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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 23 KB, 510x383, CID4MEGQeEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1964301 No.1964301 [Reply] [Original]

this board's getting depressing. Let's inject some fantasy and delusion in here, cause at least that'll motivate you faggots to do the hard work

>pic related, my hero

>> No.1964307


Depression is for the weak. Post your work time stamp, faggot.

>> No.1964308

She was my hero but I'm kind of disappointed with Steven Universe.

I'd like to get my own cartoon eventually, but I don't know if I'd be able to handle the pressure. Maybe I can be like Pen Ward and make a show, then later just go back down to being a writer.

>> No.1964311
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oh how inconsiderate

>> No.1964314

>Let's inject some fantasy and delusion in here

speaking of delusion, i want to be the best in the world. i really do.

>> No.1964323
File: 70 KB, 1003x514, Well shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want your attention span.

I lose concentration after less than 10min. I was drawing and don't know how I ended up on 4chan again. I can't even watch anime because it's too long xD
People say I should get checked for ADD - does /ic/ believe in that kinda thingies?

>> No.1964331

I've had ADHD since I was 5. It tends to be overdiagnosed because parents just can't handle children being kids and being hyper but one of the key signs that was abnormal was that I ran out into the middle of the street, had obsessive compulsions when something did end up interesting me and never took naps as a baby.

ADHD tends to be linked to depression and social anxiety further into adulthood, but having ADHD doesn't mean you can't be involved into a hobby, in fact, just like there is a distraction constantly, there's also something called hyperfocus, so it's easier for people with ADHD to get into "flow", its just harder for them to be able to dictate whether that flow is into procrastinating or doing something useful.

TL;DR, drink coffee.

>> No.1964334

Working on my first animation production (Along with setting up my company with my inheritance that I've gotten. We've just been working out the writing, character's and scenarios now for the past month or two. I'm just now inking some of the characters, Along with ONE of the major set pieces. I have a guy I've contacted for sound effects and theme songs ect. I'll pretty much be doing a good amount of the voice work. Also the animating as well. I can draw certain things pretty well. I'm great with shapes, and certain design structures. Also the great thing I love about this animation that is key, is that it will be retro-scripted. So there's a lot of fun to be had. However I'm working on something I've never touched upon which is realism, along with shadows. Both of which have me fucked so I'm spending hours a day as of a couple of days ago busting my ass off. I just finished an egg (which took around two hours and I'm pretty sure it's still wrong)

I can draw a cool looking, cyber punk egg, with lasers and a bunch of sci fi shit? (It's not as gay as it sounds) But will it be ultra realistic? Nope. Will it atleast be interesting to look at? Yeah. It also has me thinking, if anyone can answer, for certain artists, and cartoonists, you see them draw these whacky characters with odd shapes and "styles" (for example Garnet from Steven Universe) but do you think all of them know how to draw characters in the form of realism? like the advanced fundamentals and so forth, or do some people just start out drawing in a cartoonist style (which I know varies, but rarely will you see realism for obvious reasons) and sticks with.

tl;dr for the question part, do they you think all cartoonists/artists need to know how to draw a character in realism? or do they never touch that and just go on? or maybe have touched it but will never need to?

Sorry for the rant, but yeah my goal is to complete this animation and send it out to networks, hopefully one of them pick it up.

>> No.1964337

whats this site?

>> No.1964339
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ADD isn't real.
>drink coffee
this or just wake up early..people only need 5/6 hours of sleep

>> No.1964342

But the log is yours? Impressive to be so productive despite having ADHD.
Drinking caffeine makes it worse for me (have tried).
I don't experience flow, so guess I just have to keep trying to finding a self-forcing system :) I tried blocking the internet but that didn't work either. Thanks for the input.

>> No.1964344


>> No.1964358

no, log is not mine, i was responding to someone else. because ADHD is a higher state and caffeine is a stimulant, they cancel out and bring people down to a nuerotypical state.

depending on the amount of caffeine, such as the kind in tea, soda or coffee, you may have different results. it also helps if your drink doesnt taste disgusting.

rescuetime, install it. I haven't checked mine in a while but I've also been busy with the start of college and other shit.

>> No.1964371
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I wanna earn money.

>> No.1964373


>> No.1964375

I want to draw better than my sister - she is 4 yrs older and went to RISD.

>> No.1964388

>ManicTime and rescue time

considering the amount of fags in this place, I bet one of you uses Mac or Linux? if Linux can you tell me if you got it working?

I wanna recommend to a Linux user.

>> No.1964417

I'm using windows.

>> No.1964430
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I just want to be like Vilppu

>> No.1964501
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My highly unrealistic goal is to be one of the top animators in the world.

Although my goals are a bit unclear in which direction i want to go with the style of animation. I really want to animate in a style of draftsmanship of you yoshinari combinated with western style of ren n stimpy or ed edd n eddy. Plus to animate mostly in 1s or 2s on slow stuff. I dream of making crazy action scenes of fighting, shooting, explosions, dynamic camera movements and intense facial expressions.

But my short term goal is to make a decent following and to work freelance and earn money a bit to be less hungry.

speaking of making animations, im also making one myself and i need a music composer. Any ideas where can i find someone who would do for like an trade or something?

