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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 368 KB, 1863x1216, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1810351 No.1810351[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who do you want to be when you grow up?

I don't think I'm going to make it (he's only a few years older than me)

1. Save a painting or drawing by one of your favorite artists.

2. Put it next to one of your

3. Feel

>> No.1810352
File: 60 KB, 1863x1216, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of "your"

Fuck's sake

>> No.1810360

i don't get why people like that picture of the elf girl so much it's go so many flaws, and genericness and ugliness.

>> No.1810364
File: 63 KB, 331x402, butthurt-faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1810366

What flaws?

>> No.1810368


Welcome to /ic/

>> No.1810369
File: 2.22 MB, 1863x1216, suicide is the only choice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no hope. I'm not going to make it.

>> No.1810371

how do you draw that conclusion? what's to be butthurt about..it just doesn't seem like a very good picture but i've seen it a lot of times. not that it's bad, it's just not great, or interesting.

>> No.1810372

I don't even know how or where I wanna wind up. It sounds like a turd thing to say but I'm trying to git gud so I can do my own thing.

>> No.1810377

You and me both man. I don't want to work in the field necessarily (not that I wouldn't if the opportunity somehow arose) but I want to make my own shit for my own projects and for that to happen I need to git gud.

You just need to feel it brah.

>> No.1810379
File: 490 KB, 1863x1216, lost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1810382
File: 1.10 MB, 1920x1202, hsahflajflkjkljfakldjk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1810383
File: 915 KB, 1397x912, 8-14-14ic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

general thoughts: i'm shit, i know that really well. it's all good. there is so much to look forward to. the old masters are so cool. art's so amazinggggg oh god, art art art~ art! art ar

>> No.1810384

wow dude, i like the drawing you did, do you have something i can follow?

>> No.1810392

oh wow, thank you so much for saying this
i'm really an idiot though because i've been going through and tweaking a lot of past things in order to collect them into one big image to toss, as a first post, into some site or other. (so's not to waste any stuff)
but just never end up finished since i keep on adding new bad stuff to be tweaked
so nada yet but thanks for the reply, you're cool anon

>> No.1810394
File: 443 KB, 1200x783, where i want to be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1810395
File: 375 KB, 1863x1216, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


5 seconds in ms paint will suffice

>> No.1810420

almost there

>> No.1810430

I want to be an Art Director

>> No.1810431

We're all gonna make it brahs

>> No.1810433

I want to be a human bean!

>> No.1810579
File: 810 KB, 1863x1216, Where I'd like to be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sculpture bro coming through

>> No.1810597
File: 325 KB, 1863x1216, Unasd234ed-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

couple of years :v

>> No.1810612

That's very pretty, I like it.

>> No.1810633
File: 2.06 MB, 2772x770, comp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with my rate of practice maybe i'll get there in a good five years

>> No.1810634
File: 26 KB, 640x428, whispering in ear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When and if I become a pro I'll make it my duty to give lower level artists hugs and whisper in their ear "You're gonna make it."

>> No.1810647

Thanks friend

>> No.1810653

It's a shit figure, it's a traced face, it's shit design, proportions are bad, perspective isn't even trying, weight is not even close. Just look at that torso and shoulder, those hips and those legs. Only people with shit eyes will think that's a good piece. Aim higher.

>> No.1810669

Cuteness lies in the eye of the Beholder.

>> No.1810671


why would it be traced? it's obviously some kind of floating levitating elf fairy windmage girl so talking about weight is idiotic. there's nothing wrong with the hips and shoulders either lol... agree with aiming higher but that doesn't reduce this image.

>> No.1810675
File: 578 KB, 2000x1154, Untitled-176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from 2 months ago, but I barely progressed since then cause this summer has been nothing but vidya and procrastination.

>> No.1810676

I'm nowhere near I want to be. And the way things are going, I'll never be.

>> No.1810682

go draw you faggots.

>> No.1810685

Just draw is not going to help me get better.

>> No.1810686
File: 124 KB, 496x528, 121561918156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit figure
Whatever dude, lol

>it's a traced face

Ur mom's a traced face.

>it's shit design, proportions are bad, perspective isn't even trying,

Wrong on all counts

>weight is not even close

I fucking knew you were going to talk shit about the pose and out yourself. That surreal, impossible pose and her placement amongst the interesting shapes and textures of the tree is one of my favorite parts of the painting.

>b-but that pose is i-impossible!

That's the fucking point. Holy shit mr. Autism. In a setting that involves elves and other monsters with supernatural powers why is it so hard for you to suspend your disbelief for two seconds when it comes to a pose nigga?

>> No.1810687


>> No.1810700

>it's a traced face

Why would he trace it? He could just have a photo of a face open as ref and copy it the regular way, like if he was doing a study of it. Or just reference it partially. Accusations of tracing in these type of paintings make you look like an incredibly unskilled noob. Like you are unable to even fathom that artists can use references organically without having to trace them.

>> No.1810709
File: 67 KB, 700x466, 111111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you can find the original ref he traced? its some musician i cant recall name. Weight is still something that grounds the character, and that still applies on what is obviously some magic pose. If you seriously think that's good then you have shit eyes, like i said. I can't be bothered to show you everything wrong with it, it's all obvious if you take the time to look at it.

>> No.1810715
File: 1.51 MB, 1863x1216, 1408083306697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i going to make it guys?

brb killing myself

>> No.1810717


sure. why not? don't be a depressed cunt.

>> No.1810720

this guy is actually right, you newbs should aim fucking higher.

>> No.1810723


wow. okay that's fucking lame and lazy. now i can see why this pete mohrbacher dude gets all that hate on here.

>> No.1810725

>he even copied the hair

jesus fuck

>> No.1810727

Yolandi Vi$$er,
bring the spice.

>> No.1810729

Well, it will, but learning and understanding technique is helpful too.

Just get in there.

>> No.1810731

Holy fuck you should definitely kill yourself. Or at least leave this industry, your anti talent only makes you wasting time.

>> No.1810733

I've been meaning to ask, how can you tell the difference between tracing and reference?
What if they're very good at mimicking layout and proportion?

>> No.1810744


if they were good enough to mimick layout and proportion, they would be good enough to not rely that heavily on accurately copying reference.

im disgusted.

>> No.1810752

>if they were good enough to mimick layout and proportion, they would be good enough to not rely that heavily on accurately copying reference.
Sense when?
Even the old masters used models for much of their work.

>> No.1810759

I saw this posted before. Who cares?


