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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 297 KB, 1243x2024, My_First_Drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1967007 No.1967007 [Reply] [Original]

So much sadness on /ic/ we need a good feels thread. ITT post anything art related that you are hyped about: commissions, new tools, classes, school, a good drawing, etc

I'll start
>finally got a real desk today
>computer broken for 3 yrs - I finally fixed it (soldered in new capacitors)
>found my intuos 4 i got as a graduation gift (6 yrs ago)
>pic related is my first digital drawing I made 10 minutes ago
>super hyped for drawing in 2015

i'm ready to learn some shit

>> No.1967022
File: 20 KB, 329x357, lehappyfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw I can sort of freehand straight lines with decent accuracy

>> No.1967056

please pass me some of those good feels.

>> No.1967098
File: 88 KB, 396x396, 1402088054826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ordered a new set of pencils
>beginning to cover my room in my pencil sketches
>got back to drawing after months of not drawing

future good feels
>might get a drawing tablet by the end of the year

>> No.1967159

>really happy with latest commission
>commissioner loves it
>$20 tip

Fuck yeah

>> No.1967174

I got sick for three days and running and did nothing in that time period.

>> No.1967186

>stressful weeks over
>started drawing again

>> No.1967234
File: 160 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2015-02-05-10-49-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been drawing literally everyday for at least two or three and a half hours everyday
>have become completely comfortable drawing from observation
>stopped using tripod grip, am drawing from shoulder, am starting to measure proportion
>can draw straight and curved lines at will
>working with multiple art manuals everyday (thirty minutes reading and doing exercises from KoTD, Drawing on the herpderp, and now also Harold Speed)
>can finally copy the instagram sketches i really like without it looking inaccurate
>literally dream about drawing

I've been slowly becoming the person i want to be. I've been exercising hard everyday even though i'm not able to go to the gym, my arms have become huge and are getting defined, my legs are totally swole, im finally able to do squats with near perfect form, im getting my drivers license and ged, and my abuser might finally leave the fucking house so im not going to be forced to leave my home all day/be in my room all fucking day.

I've had a hard, hard, shitty goddam life. But through drawing, through writing jokes, through exercising, through fantasizing about going to state college and associating with normal people and leaving all these fucking freaks, i'm able to just escape and stop thinking about my life. I've been escaping all my life, but now i'm also making my future better right now. I get tears in my eyes when i think about how far i've gone. And i did it all alone.

>pic related, a peak into my life

>> No.1967243


>improved more than I thought I was capable of
>dream doesnt feel impossible now

>> No.1967257
File: 1.65 MB, 255x255, 1418856982938.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just got home from a busy workday
>I can draw again for the next six hours

>> No.1967301

>learning how to create decent color palettes
>using more color in work
>moving beyond concept sketches
>might be illustrating children's books soon

>> No.1967314

Just a tip for others who wish to do this, I mark a dot where I want the line to end, then focusing my eyes on that mark while I swiftly draw the line. Works well most of the time and looks much better than using a ruler or straight line tool when you don't want the image to appear geometric.

>> No.1967315

This is nice, congrats anon.

>> No.1967317


Thank you Scott Robertson

>> No.1967339

>muh happy place!

If you're all so sensitive that you need a thread to have someone pat you in the ass you're not going to make it. Quit while you're ahead.

>> No.1967378

It makes me happy thats almost time to leave work so I can draw yaaay

>> No.1967380


Oww bitter anon, come here, let me give you a hug <3

>> No.1967393

just recived a huge cork pannel to hang on my empty wall - can't wait to fill it with drawings! Ahh good times.

>> No.1967401

Or you know, you could just trace things like kr0npr1nz and make almost 3k a week. I mean, is it really that hard to make it? No, not really.

>> No.1967536
File: 85 KB, 400x400, 400x400_Free_Smiley_winking_augenzwinkern_Smilie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the motivation to take up painting

>> No.1967560

So what are you doing posting here? Go paint.

>> No.1967570
File: 297 KB, 430x431, tumblr_mfr42sSIL81qdnstzo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1967576
File: 86 KB, 475x592, you-should-be-drawing-right-now-414509-475-592_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1967605

>Someone commented on one of my tumblr posts saying they think it's really awesome
I've never had anyone say anything so nice to me before
I feel like drawing more because of it

>> No.1967637

People tend to be really nice on tumblr, that's why I come here instead.

>> No.1967646

People respond better when they are not being shot down and told their art is shit. Which is why alot of ic/ users are so demotivated half of the time. If they got a decent crit and a pat on the ass they would be much better and more motivated to do well... But asking d/ic/ks not to be d/ic/ks would be asking for the world

>> No.1967648

That's great anon.

Can I have your tumblr link so I can follow your stuff?

>> No.1967700

Yesterday and today I tried myself first time in potraits... it did go better than expected but I think my paintings are trolling me. One of Sean Bean looks like a trollface when you flip it and one of Samuel L. Jackson has this "you dared to paint me this badly motherfucker?" face on.

