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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 49 KB, 250x287, Despairado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1863416 No.1863416 [Reply] [Original]

>Oh anon, you can draw? Can you draw me?
>Think of drawing me as advertising!

Art feels thread

>> No.1863417
File: 137 KB, 1215x699, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat feel when best part about your image are the clouds in the background LOL


hope you told her/him to go eat a dink?

>> No.1863419
File: 38 KB, 302x400, 1404330320278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are we having these threads? Man up grow a thick skin and git gud end of discussion.

>> No.1863420

>>Oh anon, you can draw? Can you draw me?
>>Think of drawing me as advertising!

I dont understand

>> No.1863421

>no fun

>> No.1863424

Basically it's imlplying that the person is going to show it off to all of his/her little friends and say that you drew it

it's basically the same as a restaurant hiring a band without pay under the pretense of getting them known to the crowd and making them more famous.

>> No.1863425

>muh feels

>> No.1863429

Well aren't you the manly mature man

>> No.1863433

lol at least you dont get harassed by 9 year olds saying you suck at drawing and that so and so is better than you

>> No.1863434
File: 330 KB, 646x436, 344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want you faggots to get over yourselves and focus on why you are here instead of blogging about your feelings.

>> No.1863437

>"I'll draw you if you draw me"
>- "N-no thanks"
How to make them go away.

>> No.1863438

fuck off no fun meister

>> No.1863442

they you only draw naked models, get laid, worked for me few times, this only works if you arent total autist neckbeard

>> No.1863443

how the fuck do u know if youre neckbeard or not. i mean i shave but god damn.

>> No.1863468

>how the fuck do u know if youre neckbeard or not.
If you are regularly capable of carrying on a normal conversation you're probably safe.

>> No.1863470

what? you don't want to draw them, or what? I never refuse

especially if it's a gurl

>> No.1863503

>not drawng caricatures and giving out a business card

take advantage of that shit

>> No.1863508
File: 28 KB, 227x215, balrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw nobody gives the slightest shit
>my family best friends no one
>even if I post shit on FB, it's miles ahead of anyone else but I still get 1-5 likes while some shithead who posts overrendered muddy "wow every hair rendered so real" ffvi trace he gets like 900 likes and 50 comments on how talented he is and how he'll be the greatest ever while all he does is sit in class and play shitty games.
>tfw constantly either too good or too unskilled for the jobs so you don't get it and end up underselling yourself
>tfw still miles to go and drawing 8 hours a day doesn't get you that much closer
>tfw you work until your hand quits anyway because there's nothing else for you and you do it despite not being needed in this world.
>tfw just that one thing to hold onto
>that and booze and bitches and audiophilia

>> No.1863513

You're "Beta" or something?
Try to learn how to say "fuck off" to people. Even in rough form of speech. Or just ask money for work.

>> No.1863519

hey, nice clouds bro

>> No.1863522

Eh, stop complaining about others and their niche audiences. Makes you look petty.

>> No.1863523

post your art bro

>> No.1863526

>start NEET
>computer breaks down
>no heating in room
>can't sleep because city noise
>also want to go help my bro who lives 30 000km from here
Just shit.
But tomorrow I gotta draw 6-8 hours. Go sit in the library. If I don't hear anything from my bro by Friday, I fly to him next week (byebye, savings).
Sounds like a plan, right?

>> No.1863542

>come to /ic/ because there's the only place I can ever complain
and by your logic everyone but me has a niche audience.

>> No.1863569

Why do the clouds abruptly stop mid-way?

>> No.1863580

Your personality repels people, change your 'tude and you might gain the praise you crave?

>> No.1863586

you are me dude, here, hold my hand, we should really unite, and create connections together, get this shit on track, it pretty hard alone.

>> No.1863594

>>Oh anon, you can draw? Can you draw me?

>bring home
what's the problem anon?

>> No.1863596
File: 12 KB, 200x136, 149287803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean, like, benis in her ... b- bagina?

>> No.1863857




in the first sketch there was a tower there or some structure thing hiding the sky

>> No.1863858


try calling him. the cost of a back and forth flight is not to be taken lightly by the common neet.

>> No.1863888

that kind of advice always makes me angry

I want people to respect me for my art, not my personality because they "like" me

that's why I act as obnoxious as possible, so that I only get honest praise

>> No.1863898


i like you. and i can relate to how you feel. not the acting obnoxious thing but the posting legit skilled stuff online and getting 3 likes while semi famous photobashers with zero skills post their plagiarized garbage and are inundated with likes.

it makes me question the validity of the whole community/scene/industry.

like how sickbrush got hired recently... at some major studio. i think it was ubisoft. how the fuck does that happen? gives me the impression that nobody knows fucking anything and people just base their assumption about how is good and who isn't on how famous they are. same for noah bradley for instance.

if you are a complete nobody but post really strong work, people won't look at the work and say "hey this is really good!" they will look at your name and say "huh no idea who this guy is. he is a nobody. therefore his work sucks".

makes me angry.

>> No.1863907

okay maybe "acting obnoxious" was exaggeration but I damn well don't pretend to be something I'm not which is an overly nice person

if it makes you feel better I've been hired at a studio before despite having practically zero online following. it really does not mean all that much.

btw I'm not the original anon who posted feels, I don't do that shit. I KEEP MY FEELS TO MYSELF.

>> No.1863910

>posting legit skilled stuff
>i can relate to how you feel
no you can't, Mat, stop rambling and git gud

>> No.1863920


fuk this is creepy

>> No.1863923

i enjoy acting obnoxious if it makes me laugh.

what i really hate is fags who use their publicity to be drama queens i remember a lot of artists on conceptart acted like little bitches before getting jobs. dont remember the names cause i never cared about em i just remember browsing their sketchbooks and feeling the Rage. Not because they were better than me, but because they acted like faggots.

