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1835871 No.1835871 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: discussion on health and aspects of health that are extremely vital to artists.


I'll start things off, will lifting increase the risk of cts? I heard that push ups apparently will. How about others? Bicep curls? Goblet squats?

>> No.1835876
File: 139 KB, 1168x1070, wrist support.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes when my RSI gets really intense after a deadline I sleep and do daily stuff with these on.

There are lots of little resources online for exercises to prevent work-related RSI too like http://www.will-harris.com/yoga/rsi.html
Things like your layout and height are big factors to your individual health. In my office job, I even demanded a foot stool to help so that my legs were bent at a 90 degree angle without me having to strain to reach the keyboard.

>> No.1835877

Do you need a doctor's approval to get one? How much is it? Is it uncomfortable?

>> No.1835879
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Are you US private care? UK NHS? We're global here, so it's probably best to just google that yourself.

But you can buy them on amazon etc, it's best if you talk to a doctor if you're having pain etc. Sometimes self-treatment can make matters worse.
In fact, you should google the things you've asked in your opening post and then share what you find, people will be more likely to comment on it.

People were talking about gyro balls a while back, might be worth searching the /ic/ archives for information on them.

>> No.1835880

>I'll start things off, will lifting increase the risk of cts? I heard that push ups apparently will. How about others? Bicep curls? Goblet squats?

My doctor told me the opposite when I asked about my wrist.
People with bad wrists are often encouraged to work out. the extra muscle takes weight off your joints.

Don't blame me if you hurt your wrists, do check in with a specialist, maybe a sports therapist or something.

>> No.1835883

>google it yourself
So it turns out push ups are only bad if you do it open palmed. To avoid cts, do push ups with closed fists, which hurts a lot in my opinion. Bicep curls need proper form to avoid cts. Basically the hand must be perfectly in line with the arm, avoid bending the hand in any direction. Nothing yet on the squats. My work out routine consists of purely dumbells if my questions seems strange to people.

>> No.1835885

Also a question.

Can you still draw if you manage to break your arm? collarbone?

Does that shit heal or does an injury like this mean you won't make it.

I'm thinking about getting a bit more into sports.
I know I can fall at any moment and break all my bones, but it's still something that bothers me. Why risk it, y'know?

>> No.1835912

I recently got a trackball mouse.

Funnily enough, I now handle my mouse using the left hand because it's pretty easy, so all the strain has been taken off my right hand.

Incorporating stretches also really helped.

>> No.1835944 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 375x500, saddle_chair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My office chair broke and I got motivated to do some more research before making a another bad purchase.

I thought about buying something like pic related.
Anyone got experience with this kind of chair?

What chair desk combo do you use for your workplace?

>> No.1835946
File: 15 KB, 375x500, saddle_chair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My office chair broke and I got motivated to do some more research before making a another bad purchase.

I thought about buying something like pic related.

Anyone got experience with this kind of chair?

What chair desk combo do you use for your workplace?

>> No.1835952

I found out about two things that kind of help with wrist pain. A seamstress who had carpal tunnel surgery said that she fills a dixie cup with water 3/4, freezes it, and then peels off the excess of the cup on top. It's like an ice roller that doesn't get too messy.

I also like using bengay cold therapy, cooling items in general work well. Don't get any heating types that have capsaicin in them, shit just burns and feels really uncomfortable.

>using a computer
>playing an instrument
>prolonged bar-code scanning
I'm doomed

>> No.1835953

I'm scared shitless of piston chairs. A kid was killed because the piston of his chair blew up and impaled him. I thought it was just a rare occurrence but then my own chair fell and exploded.

Now I use an adapted seat from a car.

>> No.1835962

what are the odds?

millions are in use and i heard of like 10 incidents.

>> No.1835967

Yeah but what if you're # 11?
I'm not going to die anally.

