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File: 40 KB, 230x320, how yo draw manga_ninja_samurai_como_desenhar_manga_tutorial_download_basics_of_character_drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1973630 No.1973630 [Reply] [Original]

My 13 year old cousin is just getting into drawing and I want to get her a book.
She's very interested in manga and already has one of these "How to draw manga" books.

What would be a really good one for her?

>> No.1973637
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Get her "How to draw Manga Sketching Manga Style Vol.1"
That shit actually goes into semi-proper anatomy and stuff if you can't find that end yourself or something

>> No.1973643

also get her some Loomis

>> No.1973646
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All manga books are gimmicks

>> No.1973683

Seconding this.

>> No.1973692

>Download all of Loomis
>Put on flashdrive
>Give to cousin and tell her to learn fundamentals, preventing bad habits from forming early
>Be her hero for the rest of her drawing career

>> No.1973707

>be that weird cousin that gives 13 year old girls books with naked people in them

>> No.1973717

This exactly. Her parents are pretty liberal but I don't think they'll like me giving her a book full of naked people yet.
How helpful is the head and hands book?

>> No.1973720

Surely more useful than most "How to draw manga" books

>> No.1973735

if she already has those kind of books, then give her something supplementary, or otherwise interesting.
like scottmclouds books, force, loomis etc

als odon't listen to the trolls.

>> No.1973739

"How to draw moe" is the best you can get

>> No.1973745

Give her "Keys to drawing" and/or "Keys to drawing with the imagination" or some other useful books cause those how to draw manga books are all useless garbage

>> No.1973747

You can't chuck him into the pit of scott robertson type learning just yet
They need to discover a love for improvement and truly understand how good it is to be told they're shit
For now all you can do is lightly give them advice that will still let them have fun whilst improving
If you yell at them to learn the fundamentals and study 10 hours a day they'll quit art

>> No.1973754

hm, this.
which means it would probably be the best if OP bought her a nice new sketchbook. but then again she may not use it.

>> No.1973774


Which specific book does she have? You might want to flip through an online copy and see the maturity level of the content her parents are comfortable with.

Out of the books translated for the US market, I find the ones by Tadashi Ozawa to be informative and practical, even though the translation and layout can be sub-par. Unfortunately, the newer editions of his books have covers that are more risque.

If you want to be the cool cousin, you might consider pairing the book up with one of the numerous Japanese mook or magazines on CG. Something like this:


It won't be much help to her, but she'd appreciate the colorful examples, and import items give you immediate cred with weeaboos.

Found out which software she uses/pirates.

>> No.1973786
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The one mentioned in >>1973637 and its other 4 volumes are all pretty good. Strong fundamentals in all of them since they're made by a mangaka+ jap college students, not noobs trying to cash in.

She is 13 years old. She's as likely to read LOOMIS and Scott Robertson as you were at that age. It's better if OP gives her the medicine inside a piece of candy.

>> No.1973801

Came here to add something similar to this. Just don't forget it's a child. If anime/manga is the reason they're interested in drawing then encourage it to a degree. If you try to push Loomis on them when all they want is weeaboo shit they'll probably be intimidated and give up prematurely.

This is just based on personal experience. If someone pushed Loomis on me at 13 I might've enjoyed seeing it, but I wouldn't have been interested in taking it so seriously.I would've mostly disregarded it until I was ready to objectively improve.

tl:dr I would ask her if there are any specific artists that she likes/inspire her to draw. Maybe take some time out with her and look for other art/illustration she enjoys.

>> No.1973864
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Pic related is the only aceptable answer

>> No.1973898

>ooga booga naked people
shes gonna have sex later in here life anyway so why even care?

>> No.1973911


1 Manga books are really shitty and outdated.
They don't even teach you drawing manga right.

2 to draw cartoons you need to learn to draw.
Basic grawing (cubes, primitives, basic perspective) and then human figure (Loomis) and after she can actually draw doodles and figures she can draw them with stylisation or without.

>> No.1973943

He's not her parent, he's her cousin. There are social contracts you need to abide by.

>> No.1973944
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The only choice OP.

>> No.1973993


this. it's worth pointing out, most noob mangaka kids don't understand that realistic drawing and drawing manga really have anything to do with each other.

op could get her 'making comics' by scott mccloud, if her interest is in manga comic books. that has a lot of good advice in it without looking like a textbook and might have enough mentions of manga in it to keep her interested.

>> No.1974015

Like fucking your cousin?

More relevant to the OP just get a regular art book.

Mango books just teach you a fucked up stylized version of whatever when what you're trying to do is draw something accurately but in a particular way.

>> No.1974020

oh god this one

>> No.1974037

>recommending serious perspective books to kids.

Make sure it's something a 13 year old girl will actually read. Consult the book thread for good manga and cartoon books. She can learn 15 point perspective later. Like, after she passes an 8th grade reading level.

>> No.1974043

>15 point perspective
Wait, is this a thing

legitimately curious as to how it'd look

the most I can imagine is maybe 6 point

>> No.1974062
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I was kidding. I don't think it's really a thing.

