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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 195 KB, 1387x805, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1853748 No.1853748 [Reply] [Original]

present for you /ic/

maybe we can talk about the phenomenon of neet depression?

>> No.1853755

get a job

>> No.1853758

I know this all too well.

It actually helped me, but then I succumbed again after a couple of months.

>> No.1853761


can't. i'm legit fucked up mentally. freelance is my only hope.

>> No.1853764

sue moot like the lady sued mcdonalds for making her fat

>> No.1853767

draw with other neets

>> No.1853771

This is my life holy shit

>> No.1853774
File: 240 KB, 1387x805, 1412466911874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw after 3 years of NEETing its ending in a week and I'm gonna be homeless and living out of a backpack because my mom is taking off to another country with her sugar daddy

its been a pleasure shitposting with you boys

>> No.1853776


Don't worry I'm always here to fill you in on the shitposting.

>> No.1853783

great... now you are free to hit the reboot button on life. Been there done that... landed on my feet.

>> No.1853788


can't you at least walk into town and try to get a dishwashing job

>> No.1853794

She would just leave you like that? Damn what a bitch.

>> No.1853807


move to berlin, acquire welfare, neet all day erry day.

>> No.1853809

oi, how close do you live to sweden?
we have a empty room 'till about new years

>> No.1853844

Oh, I can see this case on the news.
>Random guy get skined alive. Critical condition

>> No.1853847

>Autist finds Anime altars that pay homage to Ebola, bystanders say he was last seen being chased by a transexual in pink hair wearing a white nurse gown yelling it's happening.



>> No.1853848
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>we /pol/ now

>> No.1853851
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>tfw no qt pink haired 3.14 trap chasing you

>> No.1853884

I'm a college student, not in the art but this pretty much sums up what I do on my weekend ;_; My skill is progressing at snail pace..

>> No.1853905
File: 292 KB, 480x270, 1408298935417.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a little bit of savings that won't get me anywhere here, but I hear that it's really cheap to bum around SEA. I think I'll just book a one way flight to Thailand and see if shit magically works out.

keep up the good fight neet brothers

>> No.1853908
File: 68 KB, 320x279, 1412280126492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After 2 years of prioritizing the OP picture heavily I finally allowed my Social life to take a upswing again. It really keeps you from learning when you get to meet friends 3-4 days per week.
So I ordered a bunch of art books to guilt me into spending more time with them once they arrive.

Rpg group starts to gather again, MtG bro's start drafting new set, Boardgames more tha once per week if I want to. It's good but it feels bad to not be drawing...

Keep working hard guys, You can do it

>> No.1853909
File: 21 KB, 421x375, 1404140232832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck Anon. Please come back and shitpost soon you're part of the glue that holds this festering place together.

>> No.1853911


i know dat feel. i almost accidentally got a girlfriend recently. thank god she was a hysterical overemotional psychopath and ended things before i even realized we were serious.

best part is i don't even have to feel bad about being able to neet fulltime again!

life is good


dat feel when no gf

>> No.1853913

just weekends?

>> No.1853918

What drugs have you done haha

>> No.1853919

Is that Marko's sekrit to gitting gud?

>sue moot like the lady sued mcdonalds for making her fat
I'm wit ya brotha

Yer gonna make it brah!!

You can rest. I'll take care of it.

>i almost accidentally got a girlfriend recently
You're not fooling anyone.

Don't you understand? Anon's one of "them"!!11!!

>> No.1853920

thats not accurate, no depressed neet actually does productive stuff like art, we just waste it browsing 4chan all day

>> No.1853926

Replace the tablet with browsing and that'd be me. If I could actually draw all day, even without any social life I'd be pretty content. Going to uni is a horrible distraction at this point

>> No.1853934



why would you? if you take art seriously drop out and finance your self teaching with the uni money.

>> No.1853940

I work part time can confirm it increases productivity. And that extra cash sure helps.

>> No.1853948

In what way does it increase productivity?

>> No.1853951

that's so optimistic

i doubt a neet person's mom will let them smoke inside


being productive


>> No.1853960
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I'll be graduating in a few months so it would be pointless to drop out now. However having an escape route, aka a guaranteed job after graduating is kinda demotivating.

>> No.1853967

It puts you under pressure cause you know you have limited amount of time in the day so you don't procrastinate and make the most out of your time.

>> No.1853970

Legitimate depression is a serious mental illness, and hinders any motivation for self-improvement.

In other news, thanks OP.

>> No.1853984

>actually crying
Top lyl

>> No.1853985

Bro I feels you. But a shitty job helped me. Gives me stability and some Zen. Being "freelance" and just wallowing in failure dosent help.

>> No.1854006

t-that did sound pretty creepy now that I look at it again, yeah. sorry. (time to make it worse)
I see. Offer still stands though, if things get even more shitty. just make a thread and holler. can't promise any pinkhaired traps though.
Wish you the best of luck bruva, hope you'll make it.

>> No.1854033

So anyone having success with this lifestyle? Feel like im wasting my time at art school, so I plan on moving back to the basement to grind on my own.

>> No.1854035

I've done it. Left art school because it was a waste of time and money, did art and worked a part time job for a year, then quit that and started freelance and now live off it. It's a bit of a tough lifestyle though filled with depression, and I basically have no friends at the moment other than a few artists online who I barely even talk to due to time zone differences. My day literally looks like OPs pic (minus smoking), except I take breaks from my freelance stuff sometimes to watch anime.

>> No.1854064

Yer supposed to take a shower in the evening, before sleep.

>> No.1854068

I'll be your friend, anon, in exchange for guidance and cc.

Anyways, how long did it take you to reach a professional level? I feel like I'd improve a lot faster without school.

