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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 219 KB, 800x1154, merc_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1969979 No.1969979[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the story behind this picture?

Also, Kr0n thread. Why shit on him when copying and selling work is the staple of art anyway? If somebody does something better than you they deserve to be paid.

>> No.1969982

I agree.
If somebody does something better than you (OP) they deserve to be paid.
Show me your art, I'd going to make it better and profit. It can't be shit though, it already has to be good for me to consider improving it.

>> No.1969984
File: 834 KB, 1024x611, together_by_haimerejzero-d66q0dx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's not how improvement profit works. You're supposed to take shit and then make it better.

Here ya go. please be gentle with my anus.

>> No.1969987

is that really yours? if it's not, then there is no point as your feelings won't be hurt.

>> No.1969988

How are you going to hurt my feelings? You're a nobody on /ic/. You could tear it apart or shit on SnK and I wouldn't even care.

Also wtf is up with merc_wip? What's the story?

>> No.1969989

whats your patreon account i want to shove 500dollars in your butthole every month

>> No.1969991

someone stole his art and used it in a dickswinging challenge. Beginners and intermediates only operate based on how good your drawings are instead of absorbing the language of the advice.

it also became a symbol of what art people are into on /ic/ Fantasy/scifi conceptual character designs.

>> No.1969994

some annoying anonwas blabbing about how anon #2 probably sucks and his opinion is irrelevant, so anon #2 posted merc_wip to show he wasn't a total beginner (while admitting it wasn't the greatest thing in the world). Now, every time someone claims an opinion is invalid becuz "u shud post ur werk", merc_wip is posted instead.

>> No.1970000
File: 285 KB, 884x903, 1416872957730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, no, the story goes that two Anons where arguing and having a dick measuring contest and so Anon posted merc_wip and buttdevastated the other Anon to the point that Anon started to shitpost using merc_wip in at attempt to defame the other Anon. The butthurt permeates to this day and the remnant of that enormous butthurt is still felt and echoes through /ic/ each and everytime merc_wip is posted.

>> No.1970005

That sounds fucking retarded.

>> No.1970007

nice quads, i was not around during it so i don't know the exact story. I always thought someone swiped the best image in a draw thread to butt devastate everybody.

It's pretty funny, it just takes apart the stupidity of needing credentials to talk about art. It's like needing to be a triple grammy award winning producer to tell you who sings well on American Idol.

>> No.1970017
File: 69 KB, 165x192, 1409830564544.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merc_Wip is easily the best thing to happen to /ic/ since tehmeh.

For years the easiest way to troll /ic/ was to post
>Let's see YOU do better
but now you can just post merc_wip.jpg and watch them squirm as they realize their baiting has failed.


>> No.1970022

post your work faggot.

>> No.1970023

>needing credentials to talk about art. It's like needing to be a triple grammy award winning producer to tell you who sings well on American Idol.

I'm afraid I might be of the unpopular opinion here but, I really believe that you need to have knowledge of the subject to give a proper and informed opinion/critique about the subject.

It doesn't take a chef to tell you your dish tastes bad, but it takes a chef to tell you how to improve the dish properly.

Generally speaking of course.

Opinions from those who don't have credentials do have their value, but like everything else, take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.1970024

I think both of our accounts are fairly accurate actually. Initially the buttdevastated anon was posting the image pretending to be the guy who made it and smear him, but now everyone uses it to avoid the silly "post ur work" bullshit.

>> No.1970029


>> No.1970031


Eh, that's not exactly 100%. Like "sings well" is really vague so of course anyone with ears can tell you that, but once you get high enough your critiques need a good level of understanding to say anything more indepth.

/ic/ gets more than its fair share of bullshit opinions masqueraded as hard facts. I feel that posting work can be an easy way of telling who is just a beginner with a serious case of Dunning-Kruger and who actually has some validity to their opinions.

Of course since it's 4chan all "post your work" amounts to is bait and potential trolling. Now whenever I see someone talk a lot of shit I immediately filter it out, who knows if it's just an overly hostile version of legit advice. There is a difference between being brutally honest and being hostile for no fucking reason.