Generally I always get happyfeels™ from new pics I finish.

>> No.1967938

>literally dream about drawing

I'm about to draw the fuck out of one of those Roll To Draw threads, but I'm like these anons >>1967257 >>1967378 and I gotta finish work first.

>> No.1968290
File: 313 KB, 489x515, Andrea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Learning to paint
> Learning to paint in colour

fucking_feels_ good.exe

I didn't know painting could actually be fun. It's like some magical thing that's better than sketching but pisses you off.

>> No.1968391

I basically have the next few years to do nothing but art, all day. I'm really fortunate for having this opportunity and I'm going to make sure not to blow it/waste it. If I fail then I know I have nothing to blame except myself for not drawing enough.

>> No.1968414
File: 7 KB, 170x213, 1346545121152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first person to open the ask box called me Senpai
I felt so fucking good, goddamn

>> No.1968426
File: 175 KB, 500x917, Psychic Knight WIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Been feeling shitty about my art consistently for about a year now
>Hadn't made ANYTHING good for about that time, decent sketches, not bad digital art but I always felt down
>Saved up a buttload of money and bought a used cintiq, didn't help, got further back trying to get used to it
>on a whim asked an artist I liked on tumblr what I should do.
>They said to check out paint tool sai and keep trying
>Turns out I just hated drawing in photoshop and sai works amazingly for me.
>Feeling good about my art now
>Still gotta RETRAIN my fundamentals and learn this program inside and out but I'm improving and drawing everyday

In other news this is the linework I've been working on for a psychic knight character I drew years ago. Comments Critique? Advice to make it look better?

>> No.1968437

what the fuck

>> No.1968443

yeah? The missing hand? or explanation of the character?

>> No.1968454

is this some attempt to create a dank meme or what? new merc wip?

>> No.1968460

what, is it shit or something? Am I an asshole for buying a cintiq? Whats the deal here?

>> No.1968656

that picture you posted is fucking hilarious

>> No.1968691

I am happy as fuck for you, though. Man, is it hard to get out of an abusive situation.

>> No.1968717
File: 218 KB, 600x768, PANIC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my new tablet in the mail today! I've only finished this so far, and with a reference for Jon's iconic expression, as well as for Jaques.
I don't really ever draw birds, so it's refreshing to have one not look like a mutant for once.

I'm really proud of this, even if it looks like shit compared to some of your guy's art.

>> No.1968723

holy shit anon are you me 3 months from now

>> No.1968724
File: 12 KB, 205x246, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start learning how to draw
>think none of the artists I want to meet will ever care or
>5 months later
>lot of them telling me how much I have improved and becoming friends with them
>suprised something good has happened to me

>> No.1968725

I'm afraid to ask in what way is it hilarious

>> No.1968726

I also want to see what you drew please

>> No.1968730

>jons iconic expression

oh the PewDiePie scream face
yeah totally iconic, did you see the prints Warhol made of it?

>> No.1968733

is that your work? you're on the way to be the next Bill Plympton.

>> No.1968738
File: 74 KB, 637x470, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the person everyone should aspire to be anon

It's beautiful I know.

>> No.1968739 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, 7638462359734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but from the sound of it, I want one.

>> No.1968751

They probably say that to everyone they follow. Thats what I do on DA to get follows.

"I saw that new pic you posted, I just wanted to say you can totally see an improvement from your earlier works."

I add it to a collection called inspiration, and every Sunday I delete it all of them.

>> No.1968798

>Bill Plympton
Not sure if insulting comment or not, considering.
But, regardless, painting is still fun and frustrating. All I can do to be better is practice moar.

>> No.1968816
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, 7638462359734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pewdiepie face or not, it's still funny and the 3rd hit when you google search "Jontron."
Commonly used for "Jon Giraffa" images anf just general copy-pastes of his face onto something.

>> No.1968829

tell me more about your favorite memes :)

>> No.1968920
File: 135 KB, 647x1200, Pierre-Paul Prud&#039;hon - Drawing of Female Nude 1800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was really nervous about new semester because figure drawing class
>think I'm going to be shit
>realize its okay to be shit, that's what I'm there for
>draw from live models every class for hours
>most alive I've ever felt
>drawing with sweeping, gestural shoulder movements is like being high
>slowly getting better, human figure isn't as complicated or intimidating as it used to be

gotta this before my next self-esteem crash

>> No.1968957


This is good Anon! You have confidence in your lines and the composition is pretty good!

Keep drawing!

>> No.1969074

Oh fuck off. everyone in this thread jerk off to their artwork enough already, we don't need a thread that endorses it more

>> No.1969081

>git gud
>feels gud
>post in feels gud thread
>feels gud
>sees someone not feeling gud
>feels gud

>> No.1969344

>Know that feel.jpg

>> No.1969559
File: 100 KB, 342x245, 1363526909622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N-no no it's pretty bad stuff
gay pony porn and I've only been drawing for 6 months
sorry guise

You're probably right but it still felt good, I grew up with bad parents and never got any friends in school so That's like the first time somebody's acknowledged me for something good

>> No.1969912

Post a drawing you haven't uploaded anywhere else friend, If you've only been at it for 6 months then that's impressive all together.