That's obviously what he used as a reference but I bet even you could draw that from observation let alone him. He gave her smaller nostrils and a less bulbous nose, thicker lips and made her look less like a heroine addict in general. He deserves some heat for aping even part of that ridiculous Lloyd Christmas bowl cut hairline though.

>> No.1810760

Jesus, this shit again
he didn't ask that girl's permission to use her image in his work, same with the photographer who made it. It has nothing to do with a model. You need to use your brain more.

>> No.1810764

>needing permission from ugly people to make them look passable

I don't even.

>> No.1810765

Ugly or not, that's a well-known singer.

>> No.1810767


keep your 1 ft above the floor standards. i think people who this are garbage and should get gathered up and gasses in big chambers.

in fact, let me start working towards that goal right now. brb marching towards the bundestag with my bros. we will exterminate tracing and photobashing subhuman filth.

>> No.1810769
File: 27 KB, 388x384, crybaby nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off kike

>> No.1810770

Its funny how butthurt some people get about the practices of others. Its almost like they actually care. If you get this worked up about the ethics of an artist then good god you must have a pea sized brain.

>> No.1810772

he openly admits to tracing faces and shit in one of the Level Up videos he's guest on

>> No.1810776

M8, if you want to 'Dunning-Kruger, everybody is shit, master critic'- post, we have an Algen thread right on the front page.

>> No.1810779

So the issue is, with permission to use a reference.

Bad as that is, it seems totally unrelated to the actual technical appreciation of the piece itself.

>> No.1810780


absolutely disgusting

>> No.1810785

skip to 45:34 ish

but to give him some credit, he did change the lighting on the traced face and all

>> No.1810793

>I draw faces bad so instead of practicing Im >just gonna trace.

Take notes guys, this is a grade A example on how to make it in the industry

>> No.1810795
File: 866 KB, 1200x783, few_years_to_go.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

carefully optmistic

>> No.1810805

I thought you guys were simply acting up and being little children but you guys have a point. Why would an artist not want to exercise his own skill and thus get better? I just don't understand why someone who gives a shit about their own skills would trace.

>> No.1810808

its nice you have learned new words but you're using them wrong. You should maybe learn what it means before you throw it around.

>> No.1810810

Your passive aggressive remarks are also nice. Not him, but just commenting from the standpoint of a connoisseur of such remarks.

>> No.1810813

keep it up nigga

>> No.1810821

You should try to stop thinking people having a discussion is acting up and being little children. That is truly immature.

>> No.1810822
File: 152 KB, 801x856, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you watch the video he draws a complete face before "tracing" that isn't really awful by any means; it's like he's so insecure in his own work that he's compelled to do shit like this. It's kind of sad to watch. Obviously tracing a persons face directly is going to get a "better" result but his result from imagination isn't completely naive or bad by any means. What the fuck?

>> No.1810837

I'm on 4chan. So are you. Also don't tell me how to think. Again, we're on fucking 4chan. Thanks for your morals but no.

I am trying to be understanding. I don't know what working in the industry is like. I am guessing that working under that kind of pressure can fuck you up from the inside out in many ways...

>> No.1810838
File: 458 KB, 1863x1216, 1408083306697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that we're all gonna make it as long as we stop procrastinating.

>> No.1810840
File: 472 KB, 1000x561, poo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have a few years time, so I hope I'll git gud until then.

>> No.1810847

It's not morals, it's common sense. Be stupid if you want. You certainly seem to think you're in good company. Who am I to stop you, you know? That's your prerogative.

>> No.1810849

Needs more vilppu

>> No.1810860

I like the colours in the bottom right picture.

>> No.1810867
File: 1.08 MB, 2000x1000, wantwherething.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started drawing last year, but only for 1 hour or less a day. This summer I started aiming for at least 3 hours a day. I hope I can make a strong progression by next summer at this rate.

>> No.1810881
File: 553 KB, 1848x1148, mkmk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think i'm nearly there.

>> No.1810898


>> No.1810900

That isnt traced, only used as ref

>> No.1810903

what stuff did you do to get to this point in a year?

>> No.1810906

not even close.

>> No.1810907

it's still pathetic. it means he doesn't know how to draw.

>> No.1810911

you haven't even started attempting to draw all that architecture you aspire to do.

>> No.1810915

Rest of picture came from, where?

>> No.1810917

Bait, but everyone uses reference at one point or another, mate

>> No.1810921

Honestly I could not care shit about people who bash on this art. His result is obviously not close to what the photographer intended.

Maybe it's even photo manipulation, I still couldn't care less.

While some butthurt purist anon runs his crusade he is getting work done that people appreciate and use.

>> No.1810922

Are you guys retarded?
See >>1810785
"I've found a model I wanted to use for the figure. And I've actually traced the face from one of the shots to be able to make sure the anatomy is right on, because I'm very bad about the copying from photos indirectly".
He traces. Because he is bad. He admitted it. Stop being in denial.

>> No.1810925

I agree with you, if he had honed his skills he could have done this faster and better.

>> No.1810927

I find particularly funny how the thought of maybe NOT copying the reference exactly didn't even cross his mind. Nope, he's just like "Yeah even from reference I suck, I need to trace". This is just so bad...

>> No.1810930

that's fine, but they don't even tell you when they used it and everyone does it so much, they don't even bother telling anymore. when you look at their work with great admiration, you feel jealous because you want to be as good as that artist, but when you find out it's not genuine, you don't know just how much they referenced and how many of their works have been just an indirect or direct copy of something.
it might be fine in the industry, but to me personally that's really pathetic. learn to draw/paint, if you want to call yourself an artist.

>> No.1810945
File: 424 KB, 1600x1299, 1407253348252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is where i wanna be, i see the flaws with this painting but still i like it, doesn't matter where am right now.

>> No.1810949

>doesn't matter where am right now.
Then what's the point of participating in this thread>

>> No.1810953

Copying mostly from old masters drawings and living artists that I want to be like. I found doing that quickly improved my linework and general sense of form. I also spend time looking at a lot of art and trying to guess how the artist might have put things together.
One thing I would caution against is using too many guides like the bean shape or robot mannequin stick figure things you see in loomis' books. I got stuck on them and it made it hard for me to draw the figure correctly. I'm breaking the habit now + working on perspective which I'm terrible at.

>> No.1810956
File: 262 KB, 800x544, no-ref-left.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually he did warp the face slightly. He brought the hairline down and the the chin slightly in just warping the layer before tracing.

