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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 602 KB, 1500x885, learn_loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1997536 No.1997536 [Reply] [Original]

Guess industry artist need to read up on their loomis

>> No.1997538

She's got a massive cock it looks like.

>> No.1997545

Except they already specifically said that they'd break anatomy to achieve certain feels for characters, such as TF's broken back to emphasize the sheer force of his card throws and MF's..heaving melons.

>> No.1997547

The TF thing is different, but the MF splash is just all about concept. Like she was meant originally to have a giant rack. While this is just composition done wrong/ foreshortening done wrong.

>> No.1997554

>posts a nice picture
>n-needs loomis amirite?

I'm getting tired of hearing this shit. it's like appeal doesn't mean anything to you people. through it's preferable to know how for the sake of your art nobody needs to draw perfect fucking realism.

it's a good picture and you're a faggot OP. I've read loomis and hes not the best thing in the world. he's pretty cool but ultimately for beginners who cant do jack shit with their art and need a guide. art does not revolve around him. it's much more complex and intricate than fucking lolanatomyiswrong. if you want to complain that somethings anatomy is wrong be a fucking doctor. I'm almost certain /ic/ is either a joke or really just batshit retarded and autistic.

>> No.1997561

I'm guessing you either don't draw or you're shit if you think loomis isn't good.

>> No.1997563

You have to be lying to yourself if you don't think that leg looks like a huge leather dick

>> No.1997567

What is loomis anyway

>> No.1997568

its a book for animators, it teaches things like 3d perspective in a 2d environment aka drawing but can also be used for computer games and general software design.

its highly touted for its claim to be able to turn a non-artist into someone capable of producing industry quality work in as little as 30 days, hence why its called loomis (a reference to old cotton looms, able to churn out clothes much faster than hand knitting)

>> No.1997570

a guy who released a set of books about commercial illustration back in the old days when it was still all about drawing.

the books are very useful for like learning a way to produce work of a consistently high quality.

when /ic/ started it was a touch before the recent boom of 'concept art education' material you have now. so /ic/ used to recommend him a lot. now there's lots of other choices and loomis is a bit dry so people no like him no more. still good shit though. they love him in asia still.

>> No.1997571

this is bullshit btw, just letting you no. i don't like people picking on noobs, they're the only ones who draw worse than me.

>> No.1997573

He never said Loomis is bad. His point was that Loomis is a guide for beginners, not the bible for all art critique.

Honestly people who nitpick anatomy this hard come off as people who have learned enough anatomy to be able to pick out something that isn't quite right, but who haven't learned enough to be able to tell when its okay to bend the rules for the sake of design.

>> No.1997574

Oh no. An industry professional created a dynamic picture which conveys the feel of a character perfectly. On top of this he was able to make said character look badass and seductive at the same time, with wonderfully lighting effects along with gorgeous use of selective color.

I am sure he knows nothing about anatomy afterall. Also, its obvious that the mass userbase of League will have a giant issue with the way the anatomy was done since all of them are pleb tier artists who are trying to make themselves feel better since they arent on said artists level.

Seriously gtfo. The picture achieves its purpose,I know it may be shocking to you, but its purpose was not to be a realistic rendition of the human figure.

>> No.1997580

multiple people work on one image at lol. nothing is the work of one artist there anymore.

they use cartoony hyper-dynamic figures because that's the house style.

one day you're going to learn that this is a good thing.

>> No.1997587

The exaggeration actually works pretty well for what they're going for, though

>> No.1997591

IMO it works as a splash art for the character well. I don't think there's a single place where you see the entire pic all at once in the game

>> No.1997593

At this point calling out loomis is pretty much just bait
There are so much more important things than anatomy, being this autistic about it only pigeonholes yourself. At this point you're nitpicking just to make yourself feel better

>> No.1997597

>have to be lying to yourself if you don't think that leg looks like a huge leather dick
hmmm, no?

>> No.1997601
File: 291 KB, 567x567, 30vm06t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1997602

Although its not because of 'loomiz', looking at this picture makes me want to vomit. That pose is fucking shit. Whole character is fucking disgusting imo.

