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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.72 MB, 1883x3346, 20150123_191515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1952975 No.1952975 [Reply] [Original]

critique? how am i? what sucks? its for a tattoo

>> No.1953033

Lookin good man

>> No.1953042

Jesus man, if you want a critique then take a proper photo of it. Take it straight on and without a fucking pencil on it to seem artsy and shit and get some good lighting. This is like instagram showoff crap that hides a lot of the drawing because you can't see it properly.

>> No.1953051

if youre jealous just say so bruh

>> No.1953055

no im good. nowhere in the rules does it say i gotta do any of those things you said. see this is a tattoo and i dont want it copied or mass-produced. i send pics like these to my clients so they can get the idea, i dont need to lay it out flat, you can see whats going on here. and for the record yes i do have an instagram and take lots of pics like these and im trying to show the tool i used.

but none of that matters if you dont wanna critique by all means dont

>> No.1953056

Nope not jealous. I just hate when people take shitty photos of their stuff. Especially when he's going through the motions of pretending to want a critique and stuff. OP just wants attention--obvious from the way the photo is taken at an angle and with the pencil there ontop of the drawing, the fact he made a new thread for the this instead of the draw thread, and the fact he actually timestamped the drawing as though he thinks he's so good that people would call him a liar for posting it and needs proof.

>> No.1953059

>that angle
>that pencil
stop pretending you are a photographer

>> No.1953061
File: 147 KB, 1074x925, 1366139431040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1953062

the upper body is strange. she has a super skinny torso and a giant upper body. usually dont see women with a V shaped body. the boobs are a bit fantastical. the right hand is also very sloppy. the forearm is a mess and the hand isnt clear either. i wouldnt think a tattoo artist wouldn't want something were he has to fill in the blanks.

also fuck off to the draw threads please.

>> No.1953064

>he thinks someone wants to copy his "tattoo"
>he thinks that photoshops transform tools don't exist

>> No.1953068

go right ahead and scale it out yourself then photoshop grand wizard

thanks. and no.

who knew the /ic/ board was full of sissies

>> No.1953077
File: 1.22 MB, 1883x3346, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1953078

fuck you mean "no". look at the forearm you stud muffin.

>> No.1953080

wow im flattered. more?

>> No.1953104



>How am I?
You're the worst person I ever did done dog-gone diddly see.

>What sucks?
and me.

You's a fag OP

>> No.1953106

agreed. forearm looks like a hotdog. and clean up the hand. fix that and its pretty good.

>> No.1953108 [DELETED] 

just "pretty good"

fucking kek, post work sissy

>> No.1953109
File: 1.03 MB, 1004x1200, december-9-2014-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop acting stupid and fix the forearm.

>> No.1953110

post it in the draw thread. also it'd be better if you take a more straight photo of it

>> No.1953111
File: 1.85 MB, 1155x1567, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1953114


>> No.1953117

well now that we can actually see it the lions head is all fucked up. parts of it are in 2/3rd perspective like the nose and teeth, parts of it look like they are completely in profile, like the eyes and the jaw.

>> No.1953118

OP here

lol youre an asshole but im amazed

that wasnt me

>> No.1953119

i mean

>> No.1953125
File: 691 KB, 1642x934, fuckoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

draw thread please

>> No.1953127

jesus christ OP is a giant baby

also it fucking sucks and learn 2 take a photo

>> No.1953148

lol, jealous noobs abound itt and im the baby

>> No.1953155

but op, you're acting like a baby.

>> No.1953157

Why did you ask for critique?

>> No.1953165
File: 42 KB, 460x645, 1420539400164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP think i thought you where that anon >>1952935 from the tattoo thread. Simple rules are rules when retrieving critique Just Be Polite and Respectful to others and don't bitch back when answering, and try your best.

We all said Post in the draw thread and take the photo properly, also for gods sakes no one is going to steal it, if you're concerned look at >>1949706

OP Told by an numb.

>> No.1953166

OP here. that guy isnt me

>> No.1953172

Wtf is with that gummy old grandpa lion? Claws retract btw

Just scrap the lion... and the woman

>> No.1953179
File: 6 KB, 446x361, 1394295779498.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1953189

Content is shit, this as a tattoo idea is mega shit.

For an unfinished sketch its pretty good I guess from what I can tell. Looks like you are having trouble with the hair.

>> No.1953202

Lions snout is twisted.
Something is going on with the left side of that bitches torso.