>> No.1964528

I second this anon. On top of drawing, I also play a few instruments and sculpt, but god damn I could never get anything done. I thought for a few years, honestly. I had a mix of depression in there too. Finally looked into it a few weeks back since I quit my awful job and had time to devote myself to piecing together a portfolio, and I blew out the symptoms a dozen times over.
They put me on something called Vyvanse, similar to Adderall. I think it's too low of a dosage but it's kind of fucking incredible what a difference it makes. You know that instinctive urge to jump off shit after about 10 minutes or so, and when you fight it you get agitated with whatever you're on the longer you fight?
That shit goes away. You now have the choice to stay on what you're working on and see it through, or just go do something else. For me, it was like everything simply slowed down and all the racing thoughts in my head cleared up.

Look into it anon, once you've ruled out lack of self control or motivation as an issue.

Hm. I drink coffee with my med and I'm not sure if that's such a good idea now.

>> No.1964536

I just want for someone to come up to me one day while im drawing outside and say
>"thats him! Thats the guy we need for this job!"
And then ill be happier.

Hell, im already in such a good mood I might get an actual gf tonight

>> No.1964538

get paid cash money on patreon for shitting out fanart

>> No.1964545

i want to
draw porn for the internet
draw portraits for the people i know
use drawing to solve everyday problems like explaining things, making notes or to illustrate projects

>> No.1964553

what's wrong with steven universe? it's pretty cute

>> No.1964554

>use drawing to solve everyday problems like explaining things, making notes or to illustrate projects

Increase your Scott Robertson game son

>> No.1964574

how do I scott robertson and how is this person going to help me

>> No.1964578

I want to have a really expansive lore based website. The lore will center around various worlds I'm building. It will have annual animation shorts that take place in said worlds.

>> No.1964583

Who's that dyke?

>> No.1964596

I'm i You, in Philosophy goals? Expect I'm in Canada, Vancouver where studios are available but very hidden from the public. One Problem it feels unlocal like no one had ever opened an open type studio where anyone can work and produce ideas, even better contribute to the city

Someday i want to produce original cartoon franchises acting like instructions for life.

>im also making one myself and i need a music composer
At least I'm lucky enough one of my friends is a experienced piano player that's how i found one.

>> No.1964617

>tl;dr for the question part itself
I don't know how to explain this, but trying to draw the character in realism wold be an interesting design experiment especially noticing changes needed to be made on concept.

Think of it as an extra piece of concept

>> No.1964626 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 547x305, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to create an award winning animated short film, and be recognized for it and my artwork, but i want to do everything by myself, i feel like if i don't even do the smallest thing and someone helps me on it then i am a mediocre artist, i am not a fan of paying someone to do something for me if i can also do it
but in reality i might end up needing help, i might not even finish it and give up if i tried it myself

>> No.1964627
File: 37 KB, 547x305, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to create an award winning animated short film, and be recognized for it and my artwork, but i want to do everything by myself, i feel like if i don't even do the smallest thing and someone helps me on it then i am a mediocre artist, i am not a fan of paying someone to do something for me if i can also do it
but in reality i might end up needing help, i might not even finish it and give up if i tried it myself

>> No.1964676

Make games

>> No.1964681

I don't suppose I have any extraordinarily farfetched ambitions, all I really want to do is push the limits of my potential and gain a fair amount of mastery within my craft.

Well, that and maybe getting good enough to the point where I can actually feed myself.

>> No.1964688

if you think the dosing is too low then the coffee could help supplement your medication. I drink diet pepsi and mountain dew in between the day since I take short release Ritalin the may last longer or shorter depending on my mood and experience. You just have to be kind of mindful because if you do drink too much, you might circle right back around to interactive hyperactivity again.

by the way i love this thread even though I'm not OP, i hope all of you anons don't beat yourself up while you try to achieve your dreams.

just make good art.


>> No.1964761

I want to be a comic book artist. I want to be a really really good comic book artist. I want to be the kind of good that when you do a run on a book your run becomes one of THE runs. And after ten years or so of company work I want to move onto my own project, the story I've been planning for five years now. And I want THAT to be REALLY good, and successful enough to earn me a shitload of money in licensing.

I want "Fuck you" money, enough to buy me a permanent residence in the United States so I can get of this liberal shithole they call Canada and move to Nevada, where the goverment knows how I chose to defend myself is none of their fucking busienss. I want to use my "Fuck you" money to build a compound in the desert with a luxurious studio, extensive fortifications and a good shelter and escape hatch. And I'll arm myself with as much firepower as they will let me have.

Once I'm good and ready I can finally create my masterpiece, about how Mohammed is a fucking FAGGOT and all of his disciples are CUNTS and if any of them want to come fuck with me they can go right ahead. And I can spend the rest of my life in my own paradise killing every one of those stinky fucks that comes after me.

>> No.1964896
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>do you think all cartoonists/artists need to know how to draw a character in realism?
yes for the love of god

Look at how well Rebecca Sugar can draw. If you can't draw how things really look, you'll have no idea how to stylize them, and cartoons always take a hell of a lot better draftsmanship than first they appear to.