>> No.1854072

show some of your work anon, I don't blelieve it until I see it

Fuck the NEET lifestyle, I rather go out to study some other shit and git gud at snailpace, not lose my mind sitting at home all day

>> No.1854099

Hm, overall I've been drawing "seriously" for like 6 years now, and out of that like 5 were spent digital painting. I wasted a lot of time though in that period, there were times where I pretty much didn't do any art for like 8 months at a time due to depression. Or I would be in high school and couldn't devote that much time to things, and at one point was on my country's junior national team for a sport and was busy with that training 13 times a week. Oh, and I'm surprisingly lazy, so basically you can get pro in half the time I did if you work hard and intelligently. I feel I didn't work as hard as many other people, but I try to approach things very logically and it's let me progress at a relatively quick pace I suppose given the amount of art I do. And yeah I believe school can slow some people down a lot, especially if the goals of the school/program and your goals aren't completely in sync. You just need to be the right type of person to be able to learn on your own quickly....I've met a lot of people that aren't that good at it and need to be spoonfed or have a schedule set out by someone else and assignments given to them.

I've shown my work here multiple times before, don't really want to post it now. Believe me or not, doesn't matter to me. Maybe I'll post it again later, I dunno.

>> No.1854105


I wouldn't lose my mind if I was making money, and I am now (finally) but not through art. Sucks to be you.

>> No.1854145

I got booted off of my summer job and my mom has been gone for a few months to deal with a house that my grandma who just died left her on the other side of the country.

I feel my summer job was good, it was menial of course, but it gave me some sense of fulfillment and friendship. I've now reverted back into my full neet self. I found some happiness in riding me bike every day lately, but now it's getting cold. I cant bring myself to get another job for some reason. I guess it may just be a really confusing time.

I don't enjoy anything anymore. Anime seems like a waste of time. I have a hard time making myself play any videogames. I don't enjoy reading too much. I spend my days browsing the internet.

I can only take solace in the fact that I don't think I'm terrible at drawing as a beginner (might just be my bit or narcissism I somehow have). I'm right now trying to make drawing daily habit. I'm reviewing proko. Also I have quite a bit of savings from when my brother died. It feels scummy to be living off of it like this though. Ah, I should've signed up for that life-drawing class.

Despite it all, I think if you asked my only IRL friend he'd say I'm pretty funny and cheerful seeming guy, just with a bit of a melancholic streak. I don't think I'd ever commit suicide.

I hope we all make it, guys. Sorry for the blog, felt like I had to write something.

>> No.1854160

Recently I've been feeling fucking depressed and overwhelmed with my collection of images and my follows on pixiv, where I have like 1000. I have no idea how to organize my shit and I'm following a lot of artists for one single image they drew that I liked while I don't care for the rest of their content. Then there's the artists who just tickle my pickle with their art. I'm currently trying to sort by artists, but of course there's the tons of images I have with no source and all these folders look shitty in the browser. The time spent trying to organize this stuff is starting to eat into my practice time too.

>> No.1854161

buy HDD, get pixiv downloader, DL them all.

>> No.1854303

hope you will too, and that you'll find something that will bring you strength and happiness again.

>> No.1854314

Shit, I thought I am the only one.

>> No.1854315

Oh man, your situation sounds completely the same as mine. It's been a rollercoaster for me for around 5 years now. To simply put it - depressed. I've been to a psychologist too, said clinical depression.

Sometimes I feel fantastic, but those moments are rare. The only thing that helped me was going abroad this summer, snapped out of depression for about a we week st the end of my 3 months outside of this shithole. But, back to it again. Don't know what to do to change the situation.

>> No.1854322

The amount of pussies on this board never ceases to amaze me. People depend on being inspired too much. Have a backbone and work for what you want regardless if you're 'inspired' or not. quit searching for inspiration and just do the damn thing.

>> No.1854348

I never got a girlfriend in my life I am 28 now. My father was schizofrenic, got my whole childhood messed up, then I had to take care of him, and now he is gone, but I feel like I am too messed up after living depressed for so many years. I even turned down a girl I love recently, because I didn't want to hurt her. That was the most painful thing I ever did, but I gave me motivation to study harder, get that dream job at concept and become capable of supporting a family. Just sayin- all that bad shit can be really good motivation, I stopped procrastinating alltogether except lurking IC once in a while. Keep it up fags!

>> No.1854352

Drawing seriously to me would be dedicating most of your time to drawing/studying.

It's been half a year since I decided to pursue an art career, and I'm able to comfortably spend most of my day drawing now, but its mostly just random drawing/doodling. I feel like its mainly because I've met other aspiring artists through school, although the school itself has felt more like a hindrance than anything else...

So if I've learned anything, it's that you need to be in the right environment. Get to know a drawing bro somewhere around your level.

>> No.1854402


>> No.1854701

If you have the means, definitely go on another trip, man. Maybe take nothing but the necessities and some drawing stuff. My friend and I are planning to go to his homeland of central china.

I think just getting out there and experiencing what beauty the world has to offer is a great idea. I think that's part of what made me want to bike more.

We just have to kick our butts out the door. I know, easier said than done.

Thanks, I appreciate it.

>> No.1854707

Definitely man. Id love to go to central china, is there any chance I can go with you guys? I'm kind of scared of the animals though isnt there lions and shit over there that eat the little chinese people? And what about egg rolls?

Yeah thats cool though. I wanna walk baby. I got my mom to loan me a couple hundred bucks so I can get a massage, I think I really need it my back has been so fucking sore lately haha. You're welcome to visit me anytime though baby.

>> No.1854716

sometimes I eat too many reeses pieces that mommy gave me and I start to cry a little bit and then my fucking mommy comes into my room and spanks me and makes me cry even more! then i post on 4chan complaining about how all i do is post on 4chan instead of drawing and other anons respond to me saying that they all they do is complain on 4chan and they never draw and it makes me feel better. but then their mommys and daddys also spank them for eating too much candy!!!!!

