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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 89 KB, 651x741, 1416367131348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1897976 No.1897976 [Reply] [Original]

Because we should not have to make new threads or post in draw threads with our fundamental exercises. Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up. Practice makes Perfect!

A friendly reminder to do wrist exercises and take breaks as you practice to avoid getting CPS.

Previous thread: >>1891256

>> No.1897981
File: 215 KB, 1920x1080, silhouettes4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Negative Shapes/Silhouettes from stuff I on my desk.

>> No.1897982
File: 153 KB, 856x1068, 1416519005772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was no study in the previous thread so I picked random work/practice from the last thread as OP picture.

If you want, try drawing this picture as this thread's study.

>> No.1897987
File: 246 KB, 733x541, ImageDraw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beginner here, reading Fun with a Pencil. I'm having fun and I'm not even a pencil.

>> No.1897991

Is it true that artists have more trouble picking out flaws with other peoples stuff compared to their own

>> No.1897994

Other way around.

But the best artists know how to critique themselves just as well as others.

>> No.1898006
File: 509 KB, 2024x2564, IMG_00we04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been drawing since 6 years old, but it wasn't until three weeks ago I started studying the fundamentals and this is what I got. Still looks like poo, but I think I'm gettin' there.

>> No.1898014

So you know those wooden dolls or whatever you use for poses and what not? Is there any differences in any of them? So many different companies that make them, but is there one in perceptual with good quality? Or is it all the same?

>> No.1898022
File: 28 KB, 488x366, loom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here I am, struggling with these shitty faces, as easy as it is but as shitty as it looks when I do them.

Any tips?

>> No.1898032

Bigger ones are slightly more flexible

>> No.1898039

Those look good.

If Fun with a Pencil is your first attempt at drawing, large chance they are not going to look exactly like Loomis' work. In fact, even those familiar with drawing may not get it exact faces, but doesn't mean you shouldn't give up. Try to get it at least 80% cloase as possible, since the book is simply teaching how the face should work.

By the end of the book, you should have a strong understanding as to how to draw face and be able to move on.

>> No.1898045

Hey, thanks. It's my first attempt at drawing following a "path" (loomis' book in this case) before it I just made random doodles and all.
>at least 80%
Um, yeah but I can't tell how close I get. I mean, I follow the same characteristics of his characters but I end up mixing my style.

PS: Also started trying vine charcoal at the same time, but drawing basic poligons and that stuff.

>> No.1898047

>Um, yeah but I can't tell how close I get. I mean, I follow the same characteristics of his characters but I end up mixing my style

You haven't established a style just yet, but certain artists have their "comfortable ways" of drawing. Sometimes it's usually best to leave that comfort zone to fully understand what errors you've made in your work.

As for the 80% thing, don't think about it too much. Compare your work to Loomis' examples and see how close you got it. Chances are, if you can determined what the face, eyes, and ears are in your own drawing, you should be on the right path.

>> No.1898051

>certain artists have their "comfortable ways" of drawing
Well, yeah, that's what I meant.

Thanks for the tips, buddy. See ya in future beginner threads, gotta draw now!

>> No.1898054

How do I get confident in my lines?

>> No.1898056

make a bunch of neat ones till you dont even think about it anymore

>> No.1898059

I lurk here all the time since I'm drawing all the time. Granted, I'm still too shy to display my work here on the boards since I'm still just learning, however any advice provided are from the numerous books I've read on the subject and advice provided in the past in these very threads. You'd be surprise about how many times the same question gets asked.


>> No.1898068

i really need work on my shading/lighting. what's a good place/book to learn in that area?

>> No.1898076
File: 139 KB, 500x500, sss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1898095

no books to learn value. takes practice.

>> No.1898104

What this guy said>>1898059
It really helps

>> No.1898108
File: 1.12 MB, 2428x1044, dogfriend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had fun
>tfw no pressure sensitivity

looking over it again i see the values are slightly off and the face looks a bit tilted more towards us. perhaps eye further forward too. hmm

>> No.1898116

The idea is to get a feeling for how things are constructed, it isn't a big of a deal if your lines are shit as long as you are getting the principles behind the construction.

Its easier to fix bad lines on good constructions than the other way around, no matter how great your lines look, if the construction is shit then you are finely rendering a deformed turd.

>> No.1898119

Well done, but you should vary more in brush size. Would look nicer with bigger strokes

>> No.1898230
File: 353 KB, 1920x1080, 1268241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been practicing everything on Michael Hampton's books.

>> No.1898233

I'm not expert but that looks pretty good.

>> No.1898234

Maybe vary your line weight?

>> No.1898384

What would yall say is the best way of learning? Doing studies and fundamental practices such as figure drawing/still life paintings/etc most of the time or drawing/painting what you want and doing studies every so often? Been at this a little over a year myself doing mostly studies and its like now when I go to draw what I want I struggle like hell.

>> No.1898417
File: 1.34 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20141113_175646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1898426

draw a bunch of circles before you start drawing, fill two pages

>> No.1898485

Please tell me those aren't directly copied from Loomis.

>> No.1898593

I'm confused at page 59 of perspective made easy
what the fuck is it trying to say?

>> No.1898609

How would you go about doing that with a pen? The pen I use makes it difficult to shade to lightly tap any areas.

Do I need a specific pen, or do I just suck with a pen?

>> No.1898646

so if anyone has any tips. Even if its just telling me its shit so i can close the thread and move on its welcomed

>> No.1898656

Read the sticky. It's crap.

>> No.1898658

It looks like some kid who didn't read the stickies, or any of the advice here, just came into this thread and posted some stupid shit that they did with their whole 5 minutes of drawing practice in the entire span of their lives. It's so shitty that most people are just ignoring it, because frankly, it isn't worth commenting on. It's a piece of shit. Now get outta here.

>> No.1898661
File: 1.36 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20141123_213929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how about this?
Yeah ban me i dont give a shit

>> No.1898668

Honestly? It looks like you are practicing properly, and it looks like you have a decent drive to commit to art. So stop shit posting and get to work. IDGAF if it's ponies or dildos or what it is. Post something that you actually put some effort into if you expect to get any kind of feedback.

>> No.1898671

Alright, now it makes sense why your human work looks like complete shit. Please read the stick, as it'll help you greatly in becoming a better artists.

>> No.1898674

i drew that girl 5 times, a simple is shit would have been enough. I had a shitty week, i just wanted someone to give me some female body exercises or something

>> No.1898679

Alright, first off. Stop drawing ponies. Seriously. It's hurting your progress. If you want to draw girls, as in human girls, not pony girls, please go look at a reference and try to learn the different aspects of the female body first. Alternatively, read the sticky. Also, this is 4chan. Having a shitty week does not excuse you from being made fun of here. Try deviantart.

>> No.1898701

Look, good art is supposed to inspire me but all it does is make me feel like shit. What should I do?

>> No.1898702

Well, ask yourself why you want to get into drawing?

>> No.1898703

To make something great to be produce amazing things. Why?

>> No.1898706

can i have the link to that reference please? its gold

>> No.1898709
File: 214 KB, 644x1512, 1414960182334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then use that art as your inspiration when you see great things. Everyone starts somewhere, and most of the time people start off like shit.

Everyone has potential to be the best, just put time into it.