Yes, it's pretty cute. That's about it. Considering how amazing her previous stuff was, I expected something better.

It's not really worth it. I write, direct, voice act, animate, color, and compose the music for my films, but for the most part, no one cares. My friends and family think it's cool, and occasionally some random viewer will notice, but ultimately all the matters is the final product, and one person spreading themselves thin will go unappreciated if the work suffers for it.

>> No.1964901

I think for many of us, the problem is that we don't get our dicks sucked from being better than the "I can't even draw stick figures" retards. We lose hope thinking: "at this rate my dick will never get sucked."

Guess what fags, your dick sure as hell ain't going to get sucked by lurking on 4chan. So get back to work, and one day you just might get some good head and it'll all be worth it.

>> No.1964904

I just wanna sell my shit, have exhibits, be known for eccentric shit, use my fame to help the world in a positive way, have people kiss my ass.
That's about it, really.

>> No.1964905

I wanna draw better than joe mad and jim lee together.

>> No.1964914

>Joe Mad + Jim Lee

Joe Mad + Jim Lee = Jim Lee because Mad is an artistic zero.

>> No.1964920

Patreon 1-2k every 2 weeks.

>> No.1964930

Become good enough for my art heroes to admire my work.

Or good enough for me to look down on very good artists.

Also I would like to earn a good amount of dosh.

>> No.1964953

>all these animators ITT

We're all gun make it brahs!

>> No.1964961

I want to make comics, maybe simplistic video games, maybe even a goddamn mishmash between the two. Just something that doesn't require a huge team of people, something where it can be more personal project tier and be able to live off of that. I live for nothing except for my personal projects, having anything else suck the time away from it is depressing.

>> No.1964994

How many do you have now? If zero, interested in a pledge for pledge? (I have zero...)

>> No.1965009

I want to make an animated movie. A feature lenght, two goddamn hours long animated movie. And have it not be shit, it would look good and I wouldn't be ashamed to be associated with it.

I'm shit now, but I could live for another fifty years. I don't care if animation gets replaced by holodecks, this is my ultimate goal.

>> No.1965013

I just want to be good enough to be established and to have a constant stream of job offers, so I can pick and choose the ones I like.

Then I'll move to Alaska or something and just live all alone like an art hermit.

>> No.1965035

got any production art to post?

>> No.1965038

it sounds like you're not a very good artist and are wasting your inheritance.

>> No.1965060
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>what's wrong with steven universe

It reeks of cultural marxism, sjw, feminism and degeneracy overall.
It gets painful when she tries to slip these tumblr progreshun ideas in a favoring light, like in that episode, where the fat dwarf traps steven and lars in a desert island, but it's ok, because she did it for love, or that one where they have a family dinner with the muslim girl and steven takes his dad and the three gems, clearly hinting at unconventional family units (fags, dykes, retardkin-genderfluid-polyamorous-system-neutois-queers), and the most recent one, where steven fuses with allahu akbar girl and they become...something, a huge menorah tip to all those sexual freaks in tumblr.


Besides, it has pretty mediocre storytelling, you have 5 chapters of aimless character development and wacky antics, and then one that actually advances the story somewhere, but I can't really complaint about that though, most western cartoons are like that.

Anyway, that's what's wrong with steven universe.

>> No.1965067


I want to master everything.


>> No.1965084

or maybe you're what's wrong with steven universe

>> No.1965093
File: 11 KB, 251x249, Oh boy here we go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1965095

so is steven universe are stuff kiddies watch these days? no wonder a lot join the ISIS. absolute haram.

>> No.1965104

I dream of my future.

Large windows. Outside I can see the white mountains and watch the snowfall. Several feet have accumulated. I load another log into my wood stove. A cup of hot chocolate as I watch the snow in contemplation. My great dane Frank is at my side, watching with me. Break is over. Large. Nice work surface. All of the equipment I could ever need is at my finger tips. Drawing station, digital station, painting station, cleaning station. Very well organized. I don't need music, just the ticking of my clock and the scratch of my pen. I work all day on my comic. No deadlines, no pressure. I don't have to work long hours but I enjoy it. Inking is done, tomorrow I will hand color with Dr Ph Martin dyes. I load more wood into the stove and walk upstairs to my loft bedroom. Large bed for one. Snow still falls in the black night, accumulating on the roof of my comfortably sized log house. Life is amazing.

It's rough when I wake up from it.

>> No.1965117


>> No.1965159


Nah that's just you

>> No.1965289

Live of my skill, make videogame art, concept art, anything that involves art, maybe patreon, have a nice shedule, family, be a master. Skill level right now: 1

>> No.1965291
File: 137 KB, 500x728, please consider the followinghti7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spoon feeding liberal cuckolds is shit, but you are doing with godly grace bro.

>> No.1965295
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I am waiting for the day when I finally become a drifter. Cycling thru the city looking for new places to post my camp and in order to sell works on the sidewalk.

Once I decide a town has become dry of cash I may fly off again to another state, like a bird in the winter.

>> No.1965306

Make money.

Get recognised.

Surpass my senpai.