>> No.1854776


>> No.1854795

i constantly get hit with bouts of frustration on how slow my progress is, and how i never bothered training classically when i was a teenager. it never takes the fun out of drawing or studying but it makes it so i can't really enjoy doing anything else, like a game or something, unless i'm really burnt out, because i feel like i'm wasting my time if i'm not drawing or studying.

"what's the point of having time to spare if it isn't time spent practicing" is how i feel, and it's a constant nagging that at times brings a feeling of very heavy hopelessness about my skill level.

>> No.1854895

I do have one.
>want to quit

>> No.1855099

Doesn't help... Now I barely have the energy to do any art that isn't shitty doodles in my sketchbook on my days off. It fucking sucks and is crushing my spirit. Now I think to myself at work "you better get a move on or THIS will be your life"... Am drying my uniform while posting this and have to be there in an hour ffffuck.

>> No.1855391

sorry to hear that life's been really rough on you, but to see that you're still fighting and caring, and that some things worked out, is great to hear.
hope your life will keep getting better, you damn invigorating faggot.

>> No.1855417

25 here, closest I ever got to a form of relationship (I can't even get myself to say gf) was in the 3rd grade and it messed me up, still have dreams of her and that fear still follows.

When I see a pretty girl I see the girl in the 3rd grade so I turn the other way and try to ignore them, if there's a name for a phobia about falling in love let me know; I actually make myself believe she would abuse me even though I never actually meet them.

>> No.1855422

I don't know if it really is a phobia, I just call it common sense- most of us fags here are probably better off being alone. Fuck hurting ourselves, what is really scarry is making another person fucked up because of what we are. My biggest struggle is that girls seem to think I am good looking (even if I don't give a shit about how I look- I could go weeks without even shawing ending up looking like a fuckin bum). Turning every girl down makes You look like a legitimate homo, that just makes me sick. I just wish I could practice without worring about social life.

>> No.1855423

I don't care about me anymore, I just want to make it as a concept artist, because it is the only thing making me want to work my ass off and wake up in the morning I discovered in this universe. It is so much easier getting myself to do day by day shit now, in the past when I didn't know anything about ca I got no purpose and that was killing me (tried to do it twice- first time I cut my wrists, but I did't go down the stream, so I didn't even pass out, second time I tried to hang myself but chickened out just when I was getting my eyes blurry and shit). Long story short I enjoy how hart concept art is to learn, because I am used to struggle, but now it has meaning.

>> No.1855424

kinda off topic.. didn't wanna make a thread for this and the thread seemed the most discussion-y one i could find

girlfriend really wants a picture of me and her drawn. we're long distance right now so no pictures with both of us in them..

we tried leddit gets drawn but both of us managed to get banned

i figure since 4chan is generally better and more talented anyways

where would i wanna ask for that on here? /soc/? or do you guys ever have draw-random-people-to-get-practice-threads


>> No.1855426

If You expect anyone to do that for free, then go draw it Yourself fag.

>> No.1855430


i've tried, I'm learning

people on leddit seem to like to do it for practice which is pretty weird for me

i've considered paying but choosing an artist online is tricky

>> No.1855433

There was another anon willing to pay 80$ for simple comic styled piece lurking here recently. He got some fags email him willing to take the job. Just make another thread, post references and how much You are willing to pay, fags will answer.

>> No.1855435


what's the general pay range for a portrait with two people in it?

doesn't need to be photo realistic or anything, just cartoony

>> No.1855466

about three fiddy

>> No.1855467

I dunno. I have no interest in illustration. I suggest making new thread. Post reference picture of other painting showing quality and general feel of what you expect to get. People will reply with examples of their previous paintings so you know how good they are, and they will tell you how much they expect to get paid if you are not sure what price to put on your commision.

>> No.1855485


are you from the misc?

>> No.1855495

>bitching thread
oh well here's my whine:
I hate how it takes time for me to draw something

>> No.1855511

I've been here for loooong time and I haven't even been getting THIS good to were I can see if I can get better I'm losing my mind mind I can seem to just sit here and put the pen down nd I gotta makes something other wise I gat to work somewhere else

>> No.1858004


>> No.1858109
File: 325 KB, 1383x1600, 1406603175662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, Darkness. My old friend.

And hello, fellow depressed NEETs up in this thread. I'm going to turn 24 in about a month and I haven't even been able to get out of my hometown or put in serious effort to improve myself in any way so far. I'm not completely without hope, but it still feels bad. Having family that doesn't understand chronic depression sucks ass on top of it. Breaking up with my abusive now-ex girlfriend a couple months ago is helping my recovery. Back then I was in even worse shape. Hardly bathing, hardly eating, etc. Now to get a job and get some extra money so I finally get out of here and go live with my friends in Philly. Suburbia is hell.

>pic related

>> No.1858112

to be ninja, you must eat shadow and spill blood.

>> No.1858155
File: 122 KB, 666x341, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cheers mate


>> No.1858168

Dunno if this is a good idea but maybe you d/ic/ks have a solution to this.

I've had a huge depression in my late teens and haven't been depressed ever since. I actually feel pretty resilient when it comes to that now.

But the problem is, I haven't really gotten out of my art slump yet, years later.
it's been an endless cycle of practising basic stuff, getting in form again, but rarely do I actually produce things at the end of it (besides sketches).
Usually I trail off for a few weeks, and then make a come back again, only to produce nothing at the end again.
It's a constant cycle of "getting in form", but I very rarely get to the producing stage. Do I just lack work ethic? Confidence? What am I doing wrong?
Does NEEThood destroy one's motivation?

Heh. Swedes are nice.

