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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.31 MB, 1041x1453, Untitled-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1960916 No.1960916[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thread to post side-by-side comparisons of your work, to get critique on your progress thus far.
Starting it off. top, 2013 (age 16). bottom, 2014, (age 17).

>> No.1960919

>ITT people who get good at copying pictures instead of understanding the underlying structure and form.
>p-post your work fagit!!!

No, and keep fooling yourselves, keep inflating that ego.

>> No.1960920

post your work, faggot.

>> No.1960923

Good progress OP

fuck off

>> No.1960946

This is honestly a big problem for me. I am at the point to where I can pretty much draw anything I'm looking at, but any sort of "creative" drawing my quality just nosedives. It's not that the form is bad or the colors are bad or anything, but everything just ends up looking "boring".

Guess I need to get out of my comfort zone some.

>> No.1960967

post work

>> No.1961066
File: 132 KB, 773x1300, img124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here is the first one in a little set of before and after pics. Been drawing almost every day from 2013 to now with some days a little more productive than others. I know for a fact I would be better than I am now if I got serious sooner. Didn't get serious until November of 2014.

>> No.1961067
File: 272 KB, 936x1100, img125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1961069
File: 68 KB, 883x1100, img126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1961075
File: 267 KB, 905x1100, img127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one for now.
Just want to clear something up about the renderings. I haven't actually done that many to get to where I am now. I've done a few cubes but not too many. Somewhere around 10 - 20 renderings. The spheres are the first 2 that I have ever done. The cylinders are also some of the first. Around 10 of these. I might update this thread with some cones later. And I also did about 5 with those.

The "after" renderings were done after I got Scott's How to Render book. He's also the only person that I've learned this from. The "before" ones were based from his gnomon dvd's but they weren't as in depth as the book is. Maybe that will convince anyone that is on the fence about buying it.

>> No.1961078

you need to be 18 to post here

>> No.1961081
File: 397 KB, 1500x1000, progresscough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, I know, I suck, make sure to tell my why so I can work on it.

>> No.1961103
File: 434 KB, 1439x578, 1422053581136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


really great improvement anon! keep it up.

btw are you this guy ?

>> No.1961111

Thanks. And no, not me.

>> No.1961121
File: 322 KB, 970x1134, rob re.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pose is still weird, but my style is so much better

>> No.1961126

Whats wrong with the old style? Kinda prefer it.

>> No.1961134


lines were too rigid and had no weight to them, im much happier in my new style regardless

>> No.1961136

they basically look the same. i don't see improvement at all, sorry

>> No.1961138

quit art, you're blind.

>> No.1961140


its ok, i can personally see where i improved, its the little things

>> No.1961152

Is the 'How to Render' book very good for non-beginners? I went through a bit of it (albeit non-thoroughly) and it seemed kind of 'eh'.

>> No.1961164

I would say the book is good for people of all skill levels. If you're not a master of the subject then I recommend you give the book a thorough read.

>> No.1961236

Share the knowledge you learned from that book with us
How did you make everything look so clean

>> No.1961245

Soap and water, will usually clean things up well.

>> No.1961341
File: 405 KB, 1300x744, meme__before_and_after_by_bampire-d2xu044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great improvement .

I made this like, 10 minutes ago

>> No.1961367

God, 2014 must of been a rough year for you.

>> No.1961761

Yep that's true..

>> No.1961826

You guys are doing all the same error. You don't spend time on your art, you just try to aim for a time limit speed record or something. You can all make a perfect piece, just spend 100 hours on it if necessary. How do you want to learn otherwise? Repeating the same errors over and over again? No. Also try to improve from still life like OP, not from a picture, from real objects. If you want to be able to draw landscapes, hoes and monsters you first have to learn about basics : so pick and simple objects and learn to draw them like a master.. then i promise you the rest of your drawings will be 10 times easier and more confident.

>> No.1961827


>> No.1961829

A year and a half? What have you been doing man. I got from zero to that stage in 2 weeks...

>> No.1961840
File: 796 KB, 1800x673, comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, still sucks.

>> No.1961843


>> No.1961845


At the art or the situation?

>> No.1961846

both, kek

>> No.1961847


well thats a 50% success then.

>> No.1961848

saved for ylyl thread

dont worry im laughing w/ u on this, just keeping it friendly, oh and im gunna edit this "im gunna furin' mah laser" if u dont mind

>> No.1961850
File: 152 KB, 1000x660, alliance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sure go ahead.