>> No.1863925


care to elaborate on that? i'm kind of interested in the psychology of online art dramas.

i remember browsing sijun, trying to stalk the early jaime jones, and he would get alot of hate ocassionally, but he would always shrug it off or just avoid confrontation altogether. was interesting to see that the guys who would put him down for certain stylistic choices or methods, ended up becoming nobodies (unless they started freelancing under a completely different name) while jaime became jaime.

>> No.1863930

and the whole concept of "interning"

>> No.1863945

cant really elaborate much i dont remember the names. i just remember this one guy was improving and he was trying to give advice and would type pages of pages of his own Art Theory on his ca.org sketchbook posts and sounded like a complete fucking idiot. Like it made no sense at all, very rare some people would say 'ummm not sure I follow you'. But since he was popular most people would be like "YAAAAA!!!!!"

i dont remember a lot of the details especially because I stopped going on ca.org but yeah bottom line is i hate when people use an art site as their own little personal journal. go post that junk of livejournal or some shit

>> No.1863947

especially cause theyre doing it to get attention on their art and the work should speak for itself dont talk about your stupid ass problems

>> No.1863949
File: 166 KB, 1106x1076, 4chanmademegay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw taking an independent study, internship, 2 studio classes and an online philosophy class

I have one year left and I don't know if I can fucking take it anymore. I just wanna go overlap technique mode and get a part time job and draw all day and move out into a studio apt. so I can finally be by myself and not have to commute 40 min to get fucking anywhere FUCK.

Tell me it's gonna be ok

>> No.1863961

No you act obnoxious because you are obnoxious

>> No.1863962

>following artist you look up to for inspiration
>it's their birthday
>"omg cant believe i'm 14 already o_O"

>> No.1863965

Post a link, I'm curious what a 14 year old is capable of.

>> No.1863981

hey man, im on a bitch scale of 78, i just started my first semester of community college topped off by a part-time job. It sucks, because no time to draw. Just try to think long term and blah blah blah generic motivation do what you enjoy. Im going to drop out after this semester because, i aint paying for this shit

>> No.1863985
File: 87 KB, 960x720, 1400177918573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Texting qt I used to go to art college with the other day
>Ask her out
>Sure anon! Where would you like to go?
>Tell her to come with me to a museum to draw
>2 days later she still hasn't replied

>> No.1863987


oh god...

>> No.1863988

So much for the 'rules' on the board.

>> No.1863993


It's a perfectly acceptable plan, ignore that bitch

>> No.1863995


>using the word bro

Please keep that shit in your facebook

>> No.1863997


umad sis? UMAD?!

>> No.1863998


u mad bro?

>> No.1863999
File: 351 KB, 800x586, 1407769755417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when you grind and finally understand

>> No.1864005



>> No.1864010

when you grind at something then it finally clicks

>> No.1864033

what about grinding against girls asses at Dance Clubs? I'm skinny but I have a big penis and I love grinding against girls with big asses at Dance Clubs.

>> No.1864064


/b/ ->

>> No.1864088

Wish I could finally understand ;__;

>> No.1864185

Hey bro, u mad bro. Bro!

>> No.1864188
File: 352 KB, 480x4050, an art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this?

>> No.1864207
File: 30 KB, 500x316, no lulz just sads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh feels

>spend like a total of 25 hours drawing my latest illustration.
>Use all the things I've learned since I started. Gesture, anatomy, value massing, color, composition, rendering.
>It's the best goddamn thing I've ever drawn.
>Stay awake late refining and tweaking it.
>Finally it's good enough.
>Post to DA at like 1AM even though I have work the next day.
>Go to sleep expected to be inundated in the morning by comments and faves.
>Wake up and refresh the page on my phone first thing.
>No comments
>Four, F.O.U.R. faves
>It was even a fanart
>Why am I always ignored?
>Dejectedly work on gestures and studies and shit today.
>Maybe I'll be good enough soon.

>> No.1864209

>Use all the things I've learned since I started. Gesture, anatomy, value massing, color, composition, rendering.

You went full retard on a pony drawing? Nigga what?

>> No.1864216

>4 faves on da
>pony fanart
>be disciple of loomis and /ic/

anon. at this point in your life, you have to realize one thing. it could not be any more clear by now. it's time to realize the fact that the universe in conspiring against you.

i thought i was the only one, but apparently you have been credited with so much good karma in life, that the universe feels like it has to put you back in your place every now and then.

have a hug and stay strong. also make sure you don't fall asleep with your head below any heavy objects. and hold your toast with both hands always because it will not only try to slip out and fall face down on the floor, it might actually explode. trust me, the universe gets cheekier and cheekier every day.

stay safe.

>> No.1864217

I have no shame. Also, I wanted to see if I could maximize the number of faves I got on DA if I really put everything I had into something, and ponies should have received the maximum response.

I don't mean to be a whiny bitch about it. I just really don't understand what I'm doing wrong. And /ic/ is no help. I post my WIPs here for criticism and suggestions and get ignored just like they ignore me on DA.

>> No.1864220

>I just really don't understand what I'm doing wrong

Posting anything on dA for starters

also I would worry about getting good instead of getting favorites from teenagers on the internet

show some serious effort (drawing ponies is not serious effort) and you will get feedback

>> No.1864221

go to /biz/, popularity isn't reliant on being good. Remember, you have to cater to the world that is filled with 60 % retarded folks.

>> No.1864222

be storng and post that very image here, show us.
Why are you looking for some useless internet friend approval and draw what you like instead ? Are cartoon horses really what you want to draw with all your knowledge ?

>> No.1864226

>I post my WIPs here for criticism and suggestions and get ignored just like they ignore me on DA

just keep posting. also there's nothing wrong with saying

"fuk you fags somebody give me feedback on this right now or else"

if you have no shame, that's a great start. demand feedback! the worse you are the better, because the higher is the percentage of people on here able to help you.

