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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1809064 No.1809064 [Reply] [Original]

Want to ask a question that doesn't need it's own thread? Ask here

Old thread: >>1799578

>> No.1809088

what is the difference between a drawing class and a life drawing class?

>> No.1809091

Life drawing is drawing things you see, drawing is just a general class for drawing.

>> No.1809092

Life drawing class is, well, life drawing.

Drawing class is a very vague and general term. It can just be a class to study your fundamentals (and possibly some life drawing), for example.

>> No.1809106

While learning to draw what is more important: quantity or quality of studies?

>> No.1809108

well you don't want to be doing all long studies, 90% of what makes a good picture comes in right at the start.

>> No.1809109

Both, but quantity is a bit more important. You'll learn the most by doing a ton of studies instead of trying to do one perfectly, but this doesn't mean you should be sloppy with your quantity approach. You'll also have to do some longer studies, but save that for when you have some experience under your belt.

>> No.1809119

Who has been to the Art Students League or any other atelier in New York?

>> No.1809124

As an absolute beginner, is it better to learn on paper or on a tablet?

>> No.1809125

if you have both, both. if not, whichever one you have. (paper)

>> No.1809127


it doesn't matter

>> No.1809130

I'd say learn to draw on paper, and learn to draw BIG first. If you're working with a small sized tablet it might very well hinder your progress as an absolute beginner.

you really don't want to become yet another renderfag that cannot draw to save his life.

>> No.1809134

Paper is easier, especially if you're still developing your fine motor control.

>> No.1809137

I actually only have the tablet handy. I mean, I got paper lying all over the place and I could go find a pencil, but currently I only have the tablet.

I already tried learning once, but lost interest rather quickly due to work, laziness and general frustration. I was just thinking whether it wouldn't be easier to start with pen&paper this time...

>> No.1809307

I don't plan on becoming a professional artist, but I'd like to improve on what I can do. A problem that I run into when consulting resources is where I should start. I do have a small background with drawing. I took a drawing/composition course as well as a figure drawing course at my community college a year and a half ago. I feel compelled to just start from the bare bone, beginning level and work my way up, but that seems like a waste of time because I'll be going over things I already now. I often feel I should jump ahead to more "advanced" topics like anatomy, but then I'm afraid that I may not know the fundamentals as well as I should (or think I do) and I'll be shooting myself in the foot if I try drawing things I'm not ready for. I don't know at this point. I wish there was this one-to-ten, written in stone scale that told me not only where I stand in relation to how good I want to be in the future, but also how much I understand drawing concepts so I can feel comfortable and ready to learn new things. Sounds silly. I'm really unsure about myself, and have never been the best at self critiquing. What do you guys think?

>> No.1809314
File: 939 KB, 1813x2779, skullce1 white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im doing a commission for a T-shirt design for a bunch of BMX riders. It's supposed to be black on white and white on black interchangeably, I've done this and ran into a wall. It needs more shit, but nothing comes to mind.

Any and all ideas quite welcome! Thank you!

>> No.1809357

Always work on wherever you're weakest, focusing on the most basal element possible. Let's say you can't draw the musculature of the forearm: first roll back a stage and see if you can draw the general forms of the arm without the nuances of musculature. If you can't do that either, then fall back onto more basic forms until you have a solid ground to work with. There's no real point to tackling subjects that you aren't ready for.

If you really need to know your 'level', you can always ask for critique and people will gladly tell you what you're fucking up, and possibly what you should be focusing on.

Lastly, you're never really done/too good for the fundamentals. Even working artists return to the basics to keep their skills sharp, and perhaps pick up on nuances that eluded them in the past.

tldr; you never waste time by working on your fundamentals

>> No.1809366

>It needs more shit, but nothing comes to mind.
That's what thumbnailing is for anon. If you did thumbnails you would have already known that you'd need more stuff in there. Luckily, thumbnailing is also the best solution. Compile a ref sheet of various things BMX (bikes, gear, etc), and use them as a springboard to create a series of thumbnails (use a shrunken down version of the drawing you already have as a base). Once the thumbnail looks good you can proceed.

Also, you'll probably get more responses if you post this in the drawthread. Don't know why somebody started a second one early though.

>> No.1809368

I din't want to attention whore about this and I got desperate at a point. Interestingly enough, the thumbnail idea is great! And that alone is enough to give me a jump start again.

I also though about adding a bike key, some screws and bolts and maybe a bike chain. Not to clusterfuck it, but to give it a more mechanic/bike look.

All in all, thanks for the advice! I appreciate it!

>> No.1809386

Why do some people here bash on Loomis?

>> No.1809388

last thread i asked about dip pens and nibs, they came today...

i just tested them, ill do something later on. the crow can easily hit less than .2mm and a few others are on the .2mm~ area, nothing is really thick unless i want it to be.

ink bleeds like a motherfucker, or the paper is absolute shit... either one is possible.

i have http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00095OFXE/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 ink, its not going to be bad for practice, but considering on printer and card stock it bleeds, so im assumeing its the ink...

not bad for on the cheap, bot definitely getting it from someone else next time.

just thought i would post this incase anyone else was interested.

>> No.1809395

I've been drawing digitally almost exclusively since I first started drawing seriously, occasionally drawing in my notebook.

What mindset do you recommend I have when drawing in my sketchbook? I have a big problem with commitment, and I get really nervous when drawing on anything I can't ctrl+z my way out of.

>> No.1809397

Most people get this problem when doing digital exclusively. There is no other solution except practice. You have draw free hand and to studies of various objects in order to get better as an artist.

As far as mindsets go, just be aware that you do better digitally than free hand, don't be overly critical and just allow yourself to be as best as you can be, than being nothing at all.

>> No.1809400

What is the difference between paper stumps and tortillons? Besides one being hollow, which are used when?

>> No.1809414

Are you drawing lines with the convex or concave side of the nib? Because it should be concave. And yeah you need Bristol board for some inks

>> No.1809416

How important are gestures and how good should I be before moving on?

>> No.1809417


Wanted to share this, gifs of human skeloton x rays in motion

>> No.1809425

What's the best way to simplify the pelvic region? A bowl? A box? A bunch of crudely drawn dicks duct-taped together?

>> No.1809427


>> No.1809428

What should I be thinking about when I'm not drawing to maximize my potential

>> No.1809450

It's good to look a how light interacts with objects. Observe radiosity, things like that. You may look weird, staring at your fingers and wiggling them around.

>> No.1809491

does anyone have the original of pic of the girl in the space helmet looking to the right.

>> No.1809495

I was able to find it by googling:
>girl in the space helmet looking to the right
then reverse google image search to find it at a larger size

>> No.1809496

What do you guys do when you want to draw something, but don't know what to draw? Should I just find a picture and do a study?

>> No.1809506

of course id be to stupid to do that. thanks!

>> No.1809507

im no expert but it might be a good time to do something from imagination so you can work on your creativity

>> No.1809577

Are freeze frames of animations viable for gesture drawing?

>> No.1809586

How many hours should I be studying in order to become pro ASAP? Is it healthy to do it during all my free time at all? I just left my job and am going to school at night three days a week pretty much.

>> No.1809587

drawing from imagination can be relaxing and fun, while studying can be challenging and rewarding. it depends on what you want to draw and what you want to get out of the time spent.

>> No.1809599

Is there a place where I can find names for most art styles or aspects, and pick one so I can focus on it?

>> No.1809682

I want to get a sketchbook for mostly ink and marker stuff. What kind of paper is best for that?

>> No.1809684

something smooth but heavy

>> No.1809756
File: 180 KB, 1280x600, create-gesture-movement-drawings.1280x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand how to apply these motion lines in gestrure drawings. I understand that it's supposed to create a sense of movement in the figure but I don't know how to do it

Tips, anyone?