>> No.1997615

why are people defending this shit like conforming pussies? like i cant even tell what the fuck is coming towards us it really does look like a giant leather cock. sure technical skill is good but such poor decisions with the pose i think it looks retarded. just because something is 'professional' doesnt make it automatically good

>> No.1997618

What's wrong with it? It's stylization done well, and the artist clearly knows his/her shit.

>> No.1997621

>What's wrong with it? It's stylization done well, and the artist clearly knows his/her shit.

what's wrong is OP doesn't know his/her shit.

>> No.1997623
File: 48 KB, 599x300, 1423361018154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It looks like a leg. I don't know why you faggots want it to be a cock so badly, but I digress.

Sure, it's not the best picture anatomy wise, but for what it is it's solid.

>> No.1997629

are you retarded? theres nothing anatomically wrong with this pose. she's LUNGING forward. i know anytime someones not standing completely still with their hands by their side you get nervous - but fuck off, there are more vivid poses in the world.

>> No.1997632

ikr, i was thinking perhaps people don't know that legs bend inwards like that and so they think it's wrong?

>> No.1997635

no its that they cut it off at a retarded spot, should have just show the whole leg especially when its being foreshortened like that

>> No.1997636

it looks pretty bad when an artist barely shows any leg or foot on a figure

>> No.1997650

so you want them to add unnecessary height to the picture so that they can add a shin and a foot?

holy fuck. If you have trouble comprehending that as anything other than a goddamn thigh than you've got some issues.

>> No.1997661

> they love him in asia still.
This is why they're going to be ahead of us.

>> No.1997675

Not really, there are plenty of asian illustrators with fucked up anatomy. In fact, they are kind of infamous for it.

>> No.1997678
File: 850 KB, 1456x2592, 1422652455553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It' kind of sad that they keep doing this. Yeah you want "muh dynamism" but you don't have to make smear frames for fucking illustrations. If you're competent you do it without breaking the rules, or you mask them so it's not this obvious

>> No.1997698

There are no asians (the one who were born and raised in whatever shithole country they came from) that have surpassed the western artist so far.

We're already ahead of them.

>> No.1997702

I still wonder why koreans do it very wack compared to japanese.

>> No.1997704
File: 51 KB, 537x720, 6mkvZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yea that's why the only school dedicated soley to concept art is in Singapore.

That said it's shit either way. There are no 'asian' because the asian style isn't wanted, they'd rather have Guillermo del Toro rip off most of the anime shit instead, slap some retard tier MUH GRIT MUH GREEBLES all over it and then dump 100mil into marketing it.

>> No.1997705
File: 10 KB, 249x214, 1361893819528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i read loomis book
>im feeling accomplished
Wow op this thread doesn't make you look like a jealous book reading fag.

>> No.1997717 [DELETED] 

>At this point calling out loomis is pretty much just bait
You have to be new, it was always bait.
1.find some nice gucking picture
2.find the tiniest bit of flaw or even pretend to be retarded to call foreshortening a flaw
3.post and whine about it
(Collect your replies, some even go along with your trolling)
What's sad is people used to do it with photographs too.

>> No.1997724

>At this point calling out loomis is pretty much just bait
You have to be new, it was always bait.
1.find some nice fucking picture
2.find the tiniest bit of flaw or even pretend to be retarded to call foreshortening a flaw
3.post and whine about it
(Collect your replies, some even go along with your trolling)
What's sad is people used to do it with photographs too.

Fuuck, replying on tablet is a nightmare.

>> No.1997732

Maybe if you compare them to the greatest western artists who ever lived. If you compare them to their modern day peers, they are pretty much equals.

>> No.1997734

I hate these threads and the cunts that want to shit on artists. OP we know you don't fucking draw, we know you're a bitter fuck. We know you want to trash every trending artist that pops on your facebook. It kills me that you probably try to hang around artists in hopes they'll invite you to their secret google hangout club.

...And yet I do want to make a comment.

I really hate league of legends/wizards/card game art, I fucking despise all of it, even when the art is good and I hate the autistic fucking faggots and retarded teenagers who play those stupid fucking games.