>> No.1953237


>> No.1953256

Op, contact me please:

>> No.1953264

Looks like some shit created by an edgy teenager.

>> No.1953292


>> No.1953304

I do like the font choice.

>> No.1953315

At least fix the lion's eye. Reference a photo in that angle if you need to. The rest of the face's issues would probably go unnoticed.

>> No.1953351

Dude.. if you want a critique you should go on ConceptArt, Permanoob or Crimson Daggers.
The worst place to go is reddit followed by 4chan /ic/

1. This place is filled with trolls, talentless, retards that got their art knowledge from the sticky.

2. On the forums I listed, you get to chat personnaly with professionals from the industry, you can even look at their art to see if they know what they are talking about or if they are simply wrong.

Citique : It's great and you have great potential, an ok sense of proportions and a good line definition but you clearly lack fundamentals skills, i mean look at the month of the lion. It also look like the girl is part of the lion, but I think she is behind it right? What I see is a sketch not a finished piece, you should work more on it and post a more finished piece.

>> No.1953377

>1. This place is filled with trolls, talentless, retards that got their art knowledge from the sticky.

Fucking this!

>> No.1953380
File: 109 KB, 600x569, 1372884462360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking anybody would want to steal that

>> No.1953383

OP here
ok yeah i do have issues with proportion especially when i comes to animals. I use reference but try not to copy. For the lion i used a lot of real like pics and frank frazetta sketches for reference. And I'm not used to drawing women but i try to go for a kind of stylized look. Don't think I've grown into my own style yet.

The content is whatever it had to be, it's what the client wanted is supposed to represent blah blah blah who really cares he just wanted there to be a lion, a lady with her tits out and a snake. I drew the woman riding the lion but all angles i tried it at looked wrong or made them out of proportion to each other so i put her behind the lion.

but yeah the lions face needs work, dunno if I'll basil it with this piece as time it's a factor with these. And yeah its a sketch i guess that's frowned upon? But i rarely finish pieces until the tattoo and show people sketches to more or less see if i souls keep going in this direction. But yeah that explains the hand and forearm stuff. Ill work in it some more and post a flat image maybe

This is my first time posting on /ic/ so i didnt know how much trolling goes on here but its just as much as any of the other boards which i dont mind, i just fell for it

>> No.1953386
File: 292 KB, 1920x1200, 1416871668614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, this place or even 4chan for that matter is not filled with trolls. You just don't know how to communicate and anything you disagree with or don't see fit or feel hurtful about automatically means it's a troll.

Lurk more.

>> No.1953423

>4chan is not filled of trolls
this guy

>> No.1953441


but anon, most of those trolls, talentless and retards told OP the exact same critique as you

>> No.1953443

you coud fit here, its a good place even if a lot of people act like jerks when its your first time and you dont know where to correctly post your stuff, there are draw threads, you can ask for redline, critique and a lot of stuff, I remember a post I saw a wild ago about warm and cold light and some anon nailed it! helping the guy out and teaching us newfags how to cold/warm light

>> No.1953489 [DELETED] 
File: 2.12 MB, 3264x1836, 20150124_125044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good shit ill remember that. Im not a painter but i have a watercolor project today and would like some input

>> No.1953501 [DELETED] 
File: 2.12 MB, 3264x1836, 20150124_125044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take that into account. I draw all the time and i like the idea of red lining to show how to improve. Also i don't paint but trying to learn watercolor and this is my project today so i guess I'll find a thread to post it in

>> No.1953506
File: 2.12 MB, 3264x1836, 20150124_125044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks ill take that into account. i plan on sticking around, i have this watercolor i might start today and i dont know painting but ill look for a thread to post it on as a i go

>> No.1953507

goddammit i tried posting this four times and it keeps coming out horizontal and nowhere on my phone is it displayed this way

>> No.1953515

4chan is not only trolls everywhere, especially out of /b/. Then, if you are not willing to get trolled, be more respectful. And if you want to get critique do this >>1953042 . Professional tattoo makers don't copy - they can get the idea into their works - even from your fcked up pic because of portfolio and their job. Nobody wants to get accused of stealing.

>not even mad

>> No.1953557

was that even proper english, or are you just illiterate?

>> No.1953563

can we just accept that most people here have a different mother tongue?

>> No.1953581

fuck you, liberal, sjw tumblr fuck.


fuck you.

>> No.1953584

and take your anger with you.

>> No.1953923

good stuff