>> No.1809766

Look for those flow lines in the anatomy (like a side view leg is an S-curve), and in the movement of the model (look for pinches and pulls in places like the torso). Read Vilppu, Hampton, and watch the appropriate Proko videos on youtube if you haven't already.

>> No.1809841

what are other good "quick reads/watches" to brush up on my anatomy.

i know vipplu, loomis and them but i mean just to fix the little things.

>> No.1809843

Watch Vilppu. It's crazy how eye-opening his videos on gesture are.

>> No.1809848
File: 11 KB, 225x224, 1395795533576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is some good (and preferably free or relatively inexpensive) animation software for a first-time animator? Somebody recommended the Smith Micro Anime Studio to me as a good one, but I'm just trying to do a little research before I buy whatever.

>> No.1809866
File: 49 KB, 499x640, 0270019[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's like a snake hissss

>> No.1809933

Fuck off Chip.

>> No.1809937

There's nothing quick about learning anatomy. Just have a reference in front of you if you want a quick fix.

>> No.1809992

Paper personally, though I bought a Intous 4 medium and I grew to dislike it after not drawing with my wrist for so long.

So maybe have fun on the tablet and study on paper?

>> No.1810000

Gestures are monumentally important. They stop your figures looking stiff and boring, you should be able to do them confidently and in few lines within 30-45 seconds before moving on.

>> No.1810027

gesture is important, gensture drawings, not so much.

>> No.1810087

are there any good digital drawing programs that have a ruler tool or a perspective grid tool? I am getting tired of drawing each one individually in Paint Tool SAI.

>> No.1810161


>> No.1810199


>> No.1810210

there's this pretty obscure piece of software called photoshop which can do that

>> No.1810213
File: 3.49 MB, 673x470, HeavenlyFloweryDrake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SKETCHBOOK PRO or Photoshop with lastest LAZY NEZUMI

>> No.1810391

Why do people draw?

>> No.1810396


Because its fun

>> No.1810404

Oh, I guess there's something I'm missing then.

>> No.1810407


I never understood how all these people on /ic/ can lose the ability to enjoy doing what they do.
Even if it sucks ass, be happy that it happened, and be happy that its better than your last attempt yea?

>> No.1810409

my theory is they never really enjoyed it.

like for example, i can imagine if someone really wants to make movies they may want to be a director or something. but that doesn't mean they're going to like setting up lighting and talking to actors and planning and budgeting and all that, they may hate that stuff, but because they want to make movies they may put up with it.

i think lots of people on /ic/ especially just want to make cool pictures or design video games or w/e so they're just putting up with the actual drawing.

>> No.1810416

Maybe it'd be more enjoyable if there were aspirations that went further than just wanting to draw fucked up fetishes that clouds your every being because is has the greatest FUCKING death grip on you and it stops you from thinking clearly and rationally, and even though the dream of becoming a respectable artist that draws fun, happy, cute, and creative things still lies withing you, you know that you'll never reach that level because the weight of wanting to draw mainly to fulfill your sick, demented pleasures causes you to become depressed and disassociated. Yes, you can look at all the happy artist that aren't fucked up in the head like you and watch them use their skill, diligence, and true passion while inside you're just a wannabe, pathetic, good-for-nothing, disgrace of a human being that will put forth maybe a quarter of the effort to reach a half-fast skill level because you're lazy and have no self discipline. FUN!? WHAT IS SO FUN ABOUT THIS!?

>> No.1810417

Alan Watts might have a good explanation for it

>> No.1810418

alan watts was probably the unhappiest dude in the entire world. alcoholic, drowned in debts, all his children ended up hating him. got mad pussy though.

>> No.1810791

What are the benefits of studying the skeleton before anything else when drawing people?

>> No.1810796

not much, the skull is important though. it's better to visualize the rib and pelvis as some form instead.

>> No.1810828
File: 29 KB, 196x257, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone think of a practical way to combine perspective with informal subdivision?

What I really want is a way to combine 4 point perspective with if, but even 2 point would give me something to work with.

>> No.1810862

If I draw something over and over, I'll get better at that thing, right? Does this mean that if I draw some body part over and over, I'll get better at said body part?

>> No.1810967

dont bother with proko... when i watched the videos, his gestures were already exagurated and he said you need to push them more, and all i was asking the whole time was "how the fuck do you do anything with that, especially if you push it further?"

just google Glenn Vilppu, he has a few videos on proko and they are the only ones with gesture that will make sense there, but you can watch him take the simple lines to actual drawings... i have no idea how good a teacher he is, but you can learn a shit ton from just watching how he works.

i also wouldn't bother reading about how to gesture, its one of those things you have no fucking idea what it is till you see someone do it.

>> No.1810975

That sounds made up.

>> No.1810992

depends on what you mean...
you want a 100% photo accurate person that you drew from mind?
you go medical texts and watch someone who is fucking ripped move, you will learn what flexes where and how the muscles move.
you want an approximation, find a how to draw comics that is made by someone who did a fuck ton of ripped guys that looks good.
you will find that most of the time they don't draw the anatomy accurately, they draw the major forms right, but when it comes to minor ones, they treat it like lines that add instead of forms that are there... hard to explain, but unless they push it to a retarded extent, the major forms are all you need and the minor are just flavor... you have to look this up to get it...

and >>1809937
anatomy is quick... well relatively at least... if you don't care about realism and just want to get something to look right. like i said you just need major forms most of the time. the only point where you need to know where the muscles are under the skin, where they connect, all that shit is if you want to teach it. really all you need to know is where they are located and look on top of the skin, and that is learned through study, which you should already be doing anyway.

probably not explaining this right.


any program that has layers is good enough to learn... they may not animate, but you will be able to at least learn the skills you need for when the time to mover shit comes.

manga studio i beleive has some in the cheap version and i know it has them in the expensive one, so pirate that or buy it.

because we all want to get good, and looking at your shit when you aren't good, and you are able to see all your flaws is painful.

yes and no. really you need to think when you draw, why is this that way and so forth... if you just blindly coppy it, you wont have a real understanding of it, and will be good at that one position.

>> No.1811238

Art supplies question

1) I found some double ended prisma color markers, but the fat end is dried up. The fine nib still seems to work ( but I have not tried it too much). I thought both nibs shared the same reservoir?

2) going to the art store tomorrow, should I buy Copic or prisma color markers? I want to try my hand at doing values what percent grays do you recommend? Cost is not a factor

3) I noticed that the nib on my Sakura micron pen is smushed in. Is there a pen that doesn't smush as easily? Or should I just not be a faggot

>> No.1811429
File: 14 KB, 200x196, 1354297148386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this favorite artist of mine, who favors acrylic, admits on youtube she uses a projector.
"I know I can draw", she says, "it's faster this way", "I'm still bringing something into existence that wasn't there".

Chitchatting with a cashier at artstore. He asks what I'm going to paint, and I say a portrait but I've been having problems getting the sketch right. "You should buy a projector" he says, pointing to one. I go, "Nah that's just weird", and he shrugs and says he uses one.

Working hard as a night janitor to afford supplies, as I walk around the building there's this one artist's paintings displayed on every floor, and they're obviously done with a projector - the crisp, awkward, geometric tone of it all and the stock photos.

am i being silly for feeling so betrayed
how am i supposed to even compete if everyone's whizzing by me with their copied photos while im meticulously drawing mine.



>> No.1811445

So what company has good tablets, and why should/n't i buy one from wacom?