>> No.1864236

Shit nigga, thats tight

>> No.1864242


Best boards know the best things

>> No.1864244

Did you give it a cartoony/animated feel?
Thats what they typically want

>> No.1864247

If you paint well, and pump ponies fast, you will get at minimum 50 faves a day

- ex Pony Artist

>> No.1864249
File: 149 KB, 991x683, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you grind like Usher to the point where you can actually see gesture and anatomy through the clothes of anyone, no matter how big or small

>> No.1864252

*for pay

>> No.1864253


I ent scurred. I have posted it here in the thumbnail stage and like 1 or 2 WIPs.

>Posting anything on dA for starters

Where then should I post my art if not DA? Where I can get genuine helpful feedback? (not implying that most feedback on DA is helpful, but asspats at least mean you're doing something right. Being ignored, I suspect, means I'm doing something wrong.)

>also I would worry about getting good instead of getting favorites from teenagers on the internet

>Why are you looking for some useless internet friend approval?

Don't worry, I am 100% concerned with getting good. I don't aspire to get a following doing MSPaint doodles of sanic, or be like that pokemon fanartist that always gets posted in the progress threads as a bad example. If you look at my DA, there are plenty of studies. But, since I'm mostly ignored on /ic/, faves are the only metric I have, (outside of my own self-criticism) to determine how successful a piece is. Sometimes (like on this poni illustration) the two don't correlate and I'm left confused. Sometimes it goes the opposite way. I have an ultimately shitty (IMO) fluttershy drawing that was the most popular thing I've done so far (not that it was very popular either mind you, but it was *less* ignored than the new one) and I don't understand that either.

>Are cartoon horses really what you want to draw with all your knowledge ?
I genuinely like doing fanart of all kinds of things, from forgotten victorian novels to video games to cartoons. Ponies are just another subject. My daughter and I both like the show. I do original stuff too sometimes, but I don't expect to get much of a response being totally unknown.

>> No.1864259

You can grind at art, but if you don't also grind at your publicity, you won't go anywhere.

>> No.1864264

4chan is literally the only place i have to share my artwork. I have 1 friend on the internet who somewhat appreciates what i do. My family look at what i do like it's just some humorous little hobby.

None of this matters. I make art for me and nobody else. If you faggots don't do the same, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.1864266
File: 111 KB, 200x299, gtfo saddaam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my goals are the only right goals to have.

>> No.1864283

looking at your pony thing

firstly, it's not that great technically wise. sorry, but you still have long way to go in terms of anatomy and figure drawing. the pose is especially awkward and stiff and that ruins whatever good things that were going for you.

second, if you want to cater to bronies, I think you're also doing it wrong. now I'm not brony nor do I claim to understand what people see in that pony stuff but I can say this is not your typical pony fan art and isn't done in a style that those people probably have much interest in.

tl dr, loomis harder and whore harder

>> No.1864288

Aye, so it twas you in the alt thread. I see I see.
As an ex-brony, quit in 2012, i can see that your artwork in general feels out of place. Like that pallette in your drawing would be used for landscape.
People in the community as far as I can tell, really like the cartoonish/Animated style, something that pops. And the two ways to go with mlp is cute or lewd.

Sorry if you cant understand, my mind is boggy.

>> No.1864291

>people compliment my work outside the house
>always been bitter since the end of highschool
>I try to come off as friendly but in the end I come off as a prick and unfriendly
>bubble bathe in self loathing every night


>> No.1864296
File: 2 KB, 135x135, 1404767758824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bubble bathe in self loathing

>> No.1864324


Well thank you for the critique. I wish someone would have told me the same when I posted the thumbnails. But it's okay, at least I know what to work on. Would you say the gesture is the worst part? I could certainly agree with that.

do you mean the palette of the landscape itself? or the entire palette, character and all?

>> No.1864326

is your blending supposed to look so muddy?

>> No.1864328

jesus christ get off this board

>> No.1864329

Oh man that sucks, I've done plenty of museum drawing visits like that. If she actually likes art it's a really awesome date idea. Sounds like she's not that into art though, or has a personality type very different from yours and finds that stuff boring (in which case it might not be the best person to have a relationship with). Try texting her again? There's a chance she just missed that text and it got lost in with other ones or she thought she responded or something. "Hey, I haven't heard back from you, just wondering if you are still interested in meeting up. If you don't want the museum then we can try somewhere else, what do you think?" Something like that.

>> No.1864361


i guess so. at that stage. i don't think it's muddy though, just desaturated.

>> No.1864378

Yeah, don't give up mate. You can still try the zoo. Even if she doesn't want to sketch big cats, you can still observe all that animal anatomy.

Seriously though, ask her again.

>> No.1864382

Artist statement. I hate you. I hate you so hard.

There are so many that suck. Sometimes I read one and think, vom. Sometimes I read one and think, sounds ok but that shit is so vague, it could be the statement for 100 people. Whenever I have to write one, I look at it a few months or years later and think I sound like a tool.

Got examples of great statement? Words of wisdom?

Gotta reduce a complicated visual idea, or whole life story to simple words... Gotta not sound like a pomo, foucault-misquoting, artspeak asshole...

>> No.1864386

Oh, I also hate when people personify their artwork, "my artwork does this" "my artwork activates/questions/considers/disrupts" I mean, esp for painting/sculpture/etc, it doesn't actively do shit. It sits there on a wall/plinth and *hopefully* you viewer engage it.

>> No.1864416

why do you think you need one

>> No.1864418

A lot of applications, grants, etc require it. Currently I need one for an exhibition proposal.

