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1982634 No.1982634[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So how are you sad puppies enjoying st valentine's day? drawing something for that special one? drawing porn to deal with the pain?

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>> No.1982640

>tfw you have to draw all day to give meaning to your life and exhaust your mind to the point where you dont think about how shit your life is

>> No.1982657

jack off and get drunk. seriously jacking off cures any and all desire for female companionship.

>> No.1982660

there are worse holidays
I don't really care about valentine's day

>> No.1982662
File: 301 KB, 1000x700, Valentines-Day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making valentines day themed artwork. how else?!

>> No.1982672

Drawing my waifu/OTPs
I have no interest in relationships anyway

>> No.1982675

>I have no interest in relationships anyway
just keep telling that yourself, buddy

>> No.1982678

relationships are overrated. im in one and it blows. all women are the same, they flock to any guy who gives them attention. theres no such thing as a loyal woman

>> No.1982681

It's been like that forever, never had a crush or fallen in love, not even in high school. I just don't have interest.

>> No.1982687

>all relationships suck because my relationship sucks
I'm in a 7 yr relationship and it's pretty great. all women are not the same, you just choose shitty women. stay bitter.

>> No.1982700
File: 243 KB, 924x2264, 1417370155161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that she didn't already cheated on you
Stay delusional.

>> No.1982722

it'd be tough, since we live and work together. unless she went to take a shit and actually cheated on me during that five minutes, I highly doubt it.

is there a reason you think your personal relationship experiences are universal, or are you just angry that other people have healthy relationships and don't hate themselves and their partner?

>> No.1982730

Maybe you might have different interests?

>> No.1982731

In highschool, it was the absolute worst holiday, now I dont even give a fuck cause its CARNIVAL SEASON

>> No.1982755
File: 67 KB, 405x412, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>relationships are good

>> No.1982783

Only sex is good.

>> No.1982785

sex is overrated. only relationships are good.

>> No.1982789


opinions based on personal experiences are overrated.

>> No.1982792

facts are overrated.

>> No.1982797
File: 363 KB, 1073x1169, 20150214_190010_20150214191853985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my 1st commission. The reference this couple gave me is awful, the photo has bloom around and the girl's face is very distorted.

As for the day, well... I'm just a bitter, depressed and lonely wizard so this is just another day.

>> No.1982812

I drew, drank beer at the beach and went to the strip club.

was pretty cool

>> No.1982841
File: 2.06 MB, 4128x2322, 20150214_075219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sketched this heart cuz whatever. I was high

>> No.1982856

I was working with a pitch for a game. Making three mockup screens and a logo. Some 10-15 hours of work that will give me another $400 for this month.

But then I received my new SSD disk and decided to fuck about with that one instead.

Also, so fucking puppy dealing with that fucking pain.

>> No.1982864

Trying to use the brush on ink. The ink sucks ass when it drys up feels like paint having to clean it afterwords.

Controlling line wight feels god tier. Except when my hand shakes, ruining some lines ending up sloppy.

>> No.1982881

You should really consider adding some white charcoal for the lighter values.

>> No.1982919

I deleted my Facebook and am never going back. Doing some watercolor on a 5x7 card.

>> No.1982921

doing u're mom on a 9x5 basis

>> No.1983010

Like every other day, procrastination.
And sent a greeting email to the girl i have no chance with (without hearts, it would be creepy)

>> No.1983064

I hung out with my girlfriend and we drew some stuff. I taught her basics of limes of action and giving depthevio to her drawings.

>> No.1983069
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>limes of action

>> No.1983076

My phone has a tiny keyboard.

>> No.1983077

>he teaches his gf limes of action
>he has a tiny keyboard

give us more news from neverland

>> No.1983079

I'm a she.
Also, Peter says hi.magic

>> No.1983133

maybe you wouldn't get cheated on if you didn't treat them equally

>> No.1983298

>celebrating meme holidays

>> No.1983308
File: 113 KB, 633x930, 1415317231895_Image_galleryImage_NEW_YORK_NY_NOVEMBER_05_E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always think i'm edgy and transgressive for having woman problems due to a bad childhood/homelife, but whenever i confront misogyny in real life it seems insincere and slathered in irony, and when i confront it online its just fucking gross and condescending and sad and fucking transparent (WOMEN WONT GIVE ME THEIR PUSSY EVEN THO I AM ENTITLED TO IT GRRR). Thank you internet for always reminding me that misogyny is not dark and edgy, but goddam heinous.

Anyway, what i did on valentine's was to go to the park to hit on girls and draw weird shit in my sketchbook. I didn't hit on anybody thiugh because everyone was couples in their mid thirties with their kids. They seemed happy.

but now im sick, thanks a lot douchebags

>> No.1983325

I made people feel pathetic for being sad on Valentine's Day because I have ascended beyond human emotion

>> No.1983381


I'm pretty sure that nose would be called too unrealistic or too tumblry or some shit like that if someone posted a portrait with it.

>> No.1983477

Oh yes, I always do that but just at the end and with white pastel.

Right now I'm actually considering scratching it, and start again, I really don't like how it's turning out.

Thanks for the advice

>> No.1983481

what a goddamn hero thanks for the blog post

>> No.1983729

You really disproved evidence-based research data with your hot emotion. Way to go, girrrl!

>> No.1983788
File: 1.69 MB, 383x576, 1423416623938.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>evidence based research post from an anonymous post on an anonymous message board
>you go girl!

thanks for proving my point, fat fucking douchebag who flop sweats when he goes outside. I bet you've never even been close enough to a woman to condescend the shit out of her.

Sure is weird how 4channers pretend like they're so self-aware about everything while simultaneously thinking the place with 300 post threads about sharing child pornography is a beacon of secret wisdom or something

>> No.1983822


Stopped reading right there.

>> No.1983859

>le generalizing
>le stereotyping
you're doing the same thing those misogynists

>I bet you've never even been close enough to a woman to condescend the good out of her.
actually, i once talked to this girl about how easy mode life is for a girl. it wasn't at all condescending.

>> No.1984600

I had a nice girlfriend when I was 19, she was 16 and I was her first, she was very into me, I went once to go pick her up school and saw her rejecting a guy because of me, she was so cute and had a nice body, gamer, passionate, horny. But my mates didnt like her, we went on a trip (I was still with her, she was 18 by this time) I saw a hotter girl, hit on her, she liked me, we did it.
My gf found out, asked to forgive me if I never do it again, I wanted to do it again so I left her, when I returned to this new hot girl she already had a new guy... Try to get my gf back for the next 6 months, depressed because she was dating some looser that would treat her like shit and I know she was too kind to leave him.
Im 26 now, never met anyone like she again, Im not lonely, I get woman, mostly is +30 and I cant stand be near them when Im done with my shit.
I think she is no longer with him, we still talk from time to time, she always asks me how I am and I lie, Im too ashamed for her to know how my current life is... I always tell my mates Im so much better without her but its bullshit... The thing, a lot of girls are not worth it but there are nice girls out there and sometimes we dont see pass hornyness, like a lot of sluts.
BRB im going to kill myself.

>> No.1984611

I got stoned with boyfriend and friends then had Chinese. Was grand

>> No.1984619

>/r9k/ pls go

>> No.1984713

you're saying you did your bf, then your friends, and on top of that did a Chiense guy!?