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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1877833 No.1877833 [Reply] [Original]

>For how many years are you drawing?
>How many hours a day are you drawing?
>How many illustrations do you have in your portfolio?
>When did you finished your last illustration?
>How many finished drawings (not paintings) have you made since you are drawing?

a lot of you will probably realize that you just like to look at art and admire other artists, but you don't like doing it.

>> No.1877834 [DELETED] 

jesus christ how many of these threads do we need?

>> No.1877851
File: 21 KB, 240x208, 1375478741708630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love drawing but finishing things I do not like.

>For how many years are you drawing?
ever since I could hold a pen

>How many hours a day are you drawing?
Depends. Sometimes zero, sometimes 16 hours. Hard to say an average since I can stop drawing for months if I'm not in the mood.

>How many illustrations do you have in your portfolio?
57, of which I've finished and polished 3?

>When did you finished your last illustration?
A couple of days ago. Not a potential portfolio piece though

>How many finished drawings (not paintings) have you made since you are drawing?
Who knows? I finished stuff frequently in my teens and in high school, when I also did a lot of traditional stuff. Nowadays I put 6 hours into a painting and then open and close the file for the next six months without making any real progress or even making it worse. I hope I'm not the only one who does this

>> No.1877856

Well i draw for 26 hours a day, beat that pleb.

>> No.1877858
File: 34 KB, 470x606, ___35_by_sinix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey look its this fucking thread again.
But this time with a preachy attitude.

How many people posting their art on /ic/ have you seen that are able to produce anything worth calling a illustration? Less than 10 for me over the past 3 years.

I finished a portfolio piece two days ago and I started a new one today.

>> No.1877859

>>For how many years are you drawing?
2 years seriously, all my life non-seriously prior to that
>>How many hours a day are you drawing?
>>How many illustrations do you have in your portfolio?
>>When did you finished your last illustration?
an hour ago i guess
>>How many finished drawings (not paintings) have you made since you are drawing?
no idea, a fuckton are three quarter finished. current wip folder has around 200 files, old shit folder has 800 files

>> No.1877877

5 years ago

You're totally right, I hate drawing and painting. I love looking at it. You got me. I'm a loser. I come here to find the answer of how to fall in love with drawing, I'll never find it.

>> No.1877887


if you are not trolling that is incredibly sad anon.

>> No.1877889


Are you srsly surprissed?
Look at all threads on /ic and posts in them. Then come back here

>> No.1877896

I'm completely serious.

This has nothing to do with other anons. It's just something wrong with me.

>> No.1877902


but then, you are not really trying to become a pro are you? you have a cushy job and a wife and kids and a nice sunlit backyard and a dog etc. right?

>> No.1877903

I paint a few hours a day but I don't really draw. Am I a pleb or a pat?

>> No.1877911

I have nothing, I own nothing. A pro, yes I want that. But I don't have the heart for much anything, doesn't matter if it's art or not. I can tell you the look of disgust my peers give me. I always flake on commissions or requests. I'm fully aware of how disappointed they are when I fail. That fucking look does nothing to motivate me. I can't even keep myself clean. I hate everything I make. Even when I went to life-drawing 3 times a week, I loved drawing and painting when things clicked. Yet hated every moment I was working with the materials.

But I love art, and I get a strong emotional response looking at it. Nothing in the world matches it.

The kind of art I like is illustration and beautiful paintings. I'm not crazy about the concept art asset world that most of my peers are going for. So when you ask if I want to be a Pro, I do. But I don't want to make concept art. I have no idea what I want to do. Sorry anon.

>> No.1877913

Hey look guys this was therapeutic but I'm gonna head out. Forgive me for writing all that garbage. Just keep doing your thing. I like looking at your art.

>> No.1877918
File: 21 KB, 640x352, 1184319_1361654104704_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a lot of you will probably realize that you just like to look at art and admire other artists, but you don't like doing it.

I read this and immediately felt bad assuming it was true because that's what /ic/ feels like but I thought about it.
There are some really good people on this board
They may not all be industry rock stars but they're doing great. The people on this board enjoy drawing and draw a lot, there's always someone making some interesting painting trying to improve their skills. You just gotta ignore the shit.
We're all gonna make it one day

>I even prepared a reaction image to admit defeat

Don't lose faith, in the whole art world ranging from facebook hugging to industry pros we're doing pretty good

>> No.1877953



m8 im dun so dun im out of univers alredty woawh the ecto-plasmic emptiness of the antiverse is beautifully peaceful but surprisingly lonesome. A bread and a baguette.

>> No.1879932

I used to love drawing and did it all the time, quite seriously.

I don't anymore.

Shit happened, and after I stopped doing it for a couple years, I find it almost impossible to go back to.

I come on /ic/ from time to time hoping to find some motivation to pick up a pencil again, but in the end I just continue procrastinating.