>> No.1898710

nvm got i. cool study

>> No.1898712

meh, if he's just starting it dosent really matter how he plays with his shapes, as long as he's geting a better handle on manipulating forms.

Obviously if he ever wants to improve he'll have to do proper anatomical studies, but first things first.

That's why I sorta advocate Vilppu's manual over Loomis, he tells you to play wit hthe shapes any way you want to, all for the purpose of getting used to handling forms. I notice people get too hung up on making their cartoon faces look exactly like Loomis', when that's not even the point of the blooks.

>> No.1898714

I still think that picture does the opposite of what it's supposed to do.

>> No.1898717

Then with that mindset, you're destined to fail. Once that mentally is relieved, you'll be able to continue progressing.

>> No.1898758

Why is he drunk?

>> No.1898768
File: 93 KB, 1285x905, scrap004_hand gestures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 minute hand gestures using that one gesture drawing site

I still feel like it takes me 10mins+ to draw a decent hand, though

>> No.1898798

I am getting my drawpad soon.
How do you guys do gesture drawings etc on draw pads? 2 monitors etc? What about drawing with a reference how do I do that with a pad? Tab out to the browser/image?

>> No.1898806
File: 41 KB, 837x955, scrap009_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuk dis, imma go back to drawing porn
on my tablet pc I sometimes have references up on one side of the screen

on my main computer with the intuos I put refs up on whatever monitor isn't aligned with the tablet

>> No.1898810

>on my main computer with the intuos I put refs up on whatever monitor isn't aligned with the tablet
Ok. I will get another monitor. I have no idea how to set that up though.

>> No.1898822

most laptops have at least one vga/hdmi/whateverthefuck port and most desktop computers have more than one

just get something that's capable of plugging in to whatever port type you have

GNU-linux/andprobablytheotherOSstoo are capable of recognizing most monitors so most of the setup is pretty automatic unless you want to go insane tuning colors/gamma. If it's showing the same thing on both monitors just toggle the option to mirror displays to the other thing.

>> No.1898893
File: 1.11 MB, 2000x2000, Practice practice practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what is this improving. I dont get why my pen is doing these hooks when I let go now

>> No.1898895

the dude explained it. Practice that so you can just whip down your lines instead of being all scratchy with it.

you might find more success doing it with a pencil, i dunno.

>> No.1898896

Should I be zoomed in for Longer lines to fill the whole screen of Zoomed out and do short lines

>> No.1898898

cant help you there, i do it all with pencil and paper

>> No.1898902
File: 618 KB, 2000x2000, Practice practice practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well like should It a full page for Line, then another for Arc, and I should keep going over and over again like this instead?

>> No.1898905

I practice this for 1,000 pages. When I finish, I become Buddha.

>> No.1898909

A week?

>> No.1898912

Try doing 10 pages. Then start doing 1 page before you start drawing for the day to warm up, or a similar exercise.

>> No.1898927
File: 90 KB, 500x540, 1360746843814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeez these Videos from CtrlPaint are crap
Im not learning anything
This is like Sub beginner

>> No.1898931

youtube com/user/ProkoTV

hey check this out. It is a decent video series on basic drawing technique.

>> No.1898932

also don't listen to the assholes in this thread. Keep drawing.

>> No.1898942
File: 231 KB, 310x391, Lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried, will improve slowly!

>> No.1898972
File: 281 KB, 2000x2000, Lines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I think Ive gotten Line control down
Now I just need to learn is anatomy and how to exaggerate it

>> No.1898982

work on your lines man, work on your everything

do gesture drawing, it's far too early for you to start anatomy

>> No.1898985
File: 35 KB, 679x781, I donno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really have been
All those scratchy lines were my gestures and 2 other attempts
Pic related was what I was doing last week

>> No.1899013

I don't think you are quite "getting" it then, no offense. Take a look at this playlist about gesture. If the volumes he suggests seem too overbearing, start with just a dozen gesture drawings and make more tomorrow. And most importantly try to internalize what he's saying, don't copy contours and see if yours looks anything like what he is describing and showing.


>> No.1899021

I meant just my line works
I know my anatomy and gestures are crap, I mostly just try to draw from the mind, adding on more what I learn to anatomy as I go on

>> No.1899023

Well if you want to work on line quality then you might want to vary your lines more. Have some lines have thicker weight to them while others should have thinner weights. Overall, try to draw in more confident, single lines instead of smaller ones. Also, mileage inceases line quality

But honestly, your figure is extremely simplified, which means you NEED to get some anatomy in there, also, some gesture would make it less wooden

>> No.1899039

how is the composition/ perspective on this? its going to be looking up at a city in the clouds, made out of clouds. i feel like its going to end up looking flat.

>> No.1899040
File: 1.50 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i forgot the pic. also, i feel lime every thing is going to 'horizontal' if that makes sense

>> No.1899041

>i feel like every thing is going to 'horizontal' if that makes sense
no kidding

>> No.1899042

Gestures aren't necessarily drawn from reference, it's just a fundamentally good exercise and your lines will improve vastly by doing it so I'd recommend it when you are first getting into drawing, regardless of what you do. You even learn anatomy and landmarks at the same time without even thinking about it. After a while you will learn to draw well balanced figures from your mind with a lot of the meticulous proportion practice a lot of beginners struggle with.

Some anon told me to start with gestures when I want to learn to draw and it was probably the single best advise I've got so far from /ic/ or anywhere else really, thought I'd pass it on whenever applicable

>> No.1899044
File: 74 KB, 610x610, 643_5fff69dcea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've watched Proko explain it in Videos like 3 times
And he doesn't explain HOW to do it

>> No.1899045
File: 44 KB, 500x475, 1414718678774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feel it

>> No.1899047

well the effect i was going for was you start at the bottom then you keep looking further up and back but when i added the in between islands i started getting all horizontally. but anyways ill take that to mean that it looks off

>> No.1899048

and the fact everything it facing the exact same direction probably isnt helping either i should add

>> No.1899049
File: 784 KB, 1240x1750, greekfgt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1899051

I meant your whole pic is horizontally rotated and its hard to see shit.

>> No.1899052

Please tell me how to improve them, some honest feedback would be helpful

>> No.1899054

Well, it's shit. But just about everyone starts out drawing shit. I know I'm still drawing shit.

Anyway, the first thing you should do is stop drawing what you think you see. You think you see a body and a head and eyes, etc. What you actually see are contours and values. Focus on drawing contour and value

>> No.1899055

I get that you do not have a scanner, but if you see that you are casting a shadow on a drawing you want to post either move out of the way, or move the light source.
Also read the sticky. You are symbol drawing and you know not of how anatomy works, I know you want it stylized but you have to know the rules before you break them.I know it's annoying to hear but as soon as you take your medicine the faster you will progress. I use to do the same.
Those are great for two minutes! If you can get that much done in 2 mins you should try 1 min and try to figure out what lines are essential for drawing the hand, perhaps go the opposite direction afterwards and draw hands to completion at your own pace and write down where you find yourself stuck at times, those would be the problem areas you have to work on... In fact I might just do what you did later on today for practice, my hands aren't all that great.

If you were working on your lines then you really should've been doing gestures, they're the simplest form of the human body and do not need to know anatomy to do it.