>> No.1811450

it's fairly unlikely that mike and leo (and donatello and raphael for that matter) used a lenses, but lots of later people did, ingres is the one most people point to. although lately there's been accusations flung as far back as van eyck.

anyway, you are being a bit naive if you feel hurt by it. art has always been a bit of a magic trick. this is one of those 'santa isn't real' things you'll just have to deal with.

>> No.1811458

man is nothing sacred

>> No.1811925

How does one study head angles?

>> No.1811933

UC Logic (Huion, Monoprice, some other one I can't remember) is good.

Wacom is good quality stuff but pricey, that's all.

>> No.1811967

If money isn't a problem for me and I wanna draw digitally just for a hobby, should I buy a small Intuos pen and touch or a big Intuos Pro?

>> No.1811971

medium pro.

>> No.1812062
File: 1.40 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I bought - I was too lazy to pick out the individual copics, I just grabbed the prisma color grayscale set

New art supplies - can't fail right?

>> No.1812112

Bear with me here, I don't whether I should pursue a social life or art.
I think loneliness is seriously killing me, but there's nothing that I'd rather do for money than draw.
If you had to pick one, what would you choose?

>> No.1812137

art, because people are mostly trash, and art is something that redeems you and gives you alot of joy. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a weakling, who gave up long time ago. He better fuck off this board if there is really somebody like that here.

>> No.1812154
File: 61 KB, 387x480, 1403039280073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah! They better become great artists, or they should die in a fire! Am I right, brother?

>> No.1812166
File: 66 KB, 700x500, 1380155992473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This question probably pops up a lot but, what's a relatively cheap, but high quality tablet? I've been meaning to get one for a while now, and I think now feels like a good time to do so.

>> No.1812168

If you value people over something like art, you should FUCK OFF IMMEDIATELY. Not only you are worthless bland person like everyone else, but you have no purpose to belong to this community.

>> No.1812179

As a formal party animal who now only leaves their apartment to buy food, workout, and the occasional meetup event - I can say it's quite an adjustment. Vidchats do good for socializing. The only thing I truly miss is sex. No amount of porn can replace that. But when I was dating, partying, going to bars, etc. I didn't care about my future. I just made money only to spend it on a great night and random shit. Now that I've minimized my social life, I'm making plans and thinking of where I could be. It's tough.

>> No.1812183

Ja, sieg heil! This board is ONLY for us elites. It's certainly not for hobbyists that want to try and get better at drawing. They can all GIT OUT!

>> No.1812187

Art, but for the record you need to be decent with people to build a solid career, or even to be great at what you do.
But god dammit I really wish this industry wasn't so reliant on networking. As a social retard it really kills my motivation, if only the world was built more on merit and not favoritism or nepitism.

>> No.1812189
File: 480 KB, 722x485, brock pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are just making it only worse for yourself

>> No.1812313

In the /ic/ sticky I noticed that composition is part of the fundamentals. I'm retarded, what exactly is composition and how do I practice it?

>> No.1812835

Are any of the viable wacom competitors (huion etc) making a 16:9 ratio tablet? Most seem to be 16:10 or something odd.

>> No.1812841

I second this question. What are good resources for composition?

>> No.1812846

i got one:
ive been reading color mixing the van wyk way and was wondering if the techniques found in there would be suitable for digital, at the very least using swatches sampled from real oils

>> No.1812847 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 600x800, oi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I go into photoshopping cum into this picture

>> No.1812929

if you can't google that, then it will be too hard for you to actually do it. Luckly, there's easier way:

>> No.1813113

Composition is essentially how a picture looks overall - it is the painting represented in it's simplest shapes. You'd generally have things broken down into somewhat abstract value groups (2-5 values total) instead of the finer number of values and gradients. Flow lines and rhythm lines, as well as how an eye would "theoretically" flow throughout a piece are also a part of composition.

A good composition is one that looks good, and a bad one is one that looks bad. There are various 'rules' that can help guide you to a more pleasing composition, but nothing is set in stone. Generally speaking, if the thumbnail size of the painting reads well and is pleasing to look at, then you have a good composition. Through composition you can dictate the mood of the piece, and where your focal points are.

As for practicing composition, there aren't that many good resources on it because there are no unbreakable rules - i.e. for every "rule" that you read about, chances are you can still find a few successful paintings that break that rule. Framed Ink is worth a read: though it deals mostly with graphic novels and storytelling, but composition is still key here.

One of my favorite exercises is to take a master painting, and recreate it at a thumbnail size (no larger than an inch in it's longest dimension). Break it down into abstract value groups - the fewer groups the better. Some paintings you can break down to do, others might need 3-4 or even 5. The goal isn't to study detail, but big shapes and their placement. Do them only dealing with value for a while, as you don't really need color to have a strong composition. Do a ton of these every weak and you'll slowly internalize what makes shapes interesting or not.

>> No.1813121

What are some artists with really interesting compositions to study from?

>> No.1813132

What do you call the drawing style when you leave in a lot of sketch outlines at the edge of the character and whatnot to make it look badass? I've seen it it animation too.

>> No.1813149
File: 2.10 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a question but I was looking through art mags at Barnes and noble and saw Tehmeh's art column. Thought it was neat.

>> No.1813152

There are tons out there throughout history. Many of the ones you'll find in museums (even abstract paintings) have strong compositions, as composition is the most basal determinant of an aesthetically pleasing painting.

You be the judge yourself for who has good compositions. Look at paintings from a thumbnail view - the ones that catch your eye likely have a good composition. Browse sites like the google art project and art renewal. Look into what collections specific museums have to find names. Look up artists on wikipedia and find out who they studied under and who were their contemporaries.

If you want a few names to get you started, try people like Vermeer, Gerome, Sargent, Bouguereau, Zorn, and many many more. I'm terrible at recalling artists by name, so maybe another anon can provide a better list.

>> No.1813162

he should've stayed in Africa, where he belongs.

>> No.1813173

I want to use crayola air dry clay to make a low quality helmet. What kind of material should I use for a base head? Id like it to be life size and something I can cheaply order online. Also, could someone recommend the proper board to ask this on if this is not the one?

>> No.1813175

Right, will do that. Thanks mang

>> No.1813189


Probably a bit late since you already bought stuff, but here are some opinions anyway:
I never actually bought Prismacolor markers, I think it was either because I couldn't find ones with brush tips or because the brush tip was not flexible enough to be of any actual use.
For most purposes the brush tip is the only really relevant tip on markers, so I recommend to always make sure that any markers you buy have a decent one.
I've tried various markers before and so far copics are still my favourite, so even though they are somewhat expensive, I can only recommend them.

I'm assuming you want these supplies to use with a sketchbook on the go? In that case I'd get a pentel pocket brush or something similar for nicer linework - fineliners are pretty awful for that, unless you only intend to do technical drawings.

>> No.1813209

do this... draw it small, generally easier to do it right, than use a projector, so really you are just recreating your own art that you blew up, than be proud of what you do with the render.

>> No.1813303

What should I use to read pdfs?

Not terribly impressed by adobe reader, wish honeyview could do the job.

>> No.1813349

when should one get a new graphics tablet? I've own an old bamboo pen and touch for 4 years now. I want to get a new one thats bigger, but i dont want to waste money on something that could possibly be a waste. what reasons are needed to get a new graphics tablet?

>> No.1813351


sumatraPDF, it basically kicks ass

>> No.1813355


Are you serious about your improvement and want to be on top of your materials and workflow?

Are you feeling like the drawing area is too small?

Does the surface have scratches and pits?

Is your stylus out of replacement nibs?

These are questions you need to ask yourself as they are entirely subjective and your circumstances.

There isn't some magical arbitrary skill level bar you have to pass to be allowed to buy a new tablet.

