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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 17 KB, 232x320, penib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1983306 No.1983306 [Reply] [Original]

Is it time?

>> No.1983307

Long past time bud. There's a tutorial floating this week on making your own nibs, check the catalog

>> No.1983327

Go to a jeweler and have them make a glass nib. Wacom Jews have got to be stopped.

>> No.1983331

that sounds uber hispter, is it actually legit to have custom glass made nib replacement workin well?

>> No.1983337

Did you guys actually "finish" all of your nibs? Because I'm still using my first one and I have plenty leftovers.

>> No.1983344

You're not trying hard enough to carve through your tablet. Think of pumpkins & halloween when you're drawing

>> No.1983345

i have one that looks like exploded shrapnel. I wanted to keep using it, but it wasn't eroding down anymore.

>> No.1983357

My stomach hurts from laughing, thanks for that

>> No.1983394

I went through about five nibs in the first couple of years of Wacom ownership, then lightened the fuck up on the pen/tweaked the pressure response, got better results and I'm on the same nib 3 years later...

>> No.1983406

hey, man, with 512 levels of pressure, I gotta make sure I use them all

>> No.1983432
File: 619 KB, 720x1280, spaghetti_nib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use a spaghetti nib. You can get thousands of them with less then 1$.

>> No.1983444
File: 230 KB, 360x327, 1392761168940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell your customers that the artwork they comissioned was made using spagetti

>> No.1983451

Don't those break really easily?

>> No.1983460

you need to buy decent brand spagetti dude. not some chinese ripoffs...

>> No.1983489

Whoa whoa whoa, hold on a second. I'm supposed to replace the nibs?

I've been using this tablet for like, 4 years, and never replace any nibs! Holy shit this explains why sometimes the pen slices through the tablet like a sword on a shield or some shit.

Anybody got a pic of old nib/new nib comparison, I want to know what a new one looks like.

>> No.1983491

this fucking thread has me in stitches

>> No.1983494

what if you crack the spaghetti off and then you cant get it out? do you need to buy a new pen?

>> No.1983495


Put the tip, only the tip, in hot water for a few minutes. The spaghetti will soften and drop out of the nib-hole.

>> No.1983498

put some ketchup on it and you can slurp that shit right out of the pen.

>> No.1983499

The shorter the spaghetti is, the more unlikely it is to crack. Just try it, break a spaghetti into a very tiny piece and try to break that piece too. You can't. Under the right conditions spaghetti is one of the hardest materials known to man.

>> No.1983500

you can just use a magnet to get it out

>> No.1983501

I'd rather not put my mouth on the nib-hole, though

>> No.1983502
File: 92 KB, 336x504, KwhXonF2O1nx7p58ByhuLJHC_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw this thread is spagetti

>> No.1983504

stop calling it a nib-hole, it sounds fucking disgusting

>> No.1983506

your a nibhole!

>> No.1983507

My nib's worn down and has a sharp edge too
How badly can it damage the tablet like that?
I've heard you should keep it as rounded as possible

>> No.1983508

>Anybody got a pic of old nib/new nib comparison, I want to know what a new one looks like.
A new tip looks like half a sphere - perfectly round, smooth and symmetrical. An old tip will look worn out like a chisel, and it will likely have flat planes or sharp edges to it. Probably what your tip should look like by now.

If you run your finger over the tip and it feels sharp, then you need to change it. If it slices your tablet then you need to change it. The pen came with replacement tips if you bought it new.

>> No.1983509

but it is a hole. what else would he call it?

>> No.1983511
File: 31 KB, 800x600, wacom-intuos4_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe most of you know this but I'm going to mention it anyway: some tablets come with replacement nibs, they're inside the pen holder.

>> No.1983514

how do you feel about having residue spaghetti all over your tablet?

>> No.1983521

I see, I guess I need a replacement then.


There's nothing inside.

What the fuck.

>> No.1983524

sounds like you got ripped off, fucker

>> No.1983525

How's the Vietnamese bootleg going for you? I think it's great considering it was made by starving children.

>> No.1983526

For the intuos 3 the nibs came in the same packaging that had the pen. Check that unless you bought your tablet used.

>> No.1983527


It's an old model of Wacom Bamboo. It's been years I have no idea where the packaging went. Maybe I was ripped off, maybe not.

>> No.1983540 [DELETED] 

What's with those round styli

>> No.1983542
File: 13 KB, 447x447, round pen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with those round Wacom Stylii I keep seeing on ebay?

>> No.1983543

Check your model at online retailers like amazon and see what they list should be included in the box. I'm surprised that you have the pen stand at all if you have a bamboo, as last I checked that only came with intuos and cintiq lines.

>> No.1983545

Those are for use with capacitive screens like ipads.

>> No.1983547

they're usually for touch-displays and not very accurate

>> No.1983566
File: 71 KB, 800x535, wacom_bamboo_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm surprised that you have the pen stand at all if you have a bamboo

I meant that thing at the top of the image. I don't if it's a stand, but it does spin open for some reason. It has a magnet on the bottom, I think.

>> No.1983596

Gotcha. Worse case is to find nibs online (wacom's site, possibly ebay if you're lucky), or make your own nibs. There's an image guide floating around for making them out of some sort of fishing line (?), and they're supposedly a near perfect fit.

