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File: 361 KB, 1097x1440, Frazetta2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1931769 No.1931769 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books/tutorials to get started with color/rendering?

>> No.1931787

Ctrl+Paint for basics, Gurney's Colour and Light, Robertson's 'How to Render', Schoolism's tutorials

Now do your own damn research for the rest of it.

>> No.1931799

>not recommending sticky

>> No.1931801

ctrl paint and i think idrawgirls daily and a couple Deviant Art old tutorials talk about rendering.

But trust me OP. You're not gonna learn anything from rendering. It's like eating cupcakes for nutrition. They taste awesome and look nice, but you need meat and vegetables. Rendering is literally icing on a cake.

>> No.1931802

>hey i want to learn how to put icing on my cake
>>You need to learn how to make a cake first!
>b-but i already have a cake...

>> No.1931805
File: 173 KB, 2400x1350, ctrlpaint-brushcontrol01-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your cake just deflated anon, do you really know how to bake a cake? Maybe you should read Martha Loomis how to bake a beautiful cake, where she goes into detail about what makes a successful cake foundation.

Look you fucking cunt, I don't have perfect analogies. The point is that if you hit the basics you don't need it. And I fucking just gave you three spots, if you really think it's time for you to smudge and mask like a monkey then fuckin I gave you the answer then, jesus.

Find the video that relates to this picture. Also look up bumskee's apple shading tutorial on conceptart. Also this website FEATURED IN THE STICKY.


>> No.1931808

Post your cake.

>> No.1931810

l-listen my cake is in the oven right now. B-but that's not the point!!

>> No.1931817

>inb4 applepie wip

>> No.1931839
File: 164 KB, 880x859, ralph_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1931968

>>can't tell if this is a cake or 3-D redering

>> No.1931974
File: 180 KB, 1073x962, real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1932097
File: 252 KB, 700x1120, HeartBreakerPolish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sticky is fantastic for complete beginners who are taking their first steps into the art field.
After that it becomes a very personal journey towards painting like a pro.

If you are serious about art I recommend you invest the 12$ into this tutorial.
Just search for "Heartbreaker Gumroad" on google.

The best way to get good rendering and colors is to understand form and light / dark in greyscale.
Best of luck Op

>> No.1932100

not op but thanks anon, im kind of making a lot of grayscale discoveries right now

its making a lot of sense. I'm actually feeling a degree of polish that's been missing in my work. I feel like working in grayscale helps me understand how to keep things organized and neat. Usually im a super messy artist.

>> No.1932115


Not OP, either, but thanks. I have the brushes for this somewhere, didn't know there was a tutorial out there. I wouldn't mind being able to produce similar stuff.

>> No.1932133

Thats great, Anon. I remember when i started working in grayscale, and alot of things made sense for me aswell. But don't forget to keep doing color, cause you will get worse at it if you don't maintain it. I did, and it was hard work getting it back.

>> No.1932540

Oh absolutely. I actually have a pretty decent natural tendancy for color. I even know to exaggerate a little. And I still experiment and do color studies. I love color more than anything. I was doing good with values, but I must say strict value is helping me understand what's going on with plane changes and value range zones. I even found that there are value ranges within each zone of mid/light/dark values. Even though you can simplify with 5-6 basic values overall.

>> No.1932779

This may be off subject, but what about cell-shading. I'm looking to do more than just painting, and I thought with this new style I was experimenting with, I'd give cell-shading with gradients a try. Any tuts on that?

>> No.1932782

its just flats, it's a good idea to pick out what should be the best representation of color. Usually you see good color design in american cartoons and in many of our comics. I would give the US the strength in that category. Japs are pretty good too.