>> No.1858170

maybe skip the "getting in form" part and just produce something for once

>> No.1858173

>what is really scarry is making another person fucked up because of what we are.
is there an irc for depressed artists? then at least we can be fucked up together

>> No.1858181
File: 183 KB, 464x346, IMG_0212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the las month after years of training I finally started to make some decent money about 4k in that month alone, I know its not that much but it was a milestone for me, and then nothing, im moved back with my parents in my small town and all of my friends have moved, I honestly I think Im going to break down any moment now, I have invested so much time and effort in this and it has barely paid off, I work my ass off and spent hours trying to polish my pieces just to get one comment or fav, I just don't know what am I doing wrong and I feel like its just to late to try a different field, plus im terrified to work with normal people, I barely speak to anyone nowadays, Im miserable and deeply depressed, sorry I just had to share this

tl;dr Im just a huge faggot and I wish I was dead

>> No.1858193

Dude, if you did it once you can do it again.
Stop being depressed and start actively networking.

>> No.1858202
File: 35 KB, 300x360, 1407073861319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im almost 21, sorta decent looking, never had a gf due to turning down every single one that approched me due to me having severe contamination OCD and you cant really date someone who washes their hands all the time and freaks out everytime you touch his stuff... becoming a lone master artist is my only hope...

>> No.1858289

C-could I see your work?

>> No.1858345


curious about your work too.

>> No.1858370


Appreciate it guys, im a bit of a fragile emotional status at the moment, I couldn't take people making fun of my work, Im such a faggot I know.


appreciate it bro, that cheered me up a bit, Im just pathologically shy and its probably one of my biggest issues

>> No.1858591


Go see a professional, that might be more beneficial

>> No.1858593

Should probably get help

>> No.1858594

If you think your work is good then make sure everybody sees it. Post everywhere, comment on everything, fav everything, follow everybody and be persistent about it. The jobs will come

>> No.1858595

Meanwhile I stopped working my ass off the last two years and spent my time dicking around and having fun while working on a freelance gig every couple of weeks.

I haven't seriously studied in months and I just finished my best piece yet. I feel like taking a break from painting and drawing all day has its advantages. You improve in a different way if you just think about art all day. Daniel Chavez never does any studies as well and I think I'm closer to understanding why he's still so incredibly good

>> No.1858598

>Daniel Chavez never does any studies

that's not true anon

>> No.1858642
File: 704 KB, 1280x720, living_the_life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dream is to travel to weaboo country. Not going well at the moment. I dropped four colleges, four unrelated courses in four years, not because of demotivation but I couldn't see myself in those careers. I like to pretend college is a waste of time, that those attending are more hopeless than I am, and it's not working.

I wish I didn't drop that first multimedia arts course, I wish I hadn't disappointed my parents, I wish I finished the course and four years later I would be so good than I am now, have a job, no burden on my mom and dad, have money to buy my own bike and ride rural weaboo province all day, sniffing the four seasons, join an archery club, make meaningful friendships, drink sake, eat sushi, lose myself in a class A whorehouse, smoke class A cigarettes, become ripped, return to third-world home country once a year, see my parents proud, my brothers astonished, other relatives jealous.

>> No.1858646

People told me there are two ways to get into Japan as a baka gajin: go teach english or go as a student for STEM stuff. After all you're not a cripple, somehow I think you're not 46 years old and what's the deal with the amount of colleges you dropped out if you don't see yourself in that field. Sticking doing shit you don't like would be a similar waste and you don't want to tell me that after dropping multimedia arts college you were banned from trying again in the whole world. Don't move and nothing will change, after all you'll always have most radical resort tho use when you're feeling that you can't it anymore - drawing

>> No.1858697

My third choice was teaching english then I found about I didn't want to be teaching pathetic japanese losers english coz they cannot even after seven million years. So yeah, I'm closing in on publishing a novel unknwoing whether it'll be bad or good but I have hope. After that, I'll research if it's profitable to be a graphic novel artist or something.

>> No.1858699

lol ho chec daneilc sketchbook on ca hes got loads of studies

>> No.1858701

>lol ho chec daneilc..
what the fuck lol, meant
"go check danielc"

>> No.1858702

>taking a shower even though you're not even going outside

you're doing it wrong mate

>> No.1858866

It's really interesting when I meet someone about the same age as me. I'm November 1990 as well. It feels like we were at the same starting line but we all end up in different places.

I only browse /ic/ because I like to draw as a hobby. I'm actually pretty much the opposite of most people here. Software engineer living near DC. I have a pretty comfortably well paying job and a girlfriend and I live with her in an apartment.

It might sound like I'm on the other side of life, but we all share the same problems. I'm never satisfied with who I am and where my life has taken me. I frequently struggle with depression. I have a mentally abusive ex, and I don't know what's going on with my current gf. I don't feel like we connect but she loves the shit out of me for some reason. She does everything for me and I don't know how I could leave her or the job which I'm not sure I want to do for the rest of my life.

For you guys, the dream is living off of freelance and becoming someone. I want to start a small tech company. Games, or maybe a website with some ad revenue. It's all just a different version of the same.

I guess what I'm trying to say is we all have these problems. It's not just the plight of the starving artist. Nearly every person you meet. Florists, lawyers, engineers, cashiers, we all go through this. There's nothing wrong with us. It's just a part of life.

We're all gonna make it, bro.

>> No.1858867
File: 14 KB, 635x773, 1360121409672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first year of cc, working full time to save up in hopes of transferring
>too depressed and too tired to draw
>being pressured into getting a job secure degree rather than an arts related one
>lose contact with all but one friend who comes and goes
>see artist friend after a couple of months
>he's doing good. Shows me all that he's working on and how he's applying out of state for a private art school
>doesn't even work, his parents pay for everything
>am completely jealous of all the time he has to devote himself to drawing and the support he gets from everybody
>spends the whole time talking about himself, doesn't even ask what I'm doing or if I'm okay
>the entire conversation is just him talking
>"Gotta go Anon, see you...uh whenever!"
I honestly can't wait until he leaves so I don't have to force myself to be happy for him.I don't care if I sound petty and bitter, I'm sick of feeling like shit because I accomplish and improve so little in comparison to him.