Also related article if anyone interested
>The internationalized art world relies on a unique language. Its purest articulation is found in the digital press release. This language has everything to do with English, but it is emphatically not English. It is largely an export of the Anglophone world and can thank the global dominance of English for its current reach. But what really matters for this language—what ultimately makes it a language—is the pointed distance from English that it has always cultivated.

>> No.1864456

>okay maybe "acting obnoxious" was exaggeration
I don't know about other people but I basically ignore most asshole artists. I'm someone who tries to give critique and help on art sites. There's thousands of other people at your level or better, so why bother with a jerk, you know?

I agree this isn't really what MLP fans want to see. I don't think the humanization part of the fandom is big at all? Were you trying to get some attention from people not into ponies/animals or something?
The pic isn't good enough to still get favs from people who prefer ponies, and the face looks a little off. I promise you that if you actually draw a pony with that much effort put into it and submitted to as many groups, it'll get way more attention.
If you wanna sell yourself with epic looking pones, look at these guys:
Assasinmonkey in particular has a closer palette (not cartoony) to what you use.

Otherwise check EQD's daily drawfriends for what's popular. You'll see a lot of art arguably worse than yours, and almost no humans, especially ignoring Equestria Girls.

>> No.1864480

As a pony fag artist myself i gotta say that your drawing doesn't show much appeal to what most bronies visual tastes. Its good i can say that, but it lacks a punch of colors. MLP is known for their explosion of high contrasted colors.

On the other note, looking at your da page and i see full of studies and practices, which is good, but i would advice that you keep your studies to yourself (or at least off Da).Makes your art really boring. Also make a twitter and a tumblr post your shit there aswell.

But i do agree with you on one thing, where you work your ass of and make masterpice that you're actually proud of and then it gets no attention. While the Wip of a silly sketch gets a retweet by someone who runs a popular blog and it gets like 60 likes.

>> No.1864481
File: 216 KB, 776x1119, merc_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1864489

>I don't know about other people but I basically ignore most asshole artists. I'm someone who tries to give critique and help on art sites. There's thousands of other people at your level or better, so why bother with a jerk, you know?

My care levels might be substantial, if I ever in my life went to an art site to ask for people's help. I didn't. I probably won't

>> No.1864492

Can someone post a progress pic of when they first started to where they are now? I need motivation.

>> No.1864507

i generally will draw a friend or someone for free i just tell them they have to sit for me for at least an hour...

however i tell them i won't draw from a photo or do any creative work for them for free etc.. i try not to be a dick i just say i really don't have time etc..

>> No.1864508

your problem is you want people to take interest in you and your hobbies but do you take interst in others?

i would have 13 good followers than 900 fake ones.

i suggest reading books like how to make friends and influence people and books on marketing etc..

being an artist we can easily fall into bad habits without realizing it.

>> No.1864510
File: 279 KB, 600x1053, mindcandyman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the best examples of improvement. He had a whole sketchbook thread where he gradually went from the first pic to the second pic and beyond.

>> No.1864514

And remember: He grinded his ass out of it.

Grind is love.

>> No.1864523

imo learing traditonal for the first time is a lot easier than trying to learn digital for the first time. especially if you have an instructor.

it's kind of a 12345. process.

where in digital the first time you open photoshop you have no fucking clue what does what etc.. brush sensitivity or anything.

my first trad painting was 1000x better than my first digital painting.

>> No.1864529

Fair enough but I assumed you were >>1863508 and meant it for them and anyone else who obviously craves attention.
Acting like an ass just drives people off. Unless they want to attract more people who circlejerk their superiority like a tumblrtard. Not my choice to make.

>> No.1864532

have you even done a circle jerk. you should at least try it once before you make judgment..

just be sure to say no homoi.

>> No.1864533

the trick would be to start with a simpler program. something like krita or artrage that is much easier to figure out

>> No.1864572

Why do you need to help your bro? What happend to him?

>> No.1864576

I think I already said I don't do that "feel" thing and I'm not that guy

I also am not suggesting being a jerk is a good thing. It's not. It's just a personality flaw of me. I just somehow end up pissing off people around me whether I try to or not. Looks like it's happening again. That's why I try to talk to people as little as possible (when it can be connected to my art)

My basic gist wasn't so much that you should be a jerk but that in the end being skilled at your art is more important than your personality or your followers or anything else. The gidgut faggots are absolutely right. They're the ones rocket boosting into success and leaving everyone else in their wakes. You'll see.

>> No.1864583

Why do you draw when u have no fun? It's so unproductive

>> No.1864584


>> No.1864585

Naw, it's cool. Must've misread then.

>> No.1864609
File: 253 KB, 972x1253, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't into sexy.

>> No.1864611

Dude I'm double jointed and I don't think even I could do that sword thing.

I think you need to do more gesture drawings. Looks like that phase where you more or less understand every body part but you can't blend them together into a complete body seamlessly.

>> No.1864622


>tfw everyone thinks you're just talented, they can't even comprehend the work put in day every day to get to my current level

>tfw current level is still shit

>tfw none of your friends take art as seriously as you
>the ones who do draw are just interested in 'style' and don't think they need any fundamentals.

>tfw no real study buddies

>tfw your porn account has more followers than your real art, even though you post real art more often than taking porn commissions/requests.

>> No.1864629

>If you faggots don't do the same, you're doing it wrong.

There's this thing called money and you're fucking retarded if you think you can just do art for yourself and think you'll make enough to live.

