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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1852075 No.1852075 [Reply] [Original]

how to perfect line art?
I know that thick ones are easy mode but I would like to draw nice thin and clean lines.

inb4 use more stabilizer

>> No.1852077

'perfect' line art means varying your line weight.

>> No.1852096

it's even in the picture he posted...


>using stabilizers



>making a new thread for that retarded ass question

>> No.1852121
File: 474 KB, 1000x2700, 13 - kvBZuQG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Studying and practicing to build up your own intuition, where to make the line thin, where to make it thick, where to well the ink for dark spots, etc.

This helped me a lot and until someone comes up with something better I'll parrot it until the end of time

>> No.1852131

>until someone comes up with something better
Don't count on it, at least not here in /ic/.

>Thank you Teal
>I love you Teal
>Good luck Teal

>> No.1852141
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>> No.1852142
File: 207 KB, 700x1063, 1408905059790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step up broski

>> No.1852158

Ughhhhh this person slays me. Years of doing 'fine art' and eschewing deviant art anime crap and this person keeps doing that shit but gits guy and does it better than I ever could and makes money from it! I am a bitter husk.

>> No.1852169

don't use your wrist to draw, draw form the pelvis.

>> No.1852331

>how to moebius

>> No.1852405


Most will tell you to use your arm to draw, which is perfectly valid advice, but hard to conscientiously pull off. Instead, force yourself to draw as much of the line as you can without lifting the pen. Slow down at turns, stop at corners, just don't lift.

>> No.1852425

These are great! Thanks, I've been looking for something like this for months, anymore similar tutorials?

>> No.1852428

this, you have to get your whole body into it. swing your arm almost like how you'd swing a bat

>> No.1852431

Gotta get a good thrust going. Thrust with your hips, stick your ass out and arch your back. Put your whole body into it.

>> No.1852465

It's all in the knees and toes. Grip the ground with your toes and bend at the knees as you arc up with the pen. When you're done drawing your calves should be burning.

>> No.1852475

but what if you don't have legs, are you shit outta luck then?

>> No.1852478

What kind of faggot with no legs picks drawing as a hobby. You might as well be blind, it just can't be done

>> No.1852577

high res and yes, stabilizers.

>> No.1852583

if anyone practice clean line over and over
3hours per day x 1 week, it's fucking easy

>> No.1852771

>perfect lines

I'm going to take cover.
I prefer Legoman (lm) because you can see light lines, dark lines and feel the grope.

>> No.1852775


OP, don't be retarded. Do you honestly believe that pictures like that were drawn at the size they're posted?

The size of the picture while drawing is about five or six times larger than the picture posted to their gallery. They shrink it down to a good viewing size. Those tiny lines are no tinier than about size 28 brush density or larger. You zoom way the fuck out to draw your rough lines, then zoom in so the head is filling the whole screen and get started doing your clean lines.

These are the little tips and tricks you should be figuring out on your own, like how it's composed of all flat colors that are gradated in layers with a slight bloom effect, or how the lines are slightly colored to match the hair and body color. Sometimes they add bloom from the white background over the edges of the whole figure to make it all seem softer and faintly toned.

So there's your answer. You want thin lines like in that pic? Draw the original about 5 times larger than what you see there, like how the artist originally drew it. Draw big, then shrink it all later.

>> No.1852801

this guy's spot on; you can witness it for yourself by just watching slugbox's stream
polite sage

>> No.1853215

>someone wants to learn how to do line art, instead of actually helping I'd better call him names and his question retarded.
Come on I thought we were all helpful people

>> No.1853291
File: 116 KB, 600x611, 1342033077582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you thought wrong

not gonna help some underageb& that asks stupid questions instead of doing his own research

>> No.1853394

How are you sure he didn't do research before hand but come up empty handed.

>> No.1853395

Didn't understand the concept of line weight, didn't post in questions thread, very much a 14 yr old question. Different anon btw.