I think there's a better way to use refs like this better. You first trace the image, then you structure the face by following the form, sectioning out parts thinking 3D. Then you can make a new version with pretty much fresh knowledge on how you should structure the face, and you can then turn it and manipulate it in 3D to make something that nobody will be able to say you traced, because you didn't use the traced ref you only used the information of the structure and not the lines from tracing the ref.

Pic related. I wanted pinup, but i am dogshit at faces. So i traced the two refs son the right and did my own on the right after that in the right perspective and position that i wanted. You cannot find a ref for it, because it doesn't exist. It's more work than tracing, but it's completely done without any ref that matches more closely than those on the right.

>> No.1810966

i'm sorry that's because i only do studies. creativity comes later i need to have solid fundamentals first.

>> No.1810973

>I can't draw the figure well.
>S-surely this is the fault of a method used for centuries by artists all over the world.
Flawless logic there man.

>> No.1810974

put your creativity to paper anyway or you stop trying to be creative. Personal works are important as studies.

>> No.1810978

I'm not blaming anyone.
Nothing aside from devoting time to drawing is a 'one size fits all' guaranteed method of learning. Loomis may have worked for you, but he didn't for me. You have to find what works for you, anon.

>> No.1810981

pretty much, there are a billion ways to draw the figure, and its all just a tool.

>> No.1810983

>I'm not blaming anyone.
Well, you should be obviously blaming yourself instead.

>> No.1810985

>because I only do studies
Don't take these words lightly: you NEED to do personal, imaginative works to improve. Otherwise you'd just be good at copying photos/real life observational drawing. Studies don't require anywhere near the amount of critical thinking and problem solving as imaginative pieces do.

That, and you're going to get burned out just doing studies.

>> No.1810987

clearly a reference and nowhere stealing.
Also you have a significant amount of butthurt in your text. What's the matter, Kevin? Did mom not hang your drawing on the fridge today?

>> No.1810988

As I said to the person who asked: I got stuck on them and it made it hard for me to draw. Loomis didn't rise from his grave and point a gun at my head...

>> No.1810990

>itt: people who can't draw faces

come on, it's really not that hard

>> No.1810997
File: 193 KB, 1310x800, discouraged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well this was fucking discouraging

>> No.1811000

You have a terminal illness?

>> No.1811005

tracing is always talked about as bad and you should never do it... fuck that. you just don't show off what you trace, and you think while you trace, why is this here, so thats how they did it blaa blaa blaa.

if you are fucking dick at everything, trace the outline of what you are doing, and try to place, it will get you better skills without you feeling like shit constantly because you can't do even the most basic shit right. when you are able to however, stop tracing, there is a point where tracing does hurt you, but its not from square fucking one.

>> No.1811009

Lol no, I'll get out of college by then and I want to have an art job after that.

I actually like yours more if it only were more finished, the left one is all fuzzy and has no hard edges, no definition and muddy colours.

>> No.1811010

Colours are nice, but you should practice working on your perspective. Do more construction.

Also work on your values and conveying form, because some objects are rather flat (the side of the building facing the viewer for example)

>> No.1811013

i agree with you on weight and pose, but he did trace
watch that for 1 minute.

>> No.1811018

thank you, but he is definitely light years ahead of me. there's just something about the light feels that I cannot reproduce.

perspective is probably way off. you are right. I used a ref from google street view, super distorted, and I didn't add any guidelines to it.

ah, that's true. I was stupid to use a distorted street view image without trying to solve the perspective.

thanks for the feedback you guys

>> No.1811019
File: 51 KB, 126x135, rang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>acknowledges that he's bad at observational drawing
>traces instead of just working on it and improving

>> No.1811025

well... you don't have far to go. aim higher.

id argue in ways you are already better. use one color as a shadow and you 4 tones of it and you would be almost there at least in terms of the rendering.

i like yours allot, but so much of it kind of blends together that its hard to read, maybe try just doing lines for a bit...

take a look at Vilppu and try to do his drawings... honestly he will get you where you want to be probably the best.

prospective a bit, and i would say you are better. you at least have nicer lines then they do.

i like it too, though to get to where you want to be, you may need to start on a far larger scale than work down...

id say at least face wise you are better, now you just need to learn color... that... yea... have fun with it, all i can say.

best way to do that is post your entire progress, everything you do... not just the shit when you are close to or near the end game...
we need more people doing that shit.

lucky for you where you want to be is all down to the render, its arguably the easiest part to get good at.


id say got human wise, if you can do that without a reference, or even half, you are as good as the want, start trying to get prospective good.

>> No.1811033

You are quite good, I think you could land a job soon

>> No.1811047

I hear you and I concede defeat in this argument at least regarding the face, I still like the piece a lot for its color, composition etc. but I find it depressing that he's more or less "given up" on doing faces for himself when his imaginative work isn't as bad as he acts like it is: >>1810822 , it's just...no shit...worse than directly tracing.

It's kind of depressing. The artist Daarken shared an anecdote from school he was butthurt about wherein his painting teacher ripped up his digital painting in front of the class, and while that was definitely a dick move, I can see where that animus comes from the more I familiarize myself with how often greasy "techniques" like tracing are used in the digital art community.

>> No.1811052

Why do most "skilled" artists paint mainly fantasy/medieval stuff?

>> No.1811053

Are you a beginner? Where exactly would I get a job? I'm completely shit at painting people, architecture and designing stuff.
Well, I do hope I'll get to an acceptable level as soon as possible so I can start freelancing. And thanks anyway, you made my day a little less shitty.

>> No.1811058

>I used a ref from google street view
i hate when people do that. i know one artist who said he was life drawing, when i asked how he did he plein air, he said he was drawing from google street view.

>> No.1811068

You're looking at the world through internet bias.

>> No.1811071

Because most games/things that need illustrations are fantasy (or sci-fi, plenty of good scifi artists) or medieval. How often do you hear about games set in the Renaissance? The average American would laugh his fat ass off if he saw what men used to wear back then. Or games in the Stone Age?

>> No.1811072

That's because you don't look at the other artists.

It's like me asking why "skilled" artists paint shitty generic sexy women and space marines when all I do is look at vidya garbage.

>> No.1811073

You sound like a child that was just told Santa doesn't exist

>> No.1811078 [DELETED] 
File: 783 KB, 2022x1216, 1408083306697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bar set low, but I just want to draw fun cartoons

>> No.1811079

you're cheating too, aren't you? of course you're going to defend this practice until drool comes out of your mouth.
i said it's fine for industry related work, but people copy refs for personal too.