>> No.1864633

No, Culture feels WITH history feels. Regardless of what you may think. Yes, you can argue that art is an art on physical form, but then your talking about a "Thing" which you can see. If you cannot see what your looking at, then its not art. If you cannot hear what you hear, then you might have hearing impared-damage of some sorts. (I happen to have one, on one of my 2 ears). But.. if you REALLY EXTREME wanna talk about definition. Then don't say art feels. Cause that in itself is controversial, not just to my country, but to the fucking whole world. (GPS)

>> No.1864635

>>computer breaks down

go outside and draw that goddamn city that is keeping you awake

>> No.1864663

How did this merc_wip thing start? I somehow missed the original thread. I'm genuinely curious, if anyone has the thread archived

>> No.1864667


Two anons were having the usual shitfest over some irrelevant topic, it boiled down to "HURR POST YOUR ART LETS SO WHO'S BETTER"

They actually both followed through with it, the merc image was posted by one guy and now its just copy pasta whenever someone is asked to show their art.

>> No.1864669

>we all the same goal
Fuck off retard.

>> No.1864673

You won't get praise at all with this ridiculous attitude. You're going to be a nightmare to work with if you get an in-studio job. Christ almighty.

>> No.1864677
File: 55 KB, 211x242, 916f48e279661172c2b30e5d145e7ba2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel.
What is your DA anyway? I'm going to watch the shit out of you bro.

>> No.1864689
File: 279 KB, 584x410, oh fug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blog about how you feel faggot.

>> No.1864691

>Take figure drawing class at community college
>everyone fucking sucks, comes in late, no challenge, A for effort the usual.
>Go to a still life walk-in session weekly
>Place is OLD AS FUCK, (used to be a horse stable in the 1800's) everything is run down, metal fold out chairs, cheap easels, gravel driveway, literally the embodiment of "staving artist".
>Everyone there is either amazing but weird, noob, or old/retired/single mom looking for a hobby.
>Depressed as fuck because they all talk about art/events and other shit that I couldn't give less of a fuck of/ don't know shit about.
>I am the only one there that is quiet and just wants to fucking draw in peace.
>Try to leave ASAP before I get invited to jazz concerts, exhibitions, etc., etc.
>Get into my run down, 2000 Ford Ranger and drive away.
>Everytime I leave the old barn looms behind me the whole way home taunting me. "sssssStarving artisssst, this is the future you chose."

>> No.1864715

I am completely unsurprised

>> No.1864716

the other guy didn't post art

>> No.1864717


yeah he linked his tumblr or something idk

>> No.1864744
File: 33 KB, 640x480, 1413442986019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw never reaching that level you want to be at
>tfw you think you came close but actually you didn't really get much of anywhere

>> No.1864748

Alright, give me your email and I'll link you when I get it done.

>> No.1864844

No praise is better than everyone pretending.

>> No.1864858

Dear diary,


Cops didn't lock up the folks that attacked him but things are okay because there was a bilingual witness around this time so I am not flying back. Imma send a Christmas postcard though.

Yeah, I've been out drawing buildings. I thought proportions were an anatomy issue, but fffuu, this is way harder.

>> No.1864875


Sexy is an attitude. It doesn't matter how much detail and rendering and exaggerated anatomy you use if your character is just lying there like a corpse.

>> No.1864876

I try to suppress my negative emotions so I can push forward, regardless of the future.
This is the only tool I have to deal with my shortcomings and inadequacy.
"Fake it 'til you make it", She said.

I hope I can get there someday.

>> No.1864877


if it was like a corpse I would find it exciting

>> No.1864883

Even more shitty than the standard "poor artist jelly of paid programmer friends" problem.

>Be mid 20s, mediocre art grad
>No notable art achievements, no job
>Live with programmer who is achieving
>Very much achieving
>Tfw you are the dead weight in the relationship who keeps saying 'muh art career will take off!'.

It's only cute being the 'creative' one when you're young, poverty won't look so good on me when I age more.

>> No.1864884

>It's only cute being the 'creative' one when you're young

or female.

>> No.1864885

I think you really focus on weight/gesture.
Look at the pony canon style, it's totally non-realistic, but they are so dynamically and gesture-tastic that the whole thing bursts with movement and attitude.
Get all of that down and your technical problems will be more excuseable; you can work on them as you go rather than the lack of movement weight being a huge front-most problem. She's just stood there, no gesture.

Plus, learn to render a pretty face, even if it's a sameface. A pretty face is instant notes.

>> No.1864886

Being female runs out as you get old unless you progress to cougar-tier.
Jobless femanon d/ic/ks don't really seem very courgar, cougar's have power.

>> No.1864952

you underestimate female power. any female can get a man with money, it doesn't matter if you are jobless. only females avoid jobless men. men don't care if female is jobless and even when females get older (how old is 'old' for you?) they can find a man with a fetish for them.

>> No.1864955

You guys are fucking retarded.
Don't do that on the first date.
I'm a chick and I draw and that would be fun but if that was the first thing I guy asked me to go do with him its pretty obvious to tell where his priorities are.
You can't multitask on a date you nimrod. Forget about getting your hours in while you take a girl out.

>> No.1864958

I ain't going to let some woman steal my hours

>> No.1864963

Good, don't get a girlfriend.
Luckily me and my boyfriend have been together 7 years and aren't obsessed with each other so now we can have a lot of alone time while still having one or two nights a week to enjoy eachother's company.
If you're starting a relationship you're fucked though.

>> No.1864967

I agree, drawing dates are lame. Why draw when you can have intense rough sex for hours until the sun comes up. Then your testosterone is sky-rocketed, you feel all zen and shit, and are ready to get back to drawing

>> No.1864970
File: 236 KB, 1228x1500, 1 yr progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, i agree. the gesture on my piece is pretty shitty. gonna go drill action gestures hard for a while now. Any place you can recommend to look for refs aside from comic books and movie stills?

Faces are something I've been working on. I'll work harder.

thanks. While the equestria girls aren't AS big as the FIM following, there are still some pretty big groups on DA devoted to them, and there are some paintings in a similar style to mine that have ~400 faves. Mostly just of characters standing there looking snazzy. There's one in particular (which I can't find now) of human applejack standing there holding a sword and antique pistol in grayscale which looks worse than mine (imo) which was really popular. Pissed me right off.

