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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1964422 No.1964422 [Reply] [Original]

Do you view videogames in the same light as art?

>> No.1964426


>> No.1964427

Please explain why.

>> No.1964429

what is art? oil paintings? sculptures? pottery? films? photography? dance? comedy? kung fu? what makes it so?

>> No.1964434

No definitely not

>> No.1964438


>> No.1964440
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Certain games, like Yume Nikki, I can appreciate for their artistic elements, yet the "vidya r art!!1" crowd more often than not seems to be comprised of kids who don't want to feel guilty for spending all their time playing video games.

>> No.1964449

I agree

>> No.1964453

I think games like Passage qualify, just as much as many interactive installations or video art qualify. it's less objective based and more about communicating something to the viewer through an immersive visual experience.

>> No.1964459

Video games are art. That doesn't mean they are good art, but still art. Interactivity still has a long way to go before it's really being explored in interesting ways in games. The big challenge for making more intellectually or artistically challenging games is the number of people needed to make them. Just like art films have to deal with much smaller budgets and crews compared to big budget hollywood films, art games have to be made by only a couple people, and aren't likely to make a lot of money because they don't fall into the more easily digestible genres and aren't going to get any advertising. Because you can't assemble a big team without the promise of money, it takes a lot longer and ideas have to be way scaled back. There's a lot of potential for games to be thought provoking and even to act as performative media, but those potentials aren't being explored because of the work it would require and the risk involved.

>> No.1964463

Interactive pieces like the Stanley parable or dear Esther. but stuff like Pokemon or asteroids no. its a game. a combination of artist elements yes but art no.

>> No.1964478

I think that the ultimate piece of art would be interactive, like a videogame.

>> No.1964486

It's a medium of expression.
After playing games like Shadow of the Colossus, I was convinced videos games could be more than just bullshit for teenagers and more like an actual form of art.
It's like films.
Some are summer action movies.
Others can be considered art.

>> No.1964551

I disagree, and, as negative as that might sound, I don't think most people have the ability to get themselves involved with more-than-average story telling and visuals, so they wouldn't even be able to interact with something as complex as that. Of course there are exceptions, and it doesn't mean that the "ultimate art piece" has to be recognized as that, but I think that this would afect future artists that would like to invest in that area.

>> No.1964559

A piece of art that is a VR environment sounds like the ultimate to me.
Not him btw.
A lot of artistic skill already goes into making games anyway.
And I'll quote games like Silent Hill 2 or Okami. They just went "Fuck it, let's make a masterpiece, even if it sells bad"

>> No.1964577

I wouldn't consider a video games art. It's like calling a TV show art. It's not really made with the intend to be art, it's just meant as cheap entertainment. You can just make art with anything though, but then everything can be considered art. I consider it art when the artist promotes it as art or the viewer considers it art for themselves.

If developers promote it as art, maybe
then it would just be bad cheap art

>> No.1964581

A videogame is not art, it may contain art in forms of textures, models and many forms of visual or sound based art.

If you attempt to create a game that is purely art, chances are it wont be a game anymore.

>> No.1964582

I think video games can be art. Sprites and backgrounds have to be made. Worlds have to be modeled and programmed. Music has to be composed. Characters have to be designed. Of course, That doesn't mean that every single game is a work of art, neither should every single video game feel like it needs to reach a certain 'artistic' standard, after all, like comics, they are mostly intended for mass reproduction and consumption.

>> No.1964585

I guess we can place video games as art in the same way that the design of a product, or the melody of a tv jingle is 'art.'

>> No.1964588

No, far from it.
It's more similar to films.
I think many people here are simply too used to mainstream games being the rule. That is not the case, never has been.

>> No.1964592

SotC was so awe inspiring, could even make you cry. Unforgettable experience and one of the best soundtracks ever made.

>> No.1964593

I'll save you some trouble OP instead of you asking these other people who have 0 understanding of what art stands for.

yes it is.

>> No.1964605

art means different things to different people in different situations. there isn't a universally agreed-upon definition for "art." Pretending that you possess "understanding of what art stands for" is dumb.

>> No.1964610
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Video games are a strange case. They are certainly artistic in the same sense as a film or a TV show and require art to be made, but unlike those things, good art and a good story can't save a bad game.

