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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1985226 No.1985226[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is there any explanation for why so many artists are often such aggressive, hostile, and generally unhappy people?

>> No.1985232

Post your art

>> No.1985233

There are artists outside of /ic/, you know?

>> No.1985234

you nee more loomis op

>> No.1985246

Are you getting your worldview from /ic? 4chan attracts terrible people.

>> No.1985251

This. Artists I know in real life are awesome. More than half the people here are what you described. Not everyone but a damn huge portion.

>> No.1985254

>Artists I know in real life are awesome.
That's their public relations façade dude, wake up.

>> No.1985273

Case in fucking point. Get out of your mancave once in a while and meet some real people.

>> No.1985282

Most that I know are really nice, and are dying to spill their knowledge to you if you show that you are committed enough.

One guy shared his advice on becoming a pro, and the importance of getting experience in various fields. A shopkeeper who I found out used to be a famous illustrator in my country give me crits everytime I print stuff at his shop. Even gave me personal art lectures every now and then. Others pass jobs to me. And most of them are really cool and funny to hang out with. I'm also doing the same with other younger artists by sharing some knowledge and encouraging them.

Like what >>1985273 said, get out and actually meet people for once.


>> No.1985287

so you rather have people laughing at you behind your back?

>> No.1985300

lol goddamn you edgy anime nerd. "There's no such thing as real friendship, everyone is just waiting to betray you. Nobody ever helps someone for nothing, they're either lying to you or trying to manipulate you". There are fucked up people in the world, but not as many as daily visits to 4chan would have you believe. Seriously, stop being fifteen and meet real people.

>> No.1985311

Well congratulations, you entered the cocksucking circle. You better continue to suck that pro's dick and spread the news, so that people will know how nice you are for sharing that information ("how to become a pro". Wow, who knew you could just ask a shopkeeper and you'd get the answer to your life problems. Sure it's worth a sip on that dickjuice) and the next generation of cocksuckers will grow. Eventually they'll suck your dick too. Isn't that great? Yeah it's called an investment.
I would agree in general but I can't help to feel this way after I see even great artists praising complete hacks just because they are both famous and they can't risk a fanbase war.
It's not an "outlook on life" thing is an "outlook on the art industry" thing.

>> No.1985327


>> No.1985353

Here's the thing: Nothing on the internet should be taken at face value. That's why I and the other anon said "get out" and meet people. Real people. Of course people are fake on the internet. And one pro talking to another pro or even a non pro online where it's recorded and everyone can see is obviously not going to want to come off as an asshole. You have to meet people in person to find out if they're cool or not, whether they're pros or not. If they're cool, we become friends, if they're not I might consider them an acquaintance but I don't get closer to them. And friends doesn't mean they hook you up or give you advice and that's the end of it, that's a working relationship, which is fine, but when you meet someone who you can go over to their house and bbq with them and have beers and sleep over, you're friends, and nearly all my friends also happen to be people who draw or do something creative. It's not hard if you just go out and actually talk to real live humans.

>> No.1985369

Wow, you got life figured out. Good for you.
But honestly, drop that shitty pessimistic look on life and meet people. Or you could skip that and spend your time with other miserable assholes on this board.

>> No.1985371

If you're one person on the internet and another in real life, you're a sycophant and in all likelihood a hypocrite. I understand why they do it, but from a moral standpoint it's unacceptable. They aren't cool. If they were they wouldn't be lying anywhere.
People are quick to say that on 4chan everyone is a bad guy. The sad true is that anonymity brings out people's truthfulness, and that's a much better quality than anything you could find in real life for this industry apparently.

>> No.1985381

Anon, please go outside more, your family's worried about you

>> No.1985412

>If you're one person on the internet and another in real life, you're a sycophant and in all likelihood a hypocrite.
That's missing the point entirely. Not to mention that EVERYBODY acts differently in different scenarios. Do you act exactly the same in front of close friends, family, colleagues, coworkers, and around strangers? Of course not. There doesn't have to be anything sinister behind it.

>> No.1985422

How about people who are kind on this board? Do they act evil as shit irl?