>> No.1970033

giving a good critique requires in-depth understanding, having an opinion (i.e. being able to tell when shit stinks) does not. As you said, anyone can tell when a chef's dish is bad, but it takes a chef to tell him what to do to improve it. in most cases. sometimes the anatomy/etc is so fucked that anyone who's ever looked at a real human being can tell what's wrong.

>> No.1970034

But being hostile towards others is what puts hair on their chest and builds character and helps them develop a thick skin. Do you want others to fail when the going gets tough? How cruel do you have to be to let someone go without first learning to cope harsh critiques and other realities?

>> No.1970048


Wrong. Being able to accept brutally honest critique is what builds character. I don't get why people hear "brutally honest" and think "that means I have to be the world's biggest douchebag possible."

Being brutally honest to a complete beginner who posts his copy of some drawing is saying something like "Yeah, no, that fucking sucks. Here's a copy of keys to drawing, here's a copy of fun with a pencil. Fucking read that shit, do the exercises, and then get back to us if you're serious about art." It's constructive, it gives the newfag a place to go for improvement, but it's brutally honest.

>> No.1970065

don't worry i actually agree with you both. But I see REALLY amazing advice without (hostility or brutal honesty) get ignored. The hostility begins when someone gets called retarded or idiot.

"It's shit" Absolutely dread these words when it comes to my art. It's brutal and honest, I still don't wanna hear it. "Your art thing looks wrong, or your handling it wrong." Euphemistic, but it's much better and doesn't bring out any hostility. (usually no other input) This usually gets the ball of improvement rolling by itself. I hate to use the usual example, but Olly did post as a beginner and got the ball rolling by himself. I'm sure he was even posting anonymously and offering advice, seeing mistakes he made in other anons, and they probably told him to shut the fuck up retard. Look where he is now, doing very well of course.

>> No.1970066

thing is, /ic/ is just mean without being helpful. the mentality you describe got too popular, and now people think that being a dick= giving a good critique.
this guy gets it.

>> No.1970071

saying "it's shit" or "it's wrong" isn't the least bit helpful. neither is "it's good". you have to explain WHY it's good or bad, and, ideally, how to improve it. this was the first thing we learned in college critiques. "it's good" or "it's bad" were not helpful or acceptable responses, and they're certainly not critiques.

>> No.1970074
File: 239 KB, 1280x960, 1390782694805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was told it's shit multiple times and to stop drawing and that I would never become an artist along with numerous redlines and helpful advice and sources like Loomis and Vilppu and I turned out to be just fine.

>> No.1970085


> to stop drawing and that I would never become an artist

See, that's just being a dick. That's not helpful one bit and is just mean-spirited. unless you held some full retarded opinions about "talent" or what "real artists" do or whatever, then it's just them trying to smack the toxic out of you.

>numerous redlines and helpful advice and sources like Loomis and Vilppu

THAT'S fucking helpful. Especially the redlines. It's brutally honest cause it's someone sitting down and showing you where exactly you fucked up but they offered help. They gave you sources.

>> No.1970094

But that's not being mean spirited it's just being honest and the way I saw it was a test to see how badly I wanted to continue drawing and learn a thing or two and now unless I lose my hands nothing can get in the way from me drawing.

>> No.1970098

your anatomy needs work.
your foreshortening is off.
your composition is unbalanced

being a dick:
you'll never make it
give up
just quit
you suck
it's shit

see the difference?

>> No.1970099

No anon, it IS being meanspirited. You should never tell anyone to stop pursuing their dreams.

>> No.1970102

>See, that's just being a dick.
It's called forging and tempering your character. So that when real people instead of anons tell you your work sucks and that you should quit, you will be prepared. If you gave up while anonymous, you were never cut for it to begin with.
Fuck you too.

>> No.1970107

Okay fine say it is mean spirited though that in itself should not affect you if you really want to accomplish something. Bottom line is the person's desire to continue with a craft it makes no difference if someone pats you in the back and gives you compliments instead of the preferred it's shit honest version.

>> No.1970110

have you guys seen whiplash yet?


will give you a lot to think about.

>> No.1970112

various religions have the perspective that your enemies are your greatest teachers. through their mean spirited behavior, you learn patience and forbearance. but that doesn't mean they're trying to helpful, it just means your attitude is such that you can benefit even from mean and destructive behavior/comments.