>> No.1858872

He does fewer studies than most people here, and he also has done fewer studies in later years (or at least posts fewer online). Take a look at any of the best digi guys, and they did probably about 30% studies and 70% imagination when they started out, then when they got better the number of studies dropped even lower.

>> No.1858874


yeah im sure all these depressed people haven't thought of that before.

>> No.1858917

>but she loves the shit out of me for some reason
Most people have low self-esteem and are obsessive little bitches. More than likely, it's not love at all.

"We all go through this" because nearly every single person gives up at every single thing they try. That's why all you hear of is failure. You could be working on building your dream right now, but is easier giving up and crying about it all your life.

>> No.1858922

well they should just man the fuck up and stop being depressed then.

>> No.1858924
File: 65 KB, 500x383, 1397698276039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1858927

shut the hell up, you don't know what's depression if you're not 28 yr old kissless virgin living with his parents without a job, not able to talk to people properly because english isn't his native language and it doesn't get better because he has no one to talk to, losing spaghetti around people, and shopping with mom. fuck you.

>> No.1858930


>> No.1858934

n1, that's literally me except the last drawing fram is me crying on table cause my wrists are fucked up from 8hr days

>> No.1858937

you're a retard.
Studying alone gives you:
>patchy education since you dont know what you're doing
>no life drawing classes
>no networking with fellow students or teachers who will get you a job
>no personalized feedback by people who are paid to care
>no meetups with inna industry guys
>no degree that you can use to teach others or get a job if your art career fails
>no people you can ask for advice if you need it

>> No.1858996

You do realize a huge chunk of the industry is self taught right? Jaime studied alone. So did Min Yum, Rapoza, Rigney, Ruanjia, DanielC, Peleng, Jana, Mathias, Marko, and many other big names.

Also a good chunk of those things you listed are not actually true. You don't have to be enrolled in university to go to life drawing, there are plenty of drop-in sessions in most cities. You can network online with other artists on forums, fb, skype etc. and they can give you valid good feedback on your work. There are workshops like THU and MB that happen for people to meet up. You can meet ADs at cons and online. Etc etc etc

>> No.1858997

they all went to school and pretended it did nothing for them. they're not self taught.

>> No.1858999

lel what? that's not true

>> No.1859004

sure they did, look it up

>> No.1859007

in china for example they do art all through primary school and high school and they have specialized programs for people who are good at it. he has basically a renaissance education.

>> No.1859009

Except they didn't. Maybe a couple did like Jaime did a year at art school, but if you think that was enough to teach him his skills you are naive. He also was skilled before he even went to art school, and really only started getting super good a few years after that.

There's only one chinese artist in all those names listed. And you don't even know if he had those specialized classes. Good job, really winning this argument.

>> No.1859018

you don't choose your classes in china, they're assigned by aptitude.

and the primary school ones, everyone does. that's drawing from casts ala the brague plates, calligraphy and watercolor i think.

so..he did go to school then. so he's not self taught.

i do win, thank you.

>> No.1859026

Okay, so one of the artists listed had some education as a kid. That doesn't counter the fact that there is still a huge number of people working in the industry at the top who are self taught.

>> No.1859029

there are some, most went to art school for a little while, then dropped out, then called themselves self taught.

>> No.1859038

And you have a problem with that? If someone does art for a decade and went to art school for 6 months of that time and left because they felt it wasn't teaching them anything, is it wrong for them to call themselves self-taught?

>> No.1859043

because they ain't.

>> No.1859051

Except they are.

>> No.1859055

It's like if someone is born in England, grows up there, then moves to America for a couple months but can't stand the culture so moves back to England where he lives out the rest of his days. He identifies as an Englishman, and you are screaming "NOPE HE'S 'MURICAN!"

>> No.1859060

that's a stupid comparison

it's like if you got in a car, started it up and starting driving around and someone said "how did you start that car?" and you said you had to crank it yourself because it has no starter motor even though it does.

>> No.1859064

I don't speak car, your argument is invalid

>> No.1859088
File: 440 KB, 550x1492, 1373268450478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turned 24 a while ago
>kissless virgin
>I despise everyone except my friends, but I despise myself even more
>all jobs I had so far sucked ass for slave wage
>get intense feelings of suicide every now and then
>I can't even imagine myself happy

We are all gonna make it.. huh?

>> No.1859090

you know you're not losing your virginity soon when you're 24 and you still use the term "kissless virgin" as if there are grades of virginity at that point.

>> No.1859099


become gay and find a neckbeard more hapless and pathetic than you are

>> No.1859101

>dat comic
Happy ending.

>> No.1859104

i haven't drawn in 3 months and i have a job, i am afraid to maim myself

>> No.1859114

yeah, there are. you don't lose virginity when you kiss, but some people are lucky to at least get that (even on the cheek). the tier goes like this, best to worst:

>> No.1859117

yo you hapless niggers check out WWOOFing - travel, work on farms and shit, meet people, bring sketchbooks

>> No.1859118


also, i'm seriously considering doing this myself soon. torontofag here. it'd be cool to do it with a like mind.

>> No.1859129

Barrie here!

>> No.1859135

O-ottawa...it's so lonely here

>> No.1859137

My problem is that I'm fat.

>> No.1859138

So eat less and exercise a couple times a week

>> No.1859143
File: 15 KB, 633x758, tfw fat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it were so easy to turn those words into reality I would have done it already. I succumb every time to my desires before the dieting habits start to stick.

>> No.1859148


if you can't even motivate yourself to do something as basic and important as losing your hambeast status, how are you ever going to seriously study art?

>> No.1859149

So you're a weak person. Man up and get some discipline in your life.