I know you said you started out with a gesture, but look at the harry lines. When we place so many lines down like that, it's to make up for our ignorance in understanding what we are drawing. We are using a quick trial and error tactic to figure out where the line goes, while it may be good for that moment it is ultimately bad for clarity in the long run.

I try to keep lines as simple as I can make them now because when not only can I read them correctly, the places where there's the most lines slowly becoming an incoherent mess are usually the points I have trouble with.
If you go the route you may realize how poor your accuracy is, this can easily be solved by taking your time to "ghost" the line.

Sorry if I rambled about something or it doesn't make grammatical sense, my computer is acting unbelievably slow lately and it's long over due for an upgrade.

>> No.1899056
File: 1.45 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh lol this might be better

>> No.1899059
File: 17 KB, 236x254, 7c8abf0b612b4161cedcc4c722b4c74a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Observe the motion and the 'rythm' of the figure. Old cartoons really help you with the line of action to start with, it's pretty similar when applied to the other stuff. In the video series he shows multiple times how to do it with examples side-by-side.

If you don't see it yourself yet, mimic him, and then try on your own with some other figure and post for critique.

>> No.1899060
File: 648 KB, 408x578, how to draw an owl.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1899061
File: 32 KB, 700x700, Gesture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hairy one was the older one
I spent my time trying to get something that comes out smoother like>>1898972

is THIS what Im meant to be doing?
Its meant to be someone leaning forward with the rear stuck out, not to the side completely but at about the half way between Front and side

>> No.1899064

how about you do that on a piece of paper you nigger

>> No.1899066

Post your ref with your sketch

>> No.1899067

Paper doesnt grow on Trees dude
But really, I dont even have a Table to draw on

>> No.1899070

There is no Reference

>> No.1899071

You are using your fingers and wrists to move your stylus.

Keep your fingers and wrist locked and move the stylus with your whole arm. Think of it as copying the motion with your pinky knuckle.

>> No.1899072

I thought I was meant to have a relaxed Grip?
Also should I draw like I am using a Pen or have it at a 90 Degree angle?

>> No.1899091

Until you get used to gestures, it's best advised that you stick to drawing from references. It'll be easier for you also to judge your accuracy as well as well as improving your ability to see the flow.

Anyways while that pose is much better keep your mind with the flow and how the chest is closer to and pelvis is further away from us. Do you think the body really flows from chest, abdomen, pelvis at such acute angles?

Looks like you are getting the general concept and the only thing you can really do is more practice. Do not believe that you can get gesture just by watching videos and listening to advice. It'll take more than a few days or a few weeks of practice but will most likely take you a few months.

>> No.1899095

90 degree grip is usually used for regular pens.

By keeping your fingers locked I mean not using your fingers to push the nib around. The length of your lines indicate a strong sense that

Don't go fast. Go for smooth movement from left to right. If you build up your accuracy now, speed will come later.

If you get bored what I use to do is find an image of stars. Connect two stars with straight lines, connect several stars using a curve etc.

>> No.1899097

>go to http://artists.pixelovely.com/practice-tools/figure-drawing/
>nudes only
>set it to sixty seconds
>draw the figure within sixty seconds
>git gud

>> No.1899098

No you aren't supposed to be drawing cartoon characters, they are just a good example of exaggerated gesture that Proko talks about. Draw from reference so you learn the ropes of gesture drawing, then you will learn to draw them yourself.

>> No.1899106

>60 seconds
For people new to gesture drawing it might take more than 60 seconds to analyze the pose.

Should aim for the 2-3 minute mark at first.

>> No.1899113

Am I meant to draw it while looking at it or not

>> No.1899116

That's kinda the point of the reference. The important thing with gesture is not to rush the lines and start drawing right away. You can do the gesture in just a few strokes so it's more important to do a few good strokes than to do do a lot and hoping one hits the mark.

Remember to have fun too!

>> No.1899120

How do I get rid of that mentality?

>> No.1899122

Stop looking at other's people work and improve on your own. Don't look at others work and tell yourself "I'll never get there" but rather "I can't wait to get there!" since everyone started exactly where you started. It's going to be work, and it'll eventually get fun. But know that it takes a lot of time to get their.

>> No.1899136
File: 163 KB, 800x912, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warning for bad chicken scratches. I really have a hard time seeing and understanding how the cloth flows.

>> No.1899137

damn nigga look at his nose one more time

>> No.1899145
File: 810 KB, 3281x3843, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did my best


>> No.1899176
File: 15 KB, 432x288, yaranaika comp (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I into facial features?
I've read Loomis and already know how to construct the head but I dont know how to make the face other than dots eyes, pointing noses and a curve for a mouth.

>> No.1899193
File: 16 KB, 379x370, here noob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check the pic related

from the hair line to the bottom of eye brows, from bottom of eye brows to the bottom of your nose, form the bottom of your nose to the end of your chin; are all the same proportion.

>> No.1899195

That's symbol drawing, you need to learn the forms of the face

>> No.1899200
File: 1.43 MB, 1688x1688, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All dat fucking hair, critique?

>> No.1899202

add pupils anyway. artists not only paint what they see, but what they know.

>> No.1899235
File: 43 KB, 500x375, 1416849162462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls respond

also does anyone else hate that "do it better" thread on /ic/ lately?
don't get me wrong, I'm not saying "don't bully the bad artists" but it's just a bunch of circle jerking of shitty drawfags

>> No.1899243 [DELETED] 
File: 198 KB, 1920x1080, something_fancy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other than the obviously bad staging and off-balance silhouette, is there something else that is really obvious?

>> No.1899271
File: 256 KB, 995x1920, loomey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's my Loomis looking? Do I have any hope /ic/ ;_;

>> No.1899277

No it's fucking horrendous. You can do it, repeat it until you get it.

Tip: watch out for measurements and proportions!

>> No.1899281

how about you copy some drawings from hampton, loomis, vilppu etc first and then try that imagination stuff

>> No.1899284

read the right side of the brain first
you have to be able to see what your drawing

also don't give up faggot you can do it

>> No.1899286 [DELETED] 


>> No.1899291

Thanks for the reply, but I meant more as how I draw eyes/nose/lips/etc more properly.

>> No.1899297
File: 1.36 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20141124_192341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i was watching Proko's videos and the fucker told me to practice cubes before moving foward, so after a few hours of drawing random boxes I tried exercise like this, i know i messed up but I have no idea why

>> No.1899299

Nah, I won't give up, I'm now on the "experiment with Felix the Ice" and shit got easier actually. It's just that I was trying to do a complex realistic character profile when Loomis keeps telling me to stick to comic for now.

I should've followed Loomis instructions since the first time.
That's what I'm doing, and that was actually one of them.

>> No.1899318

1.) Post a screen shot of the page or the place that you don't get or something, my interest isn't strong enough to find the book through my files

2.)The "Draw it better" thread is a great idea, but executed poorly. This should've just been done in sport, but all we have in there are elitist cunts making fun of not only the original people drawings but the remakes while not contributing themselves.

We are all here to learn not shit talk other people and gossip. The more you draw, the better you'll get. So it's not a circle jerk of shitty drawfags, it's a circlejerk of elitist cunts calling people shit.

I don't blame them though, I was going to participate, but most of the images were not only poor in quality, but in concept. Like really shitty Ideas.