>> No.1985423

Wrong, anonymity brings out people's desire to say whatever they want and get away with it. Just because something is said in the meanest way possible doesn't mean it's any more truthful or has more merit than something said politely. And frankly I feel like a lot of what people say on here is bullshit just as much as the comments section of a pony artist on dA. 4chan is one of the best examples of people being fake, because you know most of these people wouldn't say half the shit they say on here in their waking lives. You can say it's what's really on their mind, but if they're not willing to walk the walk in real life, it's just as fake.

>> No.1985429


Fun Fact: You can express yourself in the real world without being a cunt.

>> No.1985445


No, they're probably passive aggressive assholes. A good chunk of 4channer are.

>> No.1985448

because we care

>> No.1985452

>Do you act exactly the same in front of close friends, family, colleagues, coworkers, and around strangers?
No, but I don't badmouth them behind their backs or in my mind while complimenting them out in the open. I know this might sound surreal to you but I like to think I have morals. Or that I'm not bipolar.
>You can say it's what's really on their mind, but if they're not willing to walk the walk in real life, it's just as fake.
Well, I kind of agree. But I think it's much worse to fake goodness than to fake evilness. Surely if some of the people who think badly of everyone else go around pretending to be moral persons, that's worse than those who, while badmouthing people here, just generally mind their own business otherwise.
The problem is that minding your own business is the opposite of advertising, and that means that you either are a good and sincere person or you eat, but probably not both.
Indeed, however you can't express yourself in the real word without being considered one. This is the world we live in now.

>> No.1985507
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this thread proves the point

>> No.1985514

>Indeed, however you can't express yourself in the real word without being considered one. This is the world we live in now.

Yeah, if you spend all day on 4chan where people cherry pick the worst parts of tumblr SJWs maybe.

Business favors diplomacy, no one wants to work with an asshole, but that doesn't mean you have to roll over and be nice all of the time. Do you really think people get to be executives and CEOs if they don't occasionally push their weight around?

Do you really think being a whiny faggot on 4chan is going to solve any of your problems?

>> No.1985515

I-I don't think there is any solution.

>> No.1985518

>Indeed, however you can't express yourself in the real word without being considered one. This is the world we live in now.
actually, no.
you remind me of pudding.

>> No.1985520

What kind of low-down dog would call a man pudding? Despicable.

>> No.1986136

youre right, no real friendship exists, except those based on symbiosis. if youre a self centered edgy faggot and can not offer anything to the other one, he will neither give you anything.
most people are useless anyway, so that maybe too.

>> No.1986137

Oh the cancer is strong

>> No.1986142

Post your art, then

>> No.1986151

>is there any explanation for why so many humans are often such aggressive, hostile, and generally unhappy people?

>is there any explanation for why so many 4channers are often such aggressive, hostile, and generally unhappy people?

>> No.1986172
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I call it, the bold and brash.

>> No.1986207

i am actually very laid back and like to take things easy
i wonder if that is why i dont seem to improve hahaha....

>> No.1986756
File: 16 KB, 480x360, Trash!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1986760

only true on the internet in my experience, especially here at 4chan.

>> No.1986765

double memeing omg!

>> No.1986770

sour grapes

>> No.1986780

>is there any explanation for why so many artists are often such aggressive, hostile, and generally unhappy people?
My experience says otherwise. In fact, there seems to be a disproportionately small number of actual working artists that are aggressive/hostile/etc. in comparison to other industries. Most artists over 25, and almost every artist 30+, are very mellow. Most respectable art communities, both formal and informal, are very respectful and supportive of artists that return those qualities and are professionally responsible with their work.

You're probably mostly considering the late-teen-early-twenties angsty crowd and early-stage internet-based "celebrity" artists.
How to spot an artist:
>they routinely make completed works to sell as their primary source of self-sustaining income
People that aren't artists:
>housewives making stuff, and possibly even selling that stuff (they are hobbyists)
>people under formal, informal, or self education (these are students)
>people that spend more time talking about their art than actually making art (these are just d-bags and attention whores)
Just because I can disassemble, fix, and reassemble pipes in my house doesn't mean I'm a plumber.

>> No.1986823

I've noticed that even on the internet, most of the artists who are really skilled and put work out regularly are chill. So far I've only seen a couple on tumblr that made me say "Whoooa, okay then..." With their snarky posts, but other than that, OP's description only seems to apply online.