Or wait, and eventually your self hatred will outweigh (kek) your desire to eat. Or you will just get stupidly fat and die young. I suggest starting now, and just make some small changes at first. Cut out sodas and juice and go on a walk a couple times a week. Eventually you can control your portions, eat healthily, go to the gym regularly etc, but for now start small. Think of it like art--you start off with just an hour a day, maybe some gestures or other beginner things. Eventually you add more and more until you can paint 10 hours a day and are a working pro.

>> No.1859161

The knowledge is there. It's like many artists on here that have gathered enough information to know exactly what to do to improve. I have read self-improvement books, read the /fit/ stick, got a gym membership, read on how to develop habits and read countless of opinions and already tried things that worked out. The knowledge is already there and perfectly formatted in the way that I can perfectly believe in it and imagine every single process I need to go trough to reach my goal, but I don't have the momentum that I need to actually hit the first domino stone.

The only thing that would help me now is to sacrifice my whole comfort zone for a certain time period till the habits stick.

>> No.1859167

Ah, so you're just lazy. Well you'll never make it in anything if you are like that. Discipline is probably the most important skill in life.

>> No.1859171

I'm aware that excellence is a habit. I'm just a shitty human being.

>> No.1859386

Seriously this, try and get a fucking part time job.
I'm schizophrenic with a severe anxiety disorder and a history of suicidal ideation/attempts, yet getting a simple part time job has helped a lot with organizing my time and life, and making me feel like I'm actually doing something with myself. Still manage to draw ~6 hours a day and work on getting good.
Interacting with people IRL is important.
Even if you're working only a day or two a week, it still gives a sense of purpose while you neet away the rest of your time and study art.

>> No.1859388

What job do you have? I used to work as a cook and hated every second of it. Now I don't have a job. I'm pretty depressed and stuff though.

>> No.1859398
File: 158 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone tells I'm a terrible singer.
I spend 10 years training.
I'm still terrible.

>implying not considering your strengths and weaknesses is just as important as discipline.
>Implying not working smart is just as important as working hard.
>implying that those who work hard will outshine those who are both talented and work hard.

Got me mad because talented people act like I don't work hard and people that work hard act like I don't because I'm talented.
Fuck you niggers. Don't promote hard work to those naive youngsters who aren't good to begin with. Just because you started art school thinking talent doesn't exist and bought into the pyramid scheme doesn't mean you have to trick others.

Having said that, discipline is reallllllyyy important. But I don't think it can truly be cultivated until you get a tad older. If you're <22 yrs old, don't beat yourself up for lacking discipline. Your frontal lobe isn't fully developed yet. Your best bet at your age is to not make yourself hate art by overworking yourself and by not listening to your 420blazefaggot friends of yours who, though they will find success in doing psychedelic art now, have already fucked themselves over in the long run. Knowing what not to do is more important than what you "should" do.

>> No.1859404

What? How is saying he lacks discipline, which he clearly does, saying all those things you said?

Anyways, losing weight isn't the same as singing. To be a good singer there is a lot to it and a lot is genetics/your vocal chords in addition to the training and whatnot. But losing fat is literally just thermodynamics, you need to burn more calories than you consume. That's it.

>> No.1859418

Right now I'm just a cashier (not walmart or a big fucking place like that). It's pretty easy even with social anxiety once you get used to the process and speaking to customers.
Not the best job and it's low pay, but I feel good doing something.

>> No.1859431

>believing in talent
Well, I must be a fucking wunderkind then, since I'm pretty good at everything that I've spent a considerable amount of time on.

>> No.1859520

That's fuckin sad anon.

>> No.1861303

Not sure if anyone gives a shit but I'm in bangkok now. I thought this place was going to be westernized as fuck but not even the white people I've tried to ask for help speak decent english. I got lost and my body was rejecting all food and I had the worst panic attack of my life but I managed to find a 'botique' hotel that's infested with cockroaches. The panic attack was so bad my ears started getting legitimately fucked up and I couldn't speak right. I even fucked up reading my hotel numbers right because I was so mentally fucked. 30 hours of flights no sleep not including trying to figure shit while here. Also there's some dude that's on all their money even the coins and he looks young as fuck. Also some dude saved me basically I guess they drive these scooters and I gave him 2 usd and he looked like the happiest fucker ever even though I was getting fucked from his perspective its like 2 bucks. Anyways I don't want to make this my blog but you guys are my only friends at (gonna stay in hostels after this and work on that)and I figured some of you thought I was full of shit that'd is be retarded enough to book a one way flight literally on the other side of the earth. Sorry if it's a shit story but I'm on my phone and I haven't slept yet and I thought it might be interesting to hear experiences from someone who was 3 years a shut in neet doing this shit. Going to try to get a portfolio together ASAP and get indie game work with that PayPal money.

>> No.1861310
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>> No.1861321


holy fuck dude. for real? you actually followed through with it? jesus. make your own thread brah. hope you have some savings to ease into your new life without having to hit it off running and grinding.

good luck anon. but do keep us updated. you could become a legend and inspirpe others to do the same thing (maybe even meet up with you and share a house or something? wouldn't that be awesome? 4 neet anons studying art and freelancing from a house in freaking bangkok)

>> No.1861324

>Not sure if anyone gives a shit.

I find it pretty interesting. Start a blog or make your own thread if you want.

>> No.1861337

forgot to add, you can probably capitalize on your english skills and take a job at some place that has use for them. part time or something. will atleast get paid more than a shit-tier-anything job.

>> No.1861347


>take a job at some place that has use for them.

This, a call centre sounds good if you can find it.

>> No.1861376

This has nothing to do with this topic. You are just lazy or lack motivation/ passion for this shit. Seriously You might want consider another patch for Your life- something You actually like doing.