>> No.1997736

katarina is a horribly designed character. she looks like a generic smelly *touches scar* hooker. like she makes me smell farts whenever i see her.

league of legends is shit.

>> No.1997738


I hate /v/ crossposters like you who always post from the perspective of mindless fucking consumers. No one here gives a shit about what video games you like or what disgusting fetishes of yours you project onto fictional characters.

>> No.1997752

i haven't played a game in months and /v/ is awful, but you really nailed that strawman.

>> No.1997754

Yeah, skip the part where you have shit taste.

>> No.1997762

>Yea that's why the only school dedicated soley to concept art is in Singapore.
What? FZD? Feng is american so it doesn't really count.

There are very few people that has its own distinctive style and choices in making picture within the asian artist community, the chinks have its own highly rendered beautiful girl #20000000, the gooks did the same but they put some anime stylization in it for their own k-mmorpg games that only sells in Asia, and then there's japan who did full-blown anime style. People there are just either a distant copy of ruanjia or other names that's hard to pronounce and easily forgettable. Even the modern ones are less significant and influential than the western counterpart.

>> No.1997769

so you both play league, got it

>> No.1997773

well you're gay and your shit's all retarded. plus you have a poop head.

so long as it's not included in the designation "game," it's possible.

>> No.1997775

OP's pic looks fine though, I mean the artist really tried to exaggerate the forced perspective, and it does make the dynamism that much more.

>> No.1997777

There is no cancer worse than a faggot who plays league of legends. It's so bad it even comes into topic outside of videogames. We could all be smoking cigars talking about great painters, and how to improve eachothers work, and some bitch ass pinkhaired autist will come in and start talking about this gay videogame where he plays as a little girl with a chain gun and a teddy bear, wrecking the vibe. I gotta put my cigar down and leave.


>> No.1997780

that's great dad, but i don't play it so i don't know why you're telling me this.

>> No.1997782

this board is 18+
and yes i fucked your mother

>> No.1997784

But you are the one who keeps talking about this shitty video game. People tell you to go back to /v/ if you want to talk about it and you accuse them of being league players. That's how much of an autistic /v/ crossposter you are.

>> No.1997787

stop posting league card fantasy art then

my main board is /ic/ and i occasionally banepost on /tv/

>> No.1997802

What? Why shouldn't they be allowed to post league card art just because you don't like that game? Are you really that fucking autistic? I saved WoW card illustrations and I never played WoW. I have dozens of Applibot and MTG card illustrations saved and I think card games are boring as fuck. If people post Ruanjia illustrations for Guild Wars, no one stars a fucking discussion about how much Guild Wars sucks, but whenever someone posts LoL art, people like you just can't shut the fuck up about how much they hate this game.

Sorry to break this to you, but it's not LoL players who are the cancer on /ic/, it's you who is. You are the ones who just can't shut the fuck up about this game and whenever someone calls you out on it, your absolutely retarded counter is "hurr you must be a LoL player".

>> No.1997813

>I saved WoW card illustrations and I never played WoW. I have dozens of Applibot and MTG card illustrations saved

we're done here. you can't be salvaged.

>> No.1997816

needs more loomis loomis loomis everywhere /ic needs more loomis all threads should be about loomis. I'm i doing right guys . /ic is shit if you wnat to learn and actually get good leave /ic and never look back but do occasionally come bach here to shit post but other than that just leave . You wont get good if you stay .

>> No.1997821

>read loomis
>stuck here
>don't read loomis
>get hired


>> No.1997828

Lotta ppl commenting, still no redlines, get your shit together /ic/

>> No.1997861

You can't redline Alvin Lee without him charging you grand like the jew he is

>> No.1997865

Yeah.. What's wrong with it?

>> No.1997871

Look at her legs dumbass.

>> No.1997872
File: 534 KB, 1500x651, 1425024064408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fixed it.

>> No.1997882

Crop more, that'll "fix" any picture.

>> No.1997883

I was hoping someone would point out her left leg.

>> No.1997885
File: 1.01 MB, 1215x717, p9drgvY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

super fixed

just kidding, it's barely salvageable, even /lolg/ lashed out at it because Katarina is one of the top waifus in there.

