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1915746 No.1915746[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can you possibly draw and have a job?

You guys must all be unemployed virgins who contribute nothing to society and live rent free at home with your parents. Don't give me any bullshit about drawing being your job. I've never known an adult who draws who wasn't also immature and feeble minded with no ability to contribute to society.

>> No.1915750


you are mad.

>>You guys must all be unemployed virgins who contribute nothing to society and live rent free at home with your parents.

and you have probably describe yourself.

You don't enjoy art, so don't bother with it. Do what you enjoy. If you don't enjoy anything, kill yourself.

Another fag who came to 4chan to provoke others and spread his depression because he realized he don't even enjoy art..

>> No.1915753
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Touched a nerve?

>> No.1915755
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>I've never known an adult who draws

Hey anon I've never known an adult who makes triple A title movies so I guess that's impossible too.

>> No.1915756

he is enraged

>> No.1915757

I draw for vidya gaems and I'm pretty well off. I'll be even more so when I finish this current project and move on to making my own game(s).

>> No.1915760

fuck off nobody cares. go to sleep

>> No.1915764


>muh depression

>> No.1915767

You seem quite addressed

>> No.1915769

No I'm just being honest, a fucking nerd with a 2000 dollar piece of plastic is suppose to be taken seriously lol. Hit the sack

>> No.1915770

Someone is mad.

You're right, OP, much like you I'd rather make baseless accusations and argue about pointless semantics with strangers over the internet instead of doing something dumb like drawing.

>> No.1915771

>there are no adults that draw for a living
>but I do
>lol no u don't
I wish I had it all figured out like OP

>> No.1915772

Those that are actually angered

>> No.1915774

You mean like smearing your poop on the shower curtain? I can tell you draw since you aren't good with words. People tend to draw when they are too stupid to string together sentences, so they resort to "makin pitchers" instead of using more sophisticated means.
Why don't you try drawing your message for me instead of using words so you can communicate more clearly?

>> No.1915776

How old are you? I bet your parents hate when anyone asks them about their son and they have to say "he draws. He never grew up". A constant source of shame.

>> No.1915777

I won the lottery. Savings account interests pay my bills, food and hobbies.

>> No.1915778

I admit defeat since you are clearly the one in the right here, I'm sure you have contributed much more to society than I ever will since you post about it on 4chan.

>> No.1915779

Gonna need a picture. You are not coherent with your words. Just give us up on words and go all visual. It's a lost cause for you. Draw a picture of what you mean.

>> No.1915780


comming on annonimous board, spread your depression and then showing on others is easier than studying, isn't it? :)

you think you hurt anyone by all those posts and threads you make every day to make yourself feel better?

Yes, you might make someone mad, but the one who is hurt, is you.
And you know it, just hide behind the truth.

We are annonimous who don't know you and even the one you succesfully made mad will forget about you in few minutes.

But you will keep on suffer. You will keep on openning new threads and point on others.

You suffer here just as you do in real life. That's why i can only smile at people like you, because you have much bigger problems in real life than on annonimous board :)

I spend this time for you in hope you will realize, that people in your life, who still have a little hope you won't kill yourself will soon give a shit for you. Especially your partner.

Good luck with that kind of attitude and life :) What comes around, goes around.

>> No.1915781
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>> No.1915783

You are happy about the idea of someone suffering? Great person. OP is just trying to light a fire under their asses and you're sadistically celebrating what you think is pain.

>> No.1915784

Where do you think we are?

>> No.1915785

>You guys must all be unemployed virgins who contribute nothing to society and live rent free at home with your parents. Don't give me any bullshit about drawing being your job. I've never known an adult who draws who wasn't also immature and feeble minded with no ability to contribute to society.

>You guys must all be unemployed virgins who contribute nothing to society and live rent free at home with your parents. Don't give me any bullshit about drawing being your job. I've never known an adult who draws who wasn't also immature and feeble minded with no ability to contribute to society.

You can't tell by that he is suffering. He is pointing on others because his life is shit.

And i assume you are OP since you defend why i quoted from his (your) first post.

Do yourself a favour and visit a doctor before you actually kill yourself.

You might have ADD/ADHD, depression or something like that.

>> No.1915787
File: 36 KB, 500x587, grimace-sport-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can you possibly draw and have a job?
Sketchbook in your pocket.
Draw in your free time.

Draw at home.
Draw on the weekend.