>> No.1813366


>> No.1813390

I know how things are supposed to look like but I can't make them look that way.

What can I do to fix this?

It really sucks because I look at my drawings and can tell that they are shit and why but I'm unable to make them good

>> No.1813553
File: 524 KB, 1024x576, Chapter 03 Front View.avi_snapshot_02.13_[2014.08.18_05.07.47].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How this head construction method is called?

>> No.1813554


Reilly method

>> No.1813561

It's hard to tell what the cause is without seeing your work but chances are you aren't thinking in 3D. It's quite hard to make things look right if all you see in front of you is a flat canvas.
Take this with a grain of salt and post your work.

>> No.1813581

aka the, draw a billion fucking arcs for shit you could eyeball in 1/12th the time.

i personally think he invented this system to confuddle the noobs and kull the stupid.

>> No.1813588

So...I'm having a bit of trouble...
Ho do I go about drawing a really androgynous character?

>> No.1813596

Same here. Do you draw from imagination like me?

>> No.1813606

Stop falling for the judgmental bullshit that drawing from reference is bad. It's how I learn all my detail.

>> No.1813607

>Feel depressed about art my art skills
>Don't draw for weeks
>Decide to draw today because got nothing better to do and want to do something productive
>first sketches looks terrible
>keep drawing anyway
>suddenly, drawings start to look good like they never was

What happened? Did the ugly sketches worked like some sort of warm up?

>> No.1813608

oh man, I talked to a guy once who was of the opinion that you should never use picture reference. So if you wanted to draw a lion you better drag your ass to africa, son.

>> No.1813609

Oh, and
>ditch all methods, just draw ovals and try to eyeball everything
>still coming out good
Is going mindless in the end works?

>> No.1813612
File: 12 KB, 200x165, whoisthis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the fundamentals of achieving facial likeness?
I made a perfectly proportionate drawing that look nothing like the reference, So I know it is more than proportion.

>> No.1813613

Btw not the picture I'm referring to.

>> No.1813619

that's W the last real president.

it is part proportion, but mainly it's the features. most big name hollywood leads have very similar proportions, but they don't look the same because they have different shaped features. a pointy chin, a button nose, slanty chink eyes, there's a reason when we describe people we use phrases like that.

>> No.1813628

that's the typical american dumbass

proportion goes a long way. you also have to be aware of the angles.
an other than that, it's all about the features. if you're drawing in lines, you also have to be aware of which lines to emphasize.
likeness will also increase if you add shadows.
if you are painting, get the values right as well.

>> No.1813629

Hold long does it take to not hate everything you do?

>> No.1813636

it's not a length of time, it's an attitude. if nothing changes your mind you'll always hate your stuff. if you start to look at things the right way you could not hate any of your work ever again starting right now.

>> No.1813661
File: 30 KB, 630x400, gSL6cx0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>company is hiring
>apply for their studio as general artist
>apply for their overseas studio
>apply for their asian studio
>get denied in every case
>some month later
>company personally messages through linkedin telling me they need more artists
I'm not sure if they are trolling me. Spam or could I get a job?

>> No.1813673

get dat job, girlfriend

>> No.1813762

Cool thanks for the tips. Now that you mention it, a brush tip would be nice. Next time!

What is the difference between the square barrel and oval barrel copics?

I don't really draw on the go, I just have a ream of copy paper at my desk - still just a beginner

>> No.1813769
File: 757 KB, 960x1280, IMG_1754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anybody help me find the name of this artist?

The back is signed but it's largely illegible, loopy and... you know how signatures are. I like the art, but I can't begin looking for more by the artist.

>> No.1813772

probably on a mailing list so they an get fresh applications. Unless they specifically mailed you alone

>> No.1813774

You're too much of pussy to be successful

>> No.1813809

try posting the signature

>> No.1813811

How do you draw something that's tilted in space in perspective?

>> No.1813835
File: 942 KB, 3712x5320, tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigga, that's what I'm trying to figure out too, something tells me it's really obvious and I'm going to feel stupid asking about it but I'm all in with you my man.

>ill-conceived pic related

>> No.1813836
File: 197 KB, 1225x1756, tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Christ, let's try that again.

>> No.1813843

A tilted object (a cube in this example) will have it's own 'tilted horizon' where it's vanishing points would lie. This is covered in Loomis's Successful Drawing, and also in Perspective Made Easy IIRC.

Don't believe me? Draw a cube on a flat surface in 2pt perspective. Now rotate your page a little and establish a new ground plane separate from the box. That box should still make sense in the scene, but it will appear tilted.

>> No.1813850

Let's take this image for example. If you want to draw that bottle correctly, rotate your page/canvas until the bottle is vertical. Draw it from cylinders like you normally would. Rotate the picture back to it's original orientation. Profit.

>> No.1813875

So in a way, it has its own horizon line. I think I get it.

>> No.1813890
File: 538 KB, 1272x950, IMG_8840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1813940

I think making the shoulders/waist the same width is one thing

>> No.1813950
File: 217 KB, 1225x1756, thisissomefunnyassshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have failed you...and myself. ;-;

>> No.1813961

how accurate should your bargue drawings be?

>> No.1814024

Anyone here have experience making paintings with florescent paint? I've sketched out some thumbnails for myself of what I'd like to paint but I'd like some tips on this.
what should I keep in mind to make my painting look interesting when I flip the backlight on? I also have regular acrylic paint to use so its not obvious in regular lighting that I made a backlight painting.

>> No.1814167
File: 77 KB, 488x611, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couple of roadblocks

>I need help in the structure of a girls cheeks.
>I also need help in the relationship between the hips, bowl, and legs

>> No.1814298

what's the best way to git gud at proportions and anatomy?

>> No.1814633

ive been spending the past couple of days meticulously studying anatomy, ive been using hamptons book and have been recently trying to draw figures from imagination, but finding that even after all of the studying it still is really difficult to get them looking anywhere near as good as the diagrams i copy, should i go back and restudy the book, or do i just need to draw more from photos/life?

>> No.1814675
File: 204 KB, 739x442, help me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just got a brand new computer
>"sweet, maybe this one won't eventually fuck up my tablet drivers like my last one did"
>open Photoshop
>no pressure sensitivity right off the bat
I have the latest driver, so what's the problem here? Is this my punishment for going with cheap tablets? It's happened to a low-end Wacom and Monoprice, I first assumed it was the fault of the first tablet (Wacom) and then when the Monoprice also started to fail I assumed it was just my old computer but it's obviously a bigger problem than that.

>> No.1814686
File: 375 KB, 400x300, 139llllo8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

el ow el

dude seriously ....

>> No.1814695
File: 426 KB, 1280x1174, mabel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hurtin' here, anon. If you have a quick fix to this I'm all ears.

>> No.1814699

uninstall photoshop and get better software.

>> No.1814700

It's not working in SAI either. I don't think different software will help, though if you have anything better that I can give a try I've been meaning to experiment with other programs as it is.

>> No.1814705

Well, first of all you're not gonna become a master of anatomy in a couple of weeks.

Second of all, how you study impacts your results. If you just copy all the pictures and then call it a day, it's not gonna get you anywhere.

Draw from imagination, then copy from the book, and back to imagination. Also, don't just copy his diagrams line by line trying to get a likeness.
You're far better off trying to get the forms down.

>> No.1814731
File: 40 KB, 732x563, it is 2014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave Paint.net a try (yes because it is free and the first thing I thought of) and it is not only not working with pressure sensitivity but it is also doing this.

>> No.1814732

painter 12 does that to me, i never found a solution. just try something else.

>> No.1814733

I'm just getting into digital art and I'm wondering what program or combination of programs is best to use.

I have Photoshop CS6.