>> No.1970130

"pats on the back" and "its shit" comments are equally unhelpful. neither gives you any information you need to improve. those type of comments aren't even critiques.

>> No.1970135


That's bullshit. Being discouraging can discourage people, not all people are the same. A person with real potential for beautiful art could possibly drop it due to sensitivity.

>> No.1970141

Buddhist monks hit and punish their pupils all the time to help them achieve enlightenment. /ic/ is the Great Vehicle to art satori.

>> No.1970167 [DELETED] 

the "Great Vehicle" is Mahayana Buddhism, the practice you describe, and the concept of satori, are from Zen Buddhism.

>> No.1970174

The great vehicle is a concept shared by pretty much all the various canons. Just because one sect decided to have it as their name it doesn't mean the others think it doesn't exist.

>> No.1970178

If you're posting this because you think Simmons character was correct, you missed the point of the movie. Besides that was an accessory theme that the director had no intention or recollection of.

Everyone thinks this character means something to forward their agenda or political view about today's generation.

>> No.1970243


i didn't interpret the movie as presenting simmons theory/approach as correct. it gave you the character and showed you two outcomes: one guy who succumbs to the pressure and kills himself, and noe guy who prevails and succeeds. it's a very balanced, message in that sense.

personally however, i do believe that being open about this debate, and considering the hardcore approach as a personal mantra for self-development (and artistic progression) can be very valuable.

>> No.1970309

It showed the horrible side of that side of teaching. He taught for how many years? And how many students did he ruin in that time? He caused at least one suicide, ruined the passion for others, put them through hell, all on the off chance that one may succeed. What about all those he ruined? Could they not have succeeded if they had a different approach? He literally was using people's lives and passions as playthings to play mindgames with the people he saw potential in. He was a petty horrible person, willing to completely and unnecessarily ruin the career of a talented drummer because of his own personal hangups. Anyone who sided with him and feels it is a valid method of teaching is very misguided and missed the entire point of the film.

>> No.1970357

well at least your honest in the 2nd part there.

Based on every discussion i see on this movie, everyone is trying to shoehorn Simmon's character to their own political ideology and personal agenda. Meanwhile they finished shooting the movie in 3 days. the director is younger than the main actor IRL. Simmons gets a blow job when the movies over and we all go home.

I mean in the end the kid ended up telling the guy to fuck off and made his own choices like an adult would.

>> No.1970415

The true story behind the merc_wip.jpg is that nobody actually knows. It's a mystery to this day.

>> No.1970417
File: 174 KB, 429x491, 1394416649600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a problem seeing anons telling off faggots such as those posting their 30 minute doodles asking for critique. The problem is when it's the only thing the anons can do. These anons are fucking retarded who can't tell what a critique actually is. Every single post they make degrades /ic/ into something just as shitty as /b/ except on the topic of art.

On /ic/ you can to tell someone to fuck off, but you'd better fucking critique them on the way out. If you call someone a faggot that's not the only thing you should do. You should also EXPLAIN WHY THEY ARE A FAGGOT and EXPLAIN HOW TO CHANGE that. /ic/ is Art/Critique and not Art/Opinion.

>Stop drawing and kill yourself.

Compare that to.

>Stop drawing and kill yourself because you are posting a 30 minute doodle.

Alright now I'm warmed up.

>> No.1970418
File: 428 KB, 989x1018, 7098174a27e193ba2d0efe2951d37051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop drawing and kill yourself because you are posting a 30 minute doodle trying to fish for compliments on an anonymous art board. Can't you honestly look at your own drawing and tell how terrible it is? Boohoo we wouldn't even care if you spent the whole damn day on it. Fucking learn how to draw first you piece of shit because all I see posted is the same as you. Go cram the fundamentals into your brain unless being a shit artist is all you want to be. Also go read the fucking sticky, it's the first fucking thing on the board that tells you how to improve every problem you currently have. The body looks like a twig, the arms are two different sizes, the eyes look like they were pinned on the face by a blind person, those hands seem "conveniently" hidden, the head looks like it would fit on a mutated baby, the line work is sloppy as fuck and all over the place, and I would call the police on your coloring for assaulting on my eyes if I could. I'm dead serious and this is only scratching the surface. You learn proper anatomy so your figure doesn't look like an abomination. You make confident strokes so your line work doesn't look like the scribbles of a preschooler. You learn how value and color depict form and light so your picture doesn't look like the insides of your ass. Every single resource that can teach you how to improve these things are found in the sticky. Fuck off to practice the fundamentals and come back to /ic/ when you're ready to apply yourself.