>> No.1974065

it can be a thing.

>> No.1974086

your cousing should start with good fundamentals. get him perspective made easy, that will save years of frustration.

>> No.1974915

I hated this book, bitch can't draw.

>> No.1974928

OP if you get her a more serious book you should go through it with her, because she probably won't think its fun. Or get her two books, a manga one and a serious one, and show her how to apply perpective/anatomy/whatever to her cartoons to make cool drawings.

Also you should do gestures with her, my middle school art teacher had us do gestures and I thought it was the funnest fucking thing and it made me feel like a good artist getting my teacher's pose onto my paper without actually needing to know much anatomy.

Train her as your apprentice.

>> No.1974929


I recommend Mark Crilley's Mastering Manga Volumes 1 and 2.

>> No.1975185

thats the joke

>> No.1976569

Yes. I don't know why I forgot about this, I subscribe to Mark on youtube.

>> No.1976590

Buy her the following:
>The Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Workbook
>Keys to Drawing
>How to Draw (by Scott Robertson)
>Perspective Made Easy
>Rapid Viz
>Fun with a Pencil
>Figure Drawing: Design and Invention
>The Vilppu Drawing Manual
>Figure Drawing for All it's Worth
>Drawing the Head and Hands
If she's serious about learning to draw, she'll read them all. If she doesn't, spit in her face and call her a hack.

>> No.1976611

got to love the average idiot /ic/ posts.

>> No.1976620
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>> No.1976623

she cute? post feet

>> No.1976714 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1976769


If you don't want to give her the naked anatomy type books, the how to draw manga series has a very nice book on drawing animals normally and in SD form if I recall...

It won't teach her horrendous human anatomy faux pas,nor any of the important basics, but it might be good to keep her drawing passion going

>> No.1976828

If you can't give her anything with nekkid people get her Loomis' head drawing book.
She'll at least learn to draw decent portraits which is what most gurls are into anyway.

If you want to be a based uncle get her the Vilppu Drawing Manual.
It has basic and 'childish' parts that a 13 year old can follow along with, but it also has deeper parts that are really valuable.

>> No.1976921

I doubt any parents would care that much unless they're religious fundamentalists

>> No.1976982


I've breezed through How to draw manga sketching manga style and the other books in the series and it's pretty good. It isn't academic by any means but it'll teach her good habits (building figures from construction/simple shapes, learning to draw forms in 3D, etc) and by the time she does eventually want to take it more seriously she'll be well off.

>> No.1977000

Mark Crilley

Why the fuck do you guys do this? It's funny to recommend him to adults who don't consult the sticky, but giving joke answers for a child is just malicious. She will almost certainly be ruined forever like thousands of other children have been.

I'm not saying Mark's a bad guy, but his tutorials are dangerous to people who don't know better. Stop it.

>> No.1979638

What is wrong with Mark?
I haven't read his books but I subscribe to him on youtube and enjoy his instructionals.

>> No.1980262
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Every time I see this cover it invokes a terrible cocktail of shame and regret inside of me.

>> No.1981450

Storytime when?

>> No.1981492

>look at these books
>wonder when has manga ever looked like that

>> No.1981495

in our dreams where misogynists cannot touch our female souls

>> No.1981614

we all start somewhere unless you keep drawing like that

>> No.1981623

>not feeling good that you draw better than a dude that has been drawing longer than you

>> No.1981643

mark is such a shit artist, are you blind?

>> No.1981651
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>mfw I had that book in 6th grade

>> No.1981657
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The good thing about these books is that it reduces the amount of future professionalism, equaling lesser competition.

>> No.1981658

only on the western hemisphere

>> No.1981663

There are alot of japanese artists that learn from generic anime frames taken from K-ON and shit.

>> No.1981664
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>turns out she published her books at 16
>this got published yet you can't even loomis yet

>> No.1981667

She even draws better than half the stylization thread.

>> No.1981668

>started off drawing by checking out a Chris Hart book around 2003
>copy the characters and make my own very crude niche fetish porn
>mom walks in on me drawing it
>she makes me give it up to her, she later says that aside from the subject matter that I'm not bad
>swear off drawing for ten years because the embarrassment scared me
>still have bad habits from that book, even to this day

>> No.1981670

>everyone should publish a book even when they're not good enough

That what you sound like.

>> No.1981672

That's how you get people to laugh at you. Publishing shit.

>> No.1981673

>not taking advantage of naive people

It's like you don't want to make money.

>> No.1981674


more like

>multiple people agreed that this was worth of publishing not once but twice and made money from it

But keep drawing your furry scat fan pics hoping to get noticed one day

>> No.1981679

That reminds me, how old are the people that would buy this book?

>> No.1981681

Anywhere from 8-15, mostly girls, who would kill to draw their favorite characters.

>> No.1981687
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Example, I made a crappy kindle book and it wasn't even a tutorial and look how much people cared to click "check out". It was only up for a week before I took it down. You're missing out on some mad cash.