I've heard it argued that gameplay itself can be considered art, but I have to disagree. When most people think of "artistic gameplay", they're usually thinking of something that just looks cool, which has less to do with the gameplay itself and more to do with the way it's drawn/modeled/animated.

>> No.1964615

art can stand for a lot of things as you said and I never even said nor imply it only stands for 1, I just said most people here have 0 understanding of any of these stand art has ever taken.

>> No.1964616

>good art and a good story can't save a bad game.
A game by its formal definition, can't be art, or at least in the most common sense of the word.
When people talk about games as art, they of course refer to the combination of visuals, sounds and writing that they are made of, not unlike a film.
Gameplay as art? no way. They can be really creative, but not artistic.
It's like saying that the way you an author makes you read a book should be considered art. Or the way a film is presented to the audience.
It's the content that matters, not how you get to it.

>> No.1964664

Bitch, ART is not only FINE ART, drawing, painting and so on. Music, cinema, sculpture, literature, photography, it's all art. Not to mention there's also applied arts, google it, you ignorant shit.
And good video games contain at least 3 of the forms of art I mentioned!
I'm sick of you fags bitchin' around, and these threads every goddamn week.
Video games are not a 'strange case' or anything like that, video games are the ultimate form of art and I pity all of you who can't comprehend it.

I think we can all agree that this guy hasn't played any good games.

>> No.1964693

Video Games are usually a team project, as animation is also. There's no Raphael to Prince of Egypt, just as there's no Michaelangelo to World if Warcraft. In nearly all cases, the most epic games and animations are done by a team. So it's art, yet is leaning on the director the same as admiring pen and ink work? Self to Team.. Who knows.

>> No.1964694

>doesn't know how a lot of old masters in a way act like art directors in their studio since they actually have assistants that help them paint.

>> No.1964697

Good point. In Art History they get serious at identifying assistants work.

>> No.1964704

There is such a thing as main composer, lead artist, art director and director. So >>1964694
Plus, by that logic, books, films, music, can't be considered art.

>> No.1964717

>video games are the ultimate form of art and I pity all of you who can't comprehend it
Decent bait until the end. Practice more.

>> No.1964719

Not him, but I don't see why not.
It's just a combination of everything.

>> No.1964730


Just because its a combination of other artforms doesn't make it any better than others.

A duck can walk on land, swim and fly, yet its pretty shitty at all of it compared to a cheetah, shark or eagle in their respective categories.

Videogames have potential , yet its held back and squandered by the need to actually sell copies and make money.

>> No.1964732

>It's just a combination of everything.
See, when someone says it like this and I don't have to wade through 4 lines of ass-anger I can get your point.

But yeah, thanks, I never really thought of it that way. I was focusing on the visual aspect, but it is true that video games are much more than that.

>> No.1964733

What the fuck makes you think any other form of art isn't squandered by the need to actually sell copies and make money?

>> No.1964735

>implying rembrandt didn't take alot of his pupils' work and signed it as his own just to make quick bux.

>> No.1964736

Many games like >>1964559 said, decided to focus on the artistic values rather than pandering to sell copies.
It's just a matter of choice, like any other art medium.
You really can't use that argument.

>> No.1964738


I never implied that doesn't apply to other artforms, but its a point thats even more valid to videogames because they operate on a much larger scale compared to something like recording an album or creating a painting.

Its like making a movie really.

>> No.1964745


Well does my primary point of a combination of arts not being superior to a single one hold true?

The last bit was more of a passing comment from someone who isn't very much into videogames as a whole, don't take it as if I implied its not a limitation on other artforms.

>> No.1964746

>because they operate on a much larger scale compared to something like recording an album or creating a painting.

so by your notion of art, it should be something done by one man alone? didn't this guy >>1964694 said old masters have other people painting for them also? are theatrical performance not considered art? isn't art nowadays is just the evolution of knowledge pass from one people to another?

saying it's not art just because someone didn't do it alone is just plain top kek.

>> No.1964748

That's why now making indie games is super cheap.
It allows people to make interesting experiences with low budgets, and the result has been games like Yume Nikki or hipster stuff like Braid, etc.
The medium is slowing getting cheap enough for any artist to experiment with it.
Hell, look at Vanillaware.
They're a team of 100% artist. Made a software to make animations like no other and made games that are PURE art, every single frame an amazing painting and supported by amazing music.