>> No.1970421
File: 94 KB, 1000x772, Help-Wanted1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr kill urself
No, shit, fuck damn. That is not how it's done, you fucking new faggot. Fuck fuck fuck. Get the fuck out of /ic/ and back into primary school to learn how English works. While you're at it, go find the classroom dictionary, look up the definition for the word 'critique', and then kill yourself.

>durr looks like shit xd
Why don't you explain why it look like shit? Why are you so retarded? Where are your fucking analytical skills? Your "critique" looks like shit to me because I can't find an ounce of intelligence from you in your post.

Also you know what I did? I gave critique to all you shitposters that are too retarded to know what a critique is. I'm calling you faggots, telling you why you're faggots, and explaining how you can avoid being a faggot. That's how you make a proper fucking "brutal" critique. I don't even write "brutal" critiques and don't support them at all but I sure as fucking hell do it a lot better than most of the "brutal" critiques ever found on /ic/ combined.

If you want to make a "brutal" critique than you'd better include the critiquing portion. Fuck off and come back to /ic/ when you're read to apply yourself you fucking new faggots. You all piss me off herping and derping everywhere while spewing shit onto /ic/ from your collective faggotry asses.

>> No.1970423
File: 312 KB, 530x320, f0894ed6f904361f315377c6a89dc593.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 hurr durr TL;DR
Yes I am inb4'ing in my own post, fuck you. Also fuck you all that can't sit down to actually read something longer than a text for once in your life. A "brutal" critique has three parts. You call them a faggot, explain why they are a faggot, and then explain how to not be a faggot. Otherwise, you are also a faggot of the same caliber.

>inb4 hurr durr you're a faggot for typing up this whole post.
>Herp is how come and derp is how to change that.
10 out of fucking 10. I mad and I hypocrite. I'm going to go draw now.

Also, if you're not the anons that I mentioned then you need not feel addressed. Carry on with making /ic/ great or get out if you're just a different breed of shitposter.

>> No.1970434
File: 519 KB, 800x1634, merc_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the truth.

also,that russian faggot is a faggot because he isn't creating nothing new.just making pretty renders.typical DA fag. who gives a fuck.

>> No.1970445

I was in the thread where that all went down. That was pretty much it, two faggots arguing.

>> No.1970454

Jesus Christ are there really that many niggers in America? I'm having a hard time watching this.

>> No.1970461

You're speaking to one.

>> No.1970463

the original thread is archived...

>> No.1970465

I think one of /ic/'s biggest problems is that there are too many posters that give a fuck about things. Imagine an /ic/ where nobody gave a fuck, I'd think there would be a lot less drama.

>> No.1970468

if nobody gave a fuck there would be no art anon

>> No.1970469


and no artistic progression whatsoever.

>> No.1970471

>give a fuck
about what?

>> No.1970473

There are actually more. The niggers in that movie are tamed.

If you actually see the horrors of the ghetto and the stank ass attitude nigraz have, you would have a panic attack.

no hard feelings dog. you guys still say dawg right? Haha i'm just playing im a spic.

>> No.1970477

>im a spic
Mexicans are total bros. Nicest people, bomb ass food, and the thickest chicks, and you can write that you know two languages on your resume.
I like your race.

Yea, we say dog, but now its bro/bruh

>> No.1970478

I just don't like how they hate gringos just because a few of us are idiots and assholes. Seriously, we aren't all bad man, calm the fuck down and spread the love.

>> No.1970483

Right, I should probably have explained a bit more on what I meant. I'll back up a bit about giving no fucks and say that it's about giving fucks in the right places. You can look at the catalog of /ic/ and find people giving too many fucks on things that won't help them at all. Maybe I'm just a bit pessimistic on things.