>> No.1811081

I want to be ovopack-level as well, but my skills are worse than yours. I never learned to paint, only flat color and block shading. I never touched a book, all I did was draw and hope maybe this time it would be better

just over 20, how should I kill myself after realizing that even if I become better, everyone else will have become much better and in a shorter amount of time by not being a naive faggot who wasted his years? Trying to not treat it like a race is very hard for me as it's just such clear-cut facts, like ''you're shit and will still be shit in X years/after learning X''

>> No.1811092

But the truth here is that Santas do exist, however many people pretend to be Santas and instead of delivering presents magically produced by them, they just steal things from someone else and repackage them as gifts.

>> No.1811105

you're right, i thought that some artists could draw. turned out they can't draw.
what if you found out that your lawyer or doctor don't know what they're doing?

>> No.1811166


Shit analogy m8

>> No.1811183

It is the only way
Self-loathing only lasts for a while, art skills last for rest of your lifetime

>> No.1811198

I have exactly the same mindset, like i know everyone will be better from me, so why should i even try? I dunno man, it's really stopping me from progression, cancer shit.

>> No.1811206

You’re gonna have to serve somebody
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you’re gonna have to serve somebody

Do or do not. There is no try.

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old Time is still a-flying:
And this same flower that smiles to-day
To-morrow will be dying.

You live for yourself, not to be judged by others. Art is not a competition, it's your self expression. If you keep trying you will surround yourself with people who will praise your skill and crave it. In that you will find success and the feeling of accomplishment, not when putting yourself against others There will always be someone better than you at something. You don't try to be the best at anything, you just do the best you can.

>> No.1811211

i like it too, though in the same video you also see that he basically did the same for the hand, granted probably not trace it but he had to look around to find photo reference for it... i dont understand the point of being creative without wanting to be creative. im not one to get pissy about hyperrealism and how you must use your imagination, but for fuck sake dude, its a thumb, you couldn't draw a thumb from your mind?

any idea where than anecdote is? kind of want to listen/read to its context

>> No.1811221

He mentions his experience in one of the videos here...


...but I'm not sure which one, sorry. I could have exaggerated it in my mind too as it's been a while since I'd seen it. If it's any consolation his videos are pretty good anyway and worth watching for the most part.

>> No.1811235
File: 895 KB, 1863x1216, pb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe in like 20 years minus being able to do it without construction lines ]:

>> No.1811250
File: 409 KB, 1863x1216, I'llnever be this good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1811251
File: 43 KB, 419x594, Here We Go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let the shitposting commence!

>> No.1811262
File: 54 KB, 641x720, image s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art is not a competition
It's like you enjoy being a weakling. Art is only for people, who are going to master it at all costs, the rest is trash.

>> No.1811263

i agree. if art is not a competition then there's no point in making it. it's already done, all you want. you just got to find it, it's out there.
wait, you mean to tell me that you actually enjoy making shitty art? i laff, you have got to be a masochist for that.

>> No.1811282
File: 471 KB, 1863x1216, ;(.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how should i kill myself?

>> No.1811286

>Scott Plebgrim

In some really slow and painful manner, from the looks of it, like, you should read the sticky so hard that you die xdddd

>> No.1811288
File: 381 KB, 1863x1216, r3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1811292

not that guy, but i feel exactly the same as them.
i also get the drive for competition in a way, but not in the way you two think it. rather in the way that you see good stuff from a peer and want to be as good as them, not to be better than someone but to be better than your current self. so kinda looks like both positive competition with yourself and negative competition with others both work as motivators for different folks

though i kinda want to mention that i would definitely have fun making art and would be making it even if i didn't intend to make anything of it and even if i knew how terrible were the things i were making. i would've never started if i hadn't. don't know why. it's just what i do

>> No.1811296

oh yeah, and also this is sort of interesting. (you probably already know, but) a bunch of the old masters felt the same way you do about art, (competition with others) and a bunch felt the way i and that other guy do (betterment of self.) so it really doesn't matter what form your motivation takes. s'long as it works for you, it'll do just fine.

>> No.1811363


Wow, I'm in an art slump and beating myself up for forgetting how light and shadow work. Seeing Scott Pilgrim art immediately makes me feel a lot better about my skill level.

>> No.1811417

who is the artist for that top picture with grass and shit?

>> No.1811431
File: 341 KB, 942x1280, tumblr_n4aysu24Wz1rtdsh3o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kekai Kotaki. He also did the knight pic
His traditional drawings too are goal-tier for me

>> No.1812113
File: 752 KB, 2011x961, Aspirations and carpal tunnel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1812188

I vastly prefer yours.

Some areas seem a bit off perspective wise, but I think ultimately it helps give your piece a dreamlike quality. You should post the full thing, would definitely save.

>> No.1812192

I seriously doubt your art looks anywhere near as good as that pic, anon.

>> No.1812215

i have done sketches like this, take a look at the lines and how shaky it all is... doing this level of work is nothing to hard, at least with the minimal amount of prospective needed... then again i could just be good and not realize it. and this is just for this specific drawing of his, there are many more that are FAR better.

to get better, don't draw detailed things, just draw cubes, spheres and cylinders in perspective... it will help so much more than trying to imitate it from the get go. also... fuck using the brush for now, if you are dead set on ink, use nibs, but the brush will just add a whole new layer of hard to an already semi difficult task.

its really not though... granted it may be a competition with yourself... but once you get to where you want to be... its over. if where you want to be is the best that ever was... well, you will fail, not saying it to be a dick, but millions have tried, and we only remember a handful and that should say something. id rather work toward a personal goal than try to be the best there ever was.

drawing wise you are close to there, now its all in the render.

>> No.1812237

But Scott Pilgrim also doesn't know how light works.

>> No.1812258

>drawing wise you are close to there, now its all in the render.
That's nice to hear. I got perspective and construction issues though, so still a long way to go.

>> No.1812297
File: 102 KB, 1863x1216, poop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1812300
File: 979 KB, 1863x1216, One day, I'll get there....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine, I still have a while I'm currently 18 but hope to get to this stage around 20. I'd like to take on costume designing a bit more because I love it but never do enough of it.

Am I gonna make it /ic/?

>> No.1812303


hey man, loving those costumes in the middle left. could you maybe post the one with the 5 characters in full size? would love you forever brah.

beyond that, dude don't worry one bit. you are definitely on track. you can easily be at that level by the time you are 20. keep grinding, be smart about it, and you will most likely be even beyond that by 20. promise.

>> No.1812306
File: 51 KB, 800x400, deus_ex_3_costumes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, thanks man I'm in a little bit of a stump right now for drawing. So I'm gonna go on my word and do some costume designs.