I've taken a look at Paint Tool SAI and Clip Studio Paint. Anyone have any recommendations?

>> No.1814952
File: 153 KB, 680x680, 43252356876543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to go about getting a mix between cartoony art style and realistic art style?
Is it understanding basic anatomy, and then using reference while trying to boil it down to the essential characteristics? Like this horror game fanart from an Anon

>> No.1814969
File: 69 KB, 893x907, 1407765152304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a three questions :
-where i can find nudes of all ages ( i was thinking of tor to have underage nudes but will i be on trouble if i don't upload or download anything ?
-on what kind of paper you could work with pastel ?
-where i can upload my works without being an attention whore i.e available only to the ones who want to see it ? tumblr ? i'm not very into social media..

>> No.1814974
File: 77 KB, 1083x686, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll want to get proportions down. Usually you'll draw your characters at about 5 or 6 heads tall. Bigger, stylized eyes(don't draw symbols), and that's pretty much it. Implement what you like to see, take away what you don't, keep the basic elements of what you're drawing.

>> No.1814995

You have to know the real thing that you're simplifying, but you also have to know how to simplify well, which is a skill in and of itself. Practice both, and study from animators who can do this well. Eventually you'll have enough knowledge of what is there, and how to effectively simplify and modify what is there to yield pleasing and believable results.

>> No.1814997

>where i can find nudes of all ages
Sites that have photos of nudist colonies/beaches/etc. Just find kids in swimwear. What would you even need nude photos of children for anyway?

>> No.1815002

>( i was thinking of tor to have underage nudes but will i be on trouble if i don't upload or download anything ?
You.. can't genuinely be serious, right? How stupid can you be?
>-where i can upload my works without being an attention whore i.e available only to the ones who want to see it ? tumblr ? i'm not very into social media..
Yes, or blogspot.

>> No.1815014

I've been drawing a lot today and I noticed my wrist is in flames. It doesn't hurt, it's just really warm, for some reason. Did I fuck something up or is it meaningless?

>> No.1815031


if it doesn't hurt it should be okey i think !

do you try to keep your arm moving ?

>> No.1815035

Fuck, I read about this issue a thousand of times here, but now that have it too I can't find how to solve it.
How do you fucking get 100% opacity on a brush in Photoshop?
It suddenly stopped working, even setting 100% from the brush settings won't make it work.

>> No.1815097

Yeah I was mainly drawing gestures from the shoulder. I took a break, will try to ease it in the next few days, if this thing is a warning sign I'd rather not make things worse.

>> No.1815327

when applying at a studio for an internship, does one usually get offered a spot straight away (if deemed competent enough), or is it normal to get accepted but with a several-months delay?

>> No.1815365
File: 127 KB, 648x857, 140847959048334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 is the work ofsomeone who can't even hold a pencil properly (like me) and 10 is the work of a professional illustrator, where do you think this pic rates?

Also how was it made, photoshop?
I really don't know anything about painting so bear with me if the question seems stupid.

>> No.1815369

that pic was made by a professional illustrator for his profession. your scale is dumb. that particular illustrator is considered to be one of the best in the world; he used photoshop
watch some streams

>> No.1815370

10, duh.
Probably PS.

>> No.1815377

Sorry if the question seems stupid to you, but to someone who couldn't draw to save his life like me, it's kinda hard to gauge the skill level of an artist.
I mean pehaps I'm just retarded/too ignorant, but I can't seem to be able to grasp the difference between the skill level of some (to me) bums who get to illustrate books and some magnificent stuff I can find on deviant art made by no name college students.

Thanks for the videos and answers anyway.

>> No.1815599

i would rate it between 8 and 6, probably on the low side. I have high standards. it has scale problems among others. Windows are proportional to human height. Look how tine they are in real size close by. Then the windows on the castle. That's like 100m windows or bigger. It's a trick of the eye common in illustrations but you could still make it better just setting the shot up better. It's a very good image, but it doesn't even approach 10/10 quality. For me.

>> No.1815601

Professional work. I don't know if Craig is a 10/10 artist, but he's up at the top. This is pre-viz concept art, not illustration.

This image is mostly painting, with some photo textures thrown in early on. Most likely in photoshop

>> No.1815639

Where can I find lessons about Krita

>> No.1815641

nowhere. if you understand layers and masks you understand all digital painting tools.

>> No.1815642

What about brush settings?

>> No.1815644

super noob question. you use whatever you need. You do the work, not the program.

>> No.1815681
File: 16 KB, 500x307, palette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this brush's name cannot find it anywhere

>> No.1815728

It's called "try and make it yourself you lazy cunt"

>> No.1815731

looks like chalk to me.

>> No.1815732

i thought this was a helping thread?

>> No.1815741

get a man to teach himself how to fish you lazy piece of shit

>> No.1815847

Never done any pixel work before, now I really want to try it, any books/videos/tutorials you guys would recommend?

>> No.1815871

A few tutorials here:

>> No.1815891


>> No.1815933

Does anyone have a scan/pdf of Creative Perspective for Artists and Illustrators by Ernest Watson?

>> No.1816033

Is anyone here familiar with Krita?
The files it makes are strange. Why are there both a "Krita image file" and a "KRA~ File" and what is the KRA? Other programs just make one file per piece.

>> No.1816039

where can i get info on how the subjects in royal paintings were arranged?

Stuff like
>he would sit/stand/gyrate which symbolized x/y/z

>his wife/family would be arranged to show dominance, his wife would be positioned to so submissiveness/admiration/whatever

etc etc
it's not homework, but i need to know for reason

>> No.1816145

What kind of pen should I get for gesture drawing and sketching?

>> No.1816164

there is something of theory that a I must read o see before try to make a comic?

>> No.1816165

any cheap one should be fine.

>> No.1816167

Not nessisaraly, but I do recommend reading Scott McCloud's work. Some very good analysis of the medium.

>> No.1816178

Someone refresh my memory what's so bad about only doing anime shit instead of learning how to draw from real life?

>> No.1816189

Did you make sure to disable/exterminate the default windows drivers? They try to take charge and cock it up and the most obvious symptom is no pressure sensitivity.

>> No.1816190

Because your actual skill to perceived skill will have a really big gap. Good anime artists learn a more traditional route and can do everything. Stagnated overrated shitters do only one style and market themselves as that one style. They have severe sameface but get huge followings sucking their dick despite being bad cause lowest common denominator. You will learn more slowly. You will get bad habits. You will get crutched on anime connivings rather than actually being good. Being good at anime doesn't make you good at drawing.

>> No.1816191

Sai is lightweight and great for line and basic rendering, i use sai and finish in photoshop

>> No.1816198

sketchbook for sketching thumbnailing and planning
Sai for lines
Ps for manipulating
clip studio for comics
gimp for linux
painter, krita etc for when bored or clinically hipster
various 3d progams for 3d model shortcuts

>> No.1816203

Anime is one of many stylizations/distortions/aesthetics whose roots trace to real life. If you try to learn anime without understanding its real world counterpart, all you're doing is copying other artists' symbols, short hands, simplifications, omissions, inclusions and mistakes. Without studying the source material (real life) you won't really understand what the artist is doing and why (both for stylistic decisions and errors). You're also much less likely to understand and think about the figure as forms in 3D space if you don't have a background in drawing real figures in front of you. Plus, having knowledge of the real thing will better allow you to dissect and understand various artists' stylizations - you can recognize what they're changing then decide for yourself if they're effective or not.

It's a lot like trying to copy someone's handwriting and short form used for speedy note taking without understanding the language and letters they're working from. Those familiar with the written language would be able to decipher these short form notes, but those who aren't are essentially just copying lines and shapes with a high risk of changing things to the point where it no longer serves it's original function properly.