>> No.1853398

yeah pretty much what >>1853395 said.

also to add to that: op's missing sense of taste

>> No.1853419

Study inking. Duh.

>> No.1853496

OP here, I'm 24 thank you.

It's just that I'm trying to create good looking lines since years and I still can't do it.
Even my profs at design school say I'm just too bad at line art.

But thanks to all anons actually trying to help.

>> No.1853561


If you want people to give pointed advice, you should post some of your own work so we can diagnose what you may or may not be doing. Post finished work as well as sketches.

>> No.1853982
File: 636 KB, 1520x1445, line art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay, here is some of my work.
I just can't get my lines thinner or else they will start to look ugly. But thick lines just look hideous and amateurish too.

>> No.1854096
File: 1.46 MB, 1277x3048, nsio_explains__line_dynamics_by_nsio-d6sr9x8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1854104

I feel for those boxes with the lineweight differences, the thicker one looks better because the box is cartoony and a bit sloppily done. The thin lines look weird on ti though--for it to look better it would need to be more carefully drawn with proper perspective.

>> No.1854121
File: 150 KB, 661x530, 0_37ff8_d96fcbc9_XL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see a new thread
>know the answer because lineart is your middle name
>OP-pic is some poorly done waifu faggotry
>think about some underage/neckbeard who just wants to draw porn/weaboo stuff on tumblr
>become too lazy to answer a question because he's not gonna be a good artist and walk out tumblr/waifu-fetish comfort zone anyway...

>> No.1854149

>still replying
but why?

>> No.1854159
File: 30 KB, 374x411, 1399751139124[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1854163

>I just can't get my lines thinner or else they will start to look ugly

That is normal. Thin lines require higher accuracy. Thick lines or drawing zoomed in is the equivalent of drawing small. Doing those things may improve the end result, but they do not necessarily improve your actual skill level.

Your lines are weak because you are indecisive. This comes down to core drawing skills, not just the steadiness of the hand. You are not certain of what you are drawing.

Make numerous drafts on top of each other, making it tighter and tighter with each pass. The more problems you work out during the sketch phase, the less inaccuracy and fuzziness you'll have to deal with for your final line work, and the more naturally confident your lines will become.

Practice doing line work without pressure-sensitive opacity. Draw completely solid lines, then lower the opacity of the layer as needed. Also practice without pressure-sensitive size. You may find you prefer one method over the other.

Don't be too fixated on smoothness of the line at first. Focus on eloquence (i.e. not lifting the pen so much) and accuracy, and pay close attention to the speed at which you get the best balance of accuracy and smoothness.

>> No.1855217


helped me

>> No.1855220

>Pawh you cant throw that in the house! Mom will get upset!
>What the fuck is a mom

>> No.1855229

Related question, hop you don't mind asking here:
What would be the canvas size to work on for a picture like op?
2000px? 3000?

>> No.1855243

as large as your machine can handle
don't go 10k pixels or someshit though

>> No.1855653


At least twice the dimensions, or 4 times the area, you want to display it at. If you ever want to print it, then 300 to 400 x the smallest physical size in inches for color and greyscale, 600 ~ 2400 for true b/w.

While you're drawing, zoom in to at least 150%. This way your accuracy is greater than the resolution; minor hand jitters essentially become too small to register. I think this kind of line work is overrated, albeit pretty and clean, and you should concentrate on real drawing skills, but there you go. Just don't focus on this one thing.

>> No.1855673

>concentrate on real drawing skills
That1s a different thing, digital is a medium that has it's own tricks like all types of paints, pencils, etc. You have to learn that.

>> No.1855792


>> No.1855847


Didn't say he shouldn't learn it, otherwise I wouldn't have given those suggestions. Just warned him not to make that his priority at the moment. Look at his drawing. Better lines isn't going to fix the major flaws. But improving his fundamental drawing will naturally make his lines better, with or without utilizing digital tricks.