>> No.1997886

Doesn't one of her abilities make her look distorted because of super speed or some crap?

>> No.1997890

no thats dota

>> No.1997896

This looks so much better

>> No.1997900

Nobody outside of this board gives a flying fuck.

Anyone who obsesses over anatomy here is absolutely wasting their time. Anatomy is NOT the most important thing anyone needs to focus on. I feel no sympathy for the people who feel like they need to spend hundreds of hours practicing anatomy.

>> No.1997904

Bullshit, you're fucking wrong.

Anatomy Teaches you everything else;

Line, Shape, Form ,Complex Lighting, Drawing difficult 3d objects in perspective .

If you can Draw a dick you can dodge a wrench.

>> No.1997906

What is it with the constant retards that come to a fucking board called Artwork/Critique and get upset when someone expresses criticism against a big companies art?

We're here to learn, not to suck some random companies dick.

>> No.1997938

r u fokin re tod ed? y r u sofa king re tod ed? wat teh fuk m8. holy shitamolie-o's r u gay u fag?

>> No.1997943

Show you art

>> No.1997948


>> No.1997951
File: 87 KB, 604x836, 543647687685765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1997953

/vg/ is here, might as well not respond to the thread at this point

>> No.1997966

The point is that you are all whining about anatomy on a picture that is skewing perspective for dynamic purposes. The fact that correct anatomy isn't the main appeal of pictures seems to make you confused as hell.

>> No.1997976


Sorry what? You can fuck up anatomy as long as you make it fucking shiny? Go back to deviantart.

>> No.1997977

>You can fuck up anatomy as long as you make it fucking shiny
Yes. That is what I said. Anatomy is not what makes a good picture.

>> No.1997982

>anatomy is the end goal of all art


>> No.1997984

feng admitted in an interview that before he started school of design he used loomis's successful drawing book to learn perspective. many pros have used loomis to learn fundamentals, of course you dont have to use loomis theres so many different resources to choose from, but those books have helped a lot of people, they are legit.

>> No.1997985
File: 23 KB, 248x356, RobLiefeldCaptainAmerieca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good news then, I found a bunch of plebs who can ONLY render and use gimmicky effects like Noah Bradley's fire to make epic paintings, and know fuck all about structural drawing, so They've officially Made it.

Good thing that's how it works.

Just because critique was levied doesn't mean the picture isn't good.

>> No.1997986

>that black-or-white thinking
Just... go do some gesture drawing or something.

>> No.1997992

Loomis didn't really know a whole lot about perspective fundamentals, he's not a good source to rely on. Having a wide field of view is not "wrong", it can be an artistic choice. The claim in the lower left is bullshit, you cannot show "too much of the side" in single point perspective. Also the table does not show "too much depth" - that's, again, a matter of artistic intent and choice (if you even want to assume that the table is square, which is something you can't actually know).
In particular, the OP artist deliberately chose the perspective setup to achieve a certain effect, which they did successfully.

>> No.1997993


There's too many of these, fucking Aesthetic Relativism faggots running around since Kr0nPrincecocksuckers invaded /ic/

Just go Study loomis or something.

>> No.1997999

Uh, yes you can, actually.
Know the rules -> break the rules -> transcend reality.

>> No.1998000
File: 153 KB, 1056x741, two-ballet-dancers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course it's easy to make fun of Rob Liefield for bad anatomy, his deformations serve no point and look ridiculous not to mention they have no other redeeming quality, not even emotion.

Why do you even draw if you don't enjoy art unless it's mechanically correct? For the praise of having 'skill'? Look at some goddamn photograps instead if you are looking for 100% reality.

Here's some basic impressionismusnismus for you.

>> No.1998002

just go photobash for 100% correct anatomy.

>> No.1998010

Can't end your own thread samefag

>> No.1998013

>Loomis didn't really know a whole lot about perspective fundamentals, he's not a good source to rely on.

>> No.1998016

it's a lost cause, and let it be, if they actually spend 40 years fine art painting nudes, when they got into this to draw pokemon anime shit. less faggots in your ass taking food out your mouth

please keep drawing and hammering your anatomy, you do need to draw the 8th deep tissue tendon under the lungs

>> No.1998018

>you do need to draw the 8th deep tissue tendon under the lungs

And it's name, don't ever forget the names of things. It'll show in your work.