I actually did a "draw it better" piece a while back to see if I should unwatch an artist who really has just stop progressing all together (He isn't that good neither am I) and it was a great experience to see how much I progressed over the few months I was taking art seriously.

>> No.1899321

What books have you read so far? Wondering what you're using for progression.

>> No.1899325



>> No.1899327

Draw the cubes free hand after get a ruler and try connecting the lines too see if they go to the same vanishing point/points. There you have it, now you can always know if you fucked your cubes.

>> No.1899328

But then how do i know if it's a cube and not a random box

>> No.1899343

Fun With a Pencil
Perspective Made Easy
Dynamic Anatomy

In that order. I don't know if it's a good sequence. Any recommendations?

>> No.1899346
File: 96 KB, 454x681, perspec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this page

>> No.1899359

Thanks for the links dude! That was pretty helpful

>> No.1899365

Any books that help with that?
Currently reading Loomis Drawing the head and hands.

>> No.1899432
File: 302 KB, 650x701, imagedrawtest005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to make her more kawaii? Or is everything fine and continue on with Fun with a Pencil.

>> No.1899480

Nope, keep working. Look how her face is crooked. More exercise.

>> No.1899491

Is it considered bad practice to move your tablet around? Like, sometimes, if I have weirdly angled lines to draw, I will rotate my tablet like you would a piece of paper in order to draw it.

>> No.1899501

Rotate the canvas instead.
I know you think it's the same thing, but it isn't.

>> No.1899586

It's basically saying that vanishing points are relative.

Take a look at this >>1895154

You see how they all have their own vanishing point? they're the same object but the corners of the drawers are in different places, so they have different vanishing points, but they're all on the same horizon.

Vanishing points can be anywhere on the horizon (for 1 and 2 point perspective)

>> No.1899605

I can never understand how to get the ball right and making the divide on the plane. I normally wing, and at times the face will come off crooked. Well, there's 3 other faces on the same page, I'll just continue with those.

>> No.1899608

ok now I understand
thanks for the help anon

>> No.1899655 [DELETED] 
File: 189 KB, 1920x1080, silhouettes5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did more silhouettes. I am sort of slow, what does doing this help? I feel like I'm getting a better sense of proportions and center of gravity, aswell as learning where to see shapes, but is that all there is to it?

>> No.1899813
File: 294 KB, 912x1000, yomi_by_jcdr-d7xlxjt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this artist get his lines to thin and thicken out like this?

>> No.1899823

Line settings. If it isn't line pressure sensitivity, you can choose to make lines taper at the ends and get thicker in the middle. Some brushes might be that way by default. Some programs let you apply that kind of effect to actual line tools or pen tools.

>> No.1899836
File: 913 KB, 2264x972, cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

halfway through his eyes looked like they were glowing so I enhanced the effect for the heck of it

>> No.1899840

dammit just noticed his face is too small

>> No.1899843

besides the eyes looking too small, its looks good to me

>> No.1899862
File: 43 KB, 435x613, Lines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wooooow, One fucking day and I can see improvements, gonna keep doing at least 3 of these a day

>> No.1899865

If those get too easy for you try curves, ellipses, and circles as well. The longer you make the curve, and the more waves it has, the harder it will be. Try spirals as well if you think you're up to it.

>> No.1899872
File: 89 KB, 600x375, 1400348589061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start learning to draw
>goin strong for awhile, feels good
>go from practicing one hour a day to three to four
>all urge to practice just fucking dies
God damn you pic related, I haven't even broken much into shading simple 3d objects yet

>> No.1899896

I got a question about the divide ball method Loomis' talks about in Fun with a Pencil.

>Approached with the understanding that one is drawing solids instead of lines, the method becomes surprisingly simple.

What exactly does he mean by that?

>> No.1899907

sort of finished roughing this out today.am going to animate it later, and i'm going to look a little at what i can find out from color theory to make it look less clipart-y. rdjhsftrikjrtjskym

>> No.1899910
File: 33 KB, 416x612, 2014-11-24_15-06-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course, i forget the pic.

>> No.1899913
File: 906 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I vlippuing right? I.e. The bean and box method.

>> No.1899917

I think it needs some indication for legs.
Like even a line on his white shirt to break apart the torso to create a waist and filling it in a different color to indicate pants

>> No.1899928
File: 433 KB, 760x1300, pmario2002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but the legs are supposed to be obscured by the comically large shoes, kind of like Paper Mario

doesn't it work like this? but yeah, unlike mario his lower body area doesn't really have much form to set it apart from the shoes.

>> No.1899953
File: 576 KB, 523x591, sfdjlal;fkd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried also longest study I've done
am I still symbol drawing? I tried thinking in forms and 3d space

>> No.1899977

With paper mario he's rounded at the bottom to indicate the end of the torso giving believe that there are legs. Like how rayman though he doesn't have any still gives you an idea he has legs.

Just my personal opinion though that it doesn't sit right to me.

>> No.1899989

have you actually watched the peter han video? 6 pages a day, lines varying from 2 inches to full page width and don't forget ellipses

>> No.1899995

Yes still symbolism.
eg. The eyelid curves around the eye but you didn't indicate it and your nose dips down which represented you went back to relying on things you've memorized in the past to draw those features.

>> No.1900067
File: 108 KB, 720x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to give up but hot damn Loomis is alot harder than it looks.

>> No.1900128
File: 161 KB, 767x1363, drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an engineering student who hasn't picked up a pencil for a while. Someone tell me what I can improve upon. Also, how the fuck am I supposed to draw that detailed beard?

>> No.1900146

That with the impression that you're drawing figures with volume makes it easier to figure out the proper structure of the face, that is often a pain in the ass when drawing it using just sloppy lines without volume reference

>> No.1900151
File: 351 KB, 500x560, loomis1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1900153
File: 795 KB, 1040x510, loomis2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1900156
File: 312 KB, 633x366, THIS IS BULLSHIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to study Loomis just because its all stupid American Cartoons from the 50's style.
The only good Cartoon from that Era was Popeye

>> No.1900158

Loomis isn't the only person to write beginners manuals

Why did you even post this

>> No.1900161

Because hes the only one anyone even posts
And the main start to the Sticky

>> No.1900162

>Betty Edwards
>Bert Dodson
>all those youtube cunts

yea nah, quit bullshitting around.

>> No.1900163

>Because hes the only one anyone even posts
lurk more m8

>> No.1900180
File: 588 KB, 2000x2000, Gesture session.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time doing speed Gestures
1 minute and 30 seconds each

>> No.1900186

>top left
>dont hide ur face babi, u r beutiful

>> No.1900188

She had Fake Red curly hair, She was not. Not enough meat on the bone for me

>> No.1900190

Alright, I'm no expert, but I'm going to attempt to help you out. You aren't really catching the gesture, you're focusing too much on contour. When drawing gesture, you should be focusing more on the energy, or the flow of the figure, and not focus so much on the outline of the figure and the anatomy. When you get better at detecting the actual gesture (use curvy lines for this), you can focus on adding anatomy later if you so desire.

>> No.1900195

I was just trying to copy Proko
He was showing off how he does his stuff in a very basic anatomy

So what I should be doing is a stick figure mostly?

