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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1941628 No.1941628 [Reply] [Original]

So I could use a bit of advice of guidance.

I just started my senior year at art school. I really love to create and draw and write, and I am a rather creative man in general.
This will be my fifth and final year of school here, but I feel myself burning out already, and my toughest semester just began.

Here's the problem:
I love art.
But art school is making me hate art and the artist community.
It makes me not want anything to do with it anymore.

Problem being, I'm way too deep to just quit, it feels like, and after all this time and money, I figure I might as well get a degree.

How do I finish out without hurling myself from the roof or murdering my professors?

>> No.1941631

>But art school is making me hate art and the artist community.
That happens to everyone in any field.

>> No.1941632


get your degree and then try to get a job anywhere else in a field that interests you and that doesn't require a specific degree.

>> No.1941638

Get a degree in something else.
No seriously.
If you hate artists now, having a career with them is not going to change your attitude. You will have to deal with these idiots for the rest of your life.
Get a side degree. Something more menial, cerebral. You can have both careers and neither will drive you crazy because you can switch your focus throughout the week.

>> No.1941665

succeed in spite of all the dumbasses

>> No.1941675

dump your work mother fucker.

>> No.1941677

do you know what poseurs are? Those are your MOST of your peers. Your peers like to dress in black and wear really thick glasses. Look for the other peers. The ones wearing regular clothes and actually painting.

>> No.1941696

dump dump dump dump

you've got strong words for someone who isn't showing what it is capable of.

>> No.1941718

Moebius dropped out of art school to chill in Mexico

do what the fuck you want, the school is nothing more than a glorified resource center.

>> No.1941722

bigger point is, dont treat running the art class gauntlet as some ticket to success, because a thousand dudes can tell you it's not. If you're at least competent in art you already have a leg up, now just shop around for ways to actually put your knowledge to action.

>> No.1941732

'Dump' means upload. He wants you to upload all or some of your work for us to see. Its jargon we use here on this board

>> No.1941850
File: 166 KB, 1109x821, 1397925546095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.
Someone told me art school isn't about learning, its about networking.
Which would imply I'm neglecting a major portion of the reason I'm here.

The real kick in the teeth is that I would truly enjoy being able to make a career out of art, but I don't know if I have the mental fortitude to grin and bear for the rest of my life.

There's a middle ground, right?

>> No.1941856

Yea, do what you want to do with your knowledge. Make those friends in the meantime.

If you dont want to be some character/environment machine or furry porn artist then figure out what you actually want to do with your skills.

>> No.1941870

>art school isn't about learning
what a terrible notion. do people really think this?

>> No.1941914

>If you hate artists now, having a career with them is not going to change your attitude. You will have to deal with these idiots for the rest of your life.
Not really. The people who act like ARTISTS typically don't make it.

>> No.1941964

what school do you go to?

>> No.1941967

yes. If you go to artschool to simply network you're going for the wrong reasons as well. 99% of the people in art school aren't going to get you anywhere. The attitude that someone's going to get you a career is going to get you killed, figuratively speaking.

>> No.1941969


Hack fucking frauds believe this. And they're right,

It's a lot easier to just join with the rest of your worthless hipster friends in an oroboros of fellatio and nepotism than it is to actually get good and get by on merit.

>> No.1941978

How true this is.

The environment, if I can just briefly paint; cute hipster chicks that can draw flowers and anime, and scenester fags that roll into school stinking drunk on a skateboard.

Then you go to artists alley's at illuxcon and comiccon, where the artists are dressed normally, are average looking, HAVE FAMILIES... A couple hipster looking dudes made it, but modern fashion is hipster anyway.

>> No.1941991
File: 148 KB, 633x837, John Singer Sargent - In a Garden Corfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This works for me:
Use your rage to fuel your very artistic being. Every time you see a tumblrette draw a ¾ angle girl with multicolored hair, a beanie, piercings, tattoos, baggy clothes, and heavy eyeshadow, just sigh quietly, take out your sketchbook, and draw something that blows their shit out of the water. Don't show this to them, of course. But take solace in the fact that they will never be able to draw anything but androgynous hipster faggots in the same exact pose, over and over, until the end of time, unless they decide to step out of their comfort zone just fucking once in their life. Use their lack of confidence and lack of discipline to your advantage, and maybe sometime one of them will take a look at your sketchbook, slap their hand to their head, and say "holy shit, i've been doing it wrong all along- Anon, what's your secret?", and you can just smile innocently, shrug your shoulders, and say "I don't know."
Of course, this is all assuming that your stuff is better than theirs. If it's not, then what are you waiting for? Get drawing so you can make these people look like idiots.

>> No.1942023

its split down the middle yo.
You gotta go to the art galleries and push for your shit to be in it. Then some asshole is gonna be like, "wow, I like this, who did it?" and then you meet the guy and ask him for an internship.

I bailed the fuck out cause of debt, and I kept making FUCKING "C's" IN ALL MY FUCKING CLASSES. I tried my fucking hardest too.
I got really depressed about it too the point where I didnt even want to get my dick wet, and lose my virginity although I had 3 girls on my dick.

I bailed out early, and now I am reaping what I sowed. A good seed, for a good lesson.
Oh, and the middle ground in pandering in the furry department and 200 dollar blowjobs behind the tablet.

>> No.1942025

cant believe op still hasn't shown us what his work looks like

>> No.1942030
File: 6 KB, 184x184, WILL_IT_BLEND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could have fucked that tumblr girl.
They give terrible head, but are freaks in the sack

Its so fucking true, its almost comical.

>> No.1942037

I'm in my senior year of my art degree; my secret? None of my close personal friends are artists. Not just the poser kind; None of my friends make art. They relieve me of the burden of burning out.