness

Debatable, but otherwise, GIMP and Photoshop are so familiar to me at this point that I can use either of them without much effort.

>I can go into Photoshop with very little knowledge

Okay, THIS is bullshit, and if you started this entire argument because you are too scared to open a single man page, then fuck you. RTFM.

No one can open Photoshop OR GIMP and know where all the tools are. GIMP is for image manipulation. If you want "painting software", use MyPaint or Krita, but don't go saying GIMP is shit when you don't even know how to use it.

>> No.2013130


>this is why filter previous were created


My bad.

>> No.2013133


>anyone who likes something enough to defend it is a shill

Where did we go so wrong?

>> No.2013138

Illustrator, Sai, and Manga Studio.

My toaster overheats every time while using PS.

>> No.2013139
File: 51 KB, 205x178, doctor patrick's face when.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being rich justifies wasting money

>> No.2013154

>GIMP forks
Wow, more reasons to avoid GIMP. Thanks for the heads up.

>GIMP has real artists
Furrfags and Dota Store artists aren't what most would call "professional" let alone accomplished artists.

>GIMP is very similar to Photoshop
Wait earlier you said GIMP doesn't try to be like PS.

>I can use GIMP
Good for you! And I'm sure your stuff doesn't look digital-ly poor because of GIMP.

>> No.2013162

Anyone who defends crappy software with:

>The problem is not with the program, it's with the user
>A community of volunteers knows what's best for everybody. If you could do better program your own then.

>I can make fanart with it just fine, don't see how you could be having such a hard time.

Is a fucking shill

>> No.2013168

>No one can open Photoshop OR GIMP and know where all the tools are.
If this were 1999 you may have point. But raster editors have been around for a while now. And as much as GIMP tries to look like PS it iconography and organization is still a hassle. I can use a foreign version of SAI without knowing Japanese because its simply organized better.

>> No.2013180


>> No.2013211


>Wow, more reasons to avoid GIMP

Forks are inherent in all FOSS software. Not an argument.

>Furfags and Dota store artists aren't what most would call "professional".

Bold assumption with zero evidence.

Again, you have no argument.

>Wait earlier you said GIMP

Stop backpedalling. I said it does not try to copy Photoshop but it is liable to have similar work flows simply because it is an image editor. It does not try to be, but certain things will bleed into each because the effectively attempt to achieve similar results.

Still no argument.

>Good for you!

Oh cool, you're attacking my ability. Neat.

Sounds to me you're just making excuses because you can't read a book, or rather, you feel more motivated to read a book when said book is written for something you had to pay for.

Besides, using GIMP isn't about gratis freedom. It's about having the ability to modify it to your liking and know the exact inner workings of the software to have the opportunity to exploit it.

>> No.2013228

Cg peers has the entire cc and cs6 suite

>> No.2013254

>Forks are inherent in all FOSS software. Not an argument.
Trying to figure out which fork to use and then having to read a whole new set documentation is bad enough with a fork that was good to begin with stopping development suddenly. FOSS graphics programs have a shitty history.

>Again, you have no argument.
I'm not hearing much any professional accolades or achievements outside GIMP's own community of shills.

>Stop backpedalling. I said it does not try to copy Photoshop but it is liable to have similar workflows...
Now that's some backpedaling.

>Oh cool, you're attacking my ability. Neat.
Yes. If all you can go by is how well only you can use GIMP, especially with a limited capacity to create, then yes I am attacking your ability. e.g. If you can't paint with GIMP like a competent artist don't try to argue that it's for competent artists. Furrfag.

>It's about having the ability to modify it to your liking and know the exact inner workings of the software to have the opportunity to exploit it.
"Not everybody wants to assemble a car completely from scratch" Most artist just want to paint a fucking picture and not be bothered setting up an IDE just to do that.

>> No.2013257

why you seperate cgpeers?

>> No.2013271

because I habe cancer b0ss

>> No.2013275


Gimp is only suitable for stallman worshiping neckbeards because they're the only ones who know how to make it not shitty or put custom plug-ins into it.

>> No.2013277

god bless can cer

>> No.2013282

post ur art

>> No.2013285

do you can can?

>> No.2013289


Why does everyone talk like Furries use Gimp and Krita? Sai owns like 90% of the furry scene and only old school blowhards use anything else

>> No.2013290


>Trying to figure out which fork to use and then having to read a whole new set of documentation is bad enough

The concept of forking is to enable developers to make completely different software with a similar code base as well as add on to a piece of software if need be.

