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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1846639 No.1846639 [Reply] [Original]

..is enyoing at what you do.
I called it secret because half of /ic doesn't realize that (based on all those unmotivated/desperate threads and posts which is more and more of them from month to month).

why can't you guys realize that you are taking those "it's supposed to be hard" quotes from pros in wrong sense? Obviously there is hard time when it comes to deadlines because you have to work over 16h a day sometimes but when you are working on personal/portfolio work or do studies, you should enyoj.
otherwise it will get you in depression (eapecially if you have any mental issues) and you will quit like tons of people who tried.

Again: ENJOY your work. Have fun. Don't get frustrated and depressed (and then try to transfer that on others here on /ic just to make yourself feel better).

>> No.1846642

Stopped reading right there. Sage for bad advice. You couldn't even write it correctly, so even your brain knows you're wrong.

>> No.1846651

That's not the secret to success at all. The secret to success in illustration is having good online visibility and a healthy fan base of people who want to share your work.

>> No.1846654

Stopped reading there. You can't even tell that he typed that out.

>> No.1846660

I get so sick of hearing this follow your dreams bullshit. Theres some things you can do and some things you cant and that is the cold hard facts, not all of us are gifted and have a fucking perfect life awaiting us. The only reason I continue to draw is because I truly do enjoy it and I'm too stubborn to give up, I dont think its fucking fair and I'll continue to do everything I possibly can to reach my potential. But that doesnt mean were all going to be pros and make money doing this shit, most people in the world dont have the luxury of making money doing what they love, they have to settle for a shit job with maybe ok pay. However, no matter how shitty you have it, you have the option to enjoy your life with a positive mindset, and be thankful for what you do have and what you can do.

>> No.1846663

You act like becoming a professional artist is on oar with winning the lottery or being the first man on Mars.

>> No.1846667

That's crap. The things that I enjoy more than anything in life are sleeping whenever I want, watch porn, TV or movies all day, procastinate all day every day, taking care of my health avoiding stupid jobs and hard work, just relax... How am I gonna be successful doing those things that I LOVE??? Answer: doing things that I hate FOR THE FUCKING MONEY. Without the sweet dirty money you won't be able to do the "things you enjoy".
Welcome to the real world kid.

>> No.1846668

On par*
Forgot the tail of the p while I was writing that out.

>> No.1846675
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>can't tell if satire.

art is a lot harder than a normal fucking job lol. if you want money go be a lawyer or get into real estate.

>> No.1846676
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Seconding this so hard.

>> No.1846678

> How am I gonna be successful doing those things that I LOVE???

Obviously if you are a loser who loves wasting time and nothing else, then you will never be successful.

>> No.1846679

Yeah those analogies all make total sense

>> No.1846688


what about art being war?

>> No.1846689

>loves wasting time
What are you some ancient Greek warrior who thinks there's meaning in your life, like dying on the battlefield or something? You are kind of late, now everyone is an existentialist and we know there is no meaning in life unless you're religious, so you can't really waste it.

>> No.1846690

I'll enjoy art when I'm good.

>> No.1846692

Then you'll never be good.

>> No.1846694

He will get good, but he will not realize it and will not enjoy art ever. And that's good. That's how it's supposed to be.

>> No.1846697

Show me just one great artist who doesn't enjoy creating.

>> No.1846704

A long boring grind is no problem. Just keep the end goal in sight. People play JRPGS and MMOs, after all.

>> No.1846706


zedig has claimed he doesn't enjoy the process several times on his livestream. and he is pretty freaking good.

>> No.1846707

>art is a lot harder than a normal fucking job
That's what I'm saying. something you "enjoy" doesn't have to be "a lot fucking harder". Something you enjoy should be naturally easy to perform. Now go to some company and say: "I want you to pay me for painting 'the things that I enjoy' ". And they will tell you: "Listen BOY, we are gonna pay you to do the things WE ENJOY. You've got that?, If not, there's the door. Go and draw the things you enjoy under that bridge"

>who loves wasting time and nothing else
HEY, I listed the things THAT I ENJOY! Success is related to MONEY, and no one gives money to make you feel "joy". It's the other way around, people gives money to BUY JOY. So you have to GIVE JOY to OTHERS to achieve $ucce$$. So forget about "your joy", nobody cares about that. Get ready to work for the joy of others, and that other's joy could be disgusting fuckedup porn, bronny crap, or some stupid Mickey Mouse bullshit.