>> No.1964753

sure a duck can fly and walk but it's slower than some cheetah or eagle but in this case videogame is a SR-71 Blackbird. your argument is now void.

>> No.1964756

No. Never did I say that was my notion of art. I just said that Videogames as an artform are more limited by budgetary concerns compared to other artforms. It was passing remark from someone more used to AAA titles. I'll take it back if you so want.

I never said it wasn't art. Read my main post again, I argued that it wasn't superior or 'ultimate', ya'll are just nitpicking a side point.

>> No.1964763


No, thats absurd. That implies the artforms, music, visual, sculpture etc in a videogame are vastly superior to those forms existing alone outside of a videogame. Think of a soundtrack compared to Mozart.

They may be equal, in fact its mostly subjective but in no way will one be objectively superior over the other.

>> No.1964767
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Depends on the kind of art. There are some games with realistic assets and most of them are shit, but once in a while you see a great one and admire the artists for their hard work.
Then there are the games that try to be realistic with style but most of them look like shit.
Then there are some really simple games that rely on the art or artstyle and I just appreciate the style. Games like Child of Light, Tulpa, Limbo, Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet and the like are my favorites, but if someone showed me a simple screenshot I wouldn't care. I just appreciate the overall result.

That said, I once worked on a half assed realistic 3D game and I thought that making 3D assets was hard. Should I pick it up again? I'm not making as much money as I'd like with commissions. Is hiring a developer expensive?

>> No.1964769

what if they used mozarts' music as the soundtrack in their games? then it would auto-owned a lot of single medium music doesn't it?

>> No.1964775


Read again.

>They may be equal, in fact its mostly subjective but in no way will one be objectively superior over the other.

The music in a videogame also has to be tied and linked to the visuals and storytelling, besides, we're assessing the videogame as a whole, assessing only its soundtrack would lead you to comparing Mozart against other music.

I have a feeling most of you are all fucking with me because you might've misread my original post as 'lolvidyaisntart', so I'll just leave it at this.

No form of art is superior to another. Fuck the guy who said videogames were the ultimate form of art.

>> No.1964780

> That implies the artforms, music, visual, sculpture etc in a videogame are vastly superior to those forms existing alone outside of a videogame. Think of a soundtrack compared to Mozart.

Maybe if there people with skills and capacity who banded together to make one but as of now most people cannot surpass old masters skills so you can't really blame the videogames not able to surpass a standalone artform when it's the lack of skills by the people behind it or corporate budge reasons.

>> No.1964784

nah man, we're just trying to show you the light and get you enlightened.

>> No.1964786

who cares and why are we discussing this? /v/ pls go away.

>> No.1964789

>Why are we discussing art in the art board

>> No.1964951

If by bait you mean trying to kick start your lazy brains, than yes.

I'm sorry I don't talk your sissy elitist talk.
It's just that sometimes it's painful to look at how full of shit some people on this board are. Talking 'artsy' doesn't make their posts any more valid.

>oh no people are thinking I'm not cool enough
>quick! throw shit on that other guy

They are, because they combine a lot of different forms of art. No other media does that so well.
And actually, I can think of a lot of soundtracks I like better than Mozart, but that's personal taste.
I'm not gonna argue over which is better, but I think completely dissing games as a form of art is absolutely retarded.

>> No.1964958

>thinks completely dissing games as an artform is retarded
> labels it the ultimate artform instead


>> No.1964959

Those two don't contradict each other, I don't see your point.

>> No.1964963


You're going from one end of the spectrum to the other. You're calling everyone opposing you an elitist, looking down on you, yet you're the one looking down on them.

Its not contradictory, its hypocritical, and pretty funny.

>> No.1964970
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games cant be art if the illusion it's fucking broken out of nowhere thanks to some random bug or a glitch. only simple games can have perfect code but that also limits them to be more than a game. the art of games is convey an illusion of reality and the multiple realities of every run, one takes longer than other, one has a different route, other has a perfect run, etc.the only media it's a time paradox in itself.

add the fact that the game evolve way faster that it's safe for it to be perfected, and the industry filled with cry babies, frustrated movie directors and people in general that take inspiration in past games rather than media outside games like just like in the beginning.

games in the end cant be art even if it's components are. they age like shiet, dependent of a very specific platform to work until they are no longer compatible and long forgotten for looking like shiet in they eyes of the demographic that they were ment to be sold at, fucking kids. games are met to compete with toys, are toys art?