>> No.1816214

anyone know a good, affordable/good value watercolor sketchbook?

>> No.1816297

what's the name of that model head with the more simple polygons on one side than the other?

>> No.1816302

When learning to draw, is it better to use photos of real things as a reference instead of other artists' work?

Is drawing "from the wrist" as opposed to "from the shoulder" okay?

Is tracing okay if it's just for fun or to learn from?

>> No.1816308

Asaro head perhaps?

>> No.1816312

>is it better to use photos of real things as a reference instead of other artists' work?
Depends. If it's something you can observe in person, then that's ideal. Next comes quality photos (good lighting, minimum lens distortion) and even master paintings when applicable. There is use studying other contemporary artists if you want to get a feel for how they handle things (materials and textures, magic and other unusual lighting effects, etc). As long as you aren't ripping anybody off nobody really cares where you learn from.

>Is drawing "from the wrist" as opposed to "from the shoulder" okay?
Depends on the size of the lines you need to make, and whether you're comfortable with the increased risk of an RSI (tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, etc). Drawing from the shoulder is preferred for bigger lines as you get much smoother results. It's technically possible to draw smaller lines using the shoulder+elbow, or even the fingers, with minimal wrist movement. Don't grip your instrument too tight, take breaks, and stretch often and you'll generally be fine. If you notice any pain or discomfort at any point in time, then you're doing something wrong that needs to be corrected before it turns into a problem.

>Is tracing okay if it's just for fun or to learn from?
As long as you state that you traced if you ever post it anywhere, people generally won't care. As a learning exercise, you could do it a couple of times starting out if it helps you see where you tend to go wrong. Most of it's learning uses are for those who already know how to draw well though (ex: line weight, where, when and how to place lines, etc). If you rely on it to correct your proportion issues, then you aren't learning much from it.

>> No.1816321


>> No.1816351

Can anybody recommend a good book for beginner's in oil painting?

>> No.1816353

why are some exercises you can do besides gestures, lines, circles, ellipses, etc

>> No.1816364
File: 647 KB, 1114x700, 198b6b98303cfe51a88ff45b06c2939c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I render dull metals /ic/?
Everything I try looks like a smeary mess. I feel like it could either be the lack of texture on my brush or the fuck that I'm color sampling when I should be looking at the colors of the image and selecting them from there? I don't know but I'm in a rut here.

>> No.1816374

think of like. regular shine on metals but really diffused and blurry. depending on how dulled it is.

>> No.1816377

Crayola Fabric Crayons: Rumor is you can set them in Cotton a/or Natural textiles by applying them directly to the textile. Is there any truth to this?

>> No.1816379
File: 376 KB, 1600x1200, christmas_ornament_wallpaper_d9bd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just need to better understand the difference between specular and diffuse reflections. Diffuse reflections are how you imagine "normal" looking matte objects to behave, whereas specular reflections are mirror-like. Diffuse reflections do not change if the viewer's position changes, whereas specular reflections do change with the viewer's movement. A completely specular object would be something like a silver chrome ball, but most objects give off both specular and diffuse reflections to various degrees. You can read more about that (and a better explanation) over at huevaluechroma.com

You can actually handle and think of the diffuse and specular components of an object separately. For your dull metal, first paint it thinking only about the diffuse reflections. Think about your local color, the direction of the light source, and the major planes to get all of the values right.

Next, build up the specular reflections on top of that. Again, this is how a mirror would behave if it were bent into the shape of your object. You need to have a strong understanding of the environment that the object is in, and by extension what reflections would show up.

The most important things to note are the direct and indirect light sources - especially anything big and bright. If the ground is mostly filled with dark objects, you might have a clear reflection of the horizon on the object.

Pay attention to the texture of the surface you're painting. If it's rough to the touch, this will break up a lot of your specular reflections into more ambiguous, ripple-like shapes.

I hope this made sense. Look for shiny objects in your house, and photos of shiny objects outdoors and it might make more sense.

>> No.1816384

Is there any guide listing different kinds of studies, their purpose and how they should be done?

I'm looking for something like that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQfF-P70V2Q

>> No.1816413

are you the guuy that drew that yaoi shit with dota characters ast time ?

>> No.1816447

This better not be some weird dota porn

>> No.1816485
File: 9 KB, 259x195, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does it mean to do study? Need to copy different photo/works/etc.? What if every day I'm drawing a invented work about 2-3 hours with references? My skills will grow out of it? Pic random

>> No.1816489
File: 226 KB, 600x400, 2009-238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My eyes have problem with depth. If I look at one of these tests I see nothing but noise, no forms. How strongly will this affect my art? Would glasses help?

Also, I hope I got one of those tests and not just a random image.

>> No.1816493

that aint no test, thats what happens if u break one of those old glas tvs

>> No.1816496

Wtf is that test? I only see noise. Also you don't really need depth perception to be good at art. Donato Giancola, and Charles R Knight could only see out of one eye, and some experts believe Rembrandt also was the same.

>> No.1816500

Can anyone recommend a website which has pictures of interesting people? The less shopped/clean the better.

>> No.1816501

i think it's a test to see if you make things up that aren't really there, to test if you're insane.

>> No.1816526

I sometimes hear people say "You draw like a girl, are you one?" or something along those lines, not in a negative way, but as a real question. I was wondering, how are drawings by girls distinctive? It seems to be mostly with beginner to intermediate art.

>> No.1816527

girls usually draw only portraits and overemphasize curviness of features, make it look too cartoony (think Disney) and their drawings also look very flat and colorful.

>> No.1816529

And drawing eyes

>> No.1816532
File: 80 KB, 650x543, josie_and_the_pussycats_by_potatofarmgirl-d38gg0r-650x543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Brianne Drouhard is the prototypical grill artist. Well, she's more of a cartoonist but whatever. Whenever I think of grill art I think of her stuff

>> No.1816534

content really. it's like little kids thinking girls only draw ponies.

I draw a lot of figures for my major, but when I draw for its own sake it tends to feature lots of big Cathedrals. Even when I do draw figures, they're mostly obscured by huge clothing.

>> No.1816536

they draw their women clothed.

>> No.1816537

of course there are exceptions, we're talking general trends.

>> No.1816590
File: 43 KB, 380x236, Langtest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As you can imagine I had no way of checking if that was one of those tests or not and I thought they were better known, as I had been confronted with them on various occasions.

Sorry for the confusion. But I have now found one. I can only see the star, nothing more.

>> No.1816595

there's also elephant on the left and snake on the right.

>> No.1816597

that's because there aint nothing besides that star on there you dingus

>> No.1816611

No there is more. Maybe it doesn't work if it's not a physical card or something. Go ask your ophthalmologist

>> No.1816625


>> No.1816633

you study things you wish to draw, but if you're not good at them. but if you keep doing that from reference, your mind goes on autopilot and forgets to think for itself, that's why we tell you to draw from imagination. your skills will grow if you work hard and smart. so get smart, you piece of shit.

>> No.1816649

If i draw only forms with refernces, but shadows/light draw by my imagination, its norm?

>> No.1816831

Does anyone know of a way to easily download the playback video from pixiv chat?
I can always record the screen but thats a bit annoying.

>> No.1816838

I can see the snake, though it looks more like a fish to me but I can't see the elephant

>> No.1816841

there are three types of things you do as a pictorial artist,

1. a sketch - A sketch is a quick drawing or painting you do just to get the mood, feeling, idea or gesture of the subject.

2. a study - A, usually long, drawing or painting wherein you analyse the subject, carefully including all the little details of anatomy, light, structure etc. /ic/ does them of photos a lot, but a study can be of real things too.