>> No.1846708

That is bullshit. In order to get good, you need to have trained eyes that can judge your work objectively. Being critical of your work doesn't mean to only hate it, it also means to be able to identify what you are doing well.

>> No.1846712


>Forgot the tail of the p while I was writing that out.
>writing that out.


>> No.1846714

He probably said something like disliking certain steps in his workflow or something and you are just too stupid to understand what he meant.

>> No.1846715

That's a tricky question. There are no great artists alive today, and we don't know whether old masters enjoyed what they did or not as nobody actually interviewed them, so I can't really show you one. I can show you all the bad artists who do enjoy painting though, like every artist alive today.
>Implying you can reach "good" that easily
If something looks good to you, it just means your eyes aren't trained enough. Once you can fool birds into thinking your painted fruits are real, you will have the right to think you're good.

>> No.1846716

If your passion in life is consuming, like in your case, you will never be making a living with what you enjoy doing. If your passion in life is creating, you have the chance of being successful and make money with what you love to do because what you do is valuable to others. Whether that's art, professional sports, science or any craft doesn't matter.

>> No.1846717

Indeed, what.

>> No.1846719

> There are no great artists alive today

Hahaha wow. You are such an unbelievably pretentious fuck. No wonder you suck so bad at art that you hate everything you do.

>> No.1846720

>there are no great artists alive today
>we don't know if any old masters enjoyed painting
There's several hundred years you're missing in the middle there, but we already knew you were ignorant of art history from those statements.

>> No.1846727

the ignorance of people in this board never ceases to amaze me.

>> No.1846730

Agreed. I thought we were better than the DA/etc. crowd but no, apparently someone here is still trying to promote this "enjoy art" growth-stunting bullshit.

>> No.1846732

Really? He seems to enjoy art and have fun with it more than most people. I think you took what he said out of context or misunderstood his intent.

>> No.1846741

I don't think it's complete bullshit. On its own yeah, but when coupled with studying and application of those studies then it's fine. Haven't you noticed that the pieces you were more excited about and having fun with turned out better than the ones where you just forced yourself to go through the motions and finish it? When you hate a piece and force yourself to work on it then it shows through in the end--it will be less interesting to look at and probably stiffen up and lose the life it had in the initial sketch. But if you manage to have fun all the way through (maybe the image is important to you or is something really cool that you like painting) then it comes through in the final result too.

>> No.1846743

enjoying something is not the same as being completely content with where you are currently at. People who enjoy doing art can be every bit as critical of their own work as depressed, frustrated neckbeards like yourself.

The only difference is that they work ten times more than you do, because every time you finish a drawing, you go into your corner and cry about how much you suck whereis they have a much calmer, analytical attitude when dealing with their own flaws.

>> No.1846745

I think OP wanted to say, that if you enjoy doing something you will be always better than someone who has just decided to do art.

It's like when you are in love with someone you always think about that person. Thinking about art 90% of your day will train your eyes and way of thinking and that greatly affect content of your conversation with people and your behavior. When you look at something you try to arrange it to some composition, when you see some cool color scheme you imagine your painting with that color scheme.

To put it simply some people have this aura around them saying "this guy really like art" and some people have bland aura of "I'm doing it because money/its cool/to stupid to do other work etc".

But that doesn't mean you have to love art to succeed/make money

>> No.1846752

If you were naturally good at art and did it a lot in your youth so you developed a skill for it but hate it now and only continue to do it for a career because you already have the skillset, THAT I CAN UNDERSTAND.

But if you cant draw/paint for shit, and you hate it and you hate art, then I have a hard time understanding why the fuck youre even doing it.

>> No.1846772

Nice generalization.

Some people genuinely enjoy drawing and painting. I personally, would much rather be painting then anything else. For some people it's work, for others it's fun. Depends on the person.