>> No.1964976
File: 71 KB, 450x800, that's a real feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wish art was as fun and addictive as games are to me.

>> No.1964978

I haven't mentioned anything about someone 'looking down on me'. lol
I don't really give a crap about that shit, but tell me really, can you tell me that games are not art with a straight face on?

Dude, are you telling me that there is no 'bugged' or 'glitched' art outside of games? So many shitty 'art' spilled all over the internet every minute. This is not even worth being a topic for discussion.
>games in the end cant be art even if it's components are.
Is your logic broken? Just curious, are movies art, in your opinion?
Everything on this planet can age badly. You think every fine artist in the world has been remembered forever?

And by the way, I've graduated from an applied arts school with a 'toys' profile, it is very much an art, it just depends what you want to do and what skills you can get out of it. Just funny you mentioned it, not really relevant.

>> No.1965011

then you understand that games were never meant to be art, just like chemical reactions to become pictures and eventually photography or moving pictures. other media like photo, cinema, theater, painting, comic, you name it. they all manage to frame an ilusion. the components are what makes them art.

in the case of flawed art, it's the result of and unfinished work (or done because no one stops the artist of fucking up for not knowing when to stop), the ineptitude of the artist or the element in decay through time. one of the main problem with games it's the lack of control of it's decay, the things are abstract by nature, just data, ether, and disappear if not archived on media that it's prompt to fail in what, 15 to 20 years?. imb4 mah digital photo, mah inmortal cloud.

you think speedrunning doesn't show why the media cant be art?, showing how broken a game can be and meaningless thanks to the freedom they give you and make them what they are and differentiate from other media. the runner expose how to breaks the suspension of disbealive that it's crutial for games even if they are not telling a story. not saying it cant be enjoyed but it's no different of seeing zippers on actors inside costumes. what sense makes art if you trace every stroke of pain, every trail of though of it's ideas, look at it naked and it's no longer art, just elements.

for example, games can be compared to movies in a manner that you can watch a making of and look at the production of it's espetial effects, but you dont want to see fake or half assed effects on the screen. you want the end product and the ilusion achived. but games show final and coking at the same time.
i would like to admit that games are art, but being realistic, they just cant because the matter they are made of and the more we ask of them, the harder it gets for them to be art.

>> No.1965014

Being art doesn't necessitate being well made. 'Art' as a descriptive word is redundant, because if something is good or powerful or whatever then use those appropriate words that people can agree on the definition of.

It doesn't matter if it has commercial origins or not. It's not being made by the guy who paid for it.

>> No.1965023

Art is to create, it's the experience of both creating something and consuming it.
I don't see how something created with passion, with thought and effort put into it, is not art. Especially something that has a message to give.

The only way I can possibly explain why you think like that is that you're a 15y/o that hasn't had any interaction with good games in his life. It's sad that you do not know the joy of a good story-driven game with awesome atmosphere, design and music, where you don't really care if you can see the polygons, the low res, the limited color palette, the limitations the authors had while creating it.

If you can't experience a movie or a game, you are just an empty shell of a human being.

>> No.1965027

>this is what youngster who grew up with COD and high graphixxxxxxxxxxx believe.

>> No.1965032

when you get good it is.

>> No.1965033

People who don't see it as art are idiots.
It's made of different forms of primal arts like cinema. If cinema is art then vg are arts.

>> No.1965040

you're all fags.
Videogames are art, period.
No art is superior to other since they all accomplish different things in different ways. Going for that "but it's made to generate proffit!" mentality doesn't change the fact that they're still art, just like books, movies, music, paintings, sculptures et al.
It's all about storytelling, if it tells a story, it is art.

>> No.1965044

video is art, those who disagree are disgusting ISIS vermins who wants mohallah to kill you.

>> No.1965047

good luck in 20 years or so when not a single system will allow you to run a 240p game emulated or not. when that will be considered harmful data while being insignificant in volume and processing. heck, even the OS wont be installed in your harddrive, or even if harddrives still exist in place of just ram for streamed data. good luck with all the rotten pcbs even when the game it's still sealed (after 50 or so years). thousands upon thousands of games will be forgotten despite of it's quality, it's just the sad reality of everything based around electronics. and again, what it's of art if it never existed in the first place. can you people ensure games to last when, as i said before, are just data. and dont put me on the kiddy or cod sack if you are a bit butt hurt, but rest a sure that it is not my intention. btw, dont forget to patch your games when the systems are down like psn for psp or the original xbox.