>> No.1835982
File: 136 KB, 500x292, spped.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can buy wrist splints at wal-mart dude


>jerking off back handed with dominant hand
>tense up
>pull a muscle in my forearm and aggravate my CTS
>couldn't draw all the next day

fug :DDD


I don't really game anymore so a trackball seems like a good idea

>> No.1835992

You made my day, anon

>> No.1835999

roll 11 for getting anally annihilated

>> No.1836015
File: 28 KB, 327x360, 1410035785175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got RSI and I've been unable to draw for the past 6 months.
Remember to stretch, take pauses and have good posture.

My arm is better now, but it's taken a lot of rest and exercise.
Hopefully I'll be able to draw fully again within some weeks.
Go to a doctor if you have a problem. I spent 4 months following the advice of health-studs online but none of it actually helped. Going to a rehabilitation center was what actually worked.

Water exercise has been very beneficial for me. Get to a swimming hall and play around if you can.

>> No.1836039

I switched hands because I was worried about this.

>> No.1836045

Me again

If you draw many hours like I do
consider Not wearing one of these.
You won't use the muscle, which makes your problem worse.

>> No.1836048

* you know,the wrist straps

>> No.1836054

I found switching to the lasso tool as my main method of painting has saved my hands some pain.

work economically, especially when painting.

>> No.1836064

Wow you can get carpal, cubital and radial tunnel.
I do pretty much the same and I have very light carpal and cubital tunnel syndromes for now so I'm expecting great things from you.

>> No.1836104

>lasso tool as my main method of painting
Could you please elaborate? How do you work without using brush tool as your main method?

>> No.1836108

that was a china chair, and your chair blew up because you beat the shit out of it.

>> No.1836933


>> No.1836934

draw with your arm/shoulder, not your wrist,

>> No.1836978

You can get cubital tunnel if you overstress your elbow just like you get carpal tunnel if you use the wrist.
The thing is, everything in moderation.
Also exercise and don't be the typical obese burgerlander.

>> No.1836995

Guitarfag here, could prolonged playing hinder drawing abilities? I find that my right (picking) hand gets a bit twitchy after more strenuous exercises.
Also it gets a bit confusing sometimes, as when drawing the whole arm needs to be used, but when playing guitar you should only move the wrist.
Just some observations.

>> No.1837008
File: 41 KB, 648x494, airO2bic_mouse_right_pearl_648x494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had RSI pretty bad 8 years ago, and using a mouse was extremely painful. I picked up one of these for regular computer use and it helped quite a bit. Problem is that these are pretty expensive (or last I checked)

>> No.1837266

That is one sexy mouse 10/10 would make love to

>> No.1837271

Not the same anon but I imagine he selects areas he wants to paint (can be done with a mouse to use less of your wrist) and then paints easily in the selection (no need to be terribly precise because it's a selection) ergo less joint work.

>> No.1837274

but couldn't that be done with clipping groups anyway? or preserving opacity?

>> No.1839094

>Can you still draw if you manage to break your arm?
i got a fracture in my arm once and went a full day without seeing the doctor, but i could use the computer just fine

>> No.1839144

most likely

Most people don't have the body control or knowledge to do anything more dangerous than lifting a pen without risking an injury. And it isn't well teached either.

If you want to work out, you should read up on proper exercising. Exercising isn't running down a list of exercises, a good book will also teach you how to evaluate your body condition, how to find problems and how to deal with them, including specialized training and injuries.

>> No.1839148

Or you know, just be obese.

>> No.1839151

Dying solves a lot of problems

>> No.1839154
File: 31 KB, 591x422, tfw remeber me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sure does

>> No.1839243

>well teached
i hope that was on purpose, if not, your argument is invalid

>> No.1839249

The larger risk is in breaking your fingers, really. Collarbones usually heal well.


You'll probably need a year of therapy to restore most of the function, since the joints are most likely to be the area of the break and you probably won't notice the break immediately.

>> No.1839276

I leave it up to you