>> No.1861379

im usually more depressed when I have to work a shitty job lol. I have an interview coming up though. Ive only been unemployed for a few months but its been pure bliss for me

>> No.1861381

No, but I can imagine it can hurt even more. It is ok to post how You feel from time to time especially if You can motivate another loosers here as I did, but I wouldn't ever want to participate in such circle as it could make Your depression even worse. I am always dealing it on my own and after 2-3 weeks of mentally worst period since 10 years I am back relatively well. I don't recommend exposing Yourself to other sick fags. They won't motivate You, because few of us can see motivation through that darkness. Get that stylus in Your hand and practice even through tears- thats what we were made for.

>> No.1861383

You are not depressed, You just feel down. You are not even close to what some of depressed fags here went through. Moarn for 1 week and then get Your shit together. Don't expect to find better advice on this board. This field is really fair- if You are good, You will get commisions/ contract (I am talking entertainment industry here, I don't care about gallery art and shit for homos). Long story short- give Yourself 7 days to feel self pitty, but after that it's over- You get Your shit together and kick the world in the balls.

>> No.1861384

That can be helped. Recommend seeking proffesionall help- seriously, You can be helped. You are lucky.

>> No.1861385

why is /ic/ so depressed?

>> No.1861387

Who the fuck are you? Go away.

>> No.1861389

People can win with drugs and masturbation addictions, expecting to not despise fat people for whatever sake is just silly. Good friend of mine could not walk stairs on his own because his body could not handle his weight. Few years forward he is in better shape than I am. Google help with diet and excercises. If You are still fat it is because You are a fag. Another fag that can be helped, but chooses to call himself depressed and shit.

>> No.1861391

Feel proud of You fellow anon.

>> No.1861392

>Who the fuck are you? Go away.
Who the fuck are you? Go away.

>> No.1861393

you guys sound like a bunch of whiney babies. grow the fuck up life is hard for everyone.

>> No.1861394
File: 224 KB, 648x508, 1389531628462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every morning I wake up with the question:
"Should I kill myself, or make a cup of coffee?"
Something about it resonates deep with my depression, and manages to get me out of bed so I can distract myself.

>> No.1861395

Thank You. I never thought of this. You saved us.

>> No.1861400

hey anytime man solving problems is my business. anyone else need any help?

>> No.1861801

your friend isn't very much of a friend. who meets up with someone and doesn't bother asking how their life is/what they're up to?

>> No.1861805

Interesting, now I'm probably gonna start thinking that. Fuck. Also you gotta step your game up and make a full pot of coffee each morning, not just a single cup.

>> No.1862226

artists generally have a depressed personality afaik. They might only find happiness in the craft or in nothing else.

>> No.1862271
File: 51 KB, 236x243, 019234351235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grow up being a sheltered autist drawing sonic oc's and thinking naruto was the shit
>obsessed with art, drawing literally every second i can but not really learning anything because muh style
>having the time of my life pursuing dreams and shit
>grow up and let reality check in
>find 4chan
>learn to art and not be retarded
>spend as much time arting but became completely disenchanted with both my dream and the human experience
>just learning art to learn art, almost like i want to get it over with so i can move on with my life
>there's ALWAYS more to learn
>probably could have went to college or gotten a job or a gf or done anything else really but too busy trying to learn art for no reason at all

I think i take my hobby too seriously

>> No.1862273

pls, if it hadn't been art you'd be playing wow or drinking or something, you're just a loser don't blame the arts.

>> No.1862275
File: 37 KB, 500x390, 1413180242798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're probably right.

>> No.1862276


>> No.1862292

Post your shit. I'm interested where all that learning has gotten you by now.

>> No.1862303
File: 233 KB, 426x341, 1398028599172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bad at art
>still can't give it up
>continue being bad and feeling bad

>> No.1862315

>be me
>18, about to finish high school and still don't know what to study, running out of time
>don't want to get an art job because shitty country and the artists i know are either shitty spiritual faggots, weaboos or people who copy from photos and nothing else
>relate a lot with /ic/ and 4chan in general, except for one thing: I still fucking care about school and have some of the highest grades, I want to study a career that is respected and gives me many shekels, and I don't do drugs
>still don't care enough about anything else but art, yet I don't want to be an artist...yet

Basically I'm in the middle of everything, I care about caring about something else I don't give a fuck yet so I can give zero fucks about everything, I can figure out the path later but my perfect plan to avoid being a neet lacks the main thing: a subject.

Wat do. Wat study.

>> No.1862321


go be an accountant. you don't have what it takes to succeed in art.

>> No.1862350

accountant? Sorry, I don't like it, but thanks for the suggestion kind anon. Also, I didn't say I wanted to, but to succeed in art you need skill, contacts, luck, and some other stuff.

>> No.1862378

you mainly just need to be a massive, unlikeable dick.

>> No.1862414


>> No.1862808
File: 104 KB, 746x982, 1407063266521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the deep and comradic concern anons, but the problem is that i'm art student poorfag, who cant afford not even a single hour of professional help. But i've been trying overcome my obsessions, by reading some help blogs, watching some videos of people who overcome OCD. I even started heavy lifting and eating healthier, cuz i read it somewhere helps with your mental stability as well. Still hard to not to wash my hands after I touched a filthy hippie.

>tfw I had OCD since 8 (20 now)
>tfw i beat my obsessions twice since, without any medical drugs or professional help
>tfw theres always some little things that somehow crawl back into my habits
>tfw every time OCD thoughts return its even more intense than previous time.
>atleast i can draw bweebs

>> No.1862857

>Neet, been tryin to get good for a while
>Lost all motivation last year, have barely been drawing since
I feel flipping terrible, I just want the motivation to force myself to draw but I can't even muster that.
Tell me your secrets please I can't go on like this much longer

>> No.1862897


>> No.1862960


you are gonna make it brah

>> No.1862967


are you really that anon that was raring to go to SE Asia? holy shit trip up please

>> No.1863038

nigga. didnt u play in the mud when you were little? bacteria aint going to kill you unless you directly ingest it. i worry for you cause my aunt has an ocd with cleanliness too and she suffered due to it. her hands are ugly af now. idk what's the exact underlying process but maybe it weakened her hands immune system or sum shit and it got more prone to skin disease. damn nigga, reconcile with mother nature. it's good for u. you can do it.

same anon. i always relapse.