>> No.1900204

Gesture is drawing lines of motion in a figure. The flow or essence of the figure. You don't need a contour (the outline), proper anatomy, etc, all you need are some flowing lines that represent the motion of the figure. Figure studies, figure drawing, anatomy studies, etc are completely different, and while they can be integrated into your gesture studies when you get significant skill, they are not necessary for the task at hand (gesture). It is a stick figure, but not. You aren't drawing the body parts, you're drawing how the body parts flow into a gesture.

>> No.1900283
File: 1.98 MB, 3920x2204, IMG-20141123-WA0029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the way you're suppose to do gestures? Also sorry for the picture of my screen, I found this in my whatsappimages. I was showing a friend what I was doing.

>> No.1900285

they seem kinda fine to me, could do with a bit more energy to them dough

>> No.1900297
File: 27 KB, 371x386, PFFTPFTTFFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im getting Pain in the shoulder, is this bad?

>> No.1900299

Fix your posture. Stretch, take a break after 30 minutes.
I ended up with RSI and couldn't draw for 8 months as a result of my bad posture and no stretching.

>> No.1900311

I know you have reasons, but I just want to know why.

Why couldn't you take a screenshot and post that. No internet connection on that thing?

>> No.1900316

Hopefully this doesn't make someone mad.

I'm using a tablet in Paintool Sai and occasionally I'll get these strange "hooks" that jet off into different directions when finishing a line.

Couldn't find anything about it on google, anybody know what the problem is?

>> No.1900318

Paint Tool Sai had problems in the past with Wacom drivers. If it's wacom you may need to completely remove the Wacom drivers from your system then reinstall it.

>> No.1900324
File: 65 KB, 881x1705, Sationary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant seem to get these Knees right, Im trying to have the Hips slightly raised to the Left side

>> No.1900326

Appreciated. Will see what I can do with it.

>> No.1900328

That was happening to me yesterday
When I reset my computer it worked well again

>> No.1900333

try the pose for yourself. What happens to your knees when you raise your hips? what happens if you force your knees to stay in place?

>> No.1900334
File: 76 KB, 716x960, 1937457_10204121370864807_8287045056655741155_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tend not to linger much

>> No.1900337
File: 1.64 MB, 2059x1641, DANGERKITTY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1900342
File: 926 KB, 1600x2592, SexSketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1900352

You got the weight right in the first image you posted but the this on it seems off.

>> No.1900356

Yeah man i know what you mean, they are just sketches i do at mu job, nothing i want to use for any real work, i use no refferences on these

>> No.1900357

Nose looks flat or rather makes the whole face look pushed in.

>> No.1900365

Sounds fun, let's roll!

>> No.1900366

lmao replied to wrong thread.

>> No.1900369
File: 42 KB, 450x619, Loomis4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


FYI, this is the Beginner Thread, not the Stylization thread. If you want to draw cartoons go there.

First of all, you're cheating. You haven't drawn the feet and you haven't indicated the ground plane. Considering the pose you're aiming for is a change in weight distribution these things are important.

Secondly, the knees don't make sense because you aren't actually drawing knees. You're just drawing angular lines that don't really have anything to do with knees. If you were using construction to build the body you wouldn't run into these sorts of problems.

As I said, the pose you're aiming for is about weight distribution. Balance. The weight is being shifted onto her left leg. The way you've drawn it is to have one thigh longer than the other. The secret of this is in the torso. The torso is two parts, the ribcage and the pelvis. If she shifts her weight onto her left leg then the left leg pushes the pelvis up and tilts it downward to the right. To balance herself she tilts her ribcage in the opposite direction (otherwise she would tip over).

>> No.1900371

But I am a beginner, I redrew this like 3 times to get it where it is now, I just prefure to draw a cartoonist style
And I just suck at feet, so I left that out right now
So to make this look more real
I should bring her left shoulder up and lean her hear to the right some more?
And maybe bring her left leg in and Bend it a bit?

>> No.1900374

If you hate feet you should not avoid giving it a go in every sketch or are you planning on never drawing feet for the rest of your life? It's just a sketch, go for it.

>> No.1900381

I draw feet when I have a Reference
This is me trying to take bits and pieces and applying it together
I might do some once I figure out how the legs will sit
Not sure how much of an Arch I should give on her left leg

>> No.1900385

My advice to you is doing a bunch of those, freehand, takes little time, dont mind the outcome, dont erase a line, just do a bunch so that over the time you'll be familiar with shape and the general direction of what your style is heading, i mean that sketch is so simple you shouldnt really be bodered with how it comes out, do another and progress, repeat.

>> No.1900391

gotta feel it bruh

>> No.1900392

>But I am a beginner, I redrew this like 3 times to get it where it is now, I just prefure to draw a cartoonist style

Dude. Get your basics down and style will come later.
You don't even have to have any skill to know that redrawing that... thing is an exercise in futility.

If you suck at feet, draw them. You won't get better unless you practice. What you posted is not worth defending or bettering. Draw the forms of the body in the correct proportion as accurately as possible over, and over, and over.

Also what this guy said.

>> No.1900406

>I am a beginner

Then you should not be drawing in a cartoony style. If you insist on drawing only cartoons then you are severely limiting your education and growth as an artist. At the very least you should learn perspective and construction, as these are tools that are just as valid in cartoony styles as they are in realism. However, if you don't learn any realism then all you'll be able to draw is extremely shitty cartoons. Cartoon styles development from people exaggerating the world around them. You don't have any experience in drawing reality so you're trying to do the opposite: Taking an abstraction and trying to add realism. You're swimming up stream.

>> No.1900408

Which exercise is this one?

>> No.1900413
File: 84 KB, 977x1930, Sationary 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its what I'd want to do
I mostly want to get good
Then do some Lewd commissions that will make peoples dicks happy
Im not focusing on doing a cartoonish style, it just comes naturally

>> No.1900416

>Im not focusing on doing a cartoonish style, it just comes naturally

Then it's not a style.
It's just bad habits and symbol drawing in the guise of one.

A style is a conscious effort to break the rules in a specific way.

>> No.1900425
File: 56 KB, 736x552, 1414118883108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never understand this mentality. New to drawing, wanting to draw cute things like pic related but no idea how. I was told to read the sticky, and so far I've been doing well. Been at it for two months and currently working on Loomis' work, it becomes more apparent as to how these drawings come to life.

Just cause it isn't titled "HOW TO DRAW ANIME!!" doesn't mean it won't teach you how to go about executing it properly. What I do is read what to do from these beginner threads, and on weekends visit a get together with an art teacher who's willing to host a 2 - 3 hour class at some local hobby lobby and does a damn good job critiquing my work.

But whatever, some people just don't want to improve, I guess.

>> No.1900438

Im the type of guy who thinks Practice makes perfect
Theres only so much a book can actually teach you, but with hands on, the possibilities are endless
Where could I do this class? Is it Free? Im fucking broke as shit

>> No.1900451

Books can introduce to you the fundamentals of drawing, allowing you to open your mind as how to execute the more difficult drawings. Before getting into drawing, I remember asking myself "whoa?! How the hell did they draw that?!" when seeing really impressive landscape work. After two months of reading, I'm still impressed but can break down the structure as to how it was created. Rather than seeing the work as "impossible", I can now see as how it was created.
In other words, the books recommend here to you can break that wall that prevents some artists from advancing as long as they are done in order.