>> No.1965327

it really is cute when goony ass fucking nerds on the internet want to pretend like they're intense social conservatives and traditionalists when all they've really done is transpose their fear and hatred of minorities onto everyone else their heroes (pat buchanan, evola, hitler) also seem to dislike.

Not a single one of them has seriously felt or pondered the existential threat of modernity, they just read in their gay nazi internet articles and pdfs that "HEY THE HOMOS ARE ALSO BAD FOR SOME REASON" and then just believe it. It's not like personal experience will help guide them in what is and isn't moral because they're huge, huge fucking nerds who don't fucking go outside to socialize with actual people, and they cant discover or think about shit on their own. /pol/acks are nothing like christian conservatives or hardcore islamists - they don't actually fucking care about morality or traditionalism and do a bad job of convincing themselves that they do in the slightest. Since they have no genuine moral concerns beehind their empty moralizing, they're reduced to a bunch of gayass buzzwords ("degeneracy", "non-traditional family units", "sexual freaks in tumblr") they themselves barely understand why they're against. A lot like actual politicians!

Not a single fucking /pol/ack knows shit about Christopher Lasch, Ernst Jünger, Nietszche, Hillaire Belloc, G.K Chesterton, and not a single one can discuss what unites or seperates them. Moralizing is not their game, racism is. It seems his only issue with this children's cartoon is that it seems to promote "tumblr progeshun ideas". If tumblr did not exist and his racist internet blogs did not decry it, he would have no fucking problem with it. Its not like he can look at the world without the internet helping him.

i need to go back to nicolaides and my ged homework, i spent an hour writing this dear god why

>> No.1965343
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Being able to draw a person without reference
>tfw we all gonna make it

>> No.1965351
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>i spent an hour writing this dear god why

this sentence is the pure spirit of your post. you are so self centered and small.

it's disgusting to read such a ignorant (and equally dismissive) and at the same time egotistical narrative.

you really think you are the first one to read Nietzche?

>> No.1965427

How dare you associate a pic of Julius with such a shit post ?

>> No.1965431
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>this autistic rage festival

>> No.1965491

I don't really need the money, and honestly the thought of turning art into a career seems like a hell of a lot of work for peanuts in return. Patreon shekels might be nice someday, but this will always be a hobby for me.

My goal is to get to pro level so I can make fanart that causes random internet strangers to tell me how great I am. Also for people IRL to tell me how much they love my drawings. (Happened for the first time to me last week. Shit was so cash). That's all I really want, just admiration and fans.

>> No.1965568


I want to get good enough to stand on par with great illustrators and conceptartist or surpass them, work on a small gamestudio that does well, has reasonable amount of dedicated fans and is financially stable.
I'd also like to do some Patreon$$$ or whatever will be the hot shit when I'd gitgud as well as comissions and personal works.
Also some porn on the side, mainly because I always feel there's not enough quality works to fap to.

Also#2 I'd love to get serious amount of admiration on internets for my work. Feels so damn great.

>> No.1965572

Patreon enough to quit my day job.

If I can live well off of my scultping, I'd be super hype.

>> No.1965573

I want to be able to draw well and make webcomics that get decently popular, as well as make prints/books/merch etc. that I can sell.

But I want to do this while having a full time nursing job as well to provide for my family. Hopefully I can balance and manage both...

>> No.1965574


Patreon is fucking bubble just like everything else, if you didn't get in on it in the beginning you're fucked

>> No.1965576

>tfw I will never me Sakimi-chan

>> No.1965583

>you're self-obsessed and arrogant

compared to racist shut ins on the internet, yes, absolutely

>> No.1965584

Get my fictions animated, maybe by me, and live out of what I gain with that. For the time being I have to deal with fucking ADD and studying to get to an university before my parents kick me out.

>> No.1965585


>> No.1965599
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>roughly 314,000 a year
What the fuck. What am I doing with my life?

>> No.1965603

>what's your dream
just make something great that will be remembered by some
webcomic, illustration, book cover, whatever
it doesn't have to be alot of people but I hope to touch some hearts out there like how other people's creation touched mine.

>> No.1965634
File: 79 KB, 867x1100, 121JackBK-Black-Mens-Deluxe-Pirate-Boots-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been a bit since since I posted here so I'll talk back a bit. Guy who wrote about his company.

I have a professional sound engineer, who I've known for about ten years now, I just sent the effects list. I could connect with him, or a couple of my other friends, I also know a couple of other people in sound production, it's quite weird funny the amount of people going into sound production these days.
Also man best of luck!


Hmmm well man well personally I find that interesting, isn't Canada known producing quite a bit of animations? I mean what about that whole CN boom where a pretty good chunk of cartoons from like 2006-12 were coming from? done in that very cut and dry style (no offence or anything)

Ah thank you for your explanation and input my friend. That's honestly what I was thinking the whole time, but was unsure. Also it looks as if that's a flip book, do you have the full gif/webm by any chance?

I'll post some later in the beginner thread, I'll have a website and some things up soon enough for people to follow~ I'm glad you're interested broseph.

Yeah man it's a huge gamble. But I'm getting a lot better. Everything is working out the way I want it too. Honestly that's all that matters, constructive work from my team and that we're all happy and functioning.