I wish I could re-do this one. Or inspire a better artist to do it for me.

>> No.1961852

maybe i can, if i become a good artist, or let an artist i know about your art, id just like to know your screenname to credit u...
woah that sounds sketchy lol

>> No.1961859


Can you fuck off? Thanks. This board is 18+

>> No.1961863

Let's see it.

>> No.1961865

Any still life tips? I notice I start sinking in my chair after an hour of drawing it. So the picture plane will change at least 3 times while I'm working on it. I'd love to spent 20+ hours on a drawing but I am usual done with the critical form structure after 20-30 minutes. Then when it's paint time I end up finding errors in the structure anyway.

>> No.1961866
File: 1.66 MB, 243x316, 1422580019933.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no i forgot to say kek and fully spell out the word "you", fuck off 4chan expert I can say whatever the fuck I want, it doesnt determine how neither does it tell what age i am newfag

>> No.1961868

I'm 29 and still say lol because video games. It's part of the vernacular now just accept it ;)

>> No.1961874

and 4chan does not regard rules where you have to say "fag" or "kek" as a subsitute for lol

>> No.1961875
File: 701 KB, 900x851, prog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

13yo - 18yo
basically i hate my art more in 2015 than i did in 2010

>> No.1961885

seems like your technique is bretty gud, but your faces are just so unappealing it doesn't even matter..

>> No.1961894

techniques are good?

imo he should of shaded with colors instead of black and white, and the light sources in 2012 is completely off, and the angle of the faces are unrealistic

>> No.1961896


Seems like you have a thing for drawing ugly women. Good technique, but jesus, those faces.

>> No.1961897

Have you been only working on rendering basic forms for a year and a half? Or was this just a comparison of your rendering skills since you started?

>> No.1961900

Nice improvement. You definitely discovered more and learned more. But dat face doe

>> No.1961904
File: 455 KB, 3307x2339, shit tier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started about 3 and a half months ago. I'm still lost as to how to go from greyscale to color without making the painting dead and cold. I've watched many tutorials before attempting. This was my first attempt at color. I want to be able to accurately go from greyscale to color first before going straight to color. Any pointers?

>> No.1961908

trust me I realise how horribly I fucked up in all of the past versions. (and the current one)

>> No.1961909

Read the description I wrote in the cylinders. I've only rendered these simple objects a few times. I've already moved on from there to more complex stuff.

>> No.1961911

Oh shit. I thought youve been rendering those for a year and a half. Carry on m8

>> No.1961913

No I'm a different anon. I want to see your 2 week improvement. Leave a paypal email because if I see significant improvement in two weeks I will give you 10 dollars.

>> No.1961919
File: 144 KB, 3307x2339, heres it is m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i already was mistaken m8 calm down. Tried to prove a point thinking that he was wasting time on just renderings and didn't do anything else for a year and a half lol. I didn't read his whole post. His rendering skills are sharp and precise. I'll still post my 2 week progress anyway.

>> No.1961958


which face? I genuinely want to know

>> No.1961959
File: 534 KB, 1376x1397, asdasdas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine so far

>> No.1961960
File: 459 KB, 1268x841, debatable progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

redid something from a character redesign thread a while back; just over a year ago.

>> No.1961963
File: 342 KB, 700x1120, Somethingsmall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember that thread.

>> No.1961985

The sith in the second picture has a hilarious grin.

>> No.1961989


awe yeah, thanks :)

>> No.1961991

You've improved a bit. But it looks like you already had some training. Keep up the good work anyway.

>> No.1962000


Nice improvement, try not to hide/slack too much on the hands/feet tho.

>> No.1962014

Are you squidapple?

>> No.1962020

Started from ground zero m8

>> No.1962032

lol i dunno, r u bearorange/

>> No.1962045

http://squidapple.tumblr.com/ I meant this

>> No.1962051

>draw anime shit as a 8 year old
>draw anime shit as a 16 year old
>draw anime shit as a 20something year old


>> No.1962061

no i am not

>> No.1962065

Everyone starts from ground zero.

By the way the rendering is the only improvement. And you didn't even render a sphere. Also perspective reading can use some adjustments otherwise yes nice improvement. Work on form. Your job isn't perfection. Your job is to fool me.

>> No.1962087

Are you following a book or some series?

>> No.1962132

Color is value.

>> No.1962145

Colour is value, hue, and saturation actually.

>> No.1962150

*value, temperature and intensity