As for the classes I mention, no they are not free. Classes last a few hours, but it session cost $18 which isn't a lot at all for this artist, as he's a great teacher and his work is rather impressive. I also visit frequently with an art tutor every Wednesday who isn't as much help, but he also gives more insight as to how to improve.

My only concern in my art studies is not the work load, but rather, I hope to not stray off into the wrong path. My art tutor keeps me in check to ensure I follow the correct path. These beginner threads help provide any info necessary to improve and suggest X book when needed. And my weekend sessions gives me another set of objectives to continue drawing.

>> No.1900467

>What I do is read what to do from these beginner threads, and on weekends visit a get together with an art teacher who's willing to host a 2 - 3 hour class at some local hobby lobby and does a damn good job critiquing my work.
How do you go about finding something like this? I would kill to be able to regularly do that without actually applying to art school.

>> No.1900472

At my community college, I was asking art teachers around about their classes and what they taught. I requested an art tutor, but unfortunately they couldn't assist me in that. After talking to various teachers, one pointed me over to a near by Hobby Lobby, saying they have drawing sessions among a group of other people.

I will admit, I don't go EVERY weekend cause I'm a poor piece of shit and work sometimes gets in the way, but it helps. Don't judge the group for who they are either, majority of the people in these sessions are soccer moms with nothing better to do on their time, but holy shit at their work. When I saw what they could draw, and finding out they just started drawing in their late 30s or so, I knew I had to stay for those sessions.

But yea, talk to those familiar with art and see if you can get more info on how to find these sessions. Or google it, and see if they host sessions at some public venue.

As for the art tutor, I actually got lucky. Granted, he isn't much help, but one of the teachers I spoke with happen to come across the guy and we got to meet up.

>> No.1900478

Would it be Douchy to bring my Laptop and Tablet to one of these?
Not like I could afford these classes yet anyway

>> No.1900479

i need help. Im a beginner and i decided to do a course problem is i choosed the wrong one and i was stuck with people that were drawing for 6 years. Homework was all kinds of crazy shit like draw a mutant spy or something and i barely got better in the whole year.
How do i choose the correct course for me? can i just g to college and they will teach me from a basic level?

>> No.1900480

I just bring my pencil and drawing paper to these things. Like I said, you need to understand the type of people you'll be drawing with before coming in. Bringing a laptop to the sessions I go to might be a bit much.

>> No.1900481

>Im the type of guy who thinks Practice makes perfect

Yes, but if you aren't practicing the right things you won't get really far.

I'll admit you can learn a bit through osmosis, however you'll be frustrated a lot because you do not have the skills required to solve simple problems.

Artwork is going to take a lot of time, your work will look as flat as it looks now because you don't know what you are drawing underneath that.

You'll get frustrated at your lighting and wondering how to make it look alright, you'll get lucky a couple of times yes, then you'll stick to the same lighting and poses cause they are the easiest to do.

Artists think just because they're artists all they have to do is be "creative" but that is far from the case.

You are a scientist first. Dude you're going to do hentai you have to study some biology (anatomy) you have to know how light works, values, perspective form and shape.

Perhaps even study other cultures (if you get commissioned for something weird).

The sooner you get the shit out of the way the faster you can be "creative". I would recommend you schedule study days from creative days.

>> No.1900635

Did you use some stabilization on your software? I'm trying to do that same exercise but everything is looking much shittier than how you did it

>> No.1900694
File: 2.18 MB, 2560x1920, 20141125_204327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's my Loomis evolving?

I guess pretty good but still a bit sloppy (hope mileage will fix that).

Any more tips on these?

>> No.1900750

I like it. Keep going!

>> No.1900761

I understand studying his anatomy, but why are you studying his cartoons?

Do you want to draw 50's style cartoons? What is your end goal?

>> No.1900765

Not him, but what are you talking about? Loomis provides more info on how to draw the body towards the end of Fun with a Pencil. After doing those exercises makes it easier to do the work on Successful Drawing.

>> No.1900789
File: 306 KB, 2048x1536, cObzJX5eLO4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I know that the real skeleton doesn't look like this from anatomical point of view. What do you think 'bout that?

>> No.1900793

For starters, it looks very flat.

>> No.1900795

Is it ok to use chicken scratch for the outline/scetch then make it bold with a pen or whatever ?

>> No.1900801

When I want to draw straight lines i have probably to learn to draw with my arm. It's impossible at first cuz i'm not used to it. Has anyone experience with this?

>> No.1900816

As long as the final image looks clear. It's okay for your outline to look messy.

90% of beginners have this issue. Drawing with the arm is awkward for most people, but it's the best way in drawing lines.

>> No.1900818

Loomis tells me about anatomy structure and then gives you simple cartoon figures to practice it in a easier way than giving you a full realistic body. I'm just doing the exercises he tolds me to do, just that, not studying his cartoons, studying the structure behind those cartoons (I had to build it before adding the details).

I'm thinking on getting into Vilppu once I've got Loomis' fundamentals on anatomy and such.

>> No.1900839
File: 352 KB, 1200x1600, 20141125_202852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried to use one of those ref sites. i know these are shitty but can you tell me why (aside from anatomy)?

>> No.1900850
File: 280 KB, 856x1068, Study9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna finish this another time
also need to practice connecting lines

>> No.1900865

Its impossible with arm

>> No.1900875

Well, they have no gesture and its basically a outline of a figure. Go look up some stuff on doing gestures and actually study anatomy

OR quit now and become a hipster artist

>> No.1900879
File: 32 KB, 780x870, prop_female.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah the anatomy is off.
you need to learn body proportions.

My advice is dont draw poses yet. you need to just learn how long everything is. Usually artists go with the 8 head body proportion where the head is used as reference and the whole body is split up into 8 sections. Just draw a flat person and work on that. I think poses are too advanced for you, unless you have something from reference. I set aside a couple hours each day to draw. try to draw EVERY DAY.
keep at it, and don't get discouraged.

>> No.1900886

Any good face sketching tutorials ?

>> No.1900890

The cartoons represent simple construction through basic shapes. After people practice on the simple cartoons, he moves onto more realistic drawings by expanding on the basic principle. Starting with the cartoons is the best thing for a beginner to do.

>> No.1900891

If you're asking if the lack of detail is okay, then yes that's fine. However I see very little gesture.

>> No.1900892

thank you both! gonna actually read all the books everyone here is recommending and draw way more

>> No.1900911

pls help

>> No.1900930
File: 2.26 MB, 3264x1836, 20141126_102703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never posted before but I know I have to start somewhere. Probably shouldn't have drawn such a small scale.

>> No.1900933

I don't know, man. It looks like an alright start, but it feels like you've stopped way earlier than you should have. Finish the picture before asking for advice. Also take a better picture next time.

>> No.1900934

Most pens should be fine. The more free-flowing pens need more skill to perform light strokes.

>> No.1900942
File: 784 KB, 3000x3000, 1231de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decided to draw some heads with hair to get some practice. 5 hours later i only manage to finish these, not the number and quality that i expected when i started. Especially considering the time i spent with them.

Pretty exhausted now and lost all motivation to continue, what keeps you going anon?

>> No.1900947

>what keeps you going anon?

>> No.1900951

think shapes, not hair strands, and refine from there as you like just like sculpting.