To all my fellow animators in the thread. Hopefully we're all going to make it bros! Much love!

>> No.1965644

Exactly. Every time I look at her patreon, I get overwhelmed with sadness.
I see people on /ic/ who are better than her. She's literally only famous from drawing Elsa when she was on the hype train.. and then genderbending every disney princess.

>> No.1965660
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I wanna start a little drawing group with maybe 5 or so people in it
but we will all be homeless living together scavenging and selling art on the streets
We will wear uniform cloaks that conceal our identities
We'll have little waist bags concealed in our cloaks with mini watercolour paints and sketchbooks
We'll draw on the fly and run to each town orderly like ninjas
We'll be on the news as mysterious outlaw group of artists paint beautiful masterpieces but then vanish leaving only behind drawings sold to people
Everyone in the group will be an exceptional master in their own unique style of art and we aim to make technical skill respected in the artsy world once more

This is my autismal fantasy but I think it's really cool

>> No.1965668


I'd be up for this..fuck yeah!

>> No.1965680

The most retarded, childish fantasy I've heard in a long time. You gave me a good laugh you fucking weebo.

>> No.1965689

just remember there are kids who could never ever lift a finger in their lives and still die with more money than you could ever possibly make in your life.

>> No.1965691

the thing about patreon is you already need to be popular to make decent money, unlike kickstater which can be easily abused. patreon is more like paypal than kickstarter/indiegogo

>> No.1965694

I don't even know how to respond to this

>> No.1965742
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>It reeks of cultural marxism, sjw, feminism and degeneracy overall.

I've noticed this in a lot of shows now and i agree its starting to get on my nerves aswell.
When Adventure time first came out it didn't bothered me as much since the story was okay except that simplistic tumblr style tho.
But now it seems that every show has adopted the hugbox mode. Lots of cartoons today have shitty jokes, lame story but at the very end there is this "except everyone no matter what" message at the end and suddenly it is the most inspirational show ever. The studios pander to the degenerates, and of course they support the show with all their might, and then the people who are afraid that they might appear as skinhead nazi kitler will also support the show.
At the end its only the message that matter and the actual story telling.
Sound the olifants, the chivalry has arrived.

>> No.1965965
File: 32 KB, 480x361, Rqj4l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you my friend, is good to know that this place isn't completely filled with retards.
>the people who are afraid that they might appear as skinhead nazi hitler will also support the show.
I find this to be extremely discouraging and disgusting, just seeing the ammount of people that won't speak up due fear of being ostracized by these asholes is astaounding.
Notice how can they get away with doing whatever the fuck they want, but when they get questioned for it they just dismmiss everything as "ignorance", "racism", "sexism", "bigotry", "*insert a type of retard*-phobia" and shut down any further discussion.
Maybe you could stay on topic and actually adress my claims, but I know you can't, so, nice 1 hour ad hominem, faggot.

And btw, no one mentioned homosexuals, but if you're so eager to bring that shit to the table, it's better that you do some actual reaserch on them beyond your politically correct bullshit.
Dipping your dick in shit is in no way intelligent or even correct if you value your health and life.
I sincerely pity you, you cock slurping nilhist asswhipe.

>> No.1966243

Get fucked nigga this ain't the place to get your panties in a bunch over this.

You actually wrote all this shit like this motherfucker had challenged and is a threat to your world view, come the fuck on, know better than this doing this shit online especially on the wrong board, your supposed to ignore off topic shit like that.

>> No.1966634

Bitch asked a question, I answered.
The ones getting their panties in a buch are the faggots going "nu-uh".

>> No.1966672

>i need to go back to nicolaides

If you're actually following Nicolaides retarded regimen, you're as dumb at art as you are at politics.

>> No.1966695

I want to become a comic book artist for Marvel. Any company will do, but Marvel holds a special place in my heart.

The main goal would be to be able to live comfortably off of penciling comics.

>> No.1966703

man, i only try to do a nicolaides schedule every other day. I have more rounded art education than you, you wouldn't believe how much work i put in.

p.s today was one of the worst days of my life. is arguing on the internet bad luck? Maybe, man, maybe

yea, i'm self aware enough to know how retarded my arguing with an off topic post was, im gay as hell

>> No.1966730

> I have more rounded art education than you, you wouldn't believe how much work i put in.

Nah, scrub, I been doing art hardcore for 11 years and I'm in the industry now. Srsly, tho, dump Nicolaides.

>> No.1966810

I just want to learn how to draw. It's been my new years resolution for like 3 years and I always feel lost. I finally just picked up a manga figure tutorial online because it seemed the least daunting.

Then once i develop a good habit and understanding of how to move my pencil when it touches paper. I want to get away from cliche anime girls and do cyberpunk type stuff

>> No.1966856

I just want to create content like stories and share it with people who have the same interests. Hell, I don't even care if Im not credited. I just want to make things people will find fun or at least decent. Inproving is also fun although Im slow at it to be honest.

>> No.1966893

I at least want to make a substantial amount of money in making comics.

>> No.1966908

I'm a resident physician so I just draw for fun. I'd like get better for my own enjoyment and see how good I can get. It does help the patients as well when they can understand what I'm drawing instead of general shapes and telling them this is their X.

