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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1963227 No.1963227 [Reply] [Original]

I'm mad right now, why?

A 19 year old girl from my school drew this, why is she so good and young at the same time? What is her secret technique? How can I become as good as her?

>> No.1963228
File: 279 KB, 2048x1127, 10922297_1581250132088237_6645072338913701988_o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also hers.

>> No.1963231
File: 157 KB, 2048x1365, 10634033_1580177622195488_1441440495565247653_o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also from her.

>> No.1963235

1. Git

2. Gud

>> No.1963238

shes not that good

>> No.1963241

She draws, you don't.
She enjoys it, you don't.

Pick one or two, and stay mad.

>> No.1963242

she probably draws a lot.
there are even younger artists who are better.

>> No.1963243

Try eating her heart, you'll absorb her powers.

>> No.1963244
File: 15 KB, 399x299, noice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seduce her
>convince her to get naked
>get closer in for a kiss
>and then.. you suck on her tit and suck the art juices out of her
>attain her art skills plus yours on top

worked for me anon, go give it a try

>> No.1963245

>not seeing potential
you're not very good, are you?

>> No.1963248

she hot?

>> No.1963249

She most likely started drawing before you and currently draws more frequently than you
Don't beat yourself up because she's ahead of you, just focus on getting yourself to her pace comfortably and if you wanna get better than her you've gotta go faster than that.
Don't let comparing yourself to her stress you out otherwise you'll hate your life

>> No.1963250

>seduce anyone
>implying im good looking

>> No.1963253
File: 251 KB, 500x375, 1408675753307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's probably busy drawing her ass off everyday, and not posting jealousy on the internet.

First rule, don't compare your art to others. Do what you feel is right.
Second, draw everyday. Whether its mindless or a focused study. Make sure you put pencil to paper at least once a day.
Third, improve your visual library.
And finally, don't take art too seriously, otherwise you'll burn out before you know it.
Maybe compliment on her stuff if you really like it, or some constructive criticism. Then you could nicely ask about her workflow or her techniques.

Tbh they're not entirely special, and the third is most likely from reference btw. But there is promise.

It really isn't that hard to get good. It just takes a friggin long time. She probably started at a young age. And that's no more different than starting now and getting professional at 24 or something.

>> No.1963265


>> No.1963274
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>damn, it feels good to be a gangsta

>> No.1963275
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>> No.1963280

stealth promotion thread

>> No.1963289


aren't most of 19 year olds who consider doing an art career or even draw daily have minimum that level ? I at least did and didn't think it was that exceptional. you're just not putting in effort or at least the minimum/efficient effort to be better.

>> No.1963292

this is a good fucking thing! women are the future of the industry so you want women artists to be good.

if it was a man id be unimpressed. cause men are out of their fucking minds.

>> No.1963296

Yeah, she is pretty good and you are not. this makes you less marketable or unworthy of drawing? fuck no, grow the fuck up dude. its not a penis size contest.
not sure if trolling or just retarded
well probably. tumblrites in search of views make half of the board activity alone

>> No.1963303

I don't understand, why are they the future of the industry?
>inb4 thread derails into /r9k/ drivel

>> No.1963307

ask her, also maybe you can bang her you have a lot on common.

how just don't think in possitive...

>> No.1963312

Is anyone going to post anything useful that will help me improve, or should I hide this thread and go back to drawing?

>> No.1963313


Jackasses like you are the reason no one likes feminists anymore.

>> No.1963314

I'm pretty sure that's the misandry that radical feminists have. Also Tumblr feminism/new wave feminism.

>> No.1963320


I remember when I first started out in my late teens/early 20s: I ran into a lot of really precociously talented kids who were younger than me. Something interesting happened as the years passed, though: I got better and better and eventually broke into doing art professionally, and pretty much all of those super-talented kids stayed at the same level and remained hobbyists or semi-pros.

It's like the tortoise and the hare: how good you are at 19 means very little. All that matters is sustained determination to improve, every day, over the course of years and decades. Art is a long game.