It seems like what went wrong was I tried to paint an action scene but used a stiff gesture. I shoulda just picked one of the thumbnails where she was just standing there looking tough. Woulda been harder to mess that up, but I'm glad this really drilled home how important the gesture is, even though vilppu-sensei already told me.

thanks for the links. I was actually going for something like assassin monkey's illustrations. I'll check out EQD.

Okay, maybe I'll throw my studies into the scraps folder so people don't see them. I like to post them on DA because I'm in UL, but you're right, they probably don't belong with things I really want people to like.

thanks, and lol, drunken hoers. i love it.

see attached. the kai lan illustration isn't from when I _first_ started, but it was the first time I tried to put everything I had into an illustration, just like the current one. My earliest drawings were typical symbol-drawn crap.

>> No.1864976

I draw with my testosterone. It's better than sex

>> No.1864977


>> No.1864984


time to hide this shitty ass thread, dear god

>> No.1864986

Shut up I love this thread.

>> No.1865003

Fuck off. This is high quality here

>> No.1865020

>that's why I act as obnoxious as possible, so that I only get honest praise

this doesn't work though. It results in negative attitudes towards your work, regardless of its quality, as proven by your lack of "likes".

Not saying you have to suck every dick and kiss every ass, but you don't have to be "as obnoxious as possible".

>> No.1865077

>putting all your eggs in one basket
You dunngoofd

>> No.1865078

You can learn programming like you learned art.
Dont put all your eggs in basket

>> No.1865085
File: 127 KB, 771x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit, is that place still kicking?

>> No.1865090

I cant abstain myself long enough to be dripping testosterone through my skin pours.
Woe is me

>> No.1865091

>latest post

>> No.1865126
File: 79 KB, 491x264, muhnotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know this feel

>> No.1865141
File: 107 KB, 969x475, yorba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this has happened to me a few times.
>hey i heard you draw. so i thought up this great idea. you'll be designing my tattoo for me.
>it's like, this big heart across my back. and it's broken. with tons of little uh, stabby marks and like, wings. great big wings, but they're covered in uh tribal thingies and there're like, fighter planes and cupids parachuting over trenches and shit.
>i don't have any money but now we've talked for like a minute so we know each other, so i won't have to pay. i'll bet you're psyched to get started on this amazing idea, yeah?
>well i'll be calling regularly to check up on you.
>drives away knocking down your mailbox and laughing into the sunset

>> No.1865159
File: 711 KB, 1024x577, 1397439221673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm back from my first week of working in a studio. The design work was harder than I thought. I had lots of revisions with my boss for the stuff I designed after he was satisfied. Like changing small details of a shoulder plate 4 times until it was good. The last thing was "okay" after the last review. I hope he's satisfied, but I was too shy to ask. I just wanted to be perfect. Though there were things which were okay with my first take. How fucked am I?

>> No.1865160
File: 222 KB, 460x6259, german language.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well aren't you just hot shit? what are you doing in this thread then?


>> No.1865163

This is how work life feels like, better get used to it as soon as possible

>> No.1865164

Revisioning things endlessly is normal and routine. Nothing is almost ever right with the first take no matter how good you are. You'll get used to it.

>> No.1865171
File: 68 KB, 780x720, 1348441110065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. You saved me from worrying about it the whole weekend, because it's a freelance studio and I want to get as much work as possible to work there for as long as possible.

>> No.1865172

I always have the irrational fear that I'll get a studio gig, then Fuck it up by not getting designs right the first couple times and get fired or something. I know is completely stupid but just some annoying fantastical worry.

>> No.1865173

I'm not even into drawing so I dont even have a reasone to be on this board.

Just a small tip from ''artist'' to ''artist'' deviantart is gay as fuck get on tumblr

>> No.1865177

I know this fear bro. I actually was hired to just render characters first but then I had to redesign some client changes because there was need of character designers. And soon I'll probably design a whole new character. I hope they won't give away the render work, which is kinda relaxed to do, which also are the fewest people to do to a high level.

>> No.1865182

ah, so you just came here to troll. very good. Opinion discarded.

>> No.1865186

As a nigga on tumblr, how do you deal with the SJW's?

>> No.1865198

>draw some more and more and more
>finally crossed that line when realized that practice is actually making your art better and better
>depression, insecurity - it's all just a step to exclude losers and redundants
>it's just about less talk, more do
>my goals are higher now, looking at works of real masters of Renaissance
>it doesn't even matter if someone believes in you or not
>just do your business if it really matters
>feeling good

>> No.1865205

Nah I just checked /ic/ because of the winterball and all I saw were people whinnying about not getting enough likes on their mlp fanart.

I don't really interact with my followers and comments are nor really a thing and easy to ignor. I don't know man I'm on tumblr for like 2 years now and haven't really seen any of the famous ''tumblr drama'' not being a 16y old girl helps I guess.

>> No.1865208
File: 32 KB, 660x880, 10422035_1534489006765245_7592416646773064083_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not really concerned about my art getting likes but it kind of chaps my butt a little bit when i dont get likes on my facebook pics like this one for instance

>> No.1865210

/pol/ pls

>> No.1865211

>practice line confidence
>it's okay we're all gonna have to start somewhere
>practice and practice
>after a while
>oh i've gotten good at this, fuck yeah
>i can finally move on to other things
>alright that's it for today

>next day
>alright routine routine
>let's do it again like we practiced yesterday
>struggle everywhere
>lose confidence
>where did my fine shit go from yesterday
>stuck again at refining my lines
>practice for quite a while
>lose it
>always suck compared to the last time

everytime. fuck this loop.