>> No.1966919
File: 30 KB, 601x695, 1339369517399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to draw for people, and I want them to say "good job anon, that's exactly what we needed".

I just wanna be of use to somebody.
This is all

>> No.1966921

That will do pig, that will do.

>> No.1967027
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thats beautiful

>> No.1967033

>I want to draw for people, and I want them to say "good job anon, that's exactly what we needed".
if you're not drawing for your self than stop now.

>> No.1967038


If pleasing others pleases him then drawing for others is essentially drawing for himself.


>> No.1967268

getting paid without having to do commisons

>> No.1967331
File: 677 KB, 695x900, 5a3723c53ed0b001d350ae79419c8a42-d8foa93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>das creepy mane

>> No.1967352

Rebecca Sugar. She was a storyboard artist and animator for Adventure Time, now she has her own show, Steven Universe.

>> No.1967407

More than a quarter of a million dollars a year for drawing cute faces.

kr0npr1nz makes 6 figures from copying all his pictures and pasting his cute cut and paste faces onto them. He learned to draw faces basically. He makes 6 figures for

>drawing faces

He doesn't even have to think up compositions, colors, lighting, pose, subject matter, subject because he takes all of his from other works.

Let that sink in.

>> No.1967422

I wanna be in that group

>> No.1967427
File: 24 KB, 640x480, _DB__Naruto_Shippuuden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uniform cloaks
>waist bags
Future Deidara right here

>> No.1967457

>She's literally only famous from drawing Elsa
She's been around a lot longer than Frozen mayn. And she's been popular on DA for a while now.

>> No.1967471

Yeah, I don't normally feel the need to step in and defend an artist, but she has been posting good work on DA for at least 8 years now.

>> No.1967512
File: 78 KB, 900x900, tfwsadanddepressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish to be an animator and have my own show. But that will never happen since I have extreme social anxiety.

I wish I could leave this room for once... sigh...

>> No.1967517

If you can learn to work hard with art you can learn to fix anxiety
Read books on fixing social anxiety, there's like a hundred of them as audiobooks on piratebay

>> No.1967545
File: 1017 KB, 848x900, 1394071695993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leave /fit/ because it depressed me more than encourage me
>Start coming here
>Same thing
>Depressing shit everywhere

Your thread failed badly OP.

>> No.1967558

>Leave /fit/ because it depressed me more than encourage me
That's strange, /fit/ actually got me out of my depression. /fit/izens are dicks to you because they love you and want you to make it, bro.

>> No.1967709

I don't get it, if you're a doctor why the fuck would you care about making money off drawing? Are you really that pushed for money?
So, do you do commissions for money or just requests then? What is your goal?

>> No.1967856

>implying being social is the only thing keeping you back

>forgetting you lack the skills

>> No.1969404

anonymity brings out the worse in people, anon. It's going to be like this no matter where you go here.

>> No.1969411

i want to make the next homestuck

>> No.1969419

I used to draw furry stuff for fun but now I draw it for money because I need the money to do the stuff I want to do in daily life.

I also want to be an animator for Japanese animation, because i love how complex it is compared to other types. I feel i've got a chance at it where I'm headed with my animation currently, it's just breaking through the whole work visa thing by getting a job for 4 years, or going to college for 4 years. why does the US make everything so complicated.

>> No.1969428
File: 762 KB, 300x170, Nichijou laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I also want to be an animator for Japanese animation

>> No.1969429

Not sure I see where the humour in that is anon? It's a legitimate desire. I don't mind the shitty pay because I live a really simple lifestyle in terms of expenses. And I've already bought everything I wanted with commission money. So there wouldn't be an issue about wanting stuff in the future.

>> No.1969436


>> No.1969439

Not sure who Doxy is. Unless we're talking about Onta, because that's the only other person I can recall ever being nicknamed doxy...

>> No.1969440

I just want to be good and be able to shit out pieces without running into walls.

>> No.1969442
File: 362 KB, 640x469, Shirobako anime salaries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you realize how shitty the pay really is, not to mention Tokyo is one of the most expensive cities in the world (and the surrounding cities aren't much better). And of course, why would they hire a foreigner if they have people in Japan already lining up?

If you just want to animate something complex, there's plenty of opportunities to do so in the US; even Adventure Time had A-lister James Baxter animate one episode. And if you really can't find anything, do it yourself.

>> No.1969446

Those voice actors though.

>> No.1969448

Yeah, they only get paid around $300 USD a week. probably even less.

They may consider a foreigner because of the dual language thing [knowing german, english ,and japanese would be a plus /: ] As well as foreign animators that specialise in a certain type of animation [for example, robot fight scenes, smoke animation, etc].

I 'd really rather not animate US cartoons. It doesn't have the animation style or seriousness that i'd prefer with animation.

And I am doing it myself, in terms of animation. That's why I'm not moping around 'wishing' i could animate professionally. I will do it. Just like anyone could make their art better if they will themselves to improve over time.

>> No.1969449

hard task

>> No.1969450

Fuck i meant 200. Same difference. I can easily live off of $8000 or less, since I currently already do. Even working from overseas, would be nice. That's how most foreign animators currently do it. It's how to avoid the whole work visa thing.