>> No.1846775
File: 30 KB, 550x550, Grit Those Teeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks op. This is exactly what I needed!

>> No.1846776

I'm in awe at the way people think in this thread. Unbelievably immature childish adults.

I feel like 90% of /ic/ doesn't even like to draw and for some reason is forcing themselves to draw. If you don't like to draw at all then it doesn't mean anything to you. Find a different hobby. I don't like to snowboard, so I'm not going to force myself to do it simply to be a good snowboarder.
I get a constant sense of pressure, anguish and anxiety from everyone who post here and it's really bad.

Honestly if there is anyone here who draws because they want to get better and because they really enjoy it, it interest them then go make a profile at crimson daggers..it's a lot slower but there is actual human beings who won't try and project their insecurities on you.

I remember the other week a poster posted a nice drawing of a little girl and someone shopped a dick into its mouth for no reason. It's not funny, it's childish and pathetic.

>> No.1846785

I probably would have joined some other site ages ago but I'm too insecure about my art to use a name of any sort

>> No.1846786

>I don't like to snowboard, so I'm not going to force myself to do it simply to be a good snowboarder.
Maximum pleb.

>> No.1846790

I dont think online communities really help that much most of the time its shitty critiques and people giving advice who have no place in giving advice. I think networking with individual people who are either pros or close to being pro and getting honest advice from them is probably a better option, although its hard to find people willing to do that. Its really fucking hard to get a real critique though, thats why looking at other artists and analysing yourself in what youre doing wrong seems to be the best way to move forward. Ive met some pros at figure drawing workshops so I think getting out in the public and doing art related stuff is a good way to meet these kinds of people.

>> No.1846793

Stopped reading right there. I am not the person being addressed in that post, yet there's a generalization.

>> No.1846799

OP here. First off sorry for bad grammar and bad explanation but i'm glad some people get it.
whoever don't get it doesn't enjoy it and i feel bad for him, really. I don't understand why are you even trying to forceyourself in proffesion where you have to have fun.


these are two who understood exactly what "enjoy at what you do" means.

And it's even more sad that some of you even argue how this is bullshit.
Look in the mirror and ask yourself why you are drawing. If you can't say honestly that you enjoy doing master studies, personal work, even if struggling then do yourself a favour and pick up other profession. Otherwise you will end up with depression.

>> No.1846805

People on /ic argue in threads like this because they realize that you have to enjoy it.

>> No.1846812

>To put it simply some people have this aura around them saying "this guy really like art" and some people have bland aura of "I'm doing it because money/its cool/to stupid to do other work etc".
Pfffffffffffff, now you're resorting to mystical bullshit to justify your lazy "I enjoy muh art, it's muh style I love it".
Ridiculous. Tell me how feng shui can help my art please, maybe if we open our third eyes we'll git gud.

>> No.1846814



>> No.1846815

I fucking hate pizza but I eat it anyway just so I can tell people that I eat pizza. I also fucking hate heavy metal but listen to it anyway just so people think I'm a metal head.

>> No.1846819

Spoken like a true Warren Louw.

>> No.1846829

>yfw you literally have to tell people who draw and paint that you should enjoy it
>yfw they even argue

good luck to you guys

>> No.1846844

You're pathetic. Every worthwhile person I've spoken too has told me that it's absolutely worth investing time in the things you enjoy and that you can't hide behind "I do what i hate for the money" forever. The ones who do things they aren't interested in for money are usually for the worse and generally uninspiring individuals, of course there are exceptions.

>> No.1846848
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*tips fedora*

>> No.1846851

I'm just a noob but I think OP has a point, I would go as far as saying that in order to keep doing anything you need to create a positive feedback cycle.

That's part of the reason why I've been able to keep drawing everyday for almost 2 years, at some point between my amateurish attempts I am able to create something I like, in other moments I have an epiphany that allows me to understand and implement a new or improved way to convey something, a sincere compliment, a new subscriber, etc... are also elements of this cycle.

I just wish I could find a way to do the same with music....