>> No.1970485

i just want you to know we say nigger because its the most freeing thing in the world. i love me the blax.

>> No.1970492

bit sad, I have seen /ic/ posters writing shit these days they think can pass as critique

>> No.1970505
File: 307 KB, 2058x500, 1419003968157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think the problem will be helped a lot if there were some stricter rules on /ic/. Like you should only

1. Post your own shit for critique
2. Post references
3. Post works by other artists only as educational examples or to explain a point. Something like this.

That would help cut down on the feels/hate/witch-hunt threads and encourage cool shit like references, examples of good composition or color usage, etc etc.

>> No.1970525


as much as i would like to agree and all, i think jealousy and some degree of hatred are just SO common, it's simply part of the game. art and competition brings out the worst in people. kinda like dota.

i'm 99% sure atleast 2 other semi-regular posters on here hate my guts although i've never done anything to them. or hey maybe they even thing i hate their guts. maybe. i don't know.

bottom line is: you gotta have a thick skin and just remember that 'those other guys' are just as insecure, scared about the future, and intimidated by the mass of talent out there, as you are.

>> No.1970548

random anon here, but thank you for that image, I think I have not been approaching my work as systemically as I should have. thanks!

>> No.1970552

> they even thing


>> No.1970555

Despite reading the archived thread, I have no fucking clue whos who and what is going on in that thread. Some guy tries to bait, get called out?

>> No.1970587

on /ic/, yeah, it's part of the board culture. in the real world? I've found fellow artists, by far, to be constructive and friendly.

>> No.1970677

Didnt the director say Andrew ends up dying of a drug overdose aged 30, because he got Fletcher approval, but he though he was never good enough and it consumed him?

>> No.1970684

>>literally /pol/ the post.

>> No.1970686

Link to thread?

>> No.1970693


just let it go anon. it's not that important.

>> No.1970763

This seems worthy to screencap, I feel that quite a few threads could use this.

>> No.1970781

Those rules should have this >>1970423
too. Without critique most of the posts on /ic/ is just shit flinging. Instead of "it's good", we get "it's shit" and they are both useless.

That's because /ic/ posters tend to think that way, other places don't really have this.

>> No.1970786

i dont hate you
i have thin skin
i am insecure
i am scared about the future
i am intimidated and invigorated about the mass of talent, to put it bluntly i know you're better than me, but i don't care. art is just an avenue for me to tell my story. I know i need to tap into some learning but i don't care to be Bouguereau.

>> No.1971792

blacks or mexicans?

Creoles are the best white people I know.
Trailers are last, of course every other possibility of race or region is in between.

I can see why. it's taboo, and doing taboo things feels great.

>> No.1971796

>If you actually see the horrors of the ghetto and the stank ass attitude nigraz have, you would have a panic attack.

Have you ever gone to school with people one month and then 3 people in your class die by gunfire the next month?
Thats Public School in America. At least for blacks

>> No.1971804

in only the worst inner-city scenarios maybe, hardly the norm.
source: I'm from the fucking Black Belt.


>> No.1971810

Nigga Im from the 9th ward, you better back the fuck up homie.
You must live in Texas or the north

>> No.1971819

Nothing that dramatic. In 6th grade my friend was stabbed after school in the 2nd week! It was gang crap. Parents moved the fuck out of there and I got to experience white racism for a bit.

I prefer the white racism.

>> No.1971840

exactly what I'm saying homie, the rest of the south isn't as shitty and violent as the 9th ward.
>texas or the north
it's like you don't even know where the black belt is.

>> No.1972107

>white racism
Private/Christian school?
Its a million years better than public school.
Thank God for money.

Real talk, the only black belt I knew of was that Tae Kown Do shit.
Had to google it to know where you actually are.

>> No.1972122

Nah public school with the Sopranos. They don't like niggers, spics or chinks. They're ok with the kikes and the micks pollaks and vikings.

>> No.1972131

This is really good dude, But I can't help but note that the colors seem strange, I can't put my finger on it... Well no it doesn't, but it kind of seems like it's "moving"...its kind of like that same thing that the Kr0n guy used.