>> No.1969453

What would knowing multiple languages be used for as an animator. They could have one that speaks fluent Japanese so there is no miscommunication

>> No.1969456

You could be used as a translator on the side. Though that's a completely different job opportunity. I only know one other animator who's gotten a job based on their animation skills and dual language capabilities so it may not be that important, but it is a bit sought after in certain areas of the art industry in Japan if job listings online are any indication. This is only considering foreigners who actually go to work IN japan. i dont think the companies online care much if they speak different languages or not, as long as you can produce the artwork within the specified time frame online.

>> No.1969689

Anyone here have seen the Modigliani movie from 2004? There is a scene where Picasso pays for a meal with a quick sketch. And when asked to sign it he says "I said I'm buying dinner, not the restaurant"
Also, when Renoir talks about his succes he says he bought the mansion with just two paintings

>> No.1969698


>Moralizing is not their game, racism is

The name of the game is collectivism, faggot, and everyone plays it whether you like it or not.

>> No.1969701

If you are frustrated with the evolution of western animation and hate the way Japanese animation has gone just make your own independent shit.

Why do so many people feel like they have to obey another business model because that company says so? There was a thread here I saw on /ic/ about all these animators who wanna do shit. All of you should group up and make something instead of NEETing it up.

>> No.1969706

i like the way japan animation is, that's why i want to work there. i'm making animations, and that helps me improve. it's better than doing, like you said, NEETing it up [whatever that means, not familiar with 4chan lingo]

though it would be interesting to see all these animators on 4chan getting together to make something. i'd be interested.

>> No.1969709

Picasso sounds like a cunt. Buy your meal with cash asshole.

>> No.1969981

>it would be interesting to see all these animators on 4chan getting together to make something
Unlikely to occur. The problem was never a lack of skilled artist, but the difficulty of organising and managing a collaborative project, especially one of such magnitude as an animated short film (or whatever you have in mind). Who has the energy and focus to direct all those aspiring amateur animators? Would anyone emerge to take on key positions? Are we even mature enough to work together and accept a rudimentary hierarchy?

It would be cool if there was a successful project, though. Not gonna disagree there.

>> No.1970313


>though it would be interesting to see all these animators on 4chan getting together to make something. i'd be interested.

That's actually a thing, though we're not a "board project" anymore. We're just together for fun, and for educational purposes. We're on our second try at making a short at the moment, and we have at least 8 people that regularly stick around. The rizon irc is #/a/nimation if you're interested in checking it out.


As a coordinator on ours I can agree that it's very difficult to manage, especially when you have to juggle your own shit as well. Hopefully once I get portfolios and a few other things out of the way I'll be able to manage my time better.

>> No.1970459

May I ask what that is that you're using? If it is anything. I would like to keep track of how many hours I spend on a particular site, to keep on course.

>> No.1970460
File: 408 KB, 624x345, you just don't understand.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this guy's never watched DBZ as a kid and then wondered what fusion with all sorts of character combinations would end up being like.
You retroactively had no childhood.

>> No.1970487
File: 119 KB, 600x903, 1366596466128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What some anons here don't seem to realize is the amazing amount of restrictions TV channels put onto you when you work on a show. Your pitch could be the shit, but they'd still make you change everything just to get the most shekels out of it. You get royally fucked in the ass as a creator.

Remember Motorcity from Titmouse? The original concept of it was pretty interesting, but they had to overhaul and water down the entire thing to get the green light. And still it got cancelled halfway the season because the merchandise didn't sell enough, like with so many other shows. I wouldn't be surprised if Rebecca Sugar had more in mind as well.
The same bullshit is happening with animated movies, which have a similar strict set of guidelines regarding plot and character design for maximum milking. Disney does this, Dreamworks does it too. I can only hope Pixar recovers from their bullshit lately.

Steven Universe is pretty damn unconventional as it is with the way the cast is composed, while not obviously being targeted at little girls. And it turns out to be a well-rated show amongst both boys and girls, so with some luck we get more of this stuff in the future, but better.
There's barely an overarching story because TV channels want episodic shows. Episodic shows statistically drag in more viewers since they don't feel like they 'missed out' on important information, and because they don't require them to be aired in order. Kids just aren't as picky as we are.

>> No.1970536

I like Steven Universe a lot. I'd consider ol Becky Sucrose a hero of mine as well.

>> No.1970556

I always wonder if I would be a good director. I have the vision, I'm pretty good with people, and I know a little of everything, but so far I've just done everything myself.

>> No.1971741


Hey sorry, you must have come in when most of us where out or asleep. Email me at symbionictashy@gmail.com or try coming back to the irc another time.

>> No.1971742


Jesus Christ I'm tired.

>> No.1971745

make living with manga, doesn't have to be published or anything, even just through support patreon would be enough.

>> No.1971748

>There's barely an overarching story because TV channels want episodic shows.
most of the people on for dont get that they make these for children not manchildren

>> No.1972180

>What my highly unrealistic goal?
To go to CalArts(or any other good art collage in the US) and then get a job at Disney as an animator , working on shows and movies and maybe create one someday.