>> No.1846854

There you go OP, any bit of credibility you had: gone.
It's now clear that these people promoting enjoyment are the my animu style guys. So sad.

>> No.1846859

You guys are drawing and don't enjoy at it? How depressing is that?

No wonder there are all those depressing threads

>> No.1846862

ITT people who enjoy art vs. people who want to call themselves artists

>> No.1846864

Which of the two factions is supposed to be the good guys? They sound both wrong to me.

>> No.1846869

Pffff, My god... Stop deluding yourself. Just look around you kid, just open yor eyes and look around. Look at the taxi drivers, the bus driver, the people attending the stores, the people cleaning the streets, sweeping the floors, moving furniture and heavy boxes, greasy and tired workers fixing your car, building your houses, and schools, and roads... THAT'S LIFE, THAT'S THE FUCKING REAL WORLD BOY! Now tell me which of those successful people "enjoys" their fate??? Don't you think they would rather be in their homes watching TV, playing with their children, sleepin with their wives, ENJOYNG LIFE? HUH? What makes you think that you are better than those people? What make you think that you won't be a 'loser' forced to do things you don't like in order to SURVIVE? Who in this board earns 50 Thousand a year doing pretty drawings THEY enjoy???!!! NO, you'll DO what the guy PAYING YOU WANTS YOU TO DO. You're not gonna draw "dragons, or animu", you're gonna draw a fuckin logo, you'll paint the lettering in a store window, you're gonna be an underpaid bastard just like anybody else using your skill to please OTHERS whishes... BUT, you're gonna say yoursel that you "love it", because it's the only way to delude yourself about the reality of life. Life is not a happy tale with rainbows, and full of "joy". You're not 'special', you're just like anybody else, just like the cable guy, just like the mail man. You can lie to yourself if you want, I'm not telling you not to. BUT DON'T TRY TO FORCE THAT CRAP ON ME BECAUSE I NOW THE WAYS OF THE WORLD. AND IF YOU FACE LIFE WITH THAT INNOCENT AND STUPID BLIND HOPE YOU'RE GONNA HIT THE FLOOR PRETTY FUCKING HARD.

>> No.1846872

Not that I don't agree with you, but you're too melodramatic. You sound like those feminists preaching how all men are rapists. Chill out.

>> No.1846875
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>> No.1846876

agreed. definitely sounds like a woman.

>> No.1846882
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>> No.1846883

Holy shit, stop projecting already. Not everyone is a loser who hates his life and job just because you are.

>> No.1846895

I'm talking about life, work, family, low income, THE REAL WORLD, not melodramatic rape bullshit. I give a shit about that.

You sound like a 12YO scared child. Tha hell do you know how a woman sounds like? Shut the fuck up, if you can't said anything to refute what I wrote.

Damn, you must live 24/7 in you'r basement! Do you have any grown up friends? Everybody hates their job kid, sorry to tell you how it's life. Don't worry sooner or later you'll find out. Life is something that hits everydody, sooner or later, life will come for you. And you'll be bitching and 'projecting' along with your work buddies all fat and drinking some beers while your wife talks shit with the other wifyies. The thing is, BE READY FOR THAT. Hear what I'm telling ya, be ready, try to avoid it. Don't face life with a stupid smile on your face and your silly heart & soul exposed like a flower. That's not how the real world works. If you want to be successful in 'art' or anything else, you have to be ready to sacrifice important things, and take what you want even if someone else has to fall to get it. Remember that.

>> No.1846919

Its okay man, i think you will one day reflect, and find tranquility.

You are caught up in a stagnant mindset, and you are feverishly defending it. but.. thats okay, perhaps you have been through experiences that have molded your worldview into what it is now, i can only say, that you are missing out on life. To me, life is not just nurishing my reptilian brain, through sleep, mindless entertainment and sex, and food ofcourse. i acknowledge, however, that without my ego, i would be a poorly designed thing, i would not be able to survive, i would not refuel my body, that is how we currently work, but we also have the possibility to move forward, to untangle ourselves from reptilian sheepling mentality, to create.