3. a picture (or a painting) - The actual art. You include just the things you need to include to produce the right effect and response in your audience. generally that's more than a sketch and less than a study.

As a student you do lots of sketches, because you want to learn how to convey mood and boil things down to just the required elements. and lots of studies because you need to know how light and volume and such works. you don't do many pictures, because you're still a student and you don't know how to make a good picture yet.

>> No.1816856
File: 114 KB, 1000x1294, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browse /ic/
>see a drawing furry art for money thread
>niche fetishes are the biggest money makers even if you suck
>try to draw a furry transformation comic because the concept is interesting (werewolves are pretty cool) and I don't have to draw penises
>make 2 pages so far for the back story
>now I'm at the face part and I don't know what kind of face to draw for the transition

Would it be better to make the guy screaming or just remain puzzled? As you can see I'm not great at this but it's just practice.

>> No.1816867
File: 332 KB, 897x1200, ACDrT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting my first job soon and I've drawn naked people. These pieces are posted on my Tumblr and DA. One is kind of pornographic in nature, but not in content...it's really just a nude, but not much like a figure study in style.

Should I clear questionable pieces from my main accounts and create alts for them? Should I avoid directing followers from the main accounts to the alts, thus leaving a trail?

I'm considering creating an alt Tumblr and DA, posting a notice to followers that NSFW content will be moved and any in the future will be posted there. I would later delete that notice. Does that sound okay?

If anyone digs that deep to find my art, I'd be impressed...but really I think it shouldn't be the first thing they find if they Google me.

Anyone have any advice for juggling of this nature?

>> No.1816912

I see a car and an elephant

>> No.1816914

probably. just from a risk analysis standpoint.

there are people who will over-react to nudity and not hire you.

there are no people who will hire you just because there is nudity.

so why take the risk of not being hired when you don't gain anything from it.

>> No.1816916

some dude named Joel Jurion has tons of pedo, snuff, beast, and just all around weird porn out there but managed to snag a serious animation gig.

Granted, he's pretty talented but holy fuck is his porn dirty.

>> No.1816920

oh god i can SEE the elephant and the snake

i thought everyone was making shit up, but now i see clearly

does this mean i am mentally ill?

>> No.1816927

No one sees the moon?

>> No.1816932

>It's just a fucking bird that looks nothing like the original

Why even.

>> No.1816948

looked him up, hate his stuff. no reason for telling you or anything. just wanted to say i hate it.

>> No.1816955

I'm not comfortable at all with the subject matter, just saying that he found legit work even with a huge body of nasty porn.

>> No.1816964

i don't like any of it, it's got this 'never seen a real woman' vibe. idk, probably just being a fag. but i like a bit more truth in my sexy bitches.

>> No.1816967

Now I'm curious. Can you give us some examples of what you like?

>> No.1817232

How do I into value and greyscale painting? I understand kind of how to do it with charcoal and graphite but thats only cause the lines are still kind of apparent. But when it comes to the painting part I don't know how to convey detail or anything. I've been watching ctrl paint videos but it doesn't really click with me.

>> No.1817283

I've been drawing for about a month now and i've run into a few problems:

When I decide to draw something I always get halfway through only to find that a quarter of it gets cut off. I've drawn 3 upside down Igor Stravinskys and I always get the "scale" or something like that wrong and run out of room. It's the same with everything I try to copy.

Is Loomis good or not? The sticky says that's the next step but everyone here seems to think it's terrible and I don't want to mess up my fundamentals

>> No.1817291
File: 8 KB, 187x223, Untitled 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's my blending?

>> No.1817315

Spatial visualization is what an artist needs, not necessarily depth perception.

>> No.1817317

pls reply

>> No.1817342

It means your eyes are okay.

>> No.1817750

What's the point of using your own hands as a reference if they can't stay still? I'm butthurt because I'm trying to do semi-blind contours with them and I'm having absolutely no consistency.

>> No.1817838

What are the main diferences between an artist, an ilustrator and a designer.

>> No.1817844

What are some good resources for learning color theory? I'm looking more for short breakdowns rather than entire novels, if possible

>> No.1817847


artist -> doesn't get paid
illustrator -> gets paid for an illustration, and for handing over the rights to use it freely forever
designer -> gets paid for an communicating an idea (although the term designer is extremely fucking broad nowadays)

>> No.1817857

There is 100% a face in the first one, 3/4 view looking at your right shoulder. Try zooming out.
We're not going to make it.

>> No.1818023

Getting five lead holders, whats a good five lead graphite range (HB, 2B, etc.)?

>> No.1818029


bet you tortured animals in your youth you are obviously a psychopath mass murderer

>> No.1818030

How do I learn not to abuse the Undo function as much as possible? This is really big problem for me and any simple drawing I make can go up to an hour because I keep redrawing the same segment over and over until I feel like I got it right.

>> No.1818033


this kinda shit i don't understand. you want people to tell you what secret potion to order off of amazon?

you wanna fucking learn to paint without abusing the undo button, try painting without using the undo button.

fucking lol man ...

>> No.1818036

So I should just fight the urge then? Mmm okay then, obviously that's the best way to go

>> No.1818039

Completely unbind the undo hotkey.

>> No.1818060
File: 862 KB, 1024x1448, 1325741048784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the best websites for an artist to use and frequent?

I'm told some use Deviant art and some don't, while others have tumblrs and similar. Apparently CGhub is dead?

>> No.1818062

how do you practice?
do i just draw lines and shapes until I can get them 100% the first time with one fucking stroke.

i already visited the sticky, but I feel like asking shit here.

also, end level is to draw the lewds n boobs, anyone got a be all, end all boob tutorial?

>> No.1818064

Pick a topic and work at it for an hour each day for 2 weeks and you will improve.
Just stick to that one topic to avoid confusing the subjects and overwhelming your brain.
(You can obviously draw things you enjoy on the side).

Just draw boobs for an hour each day for 14 days and you won't need to ask for a tutorial on how to draw boobs.

>> No.1818070

Is it a problem if I take more than an hour on something?

>> No.1818071

spend as much as you want on it, until you feel like you got it down

>> No.1818072

i'd rather not try to draw things I enjoy.
i've tried that for the last 4 or so years and it's been nothing but depressing, probably because I wasn't learning anything.

Wondering if I should start a Tumblr or wait until people would care about my art when it's not shit.

>> No.1818119

>go out to buy some markers
>see sum copic
>a single marker costs like 7 euroshekels

jesus christ why are those things so fucking expensive

>> No.1818126

Because they're refillable. After you buy the case you're just going to buy some $1 - $2 refills and nibs.
Still, I think I'm gonna sell mine. I just use pans and waterbrushes now.

>> No.1818128

worth mentioning tho, i don't think i paid more than like four or five USD for mine. look for coupons, stack them if you can. i got a fat stack of canson bristol for next to nothing by combining a buy one get one sale with a 50% off coupon, for example.

>> No.1818209

is 'drawing' ill call it actually a decent career option. it seems like everyone on here has made some type of money and when you think about about everything you fucking look at had to have drawn at some point.

>> No.1818210

Is there a way to know what colour would look like at day or at night ? like, yellow in a full moon for example or a software like that ?

>> No.1818234

it's not difficult it's just the color + the color of the light. yellow + blue mood light = green ...and as they're far away on the color wheel, almost compliments, it's a desaturated green, but that doesn't matter because all you need to do is mix the yellow and the correct blue together.

>> No.1818348
File: 129 KB, 285x379, eee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you, I kind of guessed that, but it's really hard to get a really good mix, what do you think of this main yellow here ? the other yellow is just a try, but it's still bad.