>How unrealistic it is?
Well, for starters, I'm at the opposite side of the globe, Art school is expensive and my art still pretty bad to even get a scholarship.

>Am I still going for it?
Because I love animation and how much work it's put into it. I want meet the amazing people in the industry and work with them. I want to be a part of something that will maybe give others something to look forward to, make them feel, give them a different view or just something to simply enjoy.

I'm gonna get gud. Comparing my work from last year, I already making improvements and out of a massive flunk from last year as well. I'm still got a lot to learn but instead of thinking it's a large boulder, I think it as something to look forward learning to improve.
Also I have stupidly high optimistic.

But I admit I'm not sure I'll be able to make it but hey, it's worth a shot.

>> No.1972201

Make a overly compclated plot, draw it out, add a long text underneath and you're good.

>> No.1972204

Don't forget to learn Japanese.

>> No.1972217


If you live in the EU/EEA you can go to an equally good school for almost free.


>> No.1972218

>What my highly unrealistic goal?
Set up own clothing brand a la omocat, become small business owner, make enough to live off of it

>How unrealistic it is?
Not that unrealistic I guess, but how2business, also poor

>Am I still going for it?

Childhood dream. Also clothes are a big part of my life

Research printers + manufacturers, set up online store, promote and get a bigger fanbase, sell at cons, try and expand to bigger audience

>> No.1972250

I want to be remembered as a horrible person, who, as a saving grace, at least was pretty good at painting.

who is this semen deamon?

>> No.1972303

>long term art goals
Well paid.
Senior level. Lead, producer or art director.
Worked with one hollywood-tier movie.

>unrealistic, fantasy, delusional
Maybe. But I got further than I initially thought.
Published on front page of games newspaper.
Worked on AAA title.
Had over 10 million users to produce artwork for.
Today I'm senior level artist.

>> No.1972308
File: 2.00 MB, 315x315, 1345374161434.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking 9gag and reddit

>> No.1972319

Well, the fantasy/delusion is to git gud and write a book. This book will pretty much be the story concept and the art concept behind game. In between story telling I'll have the concept pictures and stuff that tie in to the story as it progresses, a picture book really. Then somehow acquire $500,000,000 to start my own vidya company, vidya team, vidya console, then finally the game (game will be a godly hit). Get rich as fuck, buy a continent, fuck all other countries by killing the people in power (jews), then live the remainder of my days happy and free, dictating and making more vidya hits.

>> No.1972935

Not EU, Asia. But that link looks good and definitely something to consider. Thanks.

Any other animation schools to consider?
I like to find one that will give me a strong foundation.

>> No.1972958

There is a "procrastination working routine" which tells you to time your working sessions: 10 minutes of working and then 2 minutes of "fun" which can be anything from surfing random websites or just staring in the void, its important that in those 2 minutes you dont do anything work related.. There is software like InstantBoss for Windows which helps you time it exactly and notifies you with a sound when its time to work/break.

We live in a difficult time nowadays in which we get bombarded with mass media that programs us to lazy dumb little slaves, all you can do is to notice it and to really ask yourself what it is that you want. When you are like "uhh maybe I should be an artist xd" it might not be the path to pursue because that might not be what you really believe but what you think that you should think.

Nothing speaks against browsing funny pix a little every now and then but it should not become the main portion of your daily activity.
ADD might be a nice excuse but reality is that at least !95%! of what you do is happening subconsciously and although I do not know you, there is a great chance that you are trapped in a vicious cycle of bad habits/addictions.
But by consciously taking control of your actions you can break the cycle; it takes around 30 days to break an old habit/addiction, so it'll be a very tough ride.
You say that you have a small attention span but I challenge you to find out for yourself: Can you sit still for 30 minutes without thinking of anything? Without rating any noise around you but just focusing on your own breath without ending up in daydreams ? Just sit down on your bed and literally do nothing; do not think but just focus on your own breathing.
It might be hard to achieve it in midst of your daily routine, so do it after waking up in the morning or before going to sleep.
Because when you say "I want.." you must ask yourself if that's really true, because I'm telling you that you can accomplish anything.

>> No.1972962

With enough determination you can train your mind and your self-discipline. It just has to be what you really want, so ask yourself if you want to rot in front of your computer screen doing nothing but mentally devouring seven second videos and image sequences and then have nothing to look back on a week later; OR if you actually want to put your time and effort into something that can bloom at the end of every single day; that you can look back upon and proudly say to yourself "I have accomplished something!"
Everyone has his own different story - I get it, but what I'm telling you is, that this immeasurable and unlimited consumption of entertainment mass media is dangerous and will ruin us all if you are not careful with it.

I use ManicTime, its free and keeps track of all the programs you use over the course of the day and if you want you can inspect your browser activity too (it keeps track by website /window title not specifically URL). But I am not sure what to think about timing yourself so strictly. It has no use to start into the day with the sole aim of "arghh I MUST work at least X hours", because the quality of your work will likely suffer. If you can keep it minimized and forget about it, and then look back just out of curiosity its fine

>> No.1972974

who the heck is this ugly ass cunt and why do i have to keep seeing her in the catalog.