Sure, it might not be the same volume as someone fulltime dedicated to it, but the only way to not git better at drawing is to not draw.
Every time you do draw, and the more frequent it is, even if it is just for a short time, the better you will get. It will only take longer, that's all.

>> No.1915792

But aren't you doing the same thing? Pointing at others? The opposite would be conceited anyways. How is your aggression not a sign that you are suffering? Isn't everybody suffering?

>> No.1915793


everybody is kind of suffering, because it's not easy. It's supposed to be hard.
But there are other way to deal with your problems than comming to 4chan to spread your depression and hate.

It's not just about OP of this thread. Every day at least one new thread appear when OP is trying to stress his problems on others.
But those people don't realize that they are not going to achieve anything like that. Even if you make someone mad on annonimous board, your problem is still there. But instead of dealing with their problems, they came back and do the same thing. Over and over again. It's enchanted circle and people with mental problems can't see it. That's why they do that.

If you have a problems, deal with them like a man. Not like a crying baby on annonimous board.

>> No.1915794

Takes one to know one.

>> No.1915796
File: 14 KB, 268x284, 1414866088037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a bitter faggot
Let's all laugh at him


>> No.1915797

I own several house & lots and I let people rent them. I can just NEET all day and just collect their payment every month.

>> No.1915798


that's why you know one ;)

>> No.1915799

What the shit buddy. I own property as well and I rent out 5 apartments but I have to invest all the money on my property or I have to pay back almost all of the income in taxes (that's Germany for you). The property holds itself and I don't have to worry much about electricity, gas and water bills but if I wouldn't freelance as an artist I would have no money left for myself.

>> No.1915801

I agree.

>> No.1915803

That's why YOU know one and were so hurt by this thread. Toughen up.

>> No.1915806

Not that anon but my grandpa back in mexico lives easy out of renting a 100m2 flat.
Guess it's true housing maintenance/tax is stupid expensive back in the old world.

>> No.1915808


So why you reply man? ;) hiding behind the truth and pointing on others again?

>> No.1915814


>> No.1915823

I draw every day, I work full time at 2 jobs, find time. If you work 8 hours a day, and sleep 8 hours a night, assuming you need 2 hours to make dinner, eat and shower that leaves you 6 hours to draw. Figure it out and don't bitch because you can't draw faggot.

>> No.1915829

How can you stay informed or think about anything else? How do you have relationships?

>> No.1915830

Normie scum

>> No.1915837

>people are actually replying seriously to OP

>> No.1915838


op didnt even into b8, he literally just threw a hook

>> No.1915854

I don't owe society shit. Take a good look outside, nobody fucking cares you exist and nobody would know you do exist unless you show up in front of their face asking for employment. You mad I am exactly what you described? Well tough shit.

>> No.1915863

People are insulting OP and are making fun of him. I don't see anyone falling for the bait itself. It's actually reverse trolling by now considering how many samefag posts OP has made ITT so far, being completely butt-destroyed over the fact that people identified his depression.

>> No.1915866


>> No.1915871

Have job, wife and a kid. Spend 2 hours of my afternoon drawing, then have these things called "days off" where I marathon it while wife works and kid at school, also get 4 weeks of vacation a year and constantly take extra days off during the week. That way kid doesn't get scarred by giant tentacle futa demon devouring people. Bad enough having to host a gaming group and keeping things reasonably PG-13.

You're just hanging out with a bad crowd, but considering the attitude it's where you belong.

Now that I'm done pooping I'm going to have some pancakes.

>> No.1915887

Because Da Vinci clearly had nothing to contribute to society

>> No.1915893

holy shit that picture is gross.

lel >feeble minded
okay pinky and the brain

>> No.1915899 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1915900
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>> No.1915918


You have to decide what's more important. If you truly have some people who are important to you like family or legitimate close friends, you can take an hour or two out of your day to catch up or spend time with them.

otherwise, cut the extraneous unimportant shit and get to drawing.

i'm assuming you must have a poor understanding of what 4chan is and who visits if you had to ask this (if this was actually a serious question and not some type of bait).

>> No.1915919
File: 808 KB, 625x626, this thread is shit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all should be ashamed.

>> No.1915940


>I've never known an adult who draws who wasn't also immature and feeble minded with no ability to contribute to society.


You don't say?

>> No.1915941

His name is Leonardo.

Self employed artist here, OP so jelly.