>> No.1818357
File: 143 KB, 750x500, Colour-mixing[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yellow + blue mood light = green
no that's not how light works. yellow object would appear black under blue light. mixing paint and mixing light is different

>> No.1818359

to add to that, a yellow object reflects green and red light and absorbs blue light. so if you only shine blue light, it absorbs it and appears black

>> No.1818542

i live in a small apartment and wish to oil paint
i was told that if i place a fan to circulate air out of the room i would be ok.
but where i live it gets very cold in the winter
rather not paint in a snowsuit
any ideas? or do i just have to wait untill the end of winter

>> No.1818551

Waikato has the copyright on jack shit. Fuck them for putting that there

>> No.1818577
File: 116 KB, 1500x1500, organicvaporrespirator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically your main worry is turpentine that is used for thinning the colors. Gas mask like the one in picture should work while you are painting. When you are done, however, the fumes are still there. To get rid of them open all the windows to create strong draft for a while. Few minutes should be enough for the air to clear and the room shouldn't get too cold in that time. To minimize the amount of fumes you can also use non-toxic brush cleaner.

>> No.1818579 [DELETED] 
File: 182 KB, 1000x1294, fuqyallniggas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just went with screaming.

Please point out anatomy issues or anything else.

>> No.1818726

How do I learn to draw proper lines?
When I'm drawing something on my tablet it usually takes around 12-20 strokes to properly get that straight line as it should be.

Should I just sit down for an hour daily and draw lines in different direcitons?

>> No.1818731

I already know how to draw human figure but I want to learn how to draw different postures. How should I begin?

>> No.1818744

no. they don't even recommend isolation training with muscles anymore let alone the brain. what you have to do is just keep doing what you're doing, drawing and drawing and it will get better, it's a motor skill so it will take time, there's no real way to speed it up, but it's important that you improve by drawing. think of a bike, you don't learn how to turn and manipulate the bike smoothly by practising 15 minutes of handle bar turning in the morning, you go for a ride.

>> No.1818862
File: 220 KB, 1456x713, d014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are most women artists bisexual/lesbian? It really gives me that feel. Hell, most grills that watch anime give me that vibe as well!!

pic unrelated... sorta

>> No.1818864

Are there any other artists out there that, like sargent incorporate Tinted Greys and Darks in their work?

>> No.1818865
File: 42 KB, 454x340, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this happening? I draw lines and they get warped with small bumps or whatever? I've re-installed my tablet driver, cleared my PS settings... Does anyone know how to fix this?

Using and Intuos 5, with PS CC.

>> No.1818867

If it's only happening in photoshop, it's a driver problem. Before you re-install the driver, make sure you delete all of your old tablet preferences first (there's a utility for this in the install directory). Remove and delete all mentioning of a tablet from the device manager. Restart, install latest drivers, restart, and test. If that doesn't work try the same process but with older drivers.

>> No.1818870

>are most women artists bisexual/lesbian?

>> No.1818871

Install directory? How do I get to that?

>> No.1818874

That's because you pay no attention to the female artist who draw slash/beefcake and shit. Obvious confirmation bias there.

>> No.1818892

Different anon here, I'd say it depends on whether or not you want people seeing where you started from. I mean sometimes it's nice to see where great artists once began.

>> No.1818928

where can i learn information about line thickness
i see alot in animu and mango what seperates shitty deviantart tier and good art seems to be use of thin and thick lines throughout the drawing, are there guides on when to use which?

>> No.1818965
File: 474 KB, 1000x2700, kvBZuQG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1819051

hey i noticed that i sometime get these sort of heatwaves around the heart area when im at the pc.they started happening around 2 or 3 months ago i think, it doesnt happen often though. should i worrry? cheers

>> No.1819063

Could be your oesophagus. See if there is a correlation with meals or types of food (e.g. soda, spices). Also get up from your chair every half hour because of sitting disease. Next, air your room daily.

>> No.1819068

I'm tired of drawing models.

Are there any blogs/galleries with more ordinary and interesting looking people?

>> No.1819116

My terminology might be off, but I'm pretty sure it's called an install directory.

Anyways, on my laptop it's under C:/Program Files/Tablet/ISD/setup/PrefUtil.exe

Launching that you want to click Remove All User Preferences. Continue with the other steps I mentioned in the previous post (removing from device manager, etc).

>> No.1819117

What is exactly the job of an illustrator? Google gave me very generic answers ("you illustrate things and manage deadlines!"), but I would like to know for instance if I am required to know also 3d stuff, if I need to be able to occasionally do something similar to concept art, storyboarding stuff like that. I'm studying how to make finished illustrations right now, but I'm not sure that would be enough.

>> No.1819164

Try www.earthsworld.com. There's a bit of a focus on head/portrait shots but a lot of full body poses too.

>> No.1819217

Perfect, thanks.

>> No.1819277

I was planning to do some bargue plate on my own. I saw that video
Is the first girl holding the pencil in that way as part of some exercise or... Also, she use the stick only to gain accuracity, right?

A lot of academies have bargue plates.
Apart from do the exercise (first focusing on shape, and later also on value) is any variation of the exercise is worth to be aware?

In youtube there're a lot of demos, but there are no actual recorded classes. I'd like to get the lectures of some of those courses. Now there're plenty of online courses, but I couldn't find any.

>> No.1819304

Actually, any introduction fine art course would be fine.

>> No.1819538
File: 1.25 MB, 1280x1730, 1406530429901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know they key to getting better is just practice and time put in but how can i make sure i'm not just mindlessly drawing and be more aware of learning concepts and etc.

>> No.1819773

from what i gather you cant
just try as hard as you can to be productive each day and youll see results
i find myself questioning every couple of months if what i did in the past months even mattered, im making progress but i wonder if i couldve made more, theres no way of telling
just draw anon, youll get good eventually

>> No.1819791

is it okay to chicken scratch when you draw a circle?

>> No.1819801


They're expensive because they're imported from Japan. However, they are without the hidden cost that comes with other markers.

If, for example, you have a choice between a $6 Copic Sketch and a $3 Prismacolor Marker you might be inclined to go with the Prisma. After all it's cheaper, right? The problem is that the Prismas can't be refilled, which essentially means that a single refill costs another $3. The Copics on the other hand are refillable and the cost of a refill bottle is around $8. This means the total upfront cost of one Copic marker is $14 vs $3 for the Prisma. However, you can get around eight refills out of a single bottle of Copic ink which makes a single refill only a dollar. When you've refilled your Copic for the fourth time you've already bought your fifth Prismacolor marker and are officially losing money.

To put it bluntly, Copics are a tool for professionals and Prismacolors are a tool for amateurs and hobbyists. A set of Copics comes with a high upfront cost but pays for itself over time and lasts for life, like any quality tool. Ink can be refilled, nibs can be replaced (or even exchanged with alternates). Copic comes stock with the two most valuable nibs, the brush and the chisel. Prisma puts the brush and chisel on separate markers. Copic has the widest range of colors (crucial when you can't mix on a palette). And thanks to the replacement ink and nibs even heavily used markers are worth buying and selling should you not like them.

>> No.1819802


No. You should only draw a circle or any elipse with a single line with minimal overlapping. Chicken scratching actually makes it more difficult to draw a good circle.

>> No.1819812

ill starting trying harder then. thanks!

>> No.1819847

im starting the loomis book. do i have to actually read all the bullshit or can i just go through the exercises

>> No.1819851


Reading and understanding is more important than the exercises.

>> No.1819854

i hate reading but ill make any sacrifice necessary to git gud

>> No.1819874

Whats a good basic set of watercolor brushes I should get if I want to start?

>> No.1819955

Is this thread dead?

>> No.1820814


new one

>> No.1820982

Thread is kill