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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 406 KB, 1170x666, 1406918162878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1797115 No.1797115 [Reply] [Original]


>Real life Examples:

"This is a period piece."

Hipster performance art:

Vomit Painter artist:

>> No.1797143

Carl Andre, Marcel Duchamp, Tracey Emin and Damien Hirst are all con artists.

Here is a good read http://phoenix4art.tumblr.com/post/93403009443/damien-hirst-con-art

>> No.1797316

Reading her article helped me to understand where she was coming from, and I guess appreciate the piece for what it is. still think it's quite nasty, though.


>> No.1797320
File: 55 KB, 502x510, le feel causing face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading the narrative independent of the piece itself and changing your mind about a piece of shit art.

Don't be part of the problem you fucking good goy tool.

>> No.1797324

Lol interior semiotics is sooo old.

>> No.1797348

where were you when art is die?

I was in performance class
girl put beans on nakid body
"art is die"

and you?

also isn't there a thread already up about this consensus was most people on /ic/ are casuals and don't care about the classics and think people like OP example are equal to Da Vinci,Loomis etc.

>> No.1797350
File: 166 KB, 716x1105, the-bride-stripped-bare-by-her-bachelors-1923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duchamp is boss. His paintings were pretty good and his conceptual stuff was hilarious and ground-breaking.

>> No.1797351

Turner Prize
It's a joke, fucking awful.

>> No.1797354

That hipster one is stupid as shit but spaghettios are god-tier

>> No.1797356
File: 19 KB, 468x368, installation view of turner prize winner susan philipszs lowlands at tate britain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1797359

>as proof: an image of sound art
you can do better

>> No.1797360


>> No.1797384

I remember seeing this shit before.

Basically, there were headphones and a video in my art gallery, you put on some headphones, and the video was on an hour loop with some sound art student motherfucker draped in black next to a waterfall, wearing a diving helmet, cones attached to their arms from the shoulder and dragging it on the rocks behind them, making a scratchy sound that was heard on the headphones.

Huh. Now that I think about it, there's probably a good monster to draw in that with some redesign.

>> No.1798442

Mystep nan is quite the artist and hates that award and the gallery in margate.She being a local of Thanet too has to witness Tracy Emin's shite

>> No.1798456

I want to see the dragon

>> No.1798480

toppest of keks

>> No.1798558

so? their are some bad wannabee artists out their

fuck i hate people like this that discredit artists, puts me in such a shitty mood

>> No.1798562

no.. its just a shitty wannabe conceptual artist that makes other conceptual artists, no modern artists, no Artists in fucking general look bad
fuck people like them, and fuck people that dont realize how amazing modern art really is

>> No.1798564

His conceptual art was the shit
i find it sad to see conceptual art downgraded by emerging wannabe edgy artists

>> No.1798566


>> No.1798602

So much butthurt!


>> No.1798608
File: 53 KB, 470x559, article-2073970-051ACB6D000005DC-4_470x559[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know that bed things from 1999, 15 years ago.

and she's the professor of drawing at the royal academy now.

god i hate her.

>> No.1798947
File: 31 KB, 414x400, 1403896563154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's concept art, dude. Art is not about beauty, it's about express an idea. If the idea is "gag reflex" and the piece of art is a glass full of liquid shit, that's probably gonna be a good piece of art.

On the other hand, all a fucking dragon says to me is that you're 15 years old or a retarded neckbeard.

>> No.1798952

>I know what art is
You're right about the lame dragon but art is about many things, the term is broad as fuck.

>> No.1798954

more importantly, what does the dragon look like?

>> No.1798984

that's it. it just has a head out of frame. ironically it looks a bit like a penis.

>> No.1798989

its a dragon licking his balls

>> No.1799081
File: 37 KB, 600x400, 1396206694554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image reminds me of a story I read on &totse forum back in the day (sometime around 2001~2003). Memory is spotty but went kinda like this:

>Guy is in art college and doing one of a few final assignment paintings
>Described how he put in his best effort painting a pagoda, and described how it went above and beyond the assignment requirements. For him this was one of his best works of passion
>Day of critique, the teacher hums and haws over it and tells him how it lacks passion and how its boring and doesn't tell any story or have any deeper meaning
>She compares his work to some other student in the room that is basically random paper scraps and a smattering of glue in this incomprehensible mess was better at conveying a message/feelings
>He goes home furious and prepares the next painting
>Describes in great detail about how he spent an evening throwing assorted paint-wet brushes and random shit at the canvas
>He said how he slashed it with a boxcutter and then spat his beer at it, then watched TV for an hour and came back and threw some newspaper clippings on it and then sealed it with glue
>Stuck more random shit to the painting and got smashed drunk
>Next Critique day he describes how the teacher was "almost reaching orgasm" going on about how amazing this work was and how THIS was the passion she was looking for
>He basically tells everyone what happened and says fuck this and walks out in utter disgust

>> No.1799089

but it really was an act of passion, it was just a passion born of frustration. so the teacher was great.

>> No.1799096

But the dragon inspires feelings of desertion and childishness.

By retarded modern standards, that's art too.

>> No.1799099

It's always like that.

You think of an idea, think about composition, how to deliver your idea the best, work on it for weeks, then comes crit day and everyone says it's meh. You half ass a random thing and say it's your FEELINGS and you're automatically top of the class.

>> No.1799101

you should always be top of the class, what kind of idiot gets out performed by art students

>> No.1799105

That's like one of those buddhist stories where the student realizes the old monk manipulated them into obtaining the answer to some divine secret by messing with their head. But instead of the student nodding serenely and giving the correct answer he storms off in a self-righteous huff. you'd almost think it was some satirical take on the 'me generation,'

>> No.1799114

I would point out that there is nothing new or fresh about working on pure frustration fuel, slapping some stuff together and submitting it for critique. It's been done. In fact, there's nothing to teach about it, other than that it is more fashionable than realism. You can say the abstract work is unique but so is the painting that requires technical skill. The only difference is that the abstract work requires more of an explanation. Is that what justifies it all, proving you have a silver tongue? Nobody knows if you spent five weeks on something or if you cobbled it together five minutes before class.

I've seen posts on /ic/ trying to explain how this all happened, how the old styles have been deconstructed, but opponents can just as easily point towards some documentaries about how throwing money at abstract art is just a new hobby for bored ritchie rich people and that it doesn't mean anything anymore. That most of the work in creating value is done by a PR team instead of the actual artist.

>> No.1799123

And her work looks terrible. Even fucking bagboose's scribbles are more endearing than the shit she makes.

>> No.1799156

"literally anything could be art. This post is art.”

>> No.1799283

This is what happens when creativity becomes synonymous with random mixing of subject matters on the basis of causing an emotional reaction, or displaying emotion without regards toward skill and technique.

In contrast to creativity being where one creates something new of value (either 1 through a synthesis of two seemingly unrelated subjects that uniquely come together to form meaning of depth, or 2 the creation of something of "value" that has never been thought of before)

All crappy art claims 1 and 2. Deep meaning is an art, superficial statue masturbating is not. Just because something is new, different, shocking, etc... doesn't mean it has great value. Something subjective, so the claim to #2 remains open in a politically correct society even if it sucks.

Art may be a form of communication, and self expression. But not all communication and self expression is an art. People...Society have absolutely no concept of this anymore.