>> No.1998019

>spend 40 years fine art painting nudes
High art.

>> No.1998032


Samefagging. all Day.

Sorry I forgot that /ic/ Thinks that Brian and illastrat are the best artists here.


>> No.1998034

What are you even trying to say?

>> No.1998036

a bloo bloo bloo

>> No.1998041

he's saying that page is all about loomis telling how to avoid the effect of distortion(top of page) while the other anon is complaining that loomis is wrong like that cube side because apparently you can do wide angle shot(which is a distortion) and missing the point of loomis completely like a stupid superior retard with an IQ of squareroot of 1.

>> No.1998050

lmao fucky you

>> No.1998052

I highly doubt Robert Beverley Hale is what got you into art.

>> No.1998061

>"Common Errors in Perspective"
Yeah, sounds like he's saying it's wrong, not like it's an artistic choice.

>Distortion results from having both vanishing point within the field of view.
This is wrong. Distortion results from an object's diagonal vanishing points being significantly closer together than the diagonal vanishing points implied by the viewer's viewpoint.

>A right angle can not be represented by anything less than a right angle.
This is also wrong. At fields of view above 90, right angles on objects can become smaller than a right angle on the image plane.

>wide angle shot(which is a distortion)
Wide angle shots are not distorted, they look fantastic when presented correctly (such as in an art gallery, cinema, VR headset or large TV)

And the cube side is not even distorted, it's perfect perspective. Loomis's poor knowledge is not even excused by the time he was living in, as most of this stuff had been figured out for centuries. Loomis had absolutely no clue how to space vanishing points or why certain perspective images can appear distorted in certain contexts.
As I already pointed out, distortion can be used for artistic effect, such as in the OP image.

>> No.1998063


>> No.1998065
File: 39 KB, 361x494, 2014-11-04-042202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont care shut up

>> No.1998066

/ic/ has spoken

>> No.1998070

Wait... Who the fuck cares about ic again?

>> No.1998073

people who comes here. AKA you.

>> No.1998076

I come here to laugh at you guys. I meant real people. Not trolls. I meant clients. You know, people who pay artists? I mean, no, you don't know.

>> No.1998079

like I said people who comes here, AKA you.

>> No.1998082
File: 22 KB, 317x372, 2014-12-15-065046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better not be laughing at me.

>> No.1998124
File: 251 KB, 840x346, Nida.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since relative, I miss my long neck Nidalee :(

>not trying to shaite on anyone, I miss that neck

>> No.1998129

hey hunny <3

>> No.1998146

>Anatomy teaches you everything else
Dumb as fuck post.

>> No.1998157

lol you wish it taught you everything else because youre too lazy to study other shit

>> No.1998162
File: 196 KB, 1215x717, Riven_OriginalSkin_old2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be the same girl who did this

>> No.1998164

hello :)

>> No.1998256


>> No.1998283

been studying loomis books a while now and they havent taught me shit about complex lighting and 3d stuff.

>> No.1998286
File: 365 KB, 1215x717, Riven_OriginalSkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for comparison

>> No.1998375

My nigga, If you don't understand that the human body is a complex 3d object and can't be displayed without lighting then I feel bad for you son.

>> No.1998384

I get the feeling this person has a broken wacom driver.

>> No.1998387

.... Sometimes I just don't understand why I cant get the lines/forms to be right..

I always blame wacom.. I don't even know.. their drivers are so shit.

>> No.1998395
File: 355 KB, 642x622, 1397989687165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once used a broken driver for almost a year.

It wasn't until I downloaded this year's jan driver, now drawing feels fun.

>> No.1998431
File: 74 KB, 600x400, aeon3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> all this back peddling from /ic/
If it looks like a mistake it is no longer style. It's a fucking mistake.
Pic related, how fucked proportions can be without looking like a mistake.

>> No.1998448

are you joking lol? that picture looks like garbage.

>> No.1998452

Isn't that animation?