Now.. depending how you look at it, and these things are still debated, maybe our self cognition isnt so special afterall, maybe the newer parts of our brain only serve the old (reptilian) ones, what are we even doing here, that is the question that has been asked, and been given a multitude of answers throughout the history of man, now.. i could go by your perception of life, work, to feed my ego, to feed my primate desires, or.. i could seize this life, to share my discoveries, to tell stories, to connect, communicate, relate, I create, and therefore i am.

>> No.1846920


You are depressed as fuck

>> No.1846921

no, he's just making it up.

>> No.1846922

I'm broke and I'm happy I love drawing and I love reading stories and trying to tell them with imagery.

>> No.1846923

anyone who doesn't agree still lives with their parents, but man not every job is minimum wage and shit. go to school, get high level educated, get high paying job. that simple. and of course there will be aspects to the job which you're going to hate, but there will also be moments you genuinely enjoy.

>> No.1846949

You win, Just let the boy be,
Your understanding of the complexity of human life is rather outstanding. Then again, I haven't thought much about life in recent years.
Not him btw. That's a well rounded way of looking at things.

>> No.1846983

You guys overthink shit way too much. I just live day by day and enjoy doing art.

>> No.1846993


>you guys overthink shit way too much

and that's the reason why they don't enjoy it.
You can tell just by posts in this thread that some probably can't even calm down and relax. They get stressed out before even lifting up pen

>> No.1847002

This is why you can't spend too much time here. You'll get caught up in their non Productive bullshit. I've been doing a lot more practice since I stopped visiting this place

Never change /ic/

>> No.1847017

Finger me.

>> No.1847025

How deep anon?

>> No.1847032
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>since I stopped visiting this place
>I stopped visiting this place

>> No.1847033

Inception Lv

>> No.1847035

LOL classic

>> No.1847037

Ok bb spread ur legs plz

>> No.1847092

but then you have to go deeper!

>> No.1847093

> Don't you think they would rather be in their homes watching TV, playing with their children, sleepin with their wives, ENJOYNG LIFE? HUH?
dude, this is what average people do. Breed, eat, sleep, repeat, that's easy as fuck unles you're total fucktard.

>What makes you think that you are better than those people?
That I can have all they have but with job I like.

>you're gonna draw a fuckin logo
Yea thats called graphic design and people enjoy it.

>you're gonna be an underpaid bastard just like anybody else using your skill to please OTHERS whishes
Yes, if you suck at whatever skill you wanted to be. But if youre good enough you will be paied well

> Life is not a happy tale with rainbows, and full of "joy".
This is what losers say

>You're not 'special', you're just like anybody else, just like the cable guy, just like the mail man
Yes I'm not special, but in all jobs there are ones who enjoy the job

>> No.1847100

Yea people like things get over it

>> No.1847103

new copypasta holy fucking shit

>> No.1847433

So many depressed loosers on /ic who don't even enjoy at drawing.

never change guys

>> No.1847462

(I'm not that person.)
Are you seriously that stupid?
'Aura' refers to the vibe, the feeling, the impression you get when you meet a person.
It really shows when you're not enjoying what you do.

>> No.1847489

People without hobby, that all day could watch tv and lurk net are waste of fuckin air. Usually they are pretty fuckin boring too so if you are one of them - stop creating art right now and apply for wallmart - your art wont be good anyway.

Boring, procrastinating people are fuckin cancer. One thing that i can tell you is that every fuckin man after his 40's that you would consider looser was like that.

>> No.1847561

when I forced myself to enjoy the process more (rather than the idea of a finished picture that I wanted to see) my linework became better and my compositions became stronger. you can see if someone isn't inspired even if they can construct a decent human or whatever. just look at illustrators who does basic drawings for children's book and stuff, it's nothing fancy in terms of coloring and advanced constructions but it's enjoyable to look at because it's done by someone who felt every part of the drawing while doing it

my tips are
hum a little tune while working, as if you're making the soundtrack to the lines and figures you're drawing
talk to yourself, ask yourself where this line is going and what kind of figure is going to follow
make faces, react to what you're seeing, you have to feel it and it helps to ham it up. eventually you'll get in the "zone" without even trying