>> No.1812307
File: 1.48 MB, 1755x1278, 1390421076984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here's the other one because I wasn't sure if you meant this one or the other.

>> No.1812308
File: 90 KB, 1280x629, better.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a bigger version in my other folders.

>> No.1812311
File: 48 KB, 735x557, 1395379813700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thanks man!

>> No.1812319
File: 7 KB, 480x323, iswydt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek

>> No.1812332

Your stuff looks flat, I recommend doing still lifes.

>> No.1812335
File: 54 KB, 416x840, 1350200160601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1812346
File: 96 KB, 640x924, tips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>industry artists
Literally dogs of the art world

>> No.1812389

whatever fag lol

>> No.1812390

that's the spirit

>> No.1812391

very well fed dogs

>> No.1812393

tbh for some reason I really liked the bottom right pic
some kind of silence to it man

>> No.1812423

>Why would an artist not want to exercise his own skill and thus get better?
You know, the things that actually get you fired if you fail at them, unlike morality and skill.

>> No.1812428

>creativity comes later i need to have solid fundamentals first.
You're not gonna make it.

>> No.1812452
File: 20 KB, 393x342, up-MDGII8JTDLJ8A7KF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1812456

I was putting creativity over solid fundamentals, and because of that i cant draw today. So no, you have to study and study and study, until you puke.

>> No.1812469

You'll never get anywhere, there is no perfection and no goal, you will always have something to improve upon and because of this you will die without ever producing anything but incipid academic chaff.

>> No.1812483

I agree with you to an extent; you shouldn't bother with creativity shit until you grasp the absolute basics (thinking in 3d/getting rid of your symbol drawing, basic perspective, knowing how construction works and how to draw basic 3d prisms, etc etc, but outside of that: do some creative/imaginative stuff you dolt. Putting your knowledge on what you've learned via studies into imaginary works is what makes you learn and grow as an artist the most and fastest.

Shit, the main reason why I grasp perspective and construction well is because I draw fucking Transformers on my free time. I can construct objects from imagination easily because that's what I do a lot. That's an example.

>> No.1812484

You can easily structure that as spending an hour or teo going for technical accuracy then the next hour seeing how you can apply it with imagination

>> No.1812523

that's dumb. if you were really trying to be creative, ie. really trying to create something you hand in mind you would need to understand the techniques by default. you weren't being creative you were fucking around.

>> No.1812530

>Save a painting or drawing by one of your favorite artists.
>Put it next to one of your
>Kill yourself

>> No.1812629

Ass sass ins creeed

>> No.1812707

Post dem bots!

>> No.1812721


no it's not. for a long time it's MUCH more efficient to go hard on fundamentals. if you have 2 years to study, assuming you start from zero, it would be most efficient to spend the entire first year exclusively working on fundamentals, studying hard. before a certain treshold of skill, attempting to put out presentable creative work is an incredibly inefficient use of your time.

>> No.1812779

You can't draw effectively without studying the fundamentals first, theres no way around it, otherwise you'll just reinforce your bad habits and make the same mistakes over and over again.

>> No.1812795

no. now, you lazy ass.

>> No.1812801
File: 3.58 MB, 2068x1440, Bawww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frazetta Niqa Everytime I look at his art I get inspired to draw something not nearly as good ):

>> No.1812802

buddy you will never reach the point when your fundementals are so rock solid studies are never necessary again. never. if you are honestly waiting for the day where your work is so perfect to your own eyes that you clap your hands, give up art study, down a milkshake then draw leet concept art dragons with perfect ease for the rest of your days, that day will never come. just draw some fun shit, the imagination needs to be indulged in order to not wither and die. anyone got that admiral ackbar progress pic story?

>> No.1812820

I wanna see the Ackbar progress pic story. Looking for it now.

>> No.1812824


you are a fucking idiot. nobody ever said anything about master fundamentals.

>> No.1813188

Whatever fucker, keep telling yourself you don't desserve to draw yet, but hey maybe tomorrow you'll be good enough!

>> No.1813207
File: 349 KB, 1200x783, wer u at.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day we'll all be Mullins guys. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.1813208

your proportions are really good. Except her nose seems to be looking a different direction than the rest of the face. I'm still jealous though. :/ For some reason, I have the hardest time drawing the female face.

>> No.1813214

Thanks man. It's a wip so the mouth and nose still suck, but gonna keep tweaking and maybe fully paint her. I find girls the hardest to do too, love drawing grizzled old or bearded men though, so much more fun.

>> No.1813245

Same. I love barbarians and anybody else really muscular and badass so drawing a dainty female is hard.

>> No.1813252

in fact you can see in >>1812801
The demon came out far better than the female lol.

>> No.1813328
File: 242 KB, 1863x1216, trash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just look here and you'll all feel better about yourself

>> No.1814017
File: 3.09 MB, 1863x1521, 4987653456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1814022

Valkyrie Profile hell yeah bitch

>> No.1814026

I imagined your goal would be something like Jake Wyatt or Mike Mignola, considering your drawing style.

>> No.1814028

You'll get there.

>> No.1814061
File: 1.18 MB, 1863x1245, an endless march.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know it may not be much, but be honest

Will i make it?

>> No.1814072

Your shit is fucking tight.

Got a tumblr/deviantart/whatever?

>> No.1814096
File: 380 KB, 1863x1216, 1408083306697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still a long path

>> No.1814102

just add more gloss

>> No.1814140
File: 773 KB, 1863x1216, 111111111111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My main problem is never finishing anything. after 30 mins i just feel bored

>> No.1814174
File: 16 KB, 500x300, 1505237_504494786337011_646254202_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suicide isn't the only fucking choice you little whining prick.. go study and learn from all the fucking books ..practice and become a god..

>> No.1814176

that´s a chicken?..

>> No.1814179

i think you work is better than the one you want..

>> No.1814194

yeah i was going to paint a basilisk dragon thing but my laziness makes me a failure :/

>> No.1814197

looks more like a cockatrice to me.

>> No.1814202

I dont take that simply, there are fails on my lineart and anatomy I need to improve

>> No.1814206

to me its the 'same shit, different asshole'. they both kill with a glance and have chicken heads

>> No.1814307

Ha ha, I do love me some Hellboy, though.

Thanks, man; I appreciate it.

Hey, thanks. I've got a tumblr, but I definitely need to work on posting more often.