>> No.1900954
File: 113 KB, 822x960, 1409890617175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what keeps you going anon?

it simply must be

>> No.1900956

because of the placement of the dudes hands it took me three checks to realize that she has her legs wrapped around him. I just about asked why she has a nutsack tucked in behind her legs in one scene and a vag in the other. It also doesn't help that the lines of her ass curve directly to the outlines of his legs. This probably wouldn't be such a problem if there was more contrast between the page and the lines. another minor issue is the position of the dude's head. Unless he's meant to look directly at the viewer, he has no reason to tilt his head to the side like that, especially when he would realistically be looking into the eyes of the girl he is fucking, or at least at her body, rather than the opposite wall. a fix would be if both heads were tilted and at an angle so that they are looking at each other but you can still see their faces

>> No.1900958
File: 575 KB, 1570x2074, CC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need some advice in the body.

It's me or it's too wide from the middle to the bottom??

also any advice about the body will be great

>> No.1900965

Look at a real body and judge for yourself.

>> No.1900983
File: 263 KB, 900x815, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1900989

I have to ask this cause I don't know, but how did you come about this drawing? What have you tried to stud when it comes the same?

I only ask, since when I see a bad drawing, they all look exactly the same. Why is that? When people draw poorly, why is it equally as poorly as the next?

>> No.1900998
File: 48 KB, 1500x1500, 11-25-2014 1 0-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1901002

I really wish I stopped hating myself every time I see great artwork. But I don't know what to do.

>> No.1901005

A lot of people have this mentality, and I see it all the time even from really great artists. Honestly, when I see really great art, I actually look at it as "man, I can't wait to be this good" and I understand the time necessary to put in such efforts. My only worry is that I hope I'm following the proper instructions to improve.

>> No.1901008

copy that shit. Even tracing is fine.
Makes you feel good and get something out of it.

>> No.1901011

Ugh, I was doing good. In the last five weeks I drew for 80 hours. Now I've got a major cold and it's completely fucked me up. I already missed yesterday's work that I'll have to catch up on this weekend, now it's looking like today's won't get done either.

>> No.1901012
File: 725 KB, 1570x2074, CC4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what i have so far

idk, i think what i pose i will be drawing and start drawing from the head to the feets..

maybe i need more female anatomy knowledge..

>> No.1901014

>"man, I can't wait to be this good
But the thing is I don't know if I'll ever be good. I wish I had your optimism anon.

>> No.1901016
File: 251 KB, 736x1722, 3731d6768a533e18f1f156c098579d59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1901017

stop harboring useless thoughts

you want to git gud right? just work as efficiently as you can.

>> No.1901018

So, you've started drawing believing you'll fail? Do you do this for everything?

When you learned to drive, did you stop yourself from learning cause you felt you could never see yourself behind the wheel?

Why even bother with drawing if you're already in doubt in your abilities. The problem is, everyone starts some where, and I guess people like you just assume everyone got amazing by this magic that made them Gods are drawing. Problem is, we're all human, and this power is obtained with knowledge and time. You'll get there, anyone can get there, but just know it's going to be work.

>> No.1901020


If you keep doing this you'll be a beginner forever.

>> No.1901025

N-no I didn't.

>and I guess people like you just assume everyone got amazing by this magic that made them Gods are drawing.
Well they always seem to produce good stuff on a regular basis. Meanwhile I'm producing objectively crappy things.

I just wish I wasn't the most autistic perfectionist to ever exist.

>> No.1901028

Not the same guy, but even if I know it's bullshit I keep thinking that "All these artists have divine talent and could replicate the mona lisa blindfoled at 3 years of age". It's dumb, but I just can't help but feel like I need that natural skill to get good.

>> No.1901030

it becomes easier once you realize it's all technique, they dont just magic this shit up. They take the techniques, master them, and do what they want with them.

>> No.1901032


The thing is, there is no "natural skill" and anyone can tell you that. Sure there is some amazing talent out there for certain aspects, but those people are literally 1% of the human population, but you make it sound like it's every decent artists.

And of course they put good stuff out on a regular basis. If I drew 6 hours a day non-stop for 3+ years, I'd expect to draw really well all the time.

>> No.1901033

How can I stop being a perfectionist and start being unafraid of making mistakes to learn. I really just wish I was more confident like you people.

>> No.1901034

You harness that autism like any good savant.

Accept that you will make mistakes, but By God will you search out every nook and cranny to perfect your techniques. Use it as fuel.

>> No.1901036

Speaking of time, how is even possible to get that much ? Do you have to turn full NEET and live at your parents house until you can make some cash out of it ? And you can't do that shit after work or school.

>> No.1901037

Learn to maintain a schedule. I put at least 4 - 6 hours a day in drawing, work 2 jobs, got school. However, I do sacrifice time hanging out with friends and spend it on drawing.

>> No.1901045


You should stop drawing shit and learn proper figure drawing for a few months then go back to your flat faced bug eyed vietnamese animation.

>> No.1901046

E-even if I do everything wrong? I mean I'm supposed to be practicing at least 4-8 hours a day but only manage like two or so. How do I harness my autism into an unstoppable force for learning?

>> No.1901047
File: 18 KB, 112x394, face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you go about drawing the ball for heads like pic related?

>> No.1901049

I feel like we're the same. If I could just harness my autism into willpower, things would be so much easier. Whenever I draw something I start sweating bullets and do internal monologues about how i'm shit.

>> No.1901053

The whole point of mistakes is learning

you're deluded if you think you'll get it right on the first time.

>> No.1901056

I know man, and that's the worst part. I just can't get past the delusion even if I know it's bullshit.

>> No.1901066

It's just if something small is off it bugs me and I go back and make it worse. It's why my figures looked like crap. But I'm starting to see what you're saying. I just wish I could drill it into my head so these feelings don't come back.

>> No.1901076


Have you have to do is actually drill that shit, keep working, move past the useless thoughts (or manage to change your views entirely, a journal might help) and you'll be well on your way.

>> No.1901077

What you have to do*

>> No.1901083

have you guys ever tried just scribbling wildly in the general shape of whatever it is you want to draw?

>> No.1901085
File: 34 KB, 419x733, Shapes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.1901090

Only in chicken scratch, which according to others is the spawn of satan

>> No.1901093

so learn some line control


>> No.1901097

Is it normal that I feel like I have some sort of low-level parkinsons when trying to do shit like this ?

>> No.1901099

Its like lifting weights, of course you'll be weak at the start.

>> No.1901101

>a journal might help
Could you explain how it could help? How did you do it? Do you reall think I can do it?

What does that do?

>> No.1901106

>Explain how

Well, you have a problem. Say anxiety about your work or feeling despondent. You can pick up your journal and try to understand exactly why you feel that way. Have a look at everything you do on the physical, mental and emotional level, since its your actions that result in the outcome.

For example

>I have a problem, feeling as if I wont ever git gud
>Why do I feel that way? What ideas lead to this view?
>Is that really what I want to believe?
>What do I need to become good at art?

Ask questions like that in order to explore your views, and the end result should be a change in how your view yourself, and you can then take better action.

>> No.1901108


I never thought I could be a chef, chop fast like a machine or stretch dough paper thin with my bare hands. Replicate flavours , season everything in a balanced way.
It was surreal to me, some fucking magic, or master skill that took 70 years to attain.