That girl honestly isn't as good as you think. You could get to where she is and beyond if you work hard for a year, no matter how bad you are right now. Just study the fundamentals, draw from life as much as you can, and don't get discouraged.

>> No.1963328



ask her.
Talk about her style, technique, work and routines, you really think you can't learn nothing about their work? and she about yours...

when you learned about how she works, use it with your own learnings and perform something new.

that's the best way to improve. And of course a lot of practice

i'm sure you are good, but if you like her job don't be jelly, just curious

>> No.1963329

It's funny how young most of the kids are on this board, and the problems they have compared to someone who is older. Young adults in their early 20s seem to have very odd worries. They think their lives are nearing an end, and that they'll never make it if they haven't started years ago. They have no clue how much time remains in their art journeys and their careers. Not even the slightest clue. How many years have they not been able to make any semblance of a clear judgement about their futures? Up until age 20 or so? They have been stuck in school, playing tag with friends, being mindless kids like mostly every other kid. Think about how long those 20 years took. Now here you are with a clear conscious, and you know you want to take art seriously. You have the mindset and the mental skills of an adult to use at your disposal, and all the tools and guides you could ever imagine available at your whim. Now take those 20 years of your life, and live them 3 times all over again in their entirety, yet as a fully conscious adult with the power of learning and a passion. That's the average lifespan, assuming you die at age 80. All those years, and now you're a fully thinking adult with a goal. Imagine the possibilities. Imagine all the shit that's gonna happen to you in that time. Just try to imagine it. You haven't even scratched the surface.

>> No.1963336


I'm >>1963312
Sorry for confusion, but I'm not OP; I'm just a random Anon hoping to get some tips that are more specific than "draw more" or "ask her".

>> No.1963338

>I'm just a random Anon hoping to get some tips that are more specific than "draw more"

Draw more smartly.

>> No.1963376

Thanks for reminding me how "helpful" /ic/ is - now my motivation to leave this place and focus on my own drawings is even bigger.

>> No.1963651

As an anxious nearly 20 year old, this post calms me down.

>> No.1963655

also take solace in the fact that time starts to feel like its moving multiplicatively faster, so think of how long it felt like from 0 to 20. 20 to 60 will feel that long. alright good luck!

>> No.1963663

Not true. It's all about how you spend that time. Make it meaningful and it will start to matter, and feel more like living and less like just being.

Or get a shitty job... The last 8 years dragged on forever for me.

>> No.1963684

>4chan when im 80

>> No.1963686

>What is her secret technique?

>> No.1963687

yeah here's my advice go fucking draw, this bitch probably draws all the fucking time because she enjoys it, so you should put the effort into study and practice and you'll either drop out or see results like this.

>> No.1963689

He is going to ignore any advice that isn't where to buy a magic pill that suddenly makes you an amazing artist.

>> No.1963693


no, no one is born with a special ability to understand basic perspective and copy photos. no talent here, just more time spent than you.

>> No.1963698


nope, some people are just born with a brain that understands and imagine space a lot more than others.

>> No.1963701

yeah, they're called men.

>> No.1963705

They're called Kim Jung Gi.

>> No.1963706


yeah, some studies show that men do, but more recent studies show that women who play video games are have about the same so it's more about long term activities.

but this says it all: >>1959887

>> No.1963707

drawing 50 pages a day during your childhood to nourish your skills today is rarely a talent.

>> No.1963723

I just started drawing at eighteen basically, and i actually am not bothered by this at all. Chances are she was introduced to seriously working on her art at a young age and now she's nineteen. That is three or four or five years of hard work culminating into that. My kid sister is nine, and i plan on getting her to work on her art when she turns 11/12. By time she's nineteen, a bunch of lazy d/ic/kholes will post her shit up on here and get salty about it, as though she picked up a pencil one day and just created a bunch of great looking shit out of nowhere

>men are crazy
can confirm, am man. Women are crazy in their own ways tho...