>> No.1983627

my nib is half that size and I haven't even considered replacing it. I wear them down to tiny nubbins. seems to work fine.

>> No.1983720

Found this out after I wore down my first nib, was so happy.

>> No.1983937
File: 28 KB, 712x488, nib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy. That sounds EXACTLY like my post when I figured it out. Pic related is what I posted.
Now that I took a look it's probably time to change it again.

Please someone give feedback on that.
Isn't the glass nib too hard on the surface?

>> No.1984194

Before I knew the stand comes with secret nibs I cut a toothpick, put it in the nib hole and have been using those ever since.

>> No.1984211



here you go anon! i mean in case you need more.

>> No.1985281

I've found that a small twig that I smoothed out works the best

>> No.1985483

mine looked like that, i just filed it down and rubbed it on my jeans. i threw out the pen holder cause i keep my pen in a box, son of a bitch

>> No.1985493
File: 914 KB, 200x113, 1421636170680.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw also still on my first nip but misplaced my stylus case and will become screwed when I'll need replacements

>> No.1985523
File: 497 KB, 245x200, 1397375939940.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1985524

A-Anon-kun put it in my nibhole~

>> No.1985527

I actually ordered replacement nibs off of amazon for relatively cheap.

>> No.1985532

you do realize that you can buy replacement nibs right?

>> No.1985533

fuck no, it'll rust the spring.

>> No.1985541
File: 290 KB, 959x721, makerbot-natural-abs-plastic-1-75mm-filament-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>10 for 10$

Chinaman is ripping people off here big time.

Here's 50 for 15$.


Fuck, just go and buy a spool of some plastic filament and chop your own nibs.
You'll probably get thousands of nibs from pic related and it costs like 20$

>> No.1985603
File: 258 KB, 1007x546, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put it in her nib hole

>> No.1985627

D: YEAH I GUESS, but, I'd rather try and find my case. It's somewhere in my dumb room, I know it!

>> No.1985675

makerbot is a rip off ($45-$60?), any other filament is cheaper

What you really need to do is get a 3D printer and print new nibs with said filament...

>> No.1985724

What is the purpose of a nib?

>> No.1985726

it's like a stylus's clit

>> No.1986019

What went wrong with n-trig?

>> No.1986168
File: 213 KB, 800x600, cpponholder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while we're on the subject. I found this one out 2 weeks ago.

The groove allows you to fit the pen vertically. So you can play vidya or watch chinese cartoons or post on 4chan instead. I don't recommend putting spaghetti in your nibhole.

>> No.1986171

Man I always fuck that up. I meant horizontally.

>> No.1986174

What is the relationship between a horizontal pen and using the computer?

>> No.1986175


Yesterday I dreamed that my nib was all wasted, WHAT DOES IT MEAN?

>> No.1986178

>Yesterday I dreamed that my nibhole was all wasted

does that mean im gay?

>> No.1986179

nothing honestly. i have the holder in my eye site, if i put the pen in it blocks the screen.

sorry for projecting!

>> No.1986229

The nib is a metaphor for your creativity. You're done man - give up art.

>> No.1986264

>>TIL tablet styluses can wear away

>> No.1987456
File: 242 KB, 858x621, 1419461221953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy fucking shit

I had no freaking idea

Thank you so much

>> No.1987499

OP here, I think I'll wait till next year.

>> No.1987508

i use a yiynova monitor, its low tier in most regards but i must say its been a year and the nib is not worn in the slightest

>> No.1987525 [DELETED] 


If you have an Intuos4 or above get a "POSRUS" tablet surface cover on amazon (or elsewhere). They're like 10 bucks (which is shit load of money for a fucking piece of plastic with glue on it, mind) but they'll save you so much money in the long run nigga, trust. When I wasn't using one my nib "went out" on that grainy-ass surface they use now (or rather I could hear an audible scratching sound when using it and it looked like shit like yours does) in like two weeks and I wasn't even drawing very often at the time. Now I've been using the same nib for ever without any noticeable wear. You could probably make one yourself relatively inexpensively, too.

>> No.1987581

Ok. Seriously now... is this a massive troll/ic meme thread?

Because I bought my intuos3 in 2008 and have been using the very same nib since - it's only recently I've seen these nib threads popping up more and more. I primarily work in 3D though and rarely use high pressure strokes. I heard that intuos4 has a problem due to it's more paper-like texture, but honestly i've never replaced this thing.

>> No.1987806

Intuos 3 had a better surface for nib longevity. If you're using one of the smoothest tablet surfaces out there, and use very little pressure, then the nib should last a long time. If you're using one of the coarser models, draw with a lot of pressure, and use it 5+ hours a day, then that nib will wear out in no time at all.

>> No.1987844 [DELETED] 
File: 254 KB, 900x900, 1416245504039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Intuos 4 models and above have a grainy surface that wacom says is meant to better simulate natural media but in reality all it really does is grind your stylus nibs down and QUICK. It's planned obsolescence masquerading as a feature. If you use a native Intuos 4/5 without a surface cover of some sort as I'd alluded to here >>1987525 you're looking at a substantive investment in nibs over time. When I first got my Intuos 5 medium I went through several nibs in short order despite not drawing a whole lot during that period. Since I've gotten a surface cover I haven't gone through a single one.