They effectively become two separate pieces of software with likely very similar documentation.

>a fork that was good to begin with stopping development suddenly

It wasn't sudden. Moschella was indirectly harassed by someone that effectively stole his brand for personal profit over the course of a year. You'd quit too if the brand you made for free was stolen and used to peddle crapware - and the person doing so was making profits.

>I'm not hearing much any professional accolades or achievements outside GIMP's own community of shills

First off, you can't shill free gratis software. No one is paying anyone to do this shit.

Second off, this whole argument was started because you said GIMP was shit, not because artists can't use it. Let me spell this shit out for you: PAINTING IS OUT OF GIMP'S CORE PHILOSOPHY AND SCOPE. USE MYPAINT OR KRITA IF YOU WANT TO PAINT SHIT. GIMP IS AN IMAGE MANIPULATION TOOL. IT IS MEANT TO DO WHAT PHOTOSHOP WAS ORIGINALLY SUPPOSE TO DO: SHOP PHOTOS. In fact, GIMP follows this core philosophy more than Photoshop does.

>Now that's some backpedaling

No backpedaling here. Learn to read.


Not even gonna respond to this one.

>Not everybody wants to assemble a car completely from scratch

Your analogy is broken. You're implying you /need/ to build GIMP from source, which you almost never need to do. A better analogy: "you got a free car. You can change this car. If it breaks, it's you're fault, but you can always get a new free car."

Get back to your original argument for fuck sake.

>> No.2013297

I tried using PS but damn, its a fucking mess. its inuintuitive as fuck

>> No.2013298

>developers make completely different software
Yeah, and none of you shills see how discouraging and confusing that can be. Most people just want to create, not get caught up in GIMP politics.

>First off, you can't shill free gratis software. No one is paying anyone to do this shit.
That's what makes your shilling so pathetic

Photoshop was intended for photographic editing, it's the most standard fucking thing for digital painting right now. GIMP tries to be like Photoshop but for some reason it doesn't want to achieve the same kind of versatility.

>Your analogy is broken.
My analogy is fine. GIMP shills are out of touch with reality. Most artist aren't or don't want to learn all the nuances of open source, they just want to create. And when GIMP shills come along and advocate it as an alternative to a popular stable they become confused when the artists complain that it's a hassle to get professional results from it.

>Get back to your original argument for fuck sake.
GIMP sucks.

>> No.2013304


>GIMP politics


Congratulations. By going to this one site, you've avoided any possible confusion. It's also at the top of Google results when you type in "gimp"

Forking is an aspect of free software that can be easily avoided.

>That's what makes your shilling

Who says I'm shilling? I'm simply calling you retarded. I in no way expect you to convert.

>It's the most standard fucking thing for digital painting

Because it has a painting suite.

Again, GIMP does not try to be like Photoshop.

Stepping outside of scope is not versatility.

>Most artists don't want to learn all the nuances of open source.

No one is asking them too. They just have to RTFM like everyone else. Photoshop isn't an open book, you didn't learn it in a day, and those who have said that GIMP is bad simply because of its UI haven't read anything, because GIMP and Photoshop are similar.

They are not similar in that they try to copy each other. They are similar because they attempt to achieve similar results.

>GIMP sucks

Not an argument. That's an opinion. Your arguments were those 3 complaints, of which I've already addressed.

>> No.2013307


I use Linux so I use Gimp once in a while for photoediting. But I really don't like it. The feeling is to use a truck.

And also to do something simple like rotating and resizing pictures is still so awkward.

But at the end is a software that has only 2 programmers working on it full time and 1 working during part time. It's obvious that Photoshop is better.

As a painting program it was cool for blending with that hack called gimp painter.

Krita looks like the most powerful tool for digital painting, though on Linux my brush lags too much and I think it's not a problem of Krita itself, but of xorg or whatever ubuntu uses now.

At the end I use and like Mypaint. It's a light simple program. But very intuitive and easy to use.

>> No.2013329


>By going to this one site, you've avoided any possible confusion.
No I haven't. That's the front line of GIMP politics. That's where shills like you come from

>Forking is an aspect of free software that can be easily avoided.
Only if your a local and know which forks to avoid.

>Who says I'm shilling?
I am.