>> No.1865215

tfw Bob Camp is my professor
tfw Bob Camp said my art style is cool
tfw Bob Camp says my silhouettes read well

tfw I hate my art and there are technically more proficient artists in my class and I feel he's pitying me

>> No.1865222

>Bob Camp

>> No.1865225

his teacher.

>> No.1865253

>depression, insecurity - it's all just a step to exclude losers and redundants

I don't see why people are compelled to say these kind of things.

>> No.1865273

Same reason someone comes in here to gloat about how popular he is among Nazis on tumblr for doing something that's "art" in quotation marks (does he spread shit all over himself? Nail his nuts to the pavement? dress up as a chicken and take photos of himself in government buildings?)

It makes him feel better about himself because he's more "popular" than a few nobodies on 4chan.

>> No.1865278

Ironically, because that guy is most likely depressed and very frustrated with himself.

>> No.1865312

I imagine they lack empathy.

I have depression mood swings and very low self-confidence when it comes to art but that only really makes me want to work harder. The latter, anyway; I just want to lay on the floor or bed when I get depressed and force myself to sleep.

>> No.1865393
File: 908 KB, 800x1218, 047 Just another day at Xen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw a shitty drawing.
>oh well, at least I learned what I shouldn't do and got a bit better.
>everyone orgasms over it

>draw a good drawing by being calm and not rushing
>"Yeah, it's alright, I guess"

I really don't care about praise as much as it's humanly possible, but come on, why do people like the shit ones?

>> No.1865398

This, oh god, fucking this. I fear the act of drawing is fucking up something in our eyes that makes us completely ignore those things normal people actually like and vice-versa, because I refuse to believe that so many people have shit taste. Though it might be true.

>> No.1865399
File: 2.40 MB, 2000x1280, 040 30 walls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad I'm not the only one. Alright, I want to get an artists opinion. Which one of these two images do you consider to be better? I will tell you my opinion after that.

>> No.1865400

I don't know. I think we just notice it more often when people like the "wrong" things, but in actuality the patterns of what people like are just sort of random.

But yes, I get this feeling often times too

>> No.1865403

The bottom one is very nice, but I found the top one to be far more interesting

>> No.1865404

I'd say this one: >>1865393

It's not just more technically impressive, but it's more imaginative too, and there's more sense of depth. The other one is fantasy castle drawing #13453462

>> No.1865408
File: 1.24 MB, 1000x1529, 045 Razortrain_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, I have the same opinion. But for some reason, even when I posted them in different times on a forum I go to (and people there are generally pretty good at drawing), the 30 walls one got much more "wow appeal". We'll never know.

>> No.1865411

>my fucking face when I heard a friend talking to another friend and they were throwing shit at some photograph
>she says "the guy takes pictures of naked bodies, that's NOT art, art is photos of a landscape and things like that"
>mfw no face

And I don't want to be the guy that goes on 4chan and tells people how pleb they are because of their opinions, but god fucking dammit that comment rustled my internal jimmies.

>> No.1865478
File: 85 KB, 634x472, laughingmares.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1865487

>best board

That cesspit is full of nothing but whiny limped dicked faggots crying about some stupid slut. If any wisdom is to be gained from there it's studying examples of how not to be a fucking beta loser.

>> No.1865497

So what's the best place to post my art if I want a decent amount of exposure but I don't want to be surrounded by halfwit idiots tracing ponyfaggotry?

>> No.1865507


Because it's a coping/defense mechanism.

>> No.1865517

i suppose,

i've had clinical depression ever since i was a teenager (actually it's a bit embarrassing because while it's genetic based on my family i think the event that started it was me being 'catfished' when i was 14 or so by a 34 year old fat women).

you could call me a 'recovered depressive' atm because while i still have depression, and i get depressive episodes, i'm not on medication or anything and i'm pretty happy and can deal with it.

anyway to the point,

I call depression the selfish disease because it's a bit like..well a bit like the old definition of autism "morbid self absorption." a depressed person has most of their time and energy taken up by themselves, so they find interaction with other people a burden, they just don't have the energy. this often leads to resenting other people.

>> No.1865523

>hey big guy!
I think I should just give up.

>> No.1865551

I agree with what he said completely. Some people get depressed and quit, others get depressed but power through. The former is obviously inferior to the latter, what's the problem here?

>> No.1865556

>Be High School
>Say you draw
>Been to Figure Drawing workshops
>Try to ignore
>'I always wanted a cartoon version of me!'
Not sure what she meant by cartoon

>> No.1865559

>keep a sketchblog on twitter
>surrounded by tumblrcore fandom people
>most of their art rarely shows any attempt at them wanting to improve
>same tired jokes on my tl day in day out
>anime characters being gay
>i don't want to join a "fandom" and because of this i'm not very popular, even though i'm not a bad artist
>some of the most obnoxious things
>same shit 24/7
it's like having annoying neighbors

>> No.1865634

>middle school
>super into anime, don't care about realism or studies at all
>super talented bro-tier mid 20's art teacher
>he draws dragons and cool shit and he was a qt (no homo)
>freshmen year
>still really like anime but start practicing a little harder
>art teacher is 50 year old feminist woman who can't draw for shit and gives horrible assignments (here's her dA http://hypknot.deviantart.com/ )
>junior-senior year: changed highschool
>Art teacher is another mid 50's fem type woman, she is better than my previous teacher but I was still better than her
>First year of college
>lifedrawing teacher is another mid 50's woman who draws abstract modern art.

The only time I had a good art teacher, I was too young to appreciate him. ;_;

>> No.1865735

>Crippling fear of drawing the same thing twice because my style changes daily and there's no way the two pictures would look like the same character

>That other fucking eye

>Hands on a gun


Hello darkness my old friend

>> No.1865774

Sure, I guess. But only if you send me a file, of a program. (Any other than Photoshop/Paint)

>> No.1865818

Stop ruining /ic/ with you're feels shit you and go back to drawfagging on whatever hugbox thread on any other board.