>> No.1998455

this is so true, this isn't like a petty excuse "the sun was in my eyes" if your drivers are fucked and you don't realize it, you will think all hope of being an artist is gone.

I remember drawing in my sketchbook, knowing i have great motor control over my lines. Then using the tablet in slow motion, in two programs. Like, hmmm something is fishy. In sai the tablet worked ok. In photoshop it was terrible. sure enough the drivers were borked. I think i followed some advice to downgrade. And that actually worked. I'm using an older model of the driver and it's absolutely fabulous. I still feel like a new man, a year later.

>> No.1998885

>/ic/ nitpicking stylized proportions, perspective distortion, and other trivialities instead of addressing the actual issue in the pic.

The problem is posture. She's pushing off her left leg and pulling forward with her right. Her hips should be tilted and twisted to accommodate this. Without it, she looks doll-like and this is the opposite of a "dynamic pose."

Squeeze some gesture and life drawing in between the stillifes and photostudies, chums.

>> No.1998898
File: 397 KB, 1600x1200, usain-bolt-at-the-start_1600x1200_554-desktop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's pushing off her left leg and pulling forward with her right. Her hips should be tilted and twisted to accommodate this.
Not really, titling the pelvis is actually a mistake and competitive athletes try to keep it perpendicular to the spine as much as possible. This goes for jumps, kicks etc. If you tilt your pelvis you invariably lose balance, and consequently power.
Granted, it happens anyways most of the time even to pro runners/etc. (but never to any extremely noticeable degree like you're suggesting), and most people will tilt their pelvis if they don't train themselves to do otherwise, but still. That's like saying it's wrong to use a fencing position because a non-athlete/fighter would hold the sword differently (probably in a ridiculous position, like you often see in "dynamic" illustrations).
>B-but muh dynamic pose
>muh gesture
If you git gud and show correct muscle contraction/relaxation you don't need these comic-book tricks. Not that that's the case for OP's pic.

>> No.1998901


Look at your own damn pic. His right hip is clearly in front of his left (twist), and higher (tilt). This is drawing, not running. A runner may try to minimize it, but they can't stop it altogether.

>> No.1998915
File: 6 KB, 200x284, highkick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A runner may try to minimize it, but they can't stop it altogether.
Hey I think I've heard this before somewhere.
>Granted, it happens anyways most of the time even to pro runners/etc.
Oh right, there it is, I just wrote that in the same fucking post you failed to read.
Pic related is a noticeable hip tilt. And it's fucking retarded, though a favorite among shit-tier illustrators such as yourself who praise such "dynamic" poses and want to force them into anything they see.

>> No.1998919


>> No.1998929

>autists on /ic/ argue about stupid shit
>meanwhile artist from the OP is working for big companies and doing something he/she enjoys.

El o el.

>> No.1998931

it's several artists, they do these splashes production line style at lol

>> No.1998983

Her boobs aren't as big as they used to be. That's what's wrong.

>> No.1998985

>this is actually what most league plebs would criticize the art for

10/10 satire

>> No.1998989
File: 92 KB, 307x557, Katarina_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

das what got me to play the game years ago.

>> No.1998991

Nothing to be ashamed about m8

>> No.1998998

i like that one way more despite it's lack of mastery (look at that block-hand)

>> No.1999002
File: 1.38 MB, 1463x841, katbuild.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to play kat in the old days, i made a little build card for myself

>> No.1999021
File: 210 KB, 1920x1080, uP5S6of.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/ic/ sucks more company dick than reddit
its all ogre at this point isn't it

I mean hell, >>1997885 is straightly taken from reddit and these two little fixes are nice little fixes.

Here's a splash art for a skin of Katarina, looks much better, right?

>> No.1999143

I like it better for the pallet more than some anatomy nick pick

>> No.1999160

league of legends is getting people into art which is kind of cool, but league of legends nurtures some really shitty childish spoiled children. I really hope that gets weeded out in the process of becoming a professional artist.

>> No.1999479

Why the long faces? Is the artists chinese?