>I'm simply calling you retarded.
Takes one to know one

>I in no way expect you to convert.
Nice passive aggressive move there

>Again, GIMP does not try to be like Photoshop.
But supposedly it's a free alternative? You're starting to run in circles here

>Stepping outside of scope is not versatility.
Actual yeah it sort of is

>No one is asking them too.
It's just implied by the culture

>They just have to RTFM like everyone else.
A manual written by an uncoordinated group of volunteers

Photoshop isn't an open book, you didn't learn it in a day,
Yeah I did actually. Raster editors have been around for so long it's easy to migrate between most of them, except GIMP which has a history of leaving a bad taste in artists mouths.

>and those who have said that GIMP is bad simply because of its UI haven't read anything, because GIMP and Photoshop are similar.
GIMP is ugly and the nomenclature is from a vocabulary that is foreign to artists

>They are not similar in that they try to copy each other.
Yeah one of them doesn't try for versatility

>They are similar because they attempt to achieve similar results.
That's the big problem. It's developed to make certain results. (and misses on a lot of them) GIMP doesn't respect my creativity.

>Not an argument. That's an opinion.
My opinion is my argument. And my reasons have already been stated, which can be summarized as followed:
GIMP sucks

>> No.2013334
File: 40 KB, 540x228, tumblr_nl3xmbswgm1qknpo2o1_540[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the difference between the two? The EX has that perspective grid, poser and layout shit right?

>> No.2013342
File: 21 KB, 400x324, Holyshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You're just a shill
>I know so because I say so
>No, you're a retard!
>You're being passive aggressive
>Versatility is comes from being unfocused
>My opinion is my argument

>> No.2013344

EX has batch management features for drawing whole books and stuff.

both have perspective and poser shit


>> No.2013347
File: 25 KB, 354x223, neat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2013354

Why not donate the wasted money to charity instead you rich heartless fuck

>> No.2013547

I mostly use GIMP. I prefer it.

I don't think there's much difference in the GIMP vs Photoshop capabilities at this point. You can do the same things with both.

>> No.2016660

SAI and Manga Studio.

Sai for lines, painting and coloring.

MS for all the rest.

>> No.2016661

Uh what is "the rest?"

>> No.2016670

the thing about softwares is that you can load many of them onto your pc computer. this means you need not be limited to one programme or another, and you don't need to be a hacker (desktop computer expert) to do it!

I use artrage, manga studio, maya, mspaint, paint tool sai,photoshop and zbrush for the creation of digital art works. They're all suited to different elements, so to make my life easier I use the best tool for the job!

>> No.2016671

What's Maya?

>> No.2016673

sketching, letering, panels, vectorial work like baloons, gradients, texturing, patterns.

basically all the rest.

they both export to .psd, so they go pretty well with each other.

>> No.2016674

Oh I see. Cool cool.

>> No.2016677

It's 3d software similar to 3dstudio max, I just use it for building armatures for zbrush or editing zbrush stuff in certain instances. It could also be useful for working out lighting, although I personally don't use it for that.

>> No.2016682

Oh. I am no good with 3d programs. I don't find it enjoyable. Maybe because I never liked clay or pottery. I wish I was more comfortable with Photoshop. I know there are lots of capabilities, but I just feel like if I use it, I am expected to have a masterpiece out of it. I feel like it is made for "creating imagines" and redefining them. I use paint tool sai and clip studio paint. I use them both equally, depending on what I'm in the mood to use.

>> No.2017544

Pascal Campion draws in flash and he's fucking dope, just git gud

>> No.2017602

Bitch got beat. That was fun read.

>> No.2017887

Wow, what an ass.

It's true that GIMP has its problems but it's also obvious that you didn't even try to use it and that you're demonizing it in denial of your own incompetence.

>> No.2017926
File: 240 KB, 500x511, tumblr_inline_n8cqid7sEa1rpw7lp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krita has a furry mascot and the guy who made it is... well,
>Hi, I'm Tyson Tan. I draw cute (robotic) furry characters.

>> No.2017927

>im a furry
>not actually fur


>> No.2017935
File: 838 KB, 700x1000, 112411847176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everything he draws is a robot.

And the most important part about being a furry is identifying as such. You're not a furry unless you want it.

BTW, this was made in Krita too.

>> No.2018059

Can anyone tell me the differences between Manga Studio 5 and EX? Is getting the EX version worth it?

>> No.2018063
File: 29 KB, 445x298, oy vey muh schmeckle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would fugg Krida's masgodt xDDD

>> No.2018101

>holding it by the blade

>> No.2019841

It's not an unusual thing to do. Never heard of halfswording?

>> No.2020037

it didnt worked anon, 1k/8 years is still nothing.