>> No.1879947
File: 65 KB, 1024x659, 1393983984_DSC00219 (1280x824).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For how many years are you drawing?
>How many hours a day are you drawing?
at least an hour or two a day, usually more. can never help but go at least an hour of fun anatomy doodling, even on busy days. but the majority's technical/mechanical/unthinking brushwork that gets me nowhere
>How many illustrations do you have in your portfolio?
>When did you finished your last illustration?
last christmas (traditionally give art gifts to a branch of my family who always expect them which i technically have to call finished since i know they will be framed and hung. i have an aversion to calling anything i do finished and am only comfortable with, of my regular output, calling sketches and non-serious things finished. or studies, which don't count.)
>How many finished drawings (not paintings) have you made since you are drawing?
too many to count (if drawings, not Pieces)

>> No.1879965
File: 464 KB, 526x646, 1414480994293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have about 30 lbs. worth of filled sketchbooks
>have hundreds of digital WIPs and ideas over five different hard drives and devices
>can probably count actual "finished" pieces on one hand

>> No.1879973

>For how many years are you drawing?
1 serious 4 fucking around
>How many hours a day are you drawing?'
>How many illustrations do you have in your portfolio?
>When did you finished your last illustration?
>How many finished drawings (not paintings) have you made since you are drawing?
a lot in fucking around phase in serious phase i cant be satisfied so i never finnish

>> No.1880018

You see, my friends.. it's not just about quantity, but also quality of your work. Million studies and sketches will do nothing more than be able to do another million studies and sketches. But if you can't push the work to finished level, all that time you put in studying is more or less worthless.
Your art directors won't give a shit if you spend 20h a day for drawing. They won't look at your studies, but what you are able to finish.
and this thread shows how many of you can even finish an illustration for a portfolio.
you obviosly have wrong concept about studying in your head.

good luck with that

>> No.1880031

>For how many years are you drawing?
Not sure. I liked to copy drawings a lot in middle school

>How many hours a day are you drawing?
1-2. College is hard

>How many illustrations do you have in your portfolio?
Maybe 1? Really proud of a self insert Escher piece I did for an assignment in highschool

>When did you finished your last illustration?

>How many finished drawings (not paintings) have you made since you are drawing?

Im picking up drawing as a hobby again since I'm an engineering student burnt out on technical projects

>> No.1880080 [DELETED] 

>For how many years are you drawing?
As long as I can remember so at least 21 years. But I only started buckling down with dedicated study time in February, so nine months.

>How many hours a day are you drawing?

>How many illustrations do you have in your portfolio?

>When did you finished your last illustration?
October 16th.

>How many finished drawings (not paintings) have you made since you are drawing?

In the last five years I've done at least 60, based on my digital archive. But I'd done lots of finished work that I threw away without scanning.

>a lot of you will probably realize that you just like to look at art and admire other artists, but you don't like doing it.

Hmm... Roger Ebert asked Klaus Kinski why he made Aguirre, Wrath of God when the shoot involved floating on a raft in the middle of nowhere when he usually chose his roles based on his fee and how comfortable the shoot would be. He grimly replied that it was his fate. As pretentious as it sounds, I feel the same way about drawing. I don't always like it but it is what I am meant to do, and my occasional displeasure when I do it comes from not being good enough.

>> No.1880451

>For how many years are you drawing?
24 years old, Been drawing since I was 5 years old. My mom tells me since I was 4, but I can't remember that far back.
>How many hours a day are you drawing?
Haven't been dong it lately. When I was really into it, I would draw all night.
How many illustrations do you have in your portfolio?
More than I would care to count.
>When did you finished your last illustration?
Right now
>How many finished drawings (not paintings) have you made since you are drawing?
I use have a stack in my parents house still almost six feet high. Just sketchbooks, stacks of copy paper I drew on and random pieces of cardboard I found at work that I drew on.

>> No.1880454

You're one of those guys that thinks he can get away with not putting in a lot of time on studies, aren't you?
>good luck with that

>> No.1880583

He is kinda right, though.
I have not created a finished piece in the whole year I have been trying to git gud and I don't think I will git gud without doing that.

So I have doubled my alotted time to include study AND drawing what I want, to finish, while applying my studies.

>tfw doing that since the first and still haven't done a finished work because I actually dont have anything good to convey, it seems.

>> No.1880592
File: 337 KB, 700x437, Animatancrop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 years as of last week
>4-7 hours a day (I will go all day if i can)
>tfw no portfolio i can proudly present
>tfw i want to do animation but i still gotta git gud at drawing (mabye almost one)

>> No.1880602

Dude, keep making those animations and put them in a portfolio for CalArts. Genndy Tartakovsky was a terrible artist but he got in because he was decent at animating and crammed his portfolio full of flip books.