>> No.1865826


No, fuck you anon. If these guys want to vent art-related bullshit here they can. No one's asking for ass kissing or hugboxing.

>> No.1865898

Are you me?

>> No.1865933


>> No.1865942

artstation seems pretty good. Looks like my artworks get more views than da so thats a good start.

>> No.1865975

What fandom did you stick your paws in?

>> No.1866010

Not entirely sure how tumblr works, but you really shouldn't be seeing that stuff unless you're following people who draw that stuff to begin with, right?

>> No.1866222

He's joking.

>> No.1866235

just mentioning, i'm also a chick and i'd be very happy and enthusiastic if asked out on a drawing date by someone i liked, but probably would feel intensely awkward and avoid future contact out of embarrassment if asked for anything sexual. so there's probably no rule of thumb, any chick you ask would probably react differently. what they said

>> No.1866255

>Dates where the woman gets no attention
>Art college
I honestly can't feel for anybody here.

What happened to just drawing for fun and improving at your own pace? Why is everyone so attention-starved to get recognition for their sketches or pieces?

>> No.1866257

I don't want recognition, but my professors keep telling me that that's the whole fucking point. I'm glad someone feels the same way I do.

>> No.1866259

because we get older and have to somehow make a living doing this. how can you possibly have fun? are you/your parents rich?

>> No.1866260

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5jnvfGgjGM (care to explain, why you still do not understand? - Proof right here=Code)

>> No.1866262

>how can you possibly have fun?
I have a bunch of other hobbies. Vidya, model kits, the bass, anything else to do if I don't feel like drawing.

Your professors probably weren't able to attend an accredited university themselves. Don't let their sourpuss attitudes and biased views of how art works get in your way, man.

>> No.1866290

>Find out about another submission-based anthology on tumblr
>Read all the submission info and FAQ
>Read timeline in excitement
>Fuck it was a week ago. Salty tears.

I'm so fucking frustrated, tumblr keeps crowfunding and releasing all of these amazing artbooks that illustrators get to submit to but I NEVER find out about it until the deadline has passed.
I know it's just that other people are following the right people are are actually connected whereas I have no audience and no real interaction aside from following people, but I just feel so upset by how this keeps on happening, even though I'm tracking all of the relevant 'open call' related tags. As silly as it is I have this horrible paranoid feeling of being excluded.

>> No.1866292

i want to pat you on the back and egg you on.

>> No.1866297

Thank you, I wasn't actually expecting a response, so that's really nice of you.

>> No.1866301

sure anon. also have many nagging doubts, here. but chin up, keep plugging away and you'll likely make your lucky break.

>> No.1866302

Thank you so much, I hope you make it through whatever's bothering you in art right now too if anything is. Obstacles always look so much smaller after we pass them so let's just both try to keep moving forward, even if small amounts.

>> No.1866305

thanks! s'truth, that. now off we go to conquer the world

>> No.1867849
File: 677 KB, 1280x608, link improvement meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing for fun and improving at your own pace

I know you.

We're "attention starved" because some of us actually care about improving. If you don't kindly gtfo this board.

>> No.1867863

I'm afraid I'll become this man

>> No.1867881


Really like your art, man.

>> No.1867884

>because we get older and have to somehow make a living doing this

Well, you don't have to make a living doing it.

>> No.1867903


>> No.1867978

So do you think it's wrong to keep trying to avoid working in McDonalds, when you don't know what the fuck you should do?

>> No.1867981

I can draw, yes. But Busy with Trying to live, but.. i guess in the so called "Neutral" country that is now apperently not a big 'Thing.' To discuss.

>> No.1867996


>> No.1868005
File: 1.97 MB, 360x360, 156781.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be student
>7:30 - 16:00 every day
>About 2 Hours of work at home on normal days
>About every third day i have an 4 hour assignment on top of that.
>Completly drained when done
>Completly drained in weekends
How can i draw with this shit

>> No.1868073

>Be student

>> No.1868080
File: 1.22 MB, 300x235, 345651.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't, it's "General Education", meaning it is actually just an insane amount of work with no actual direction, sad thing is in my country dropping out of it is being a fucking loser, and i have like 1½ years left.
Every class i'm thinking of just standing up, saying "enough is enough", and just walk out.
To be honest, lasting out 1½ more years to have respect from my family is worth it, i will need any i can get if i'm going to neet to git gud.

>> No.1868082

I dropped out when I had exactly that time left. Best decision I've ever made

>> No.1868083

>To be honest, lasting out 1½ more years to have respect from my family is worth it, i will need any i can get if i'm going to neet to git gud.

haha. no. there is no negative respect anon. everything below zero is still zero. start the neeterdom asap.

>> No.1868084

lol anons are idiots just stay the course.

>> No.1868085

'General Education' is taught in highschool, as far as I know. You must be underage.

>> No.1868102

you don't know jack shit, go back to school

>> No.1868106

Agreeing with other anon, just stay the course. You don't need to git gud before any particular age, 2 years is nothing compared to the rest of your life.
Just make sure you do at least one drawing a day, even a little shitty classroom doodle, so you don't lose touch too much.

>> No.1868270

muh nigga, the feels are simaler

>> No.1868274

muh nigga, what is your DA?
will watch

>> No.1868904


>> No.1868912

he's right though. I literally relearned everything I did in high school while doing my general ed in college. In some cases I was relearning shit from middle school.

>> No.1871426
File: 217 KB, 292x314, 2009-04-08.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why travel 30 000KM in one way when you can just travel 10 00KM the other way?

>> No.1871785

I last had "general education" in 9th grade, I was 15 then.

Not American tho.

>> No.1871802

Wow, this is lovely. Post more man!