>> No.1814443

if you aren't putting your imagination on the paper
sooner or later it will be forgotten in your brain as you busy on other stuff
like you forget your theories if you didn't write it on a notebook

>> No.1814444

no you don't
unless you draw the thing and you didn't bother to relook at it and ask yourself where the problem is
your work is the prove of the progress and flaws

>> No.1814447

thanks, that makes me feel real good anon

>> No.1814463
File: 2.12 MB, 1800x1350, werimat2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im starting to have fun again

nice quads

>> No.1814470

i would honestly say you are close.

try adding a harder lightsource to your work and i think you would see how close you are.

yea... looking at the thumbnail, i can clearly see your goald outline at a glance, but yours gets lost, dont have your shit blend into the background, also, do a 3/4 pose.

>> No.1814481

Not to sound like a contrarian dick for the hell of it, but anon is far from close. Proportions are there and forms do read, but there's still a ton to learn about color theory and application, edge control, brush economy, composition, mood, establishing a focal point, and more.

Keep at it anon. For now I'd say focus on color temperature changes (especially between light and shadow), using larger brushes whenever you can, using the full spectrum of edges, and being mindful of composition.

>> No.1814483

>i would honestly say you are close.
Never post again.

>> No.1814488

fucking retard

>> No.1814489

and how is he not?
a warmer skin done, some highlights and being able to isolate the person from the background...

s/he figures out how do the the warmer colors, and isolate... i dont think it would look to far off.

really the only way we could say he is that far away is if they have a 3/4th view that is all kinds of fucked up.

or is this one of those "the older artist will always be better because the new one isnt traditional" kind of things? at least from what i can see and its not much of a look, they used a hard round exclusively apposed to a textured brush

>> No.1814512

Beginners can't see the subtleties of rendering the form, temperature control, etc. (especially when the painting is kind of fucked by the picture). It's fine you will eventually realize how bad you were when you posted this and you'll feel good about having improved somewhat.
Meanwhile, stop posting.

>> No.1814515

Not that Anon (>>1814512), but I'm agreeing with him on this. That poster definitely has years ahead of him/her to get to that level.

>> No.1814526

im honestly disregarding everything that isn't the head in this picture and im focusing on the face.

the posters image doesn't have a bright light source or at least a defused one so there are no highlights to work off of. thats one point where the paining looks better, the hair... im giving the poster the benefit of the doubt that they could make it look better if they didn't use a hard round, the painters... hair texture is easier you get with a brush than a hard round...

the posted forehead looks a little too rounded, and there is nothing there for eyebrows and the eyes look just place there, but these are fairly minor things that can be fixed, pallet choice... this anon at least knows how to pick colors and not just blacken what they used to make a shadow.

like i said, if they don't completely botch a 3/4th use a warmer color pallet they would be close.

>> No.1814534

>im honestly disregarding everything that isn't the head in this picture
And that's why you're a beginner. There is no such a thing as "disregarding" a part of a painting. Values, color, everything is relative. The very fact that you ignore this is proof that you should shut the fuck up, together with you mentioning sticky-level advice (don't shade with black!). Seriously, stop.

>> No.1814543

>im honestly disregarding everything that isn't the head in this picture and im focusing on the face.
You shouldn't, because composition is the most basal aspect of a painting, and it alone can make or break a painting. Compare the two paintings at thumbnail view. Notice how one is much more readable, and much more pleasing to look at. It isn't simply a matter of having a strong light source, as you can find tons of Sargent's paintings with a diffuse light source that's still leagues above anon's painting. Pay attention to how the value groups are arranged, and how your focus is kept on the face. In anon's painting, the back of the head doesn't read at all, and the earring is distractingly high in value.

>im giving the poster the benefit of the doubt that they could make it look better if they didn't use a hard round
You shouldn't. If anon could have painted that hair better, they would have. Don't assume that painting hair convincingly is simply a matter of using a textured brush.

>pallet choice
That's arguably one of the worst parts of anon's painting. There's practically no shift in color temperature. There's no effective use of color contrast. There are no points of interest because everything is the same color or black.

>if they don't completely botch a 3/4th use a warmer color pallet they would be close.
They also have to have the foresight to know how to pose the model, where to place the model on the canvas, how much of the canvas the head should take up, what background elements should be included/excluded. Sargent captured a sense of emotion in his portrait - anon's looks clinical, like a simple photostudy of an unremarkable photo. Then there's brush control, stroke efficiency, and edge control that are all leagues superior in Sargent's. He's considered a master portrait painter for a reason.

>> No.1814544

yea, looking at things that clearly are not finished or at least of the same quality. take a look at the left eye and tell me that that same amount of detail is put into the bottom left section of the painting.

clearly im not going to win because its the popular thing here to tell people they are years off at best when a different color pallet and a textured brush would get them CLOSE, again, i said close...

if you honestly cant see where the corners are cut on the painting, and how they got different efects with minimal effort... than you also have allot to learn.

>> No.1814545
File: 555 KB, 1744x1148, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1814548

>take a look at the left eye and tell me that that same amount of detail is put into the bottom left section of the painting.
Oh boy you think every part of the painting should have the same level of detail? You're trolling right? Epic, truly epic.

>> No.1814550

>that drawing
anon no

>> No.1814551

You're close. Honestly.

>> No.1814553

maybe in 50 years....

>> No.1814561
File: 883 KB, 500x269, 1334465346.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1814564

what's it from?

>> No.1814567


>> No.1814568

fuck, lost what i was writing time to recreate it quick but lasier

no i just said why i disregarded various aspects, they are less finished.

i attribute the paintings ability to pop with the anon making half the background blending with the head. and googled "Sargent's paintings" and thing there are a few on the list that pop worse than the anons

the difference between using a hard round and a texture brush is kind of big when it comes to getting tons of littler details fast, i personally would not want to dick around for hours with a hard round just getting minute details that a texture would bring in... from the thumbnail, i honestly think the anons hair looks nice, where as the paintings looks like it could have long hair, both blend into the background here but anons does it worse. like i said, benefit of the doubt was given because it would be a simple switch to a texture brush that could fix any problem the hair has.

i see a fair amount of color difference, granted its all a cool color in the face, and most of it to be shadows. i would love to see what the anon does with a warmer pallet, shifting that would again, get them close.
probably have to see it in person to feel an emotion from it... but i can tell it has more character than the anons too.

but im done arguing this, you can see him as worse than he is, i see him as a palette swap and a better decision away from close.

>> No.1814571

>ability to pop
Dude do you think this is illustration or something? Do you even realize you're talking about fine art? Next thing you'll suggest Sargent should have put some good old chromatic aberration. Yeah that would have made his painting pop more.
You're to dumb to live at this point.