>> No.1863041


>> No.1863057

Keep us posted anon, you'll be fine.

You get bonus points if you sit and paint the roaches.

>> No.1863109

Pretty similar to me,expect I didn't gave too many fucks.
Stopped talking to a few of my "friends".
You just got to be like :"I don't need these faggots"
keep yer head um buddy!

>> No.1863138

If you are going to art school you are just lazy and scared

>> No.1863730

I had a "friend" like that. Normally I'm one to keep in touch with people, so I decided to play a game and not contact him unless he contacted me first. It's been two years now.

I didn't need him in my life anyways. Some people are just caught up in their own lives, they forget they're not the center of the world.

>> No.1863769

albert pls

>> No.1863779


He probably isn't doing it to be malicious, he's probably unaware of your situation and assumes that you're currently doing well.

I give people that impression unintentionally.

>> No.1867549

i was neet for 8 months so i get the mind set. yes depression is a real mental illness but thats not an excuse. you can't just sit around all day not bringing in any money or going to school. you can pull yourself out, and if you can't. seek help

>> No.1868378
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>Used to be genuinely nice
>Depression starts at around 1 year ago
>Completely dead inside at this point
>Fade into assholeness
>Fake being nice
>Slowly don't want to anymore
>Ego is slowly inflating
>Sympathy is slowly disappearing
>tfw people suffering inside brings be childish joy
I'm guessing being a narcissistic asshole is just my true nature, at this point i would rather overrate myself and have massive confidence than just staying humble and not allowed to enjoy myself like other retards.

>> No.1868403

you could try being a genuinely good person. it's surprisingly rewarding.

>> No.1868459
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>> No.1868476
File: 110 KB, 620x386, You-learned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



You learned: Crabs in the Barrel Mentality.

You use the suffering and discontent of others to help validate your current place in life You're confidence and/or narcissism is thin as paper because you have no real accomplishments as foundation to truly validate it. You prefer to not bring attention to your birthday. You don't even like your birthday because it's the biggest reminder of where you are in life and that you're only getting older.

>> No.1868535
File: 92 KB, 576x747, 20111010.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't just be a nice person, it does not come natural. I'm mostly done pandering and changing what i want to say in order to appear like something i am not. I'm not going out of my way to being a dick, i'm just not holding it back unless people can provide me something.
People only want to hear their own opinions echoed back at them in order to feel validation, wanna know how i made everyone like me even though i am dead inside?

1. Figure their personality out
2. Find their buttons
3. Act like what they do themselves without knowing
4. Pander to their opinions

Done, this works on every single person i've done it on, sometimes it just takes more time.

Thing is i've accomplished a good amount of things, i'm not going to lie, the crabs in the barrel mentality might be sitting in my unconscious. But i am not going to be all "Bohoo muh depression makes me a dick guys, accept me, lol."

>> No.1868577


i remember when i was a dumb teenager and used to glorify being an asshole. thought myself how to be one because i felt assholes were achieving most in life. nope. grew up and thought myself how to be a normal fucking person.

hope you get out of puberty soon.

>> No.1868593

Not a need, but just depressed toward traditional art. Ever since I got into making digital pieces, traditional has fallen to the wayside and now physically makes me tired to do. My brain always loses focus and I just put it down and come back to the computer. I can manage to practice gesture or figure in my sketchbooks, but never for long. I want to shake this before it gets too bad. Any thoughts?

>> No.1868596


The opinions of someone don't mean shit because most of the time the shit is subjective. It's the humility and respect that matters. I actually prefer differing in opinions because it encourages more interesting discussion and can show the true content of someone's character. Echo chambers are boring as fuck and lead to nothing but a circle jerk where ideas are never challenged (aka the reason why tumblr is a fucking hell hole). They become delusional and end up making themselves believe opinion is fact.

Most of my friends don't like the same shit I do and vise versa. The most we have in common tends to be we both like games, cartoons, and writing. But in terms what of KIND of games and cartoons or what style of writing, we tend to be different, with very few things overlapping. But what's really shared is the passion for those points of interest and the industries involved.

>> No.1868617

>humility and respect
Choke on a dick, faggot.

>> No.1868661
File: 1.59 MB, 426x319, 1413841583030.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You sure showed me m8.

>> No.1869010

>Depends on how patchy the individual's plan for learning what they need to
>You can sign up for Life drawing classes at a lot of places
>It's called the internet
>It's called the internet
>It's called the internet
>Your career only fails when you decide it does
>it's called real life and the internet.

success is only guaranteed when one guarantees it through their actions...school can help but it's a means to an end in the grand scheme of things

>> No.1870354


>> No.1870981

If I start drawing today how long until I can get a job doing it?

>> No.1871487

>tfw i'm better than Firez
>don't get nearly as much attention as him

>> No.1871489
File: 167 KB, 446x462, 1377045909112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i'm better than Firez
>don't get nearly as much attention as him

Maybe you're not.

>> No.1871508

Being fat, lazy and indulgent actually feels good. Your body atrophying is like a wonderful sensory drug. Sorry if it sounds like an excuse, but while fatties are dying slowly, they are also feeling good, laying/sitting down, rotting away. It's a good feeling, while being bad for them.

>> No.1871513

people comment on firez because he spams the threads full of his turd polishing progress shots

>> No.1871555

Hi Firez, how's the reverse-shilling going today?