>> No.1963724

only through copiously playing video games can women truly be equal to men

>> No.1963726

Well, she's less of a little bitch than the OP from the looks of it. I guess you can't judge a book by it's cover.

>> No.1963728

But worrying about how they can accomplish what they want at that point is legitimate

Those school days and care free years and whatnot are mostly gone as you said, and many of them have to work for a living, probably long and hard. It's hard to develop new skills and new methods of thinking and have the time and energy to go through with them when the grind of daily life can be absolutely crushing.

>> No.1963737

No doubt. Sacrifices have to be made. Saving up and living within your means is a good start. Obviously it's different for every individual, but we all have to start somewhere. Hell, I had to work a job I hated for almost a decade just to get off the ground, and I'm finally ready to get going. 10 years of living in the dirt for this chance. I hope some of you fare better than I did. If you remember only one thing through the shitty times, just remember to not give up.

>> No.1963780

I love you, anon. It's just kinda scary to realize how fast the years go by...but you made me feel better, that shit is hard to do.

>> No.1963796

>start drawing at 16
>be absolute consumed by art
>git gud

>> No.1963797

What if you had pro skills and kids....

And you taught them and constantly steered them in the right direction at a young age?

>> No.1963798

What if you brainwashed a fetus with sound waves and taught it how to become a genius artist by the time it left the womb?

>> No.1963799

Well, to be fair, the same could be said the other way around, like when men need to develop abilities to multitask. Later studies also indicate that brain differences by gender aren't as relevant for specialization as the experiences of the subject when this develops mental habilities, regardless of default groupal adaptations.

>> No.1963811

>and pretty much all of those super-talented kids stayed at the same level and remained hobbyists

I think it's because they started to receive a lot of compliments when they were very young. So they didn't feel the need to improve.

>> No.1963964

>why is she so good and young at the same time?
Because practice is overrated. Natural talent is much more important. Not everyone can git gud.

>> No.1964154

She is better than dave rapoza when it comes to cartooning, at least.

>> No.1964182

she sure is a good painter :^)

>> No.1964232
File: 51 KB, 720x480, 1413050625176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im 21, thank you for that. Honestly. It makes sense for us, it just recently clicked for me. Left my toxic friends, got to know my dad a lot better, drawing more. Everything is slowing down, but in a good way. Im not there yet, but im working towards it, we all are.

>> No.1964824

>left friends
yeah, you won't get any friends now. enjoy your dad.

>> No.1964829

you've never done a photostudy?

>> No.1964878

Art is kind of like rpgs in a way, the first few levels are pretty easy to gain then as you gain levels the amount of experience you need becomes hard. I say kind of because instead of giving you a steady amount of enemies on your level you have to grind with those level 2-10 trolls you fought in the beginning they do not usually take a lot of time but it's helpful... If you really challenge yourself it might take a good while to finish one enemy, but you'll probably go up a few levels if you defeat it correctly.

>> No.1964910

Friends are easy to make anon, too easy.

>> No.1964934

Deal with your inferiority complex and draw.

>> No.1964946

You'll find out like I did, those aren't your real friends. Everyone has their own lives. Now you're just a strange new person that invades their already made lives.

>> No.1965025

but the endurance to do that much can be considered a talent, or autism...

>> No.1965057

She's got solid fundamentals. Good understanding of perspective, light,and form. I'd be willing to bet she can't render or color as well though, since that takes a lot more time to study. The only colored/finished one you showed looks like it was copied from a photo or heavily referenced/photobashed.

>> No.1965059


I like how confident she is with the lighting in that drawing. It might not even be correct but its nice.

>> No.1965062

Honestly looking at >>1963231 I'd expect >>1963228 to look better than it does.

>> No.1965099

Lol she actually traced it..

>> No.1965106


Whether or not she traced it is obviously beside the point of that exercise.

It was probably more a study of rendering more than anything else, which is something you should be doing.