>> No.1814572

thank you both anons

>> No.1814575

>smaller nostrils
>less bulbous nose
>thicker lips

It's the fucking same, get your eyes checked, just with different colours

>> No.1814576

>There is no such a thing as "disregarding" a part of a painting

bro, do you even Manet?

>> No.1814582
File: 105 KB, 900x900, 1405832799487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the matter, Kevin? Did mom not hang your drawing on the fridge today?

Haha! I bet that hurt his feelings!

>> No.1814583

>googled "Sargent's paintings" and thing there are a few on the list that pop worse than the anons
Please enlighten me, link them here. I just did the same search and couldn't find one example of anon's painting having a better read from the thumbnail. Not one.

>it would be a simple switch to a texture brush that could fix any problem the hair has.
I promise you that painting hair convincingly is not just a matter of using a textured brush. Try it out for yourself if you don't believe me. On top of that, a ton of pros CAN paint hair convincingly with only a basic round. There's a lot of nuances in simplifying masses, using the correct values, the correct colors and the correct edges that a textured brush don't account for. It's a skill to do it well, but once that skill is learned it can be done regardless of medium or digital brush used.

>a warmer pallet, shifting that would again, get them close.
It's not just a warmer pallet, it's having color CONTRAST. Warms against cools, knowing how warm/cool to go in each area, and doing it all it a way that looks believable, leads the eye where it should, ans is pleasing to look at. If you wanted to see what anon's painting would look like with a warmer palette, just open it up in photoshop and play with the saturation and hue sliders. There's no established groundwork of color temperature changes that would make the painting look good no matter how you adjust the palette. It's all about knowing color theory and being able to execute it.

>you can see him as worse than he is, i see him as a palette swap and a better decision away from close
I'm not here to shit on anybody, but your initial remark is insulting to Sargent and misleading to anon. I'm not gonna turn this into a "post your art" dick-measuring contest, but I promise you that there's a ton of difficult subtlety to masterful portrait painting that you just aren't seeing yet.

>> No.1814587

>misleading to anon
I seriously hope we've only got one such idiot in here, the anon who actually posted that image surely understands he is no Sargent.

>> No.1814628
File: 729 KB, 1863x1216, where I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1814716

i have a different view point but don't act like im a retard who would say that CA is good in any respect.

i cant say they are all his, i literally just went to google with "Sargent's paintings" and scrolled down, as far as i can see there are a few where everything blends together till you see it larger, and even then blend together...

and i know there is more to hair than a textured brush, im pointing out he used a hard round for a reason, getting that detail takes a hell of alot longer and i can't blame the anon for going good enough and moving on.

i believe i also mentioned that he needed a bright light source, i see this as heavy defuse where there is little to work with in varying colors unless you make up your own. and just opening up photoshop and fucking with it a bit isn't the same as painting it that way, the warmer color palette from the get go would allow him to good cooler, instead of the cool color pallet that can only get coolder if that makes sense.

and i do understand the subtlety that goes into a masterful painting, its hard to put into words, and also isn't the same as a digital painting.

here its not good, but lets equate it to numbers.
the current 0 being a stick figure, and 100 being a you need to test the paint to tell replica anons picture is at about a 20, if he went with a warmer pallet he may get to 30, when he adds the contrast possibly up to 50 and when he gets the 3/4 and he doesn't botch it the fuck up he may get to 70.

the problem is that last 30 points is going to a motherfucker to get.
trust me, i do know what i mean, i just really suck at writing it.

id say just leave it at this or this back and forth will never end.

>> No.1814816

>a warmer palette instantly makes a painting better
Too bad it's not even a problem of "warmer" but just relative color contrast, you fucktard. It doesn't look warm because he can't use the colors he's dealing with properly. You can make an entire painting with only blue hues and make it look warm, but this must be beyond your tiny brain.
>i believe i also mentioned that he needed a bright light source
While many artists approved by /ic/ would agree with this, it's not a rule and you can have masterful paintings without heavy directional lighting.
>3/4 is instantly better
Again, you know nothing about composition. There is no angle better then others. You use the angle which fit the painting the most.
>trust me, i do know what i mean, i just really suck at writing it.
Considering you said that on a scale of 0 to 100, this guy is close to a master painting while being 20, I believe you when you call yourself a retard. However, considering all the things you've got wrong (you almost got nothing right) I can't help but feel you're a total beginner.
>id say just leave it at this or this back and forth will never end.
>Please stop arguing with me I'm going to cry
Yeah sure.

>> No.1814832

Holy shit, I can't even tell what you're trying to depict here.

>> No.1814846
File: 87 KB, 1000x412, mggm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek

>> No.1814881


who painted image on left? looks awesome wanna look the guy up plz tell

>> No.1814882

it's a woman not a guy

>> No.1814883

Thanks, I'm checking my privilege right now.

>> No.1814891


by 'guy' i meant the guy who painted it. not the person in the painting.

>> No.1814902

oh ok. you should of said. you were completely unclear. the guys name is bedini i believe, 19th century.

>> No.1814978

>i cant say they are all his, i literally just went to google with "Sargent's paintings"
It's troubling when you can be so assertive but can't tell which paintings are by Sargent. It should be very apparent in quality, but you could always cross reference an art database.

>im pointing out he used a hard round for a reason, getting that detail takes a hell of alot longer
It doesn't have to be if you soften the edge of the hard round for where you need softer edges. Just because anon painted it a certain way doesn't mean we can give him the benefit of the doubt that he capable of doing better. If he was capable of better, then he would have painted it better. Paintings don't come with a time stamp stating how much time was spent, and even if they did people who know how to paint hair won't need much time at all.

>the warmer color palette from the get go would allow him to good cooler, instead of the cool color pallet that can only get coolder
So a warmer starting palette gives him room to go cooler, but a cooler starting palette doesn't give him room to go warmer? Either way he isn't using grays effectively, so it's safe to assume that he still needs to study up on color theory and relativity.

>and i do understand the subtlety that goes into a masterful painting...
I was speaking to the knowledge and execution, not the tools used. It wasn't a remark about oil painting being different or harder, but about knowledge and execution.

>anons picture is at about a 20...he may get to 70.
And I pose that if anon's picture is currently at a 20, all of the adjustments you suggested would bring it up to a 30 at best. You again seem to neglect key parts like edge control, brush efficiency, and above all composition. Changing the angle of the head, adding contrast, and starting with a warmer palette won't suddenly make anon's painting that substantially closer to a Sargent, and that's assuming anon could pull off your suggestions successfully on the first go.