>> No.1986896

Careful, he will call you a dicksucker.

>> No.1986923


>> No.1986926
File: 741 KB, 3543x3328, Udine_Crali_1939_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my art teacher was a massive prick that got mad when people didn't follow her dumb style and her dumb way of doing things
apparently (im told) she is quite skilled, but all she ever taught us was how to copy others peoples work (badly) and rely on references at all times.

>> No.1986929

Internet artistes are only hostile online. IRL they are the most emotionally crippled people you will ever meet. They're complete pushovers.

Online they act aggressive and arrogant believing themselves to be assertive and forthright, but in reality they're confused child-minded people. Most of them will blame some disorder that they're taking medication for, or play to their stereotypical beliefs about how artist are suppose to be loners or socially aloof.

They are a squirrelly bunch when you look closer. In real life everything scares the shit out of them. They are always the victim, the bullied, because of their personal weaknesses. Online they like to be the bullies, it's the only place they can be.

So, these internet artistes having no spine in real life will act as if to have a big dick when online.

>> No.1986943

Have a nice day.

>> No.1986946

You sound like that retard who drew the upside down dick.

>> No.1986952

>citation needed

>> No.1986953

I keep telling you, I didnt trace it nor draw it upside down. That was merely a placeholder because I didn't know whether to put a cut or uncut dick on it. Really anon, get off my case already...

>> No.1986954

You sound like the "internet artiste" I was describing, a wuss basically

>> No.1986963

You never talked to me in that thread.
And It was clearly upside down.

>> No.1986965

Faggot, Anonymous. "Online posting" >>1986952. /ic/ - Artwork/Critique. 4chan.org. Wed. 18 Feb 2015

>> No.1986969


>> No.1987028

Haha THIS!

>> No.1987433

I can physically feel the butt-hurt emanating from that post.

>> No.1987466
File: 115 KB, 570x526, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill me and bury me in the swamp

>> No.1987483

If you're feeling any kind of butt-ish hurt it's probably cause you identify as an "internet artiste"

It's not the end of the world. Fortunately it's only the behavior that's the problem. Change the behavior and you change your situation, which in turn helps change yourself for the better. It will takes some self-discipline to push through but it is manageable.

>> No.1987498

I'm more interested in why so many are extremely immature, hypocritical liberals with half baked opinions they shove in their art and into everyone's face.

It's really weird how many Dobson types work in the industry now. I almost wonder if it's because art, in general, isn't taught to be a very practical way to make a living. Therefor the more practical or logical people tend to avoid it, or give up quickly after starting. I mean, you really do have to be a bit crazy to pursue a career in art, so maybe that's why so many people come across that way and are often so extreme in their beliefs?

>> No.1987522
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>I'm more interested in why so many are extremely immature, hypocritical liberals with half baked opinions they shove in their art and into everyone's face.


If you think that's the problem and not the "hypocritical" part, maybe you're the one being stupid? Liberal hypocrite is more accurate.

>> No.1987528

That's not a major thing, but they are usually the crazy right kind of liberal. It wouldn't be to much of an issue if they didn't work it into 90% of their art and shove it in your face Dobson/Sinfest style.

Of course this is a minor thing, but it the ratio between liberal and conservative artists is pretty wide, or at least seems that way.

>> No.1987536

Left I mean, sorry, the caffeine is wearing off.

>> No.1987607

/ic/ isn't even that harsh bruh. If you feel like you're getting bullied it means you're too pussy to take critique.

>> No.1987618


Crazy conservatives aren't the types to get into art.

Generally, if /pol/ is any indication, you get two types of crazy conservatives, the "Hitler's Stooge" and the "an-cap future captain of industry." The former is all about "preserving muh culture" which doesn't lend itself well towards creation of new shit and the latter just considers art to be completely fucking useless.

>> No.1987620

Who said I was bullied? You? You're just a dumb fuck anon that uses "bruh" to sound laid back. And I never implied /ic/ was harsh with critiquing. If you had a reading level above the 7th level you'd realize I was saying that /ic/ is arrogantly and harshly STUPID about what constitutes a critique.