>> No.1965200

I'm taking the bait.

Girls are raised delicately for obvious reasons. fortunately you don't need to be super hardcore in art. anyone can excel. Women will never understand what it is to be alpha. You're great artists and great storytellers, but you'll never be the best.

>> No.1965205

>Women will never understand what it is to be alpha.

neither will anyone here

>> No.1965209

this anon.

this is how to be young and powerful and virile.

do it.

>> No.1965210

this isnt photo study, the only thing she did was fuck up the face

>> No.1965281

Anyone have some toasts? Jelly anon spoted

>> No.1965285

what does alpha even means? No bait I swear

>> No.1965287

how old are you? newfaggs piss me off, the underage even more.

>> No.1965297

anxious newly turned 22 year old here. I decided to take the plunge about 2 months ago and decided to follow my dream of becoming a great artist. Went to college, got a job at an electrical company and I hated it. Your post was great for me and thanks for the wisdom.

You know, honestly, I love /ic/. It's what made me realize it's not all just talent and starting young.

Work hard and achieve your dreams y'all

>> No.1965333

>bitter and friendless

wtf are real friends then you dipshit. Just because you meet new people later in life they automatically cant be your friend?

>> No.1965342

23 year old here, amongst the other dudes who have already voiced it, I'd like to say thanks. Stressing a lot about getting a portfolio together but I'm a bit more at ease now. Thanks man. It means a lot.

>> No.1965373

He's got a point. It's really all it is. You can read for days about neat art shit but if you never apply it or figure some stuff out for yourself, you'll never make any of it stick. So stay the fuck off and get to work, you kike.

>> No.1965387

23, ive seen the term a lot and I have an idea of what it means, ill just google it, im not a native-english speaker, I hate bitter anons.

>> No.1965403

Then you're in the wrong place.

True. Females are doomed for mediocrity, but males are cursed with either being top-tier or justkillyourself-tier. Guess which tier 4channers lie on.

>> No.1965544

alpha doesn't really mean anything. It's some latin word. It became English speaking internet slang, and transitioned to the real world. So now it means the top or being the best. Being a leader, or showing leadership. Like the alpha in a pack of wolves.

Men always have something to prove, they are challenged to be better. As sexist as it sounds, the only expectation of women is to be wives and birth children. Art is something anyone can do, anyone can draw and tell stories. But there is always a desire to be the best at something.

Personally I don't give a fuck about drawing like Sargent. I want some of that, I'm a dude, but I don't care about being the best. Call me a beta, who cares really? Most people who try to become alpha at art just get some likes on facebook and everybody moves on to the captain america trailer.

The boiling blood in men helps us to achieve higher goals in most things. But the reality is art/drawing isn't that hard. Once women realize this they get as good as us anyway.

>> No.1965815
File: 66 KB, 722x349, 1422999796371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i have 26 yrs old and i wasted my time in videogames

>> No.1965818

>alpha doesn't really mean anything. It's some latin word. It became English speaking internet slang,
no it isn't you fool its what the leader of a wolf pack and is commonly used to refer to someone of higher status ie alpha male because A is above B(eta)

>> No.1965831

>But the reality is art/drawing isn't that hard

thats a stupid thing to say. like saying a sport isnt hard. becoming really really good at art is insanely hard, but yeah anyone can do competent looking work after 2 years of dedicated study. just like with any sport, or any activity in general.

>> No.1965837

Really exciting line weights and a great photostudy.

>> No.1965873

please shut up and continue to suck

>> No.1965898

It's not a REAL a word. We turned it into one with our modern internet vernacular, you literal asshole.

It's only hard to an untrained beginner, they have to learn the shit by themselves. Once it starts clicking you gain control over what you want to do. And in the context of art. How hard is it really to pick up a pencil and a stack of paper? Basketball requires a ball and an open court. Hockey? probably hard to do, but you can probably practice on the roof of a corner store.

>> No.1965954

yes it is dumb ass. it has been for ages.