>> No.1815033
File: 466 KB, 2633x1990, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im still wondering in the dark. but slowly and steadly I move onwards!

>> No.1815047

Lol that bottom pic is a ripoff combining two paintings by much better artists. The dragon is from a Jaime Jones painting, and the bike I forget, but was some really skilled guy who posted on cghub.

>> No.1815059
File: 29 KB, 450x336, dude wait what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ripped up his digital painting

>> No.1815078

*a PRINT of his digital painting, silly nigga

>> No.1815104

right > left already, gj

>> No.1815137
File: 270 KB, 960x540, where I want to be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her art is just so fluid and appealing to the eye. My anatomy is worlds away and I can't stop making my stuff look too stiff no matter what

>> No.1815153
File: 80 KB, 243x247, vilppu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even FEEL the gesture?

>> No.1815163
File: 992 KB, 1500x1000, at wanna be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1815198

yo landi

>> No.1815239
File: 1.24 MB, 1863x1216, whereimat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So faaaaaaaaaaar away

>> No.1815243


dear god. aim a bit lower plz.

>> No.1815255


>> No.1815265

whats that piece on the left??

>> No.1815266


meant higher.

>> No.1815267

doesn't anybody stay in one place anymore?

>> No.1815407
File: 307 KB, 1863x1216, whereiwanttobeprint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1815412

Nissa, Worldwaker

>> No.1815413

Your picture looks nice, I can almost feel the rough texture

>> No.1815424

random scratchy marks, tough to fuck up. pretty easy to make a woodcut look rough.

>> No.1815436
File: 2.05 MB, 2000x883, inspiration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even have any art worth showing. I mostly delete my stuff. just cut together some images pretty randomly. I try to do a little bit of everything. My experience is low, but my knowledge is high so the difference between trying and not trying is really large. I still have high standards so when i come back to a piece i was happy with i just look at it and see problems everywhere and delete it. try harder next time.

>> No.1815449
File: 82 KB, 650x890, faces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I hate Katie. Because of pic related.

I was unaware that I did that, and I was happy.

>> No.1815481
File: 287 KB, 1863x1216, 1408083306697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont laugh

>> No.1815489


Best ones ITT. prove me wrong

>> No.1815490

you have to prove yourself right first....

>> No.1815492


I honestly like yours way more than the stuff on left

>> No.1815497

strongest grasp on anatomy, light, creativity, indication of further potential, etc, etc.

>> No.1815501


>> No.1815506

>strongest graps on anatomy

no, all those are are copies from models aside from >>1810394, you don't need to know tons of anatomy to do observational drawings, someone like frazetta >>1812801 and other animators/comic artist
has more knowledge on anatomy given they needs to draw a lot of them in different poses and sometimes without ref.

yes, that's what most painters strives at.

half of them are just portraits.....

>indication of further potential
everyone has it...

thanks for playing.

>> No.1815509
File: 1.26 MB, 1304x706, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1815511

I'm guessing I didnt pick you. But good attempt at proving my opinions wrong....

>> No.1815514

>I'm guessing I didnt pick you

you're right, because I never posted any of those.

>But good attempt at proving my opinions wrong....

in the end, it's all opinions.

>> No.1815517

then why are we arguing

>> No.1815518

because 4chan

>> No.1815532

damn, now I'm craving for some artgerm porn art.

>> No.1815548

The last one didn't even post his own work so you are wrong

>> No.1815562

>stuf on right is superior

>> No.1815564

whoops, I assumed the work on the right side was his.

disregard that one then. the others still stand though

>> No.1815569
File: 54 KB, 501x665, Planescape-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of people itt are emulating lame DnD art

if you like nerdstuff at least aim higher

>> No.1815580

>you will never master the soft round brush like whoever the nigga is on the left done did.

>> No.1815591
File: 942 KB, 1863x1216, I suck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it because I cant get the improvements I want and every time I start drawing I hate all of what Im doing

>> No.1815613
File: 445 KB, 1863x1216, 1408083306697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1815614

>aims at a painted mech and background
>instead does animu lineart + colour

Dude what.

>> No.1815615

I have to start somewhere. Besides, yoshinari you also does stuff with lineart, what Im mostly aiming for is the colouring

>> No.1815618

If you want to get good at drawing animu is the last place to start

>> No.1815634

Nissa, Worldwaker. It's based off of the character Nissa. Not that complicated

>> No.1815677

Turns out the nigga on the left uses a hard flat for his works. It's in his livestreams

>> No.1815734
File: 247 KB, 1863x1216, Want to be meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slooooowly getting there. Another year or two I reckon and I'll be close. Reiq is genuinely good at drawing though, even though he looks like a one-trick-pony. Getting to that level will be longer.

>> No.1815742

It's actually as good a place as any to start. If you want to get good at anime, you need a strong understanding of perspective, foreshortening, dynamic poses and anatomy. People who are decent at drawing anime tend to have a very good eye for aesthetic proportions. The biggest problem people who start out with realism seem to have is that they can't draw for shit because they start way too early to get into painting.

>> No.1815743

That looks like shit. If that's what "aiming higher" means to you, then you really shouldn't be talking down to anybody, as you are the lowest of the low skill wise.

>> No.1815747

Nigga is you for real?

>> No.1815756

That is just big bunch of bullshit right there. You will not get good at proportions, foreshortening, dynamic poses or anatomy by drawing anime. You will not start painting too early or whatever preposterous you are suggesting if you study fundamentals. Basics =/= realism =/= painting.

Draw gesture and figures until you learn the fundamentals, then you can do stylization just fine because you will have basic drawing skills necessary to work with

>> No.1815761

not that guy, but
>You will not get good at proportions, foreshortening, dynamic poses or anatomy by drawing anime.
oh yes, you will. but that is aside from learning fundamentals and construction.

>> No.1815958

don't be a huge idiot and call DiTerlizzi shit

>> No.1816019
File: 103 KB, 1680x1085, jghjghjgjghj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1816176

Don't we all...

>> No.1816182

to be honest i'd rather be on a computer than at the beach

>> No.1816193

I don't like wires. They're coarse and irritating and they get everywhere. I wanna dip my toes in some soft and smooth sand.

>> No.1816439

if anime is your only guide and your eye is untrained, you will not be able to pick the stuff worth learning from the animes of your choice

>> No.1818947


Yours reminds me of Shinkawa art.

>> No.1819125

source on this image?