>> No.1987622

If you think being liberal is not a problem, maybe you're the one being stupid?

>> No.1987623

I have a theory that all Conservative/Republicans are shit at art.
Prove me wrong if you disagree.

>> No.1987624

never thought i'll ever read this sentence on ic
top kek

>> No.1987634

but anon, that what the rednecks say to each other in their little bubble. same way as the liberals do on their side. you'll say it to each other and confirm each other:
>it's all the conseratives/liberals fault, right guise? right?
outside of your little bubble, to a sane person, that kind of generic statement holds no meaning.

TLDR fuck off with /pol/ garbage.

>> No.1987642

Wow, way to prove my point about being unable to take any critique.

>> No.1987658

Wow, way to prove my point about not understanding what a critique is. You're smart enough to respond but too stupid to know when to shut-up.

>> No.1987667

>too stupid to know when to shutup

That describes you more than him m8. You've said it yourself "internet artistes are mean only online" or something, why keep replying to people you know will continually give you shit?

What are you even doing on /ic/ anyway?

>> No.1987669

good job both of you for proving OPs point about artists being agressive chucklefucks

>> No.1987676

I could see that, so either your middle road libertarian(like myself), or varying degrees of liberal. Still, it would be interesting to understand why artists are often so immature and unproffessional, especially the ones working in artistic fields. I myself am not a fan of homosexuals, race mixing, and many other progressive themes... but I keep it out of my work and to myself seeing as my customers very well could be gay or very liberal. Most artists don't do this though and constantly lash out at people for not agreeing with, or supporting their beliefs. Hell, Marvel comics is basically at the point of telling people to fuck off if they don't believe the way they do. Seems like this attitude in General is a big thing among artists and it's always suprising just how childish they can act.

>> No.1987681
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>> No.1987687

>pornfags obsessing over dick
kek. keep it in your degeneracy thread

>> No.1987691
File: 90 KB, 559x1022, Giovanni_Boldini_(1842-1931),_La_Marchesa_Luisa_Casati_(1881-1957)_con_un_levriero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, prepare the butthurt. Most old masters /ic/ likes were actually Christians and right wing. Have this /pol/-tier quote by Sargent:
>I am in hot water here with the Jews, who resent my 'Synagogue,' and want to have it removed — and to-morrow a prominent member of the Jewish colony is coming to bully me about it and ask me to explain myself — I can only refer him to Rheims, Notre Dame, Strasburg, and other Cathedrals, and dwell at length on the good old times. Fortunately the Library Trustees do not object, and propose to allow this painful work to stay.
Bouguereau joined the national guard to fight for the monarchy and his country.
Mucha went back to his country to propel nationalism and patriotism, even changing his style in order to paint the Slav Epic which was then criticized for its overly political nature.
But if I had to personally nominate some one, that would be Boldini, whose right wing tendencies earned him a special places among aristocratic families in both France and Italy.
>not retarded
Pick one.
Get reck'd.

>> No.1987696

Thanks for proving me right.

>> No.1987699

>21th century
>nationalist artist

wtf mon

>> No.1987749

You shitwads think you're any better by replying? As if you all are proving something right now.

>> No.1987758


Uh yea. I am, because I'm not being overtly aggressive or hostile.

>you shitwads

You are though.

>> No.1987764

You're being stupid thinking you got something prove, shitwad

>> No.1987767


Are you trying to parody the type of artist OP is questioning or have you just had a bad day?

I pity you, and I'll stop replying now.

>> No.1987771

I'm pretty laid back and I try to be nice and polite, even though I am generally unhappy. Same goes for my online interactions.

>> No.1987860

OMG you're so above it.

>> No.1987861

I fucking hate all of you

>> No.1987867

i think its just a cultural phenomenon with this board. the people that frequent /ic/ have a very specific aesthetic that they consider acceptable; everything else they attack viciously. in my opinion it's rather shitty and lame.

>> No.1987868

You know those beginners that will dole out advice but have yet to actually show anything for themselves because they have no clue what they're talking about? That's all the bitter faggots in this thread trying to wave their dicks around but they have yet to actually do anything with their lives whatsoever.