>> No.1965048

>are just data
>saying digital art ain't art

top kek

>> No.1965049
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No one can stop me from running all the things I want on an offline PC you little shit

>> No.1965050

can you print a game?

>> No.1965052

so by your reasoning, archival and tangible is what makes art.

good job not know how traditional art are maintain and preserve, if there are people are very much dedicated on maintaining old paintings then I don't see why not there will be people dedicated to preserve old digital data as well.

>> No.1965054 [DELETED] 

>can you print a game?

Yes, music itself is art yet we cannot touch it and to pass that knowledge all you need to do is to write down the notes on a piece of paper.

you can decode a game down to it's binary form print all those 100110101010 data and just have a scanner from the future to decode and run it if it comes down to that scene.

>> No.1965055

>can you print a game?

Yes, music itself is art yet we cannot touch it and to pass that knowledge all you need to do is to write down the notes on a piece of paper.

you can decode a game down to it's binary form print all those 100110101010 data and just have a scanner from the future to re-encode and run it if it comes down to that scene.

>> No.1965063

of course, considering things like emulators on browsers or archives like hardcore 101, keeping games alive it's very likely but not a sure thing. consider old paintings, they wont last for ever and no longer exist as the original, may be scanned in a fancy way to keep a copy (laser tracing on raw files or some shit), those will last the most. but think in the black and white films printed on early tech negatives, many has long disappeared with only records of production to testify that they once existed. for what ever media, it's not about being a tangible object for the likes of music, but to be preserved and being able to be Displayed. consider current windows os, it's system compatibility. if not for modding dll files, they wont even run games from mid 90's. and what if you can archive the roms or isos, being just files makes them art? eventually the archaic code of most games wont be compatible for being a hassle to keep an emulator box for them. something that it's broken (not intentionally) and dependant of a specific kind of hardware to be displayed it's not a thing to last being the nature of electronics and the electronic entertainment. consider the saturn being one of the first to become just part of history without proper emulator that not many dare to develop.

>> No.1965070

you could just preserve an OS system and emulator along those game files......

>> No.1965102
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The backgrounds in old fighting games like SNK ones are beautiful examples that deserve more credit

>> No.1965105
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>> No.1965171

Well Karate is a martial art, so does that make the playing of video games an electronic art?

>> No.1965175

I meant why is it relevant to you? Is that so you can tell yourself that you are doing something art related when playing games?

>> No.1965179

took you all day to come up with this shitty refute, just drop it and accept he got you gud otherwise you'll hurt yourself again.

>> No.1965222

I'm really sick of people treating art as some kind of high praise or positive descriptor. When the word art is given some kind of positive connotation, everyone rushes to include things they like in the category of 'art' and exclude things that they don't like. Can't we just accept a broad definition of the word 'art', something along the lines of "any form of expression or creation that isn't performed for the purpose human survival"?

>> No.1965231

Everything from the sky to the bacteria decomposing organic matter is art. except abstract and modern art, that is.

>> No.1965293

>art art art artistic
all meaningless unless you've already defined the term, which you haven't. What precludes a game from being art? What necessary qualities of art do games lack?

>> No.1965304

>if it's narrative it's art
blog posts about your trip to Costa Rica are not inherently art, and not all art is narrative. I agreed up until that last line.

>> No.1965324

>And actually, I can think of a lot of soundtracks I like better than Mozart, but that's personal taste.

lmao fucking pleb

>> No.1965338

Holy shit you're stupid.
I just had to say that, because holy shit.

>> No.1965671

your contribution it's mesmerising.
i don't know if put it under the same light as art

>> No.1965682

underrated post

>> No.1965699

now that one person likes it, it's an overrated post. unless it was meant to be a parody of /ic/'s attitude toward art.

The sky isn't art (except as an element of land art with a celestial focus (i.e. James Turrell's Roden Crater), and modern art and contemporary art certainly qualify (at least some of it, by anyone's standards).

>> No.1970345

considering ebola, hiv, hen flues and so on as art. kind of twisted but art non the less it seams for faggots all around.