Most people here will tell you the hardest part is getting started and keeping it up.
If you don't want to, it's fine tho.
Keep up the good job!

>> No.1969917

im filling out 3-4 hours but i feel guilty that im not drawing from observation enough...

but i feel guilty i have no portfolio pieces. its just easier to improve with invention and photo studies.

what do i do

oh this is a good feels thread. Well I'm really comfortable with drawing and painting in any software. I can pretty much do anything I want if i put some time into it!

>> No.1969928

>one of my animations took off on tumblr
>older posts takes off because of that
>I feel popular for the first time in my life
>generally get more notes on all my other stuff aswell

It feels good!

>> No.1969952

post your work

>> No.1969977
File: 69 KB, 273x240, 1376546028160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Draw porkyman pick because fuck it
>Decent reception
>New followers and feedback snowballs into me drawing more
>Actually have an artist tag on paheal; felt pretty nice
>Barely got any sort of reception on anything that wasn't pokie mans
>Fair number of requests coming in, some getting furry
>Realize I fucked up, still appreciative of the feedback and responses

>> No.1969983

>just bought first house
>will have a dedicated studio space that no one else can intrude on for the first time in my life
>moving in next week
>stoked as fuck

I already packed all of my art supplies, so I'm taking a break from drawing for a while. In the meantime I've just been buying and fixing up office furnishings. It's seriously the only room in the house I'm even putting any effort into.

>> No.1969985

Good for you, anon. Sounds like you've got your ducks in a row.

>> No.1970234

Oh alright then
I hope this is adequate prgoress, it's not exactly tehmeh
Click at your own risk

>> No.1970268

>Holy shit this is so fucking hard
>I fush I could actually draw shit so it would bequite easy
>realise what I just said

>> No.1970437

>Didn't draw for 1 month because i noticed that i was improving

>> No.1970805

I didn't try to hang myself today... is that happy?

>> No.1973641

Dammit, you've got more sense of form and depth than I have.
Subject matter aside, that's great for only 6 months.

>> No.1973661
File: 156 KB, 330x319, sparkle_kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I add it to a collection called inspiration, and every Sunday I delete it all of them.

Fuck you, holy shit. I just fucking laughed so hard my roommate and his gf gave me the look goddamnit.

>> No.1973670

Did you escape them yet?
Some of those furries will hunt you down like a hawk.

>> No.1973777

Hey man I just got done looking through my art making a progress thing to see my progress and it turns out I've actually been drawing for 3 years
Well actually it's just the start of the year so maybe 2 and I didn't draw for like 6 months in the first year
3 years
study more guys
That's not good progress
brb going to bad feels thread

>> No.1974588
File: 6 KB, 529x74, ps_edging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck I can't wait for fucking PS to finish downloading. My body is ready...

>inb4 hate on PS 5.5 - i got a license from a friend in uni

>> No.1976278

The feeling of being able to draw what you're talking about. For example, when you have a discussion about anatomy with someone and you can just pull out your sketchbook to make your point.

>> No.1976287
File: 44 KB, 306x322, 1371137983412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come up with technique that allows me to draw fingers in foreshortening without having to really look at my own hands
>can use this technique for foreshortening arms and legs and other stuff

Used to use the whole sphere point a to b in perspective thing, but this is way better.

>> No.1976311

Could you share this technique? Could be useful.

>> No.1976313 [DELETED] 

yep, you just remember when you were raped as a kid, because of the trauma every nuance is crystal clear, you can generally find a ref in there somewhere. cocks are particularly useful.

>> No.1976322

Disheartened because I couldn't construct with forms, spend a couple of days working on my perspective and construction and forget about it, turn of the computer, see my sketchbook on the floor, take another shot at it. I drew a fucking organic creature in perspective. The dream is still alive. Thought I was a lost case.

>> No.1976335

>tend to go through periods of stagnation and then sudden progress
>going through the progress stage now.

It's good while it lasts.

>> No.1976342

That's great dude, break out your sketchbook. No hanging, just happy.

>> No.1976344

Well I was raped as a kid, but I'm still having trouble getting the sizes of anatomy correctly.
And yes, I remember the rape perfectly.

>> No.1976347

>draw something
>rendering skills suck due to lack of experience, it's not satisfactory
>colors are shit, no good color theory, rendering eyeballs, and a face, it looks flat as fuck
>get all sweaty and from leaving comfort zone, feel sad

Decided to stop trying to do full pieces and single out problems and practice them in bits, Like practice one piece of clothing, one eyeball, one mouth, one naked torso, one arm....lighting differences between different surfaces.

Now I find coloring fun, I'm able to choose attractive colors, what colors I need. I can pinpoint what colors are in a photo without resorting to eyedropper, And I'm much better at rendering.

>> No.1976353
File: 980 KB, 471x363, Good advice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're gonna make it buddy.