My first week at the job was torture, I wanted to die, it was so hard, everyone moved with speed grace and purpose, I was a lumbering oaf "doh how do i peel patato durr", when I got home my feet hurt so much, we didn't take breaks, we never do.

After a month I felt less out of place but still shit , I had so many cuts and burns on my hands I looked like a fucking gulagh prisoner, after 2 months it was kinda the same, half year mark I felt better in the kitchen, I got used to the movement and the environment, and though I knew nothing about cooking I could replicate the seniors.
Yet every time I saw some new technique I would shit myself and think "omgawd how do they do it" I still had no confidence.

4 years later, guess what? I'm still cooking, moving from place to place, learning and working. I look at new techniques and skills in a different way.

Its all just a matter of time.

May sound unrelated but i think it is, the more I get into drawing the more I see the similarities, 'put more effort into the lines, force your hand to move that way, look at the subject" etc etc.
Drawing is a skill, just like cooking or driving.

I KNOW its just a matter of time, you should to.

>> No.1901114

Thanks for all the advice. /ic/, i'll try best. Hope the other Anon finds all the posts useful too !

>> No.1901118



>> No.1901125
File: 3 KB, 300x300, picrelated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying to get this down, but while I can kind of do it on paper, I'm finding it nigh-impossible on my tablet. Whenever I try and do a curve, my computer lags and puts a hideous straight line right across the middle.

What do?

>> No.1901129

What tablet do you use?

I could give that a shot. But say:
>I feel this artist is superior to me
>what is he doing better than me
I greatly appreciate you putting up with me. I think you've helped more than anyone.

>> No.1901135

So why do you think hes doing everything better? Perhaps he's practiced for a long time and has accumulated knowledge you have yet to gain?

Thats all art is really, just applied knowledge. Thats why so much emphasis is placed on drawing from life, you learn so much from it. At the same time the techniques imparted by various artists are just tools to help you gain and apply even more knowlesge, the more you work with these tools the better you can use them.

>> No.1901142

You're right. But I still feel I'm never gonna learn everything. And I want to stop worrying so much. I wish i wasn't bringing you down. You're doing great things for this thread anon.

>> No.1901144 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1901146 [DELETED] 
File: 231 KB, 1112x745, studies-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All c&c welcome.

>> No.1901147

Best way to stop worrying is to just act, immerse yourself in the process and you'll work it out intuitively.

>> No.1901148
File: 231 KB, 1112x745, studies-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All c&c welcome.

>> No.1901150

The immersion part is hard for me admittedly. But I can act I can take that leap of faith. Do you still have these problems? thanks for everything.

>> No.1901151

This practice wouldn't really help with Digital art, you cant leave a dent in a Tablet

>> No.1901152

Wacom Intous 4 (also sometimes a Bamboo, but it doesn't seem to affect the issue.)

>> No.1901159
File: 144 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this

>> No.1901161

inused to get very upset with how I drew because "it didnt look right" and such and such. But then after a two year break I realized that it was all about learning the good techniques and working them to perfection, not drawing random stuff and hoping it works out. So I took to that and made good gains in a short amount of time.

What I deal with now is sometimes temporary roadblocks in my development, but i know that struggle only means that there is something In my own approach that I must examine and correct. Art is all a mental/emotional process as much as it is a physical process.

>> No.1901163

You dont need to do it on a tablet, just work from pen and paper and the skills should easily transfer over

also there are different ways of holding a pen and still maintaining control, i dont think you have to stab the hell out of your tablet to keep control of the lines

>> No.1901171
File: 6 KB, 282x303, picrelated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worked like a charm! Thanks anon, I'd assumed I would just have to deal with that until I could get a better computer.

>> No.1901172

>inused to get very upset with how I drew because "it didnt look right" and such and such. But then after a two year break I realized that it was all about learning the good techniques and working them to perfection, not drawing random stuff and hoping it works out. So I took to that and made good gains in a short amount of time.
So you're saying even if something I drew looks wrong I shouldn't worry, because it's all part of the process? how many times should I repeat doing something? You're a godsend anon.

>> No.1901174

The same thing was happening to me. So I know how you feel, now go out and be amazing.

>> No.1901180

Yep, you should practice often enough so you get good results whenever you apply the concept.

For example, if you're no good and drawing squares, then draw squares until its no problem, same with any other technique or concept. You need to be constructively aware of all your strengths and weaknesses.

>> No.1901187

But if I'm studying a moving object life, what if I'm too slow? How do you practice that?

>> No.1901193

start with still objects, eventually you'll develop skills to identify and quickly capture gestures and identify key details to describe a moving object.

>> No.1901202

Do I need to use measurements (like something is half a thumb long let's say) when doing still life?

Now I feel bad because i didn't even do an hour's worth of drawing today.

>> No.1901203
File: 208 KB, 1126x791, study-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just did this.

Mark my words, /ic/, I will learn to construct and shade properly!

>> No.1901218
File: 95 KB, 793x1861, Figure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks really wrong

>> No.1901221
File: 147 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the way you grip your pencil/pen matter ? I've always held it like this, ever since I was a kid.

>> No.1901222

That's cause it is.

If that's loooooomis then try 8 divisions or 7 and a half instead of that shit.

Or use the cranial unit method.

I'll let Skroto talk for me

>> No.1901223

I was doing this while It played
He came out all Torso and no Leg

>> No.1901225

Dear lord, what happened to the guy on the right ? Did his legs get caught in a paper shredder ?

>> No.1901227

Hmm that is a bit confusing, imho.

He's using Loomiseses method but there are better teachers for that.

Sycra or Skroto for example.


>> No.1901232

These are just to get a feeling for the divisions, of course.

You're still at the skeletal/mannequin frame stage, after all, so divide your skeleton according to these explanations and don't try to draw like, whole figures already.

Well, unless its in your 'free time' and not study time.

Don't go ahead too fast and study (meaning, try to get it right) your skeleton frame first, you can doodle/attempt full fleshed figures but that should be secondary, even if they look good.

Learning a skeleton is easier and faster and helps you draw things from different angles whereas the fully constructed figure is a lot more complex but yeah.

No rules, only tools, etc.

>> No.1901235

Why are skeletons awesome?
Because they stay hard!

>> No.1901378
File: 289 KB, 856x1068, Study9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear I used to be better at shading

>> No.1901398


Try this exercise >>1901093 and see how much that effects you. If you're unable to draw the line, perhaps moving the hand around may help.

>> No.1901434
File: 37 KB, 500x281, 1352298443840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doing the best drawing I have ever done
>Doing Details
>Sai Crashes

>> No.1901466

>not hitting ctrl+s every five seconds
git gut

>> No.1901538

does anyone have shaky hands? is this just me not being sure of my lines or should i seek medical help to calm the shakes?

>> No.1901552

Pic or didn't happen

>> No.1901569

>Be beginner
>Starting off sucks
>Ask someone for advice
>"I don't believe in giving help with drawing. If the journey is difficult for you then it will better define your own personal style."

>Person believed that refusing to help me actually helps me.
>Years later, not any better.
>Still no "personal style"

If wanting a personal style will make learning harder then I'd rather not have one.

>> No.1901574

I do but it mostly shows up when drawing too slowly. Try drawing with lighter touches and try different speeds. Sweep and pull your pencil.

>> No.1901590

New >>1901589