>/ic/ sucks more company dick than reddit
>its all ogre at this point isn't it
You don't seem to understand /ic/ at all. What matters is what the OP said. If he had praised the artwork, people would have called him out as a heretic and would parrot LOOMIS LOOMIS onto him. Since he already did that, people still felt the need to fulminate him in some way, even if that meant going against LOOMIS LOOMIS, insult him and "defend" the company.

>> No.1999488

Wow an anon with a brain.

It's been awhile

>> No.1999511
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x1134, Kha&#039;Zix_OriginalSkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like Riot's art started off ungodly terrible because they had no money, got somewhat good and now it's starting to fall off again.

I liked their somewhat older stuff like this splash art for Kha Zix. It's a shame they're trying to push the over rendered stuff that's coming out now.

>> No.1999525
File: 336 KB, 700x826, vindvaynecomparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I feel like Riot's art started off ungodly terrible because they had no money
I'm not exactly sure that's the reason, I remember switching from the terrible original ones to the Chinese ones as soon as I found out the art pack thing. I still wonder why they didn't just use the Chinese art for the occidental versions too considering how superior it was and they had it since forever.
It wasn't really about it being "overrendered" vs "poorly rendered" it was more like "decent stuff" vs "never bothered learning fundamentals".
Pic related.

>> No.1999683

How can you tell your drivers are fucked? Have I been working with a broken driver this whole time?

>> No.1999694

Yeah, the standard Kha'Zix art has been my favorite since he came out. I think its because the artist emphasized the mood with composition instead of just using a crazy wide perspective like they always do now. Also he just has a really cool character design.

>> No.1999710

second face was clearly cloned from a picture, props to the first for the better color scheme, besides that they're both awful so what is your point?

>> No.1999736

>this guy
You are clearly not an artist and most likely underage too.

>> No.1999737

I noticed when I had a broken driver, drawing in photoshop feels very painful.

The lines/tracking feels RAW. Every line is wobbly and jittery, It's impossible to straight a quick straight line no matter how fast you swipe the pen. I noticed a HUGE difference after installing a proper driver. Lines are much more smooth, I can draw straight lines freehand much easier, no jitter.

Fucking wacom.

>> No.1999738

For a single frame of an animation by one artist it's actually good

aeon flux

>> No.1999743

>defends league of legends art

>calls someone else underaged and not an artist

Bait? No one can be this post ironic, surely

>> No.1999745
File: 189 KB, 1215x717, Katarina_MercenarySkin_Ch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the older chinese faces better. Kat's face in OP just reminds me of Lightning from FF13. Which pisses me off.

>> No.1999777
File: 1.65 MB, 200x150, 1331121299378.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>props to the first for the better color scheme

>> No.1999946

Why would they? They get money

>> No.2000080

>seeing is huge dicks everywhere
i want the porn thread to leave forever.

>> No.2000140

This so much.

>> No.2000142

>yfw Tristana

>> No.2002239

>And the cube side is not even distorted

>> No.2002246

What are you trying to say? I hope you are aware that planes orthogonal to the direction of view are unforeshortened in linear perspective. That's the whole point of 1-point.

>> No.2002250

loomis was setting the rules for a good picture, not what's possible. it's about using perspective to make things look correct. you can do lots of other things but it's not 'the loomis big book of artistic manipulation of perspective' it's just a basic guide to help beginners work out why the space in their picture looks weird.

>> No.2003095

That's why ic/ grand masters aren't famous, you only care about skills, you all need to understand that if you want to work on such a pop cultured industry, you'll be doing art for non-artists mostly.

You just need to make something that looks clean enough (almost like a 3d render) and cool enough, like with extreme perspective, shiny colors, etc.

>> No.2003447

yea fuck this guy
Google Andrew Loomis and disregard this shit head

>> No.2003716

the way the leg is coming at the viewer and bending the way it is makes me think that the "photo" was taken with a wide angled fish-eye lens. The way everything curves around the edges also gives me that feel. maybe because I have some experience with photography that it is easier for me to see what is going on in this image, but it looks like it fits into the "lens" that the artist was attempting to use just fine.

no drawing will ever be perfect anyway. this one is damn near close

>> No.2004025

>Why would they? They get money
And they get money because because they bring money.

Companies want artists with a style that appeal to the masses and that's clearly very appealing.